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作者 Affindi
Dalam jalinan kata-kata yang mengalir lembut, terpalit coretan cinta dan bangga seorang anak terhadap ibunya. la laksana rintik hujan yang mendinginkan jiwa yang gusar akan bayang-bayang kekhuatiran terhadap kehilangan. Perasaan cinta dan kecewa bersilih ganti. Setiap halaman adalah panggilan jiwa untuk memahami kerumitan perasaan manusia, daripada seindah kasih sayang sehingga segelap ketakutan. Kelak Kuingin Memeluk Hari Ini ialah suara kehidupan yang berkobar di balik 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

现售 RM 22.50 (-10%)

会员 RM 20.00 (-20%)

作者 Lily Haslina Nasir
Aku Mawar. Megat panggil aku Mawar Berduri. Kami bersahabat sejak sekian lama. Aku anggap dia teman tapi mesra. Sampai bila mahu bersahabat? Ramai yang bertanya. Aku malas mahu serabutkan kepala. Aku jawab, "Sampai bila-bila!" Saat berbual, kami bahasakan ‘aku’ dan ‘kau’ saja! Nampak bukan? Aku memang anggap dia sahabat dunia akhirat. Bukan tak pernah Megat memberi isyarat hatinya. Tetapi, entahlah. Aku pura-pura tidak faham. Aku belum bersedia untuk berfikir lebih ja 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

现售 RM 29.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 26.10 (-10%)

作者 Ivan Tan
Where there is a tide, there are Teochew people, spreading the delicious flavours of their home town around the world. Teochew cuisine has evolved and developed over thousands of years to form unique dishes, such as Teochew slow-braised dishes, various seafood dishes, and delightful snacks such as Guang Chiang, Peach Kueh, Taro Paste Roll, etc. These delicacies carry Teochew culinary culture and tradition and always conjure up endless flashbacks that are unforgettable impress 了解更多
原价 RM 28.50

现售 RM 28.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 25.65 (-10%)

作者 Dacher Keltner 
"Read this book to connect with your highest self." --Susan Cain, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bittersweet and Quiet "We need more awe in our lives, and Dacher Keltner has written the definitive book on where to find it." --Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again "Awe is awesome in both senses: a superb analysis of an emotion that is strongly felt but poorly understood, with a showcase of examples that remind us of what is worthy of our aw 了解更多
原价 RM 72.00

现售 RM 72.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 64.80 (-10%)

作者 Melni
“Kalau kau asyik fikir nak bahagiakan orang lain, siapa akan bahagiakan kau?” Sejak kecil, Adlina merasakan bahawa dia hanyalah pilihan kedua semua orang — termasuklah ibunya sendiri. Adlina sanggup berkorban apa saja agar suatu hari, ibu bangga dengan kewujudannya. Dunia Adlina runtuh apabila impian yang sudah lama disimpan, dibangkang ibunya. Lebih hancur tatkala dia cuba dijodohkan dengan seseorang yang dia benci. Adlina terus memendam rasa dan menjauhkan diri. 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

现售 RM 32.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 25.60 (-20%)

作者 Azieana
Mulut kata tak suka, tapi hati dah jatuh cinta. Ryzal cuba menolak saranan orang tuanya untuk dijodohkan dengan Qaisara kerana sejak awal lagi dia tak pernah menyukai gadis itu. Tapi, penolakannya tidak diendahkan, menyebabkan dia semakin membenci Qaisara. “Kau tahu tak yang kau ni seorang yang tamak? Tak tahu bersyukur. Sepatutnya kau sedar siapa diri kau. Apa asal usul kau. Hati aku ni dah lama sakit. Dah berdarah dan bernanah disebabkan kau!” Ryzal “Kenapa? Hairan 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

现售 RM 32.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 28.80 (-10%)

作者 寶琳娜.瑪麗諾娃.龐普莉亞諾
成功之道在於發揮內在潛能。   回答10道關鍵提問,讓你改變自己的命運軌道!   舞台上魅力四射的碧昂絲曾經害羞又內向,   NBA傳奇籃球巨星柯比布萊恩剛出道時也曾茫然,   引體向上世界紀錄締造者戈金斯曾是胖達135公斤的失意中年男子,   世界拳擊冠軍納干諾是家人眼中的壞孩子……   是什麼讓他們扭轉人生,成為世人欽羨的成功象徵 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Shaze Alma
Bila aku pejam mata, aku nampak engkau. Mereka adalah spesies monster di sebalik perwatakan yang suci. Segala-galanya nampak sempurna sehinggalah satu per satu tersalah langkah dan kesumat dimulai… Semenjak kematian tragis ayahnya, Aryan mula mencari siapa dalang pembunuhan tersebut. Suspek utama dalam pengkhianatan besar-besaran itu adalah keluarga Tan Sri Aizuddin lebih-lebih lagi puteri tunggal politikus itu, Tiara Ayrissa. Ya… Tiaralah watak utama di dalam pembunuh 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

现售 RM 26.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 23.40 (-10%)

作者 Hiznawa
Perjalanan hidup manusia adakalanya indah, adakalanya penuh liku dan duri. Begitu juga dengan kisah hidup Daneen. Dek masa silamnya, dia benci bergelar perempuan. Lantas, ditukar perwatakannya menjadi kasar bagaikan seorang lelaki. Pertemuan kali pertama dengan Zayyad bukanlah dalam keadaan yang tenang. Ada adrenalina yang saling berlumba sehingga sesak terasa di dada. “Kau kalau nak mati, tunggu malaikat maut yang datang cabut nyawa, boleh tak?” – Daneen “Can yo 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

现售 RM 40.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

不要再跟天公伯討靈感! ✓想不出好提案 ✓想不出好文案 ✓想不出好點子 ✓想不出好辦法 找出問題★解決問題 老是跟不對的人求救,是不會有出路的!   ◎點子只能靠腦袋想出來?那你一定是搞錯了!   你是不是很常聽見、或很常哀號「我沒有靈感」?   你是不是時常覺得,今天老天爺的那道雷就是沒劈下來?   你是不是總認為自 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 雋佳出版編輯室
【巴黎旅遊新地標】 皮諾私人美術館Bourse de Commerce- Pinault Collection、巴黎時尚博物館、海軍府Hôtel de la Marine、傳奇百貨La Samaritaine 【細賞巴黎歷史名勝】 羅浮宮、凱旋門、大皇宮、加尼葉歌劇院、聖心大教堂、萬神殿、楓丹白露宮、梵爾賽宮 【百年傳奇咖啡廳】 和平咖啡館、雨果咖啡館、花神咖啡館、波克普咖啡館、雙叟咖啡館園、莎士比亞咖啡書店 【必試 了解更多
原价 RM 83.20

现售 RM 83.20 (-0%)

会员 RM 74.88 (-10%)

UCHU SENTAI KYURANGER 宇宙戰隊九連者 VOL. 1 - 48 END(DVD)+2 MOVIES(3DVD) JAP (E / C / M) "When people shed tears after the galaxy falls into the hands of the heartless, nine saviors chosen by the Kyutama, the Kyurangers, will save the galaxy." ―Narrator[src].Earth has been taken over by invaders. With the universe under their thrall, the tears of the people awaken the nine ultimate saviors, chosen by the Kyutama, and they are here for the galaxy's salvation. Nine dif 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

现售 RM 69.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

作者 Lily Haslina Nasir
Ikrar Kesatria mengikat jiwa raganya. Bersumpah ­dengan cop 10 jari, membentuk peribadi. Megat Adri meneruskan legasi jiwa kesatria leluhurnya. Perut datuknya, Leftenan Hamdan, pernah terburai sewaktu bertempur dengan komunis di Betong, kekal seumur parutnya. Di paha bapanya, Mejar Kamal, ­masih terbenam peluru sesat. Terlalu banyak kisah silam dan rahsia perjuangan terdahulu yang dia. Ada ketika kisah silam itu wajar dikuburkan agar tiada dendam kesumat membakar jiwa dala 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

现售 RM 30.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 27.00 (-10%)

作者 Cik Tet
Kecewa serta sakit hati akibat kehilangan kawan baiknya, Dian Safiyah bertekad untuk membalas dendam. Dia takkan biarkan lelaki yang dah hancurkan hidup kawan baiknya itu bahagia. Di majlis pernikahan Zabar, Dian buat perangai. Tolak ke tepi rasa malu, penderitaan serta kematian Salina harus terbalas. Bagi Dian, Zabar tak layak untuk hidup bahagia dengan mana-mana perempuan pun! "Sampai hati awak buat saya macam ni, sayang. Awak cakap awak sayangkan saya, cintakan say 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

现售 RM 35.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 31.50 (-10%)

作者 Andrew Kow
Sauces are an essential part of cooking that not only add texture and flavour to a dish but also help to adjust the taste. For those who are not good at using seasonings to fine tune the flavour of a dish, using a variety of sauces can help solve these problems. In this cookbook, Chef Andrew introduces eight essential sauces for cooking, including XO Mushroom Sauce, Sambal Chili Sauce, Zhejiang Sauce, Special Flavoured Sauce, All-Purpose Steaming Sauce, Sweet and Sour Sauce, 了解更多
原价 RM 28.50

现售 RM 22.00 (-23%)

会员 RM 22.00 (-23%)

Berserk JAP/ENG (E / C / M) He has believed only in his own sword. With no friends, no family, and no home to return to, Guts is a lonely swordsman who travels around as a mercenary in a land shaken by the Hundred Years War. Guts is able to handle a sword longer than he is tall and easily defeats powerful enemies. Griffith, the leader of the mercenary group "Band of the Hawk," has his eye on Guts. Griffith, who has a commanding power unimaginable from his beautiful appea 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 Polina Marinova Pompliano
What distinguishes the truly exceptional from the merely great? After five years of writing The Profile, Polina Marinova Pompliano has studied thousands of the most successful and interesting people in the world and examined how they reason their way through problems, unleash their creativity, and perform under extreme pressure. The highest performers don’t use tricks or hacks to achieve greatness. They use mental frameworks that fundamentally change the way they see the 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

Snuggle up and read classic fairy tales, rhymes and stories with your 5 year old, who will absolutely love hearing these read aloud before bedtime. 5-year-old children will enjoy stories such as Aladdin and Thumbelina, featuring beautiful artwork throughout. 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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会员 RM 35.91 (-10%)

For everybody excited about exploring the unique cuisine and food culture of Malaysia and Singapore, this book is the perfect primer. It introduces the key specialities of each region, covering their history and significance to the local people. Learn about the dishes that you will find on regional menus, how to order and eat them, and other essential words and phrases for navigating the food scene. The extensive section on etiquette covers all the dos and don’ts of local 了解更多
原价 RM 88.50

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会员 RM 79.65 (-10%)

作者 Kelly Yang
A gripping middle-grade novel about Lina, who leaves China to live with her parents and sister in the US, after five years apart. She’s been waiting for this moment but it’s not exactly like the postcards… As Lina reckons with the big change and feeling left out, she learns about family, friendship, and the power of belonging. And when her teacher starts facing challenges for her latest book selection, a book that deeply resonates with Lina, it will take all of Lina’ 了解更多
原价 RM 49.95

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会员 RM 44.96 (-10%)

作者 Akma Saidon , Aziah Z
Jalan Kematian – Akma Saidon Pilihlah... aku beri kau dua pilihan. Satu demi satu ahli kumpulan Geng Berlima ditemui mati di dalam tandas di Kem Serikandi. Semuanya terjadi apabila mereka menyumbat salah seorang serikandi Kem Serikandi di dalam tandas di kawasan larangan kem itu. Apa kaitannya kematian ahli Geng Berlima dengan serikandi yang menjadi mangsa kenakalan mereka? Mengapa kematiannya mesti berlaku di tandas? Seriau – Aziah Zainal Jangan biar ia mengawasi di 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

现售 RM 28.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 25.20 (-10%)

作者 Aiman Azlan & Datuk Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj
“Kenapa kita dah tak macam dulu lagi? Awak cuma ada secara fizikal, tapi emosi dan fikiran di tempat lain.” Orang cakap, makin lama berkahwin, kita makin kenal dan faham pasangan. Sepatutnya makin serasi. Tapi, kenapa ada hubungan yang terasa semakin hambar? Perbualan harian hanya sekitar perkara rutin. Ada waktunya, lebih banyak berselisih faham daripada bersefahaman. Adakah perhubungan dikira gagal apabila perasaan cinta dan kasih memudar? Hakikatnya, membangunkan sebua 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

现售 RM 28.80 (-10%)

会员 RM 25.60 (-20%)

作者 Nurhayati Ishak
Ishq – pertemuan kita bukan kebetulan. Walau aku di dunia lain, namun jiwaku sudah menyatu di dalam darahmu. Cintaku untukmu sudah menyatu, Ellina. Aku adalah bahagiamu. Kau adalah bahagiaku. Ellina - Ishq, kedatanganmu bagaikan misteri. Kehilanganmu juga suatu misteri. Aku begitu terluka saat kau pergi meninggalkan aku sendiri. Kau umpama merentap separuh dari jiwaku pergi. Iskandar - sampai mati kaulah nyawaku, Ellina. Pernikahan kita ialah buktinya. Aku tahu kau ci 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

现售 RM 30.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 27.00 (-10%)

作者 Fazlyn Ridz
Najmi putus harapan akibat diduakan oleh tunangnya Camille yang memilih lelaki lain hanya 11 hari sebelum majlis pernikahan mereka. Bermusafir membawa diri ke Mekah, takdir menemukan dia dengan seorang wanita berniqab tanpa disedarinya di Jabal Rahmah. Bertentang mata buat pertama kali di kereta api menuju ke Madinah, dia tidak sedar Allah sedang menjawab doanya ketika di Tanah Suci. “Ya Habibi...” Suara itu kedengaran dalam mimpi Najmi ketika dia berada di Mekah. Na 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

现售 RM 35.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 31.50 (-10%)

作者 Elena Armas
A disgraced soccer exec reluctantly enlists the help of a retired soccer star in coaching a children’s team in this smalltown love story in the vein of Ted Lasso and It Happened One Summer —from the New York Times bestselling author of The Spanish Love Deception. Adalyn Reyes has spent years perfecting her daily routine: wake up at dawn, drive to the Miami Flames FC offices, try her hardest to leave a mark, go home, and repeat. But her routine is disrupted when a video 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 Shazlina Mat Isa
Cerita bermula apabila Si Tanggang mendapat restu kedua-dua ibu bapanya untuk keluar mengembara demi mengubah nasib keluarga. Hasil rajin dan usaha Si Tanggang, dia berjaya menjadi nakhoda kapal yang berjaya. Apabila tiba masa Si Tanggang pulang ke kampung, dia berasa berat hati. Mengapa Si Tanggang berasa begitu? Adakah Si Tanggang berjumpa dengan kedua-dua ibu dan bapanya. 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

现售 RM 12.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

RAMALAN JAGAT RAYA Rahsia Ram yang selama ini menyelinap di dalam kelam telah terbongkar. Dengan kehadiran Nyang Putih, ia lebih menyulitkan Ram untuk mengecapi apa yang ingin dihajati. Namun, disangka panas hingga ke petang, tapi rupanya hujan di tengahari. Apakah itu Ramalan Jagat Raya? Apa kaitannya dengan Ahmad dan Muhammad hinggakan timbul siluman-siluman kegelapan yang mengaku sebagai dewa dan dewi, tampil untuk menggagalkan mereka? Kesinambungan kali ini akan dipenuh 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

作者 Lily Haslina Nasir
Sebuah kisah cinta yang melangkaui tiga generasi. Tiga wanita, Karmini, Karmila dan Cempaka, bagai digenggam takdir hidup yang penuh berliku. Mereka ini membawa semangat emansipasi yang sangat luar biasa. Dalam lembut ada tegasnya, dalam patuh ada bangkitnya. Karmini mengharungi keperitan hidup di zaman perang bersama suami, Daeng Amid. Hidup serba sukar dan sulit. Daeng Amid yang terasuh dalam lingkungan budaya dan falsafah masyarakat Bugis, berusaha mempertahankan perkahwi 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

现售 RM 27.00 (-10%)

会员 RM 24.00 (-20%)

作者 Ana Huang
She's his opposite in every way . . . and the greatest temptation he's ever known. Reserved, controlled, and proper to a fault, Kai Young has neither the time nor inclination for chaos - and Isabella, with her purple hair and inappropriate jokes, is chaos personified. With a crucial CEO vote looming and a media empire at stake, the billionaire heir can't afford the distraction she brings. Isabella is everything he shouldn't want, but with every look and every touch, 了解更多
原价 RM 62.90

现售 RM 62.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 56.61 (-10%)

Share a wealth of fairy tales, traditional fables, well-known rhymes and classic stories with these beautifully illustrated treasuries. Turn the pages and step into a world of magic and adventure with over 60 well-loved favourites to read together in Magical Stories.Includes The Little Mermaid, Androclus and the Lion, Thumbelina and many more! 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

现售 RM 49.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

… kerana hidup itu adalah pertandingan. Ikon anak muda yang trauma dengan kisah silamnya, Layla Olivia tidak bersedia untuk menurut arahan ibunya, Nydia supaya memikirkan tentang pasangan hidup. “Layla, sudah tiba masanya Layla fikirkan tentang kehidupan selain daripada karier Layla. Layla sudah berjaya mencapai cita-cita Layla; tiada apa lagi yang Layla mahu kejari. Sekarang Layla perlu ada seseorang untuk melindungi Layla.” – NYDIA “Buat masa ini, perkahwinan b 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

现售 RM 23.40 (-10%)

会员 RM 20.80 (-20%)

作者 Lucy Score
Police Chief Nash Morgan is known for two things: being a good guy and the way his uniform accentuates his rear end. But two bullets put a dent in his Southern charm and now he's facing a criminal still on the loose and a town full of citizens that consider the law more of a 'guideline'. The last thing he needs is the leggy, smart-mouthed Lina Solavita moving in next door, making him feel things he doesn't have the energy to feel. Lina is on a mission. As soon as she ge 了解更多
原价 RM 62.90

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会员 RM 56.61 (-10%)

作者 Kim Fay
The Instant National Bestseller and #1 Indie Next Pick In the vein of the classic 84, Charing Cross Road, this witty and tender novel is a sensuous experience of food and a deep friendship between two very different women in 1960s America. Two strangers. One recipe. A friendship for the ages. Creamy risotto alla Milanese. Mussels in a hot, buttery broth. Chicken spiced with cinnamon and cloves. Joan Bergstrom and Imogen Fortier understand the key to a savored life--delicio 了解更多
原价 RM 57.50

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会员 RM 51.75 (-10%)

Perempuan insan yang lemah. Betul ke? Mazlina Berahim dibesarkan oleh seorang ibu tunggal dengan lima adik-beradik. Sebagai anak dari keluarga miskin tegar, kehidupan mereka sangat sukar. Apabila dewasa, seorang jejaka berjaya menakluk hatinya. Lalu, mereka memulakan dunia perkahwinan. Dalam masa yang sama, Mazlina berjaya membina empayar perniagaan di bumi Batu Pahat. Namun, selepas 10 tahun perkahwinan, hati Mazlina remuk bila suaminya menipu dan mengkhinati cinta mereka. D 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

现售 RM 25.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 22.50 (-10%)

At stir-fried stalls, good food creates moments of delight. Whether aromatic rice bowl dishes or tasty fried noodles and rice, they awaken the taste buds and bring contentment to the body and mind. However, despite the diverse and affordable choices available at these stalls, meat dishes tend to dominate, while vegetarian options remain scarce. In order to cater to the palates of vegetarians, renowned culinary instructor Amy Wong ingeniously transforms beloved dishes from th 了解更多
原价 RM 28.50

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会员 RM 25.65 (-10%)

作者 Ivan Tan
It seems like restaurant dishes are always delectable and exquisite, but if we attempt to reproduce them on our own, they always turn out barely satisfactory. However, everything would be different if you have a copy of Home Restaurant Recipes! Chef Ivan Tan, who is also known as a star chef, is passionate about sharing a series of easy recipes and culinary tips on social media and television. By doing this, he hopes to make it possible for everyone to prepare delightful mea 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 22.00 (-15%)

Koleksi Cerita Aesop memaparkan cerita - cerita yang mengisahkan kehidupan sekumpulan haiwan di hutan dalam satu komuniti. Setiap jalinan cerita menampilkan unsur - unsur pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang mampu memberikan impak positif kepada para pembaca. 了解更多
原价 RM 28.90

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会员 RM 26.01 (-10%)

BORUTO NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS 火影新世代 博人傳 VOL.976-999 (DVD) - BOX 36 976 The Ultimate Recipe 顶级食谱 Resipi Terunggul 977 Konohamaru Becomes the Hokage?! 木叶丸成为火影!? Konohamaru Menjadi Hokage?! 978 The Uzumaki Family's Hot Springs Vacation 漩涡家的温泉旅行 Percutian Mata Air Panas Keluarga Uzumaki 979 A Wound That Never Heals 无法愈合的伤 Luka Yang Tidak Dapat Disembuh 980 Fireworks of Love 恋爱的烟火绽放 Bunga Api 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

作者 伊莎貝·瑟夫
法國暢銷神諭卡,能精準預測工作、事業發展和關鍵日期 揭示你靈魂深處的人生使命 找出對你最有利的職涯方向,做出對的選擇   ★法國熱銷超過70,000套   ★亞馬遜書店平均4.7分,法國Fnac書店滿分評價   ★法國暢銷神諭卡‧伊莎貝神諭系列第二部,中文版首次問市!!   ★不只能占卜、指引,還能精準預測出重大事件發生的關鍵日期!   人的 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

现售 RM 107.80 (-0%)

会员 RM 97.02 (-10%)

作者 A.K. Mulford
Expect magic, adventure, and sapphic romance in this thrilling third installment of the bestselling, high fantasy saga The Five Crowns of Okrith. Determined to uncover who killed the Western Queen, fae warrior Briata Catullus sets out on a mission to defeat the witch hunters and protect the Western Princess. But when she arrives in the West, things are even worse than she feared. The icy reception from the Western fae is the least of her problems. After all, they've heard th 了解更多
原价 RM 62.95

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会员 RM 56.66 (-10%)

作者 Vaclav Smil
We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check - because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 卡莉娜·斯蒂芬諾娃
  看見你的Little Me,找回獨一無二的Real Me!   每個人都有自己的小矮人,   只是在喧囂匆忙中,漸漸看不到了……   ★在迷失年代尋找真我,適合9歲到99歲閱讀的心靈成長寓言!   ★暢銷全球,韓國《朝鮮日報》總編選書、巴西大學生必讀作品!   ★李崇建(薩提爾教育家、作家)、羅怡君(親職溝通作家與講師)好評推薦!      媲美 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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会员 RM 41.58 (-10%)

Dia dah datang! Kalau korang rasa bulu roma dah meremang, tu tandanya… Di sebalik mata kasar, bermacam entiti sentiasa berlegar. Mula-mula mungkin hanya memerhati. Lepas tu boleh jadi makin mengganas dan mengacau keharmonian hidup korang. Tapi jangan sampai kewarasan akal mengaburi setiap tindakan. Diorang bukannya raih simpati. Muslihat dan musibat jadi teman hakiki. Kompilasi pertama AKU DENGAR KAT... kini menyelinap! 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Surianti Ramli
Surianti Ramli has been cooking professionally for more than 10 years. She starting her career as a blogger, and she is now active on Instagram and Youtube. She has more than 350k followers on Instagram, as well as experience in cooperating with various prestigious companies in Malaysia, proving her credibility in the culinary field. To further expand her credibility in this field, Surianti Ramli came up with the book “Recipes from Surianti’s Kitchen” which presents 40 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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作者 Nicholas Sparks
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A twist you won’t see coming. A love story you’ll never forget. From the acclaimed author of The Notebook comes a powerful novel about risking everything for a dream—and whether it’s possible to leave the past behind. We don’t always get to choose our paths in life; sometimes they choose us. ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: PopSugar After fleeing an abusive husband with her six-year-old son, Tommie, Beverly is attempting to cre 了解更多
原价 RM 49.95

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作者 Norzailina Nordin
Cinta Telah Terlukis, Takdir Sudah Tertulis Dia, prince charming yang dingin tetapi menjadi dambaan wanita. Dari Malaysia sehingga Amsterdam, ada saja yang mengejarnya. Trip solo yang dirancang berbulan lamanya terganggu dengan kemunculan si dia dan entiti baru. “You kena berubah untuk kedua orang tua you. You mesti jadi muslimah sejati.” – Wan Afnan Wazif “Kalau you jadi suami I, you boleh bimbing I.” – Yarra Larissa “I nak Afnan, tapi dia tu jejaka kayangan y 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

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会员 RM 23.40 (-10%)

Memaparkan 8 buah cerita yang mengisahkan kehidupan sekumpulan haiwan di hutan dalam satu komuniti. Setiap jalinan cerita menampilkan unsur pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berupaya memberikan kesan positif kepada pembaca. 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

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会员 RM 22.41 (-10%)

作者 Shazie Kamaruzaman
Dia… satu dalam infiniti! Gara-gara dicabar bekas kekasih a.k.a pencurang, Wafa Adlina perlu membuktikan dia juga boleh bahagia. Solusi paling gila dipilih. Kahwin. Tapi, dengan siapa? Dia manalah ada calon. Blind date. Itu cara paling pantas untuk mendapatkan bakal suami dalam tempoh sebulan. Idea itu menemukan dia dengan Karl Elliyas, si playboy pencen. Calon pertama. Namun, kesuntukan masa membuatkan Karl terpaksa juga dijadikan sebagai calon terakhir. Bolehlah darip 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Air Team
Will Stopping To Smell The Flowers Be The Last Thing You Ever Do? Dr Todd's brilliant breakthrough wows the world with a watermelon wonder pollinated, not by bugs, but by the breeze! Surely this must mean more melons for more people? Wrong, it means more mayhem for Rain, Sean, and Stone! Exposure to the genetically-altered growth factors produces an unforeseen unfortunate deadly reaction! A crucial consult to prevent pandemonium is undone when bad guys unleash the unthinka 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 HP
Specifications FUNCTIONS Print, copy, scan PRINT SPEED BLACK (ISO, A4) Up to 7.5 ppm PRINT SPEED COLOR (ISO, A4) Up to 5.5 ppm [6] FIRST PAGE OUT (READY) Black: As fast as 15 sec [3] DUTY CYCLE (MONTHLY, A4) Up to 1000 pages RECOMMENDED MONTHLY PAGE VOLUME 50 to 100 PRINT TECHNOLOGY HP Thermal Inkjet PRINTER DRIVERS INCLUDED HP PCL 3 GUI PRINT QUALITY BLACK (BEST) Black: Up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi Color: Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (when printing from a 了解更多
原价 RM 304.00

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作者 Elena Armas
From the author of the Goodreads Choice Award winner The Spanish Love Deception, the eagerly anticipated follow-up featuring Rosie Graham and Lucas Martín, who are forced to share a New York apartment. Rosie Graham has a problem. A few, actually. She just quit her well paid job to focus on her secret career as a romance writer. She hasn’t told her family and now has terrible writer’s block. Then, the ceiling of her New York apartment literally crumbles on her. Luckily s 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Aslina Ngadiman
Supaya anak - anak dapat mengenal nama Nabi - nabi dan kisah mereka, sejak usia muda. Moga - moga kisah Nabi ini dapat membentuk peribadi anak - anak dengan jiwa seorang muslim. 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Abdul Latip Talib
Beliau seorang yang lembut, tawaduk dan sangat pemalu, tetapi apabila mengendalikan setiap urusan yang diamanahkan kepadanya, beliau amat cekap dan pantas. Bagaikan singa jantan bertemu mangsa. Beliau adalah Amir bin Abdillah bin Jarrah Al Fihry Al Qurasyi, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Abu Ubaidah. Beliau mengikuti banyak peperangan membela panji-panji Islam. Bahkan, menjadi panglina perang yang sangat prihatin terhadap keselamatan tenteranya. Rasullah sendiri mengakui kualiti 了解更多
原价 RM 28.90

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会员 RM 23.12 (-20%)

作者 Xiao Jiangnan
The Plants, Zombies and Robots embark on a thrilling culinary adventure! They travel to the Master Chef Island which is filled with “monters”. There, the come across a highly suspicious robot factory, a culinary competition and a secretive Centipede Robot. What is actually going on? Who will win the Master Chef Competition in the end? Is it Infi-nut who has been accused if being a copycat or Zombot Tomorrow-tron who has a lot of secret weapons? Come and find out about 了解更多
原价 RM 17.50

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会员 RM 15.75 (-10%)

作者 Selina任家萱
她的聲音重生 她的任(認)真 美好 她勇於追求自我 自己作主 她的創作 她的階段人生 都在這張《往美的路我要自己作主》專輯中盡顯 從亞洲女子天團S.H.E的偶像少女 到自信成熟 溫暖堅定的中低迷人嗓音和創作才華 贏得肯定 2022 Selina任家萱 繼續用音樂陪伴著我們 了解更多
原价 RM 139.90

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会员 RM 125.91 (-10%)

Demi nak bangunkan semula restoran kecil milik keluarga... ...Shichijou Subaru berusaha masuk Akademi Mitsuboshi, sekolah vokasional kulinari! Err... hari pertama kat situ, barulah Subaru tahu dia kena berdepan dengan... ...pelajar-pelajar elit yang bakal mewarisi restoran mewah! Tak mudah rupanya nak survive di akademi yang semua orang ada mindset ‘semua orang adalah pesaing!’ tu. Tapi Subaru nekad nak ubah segalanya melalui masakan!!! Omurice, hamburger, manisan... ☆ 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Ai Mizutani
Dari program percintaan realiti popular Koi Suru Weekend Homestay! Gara-gara kurang yakin dalam percintaan, Airi beranikan diri untuk menyertai Koisute*. Di situ, dia bertemu Tomoya dan menghabiskan masa bersamanya. Dating hanya di hujung minggu sangat best dan membahagiakan... Tapi... ada gadis lain yang ajak Tomoya keluar! Siapa yang menjadi pilihan hati Tomoya? Walau masa bersama semakin singkat... Kita perlu hadapinya! Adakah Airi nekad untuk luahkan perasaan pada Tom 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Kaitlyn Hill
Rival interns with sizzling chemistry in and out of the kitchen? That’s a recipe for love. “Sweet and satisfying!”—Jenna Evans Welch, New York Times bestselling author of Love & Gelato This summer, Reese Camden is trading sweet tea and Southern hospitality for cold brew and crisp coastal air. She’s landed her dream marketing internship at Friends of Flavor, a wildly popular cooking channel in Seattle. The only problem? Benny Beneventi, the relentlessly charming, bac 了解更多
原价 RM 54.95

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会员 RM 49.46 (-10%)

作者 Emily Henry
Her best yet' TAYLOR JENKINS REID, Malibu Rising 'So smart, so funny, so sexy' BETH O'LEARY, The Roadtrip 'Book Lovers is Schitt's Creek for book nerds' CASEY MCQUISTON, One Last Stop ------------------------------------------------------------ One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn't see coming... Nora is a cut-throat literary agent at the top of her game. Her whole life is books. Charlie is an editor with a gift for creating bestsellers. And he's Nora's 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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会员 RM 52.16 (-10%)

作者 Aiman Azlan & Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj
原价 RM 30.00

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会员 RM 24.00 (-20%)

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