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By Sakujyu Koizumi
Once every hundred years, the animals battle it out to determine the undisputed, No. 1 King of the Beasts!! Match No. 1: Tiger vs Slow Loris Match No. 2: Hippopotamus vs Kangaroo Match No. 3: Crocodile vs Cassowary Match No. 4: Shark vs Bear Learn More
USUAL: RM45.10

NOW: RM 45.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.59 (-10%)

By Popono Workshop
Interpretasi tentang kesihatan, kewangan dan persahabatan yang dipersembahkan dengan cara yang menyeronokkan. Memahami sifat dan perkembangan pembelajaran anak, belajar bersama-sama dan memupuk hubungan baik dengan mereka. Analisis pro dan kontra zodiak paling lengkap. Mengenali ciri-ciri anak anda dan meneroka kerjaya yang paling sesuai. Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By Popono Workshop
Interpretasi tentang kesihatan, kewangan dan persahabatan yang dipersembahkan dengan cara yang menyeronokkan. Memahami sifat dan perkembangan pembelajaran anak, belajar bersama-sama dan memupuk hubungan baik dengan mereka. Analisis pro dan kontra zodiak paling lengkap. Mengenali ciri-ciri anak anda dan meneroka kerjaya yang paling sesuai. Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By 瑞秋·李察斯
★亞馬遜理財類暢銷榜第1名★ ──盤踞各大書店暢銷榜《讓可愛的錢自動滾進來》最新續作── 讓工作變成想要,而不是需要。 想要賺更多、辭職,達到財務自由嗎? 關鍵就在於讓可愛的錢幫你去賺錢。 27歲退休、每月被動收入超過45萬的理財顧問再次出擊, 教你建立多樣化的被動收入!   ▌什麼是被動收入?   被動收入是指,在幾乎沒有花 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Wallax , Popono Workshop
Paco is a high school student. On the very first day of being a transfer student, he offends the unscrupulous wrestling champion of the school, Simon. In the meantime, Paco becomes a cleaner in Ace Taekwondo School by coincidence. He eventually becomes an apprentice to the Chief Master, Master Jack. In an unfortunate turn of events, the robust Simon is beaten by a man who is identical to Paco. He then swears to seek justice from Ace Taekwondo School. Who on earth has actually Learn More
USUAL: RM13.50

NOW: RM 13.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.15 (-10%)

By Alice Tan , Popono Workshop
Noah is a gifted vet. He has been raised by a family of wolves since young. He returns to the human world when he meets Doctor Robert. As a result of a plane crash, he falls into a different dimension. He even intervenes in the battle between the chimpanzees and dragons. Can Noah leave this strange dimension in one piece? What are the chimpanzees and dragons fighting for? Learn More
USUAL: RM13.50

NOW: RM 13.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.15 (-10%)

By Alice , Popono Workshop
Charlie is an industrial engineer. He is creative and his enthusiasm for all sorts of machinery is unparalleled. He has a good relationship with Joyce, a medical mechanical engineer and Dicky, a military engineer. However, Dicky has a change of heart. He not only has evil thoughts, but has also joined forces with terrorists to launch an attack on the Ministry of Defence. Why on earth does he do this? What is his purpose of attacking the ministry? Learn More
USUAL: RM13.50

NOW: RM 13.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.15 (-10%)

By 林落
2017年POPO華文創作大賞幻想組 首獎 繼《召喚師的馴獸日常》之後,最受矚目的療癒系輕奇幻力作! 魔法學園生活 ╳ 清新(?)主僕日常 ╳ 精彩幻想冒險 —————————————————— 成為惡龍摯友的祕訣: ☑每天跑腿買蘋果汁 ☑乖乖接受包養 ☑以身相許一生一世……(O///O)!? ★ 實體書限定收錄暖心番外〈期末考後的那些事〉 ———————— Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By HBO Asia , IFA Media
  我叫謝雅真。在濟德宮內,更多人叫我仙姑。   這是我十六歲的日常。   「妳生來就跟別人不同款,妳是有天命的,妳就是要接天命、積陰德——」   十六歲的謝雅真天生有陰陽眼,修行通靈收驚都是她的日常。   白天的她是平凡不起眼的高中生,晚上卻是濟德宮信徒口中的「仙姑」;   宮廟中上演的人生百態讓她看淡生老病死,也 Learn More
USUAL: RM52.35

NOW: RM 52.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.12 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
Alex dan putera teruja bila dapat tahu Puteri Han Su Jung dan ahli MPP Akademi Poposi akan datang melawat Momos. Tetapi kegembiraan mereka bertukar menjadi mimpi ngeri apabila puteri-puteri itu diculik! Dapatkah Alex dan putera lain menyelamatkan mereka? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 林落
2017年POPO華文創作大賞幻想組 首獎 繼《召喚師的馴獸日常》之後,最受矚目的療癒系輕奇幻力作! 魔法學園生活 ╳ 清新(?)主僕日常 ╳ 精彩幻想冒險 —————————————————— 馴養傲嬌惡龍的方法: ☑隨時表現忠誠 ☑適時給予讚美 ☑偶爾餵食蘋果派……咦(O_O)? ★ 實體書限定收錄甜暖番外〈關於養寵物這件事〉 ——————————— Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
Alex and the Princes are excited to hear that Princess Han Su Jung and the other Student Council members of Poposi Academy will be visiting Momosu. But their excitment soon turns to horror when they find out the Princesses have been kidnapped! Can Alex and the Princes save the Princesses? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
Oh no! The students of Momos Academy are displeased with the Student Council again! They're unhappy with Alex's dress sense! Consequently, Prince Ciel gives Alex a makeover. Also, Alex and the Princes visit the Princesses on Poposi to learn from them. What will the Princesses think of Alex's new look? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
Aduhai pelajar Akademi Momos tidak puas hati dengan ahli MPP lagi! Kali ini penampilan Alex pula jadi isu. Jadi Putera Ciel ubah penampilan Alex menjadi lebih bergaya. Alex dan putera-putera juga pergi ke Pulau Poposi untuk belajar tentang gaya dan penampilan dengan puteri-puteri. Apa pula pendapat mereka dengan gaya terbaru Alex? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 林落
2017年POPO華文創作大賞幻想組 首獎 繼《召喚師的馴獸日常》之後,最受矚目的療癒系輕奇幻力作! 魔法學園生活 ╳ 清新(?)主僕日常 ╳ 精彩幻想冒險 —————————————————— 成為惡龍保母……僕人的條件: ☑忠誠 ☑任勞任怨 ☑隨傳隨到 ☑可愛……(O_O)? ★ 實體書限定收錄暖萌番外〈有惡龍陪伴的暑假還能好好過嗎?〉 ——————— Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By Popono Workshop
Since the tomb of Tutankhamun was found, the workers died mysteriously. Even the financial supporter, Lord Carnarvon was found dead due to unknown cause. It was believed that the excavation had awakened the soul of the Pharaoh hence giving rise to the "Curse of the Pharaoh". Solar and Solar Junior went all the way to the desert to find out about the curse. Can they escape from the family of tomb raiders? Can they flee from the mummies can Ushabti who were under Khufu's contro Learn More
USUAL: RM13.50

NOW: RM 13.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.15 (-10%)

By Lana Popovic
"Lush. Delicious. Bewildering. And darkly magical. Popovic has created a world that you tumble into from the very first words and wish you could stay in forever." -Evelyn Skye, author of The Crown's Game"Wicked Like a Wildfire was like devouring a succulent fairy fruit-it will rob your time, settle into your dreams, and leave you starving for more." -Roshani Chokshi, New York Times bestselling author of The Sta Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Dreamerz Kaoru
The students of Momos Academy for Boys have been invited to a dance event organised by Poposi Academy for Girls. To Alex's surprise, Princess Han has requested that he be her dance partner for the first dance. The only problem is Alex doesn't know a thing about dancing. Can the Princes help the very nervous Alex acquire some dance moves? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
Pelajar Akademi Lelaki Momos telah dijemput ke majlis tari-menari yang dianjurkan oleh Akademi Perempuan Poposi. Alex terkesima apabila Puteri Han memintanya menjadi pasangan menari untuk tarian pembukaan. Masalahnya, Alex tidak tahu menari! Dapatkah putera-putera membantu Alex yang darah gemuruh itu menari dengan baik? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
The student council has been given the important task of organising a Cultural Exchange Programme and hosting the Princesses of Poposi Island! As Alex is president of the Student Council, he finally gets his wish to see the beautiful and elegant Princesses. But can Alex and the Princes get along with the Princesses? Will their Cultural Exchange Programme be a success? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Candy Factory
Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) telah ditugaskan untuk mengendalikan Program Pertukaran Budaya dan menjadi hos puteri-puteri Pulau Poposi. Alex selaku Presiden MPP, akhirnya mencapai impian untuk melihat sendiri kecantikan dan keanggunan puteri itu. Tetapi dapatkah Alex dan putera lain berbaik dengan puteri-puteri Pulau Poposi? Adakah Program Pertukaran Budaya berjaya? Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 響生
《第二屆原創小說大賞》翼想本組特別獎得獎作!   新生代清新作家 響生 × 人氣新銳繪師 秋枝 攜手打造!   他曾認為世上僅需要二分法。   生與死,過去與未來,人類與九十九神,逝去與存留。   ★華文原創頂尖進化!歷時九個月的醞釀,自數百件稿件中脫穎而出──尖端第二屆原創小說大賞翼想本特別獎得主 響生 力作!   ★度脫生死, Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By 夏堇
  ‧宅女走歪路,變成……殺人魔?!   ‧POPO文學網人氣長紅!穩居金石堂、博客來新書暢銷榜!   ‧冒險 × 搞笑 × 友情 × 曖昧,一部滿足──超人氣暢銷作家夏堇,長篇網遊經典作!   可曾想像過,多麼獨特的父母,能夠養育出段天昂這樣特別的孩子?   昂的童年,有過什麼樣的特殊經歷?   迪歐、羅蘋、藍碧璽、夜寂、光芒、數字四人 Learn More
USUAL: RM29.25

NOW: RM 18.00 (-38%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-38%)

By 夏堇
‧宅女走歪路,變成……殺人魔?! ‧POPO文學網人氣長紅!穩居金石堂、博客來新書暢銷榜! ‧冒險 × 搞笑 × 友情 × 曖昧,一部滿足──超人氣暢銷作家夏堇,長篇網遊經典作!   經過一番波折,嵐帝總算擺脫了毒藥的威脅,還順道解開了許多誤會,並替「邪狼」邀來幾位新成員。   更難得的是,總在兩大帥哥之間扮演夾心餅乾的她,明白了自己真正 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 18.00 (-53%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-53%)

By 夏堇
  ‧宅女走歪路,變成……殺人魔?!   ‧POPO文學網人氣長紅!穩居金石堂、博客來新書暢銷榜!   ‧冒險 × 搞笑 × 友情 × 曖昧,一部滿足──超人氣暢銷作家夏堇,長篇網遊經典作!   被霸道的昂熱烈追求,喜歡嗎?   被體貼的海溫柔守護,幸福嗎?   看性格南轅北轍的兩大帥哥為自己爭風吃醋,感覺如何?   身處暴風圈中心的嵐帝表 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 18.00 (-53%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-53%)

By 夏堇
  ‧宅女走歪路,變成……殺人魔?!   ‧POPO文學網人氣長紅!穩居金石堂、博客來新書暢銷榜!   ‧冒險 × 搞笑 × 友情 × 曖昧,一部滿足──超人氣暢銷作家夏堇,長篇網遊經典作!   許多人都說,沉迷網路遊戲,是為了逃避不美好的現實。   可是,網遊世界裡的陰謀詭計、仇恨糾紛,似乎並不比現實世界少。   「按照約定,我讓你們殺 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 18.00 (-53%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-53%)

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