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作者 坂田阿希子
只溶你口不溶你口的香濃誘惑~~ 完全不需要特別器具&調溫, 就能完成道地的巧克力甜點! 本書介紹了29種用巧克力製作的美味甜點,不論是要用來當作禮物餽贈親友或自己品嚐,全都能感受到甜而不膩的高雅品味。「Part 1、Part 2」收羅了使用一般廚房器具(例如:缽盆、木杓)就可以輕鬆製作的甜點食譜,「Part 3」則是稍微增加一點難度,要使用烤箱製作 了解更多
原价 RM 37.20

现售 RM 37.20 (-0%)

会员 RM 33.48 (-10%)

作者 許耀仁
用寫的就能賣 ~你也會寫打動人心的超強銷售文案~ 除非有東西被賣出去, 否則什麼事情都不會發生。 中文世界首位銷售文案專業教練 許耀仁◎著 當你擁有一篇好的銷售文案時,你能得到的好處有: 如同擁有一批全年無休推廣產品‧服務的Super Sales。 讓客戶自己來找你,不是你追著客戶跑。 大幅減少原本花在開發與跟進客戶的時間。 只需和有興趣、甚 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

现售 RM 42.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 38.61 (-10%)

《SUPER JUNIOR7週年巴黎戀人寫真書:Boys in City Season 4_Paris(豪華珍藏版)》 全球首度發行繁體中文版! 出道7年來最有誠意的寫真書! 隊長利特入伍前真情告白: 「我們在巴黎一同度過的這段如夢般的美好時光, 想要將這段回憶一輩子都好好埋藏在心裡。」 Super Junior變身為你的“巴黎戀人” 數百幅從未曝光的法式浪漫寫真 SUPER JUNIOR出道7週年以來,最不該錯過 了解更多
原价 RM 285.90

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会员 RM 257.31 (-10%)

【知识百科漫画─让孩子保持好奇的求知慾】 动物的种类千奇百怪,不仅仅是我们常见的,还有许多神祕、稀少的物种。本书以趣味漫画的引述开始,针对主题的特色,展现简单易懂的故事情节;并配有补充知识及小小测验题,协助了解对于课题吸收的程度,与增加知识补充的额外发展。 本书特色: ●全彩趣味漫画,爆笑情节爱不释手 ●主题知识补充, 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 25.90 (-0%)

【知识百科漫画─让孩子保持好奇的求知慾】 动物的种类千奇百怪,不仅仅是我们常见的,还有许多神祕、稀少的物种。本书以趣味漫画的引述开始,针对主题的特色,展现简单易懂的故事情节;并配有补充知识及小小测验题,协助了解对于课题吸收的程度,与增加知识补充的额外发展。 本书特色: ●全彩趣味漫画,爆笑情节爱不释手 ●主题知识补充, 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 25.90 (-0%)

【知识百科漫画─让孩子保持好奇的求知慾】 对生活中的自然现象,保持好奇心与探索欲,能使观察力变得更细致,敏锐。本书采用趣味漫画引导,针对不同主题,呈现简单好懂的故事情节;于每篇附加补充知识及小小测验,测试学习程度与针对主题补充新知。 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 25.90 (-0%)

【知识百科漫画─让孩子保持好奇的求知慾】 留意过生活周遭的小细节?每一个看似简单,却饱含丰富意义常识,如果能留心观察的话,就能发现更广更宽。本书采用趣味漫画引导,针对不同主题,呈现简单好懂的故事情节;于每篇附加补充知识及小小测验题,测试学习程度与针对主题补充新知。 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 大衛.費德曼 , 李.丹尼爾.克拉維茨
連心理學家也讚嘆的命運決鬥, 從大挫折到谷底反彈的隱性力量!   ★亞馬遜網路書店暢銷書   ★Business Insider、《彭博商業週刊》選書   ★《時人雜誌》、《時代雜誌》、《今日心理學》、《哈佛商業週刊》好評推薦   好萊塢特技演員、世界紀錄保持人、成功的企業家,   還有改變世界的人權鬥士要告訴我們的事──世界其實沒有那麼美好! 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

现售 RM 40.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

作者 對馬瑠璃子 , 柴田真希 , 市野小織
全世界都在用!連續兩年蟬聯歐美Super Food(超級食物)前5名 榮獲日本亞馬遜讀者5顆星高度好評! 連歐美超模米蘭達可兒、日本名模Rola、韓國女星高羅雅, 都將它視為保濕、美容&減重聖品! 全台第一本!由婦科醫生X營養師X芳療師3大專家, 共同打造的萬用「椰子油」指南登場!   比一般油品熱量更低、營養更多、用法更多元,   可以直接食用、 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 小田忠信 , 佐藤みずほ
台灣第一本楓糖專門食譜集! 「楓糖甜點大賽」的入選作品全收錄!   楓糖漿和楓糖砂是製作點心時公認不容易運用的甜味,不同的溫度調整及配方,都會使其原本的香氣及味道產生微妙的變化。藉著「楓糖甜點大賽」,楓糖漿及楓糖砂展現了各種可能性,本書一次收錄了大賽中令評審們為之讚嘆的入選作品64道。除了食譜,內容也涵蓋了楓糖相關的歷史、 了解更多
原价 RM 57.20

现售 RM 57.20 (-0%)

会员 RM 51.48 (-10%)

作者 吳娟瑜 , 林偉賢
長幼無序、倫理喪失、道德敗壞…… 現代教育病入膏肓,為人父母的您, 是否經常無語問蒼天:「孩子到底怎麼教?」   過度功利導向的社會風氣,讓父母漠視孩子在家庭裡的品格教育,為了追隨主流社會的脈動,孩子們自幼被形形色色「成功計畫」包圍,然而,跟著這些讀書計畫、升學計畫去制定前程,孩子這一生就註定「成功」了嗎? 您只在乎孩 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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会员 RM 41.58 (-10%)

作者 朴惠貞
跟著做,不必運動,就能剷除身上多餘贅肉!!   讓Super Junior 圭賢、裴鬥娜、李哈妮、EXO世勳、SHINee Key、張允珠、鄭麗媛狂推的「朴惠貞院長神奇按摩術」!   由韓國「神之手」!最強美容師:朴惠貞院長,完整公開、指導,讓橘皮‧贅肉一一消失的按摩技巧。   一天10 分鐘,在想要消除橘皮組織的部位按摩4週,不僅能消除橘皮,還能雕塑女神的身 了解更多
原价 RM 47.35

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会员 RM 42.62 (-10%)

作者 玄光社
~細品腕錶文化美學~ 百年工藝致意之作   【經典品牌鑑賞】   .IWC   .OMEGA   .BREITLING   .HUBLOT   .ZENITH   .TAG HEUER   .ArtyA   .CORUM   .ROMAIN JEROME   .SPEAKE-MARIN   .CHRISTOPHE CLARET   提起腕錶,多數人都會想起擁有180年歷史,   以腕錶產業為其經濟支柱之一的瑞士。   瑞士作為腕錶的發源地,   其 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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会员 RM 55.44 (-10%)

作者 沈堡云
全彩图解版    洞悉别人内心,才不会成为被踩着往上爬的垫脚石! 人心难测,即使现在笑脸迎人的同事或朋友, 也可能在下一秒就翻脸不认人, 在职场要求得好职位和高薪奖金, 就必须了解对方内心的真正想法和隐藏性格, 避开人际交往的地雷区, 才能让其他人对你卸下心防, 并进一步成为左右逢源、人见人爱、魅力无法挡的人气王! 超强版上市! 了解更多
原价 RM 34.00

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会员 RM 30.60 (-10%)

作者 艾比·伯恩斯坦
  ‧打開DC宇宙大門的第一本書!   ‧2017秋冬唯一必看超級英雄!   ‧超越全球速度,與美國同步製作,搶先推出!   ‧除讀者們熟知的超級英雄蝙蝠俠、超人、神力女超人外,閃電俠、水行俠、鋼骨等DC宇宙要角,第一次在大螢幕上正式集結!   ‧超人已死,地球陷入危機!神祕大反派「荒原狼」,將率領「天啟魔」,大舉侵略人類世界!   了解更多
原价 RM 154.00

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会员 RM 138.60 (-10%)

作者 蔡社長
★口碑熱銷130萬冊系列!韓國上榜超過160週,人氣更勝《被討厭的勇氣》! ★itunes收聽冠軍,下載紀錄破1億!最強說書人「給平凡人的淺知識」 ★韓綜王牌製作人羅暎錫PD以本書為靈感,策畫tvN「懂也沒用的神祕雜學詞典」 ★首爾大學圖書館借閱排行冠軍、讀者票選「年度之書」 ★「Power錕的紙牌屋」李錫錕教授 --專文導讀   廣而淺的基礎知識,是社交 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 Usataz Haji As'Ad Humam
原价 RM 10.90

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会员 RM 9.81 (-10%)

作者 Keith
Lawak Kampus 28 dah keluar! Apakah cerita tersembunyi di sebalik muka depan yang super kawaii ni? Ehh Uncle Donald kawan dengan Froggy? Cikgu Noodle buat FB Live? Bento Xena kena rompak? Atuk KFG dan Pak Cik McW bersaing lagi? Jom dapatkan sebelum tamat cuti sekolah. Pasti buat korang semua pecah perut! 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

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会员 RM 9.00 (-10%)

作者 Black Jellyfish
Buku komik ini menceritakan Amu mulai tinggal di asrama selepas hari pertama di universiti. Pelbagai kisah-kisah kelakar yang berlaku di asramanya. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

作者 Pelbagai Penulis
Ini rahsia yang telah lama kami simpan. Syhhh.....! Jika anda ke hospital pasti akan ternampak mereka yang berbaju putih. Mukanya naif. Rajin. Baik. Peramah. Sesekali menggentel kepala stetoskop yang tergantung di leher. Sesekali menulis-nulis di dalam kad rekod pesakit. Kelihatan nerdy dan ulat buku. Ya, para doktor itu lah. Sebenarnya ada yang tersembunyi di sebalik watak innocent mereka. Seperti Clark Kent menyembunyikan baju 'S' ketat di balik kemeja dan cermin matanya 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

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会员 RM 27.00 (-10%)

作者 蕾貝卡·博魯齊
再「瘋忙」也能活出「鋒芒」人生! 每次呼吸、每句話、每個念頭,都是療癒、充電的累積 亞馬遜讀者五顆星好評!   「我沒時間靜心。」   「靜心打坐不是靈修的人或佛教徒才會做的事嗎?」   「像我這麼嚴重的問題,不是靜心就能解決的。」   也許你曾經嘗試靜心,卻無法持之以恆;或者你根本不覺得自己有足夠的耐性和專注力;也或許你生 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

现售 RM 55.45 (-0%)

会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 高月云
现下人人都讲养生,谈营养均衡,大家对“超级食物”(Superfood)这个词,并不会感到陌生。 超级食物,一般指营养素更全面、营养价值比一般食材更高但低热量的食材,也就是有益健康的食物。 虽然食物被冠上“超级”二字,但这并不意味超级食物都特别昂贵。价格亲民的超级食物,其实在我们日常生活中无处不在,诸如:姜、番 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 23.31 (-10%)

作者 Derek Breen
Scratch is a fast, fun, and easy way to get started in computer science Do you want to make cool games, impressive animations, and become an all-around Scratch super star? You've come to the right place! Packed with full-color photos and easy-to-follow instructions, Scratch For Kids For Dummies makes it easy to get started even if you've never attempted computer programming or coding. Inside, you'll find out how to design and develop your own games, creat 了解更多
原价 RM 100.60

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会员 RM 90.54 (-10%)

作者 Haruki Murakami
A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami's international reputation. It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company's advertisement. What he doesn't realise is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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会员 RM 49.05 (-10%)

作者 Sophie Kinsella
Nervous flyer Emma is sitting on a turbulent plane. She really thinks that this could be her last moment. So, naturally enough, she starts telling the man sitting next to her - quite a dishy American, but she's too frightened to notice - all her secrets. How she scans the backs of intellectual books and pretends she's read them. How she's not sure if she has a G-spot, and whether her boyfriend could find it anyway. How she feels like a fraud at work - everyone uses the word ' 了解更多
原价 RM 40.95

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会员 RM 36.86 (-10%)

作者 Norman Musa
Malaysian food is incredible. Its flavours and textures are dazzling. Sitting between India and China, the country has taken the best of both those food cultures and given them its own twist, along with a healthy freshness. From quick prawn noodles to the perfect coconut rice, there's something for everyone in this comprehensive introduction to the newest trend in Asian cuisine. Try an authentic satay, a chilli sambal or a laksa, all made with ingredients that can be bought i 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

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会员 RM 107.91 (-10%)

作者 Jeffrey Archer
A gripping spy thriller set at an addictive pace, from bestselling author, Jeffrey Archer.Connor Fitzgerald is the professional's professional. Holder of the Medal of Honour. Devoted family man. The CIA's most deadly weapon. But for twenty-eight years, he has been leading a double life. And only days from his retirement, he comes across an enemy even he cannot handle. The enemy is his own boss. And she has only one purpose: to destroy him. Meanwhi 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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会员 RM 38.61 (-10%)

作者 Leigh Bardugo
The highly anticipated coming-of-age story for the world's greatest super hero: WONDER WOMAN by the # 1 New York Times bestselling author LEIGH BARDUGO. She will become a legend but first she is Diana, Princess of the Amazons. And her fight is just beginning . . . Diana is desperate to prove herself to her warrior sisters. But when the opportunity comes, she throws away her chance at glory and breaks Amazon law to save a mere mortal, Alia Keralis. With this single her 了解更多
原价 RM 46.50

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会员 RM 41.85 (-10%)

作者 Rick Riordan
A companion guide to THE TRIALS OF APOLLO series, set in the world of PERCY JACKSON.Camp Half-Blood FYI is the funny insider's guide to the demigod training camp in Long Island, narrated by none other than Percy Jackson himself, and other favourite characters will be heard from, too. In response to an awful camp orientation video created by the god Apollo, Percy Jackson and other residents of Camp Half-Blood answer such questions as "What is this place 了解更多
原价 RM 56.95

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作者 Stephenie Meyer
Legions of readers entranced by Twilight are hungry for more and they won't be disappointed. In New Moon, Stephenie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. The "star-crossed" lovers theme continues as Bella and Edward find themselves facing new obstacles, including a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying threat of revenge from 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

作者 R.L.Stine
Watch the movies, read the books! The Fear Street movies are coming to Netflix this summer! Now in one volume, master of horror R.L. Stine delivers two bone-chilling stories of teens in danger in the small town of Shadyside, where danger and violence looms on every darkened street corner. 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The phenomenal international bestseller that shows us how to stop trying to predict everything - and take advantage of uncertainty What have the invention of the wheel, Pompeii, the Wall Street Crash, Harry Potter and the internet got in common? Why are all forecasters con-artists? Why should you never run for a train or read a newspaper? This book is all about Black Swans: the random events that underlie our lives, from bestsellers to world disasters. Their impact i 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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作者 DK
"Puzzled by past tenses? Confused by comparatives? This comprehensive, beautifully presented guide to English grammar makes even the trickiest grammar rules incredibly easy to understand.The English for Everyone Grammar Guide is a detailed visual reference that uses attractive illustrations, step-by-step graphics, and crystal-clear explanations to help you learn English grammar. Ideal for English language learners at all levels, the Grammar Guide cover 了解更多
原价 RM 98.95

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会员 RM 89.06 (-10%)

作者 Jim Collins
The Challenge: Built to Last, the defining management study of the nineties, showed how great companies triumph over time and how long-term sustained performance can be engineered into the DNA of an enterprise from the verybeginning. But what about the company that is not born with great DNA? How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness? The Study: For years, this question preyed on the mind of Jim Collins. Are there companies th 了解更多
原价 RM 114.50

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会员 RM 103.05 (-10%)

作者 Mark Manson
In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be ""positive"" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people. For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. ""F**k positivity,"" Mark Manson says. ""Let’s be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it."" In his wildly popular Internet blog, Mason doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He t 了解更多
原价 RM 82.50

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会员 RM 74.25 (-10%)

In a peaceful period following the defeat of Kid Buu, Goku continues to attempt to maintain Earth's peace despite being forced by Chi-Chi to work on their radish farm. Gohan and Videl are married while Krillin has become a police officer. The God of Destruction Beerus prophesizes of a Super Saiyan God and upon waking begins a search for the figure. The search leads him to King Kai's planet where he outclasses a Super Saiyan 3 Goku, before turning his eyes to Vegeta on Earth. 了解更多
原价 RM 84.90

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会员 RM 76.41 (-10%)

Yoon Jin-A (Son Ye-Jin) is a single woman in her 30's. She works as a supervisor at a coffee company. Yoon Jin-A is an easygoing person, but she feels empty inside. Seo Joon-Hee (Jung Hae-In) is the younger brother of her best friend Seo Kyung-Sun. He comes back to South Korea after finishing work abroad. Yoon Jin-A though he was just a childish guy, but he appears different to her now. 本剧讲述了由原本“只是认识的姐弟关系”的男女陷入爱情后发生 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 Lisa Kleypas
'I'm just so excited for everyone to discover Cold-Hearted Rake, and for me to read the rest of the Ravenel series!' Sarah MacLeanA twist of fate . . .Devon Ravenel, London's most wickedly charming rake, has just inherited an earldom. But his powerful new rank in society comes with unwanted responsibilities . . . and more than a few surprises. His estate is saddled with debt, and the late earl's three 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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作者 Harriet Evans
'The day Martha Winter decided to tear apart her family began like any other day ...''A brilliantly written story that will stay with you long after the last page' Fabulous Magazine, Sun on SundayThe Sunday Times Top Five Bestseller A Place For Us by Harriet Evans is a book you'll dive into, featuring a family you'll fall in love with . . . and never want to leave. If you devour Rosamunde Pilc 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 DK
How Food Works is your own friendly nutritionist, on hand to debunk common food myths and give you the answers to those pressing questions with easy-to-swallow information.Today's media is full of new discoveries about food - red wine is good for your heart, caffeine will raise your blood pressure - but is there a biological basis to these claims? How Food Works reveals the facts behind your food, evaluates the benefits of superfoods and antioxidants, 了解更多
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作者 Geronimo Stilton
In each Geronimo Stilton book, another funny, cheesy adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is fast-paced, with lively full-color art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love. Geronimo has always been a 'fraidy mouse, and his super-sporty friend Bruce Hyena decides that he needs to help Geronimo learn to keep calm in extreme situations. Bruce puts Geronimo to the test through encounters with scary animals and weather in conditions ranging from the desert to 了解更多
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作者 Geronimo Stilton
I, Geronimo Stilton, am no sportsmouse. But that didn't stop Grandfather William from dragging me to a golf tournament so I could be his caddie! Once I arrived, who should I bump into but my friend Kornelius Von Kickpaw, a.k.a. Special Agent 00K. Someone was plotting to steal the Super Mouse Cup, and it was up to me and Kornelius to crack the case! 了解更多
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Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny, cheesy adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is fast-paced with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love. Rat-munching rattlesnakes! I can't believe it. I, Geronimo Stilton, just let my super-sporty friend Bruce Hyena convince me to go on another one of his extreme adventures. You know me--I just can't say no to a friend! This time, we're going to be climbing to the top of the famouse Moun 了解更多
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作者 Geronimo Stilton
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作者 Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki Maxwell, Queen of the Dorks, is back in the eleventh instalment of the NYT bestselling series! Nikki is spending a week at North Hampton Hills as part of the school transfer programme. The good news is that NHH is super-cool and preppy. The bad news is that Nikki's nemesis MacKenzie started there two weeks ago! But, faced with NHH queen bee Tiffany, who takes meanness to a whole new level, Nikki might need to work WITH Macke 了解更多
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作者 Jeff Kinney
It's book six of Jeff Kinney's award winning, bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and life isn't getting any easier for Greg Heffley! Over the past few days we've been running low on food, and if the snow doesn't melt quick I don't know WHAT we're gonna do. Greg is in big trouble. School property is damaged, and he is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he's innocent! Or at least, sort of. The authorities are closing in, but then a surprise blizzard hit 了解更多
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Super Swiss slices! The Heromice have just locked Sewer Rat Tony Sludge and his henchmice in jail when the unthinkable happens - they commit another crime across town! What in the name of cheese is going on? It seems an army of criminal clones is taking over Muskrat City, and only the Heromice can stop it! 了解更多
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Mice vs dinos? It's no contest. Unless you're talking HEROMICE, of course...Don't make the mistake of thinking being a Heromouse is all about being famous and wearing a nifty green leotard. OK: we'd be lying if we said Geronimo doesn't enjoy that part of the job. But what's the other part? Facing DEADLY DANGER! So when super-scary dinosaurs attack Muskrat City, the Heromice are onto it. But HOW exactly will they fight back? Thank goodness Geronimo is strong, invincible and fe 了解更多
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作者 Geronimo Stilton
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作者 Yangsze Choo
A haunting, evocative and highly unusual romantic debut Seventeen-year-old Li Lan lives in 1890s Malaya with her quietly-ruined father, who returns one evening with a proposition - the fabulously wealthy Lim family want Li Lan to marry their son. The only problem is, he's dead. After a fateful visit to the Lim mansion, Li Lan finds herself haunted not only by her ghostly would-be suitor, but also her desire for the Lims' handsome new heir. At night she is drawn into the Ch 了解更多
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作者 R.L.Stine
Watch the movies, read the books! The Fear Street movies are coming to Netflix this summer! The fifth and sixth books in the re-launch of R.L. Stine's Fear Street, now in one volume. 了解更多
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作者 Chris Bradford
A prequel and new entry point in the bestselling Bodyguard series. FAME MAKES FOR AN EASY TARGET. Ash Wild is the most successful teen rockstar in history. Millions of fans adore him. But one fanatic wants him dead. Surf champion and top bodyguard recruit Charley Hunter is assigned to protect the superstar on his sell-out US tour. But Ash isn't pleased to discover his new bodyguard is a girl. Faced with a growing number of death threats, several suspicious acci 了解更多
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作者 Admiral William H. McRaven
'A book to inspire your children and grandchildren to become everything that they can' - The Wall Street Journal 'Superb, smart, and succinct' - Forbes THE INCREDIBLE No. 1 New York Times BESTSELLER____________ If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating clas 了解更多
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作者 Joe Rhatigan , Carolina Farias
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Find out what happens next to the poor, wet spider and all of his insect friends in this classic nursery rhyme retold for today's kids."The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout" And so begins the new and 了解更多
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This book has KS3 Biology (ages 11-14) completely covered, with a superb blend of crystal-clear study notes and indispensable practice questions for every topic - all fully up-to-date for the curriculum from September 2014. It's ideal for students working at a higher level (that's equivalent to what would have been called Levels 5-7 in the pre-2014 curriculum). In addition to the notes and questions, there's a section covering everything students need to know about 'Working S 了解更多
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This book has KS3 Chemistry (ages 11-14) completely covered, with a superb blend of crystal-clear study notes and indispensable practice questions for every topic - all fully up-to-date for the curriculum from September 2014. It's ideal for students working at a higher level (that's equivalent to what would have been called Levels 5-7 in the pre-2014 curriculum). In addition to the notes and questions, there's a section covering everything students need to know about 'Working 了解更多
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This book has KS3 Physics (ages 11-14) completely covered, with a superb blend of crystal-clear study notes and indispensable practice questions for every topic - all fully up-to-date for the curriculum from September 2014. It's ideal for students working at a higher level (that's equivalent to what would have been called Levels 5-7 in the pre-2014 curriculum). In addition to the notes and questions, there's a section covering everything students need to know about 'Working S 了解更多
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This KS2 English Targeted Question Book from CGP is packed with superb comprehension practice for Year 3 pupils (ages 7-8). It contains fifteen texts - including fiction, non-fiction and poetry - from well-known classics to modern authors. Each text is accompanied by practice questions to help build pupils' comprehension skills, matched perfectly to the new KS2 Curriculum requirements. Answers to this book (and the Books for Years 4, 5 and 6) are available in CGP's KS2 Compre 了解更多
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This superb Exam Practice Workbook from CGP is the perfect way to prepare for the Higher Level Grade 9-1 GCSE Biology exams, whichever exam board you're studying. It's packed with a wide range of realistic exam-style questions for every topic, including coverage of Working Scientifically and all the required practicals you could be tested on in the new exams. Every question is labelled with a grade range on the new 9-1 scale, so it's easy to focus your practice on the difficu 了解更多
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This superb Exam Practice Workbook from CGP is the perfect way to prepare for the Higher Level Grade 9-1 GCSE Chemistry exams, whichever exam board you're studying. It's packed with a wide range of realistic exam-style questions for every topic, including coverage of Working Scientifically and all the required practicals you could be tested on in the new exams. Every question is labelled with a grade range on the new 9-1 scale, so it's easy to focus your practice on the diffi 了解更多
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