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作者 Dean Burnett
Recommended by the New Scientist. ‘Brilliant.’ Stylist, ‘Ten new books to bring you comfort and wisdom in 2023’ ‘Thoughtful and thought-provoking – you need to read this book’ – Gina Rippon ‘An affecting and illuminating book for anyone who has feelings, and who wants to know why.’ – Katie Mack ‘The master of understated humour.’ BBC Radio Scotland Why can’t we think straight when hungry? What’s the point of nightmares? And why is it so impo 了解更多
原价 RM 64.95

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作者 Dr KS Wong
The Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic created an unprecedented chain of circumstances across the globe that were extremely volatile, presenting considerable uncertainty, creating immense confusion and infinite ambiguity. Business owners and management had to make decisions on situations never encountered before. One circumstance after another produced scenarios that required business operators to "reset" their thinking in the different spheres of business management. 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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2020年初疫情侵袭武汉时,一对相继染疫的婆媳---沈玥(周迅饰)和婆婆李菊(许娣饰)不得不生活在同一屋檐下并只有彼此,她们面临着如何处理亘古的婆媳难题。疫情之初,一对热恋中的情侣分隔两地,李昭华(易烊千玺饰)在武汉不幸感染,女友周晓璐(黄米依饰)则在北京,因为武汉封城以及疫情防控,无法回去照顾男友。他们只能通过每天频繁的视频 了解更多
原价 RM 23.90

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作者 Emeran Mayer 
From one of today’s leading experts on the emerging science of the microbiome comes a ground-breaking book that offers, for the first time, evidence that the gut-microbiome plays a pivotal role in the health crises of the twenty-first century. In his acclaimed book, The Mind-Gut Connection, physician, UCLA professor, and researcher Dr. Emeran Mayer offered groundbreaking evidence of the critical role of the microbiome in neurological and cognitive health, proving once and 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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作者 比爾·蘇西斯
傳奇散戶的超簡單理財指南 《不看盤,我才賺到大錢》睽違逾10年最新作, 10萬人都在追隨效仿的「咖啡館投資人」理財哲學。 上沖下洗,每天看盤讓你心驚膽跳? 萬物飆漲,退休的計畫趕不上變化?   我們常說:「活在當下。」投資的時候也是。當下我們無法知道明天股市可能下跌,而且連跌好幾年;當下不會看出網路股泡沫會破滅,金融危機會發生; 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 鄭亦翔
當世界正在遺忘 唯有妳不能被我所忘 當記憶正在遺失 你的一切卻不曾消失   「一年有幾天?」   「你車牌幾號?」   「你的生日?」   「不知道?帶走!」   防疫人員粗魯的從隊伍中抓出疑似遭感染的人。   當新冠病毒成失智症之源頭,智力測驗成為判別確診的最快辦法,記憶成人類文明最後的防線。   它們從未消失、而是悄無聲息 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 王偉忠
【2023最新文集】 ———王偉忠aka高鐵半價男 ——— 一路走跑騎滾跳 就算玩到只剩一張嘴 也要繼續哈啦、繼續娛樂大眾   ☆☆☆☆☆☆   『以為領了敬老卡,會覺得真的就是個老人,   沒想到真領到手,感覺很新奇、很興奮,像得到一枚驕傲的生命勳章,   肯定自己前面六十五年為了家人努力工作,活得很認真、很精彩。』——王偉忠    了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 Jo Owen
Wherever they are in their career, this guide will give professionals a comprehensive understanding of the basic building blocks of effective leadership and management. For all professionals, knowledge of the key elements of high-quality leadership is vital, whether they are existing managers, taking on additional managerial responsibilities, or looking ahead to their career goals. This base of knowledge stretches from the individual - leading yourself - to the group, lead 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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作者 Adilla Rahim
Mengapa perlu siapkan diri? Bayangkan kalau generasi muda tidak memahami ilmu dalam mendapatkan jualan? Bagaimana mahu hidup dengan baik dalam kegawatan ekonomi yang semakin mendesak kini? Semasa saya menulis buku ini, kita mengalami perubahan gaya atau norma hidup yang drastik selepas negara dilanda virus Covid-19. Ia membuatkan saya banyak berfikir dan mencari orang-orang lama untuk berbual bagi meredakan keresahan kepada situasi yang tidak menentu ini. Setiap pengalaman o 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Jim Clifton
The COVID-19 pandemic caused an awakening that shocked the world — a structural change in how and where people work and live. One thing we now know for certain: Nothing is going back to normal. How organizations adapt to this culture shock will determine whether they thrive or even survive and whether U.S. and global productivity will go up or down. The immediate danger is that most employees will now operate more like independent contractors or gig workers than employees 了解更多
原价 RM 119.95

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作者 Bill Gates 
Governments, businesses, and individuals around the world are thinking about what happens after the COVID-19 pandemic. Can we hope to not only ward off another COVID-like disaster but also eliminate all respiratory diseases, including the flu? Bill Gates, one of our greatest and most effective thinkers and activists, believes the answer is yes. The author of the #1 New York Times best seller How to Avoid a Climate Disasterlays out clearly and convincingly what the world sho 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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~Tulisan itu tulisan syaitan!~ Syeqal Khairi, seorang penulis yang baru menapak dalam industri cuba menulis kisah seram thriller berjudul Puaka ZD2000. Semasa PKP akibat penularan Covid-19, dia ditinggalkan berseorangan di kawasan tempat dia tinggal. Dia kehairanan apabila cerita yang ditulis disambung tanpa mengetahui siapa menulisnya. Tanpa disedari, dia telah membuat pakatan dengan makhluk halus berkaitan dengan cerita yang ditulis. Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi pada Sye 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 楊定一
每個不健康的人,幾乎都有呼吸的問題。 寫這本書,不是為了探討一般的呼吸而己, 而是希望陪你一起採用眼前適合療癒的呼吸。   「心健康,身體也會得到健康。   在身-心的健康之間,呼吸是最好的一座橋梁。」──楊定一   呼吸,本身是多層面的組合──包括怎麼運用身體的結構去進行呼吸、呼吸怎麼參與身體每一個角落的生化反應和代 了解更多
原价 RM 95.50

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作者 黃瑽寧
如果⋯⋯你都記得家裡一定不能缺少常備用藥, 那麼⋯⋯你更不能錯過這本每個家庭必備的「感染輕百科」! 連續三年榮獲「台灣醫療報導奬」的黃瑽寧醫師, 再次揮舞生花妙筆,偕同插畫家連袂出擊, 最新醫療新知X幽默情境漫畫X科普艱澀知識X家庭照護重點, 帶你揭開病毒、細菌、流感、疫苗的神秘面紗, 為你去除似是而非的迷思觀念,讓醫病溝通 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 Adam Tooze
FINALIST FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITING 2022 THE TIMES BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2021 'A complex story, which Tooze tells with clarity and verve... The world is unlikely to be treated to a better account of the economics of the pandemic' The Times From the author of Crashed comes a gripping short history of how Covid-19 ravaged the global economy, and where it leaves us now When the news first began to trickle out of China about a new virus in December 2019, r 了解更多
原价 RM 82.00

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作者 CYBERBIZ電商研究所
★最完整、最在地、最實用的電商專書★ 無論你要斜槓創業、數位轉型、轉單獲利…… 12大關鍵點 × 100道難題 × 35,000家實戰經驗, 一本在手,讓你成為電商高手!   ★ 一次解決100道經營電商一定會遇到的難題   ★ 台灣三大電商系統商CYBERBIZ資深開店顧問及行銷團隊親自傳授   ★ 電商人必備!實務上最完整的電商教戰守則,有技法更有思考   ★ 特 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 布萊恩·克雷格
賽局理論在現實世界中的經典應用 決斷兩難處境的系統思考   做決定時,你總是一心想著贏,還是找到優勢策略,用最有利的方法面對問題?   當我們試圖分析問題、建立策略的時候,很容易被情緒及表象欺騙,做出損人不利己的決定。而賽局理論中的數理思維模式,經常會出現反直覺的結果,原來跟我們所想像的做法差異居然這麼大,非常令人驚訝。 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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作者 Oxford UK
An important new edition of the bestselling mini thesaurus, with new words on contemporary topics such as technology, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. Focused coverage of words, synonyms and antonyms help to improve writing skills. Spelling, grammar and punctuation support makes it perfect for progress from primary to secondary school. Features - Compact thesaurus boosts vocabulary with carefully chosen words, synonyms and antonyms - Up-to-date and relevant vocabula 了解更多
原价 RM 30.95

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作者 Kelly Yang
When the coronavirus hits Hong Kong, ten-year-old Knox Wei-Evans’s mom makes the last-minute decision to move him and his siblings back to California, where they think they will be safe. Suddenly, Knox has two days to prepare for an international move—and for leaving his dad, who has to stay for work. At his new school in California, Knox struggles with being the new kid. His classmates think that because he’s from Asia, he must have brought over the virus. At home, Mo 了解更多
原价 RM 49.50

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作者 桑原晃彌
左擁台積電,右抱日本五大貿易商; 人類史上最厲害的投資家的決策智慧完.全.公.開!   為什麼要學巴菲特的決策邏輯?   因為華倫・巴菲特是史上第一位僅靠投資成為億萬富翁的活傳說,甚至被人們冠上「智者」的頭銜。他從11歲第一次投資股票以來,投資資歷已經超過80年,擁有1113億美元以上的資產,不曾蒙受巨大虧損;另一方面,他不惜捐出 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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作者 Dr. Anor Hidayah Za
This book is for the reader to know the actual situation of handling critically ill patients in the critical care unit and operation theatre The truth and reality that most of the front liners in the hospital and critical care setting scenario are difficult to imagine. Portraying the collective interaction of daily living as doctor and specialist in her field, falling sick and giving up is not an option. Instead, she finds strength in every bump and hurdle. And would l 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Shankaran Nambiar
“Covid-19 was a global pandemic. All countries, and nearly all localities, were affected. And yet infection rates, death rates, and impact on societies varied widely. What accounts for this variance? The Malaysian story is told by Shankaran Nambiar, one of the country’s leading economists. We already know that in the United States, Covid-19 responses became highly politicised. The China story seems equally political, but driven from the top down. The Malaysian story is n 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 Norni Osman
Bersediakah kita 'PERGI' sebelum waktunya? Sesungguhnya inilah juga yang difikirkan, dan pengalaman yang dilalui sendiri, oleh penulis buku ini. Buku ini berkongsi pengalaman Norni Osman sebagai pesakit Covid-19 tahap 5, ketika beliau berdepan ujian paling kritikal. Tatkala beliau diuji debar getaran pukulan sakaratul maut, bergelut dan bertarung nyawa dalam keadaan seakan telah mati. Saat ditidurkan dan diintubasi sebanyak dua kali, hanya pada Allah sahaja tempat beliau b 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 華倫·班尼斯
領導學之父華倫.班尼斯的傳世鉅作 出版三十週年,全新經典譯本! 現代管理學之父彼得.杜拉克讚譽:「這是華倫.班尼斯畢生最重要的一本書!   ☆英國《金融時報》五十大商業好書   ☆全球管理學大師—彼得.杜拉克(Peter Drucker)、湯姆.彼得斯(Tom Peters)、查理斯.韓第(Charles Handy)一致讚譽   ☆領導學永恆經典——成為領導者最需要閱讀 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 吉蓮·邰蒂
◤企業搶購、狂賣 16 刷《穀倉效應》作者最新續作◢ Google、微軟、雀巢、Facebook、亞馬遜的全新策略 ──── 從人類學視角帶出未來思考!   無論企業、執政者或個人,大多仰賴科技、大數據及過往經驗來制定策略,   然而,在這個高易變性(Volatility)、不確定性(Uncertainty)、複雜性(Complexity)、模糊性(Ambiguity)的 VUCA 時代,   大數據只能統計 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 莊靜芬
  1986年,《怎樣吃最健康》第一版第一刷發行;   1993年7月創下第一版99刷;   1994年1月第二版第一刷發行;   1997月9月創下第二版86刷;   兩版共締造185刷、銷售百萬冊的輝煌紀錄。   面對這樣的成績,表示大家很關注食物如何影響健康,而非只是曇花一現的熱度。   第一版的《怎樣吃最健康》陪伴每一位讀者和每一個家庭已有36個年頭,此 了解更多
原价 RM 147.85

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【影像故事 他們的家是馬戲團】 圖說:簡高提拍攝的劇團用馬戲表演作為說故事的工具。在這場演出中,「夢想漁夫」的夫妻二人組文森.施密特和佛蘿倫絲.杜賽重現了他們的婚禮。 在與歐洲的馬戲團家族一起旅行的路上,攝影師找到了家的感覺。 身為兩名空服員的女兒,攝影師史蒂芬妮.簡高提的爸媽為了工作,帶著她去過許多遙遠的地方──新加坡、委 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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作者 Pierre Kory
Big Pharma and health agencies cry "Don't take ivermectin!" A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite? Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. The drug has been derided and declared useless. Doctors have earnestly recorded pleas asking those afflicted with COVID-19 not to take the drug. But why? The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory, the co-founder of an expert group of physicians’, and his pligh 了解更多
原价 RM 139.90

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作者 黃莉翔
後疫情時代的愛情小說 留美鋼琴王子的奇遇故事 衝擊傳統價值觀的愛情故事,疫情後的重生傳奇 活在百分百不確定的時代裡 我們需要全新的情愛探索和勇氣   祕密俱樂部的紅牌舞男,獨具風格的女性菁英男伴,   留美鋼琴王子,茱莉亞音樂學院鋼琴高材生,   在疫情後時代成為了Covid Gigolo新冠舞男!   ▶一部顛覆傳統道德觀的跨國愛情小說 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubaiis your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Browse the labyrinthine souks, immerse yourself in the historic Al Fahidi District and peer down at Dubai from the Burj Khalifa; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Dubai and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubai: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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作者 吳建泳
新冠疫情後的下一場全民危機 通膨怪物來襲,你兢兢業業賺取的,是財富?還是負擔? ▋ 通膨亂世 ╳ 投資策略大解密 ▋ 潮水退去——但我還想留在市場上,繼續賺錢! 重新調整投資組合的最佳時刻   \\本書焦點內容//   【愈工作愈窮】【振興紓困業力引爆】【存股行不行】   【四十年一遇的通膨大逆襲】【少年股神】   【聯準會慢 了解更多
原价 RM 97.00

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作者 Koh King Kee
China is often misunderstood and even stigmatised by the mainstream media and some Western scholars. 'The New Era in Today’s China' explains what the country can bring to the world. The book comprehensively examines China in the new era and what it means for the future world, including its domestic politics, economy, society, and culture, as well as China’s global engagement, world image, and international communication. It covers key topics such as China-US relations, po 了解更多
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作者 羅伯特·霍克特 , 亞倫·詹姆斯
「通膨居高不下,令人憂慮1970年代惡性通膨會歷史重演嗎?!」 「聯準會快馬加鞭持續加碼升息打通膨, 身為舵手,能引導經濟避開水深火熱、順利『軟著陸』嗎?」 ……這些在在都是全球關心的重要金融議題 就讓聯準會專家一次為你揭開央行背後的思路與作為   ◆為什麼萬物齊漲就是薪水沒漲?老百姓怎麼這麼倒楣!   我們努力工作賺錢,享 了解更多
原价 RM 76.85

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作者 Steven Pinker
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "In our uncertain age, which can so often feel so dark and disturbing, Steven Pinker has distinguished himself as a voice of positivity." - New York Times Can reading a book make you more rational? Can it help us understand why there is so much irrationality in the world? Steven Pinker, author of Enlightenment Now (Bill Gates's "new favorite book of all time") answers all the questions here Today humanity is reaching new heights of scientific unde 了解更多
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作者 Richard H. Thaler  And Cass R Sunstein
Nudge has transformed the way individuals, companies and governments look at the world - and in the process has become one of the most important books of the twenty-first century. This completely updated edition offers a wealth of new insights for fans and newcomers alike - about COVID-19, diet, personal finance, retirement savings, medical care, organ donation, and climate change. Every day we make decisions: about the things we buy or the meals we eat; about the investment 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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  2020年時值 Covid-19 肆虐各地,雲端會議成為知識交流的新媒介。在這場由武漢大學國家文化發展研究院主辦的國際學術會議中,由海內外學者就馬來西亞華人的華文教育、族群認同與多元文化展開討論,並專設青年學者論壇,分別從思想史、民族史、文學史、政治史、民俗與語言學等不同學科背景出發,探討與馬華文化相關議題,展現了馬華文化的複雜性與 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 金恩珠
  傳達正向力,安慰被疫情所困的世局!   從心理學角度,   剖析BTS受歡迎的理由、引領粉絲文化的A.R.M.Y.心理、成員各自的人生觀、戀愛觀、性格等,   解讀韓國社會內在結構性壓迫、不平等、偏見,   融解被壓抑的心靈……   在現代人心中,比起「我果然很棒!」的自信感,好奇「別人怎麼看我?」的自尊心更强烈,所以害怕直接面對自 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 艾比·施奈德曼 , 亞當·賽佛 , 吉恩·紐曼
臺灣每年有數億遺產無人繼承、盡數充公! 別讓畢生積蓄便宜國庫、肥了陌生人! 風靡全美「數位生前計畫」領導品牌Everplans,唯一授權! 帶你按部就班、重整人生、妥善安排,就此從容謝幕、瀟灑轉身!   ►生命終有時,別讓心愛的家人,為了你沒交代清楚的遺產起糾紛,甚至對簿公堂!   ►遺囑怎麼寫(不花錢一樣有法律效力)?財產怎麼避稅?一 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 艾未未
當今世上最有創意的反抗者 回憶父親艾青,觀照自己的人生與藝術 以三代歷程透視當代中國 記述祕密監禁81天的經過 卡夫卡式的荒謬情境真實上演 作者親繪封面及55幅內頁素描   父親翻開《辭海》,閉上他的眼睛,他的手指摁在了「未」字上,說:就叫「未未」吧。   艾未未,對著中國權力中心比中指的藝術家,他的藝術行動總是切中社會脈動, 了解更多
原价 RM 80.10

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会员 RM 72.09 (-10%)

作者 凱瑟琳·萊恩·霍華德
  在COVID-19疫情肆虐導致的封城隔離之下,   沒人知道他們倆曾經在一起──   現在,其中一人死了。   封城隔離真「要命」!──   疫情肆虐的這幾年,所有的生離死別都只能隔著一片玻璃;   這是否也成為有心人策畫密室謀殺的時機!?   以精準如外科手術般的轉折安排不斷翻轉,《疫亂情迷五十六天》是今年必讀的驚悚傑作!    了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

现售 RM 61.60 (-0%)

会员 RM 55.44 (-10%)

作者 海星
沒錢、沒學歷、沒背景、沒關係,也沒關係! 日本人氣KOL教你如何發起微型革命 踏出改變現狀的第一步 開創第二收入,邁向財務自由 你一定也能辦得到! 從小地方開始改變就是屬於平凡人的自我革命   化危機為轉機,   開創第二收入,讓人生有更多可能、活得更自由!   受到COVID-19疫情影響,人們的工作型態大為改變,甚至有許多人被迫減班、放 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 竜樹諒
  ●神準預測311東日本大地震,傳說中的「神預言漫畫」中文版!   ●「老高與小茉」YouTube熱門話題書!媲美印度神童!   ●書中最新警告——「真正的大災難⋯⋯是在2025年7月!!!」   ●「完全版」收錄作者珍貴「夢日記」手稿   ●中文版特典——竜樹諒夢日記中文對照手冊     【傳奇預言漫畫引發話題!】   日本漫畫家竜樹諒 了解更多
原价 RM 50.00

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会员 RM 45.00 (-10%)

COVID-19全球大流行 讓我們見證醫學的力量 一場疾病的全球大流行,使人類全體共同努力,讓醫學朝著未來飛速前進。我們的一切努力都證明了人類能夠彼此合作,以極快的速度製造出的有效疫苗,減緩新型冠狀病毒所引起的新冠肺炎(COVID-19,正式名稱為嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎)重症發生率,同時幫助減緩疫情擴散。儘管目前我們用來製造新冠疫苗的技術,其實已 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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会员 RM 29.00 (-0%)

作者 Jodi Picoult
We declare this a must-read. Striking, eloquent, and thought-provoking, this story charts a relationship during the early months of the pandemic. This emotionally intelligent and perceptive novel is hand-on-heart gorgeous. Diana finds herself alone in the Galapagos during the early months of the pandemic while her surgeon boyfriend is back in New York. This is Jodi Picoult at her best, what seems like a simple tale is full of richly beautiful and provocative imaginings. The 了解更多
原价 RM 45.90

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会员 RM 41.31 (-10%)

作者 許瑞云 , 鄭先安
「不開藥醫師」許瑞云、鄭先安最新力作 《心念自癒力》暢銷好評,逆轉疾病完整實作版!  突破中醫、西醫,真正根治疾病, 不僅無副作用,並能增進幸福感的心療法     平常好好的,怎麼突然就生病?   明明吃了藥,為什麼好不起來?   心念決定了我們的健康,同時也是逆轉疾病的關鍵。   調整心念,便能強化自癒力,再難治的病也 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

现售 RM 52.00 (-20%)

会员 RM 52.00 (-20%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Singapore i is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Marvel at Gardens by the Bay, savour the street food and experience vibrant nightlife; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Singapore and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Singapore: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

现售 RM 54.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 49.05 (-10%)

作者 珊卓·安·泰勒
讀者盛讚準確、積極、易上手的神諭卡 Amazon書店超過5000人給予滿分評價,平均4.8分 解讀你當下能量,精準預測未來,徹底改變命運   ◆《紐約時報》暢銷書《量子物理與宇宙法則》作者力作   ◆暢銷9年!牌卡迷必備的經典占卜牌卡   宇宙萬物皆是能量,圍繞我們的訊息、我們命運所散發出的振動,一切都是能量。   這53張牌卡能預見你當下能量所 了解更多
原价 RM 120.10

现售 RM 120.10 (-0%)

会员 RM 108.09 (-10%)

【影像故事~化腐朽為藝術】 這些藝術家將廢棄物再利用,創作雕塑和表演藝術,希望刺激大眾關注這個一直存在的危機。 這些把垃圾變成抗議藝術作品、具有社會意識的創作者「都在挑戰極限。」 一開始這是一場反文化藝術運動,始於2001年。 在剛果民主共和國,一群在金夏沙藝術學院攻讀多年、在老師建議下以樹脂和石膏等「正統」材料創作的學生,決定做 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 40.00 (-0%)

作者 Eddie See
The colouring books in this series are developed by renowned Malaysian illustrators highlighting scenes from Malaysian life. These books cover topics like childhood and the environment which includes plant and animal lives. These colouring books make excellent conversation starters for parents and children. They will provide hours of pleasure for all who enjoy colouring pictures. The theme of this colouring book is Covid-19. 了解更多
原价 RM 8.90

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会员 RM 8.01 (-10%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Hong Kong is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Behold Victoria Peak vista, explore the famous night market and feast on dim sum; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Hong Kong and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Hong Kong: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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会员 RM 49.05 (-10%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Bali is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Surf the world-class breaks, pamper your mind and body, and experience the bustling nightlife; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Bali and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Bali: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

现售 RM 57.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.16 (-10%)

作者 台灣資訊環境研究中心
  置身網路時代,不管是滑 FB、IG、傳 LINE、看 YouTube、TikTok,從四面八方湧來的訊息,有家人傳來的「健康資訊」,有朋友轉來的時事討論,有政府公布的政策說明,看起來好像有道理,想一下又覺得可疑。你是不是常常因此覺得很困擾?有沒有什麼辦法可以幫助我們辨別這些訊息是否可信呢?   這些似是而非的可疑訊息,已經不只是假新聞或假訊息了, 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

Lonely Planet's Pocket Sydney is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Splash about at Bondi Beach, enjoy a concert at the famous Sydney Opera House and amble through the Royal Botanic Gardens; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Sydney and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet's Pocket Sydney: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they a 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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会员 RM 49.05 (-10%)

作者 珍妮佛·霍華德
  烏俄戰爭、Covid-19、歐洲難民潮、加州森林大火、全球暖化氣候災難……   面對這些天災人禍,如果你得逃命,你會帶上什麼?哪些東西是在你生命中,真正無可取代的?   「我坐在母親房子的地板上,被四周的雜物環繞著。」是本書開頭的第一句話。   本書以母親的囤積癖作為整個世代巨大而混亂的縮影,探討工業革命、資本主義和網路發達是 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

现售 RM 55.45 (-0%)

会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 金相均
★YES24網路書店2021讀者票選年度之書,9.1顆星好評! ★韓國上市兩個月,熱銷超過30,000本,至今已再版超過120刷。 ★三星、LG、現代汽車、韓國文化產業振興院等超過200家企業爭相徵詢建議的元宇宙權威! ★寫給每個人的未來之書,登入元宇宙世界旅行與生活的最佳指南。 ★收錄作者5篇原創短篇小說,元宇宙也有陰暗面與副作用。 開拓嶄新世界的機運 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Kyoto & Osaka is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Marvel at Kinkaku-ji, explore the Gion district, and browse at Nishiki Market; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Kyoto & Osaka and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Kyoto & Osaka: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open af 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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会员 RM 52.16 (-10%)

作者 峰宗太郎
少一點恐懼,多一點勇敢 台灣第一本輕鬆圖解疫苗及新冠肺炎的健康書 顛覆你對疫苗的看法,重新認識免疫與疫苗的關係   為什麼我們要打疫苗?   新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的流行不但改變人類的生活,   也讓我們更加關注各種疫苗對我們的重要性。   本書由美國國立研究機關的病毒免疫學第一人峰宗太郎監修,台灣小兒科專任醫師—陳木榮(柚子)醫師審 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 西羅·布凱 , 尚-路易·巴梭 , 麥克·韋德
在天才眼裡,怪異是能力,發呆是紀律,浪費時間才有創意!   ►百萬暢銷書《獲利世代》、《思考的藝術》作者聯名推薦。   ►瑞士洛桑管理學院10年研究大公開。分析50多個案例,破解成功祕徑。   ►收錄「外星人思維」檢測表,10種創意練習,讓靈感隨叫隨到。   「大家一起腦力激盪,但爭相提供意見後,問題反而更複雜了!」   「這個點 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

现售 RM 64.70 (-0%)

会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 Michael Lewis
New York Times Bestseller For those who could read between the lines, the censored news out of China was terrifying. But the president insisted there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately, we are still a nation of skeptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst-case scenarios. Michael Lewis’s taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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会员 RM 57.56 (-10%)

作者 Lucy Easthope
Lucy Easthope lives with disaster every day. When a plane crashes, a bomb explodes, a city floods or a pandemic begins, she's the one they call. Lucy is a world-leading authority on recovering from disaster. She has been at the centre of the most seismic events of the last few decades, advising on everything from the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami to the 7/7 bombings, the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand, the Grenfell fire and the Covid-19 pandemic. In every catastrophe, Lucy 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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会员 RM 89.91 (-10%)

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