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作者 矢立肇·富野由悠季
在南美洲賈布羅,以死亡宇宙細菌「天使呼喚」為中心暴發的戰鬥,在基索中將突然加入後,戰況變得一片混亂。此時桑斯卡爾更朝戰場發射核彈,馮特等人被逼入絕境——   受到熱烈支持的《海盜鋼彈》最新系列第5集!! 本書特色   ★本書為1991年的鋼彈動畫電影《機動戰士鋼彈F91》故事上的正規後續故事。   ★劇情方面往後延續至動畫《機 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 鴇田洸一 , 千葉智宏
雷歐斯・阿洛伊為追求人類進化的關鍵,   不斷潛行到「∀鋼彈」、「海盜鋼彈」等世界。   在歷經與許多同伴的相會之後,雷歐斯專用MS「極限鋼彈type雷歐斯」   發動極限進化型態「EXA面貌」,迎向與ex之間的最終決戰!   一切謎題都將明朗,震撼的最終集! 本書特色   ★鴇田洸一&千葉智宏,黃金搭檔的鋼彈系列作品!   ★GUNDAM ACE十週年 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 矢立肇·富野由悠季
 為了解決被運至南美洲瑪莉亞城市的「天使呼喚」,   馮特等人潛入建築在都市地下的巨大基地,   卻落入基索中將設下的圈套而面臨生死關頭。   在這時候,露出真面目的沙卡斯在地面上展開戰鬥,   城市陷入危機──   超人氣《海盜鋼彈》最新系列第7集登場!! 本書特色   ★本書為1991年的鋼彈動畫電影《機動戰士鋼彈F91》故事 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 虎哉孝征 , 富野由悠季 , 矢立 肇
  宇宙世界0079年,吉翁的要塞所羅門遭到攻陷。   但是被稱為「白狼」的王牌駕駛員真‧松永卻來不及從死地中救出所羅門司令官德茲爾中將。   跟隨他一起歸來的少女歐蕾莉亞回想起與真‧松永初次相遇的過程,以及那位蘭巴.拉爾的故事…… 本書特色   ★《機動戰士鋼彈UC》小說版插畫家所繪製,全新劇情的鋼彈漫畫!   ★擁有豐富 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 虎哉孝征 , 富野由悠季 , 矢立 肇
宇宙世界0079年,當所羅門即將淪陷,   德茲爾.薩比採取自殺攻擊時,   身為德茲爾親衛隊隊長的真‧松永卻因不明原因未能參戰。   身為德茲爾的摯友,他為何看著朋友喪命?   揭露「白狼」投身戰爭,其糾葛心境的戰爭歷程--   出身名門世家,熱愛音樂的真‧松永   將成為看守吉翁公國大門的凶猛之狼!! 本書特色   ★《機動戰士 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 矢立肇·富野由悠季
  為了消滅宇宙細菌「天使呼喚」,桑斯卡爾帝國對南美的瑪莉亞市發射了核彈。   馮特為了迎擊而搭上Phantom吶喊。「變形代號是……蜃氣樓鳥!」   ──馮特所想到,阻止核彈的祕策究竟是什麼!?   超人氣《海盜鋼彈》最新系列第8集登場!! 本書特色   ★本書為1991年的鋼彈動畫電影《機動戰士鋼彈F91》故事上的正規後續故事。   ★劇情 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 矢立肇·富野由悠季
  為了粉碎基索中將對「天使呼喚」的野心,   馮特駕駛閃耀銀色光芒的鬼魂鋼彈出擊。   可是,基索中將所駕駛的MS米達斯擁有壓倒性的強悍,   使得「蛇之足」的馮特等人陷入困境。   此時,為了爭奪「天使呼喚」,   「沙卡斯」也加入戰局,讓三方對峙的戰況更加混亂。      超人氣《海盜鋼彈》最新系列第10集登場!!    本書 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 矢立肇·富野由悠季
  為了消滅宇宙細菌「天使呼喚」,   卡提斯所使出的王牌,竟是沒人意想得到的巨大兵器!   不過,基索中將與妻子巴仍逃過一劫。   駕駛傷痕累累的X-0與MS米達斯單挑的卡提斯將會有什麼命運?   然後,貝兒也面臨了危機……!   超人氣《海盜鋼彈》最新系列第11集登場!! 本書特色   ★本書為1991年的鋼彈動畫電影《機動戰士鋼 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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作者 渡航
  新進聲優千歲,雖擁有可愛外貌,卻徹底看輕這世界--   業界的現實十分殘酷,又有一大堆千奇百怪的事,令人工作意欲低落。   千歲的幹勁低到連經紀人(親生哥哥)都煩惱不已,   她真的有辦法繼續留在聲優這一行嗎……? 本書特色   ★鬼才渡航原作,描繪聲優業界的暢銷動畫漫畫版登場!   ★新進聲優烏丸千歲,將帶你了解聲優業 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 渡航
  目標是女主角!   徹底看輕這世界的新進聲優能夠找回幹勁,得到工作嗎!?   為了擺脫路人聲優的宿命,千歲挑戰女主角聲優甄選。   雖然哥哥兼經紀人悟淨卯足了勁,   但當事人千歲依然還是老樣子,沒有半點幹勁。   憑她這樣真的有辦法順利通過甄選嗎……? 本書特色   ★鬼才渡航原作,描繪聲優業界的暢銷動畫漫畫版登場!    了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 渡航
  工作與朋友的煩惱迎面而來,   就算是千歲也沒辦法繼續徹底看輕這世界了!?   在苑生百花、柴崎萬葉等當紅聲優的環繞下,   千歲的甄選合格與否亮起了黃燈!?   同時她也不知道該如何處理與八重之間尷尬的關係。   女主角寶座也好,友情的發展也好,結果將會如何……? 本書特色   ★鬼才渡航原作,描繪聲優業界的暢銷動畫漫畫版 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 Reggie Lee
This is the definitive collection of Reggie Lee's most loved and most hilarious comics. If you are long time fan of Reggie Lee's comics (which includes most of us) , this book will have you in stiches in the most rip-roaring, laughing out loud "till it hurts' way possible. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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原价 RM 95.90

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作者 Quinlan B Lee
Phonics comes to life with LEGO (R) DC Super Heroes (TM) Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and more! Learn to read with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and all the other characters in the LEGO(R) DC UniverseTM)! These books will readily appeal to a wide audience--from LEGO fans to DC Super Hero fans! Beginning readers will enjoy LEGO DC Universe's well-recognized heroes from movies, TV, comics, video games, and more. This set includes ten books and two workbooks (focusing on sh 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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• Item Code : SESP15-NX • Fine Tip, Grey Colour • Water-based pigment ink is smooth flowing. • Pigment ink is acid free, fade proof and water resistant. • Unique, durable pen tip produces brush-like strokes and various expressions. • The writing width can be changed by writing pressure. • Unique pen tip gives a sensitive brushwork. • Ideal for writing Calligraphy, comics and drawing. 了解更多
原价 RM 5.30

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作者 Telgemeier , Raina
Get ready to journal and learn to tell your own story with Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling creator of Smile, Sisters, Drama, and Ghosts! Calling all fans of Raina Telgemeier! Have you ever thought about telling your own story, whether it be true or imagined? Are you interested in writing, drawing, or both? If the answers are yes, this fun, colorful, and interactive journal is for you! With guidance from Raina herself, brainstorm ideas, make lists, paste i 了解更多
原价 RM 56.90

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作者 Artis Komik re: ON Comics
Wahai jin sekalian... muncullah dan lunaskanlah dendamku ini!Dia dihina kerana miskin dan tak setaraf dengan kekasihnya. Didorong perasaan marah dan dendam, Sanea dibawa bersama ke kubur oleh abangnya untuk puja entiti ghaib. Namun, apa yang diharapkan tak menjadi! Kenapa Sanea jadi galang ganti?6 karya seriau lagi merinding dari Indonesia dan diterjemah ke bahasa Melayu ni nak cabar korang hayati kisahnya sampai ke noktah terakhir. Berani ke...? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 つなこ , 橘公司
  內容包含つなこ新繪驚喜插畫;首次公開的角色草圖;つなこ訪談;   還有橘公司的未公開小說,動畫及遊戲裡的原創角色都會登場喔! 本書特色   ★收錄超過300張つなこ在輕小說、雜誌、動畫、遊戲等的插畫!   ★內容精彩豐富,永久保存版《約會大作戰》畫集,書迷必珍藏! 了解更多
原价 RM 105.00

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作者 Tobias Beck
Develop Confidence and Self Esteem "Unbox Your Life will take you on an exciting journey of self-discovery and to a fulfilling life of meaning and purpose." -Sean Covey, president of FranklinCovey Education and New York Times bestselling author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution Successfully steer your own life instead of having it determined by others, advises German speaker and consultant Tobias Beck in this international best-seller. The empath's guide to a liberated mi 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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作者 Catana Chetwynd
From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Snug and the bestselling Little Moments of Love comes an all-new collection, In Love & Pajamas by Catana Chetwynd of Catana Comics! When you've reached that sweatpants-wearing cozy place in your relationship, it's all In Love & Pajamas! This brand-new collection of Catana Comics presents some fan favorites and half of the book features never-before-seen comics that delight and amuse readers of all ages. Wholesome, sweet, fee 了解更多
原价 RM 70.50

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作者 Sarah Andersen
A love story between a vampire and a werewolf by the creator of the enormously popular Sarah's Scribbles comics. Vamp is three hundred years old but in all that time, she has never met her match. This all changes one night in a bar when she meets a charming werewolf. FANGS chronicles the humor, sweetness, and awkwardness of meeting someone perfectly suited to you but also vastly different. 了解更多
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作者 Artis Komik re: ON Comics
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Stephane Lapuss
Ahead of their next cinematic outing Minions: The Rise of Gru in 2022, the Minions are back to causing mischief, this time taking on their toughest challenge yet… SPORT! The mini-marauders return in this brand new collection of chaotic comic strip calamity. They’ve taken on the greatest evil the world has ever seen – now it’s time to take on their toughest challenge yet… SPORT! So hop, skip and jump into the world of javelins, bananas, balls, bananas, hurdles, and 了解更多
原价 RM 41.90

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作者 Stephane Lapuss
Hilarious and mischievous comic strip adventures with Illumination’s Minions! Hot off their new movie, Minions – The Rise of Gru, the Minions are back for more chaotic action, and Gru is there too! 了解更多
原价 RM 41.90

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作者 Mingo Ito
Join 11-year-old Yuzu at her animal hospital and meet her new fluffy friends! In an engaging and cutely-drawn comic, watch Yuzu navigate issues like bullying, animal care, and understanding illness and deaths of pets and family. THE POWER OF LOVE A life and death crisis brings Ikuko back to the family farm! A girl’s dislike of her own name imperils her adorable pooch! A young artist and his cat discover that love is greater than beauty! A madly barking dog slowly learns 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 Mingo Ito
Join 11-year-old Yuzu at her animal hospital and meet her new fluffy friends! In an engaging and cutely-drawn comic, watch Yuzu navigate issues like bullying, animal care, and understanding illness and deaths of pets and family. Every day is a learning experience for 11-year-old Yuzu. Between visiting her mom at the hospital, and helping out at her uncle’s animal hospital, she’s starting to get the hang of w 了解更多
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作者 Mingo Ito
Join 11-year-old Yuzu at her animal hospital and meet her new fluffy friends! In an engaging and cutely-drawn comic, watch Yuzu navigate issues like bullying, animal care, and understanding illness and deaths of pets and family. A MOTHER’S HEART BEATS Yuzu’s settling into the place she’s carved out for herself at the animal clinic, when a happy day arrives: H 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 Mingo Ito
Join 11-year-old Yuzu at her animal hospital and meet her new fluffy friends! In an engaging and cutely-drawn comic, watch Yuzu navigate issues like bullying, animal care, and understanding illness and deaths of pets and family. LOVE AND GROW From her base at the Blue Sky City Bow Meow Animal Hospital, Yuzu continues her compassionate adventures on behalf of troubled pets and their owners. Where is the poor pup Alan’s owner? Does Hokuto have what it takes to become a pol 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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THE CHASE IS ON! Erwin and the Survey Corps desperately mount a rescue operation to take Eren back from the Colossus Titan and Armored Titan. But without the numbers to form up properly outside the walls, how can the humans catch up before they’re all slaughtered? Just whose side is Ymir on? And will Eren ever see his friends again? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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AVE MARIA The Survey Corps has overthrown the Royal Government and swept away the tyranny of the king. The next step: Move to retake Wall Maria, with the helpf of a newly-discovered metallic ore and Eren’s miraculous Titan hardening powers. But as humanity pulls together, its enemies also unite beyond the Walls… now that the Beast Titan has joined Reiner and Berto 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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CAGE MATCH The Survey Corps is engaged in a desperate, final battle to retake Wall Maria and defeat the Titans once and for all. Eren must use his new powers to seal the holes created five years ago in the Shiganshina District gates, not to mention to finally reach the basement of his old home and find what secrets lie hidden there. But the most difficult part of the operation w 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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FACING ANNIHILATION The Survey Corps’s quest for the truth of the world inside the Walls has brought them back to Titan-infested Shiganshina District, a mere stone’s throw from Eren’s childhood home. They have come to execute Erwin’s final gambit, reclaiming Wall Maria and the secrets of humanity’s past. But the Colossus Titan, the Armored Titan, and the Beast Titan have been waiting f 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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Locked in desperate battle with the man-eating Titans, the Survey Corps gets closer than ever before to Eren’s basement and unlocking the mysteries of their walled world. But to get there, they will have to make a terrible choice with life-altering consequences for every surviving human soldier… 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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PYRRHIC VICTORY Despite losing countless lives in the battle against the Titans, what’s left of the Survey Corps arrives at the doorstep of Eren’s family home. There, in the basement, they find three notebooks that explain at last the origins of their walled world. In the notebooks, Eren’s father recounts a strange childhood and an even darker history: 1,800 years ago, one woman obta 了解更多
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The blockbuster manga edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The mysteries of the Titans are being revealed... who will escape death at the hands of giants and human beings? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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The blockbuster manga edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The mysteries of the Titans are being revealed… who will escape death at the hands of giants and human beings? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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GIRDING FOR BATTLE Eren and everyone he has ever known have lived on the island of Paradis. For many years, the Marleyans have been threatening Paradis in an attempt to monopolize the power of the Titans and keep the world trembling before their military might. In an effort to prove their worth and cement their truth, the Marleyans prepare for the ultimate declaration of war on Paradis. But when the time for del 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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CLASH OF THE ELDIANS The deadly pageant directed by and starring Willy Tybur clearly illustrates the threat posed by the island of Paradis, as the dangerous rebel Eren Yeager mows down civilians and deals a massive blow to the Marleyan army. Meanwhile, the Eldian soldiers including Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha sow chaos in the city and disrupt military communications. But the battle between Eren and the War Hammer Titan isn 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT Eren has infiltrated Marley territory and dealt the empire a devastating blow. But the real goal of the mission was always to get Zeke back to Paradis Island in secrecy. Now that this Titan heir of royal blood is inside the Walls, the island’s military government has its “earth-rumbling” weapon of mass destruction. But has this supposed deterrent actually started a countdown to total world war? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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RUTHLESS SAVIOR After years as a lonely double agent, Zeke finally returns to the good graces of his home island of Paradis. Still, the Survey Corps refuses to let him meet Eren–the other ingredient in the earth-shaking weapon– for fear the explosive duo will be impossible to control. Meanwhile, the public responds badly to the military’s open distrust of their hero Eren, and the detention of the Marleya 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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In this post-apocalytpic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming mankind. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world for years, killing everyone they see. For the past century, what’s left of man has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. People believe their 50-meter-high walls will protect them from the Titans, but the sudden appeara 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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BIRTH OF A MONSTER The Colossal Titan has breached humanity’s first line of defense, Wall Maria. Mikasa, the 104th Training Corps’ ace and Eren’s best friend, may be the only one capable of defeating them, but beneath her calm exterior lurks a dark past. When all looks lost, a new Titan appears and begins to slaughter its fellow Titans. Could this new monster be a blessing in disguise, or is the truth something muc 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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TRAITOR The last thing Eren remembers before blacking out, a Titan had bitten off his arm and leg and was getting ready to eat him alive. Much to his surprise he wakes up without a scratch on him, with a crowd of angry soldiers screaming for his blood. What strange new power has he awakened, and what will happen when the boy devoted to destroying the Titans becomes one himself? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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HUMANITY PUSHES BACK! The Survey Corps develop a risky gambit – have Eren in Titan form attempt to repair Wall Rose, reclaiming human territory from the monsters for the first time in a century. But Titan-Eren’s self-control is far from perfect, and when he goes on a rampage, not even Armin can stop him! With the survival of humanity on his massive shoulders, will Eren be able to return to his senses, or will he lose himself fo 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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CAN YOU GO HOME AGAIN? Thanks to Eren, humanity has taken the town of Trost back from the Titans. Exhausted, Eren falls into a coma for three days – and wakes in shackles, staring at Erwin Smith, leader of the Survey Corps. Certain that Eren’s father’s research holds the key to the mystery of the Titans’ rise, Smith wants an expedition to retrieve it from the house where Eren grew up. But that’s deep in Titan territory, and to 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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WITHIN THE HOLLOW CROWN As a Marleyan invasion dangles like a guillotine blade over the island of Paradis, allies have become enemies, and former friends are at each other’s throats. The Yeagerists are in all-out revolt, fighting to dismantle military rule before the potential for world war explodes into certain doom. Meanwhile, deep in the forest, the sides’ most ruthless, fanatical killers are locked in single combat, but triumph 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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ONLY HUMAN To activate the true power of the Founding Titan that courses through his veins, Eren must make contact with Zeke, a Titan of royal blood. Though Zeke has escaped Levi and the Survey Corps, he’s made little headway before the Marleyan military and its Titan warriors attack. Eren pummels his way through the Marleyan trap and past his former friends, but as the battle rages, he stumbles into a situati 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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THE DAWN OF MAN Determined to protect his beloved home of Paradis, Eren uses the Founding Titan’s power in an attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity. As the droves of Titans press on, Eren, long unrecognizable as a friend, a brother, a savior, has become indiscernible from a devil… Now, Mikasa, Armin, and the surviving members of the Survey Corps must band together with their sworn enemies–Marleyan soldiers and 10 了解更多
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MARCHING ONWARD Once hailed as humanity’s greatest hope, Eren has since become unrecognizable. With the Attack Titan now morphed into a grotesque, colossal skeleton of its former self, Eren continues to control the wave of Titans laying waste to the world, extinguishing countless homes, towns, and lives in their wake. In order to salvage what’s left of humanity, Mikasa, Armin, and the Survey Corps decide to confront Eren h 了解更多
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NO SAFE PLACE LEFT ABOUT ATTACK ON TITAN 13 NO SAFE PLACE LEFT At great cost to the Garrison and the Survey Corps, Commander Erwin has managed to recover Eren from the Titans who tried to carry him off. But during the battle, Eren manifested yet another power he doesn’t understand. As Eren and Krista find new enemies, the Survey Corps faces threats from both inside and outside the walls. And what will happen to Ymir, no 了解更多
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ERWIN’S GREATEST GAMBLE Commander Erwin has finally come to a decision: Putting their own wealth and position ahead of the survival of humanity, the royal government is no longer fit to lead. To execute their leader’s most audacious plan yet, Eren and Krista will have to put themselves in peril yet again, and Armin, Mikasa, and the rest of the Survey Corps will have to turn from humanity’s guardians into traitors. If they fail thi 了解更多
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FUGITIVES AND PRISONERS Hange’s interrogation of a Military Police squad has revealed that Krista (a.k.a. Historia Reiss) is the true heir to the throne. The Corps quickly moves to enthrone her as queen, but a homicidal MP leads a squad that abducts Eren and Krista and throws the Corps into disarray. With Erwin arrested and the Survey Corps on the edge of dissolution, are Levi and Hange finally out of options? 了解更多
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WHAT WAS HIS FATHER’S SIN? Captured by Rod Reiss, the rightful king, Krista and Eren finally have their memories back. What exactly happened to Eren, and what was the crime his father committed? Meanwhile, the Survey Corps desperately hunts for Eren, while at the same time seeking to legitimize their military coup. As the situation inside the walls comes to a head, the mysteries of the world of the Titans seem on the cusp of being solv 了解更多
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ESCAPE FROM KING TITAN Thanks to Rod Reiss, Eren finally knows the terrible truth behind how he acquired his Titan powers, and the depth of his father’s crimes. The king orders his daughter Historia to kill Eren and restore the power of the Titans to its rightful place, but she chooses her own selfish path: survival. As the cavern crumbles around the Survey Corps, Eren must make another last-minute decision, with the lives of all 了解更多
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TITAN ON THE HUNT On the way to Eren’s home, deep in Titan territory, the Survey Corps ranks are broken by a charge led by a female Titan! But this Abnormal is different – she kills not to eat but to protect herself, and she seems to be looking for someone. Armin comes to a shocking conclusion: She’s a human in a Titan’s body, just like Eren! 了解更多
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TURNING ON THEIR OWN The Survey Corps sets a cunning trap to capture the mysterious Abnormal Titan that broke through their ranks. As Armin tries to determine the grotesque creature’s identity and purpose, scouts report Titans closing in on all sides! But they don’t seem to be after the humans – instead they’re targeting the Titan! 了解更多
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BLOOD ON HIS HANDS The expedition outside the wall was Eren’s chance to prove himself. But it failed, and the female Titan is free once more! With his squad dead, Eren faces a royal summons. Will Mikasa and Armin have to betray their king to save their friend? And can they discover the female Titan’s identity before she kills again? 了解更多
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HUMANITY’S WORST NIGHTMARE Eren is still resting from his brutal fight with the female Titan, when word reaches the interior that the impossible has happened: Wall Rose itself has been breached, and Titans are pouring through the gap! The emergency casts new urgency over Armin and Hange’s questions about how the walls were built, and what humanity can do to restore them… 了解更多
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FORTRESS OF BLOOD With no combat gear and Wall Rose breached, the 104th scrambles to evacuate the villages in the Titans’ path. On their way to the safety of Wall Sheena, they decide to spend the night in Utgard Castle. But their sanctuary becomes a slaughterhouse when they discover that, for some reason, these Titans attack at night! 了解更多
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“DO YOU THINK THIS WORLD HAS A FUTURE?” Thanks to Eren’s timely arrival, the 104th has managed to turn the tide at Wall Rose. But this momentary victory forces two more traitors into a corner – and the identity of the Titans who have been destroying the walls is revealed! What can Eren do against the two most dangerous monsters humanity has ever faced? And who else might be an enemy in disguise? 了解更多
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