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By Azieana
Mulut kata tak suka, tapi hati dah jatuh cinta. Ryzal cuba menolak saranan orang tuanya untuk dijodohkan dengan Qaisara kerana sejak awal lagi dia tak pernah menyukai gadis itu. Tapi, penolakannya tidak diendahkan, menyebabkan dia semakin membenci Qaisara. “Kau tahu tak yang kau ni seorang yang tamak? Tak tahu bersyukur. Sepatutnya kau sedar siapa diri kau. Apa asal usul kau. Hati aku ni dah lama sakit. Dah berdarah dan bernanah disebabkan kau!” Ryzal “Kenapa? Hairan Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

NOW: RM 32.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 28.80 (-10%)

By Fujiko F Fujio
Nobita dan kawan – kawannya ambil keputusan untuk buat fiem mengenai hero. Diorang berlima jadi hero yang dipanggil ‘Pelindung Galaksi ‘ dan mula rakam kisah masing – masing yang melindungi keamanan angkasa. Tapi… apa cabaran yang sebenarnya menanti diorang? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

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By Nurshiemah Md Yasan
Tiga orang sahabat yang tinggal serumah mempunyai karakter yang berbeza. Masing-masing ada cerita tersendiri apabila memperkatakan tentang jodoh. NADIM, ada hati dengan anak tuan rumah. Malangnya sifat pemalu terlampau Nadim membuatkan dia mudah menggelabah. “Hei, Nadim. Kau ada kacau anak aku ke?” - Puan Asmidar “Mak ni garang sangatlah. Jangan asyik nak marah aje.” - Indah “Tak... puan. Err... saya nak pergi kerjalah ni.” - Nadim ARJUNA, dingin dengan Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

NOW: RM 28.80 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 25.60 (-20%)

Tengku Jalil merancang untuk membalas dendam kematian ayahnya. Dia mengajak Tengku Annas belayar dan merancang untuk membunuh abangnya sewaktu di tengah laut. Namun tragedi ribut yang berlaku tanpa disangka-sangka telah menggagalkan niat jahatnya. Tengku Annas terselamat tetapi koma di alam manusia, manakala Tengku Jalil sesat dan terperangkap di sebuah alam asing dikenali sebagai Kristaland. Dia berkenalan dengan seorang puteri yang menjadi buruan askar diraja. Akibat desak Learn More
USUAL: RM29.00

NOW: RM 29.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.10 (-10%)

By Clay
When Evil Rears Its Ugly Head, What Form Will Good Take To Give Battle? With the magic concealing the realm of Fan-Tsi undone, the world is swept up in a tide of magical monsters, the likes of which have never been seen! Not since Kriemhild's emergence have The Seekers faced a more dire threat to all they hold dear! With the many-headed Hydra lurking offshore and Dar'Wyn's arcane abomination loose in the realm, the end seems nigh! What role will the reawakened dragons hav Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By Xiao Jiangnan
Tall-nut breaks his promise and misses Wall-nut’s sports day, so Wall-nut decides to run away from home out of anger. At the end of a cave, he accidentally discovers a paradise, whereby some long-lost dinosaurs live in.   Here, Wall-nut makes two new friends quickly – Barley the Corythosaurus and Rye the Parasaurolophus. But these two good friends also have their own troubles. It turns out that the tribes of Corythosaurus and Parasaurolophus are not on good terms, so Ba Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

NOW: RM 17.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.75 (-10%)

By Takahara Suiko
With all these in mind, this is not a body of work for you to consume in one sitting; it is something you can read once a day, crack open random pages, and read at your own leisure and pace. Some poems may have closer connection to the others, but they remain to be consumed no-stress, bite-size, per diem. Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 28.00 (-20%)

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By 墨必斯
全球唯一版本 十年之後,墨必斯依舊過癮 法國漫畫大師墨必斯MOEBIUS經典回歸 我們都愛的大神   宮崎駿:   「墨必斯看待世界的角度令我驚訝!他的畫,以最單純的線條來描繪人物,包含了各種要素,呈現出既孤獨、又高傲的空間感。我覺得這是墨必斯最大的魅力。」   大友克洋:   「墨必斯是走在漫畫進化最前線的藝術家,至今依舊旺盛 Learn More
USUAL: RM78.00

NOW: RM 78.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 70.20 (-10%)

By 星空流星
  「讓我們一起終結”聖杯戰爭”──破壞這個世界吧。 」   被樂園捨棄的少女與金色少年將踏上旅途,探索失落的”廢都冬木” 所在地。   描寫聖杯戰爭「戰後」的最新「Fate」系列第二集!   ★TYPE-MOON最新授權Fate系列小說。──充滿魅力的鎮魂曲第二集登場!   【故事簡介】   『我要的不是回憶──而是一個純白的未來。』   讓我 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By Yumie Nishiogi
Kyoto: Under the eaves of the temple’s west veranda, a legend unfolds... The match between the rival provinces from Bishū and Kishū has begun, and Nagaya's students are up against archers whose arrows fly at ground-hugging altitudes, as well as those whose precision is unmatched. Among them also lurk challengers with nefarious tricks hidden up their sleeves. How will Kanza fare against the top archer in Japan, Daiemon Yoshimi? Learn More
USUAL: RM43.70

NOW: RM 43.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.33 (-10%)

By 星空流星
  「我是死神――從事殺死從者的工作。」   被樂園捨棄的少女將會邂逅她的命運。描寫聖杯戰爭「戰後」的最新「Fate」系列就此揭幕!   ★TYPE-MOON最新授權Fate系列小說。   第一集即出現17名全新從者──充滿魅力的鎮魂曲登場!   ――從前,曾經發生過一場大戰。   戰爭終結,世界又恢復和平。如今每個人都擁有”聖杯 ”,能夠召喚各自命 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By 天樹征丸 , 金成陽三郎 , 佐藤文也
一陣歌聲傳來……!這…不是什麼…安魂曲(小字:Requiem)!走吧……!前往「File」的另一頭…! Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.00 (-0%)

By Norshiemah Md Yasan
“Setia di sisi bersama cinta yang tidak akan dilepaskan pergi.” Berkahwin dengan bapa ayam? Lintah darat? Memang kerja gila! Qaisara tidak menyangka, Pak Borhan sanggup mahu menjodohkannya dengan lelaki seperti itu demi mahu melunaskan hutang judinya. Jadi, untuk mengelak perkara itu daripada berlaku, Qaisara berfikir ada baiknya kalau dia cepat-cepat berkahwin dengan lelaki lain. Tapi, masalahnya dia mana ada pakwe. Dan mana pula mahu dia mencari lelaki yang boleh dijad Learn More
USUAL: RM33.00

NOW: RM 33.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.70 (-10%)

By 布萊德·史東
★2016全新封面暢銷改版★ 這不只是一本談論亞馬遜的書,也是一本談論你的書! 第一本經貝佐斯認可,深入亞馬遜內部、進行達300多次訪談的經典之作 「想要了解行事隱密、發展快速的亞馬遜,只能透過這本書了。」   ★ 2013年《金融時報》與高盛集團年度最佳商業書   ★ 2013年《富比士》《華盛頓郵報》年度十大好書   ★ 2013年尼曼報告(Nieman Repor Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

NOW: RM 84.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 76.23 (-10%)

By Clay
En route of the tomb of the Mother of the Dragons, a spot of undead uncoolness separates Amy and Yuna from out hapless heroes! In hot pursuit, Rain, Sean, and Stone are suddenly beset by a familiar filial foe! With vengeance forging him a lonely path, Rain valiantly faces off with the reason he joined the Dragonfort, as Bain, aided by nefarious ally, makes his way closer to Kriemhild's resting place! Heralding the arrival of doom, what is the final outcome of this encounter w Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Clay
Amy dan Yuna telah diculik semasa dalam perjalanan. Rakan-rakan lain bergelut menyelamatkan mereka berdua. Kemudian bertembung pula dengan naga yang selama ini dicari Remy kerana membunuh datuknya. Manakala Bain bersama sekutu jahat dalam perjalanan ke kurungan Kriemhila. Apakah pengakhiran kisah pertemuan Remy dengan naga merah? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Norshiemah Md Yasan
SERI... hidupnya tidaklah berseri-seri seperti namanya. Dia sering menjadi mangsa amarah dan cacian Mak Bedah dan Aifa. Untung sahaja dia disayangi oleh abahnya, Pak Rahim. Begitu juga dengan Ikmal. lelaki yang telah membuatkan hatinya berbunga riang. Dia tidak kisah berkorban demi meraih cinta lelaki itu. Namun, hidupnya berubah dengan kehadiran Rayqal di kampung itu. RAYQAL...sebelum ini seorang yang berharta dan bongkak. Kini, tercampak di kampung apabila takdir telah Learn More
USUAL: RM27.00

NOW: RM 27.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 24.30 (-10%)

By James Lee
Turn off your lights, get ready for frights… Story #1: When Wilkin Tan and his friends follow a trail of wet footprints outside their school library, they discover the ghost of someone who died by drowning. We dare you to read HE SWIMS WITHOUT WATER - without fear! Story #2: What really happends in your school at midnight? Do terrifying ghost come out of hiding? Read what happens when Livia Liem and her friends come face to face with OUR SCHOOL GHOUL. Learn More
USUAL: RM12.90

NOW: RM 12.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.61 (-10%)

By Arsya Aisya
Kerana kopi, dua hati dan kehidupan yang berbeza menjadi satu! Nur Qasy Imani atau Q… pencinta kopi yang sanggup menjadi barista di Luth’s Café. Menjadi barista itu mudah baginya, namun ia menjadi payah apabila ia melibatkan soal hati dan perasaan. Ada ketika, nun jauh di sudut hatinya berdetik rasa. Luth Haqiem… bersama detik waktu berlalu, cintanya berputik. Untuk mengakui, dia resah sendiri. Lalu dia mendekat dalam caranya sendiri. Untuk berada dekat dengan Q, dia s Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Norshiemah Md Yasan
Hariz dan Hakeem, dua beradik yang berbeza prinsip hidup. Hariz, si teruna tampan yang sejuk beku tetapi penuh dengan kasih sayang dan cinta hanya untuk keluarga. Hakeem, si Romeo kampung yang kacak dan bermulut manis tetapi tidak serius dalam semua perkara. Tak cukup dua orang kekasih, ada hati nak tambah lagi. Tiba-tiba Pak Talib merancang nak jodohkan Raisya untuk Hariz. Macam cacing kepanasan si adik apabila buah hati nak kena pinang dengan abang sendiri. Puas H Learn More
USUAL: RM26.00

NOW: RM 26.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.40 (-10%)

By Clay
A century ago, the battle royale between the Heroes 3 and the First Dragon, Kriemhild the Terrible unleashed a tide of fiery monstrosities upon our unassuming world! Now, this infernal threat emerges once more, but not if the determined defenders of the Dragonfort have anything to do with it! Emerging amidst an ongoing war between man and beast, read on as rambunctious Rain, swotty Sean, and stalwart Stone take their first steps towards greatness under Wizard D'Vinci's bleary Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Lauren Oliver
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By 丹尼爾·克羅 , 謝梓妍
  ★只要「剪.摺.貼」三步驟,擁有美麗花紋的動物模型簡單完成!   快來創造屬於你的專屬動物園!   ★還能用動物花紋玩出屬於你的創意喲!   19種3D動物模型,加上超過45張的裝飾貼紙,   剩餘的花紋紙片還可以用來創作拼貼畫、混凝紙漿和蝶古巴特!   每種花紋代表一種動物,背面還有簡單易懂的製作步驟以及稀奇古怪的動物小 Learn More
USUAL: RM47.20

NOW: RM 47.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.48 (-10%)

By Lauris Liberts
Get Shit Done. Less Meetings, More Doing. Passion Never Fails. These mantras have bred the likes of Twitter and Instagram. Now the essence of the startup world has been captured in book form. There's rocket-fuelled insight from the pioneers of the Lean revolution, alongside timeless wisdom from Zuckerberg, Bezos and Jobs. Whenever you're in search of inspiration and motivation, pick up this book. And then Get Shit Done. 'It's the new buzz acronym taking over the Learn More
USUAL: RM43.95

NOW: RM 43.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.56 (-10%)

By Reggie Lee
This is the definitive collection of Reggie Lee's most loved and most hilarious comics. If you are long time fan of Reggie Lee's comics (which includes most of us) , this book will have you in stiches in the most rip-roaring, laughing out loud "till it hurts' way possible. Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

Classics is a compilation album by classical crossover soprano Sarah Brightman. It collects previously released material, such as "Pie Jesu", from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Requiem; "Figlio Perduto", "Lascia ch'io pianga" and "La Luna" from Brightman's previous studio albums, and new recordings of some her classical vocal performances, including "Ave Maria", "Dans La Nuit", "Alhambra" and a solo version of the 1997' hit "Time to Say Goodbye". Entertainment Weekly, although calli Learn More
USUAL: RM41.50

NOW: RM 41.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.35 (-10%)

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