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作者 Rainy猫灵
从小在孤儿院长大的元澍,升学前夕忽然接获生父死亡的噩耗,继承了一栋位于繁华都市的洋房和侦探社。初来乍到的元澍发现这座城市一直流传着魔人的传说。 正准备搬入洋房时,里面居然住着一名自称是侦探社助理的少年顾宇忧。然而冷漠寡言的顾宇忧似乎不太喜欢元澍,两人还经常针锋相对。 就在元澍被卷入一起连环杀人案之际,顾宇忧一口咬定对方是 了解更多
原价 RM 19.50

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作者 猫灵
贮藏室的秘密 内容简介: 自小可感应亡灵存在的易稻玫,其人生哲学为打死都要远离所有跟灵异有关的东西! 但上天似乎跟她过不去——新学校在墓园隔壁就算了,她还被校长委任为灵异调查社的社长,筹备一年一度的鬼屋比赛! 更倒霉的是,她居然不小心破坏了社所内封印恶灵的符纸,结果整座校园变得鸡犬不宁了! 无计可施之下,她一边发抖一边收拾残局,幸好她有 了解更多
原价 RM 19.50

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作者 Susan Cain
In her inspiring new masterpiece, the author of the bestselling phenomenon Quiet describes her powerful quest to understand how love, loss and sorrow make us whole - revealing the power of a bittersweet outlook on life. Bittersweetness is a tendency towards states of longing, poignancy and sorrow; an acute awareness of passing time; and a curiously piercing joy at the beauty of the world. It recognizes that light and dark, birth and death - bitter and sweet - are forever p 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 Taylor Jenkins Reid
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo "Touching and powerful...Reid masterfully grabs hold of the heartstrings and doesn't let go. A stunning first novel." Publishers Weekly Elsie Porter is an average twentysomething and yet what happens to her is anything but ordinary. On a rainy New Year's Day, she heads out to pick up a pizza for one. She isn't expecting to see anyone else in the shop, much less the adorable and charming Ben Ross 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 Emily Itami
SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA FIRST NOVEL AWARD What is the cost of a mother's desire?...Emily Itami explores this question with wit and poignancy. -- New York Times Book Review The perfect marriage of Sally Rooney and early Murakami. -- Kathy Wang, author of Impostor Syndrome Mizuki is a Japanese housewife. She has a hardworking husband, two adorable children, and a beautiful Tokyo apartment. It's everything a woman could want, yet sometimes she wonders whether she would rath 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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Natsume Yuujinchou 夏目友人帳 JAP (E / C / M) Natsume Takashi berkebolehan dalam melihat hantu dan merahsiakan hal ini dengan agak lama. Namun, sebaik dia mewarisi buku yang pelik daripada mendiang neneknya,Reiko, baru dia dapati kenapa hantu kerap mengikutinya. Senarai nama jin-jin dicatatkan, ikatan kontrak terbentuk antara jin dan pemunya buku. Bahkan sekarang, Natsume bertekad untuk membebaskan roh-roh jin supaya terlerainya kontrak. Dengan bantuan dari kucing berp 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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作者 Luoka
一个菜鸟车手,能够在短时间内变成“神车手”独自上路吗? 对驾车感到畏惧和压力,新手司机时常在路上面对各种疑难杂症,甚至可能一度想放弃。 但这本漫画告诉你,只要肯下工夫,凡事都有可能! 且看漫画作者Luoka如何从万年菜鸟车手,逐步锻炼成能够独当一面的“神车手”! 同时收录开车时遇到的日常趣事,以及Rainy猫灵笔下人物到了开车年 了解更多
原价 RM 16.00

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Mix A Little Sunshine Into Their Day And Let Them Squish Up A Storm With The Play-Doh Foam Confetti Mixing Kit! This Colorful Play Foam For Kids Comes In Sunny Yellow And Cool Stormy Colors With A Soft, Squishy, Pliable Texture. Make It A Fun Arts And Crafts Activity With The Confetti Add-Ins Including Rainbow Charms, Crackly Beads, And Sun And Cloud Foil Shapes. With A Sensory Experience That'S Sure To Make Eyes And Hands Happy, This Mixing Set Makes A Great Gift, Activity, 了解更多
原价 RM 64.89

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Feel the magic of Play-Doh Sand in your hand! Get creative and mold the sand into different shapes, or just manipulate it with your hands and watch its mesmerizing flowing motion. This grainy, colorful, oh-so-satisfying Play-Doh Sand compound comes in a single 6-ounce resealable can that's great for indoor or outdoor play. This Play-Doh Sand toy for kids 3 years and up is a non-toxic, quality-tested formula from the trusted arts and crafts brand known and loved around the wor 了解更多
原价 RM 21.89

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作者 Ali Hazelwood
Contemporary romance's unicorn: the elusive marriage of deeply brainy and delightfully escapist.' Christina Lauren, New York Times bestselling author of The Unhoneymooners When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships but her best friend does, and that's what got h 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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作者 Luoka
延续上一本轻松无厘头的搞笑风格, Luoka的最新作品《哇老,这脑洞也太夸张了吧?!》继续带给大家Luoka跟阿姐(Rainy猫灵)的爆笑相处日常。 这次,Luoka还脑洞大开,将魔爪伸到Rainy猫灵笔下的小说人物身上...... 想知道Luoka和Rainy猫灵怎么恶整小说里的人物吗? 嘿嘿,那就一定不能错过Luoka的新书啦! 漫画里意想不到的内容,绝对让你惊呼:哇老,这脑洞也 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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会员 RM 13.50 (-10%)

作者 Andrew Kow
The invention of canned food is an important breakthrough in food technology. In the early 1800s, canned food solved the problem of food supply to armed forces. Today, canned food brings convenience to modern-day living. There is a wide variety of canned foods available in the market, from meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, to mushrooms, beans and fruits, etc. Canned foods are not only convenient and time-saving, they come 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Penny Chin
In recent years, “bourgeoisie girls” is used to specifically refer to economically and socially independent young ladies who seek material and spiritual fulfilment. If you are also a bourgeoisie who is keen on pursuing the finer things in life, I believe that you will never neglect yourself even if you have a hectic lifestyle! Whether it is a scorching afternoon, a demanding weekend or getting stuck at ho 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 小语
我,张宁夏,一个名字很阳光的女孩,却遇到阴暗的假期——被母亲委派到小镇照顾疑似患上老人痴呆症的阿公。哟!要照料以前就很偏心、乖戾的阿公就很不情愿了,他还把我误认为是讨厌的阿姐,还好有一个在森林里遇见的可爱小男孩浩日陪着我。慢慢地,我发现阿公不是不疼我,而是…… 还有常传出哭声的森林、小时候老欺负我的阿信、离间我和 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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会员 RM 18.90 (-10%)

作者 小语
小时候,水灵的父母将她交由爷爷奶奶照顾,直到她12岁时才接她回家。就在水灵的父母前往接她返家的途中,却意外发生了严重的车祸,致使水灵的爸爸当场丧命。自此,水灵和妈妈的关系像是隔着一道墙,变得疏远…… 妈妈似乎有意无意避开水灵的亲近,每天只埋首在公事上。水灵想努力增进与妈妈之间的关系,却始终无法进入她的内心世界。直到一天夜 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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作者 小语
梁紫银,她的母亲被劫匪所害 关子浩,他的父亲因为盗窃而坐牢 原本互不相识的两人,却因为一桩抢窃事件,从最初的误解、冰释、相知,直到后来相互扶持,成为知心好友。 子浩帮助紫银走出丧母的伤痛;而紫银也协助子浩,使他的父亲重新做人。 在人生搁浅处交会的两人,共同跨过了生命中的难关,迈向充满希望的明天! 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 小语
小竹,自小备受父母和奶奶的宠爱,因而日渐养成懒散又爱慕虚荣的个性。她和家人生活在落后的小村庄,父母为了改善家中的贫困生活,无奈离开家乡,前往城市谋生。 怎知,父母离开后,却毫无音讯。更甚的是,小竹的奶奶意外受了伤,无法再到菜园干活和料理家事。无计可施之下,小竹决定扛起家中事务,替奶奶分担辛劳。原本笨手笨脚的她,透过班上 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 小语
姚筱漫是个只爱读书的中四女生,不喜欢交朋友和参与学校活动。现在,她终于有机会进入梦想中的宏愿班就读。宏愿班就是所谓的精英班,但他们都没有优秀生的样子,而且前五名的学生居然还是怪咖呢!他们是常吵架的青梅竹马宜妃和启岸;常打工而精神不济的伟谚;热心且负责任的班长阳光;以及沉默忧郁的梓千。 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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作者 小语
原本住在繁华大都市的富家女雁语,举家搬迁到一座普通的小城市展开新生活。初来乍到,雁语救助了一个死命保护流浪猫的瘦弱少年,但却面对他的无礼相待。不料,这个让雁语愤愤不平的少年,却是她就读新学校的同班邻座同学──永其。永其性情孤僻、沉默,不与人往来。雁语对他没有好感,但在老师委派下无奈担任永其学业上的监督人,然而慢慢了解了 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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作者 Dan Brown
A QUEST ALMOST AS OLD AS TIME ITSELF AN OBJECT THOUGHT LOST FOREVER A DEADLY RACE TO POSSESS IT The Louvre, Paris: the elderly curator of the museum has been violently murdered in the Grand Gallery. Harvard professor Robert Langdon is summoned to decipher the baffling codes which the police find alongside the body. As he and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that eads to the works of Leonardo Da V 了解更多
原价 RM 42.95

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会员 RM 38.66 (-10%)

* COLORFUL PRETEND CUPCAKES: This Play-Doh set for kids 3 years and up makes vibrant, fantasy-themed imaginary cupcakes, or whatever other treats they can dream up * SHOOTING STARS AND UNICORN HORNS: The shooting star knife, unicorn cutter, and unicorn stamper let kids add fun, fantasy touches to their pretend unicorn cookies and other make-believe munchies * 3 DUAL-COLOR PLAY-DOH CANS: Each can has 2 colors, including 1 can of red and white Sparkle compound to add an extra 了解更多
原价 RM 32.89

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