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作者 傑瑞.魏斯曼
從第一分鐘就抓住觀眾,最後輕鬆說服! 簡報大師20年實戰經驗 微軟、雅虎、思科、英特爾都搶著上他的課 歐普拉如何與觀眾建立無可取代的連結? 雷根如何運用人情味贏得民心? 林肯如何修飾演講詞來尋求全國團結? 賈伯斯如何利用正面措辭推銷產品? 微軟如何成功地與消費者對話? 柯林頓如何記取教訓,蛻變為魅力十足的演講者? 跟大師學簡報,從 了解更多
原价 RM 37.20

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作者 納西姆.尼可拉斯.塔雷伯
沈雲驄 早安財經發行人 胡忠信 歷史學者 南方朔 作家,評論家 詹宏志 PChome Online董事長 詹偉雄 《數位時代》雜誌創辦人 趙藤雄 遠雄企業團董事長 謝金河 財信傳媒集團董事長 聯合推薦(依姓氏筆畫排列) 殺不死我的,使我更強大。 既然黑天鵝事件無法避免,那就想辦法從中獲取最大利益 每一件事情都會從波動得到利益或承受損 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 王宏哲
7大兒童發展議題、10年臨床醫學真實故事、 70個台灣父母最關心的教養問題、200個傳統養兒育女迷思、500個最新幼兒教養攻略, 首度結合最新兒童教養與腦科學觀點的新手父母工具書, 輕鬆育兒三部曲:刺激發展→聰明成長→穩定學習。 前教育部長楊朝祥、中央大學學習與教學研究所教授柯華崴、中崙高中校長謝念慈、 小兒科醫生黃瑽寧、BabyHome寶貝家 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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作者 布萊斯.霍夫曼
<內容簡介> ★2011年《時代週刊》百大人物、英國《金融時報》2011年度風雲人物、 獲選《執行長雜誌》2011年風雲執行長 穆拉利的不可能任務:拯救福特 曾經,福特汽車是華爾街分析師最不看好、預測最先倒閉的車廠 在穆拉利的改革下,奇蹟復活逆轉勝!   拯救福特,CNBC報導美國史上最偉大的企業拯救計畫   各大媒體爭相報導:《時代》雜誌、《華 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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作者 肯恩.西格爾
簡單,是一種設計概念 也是打造成功企業的核心價值觀! 設計人都推崇的iMac、稱霸行動通訊的iPhone 蘋果(Apple),受到世界媒體關注的品牌 它的成就,在於「簡單」! 本書《簡單:打破複雜,創造絕對優勢》作者西格爾以與賈伯斯共事的貼身經驗,分享蘋果產品稱霸IT產業的關鍵故事: ‧開好會議的原則:把最不需要的人請出會議室。 ‧精英小團隊 了解更多
原价 RM 50.05

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作者 许孙祥
常常烦恼下一顿饭要煮什么菜?做菜做得灵感干枯的话,快参考《家常便饭,有滋有味》跟着煮,让您用心烹煮的每一顿饭,成为家人每天放学下班回家的期待! 许孙祥老师的食谱向来以简易不复杂为前提,教您用平凡食材煮出让家人出乎意料的好味道。此书备有多个步骤图和许老师的贴心提示,让您不再手忙脚乱,煮得更得心应手。 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 福田淳子
  提到美式糕點,腦海中會浮現什麼印象呢?   常溫糕點很樸實。媽媽會在家裡做給我們吃。使用很多巧克力或水果製作。   不論是哪種印象,真的都很有「美式」的感覺,但是大家看了本書之後,   一定會對美式糕點的豐富變化大感驚訝。   除了經典的餅乾、杯子蛋糕、布朗尼蛋糕和多拿滋,   書中還刊載了布滿大量水果的脆皮水果派和奶 了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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作者 黄春梅
面是日常生活中最常见的食材。相同的面,透过不同煮法,配上各式材料,就能制作出一道道风味各异的面食,多么奇妙! 在外享用各式面食时,你是否有想过在家亲自制作它们?亲手制作面食,你可以自己决定选用的材料与份量,满足你对面食的每种需求。 现在,就让黄春梅老师教你如何制作11种不同的面,再让这11种面变化成50道美味的面食吧! Noodle is th 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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從一個水壩旁的小漁村,今成為同時攬有文化藝術珍寶與精采夜生活的現代都會,阿姆斯特丹的自由奔放與勇於創新,造就迥然不同的風格得以在此呈現,令所有人皆可分享她最真實的城市面貌與生活。像是每年一度的阿姆斯特丹燈光藝術節Amsterdam Light Festival,將來自各國的燈節作品一一裝置在城內各處,突顯當地的人文溫度與城市意象;The Roast Room肉品餐廳以 了解更多
原价 RM 11.00

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作者 Emi
被孩子打亂了所有生活步調? 別再說因為有小孩所以做不到, 而是要說有小孩一起做,真好! 遊戲x教養x生活x DIYx房間改造 著作累計突部24萬部!   要跟小孩盡情玩耍可是比想像中來得困難。   不要因為孩子就忍住自己也想玩的心情,   也不需要一味地配合孩子,也不用拖著孩子玩,   大人小孩都不需忍耐,簡簡單單玩得開心就好。   小孩與大 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 Acik Lana
Dalam mengharungi kehidupannya yang huru-hara, Helena bertemu dengan Izzat yang sinis, ego, berlagak tak bertempat. Semua ini menambahkan kekusutan di kepala Helena. Baker bajet hot yang bekerja di bakeri cabuk itu sentiasa mencari pasal dengan Helena. Ada sahaja yang tak kena di matanya. Dan keadaan semakin tegang apabila keadaan memaksa Helena bekerja dengan Izzat di bakeri yang sama. Hinggalah… hati mereka bertaut dengan kasih. Namun, rahsia Helena terbongkar sewaktu mer 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 李起周
韓國最暖心的語言魔術師 教你有溫度的說話之道 ★2017年韓國讀者最愛、最暖心的說話之道 ★2017年韓國書籍銷量第一名作家,行走時、通勤中聆聽人們交談, 反映讀者心聲的能量爆發之作 ★口碑熱銷320,000冊、韓國人文排行榜連續23週冠軍 ★謝哲青、御姊愛、韓國天團「東方神起」沈昌珉──溫暖推薦 ──用真心,與每座人類孤島相遇── 我們每一 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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作者 Mariam Sarbini
Jaka dan Puspa adalah anak kepada sahabat baik ayah Anas dan Anis. Mereka diterbangkan oleh orang tua mereka dari Australia untuk menghabiskan cuti hujung tahun bersama Anas dan Anis. Anas dan Anis gembira dapat bercuti bersama kawan baharu. Pada suatu hari, mereka dalam perjalanan ke utara tanah air untuk mengambil ibu Anas dan Anis dari berkursus. Kereta yang dinaiki mereka yang dipandu oleh ayah Anas dan Anis terlibat dengan kemalangan kecil. Mereka terkandas di kawasan s 了解更多
原价 RM 12.90

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作者 David Horner , Steve Stoddard
Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) Accounting Student Book provides comprehensive coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Accounting (0452) syllabus, with in-depth content presented in a clear and easily accessible format. Written by experienced teachers, it offers a wide range of carefully developed features to help students to develop and apply their knowledge. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education First teaching: 2018 First exams: 2020 The Student Book provi 了解更多
原价 RM 119.00

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作者 James Beere  , Karen Borrington  , Clive Riches
Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) Economics Student Book provides comprehensive coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Economics (0455) syllabus, with in-depth content presented in a clear and easily accessible format. Written by experienced teachers, it offers a wide range of carefully developed features to help students to develop and apply their knowledge. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education First teaching: 2018 First exams: 2020 The Student Book provide 了解更多
原价 RM 119.00

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作者 Julia Burchell
This brand-new Workbook helps students to consolidate their learning, with further practice activities and language support to accompany each chapter of the Student Book. This Workbook supports the syllabuses for Cambridge IGCSE (R) and IGCSE (R) (9-1) First Language English (0500 and 0990) for first examination in 2020. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level & Subject: IGCSE First Language English (0500), IGCSE (9-1) First Language English 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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作者 Benjamin Harrison
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: History First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support Option B for examination from 2020. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. • Develop and strengthen skills and 了解更多
原价 RM 49.00

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作者 June Baptista
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: Accounting First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. • Develop and strength 了解更多
原价 RM 59.50

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作者 Paul Hoang , Margaret Ducie
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: Economics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. • Develop and strengthe 了解更多
原价 RM 59.50

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作者 John Reynolds
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: English First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. • Develop and strengthen 了解更多
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作者 Paul Guinness , Garrett Nagle
This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. • Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. • Build confidence with extra practice fo 了解更多
原价 RM 59.50

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作者 Ric Pimentel , Terry Wall
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. • Develop and strengt 了解更多
原价 RM 49.00

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作者 Ernest Ng
It's back to school time again: going back to school after the school holidays is the worst feeling ever. For me at least. I dread the early mornings, homework, scary teachers, uncomfortable uniform and esspecially the loss of absolute freedom. But at school, I have my friends and we always have the best fun. If only they were not so silly and crazy all the time. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 施益堅
  德國法蘭克福書展德國圖書獎年度決選、觀點文學獎(aspekte-Literaturpreis)最佳作者首作、柏林藝術獎之文學類獎(Berliner Kunstpreis Literatur)得主──施益堅(Stephan Thome)最新長篇小說:   她一生的課題:想逃離;滿心決意離開;然後感覺到力不從心。   妳正在婚姻裡上演對手戲還是獨角戲?   要完美詮釋婚姻裡的雙人舞,妳必須和瑪麗亞一起回頭 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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Greatest Speeches Of The Modern World Is A Rare Collection Of Some Of The Most Powerful Speeches By Some Of The Most Powerful Individuals Of The Modern World.  In This Anthology We Have Taken Our Starting Point As The Year 1990. We Have Made This Choice Since In A Lot Many Ways The World Changed Post 1990 And Our Twentieth Century Became More Modern And Anxious. With The Fall Of Berlin Wall Cold War Came To An End And A Robust Communist System Of Soviet Union Collapsed. Tech 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 Koh Sai Ngo
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Jason Cha
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Hiro Morita
Valt Aoi is a total newbie when it comes to Beyblade battles, but no one can beat his love for the game! Now, Valt has set his sights on the district tournament held in his hometown! But he’ll first have to master moves and techniques that aren’t just for show! Will his natural talent shine through? 了解更多
原价 RM 44.80

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作者 Chong Moi Eng
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Yukiko Motoya
Winner of the Akutagawa Prize and the Kenzaburo Oe Prize A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice 'In Yukiko Motoya's delightful new story collection, the familiar becomes unfamiliar . . . Certainly the style will remind readers of the Japanese authors Banana Yoshimoto and Sayaka Murata, but the stories themselves?and the logic, or lack thereof, within their sentences?are reminiscent, at least to this reader, of Joy Williams and Rivka Galchen and George Saunders' ?Weike 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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The King’s Chinese: From Barber to Banker, the Story of Yeap Chor Ee and the Straits Chinese provides interesting vignettes of Yeap’s life in the contexts of southern China and the Nanyang, drawing on family records, written and oral history sources and personal visits to ancestral homes. These are a useful supplement to other historical and biographical studies of the Chinese community in Penang. Yeap Chor Ee (1868–1952) was not Straits-born. He was a subject of the Ch 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. •Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. •Build confidence with extra practice for each lesson to ensure that a topic is thoroughly understood before moving on. •Ensure students know what to expect with hundreds of rigoro 了解更多
原价 RM 75.00

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会员 RM 67.50 (-10%)

Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. •Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. •Build confidence with extra practice for each lesson to ensure that a topic is thoroughly understood before moving on. •Ensure students know what to expect with hundreds of rigoro 了解更多
原价 RM 75.00

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Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. •Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. •Build confidence with extra practice for each lesson to ensure that a topic is thoroughly understood before moving on. •Ensure students know what to expect with hundreds of rigoro 了解更多
原价 RM 75.00

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Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. •Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. •Build confidence with extra practice for each lesson to ensure that a topic is thoroughly understood before moving on. •Ensure students know what to expect with hundreds of rigoro 了解更多
原价 RM 75.00

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会员 RM 67.50 (-10%)

Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. •Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. •Build confidence with extra practice for each lesson to ensure that a topic is thoroughly understood before moving on. •Ensure students know what to expect with hundreds of rigoro 了解更多
原价 RM 105.00

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会员 RM 94.50 (-10%)

作者 Penguin
Malcolm Gladwell is the master of playful yet profound insight. His ability to see underneath the surface of the seemingly mundane taps into a fundamental human impulse: curiosity. From criminology to ketchup, job interviews to dog training, Malcolm Gladwell takes everyday subjects and shows us surprising new ways of looking at them, and the world around us. Are smart people overrated? What can pit bulls teach us about crime? Why are problems like homelessness easier to solv 了解更多
原价 RM 42.95

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作者 Dr Mohd Hilmi B Abdullah
Perubatan Ibnu Sina mungkin belum lagi terkenal di negara ini. Perubatan ini selalu disalah anggap sebagai perubatan homeopati, sedangkan terdapat banyak perbezaan antara kedua-dua disiplin ilmu perubatan tersebut, tanpa menafikan terdapatnya beberapa persamaan antara kedua-duanya. Perubatan Ibnu Sina, di sebalik usianya yang telah pun mencapai angka seribu tahun, masih lagi diamalkan secara serius dan efektif di India, Pakistan, Asia Tengah, dan Eropah. Malah, di India dan P 了解更多
原价 RM 34.00

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作者 Olga Tokarczuk
"A brilliant literary murder mystery." —Chicago Tribune "Extraordinary. Tokarczuk's novel is funny, vivid, dangerous, and disturbing, and it raises some fierce questions about human behavior. My sincere admiration for her brilliant work." —Annie Proulx In a remote Polish village, Janina devotes the dark winter days to studying astrology, translating the poetry of William Blake, and taking care of the summer homes of wealthy Warsaw residents. Her reputation as a crank an 了解更多
原价 RM 61.50

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作者 Yeoh Jo-Ann
Sukhin is a thirty-five-year-old teacher who lives alone. His life consists of reading, working and visiting his parents' house to rearrange his piles of "collectibles". He has only one friend, another teacher who has managed to force Sukhin into a friendship by sheer doggedness. While on an errand one afternoon in Chinatown, he encounters a homeless person who recognises him. This chance reunion turns Sukhin's well-planned life upside down, and the pair learns about love an 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 余宛如
  ——對接新經濟,尋找新典範——   寫給青創世代的創新創業指南   AI人工智慧時代已然來臨   迎接我們的,是一個以資料驅動發展的未來!   本書聚焦台灣新創代表個案   剖析「青創世代」如何對接數位經濟浪潮   以Tech for Good科技向善的力量   找出加速創新、可持續發展的多贏方案   打造高附加價值、高知識密集、低污染的創新 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS ÷ (pronounced "divide") is the third studio album by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. It was released on 3 March 2017 through Asylum Records and Atlantic Records. "Castle on the Hill" and "Shape of You" were released as the album's lead singles on 6 January 2017. The album won the Gra 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS "Know." redirects here. For other uses, see Knowledge (disambiguation). Know Jason Mraz Know.jpg Studio album by Jason Mraz Released August 10, 2018 Recorded 2017–2018 Genre Pop rock Length 36:27 Label Atlantic Jason Mraz chronology Yes! (2014) Know (2018) Look for the Good ( 了解更多
原价 RM 81.90

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作者 Savannah Brown
A stunning coming-of-age tale from poet and writer Savannah Brown. Sydney's dad is the only psychiatrist for miles around in their small Ohio town. He is also unexpectedly dead. Sydney believes the crash was anything but an accident. And when the threatening texts begin, and June Copeland - homecoming queen and golden child - appears at his funeral out of nowhere, she's sure of it. But through Sydney's newfound relationship with June, she's given a glimpse of a life witho 了解更多
原价 RM 59.00

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会员 RM 53.10 (-10%)

作者 西澤正和
懂得你對DIY的畏懼 全圖解,一步步,完整步驟說明。 DIY不用煩惱下一步怎麼收拾。 本書讓你沒有機會收拾殘局,因為一口氣就會成功!   ●詳細圖解步驟說明,讀者可拿著書實際操作,照表操課。   ●監修者西澤正和帶著豐富的實務經驗前來傾囊相授。他除了是一間木藝公司(WOOD HOUSE)的董事之外,也是日本Do It Yourself協會的資深顧問。同時擁有多張 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 Khairul Ahmad , Syasya De Luna
Judul 1: SAMITHA Penulis: Khairul Ahmad (Zaifuzaman Ahmad) Sebuah makam lama telah ditemui secara tidak sengaja. Lalu ahli arkeologi telah ditugaskan untuk menyelidiki satu mumia yang berada di dalam makam tersebut. Anehnya makam tersebut terpaksa melalui sebuah perigi buta sebagai pintu masuk. Tidak ditanam seperti adat kebiasaan makam lama. Secara tidak sengaja Albert telah membaca satu mantera lama bagi menghidupkan mumia yang berada didalam makam tersebut sewaktu dia 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

现售 RM 9.00 (-10%)

会员 RM 8.00 (-20%)

作者 Eb Reeza , Maria Kajiwa , Rhea
Judul 1: HOMESTAY PUTIH NIAN Penulis: Maria Kajiwa Cerita ini mengisahkan usaha dua orang sahabat iaitu Razak dan Amran; untuk menukar sebuah rumah lama di tepi laut menjadi sebuah homestay. Melihatkan potensi rumah dan kawasan tersebut untuk dijadikan homestay, Razak telah membeli tanah itu daripada kawannya yang bernama Fuad tanpa menyedari akan kisah silam rumah tersebut. Amran ditugaskan untuk melakukan semua kerja yang diperlukan namun orang yang diupah membersihkan 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

现售 RM 9.00 (-10%)

会员 RM 8.00 (-20%)

作者 顏長川
跨界混搭,異業結合,智慧生活 面對5G時代,你準備好了嗎?   高通執行長莫倫科夫說:5G將成為人類發明電力以來最重要的事!   張忠謀先生認為,物聯網IoT是Next Big Thing!   經濟、行銷、商機,百倍速時代,挑戰就是機會,   只要能跨、敢變、夠快,就能搶奪先機,打造競爭優勢!   ◤一次掌握5G產業未來   打造台灣「數位國家、智慧島嶼 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Ash Ambirge
Do you have an existential crisis every time your alarm goes off? Did you used to be fun/effervescent/happy/less of a bitter old b*tch - and now, let's just say, YOU ARE NOT? Do you want to feel creative, inspired and, well, just ALIVE again? Let Ash Ambirge - one of Huffington Post's 50 Must-Follow Women, and founder of the multi-million-dollar, multi-award-winning website and blog The Middle Finger Project - offer you a spunky new alternative to traditional concepts of 'wo 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

现售 RM 79.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

作者 Xiao Jiangnan
Everyone has an invisible friend called “health”. When we are healthy, we often do not take the importance of health seriously. By reading this book, you will embark on a journey to explore a healthy lifestyle with the main characters from Plants vs Zombies. During this journey, some of the characters you meet dislike eating vegetables, some are addicted to drinking, some burn the midnight oil to finish their homework, some suffer from test anxiety and some do not want to 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

现售 RM 13.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Ross Stewart
In this whale of a tale, the Big Bad Shark is looking for a tasty snack... when he comes across three delicious-looking narwhals! The loveable, pointy-horned creatures-show-off Spike, arty Spiral, and shy Stubby-discover a sunken pirate ship, and are using the parts to build their own homes. Now they are out of their depth, locked in a battle of wits with the munching, crunching villain. 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

现售 RM 24.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 22.41 (-10%)

Xiao Dong often sees a girl leaving food for a homeless man. One day, when the same girl is threatened by bullies, the homeless man drives them off with kung fu skills. Later, when the girl asks the homeless man to teach her to defend herself, Xiao Dong decides to join them as well... 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

现售 RM 12.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Candy Factory
With poor time management skills, Joni's unable to find time to do her homework or practise singing. Can Mia, Emilia, Mikael, and Julian help her plan and use her time wisely? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

Madame X, Madonna's highly-anticipated 14th studio album will be released on June 14th. Influenced creatively by living in Lisbon, Portugal over the past several years, Madame X is a collection of songs that celebrate Madonna's career-long affair with Latin music and culture as well as other global influences. Singing in Portuguese, Spanish and English, highlights on the album include "Medell¡n," which was co-produced by Mirwais and captures the spirit of Maluma's hometown. 了解更多
原价 RM 75.90

现售 RM 68.31 (-10%)

会员 RM 64.52 (-15%)

This Is My Town: Songs of New York is a studio album by American singer-songwriter Barry Manilow, released on April 21, 2017 by Decca Records and Stiletto Entertainment. The album celebrates Barry Manilow's hometown New York City by "saying thanks to the city for giving me my ambition, my sense of humor and my decency", according to Manilow. It consists both of new original Manilow compositions and standards "evoking the spirit and energy of New York City". 了解更多
原价 RM 46.15

现售 RM 46.15 (-0%)

会员 RM 41.54 (-10%)

作者 馬克‧藍道夫
NETFLIX誕生的故事 每一個好點子背後,都有一千個壞點子。 再瘋狂的點子,去做就對了!   Netflix共同創辦人暨第一任執行長馬克‧藍道夫,   娓娓道來Netflix如何從一個「概念」變成貨真價實的「企業」。   很久很久以前,實體的錄影帶租片店稱霸地球。太晚還片?那就罰錢。影片串流是什麼,可以吃嗎?DVD 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

现售 RM 73.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Julya Oui
The stories in this collection are works of personal gratification, nostalgia, and reverence. They serve as homage to the author’s hometown and her favorite horror writers. They take place in various timelines and are written as stories within stories ranging from a headless ghost that returns as a grim reaper, a bird-like creature on the loose, a were-tiger out to seek vengeance, a vampire that decimated an entire village and other restless paranormal entities that walk am 了解更多
原价 RM 69.00

现售 RM 69.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.10 (-10%)

作者 Patsie Cheong
The word "niang" (酿) in Chinese, is derived from Hakka, which means "stuffed with fillings". Speaking of stuffed dishes, the first dish that pops to mind must be the stuffed bean curd in Hakka cuisine. "Stuffed Bean Curd” doesn't just refer to stuffing filling into bean curd, it also includes stuffed eggplant, stuffed lady’s finger, stuffed chili and so on. It is said that stuffed dishes originated when Hakka ancestors who migrated from central to the 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

现售 RM 25.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 25.90 (-0%)

作者 David Lagercrantz
"As Salander follows the scorched trail of her twin sister to Moscow, Blomkvist fears for her safety. He should, perhaps, be more concerned for himself. The murder of a homeless man on the streets of Stockholm has drawn him into a conspiracy that scales the heights of Everest and plunges to the depths of Russia's criminal underworld. And now Lisbeth will face her nemesis. For the girl with the dragon tattoo, the personal is always political - and ultimately deadly." 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

现售 RM 49.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

作者 Amy Wong
Homemade Noodles 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

现售 RM 25.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 23.31 (-10%)

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