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作者 Middle
◆華文圈130萬粉絲共感追隨,台、港、澳、星馬排行榜暢銷作家! ◆粉絲齊聲:他的文字具有「讀心魔法」! ◆睽違2年,Middle全新散文創作! ◆首刷限量收藏〈你離開以後〉Middle原創圖文札記。   有些人離開了才懂得珍惜。   但也不是每個人都能學懂。   也許,我們再如何小心珍惜,   終有天還是要學習,   如何放手離開這一個, 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

现售 RM 53.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  再見,但距離還有多遠?   不要再見,原來已經是最好的終結……   台、港、澳門、星馬超過100萬讀者揪心追讀   年度暢銷作家Middle最新短篇小說創作   不敢回望的記憶,沒說出口的再見,讓Middle與你一同回憶細訴。   20個「再見」的故事,獻給「說了再見」、「再次見面」、「再也不見」的你和我。   有些人不再見或許會遺憾, 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

现售 RM 43.10 (-0%)

会员 RM 38.79 (-10%)

作者 Middle
伴隨回憶,給曾經的…… ●封面及內頁彩照由Middle親自攝影 有些故事,也許從一開始就已經注定。 有些人注定會一起走到白頭,有些人無論如何不捨,最後還是只能讓彼此錯過。 然後,隨著一次又一次的離合聚散, 我們會開始許願,下一次可以在對的時間,遇上真正對的那一個人。 只是錯過,是真的只有遺憾嗎; 能夠抓緊了,又是否就可以得到 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

现售 RM 52.35 (-0%)

会员 RM 47.12 (-10%)

作者 Middle
累積88萬港、澳、台、星馬讀者 金石堂|誠品|博客來 暢銷作家Middle最新長篇力作 香港台灣同步推出   ◆His Story簡志民 v.s Her Story阮珮琪,雙書一次珍藏!   ◆封面特別選用香草紙(大亞)並在書背前後裱褙布紋紙,兩種不同材質拼貼呈現手感的溫度   人在獨處的時候,你會最掛念起誰?   記憶之中的言談說笑,一直縈繞在思緒間。   她 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
累積92萬港、澳、台、星馬讀者,   年度暢銷作家Middle最新揪心長篇小說   你是我最熟悉的陌生人,我是你的朋友,一位永遠不會再見的朋友。   總有些人,你知道他很多事情,   也有過很多共同回憶,他應該是你生命裡最熟悉的一個人。   只是每次當你凝視對方,   每次當他突然離開,每次當他眼裡又突然失神,   你都會覺得, 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

现售 RM 43.10 (-0%)

会员 RM 38.79 (-10%)

作者 Middle
「後來,你什麼都沒有忘記……」 跨國界人氣作家Middle第10部創作,致身處黑夜的你。 100個無眠夜,寫下那些喧囂的心事, 輾轉在黑暗的疆界裡,去尋找一盞天光, 在破曉前,為自己的心,找一個安放的角落。 ☀最值得收藏的一本散文集☀ 《凌物語》封面書衣特殊製作─星空軋型打洞, 讓星空成為你深沉黑夜裡的微亮天光,陪伴每個無眠夜……   了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

现售 RM 50.80 (-0%)

会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 Middle , 林夕
總有一個人,不必提起也會憶起, 總有一句詞,不必哼起也會念起, Middle的文,你的故事╳林夕的詞,你的心事。 「在Middle筆下這十七個故事,應該有許多我寫詞時沒意想過的內容,設計不來的感動。」 ──林夕 匆匆那年,我們見過太少世面,只愛看同一張臉, 春風也一樣,沒吹進凝固的照片,徘徊在似苦又甜之間, 還沒有開始,才沒有終止,不怪 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

现售 RM 50.80 (-0%)

会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  那些對你說不出口的在意,   就讓時光陪著我一點一滴忘記。      ﹛金石堂|誠品|博客來暢銷作家Middle,最新散文力作﹜   跨國界的文字溫度,   觸動90萬港、澳、台、星馬讀者內心深處!      繼續等下去,      是要等到那一個人、那一個答案,      還是等哪天自己懂得放手,      讓這份心意,終於可以得 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
◆華文圈132萬粉絲共感追隨,台、港、澳、星馬暢銷作家! ◆Middle突破之作,跨越散文與小說的疆界 ◆Middle全新散文故事創作,最溫柔的傾聽與訴說 ◆首刷限量1*番外別冊__〈Before 0 _ 從前的我們〉 ◆首刷限量2*唯一收藏__憂藍夜深版典藏書衣   「就算與他再傳千個短訊,也未必可陪在他的身邊。」   56場夜深對話,一千通無眠短訊,   陪你傾 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Middle
累積85萬港、澳、台、星馬讀者 金石堂|誠品|博客來 暢銷作家Middle創作原點小說集 香港台灣同步推出 純屬虛構,十年復刻,18個短篇,只是一些虛構的事與情……   隨書附贈middle親攝‧精美明信片組   有些故事可能已經被說過數百千遍,   但有些心情,大概只有您心裡才會明白……   --即使無人念記,還是依然在乎。   我想, 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

现售 RM 38.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 34.65 (-10%)

作者 肆一
「这一本小说,想写给每个不完美的我们,给希望被拥抱的每一个人。」 ——肆一 博客来、诚品、金石堂暨各大书店 TOP 1作家 肆一首部长篇小说 结合友情与爱情的疗愈故事 歌手 HUSH、作家 Middle、推理评论人 冬阳、推理评论家 杜鹃窝人、导演 林孝谦、作家 林育德、作家 凌性杰、导演 马逸腾、作家 张渝歌、作家 陈栢青、作家 痞子蔡、歌手 魏如昀 了解更多
原价 RM 36.00

现售 RM 36.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 32.40 (-10%)

作者 Middle
橫掃港澳、台灣、星馬的文字魅力,回應82萬粉絲的期待, 誠品、博客來、金石堂等各大書店暢銷作家Middle,全新散文創作!   從一個人到兩個人,自心傷走向暖結局。   不一樣的Middle,帶你從心碎的曾經中走出。   這一次,《假使我們那天再遇見》裡的「我們」,   可以是依然在乎的某一個人,也可以是暫時遺忘了的、某一個時期的自己。 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
超過60萬讀者,跨越國界的心情文字, 你未曾出口的心事,有個人這麼懂你。 陪你沉溺與心碎,伴你走過每一段無可言喻的曾經。   「如今你終於明白,為甚麼會痛,   在那些只有你一個人記得的日落與晚霞。   原來有多少喜歡,便會有多少心痛。」   我們曾經都在感情裡翻滾,因為那些仰望與期盼,   而變得傷痕累累,埋沒自己。   了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
累積70萬港、澳、台、星馬讀者,精選9年創作集結 金石堂|誠品|博客來 暢銷作家Middle最新小說集 一切的猜疑與不安,只是因為,想與你更接近一些…… 友情與愛情之間,距離可以很近,也可以只是——永遠的平行線   感謝一直支持我寫作的每一位台灣讀者與朋友,沒有你們,也就不會有這一本書,更不會有這一本書被你捧在手中的這一刻……我會 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

现售 RM 40.05 (-0%)

会员 RM 36.05 (-10%)

作者 Middle
◆華文圈130萬粉絲共感追隨,台、港、澳、星馬排行榜暢銷作家! ◆粉絲齊聲:他的文字具有「讀心魔法」! ◆睽違2年,Middle全新散文創作!   有些人離開了才懂得珍惜。   但也不是每個人都能學懂。   也許,我們再如何小心珍惜,   終有天還是要學習,   如何放手離開這一個,   始終不會屬於自己的誰……   如何還自己,一 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

现售 RM 53.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  聽說每個人的心底裡,   都住著一個不可能會忘記的人……   累積突破130萬讀者   台、港、澳、星馬年度暢銷作家   Middle最新短篇小說力作   特別收錄:書封極短篇   總有些人,   無論如何遠離,但最後始終忘記不了,   明明不會再見,但這天依然不敢忘記……   在忘記與未可忘記之間,在放下與重新開 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
《如果有些心意不能向你坦白》 臉書超過56萬人讃好,讀者偏及港、澳、台、星馬。 糅合自我與清新的細膩文字, 徘徊於清醒與迷茫之間的真情告白, 領著失意的你,走出陰霾... 人生裡, 總有些心意或感受, 是不可能向別人坦白,或讓對方知道。 然而不能開口,那些感情與故事, 卻未必會隨時月遠去而漸漸飄散, 反而越是離開,越會懷念, 越 了解更多
原价 RM 44.85

现售 RM 44.85 (-0%)

会员 RM 40.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
每一首歌,都代表了一個屬於你的故事, 在生命中,你成為無數人的配角,襯托了他們。 然而,你可能曾經在那個人一生中最幸運的時光裡,成為過重要的一角。 只是你最後都未必知道,也沒有回望而已。 這是一本簡單講故事的書,讓你知道自己也只是跟大家一樣,不是一個怪人。讓你用簡單的心情、聽簡單的音樂,尋回過去心裏每一段關係,每一段歌 了解更多
原价 RM 50.70

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会员 RM 45.63 (-10%)

作者 Rick Riordan
Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award 2017 for Best Middle Grade & Children's!Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragnarok.It's up to Magnus Chase and his friends to stop Loki's plans. Along the way, they will face angry sea gods, hostile giants, and an evil fire-breathing dragon. But M 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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会员 RM 35.96 (-10%)

作者 Julia Quinn
The fifth novel in Julia Quinn's globally beloved and bestselling Bridgerton Family series, set in Regency times and now a series created by Shonda Rhimes for Netflix. This is Eloise's story . . . ________________________________________ My dear Miss Bridgerton, We have been corresponding now for quite some time, and although we have never formally met, I feel as if I know you. I am writing to invite you to visit me here at Romney Hall. It is my hope that after a suitable pe 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 Robert T. Kiyosaki
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing is a roadmap for those who want to become successful investors and invest in the types of assets that the rich do. Whether your goal is to become financially secure, comfortable, or rich this book is your guide to understanding the asset classes and investment strategy. Robert explains his basic rules of investing, how to reduce your risk and Rich Dad's 10 Investor Controls as well as ways to convert your earned income into passive portfolio inco 了解更多
原价 RM 37.95

现售 RM 34.16 (-10%)

会员 RM 30.36 (-20%)

作者 Patrick Ness
This Set The Knife of Never Letting Go The Ask and the Answer Monsters of Men Description in This Set The Knife of Never Letting Go Imagine you're the only boy in a town of men. And you can hear everything they think. And they can hear everything you think. Imagine you don't fit in with their plans... Todd Hewitt is just one month away from the birthday that will make him a man. But his town has been keeping secrets from him. Secrets that are going to force him to run... The 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

现售 RM 59.90 (-54%)

会员 RM 59.90 (-54%)

作者 Middle
誰也會走,卻只有他, 依然可以讓你如此耿耿於懷…… 觸發百萬讀者共鳴 華文界年度暢銷作家 闊別兩年,Middle最新抒情散文創作 ▍謹以此書,獻給那些曾經耿耿於懷,  仍然會對另一個人念念不忘,  以及最後一次執迷不悟的你和我。 「想放下,但始終無法放下你…… 或許這就是我們曾經深愛過一個人, 最後的一段憑證。」 有些人,會突然 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  「明天見」,   還記得自己對上一次說這一句話,   是在什麼時候嗎?   累積突破百萬讀者   台、港、澳、新馬年度暢銷作家   Middle最新短篇小說力作   縱使未可再聚,但依然最想見你……   8 段想見但不能見、想愛但不能愛的曾經,   一同緬懷我們最後一次再見,   期許有天可以再一起笑著說,明天見。   常常, 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Middle
愛你的人,懂你的人,陪你的人, 有時未必是同一個人。 華文界年度暢銷作家 Middle全新揪心長篇小說 寫給曾經寂寞失意的你和我 「縱使他已經不在了,他是一個過去了的人,但他留給我的這點溫柔,我永遠都不會忘記,也不會想要忘記。」 有些人可以相惜,但未必可以相伴。 有些人可以相守,但未必可以相愛。 年輕的時候會以為, 只要努力地 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Robert T. Kiyosaki
April of 2022 marks a 25-year milestone for the personal finance classic Rich Dad Poor Dad that still ranks as the #1 Personal Finance book of all time. And although 25 years have passed since Rich Dad Poor Dad was first published, readers will find that very little in the book itself has changed — and for good reason. While so much in our world is changing a high speed, the lessons about money and the principles of Rich Dad Poor Dad haven’t changed. Today, as money conti 了解更多
原价 RM 46.95

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会员 RM 37.56 (-20%)

作者 Candy Factory
As the student council president election continues, so does the conflict among the princes... with poor Alex caught in the middle! Will working together on a mercy mission be the key to mending the fractured relations between the young Princes? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Middle
誰也會走,卻只有他, 依然可以讓你如此耿耿於懷…… 觸發百萬讀者共鳴 華文界年度暢銷作家 闊別兩年,Middle最新抒情散文創作 ▍謹以此書,獻給那些曾經耿耿於懷,  仍然會對另一個人念念不忘,  以及最後一次執迷不悟的你和我。 「想放下,但始終無法放下你…… 或許這就是我們曾經深愛過一個人, 最後的一段憑證。」 有些人,會突然 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  放下也好,放不下也罷,   你都會是我的生命裡,最重視也最遙遠的一個人。   突破百萬讀者   台、港、澳、新馬年度暢銷作家   Middle最新長篇小說力作     「因為,我是認真的喜歡你,喜歡到……   就算知道你還未可以完全放下那一個人,我都不會介意。」   兩個想放下、但還未可以放下的人。   兩段想在一起、但沒有 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Jeff Kinney
In No Brainer, book 18 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, it's up to Greg to save his crumbling school before it's shuttered for good. Up until now, middle school hasn't exactly been a joyride for Greg Heffley. So when the town threatens to close the crumbling building, he's not too broken up about it. But when Greg realizes this means he's going to be sent to a different school than his best friend, Rowley Jefferson 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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会员 RM 55.96 (-20%)

DIMENSIONS • Mouse (height x width x depth): 105.4 mm x 67.9 mm x 38.4 mm • Weight: 91.0 g • Nano receiver (height x width x depth): 14.4 mm x 18.7 mm x 6.1 mm • Weight: 1.8 g SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS • Windows® 10 or later, Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 7 • Mac OS X 10.5 or later • Chrome OS™ • Linux Kernel 2.6+2 • USB port TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Connection Type: 2.4 GHz wireless connection • Wireless range: 10 meters 2 了解更多

原价 RM 90.00

现售 RM 69.00 (-23%)

会员 RM 69.00 (-23%)

作者 Middle
  放下也好,放不下也罷,   你都會是我的生命裡,最重視也最遙遠的一個人。   突破百萬讀者   台、港、澳、新馬年度暢銷作家   Middle最新長篇小說力作   「因為,我是認真的喜歡你,喜歡到……   就算知道你還未可以完全放下那一個人,我都不會介意。」   兩個想放下、但還未可以放下的人。   兩段想在一起、但沒有 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Authors
The first OFFICIAL Minecraft novel for young readers 7+ It's Ash's first day at Woodford Middle School and she's very nervous. But fellow student, Morgan, isn't doing a good job of making her feel welcome. He liked things before Ash arrived. When Doc Culpepper, the science teacher, asks Morgan and his friends to test her new Virtual Reality Minecraft Project, they can't wait! Inside the world of Minecraft, the friends build and gather to make a castle and survive the night 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

现售 RM 52.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 47.25 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  「明天見」,   還記得自己對上一次說這一句話,   是在什麼時候嗎?   累積突破百萬讀者   台、港、澳、新馬年度暢銷作家   Middle最新短篇小說力作   縱使未可再聚,但依然最想見你……   8 段想見但不能見、想愛但不能愛的曾經,   一同緬懷我們最後一次再見,   期許有天可以再一起笑著說,明天見。   常常, 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Richard Osman
Such a beacon of pleasure' KATE ATKINSON 'So smart and funny. Deplorably good' IAN RANKIN 'A gripping read' SUNDAY TIMES THE FIRST BOOK IN THE #1 BESTSELLING THURSDAY MURDER CLUB SERIES BY TV PRESENTER RICHARD OSMAN In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders. But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club find themselves in the middle of their first live case. Elizabeth, 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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会员 RM 53.96 (-10%)

作者 Jeff Kinney
The first in Jeff Kinney's side-splitting series, join Greg Heffley as he's thrust into a new year, and a new school, where undersize weaklings share the corridors with kids who are taller, meaner and already shaving. I'll be famous one day, but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons. Desperate to prove his new found maturity, which only going up a grade can bring, Greg is happy to have his not-quite-so-cool sidek 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 Nick Eliopulas
The gang from Woodsword Middle School have re-entered the world of Minecraft, and this time they're taking the plunge to discover the secrets of the ocean biome. When the friends follow a treasure map, they find their underwater quest ties in perfectly with their new school science project. But trouble quickly threatens to sink them in both worlds! For fans of the Minecraft game, Jumanji and Wreck it Ralph. 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Nick Eliopulos
The Second book in the OFFICIAL Minecraft fiction series for readers age 7+ Morgan, Ash and friends are back for another adventure. Woodsword Middle has been infested by bats, bringing chaos and disorder into Ms Minerva's classroom. The friends continue to explore Doc Culpepper's virtual reality world of Minecraft, venturing beyond the safety of their castle. When they arrive at a village which is terrorised by a hostile mob each night, they know they must help out. But wi 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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会员 RM 47.25 (-10%)

It's a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams. The floors we pace and the demons we face - the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout Taylor's life. 了解更多
原价 RM 185.90

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会员 RM 167.31 (-10%)

作者 Candy Factory
Not surprisingly, the Princes have trouble getting along with their new classmate, Prince Gion of Italy. Then, hearing that the Prince of Japan has returned to school, the Princes rush to see him - only to receive a surprise! And in the middle of everything, the Princes all end up in the running to be Momos Academy’s next Student Council President! Who will earn the student’s votes and shine above the rest? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Holly Jackson
The brand new unmissable crime thriller from Holly Jackson, best-selling, award-winning author of the Good Girl’s Guide to Murder trilogy. Eight hours. Six friends. One sniper . . . Eighteen year old Red and her friends are on a road trip in an RV, heading to the beach for Spring Break. It’s a long drive but spirits are high. Until the RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere. There’s no mobile phone reception and nobody around to help. And as the wheels are shot out, 了解更多
原价 RM 52.95

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作者 Ruowen Huang
唯有當你採取行動, 你才能讓自己成為一個活生生的證據   ●○限量附贈:作家親繪LIFE筆記本一本●○   Ruowen Huang親繪封面翱翔天際的熱氣球,內頁以心靈金句結合充足的記事版面,願你在靈魂的地球旅程中,創造出生命的各種可能性。共兩款顏色,隨機贈送,送完為止。   人生至今之所以還沒有發生任何自己想要的事,   往往是因為自己不 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Middle
◆華文圈132萬粉絲共感追隨,台、港、澳、星馬暢銷作家! ◆Middle突破之作,跨越散文與小說的疆界 ◆Middle全新散文故事創作,最溫柔的傾聽與訴說 【內容簡介】 「就算與他再傳千個短訊,也未必可陪在他的身邊。」 56場夜深對話,一千通無眠短訊, 陪你傾訴一個未可離開的故事, 一起細聽某段應該淡忘的軌跡。 「我想在這個時刻, 總會有一 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Jeff Kinney
Everyone's favourite wimpy kid is back for his eighth appearance in Jeff Kinney's world-famous series. Get stuck in to Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck to find out what scrapes Greg Heffley has gotten himself into this time! Mom's always saying that friends will come and go but family is forever. Well, if that's true, I could be in for a rough ride.Greg Heffley's on a losing streak. His best friend, Rowley Jefferson, ha 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 Stephen King
The eagerly awaited paperback edition of the No. 1 bestselling hardcover featuring a stand-alone sequel to The Outsider, and three additional irresistible novellas. News people have a saying: 'If it bleeds, it leads'. And a bomb at Albert Macready Middle School is guaranteed to lead any bulletin. Holly Gibney of the Finders Keepers detective agency is working on the case of a missing dog - and on her own need to be more assertive - when she sees the footage on TV. But when 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Andy Griffiths
There are lots of laughs at every level in The 143-Storey Treehouse, the eleventh book in the number one bestselling Treehouse series from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, out in hardback. We've added thirteen new levels to our Treehouse (it used to be 130 storeys, but it keeps on growing!) including a word-o-matic (it knows every word in the whole world!); a recycling depot; a wrecking ball; a deep, dark cave with a real live, fire-breathing dragon; a complaining room; a sp 了解更多
原价 RM 41.90

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会员 RM 37.71 (-10%)

作者 Louis Sachar
Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnatses. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys’ detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes. It doesn’t take long for Stanley 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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会员 RM 38.25 (-10%)

Stax has lived a peaceful--if unremarkable--life in his small town in the Overworld. But when a mysterious stranger arrives, he takes everything from Stax, stranding him in the middle of nowhere and with nothing to his name. Now, Stax must learn not only how to survive, but how to live. 了解更多
原价 RM 46.95

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• Rectangular with 6 large paint wells and 7 smaller wells in the middle • Made of durable white plastic • Easy to mix colors right in the tray • Easy clean up and storage • Size: 19.7cm (L), 14.2cm (W), paint well depth 1cm 了解更多
原价 RM 1.05

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作者 Middle
愛你的人,懂你的人,陪你的人, 有時未必是同一個人。 華文界年度暢銷作家 Middle全新揪心長篇小說 寫給曾經寂寞失意的你和我 「縱使他已經不在了,他是一個過去了的人,但他留給我的這點溫柔,我永遠都不會忘記,也不會想要忘記。」 有些人可以相惜,但未必可以相伴。 有些人可以相守,但未必可以相愛。 年輕的時候會以為, 只要努力地 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 青木原
虛偽的快樂太多,不如誠實地痛楚~青木原 每個像活在天堂的人 都背著一座自己的地獄 沒關係的 習慣就好 不然呢   「我們都以為   命運是個許願池   我們不會知道   未來像單戀一樣殘忍   你愛夢想   但夢想不愛你   別忘了   許願池也吃金幣」   為了從社會的生存標準中勝利,我們用新而強大的自我掩藏另一個虛弱的 了解更多
原价 RM 47.35

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会员 RM 42.62 (-10%)

作者 One
原价 RM 48.30

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会员 RM 43.47 (-10%)

作者 Tui T. Sutherland
The WINGS OF FIRE saga continues! Deep in the rain forest, danger awaits...Glory knows the dragon world is wrong about her tribe. After all, she isn't as lazy as a RainWing -- she isn't lazy at all! Maybe she wasn't meant to be one of the dragonets of destiny, as the older dragons constantly remind her, but Glory is sharp and her venom is deadly... except, of course, no one knows it.When the dragonets seek shelter in the rain forest, Glory is devastated to find that the tr 了解更多
原价 RM 34.90

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会员 RM 31.41 (-10%)

Product details of Logitech M221 Silent Wireless Mouse - Charcoal (910-004882) Logitech Advanced Optical Tracking Sensor 10m Wireless Range 1000± Max DPI Resolution 3 Button Features 2D optical Scroll Wheel Middle click Special Buttons Specification: Connection Type: Wireless range: Connect / Power:Battery Details:Battery life: *Battery life may vary based on user and computingDPI (Min/Max): Sensor technology: Sensor resolution: Scroll Wheel:Number of buttons: 了解更多

原价 RM 72.00

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DIMENSIONS • Mouse (height x width x depth): 105.4 mm x 67.9 mm x 38.4 mm • Weight: 91.0 g • Nano receiver (height x width x depth): 14.4 mm x 18.7 mm x 6.1 mm • Weight: 1.8 g SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS • Windows® 10 or later, Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 7 • Mac OS X 10.5 or later • Chrome OS™ • Linux Kernel 2.6+2 • USB port TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Connection Type: 2.4 GHz wireless connection • Wireless range: 10 meters 2 了解更多

原价 RM 90.00

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会员 RM 69.00 (-23%)

作者 Hanna Alkaf
A Malaysian folk tale comes to life in this emotionally layered, chilling middle grade debut, perfect for fans of The Book of Boy and The Jumbies. I am a dark spirit, the ghost announced grandly. I am your inheritance, your grandmother's legacy. I am yours to command. Suraya is delighted when her witch grandmother gifts her a pelesit. She names her ghostly companion Pink, and the two quickly become inseparable. But Suraya doesn't know that pelesits have a dark side-a 了解更多
原价 RM 49.50

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会员 RM 44.55 (-10%)

作者 Middle
  或許有些人是註定只能彼此錯過,   但是,我喜歡你,從來都沒有後悔。   Middle最念念不忘的作品   十段愛情憶記,埋藏一個開不了口的故事   寫給曾經那麼深愛、卻不能在一起的每一個人   全新增修╳全新序文╳頁眉秘密絮語╳雙面書衣隱藏彩蛋   你是我永遠的主題曲,   而我是你人生裡的其中一段插曲。   你有試過嗎 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 Karen M. McManus
From the author of One of Us Is Lying comes a brand new addictive thriller. Ivy, Mateo and Cal used to be close - best friends back in middle school. Now all they have in common is a bad day. So for old time's sake they skip school together - one last time. But when the trio spot Brian 'Boney' Mahoney ditching class too, they follow him - right into a murder scene. They all have a connection to the victim. And they're ALL hiding something. When their day of freedom turns 了解更多
原价 RM 54.95

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PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS: Logitech Advanced Optical Tracking Sensor 10m Wireless Range 1000± Max DPI Resolution 3 Button Features 2D optical Scroll Wheel Middle click Special Buttons 3 Year Limited Warranty from Logitech WHAT'S IN THE BOX: 1 x Logitech M221 Silent Wireless Mouse - Charcoal (910-004882) 1 x Nano receiver 1 x User documentation SPECIFICATIONS: Connection Type: 2.4GHz wireless connection Wireless range: 10 meters Connect / Power: Yes, on/off switch 了解更多

原价 RM 72.00

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作者 James Chai
Ordinary is not as ordinary as you think. History is written by the loudest and most charismatic victors, but are silent about the true movers and shakers: the rebels, the honest servants, the quiet doers, the square pegs in a round hole, and the ordinary believers who kept showing up. Through seven moving tales of courage, prolific Malaysian writer, James Chai, shows us in his debut book how: - A frail 70-year-old woman became the face of Malaysia's largest protest tha 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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会员 RM 71.96 (-20%)

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