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By 摩天文傳
16款不敗單品穿搭指南 21款究極風格搭配攻略 23個情境著裝吸睛法則 最簡單、最實用時尚穿搭術 就是要你酷、潮、型 經典單品加上搭配巧思 帥氣UP!UP!展現百變風采 暖男 大地色系的衣著,讓你成為女孩心目中的「大仁哥」 文青 黑框眼鏡配上合身淺色衣,散發濃濃書卷味 輕熟男 衣著俐落剪裁並噴上淡淡古龍水,優雅又充滿迷人魁力 英倫風X紳士風X學院風 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.80

NOW: RM 45.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.22 (-10%)

By 笛特瑪.柯磊墨 , 賀爾姆.維爾特
【書名1】新巴赫花精療癒:從情緒及靈性上調理你的身心靈疾病 向大自然取法,更簡易、更快速、更有效 身心靈整合療法的【新巴赫花精療癒】 以巴赫38種花精為基礎、運用氣場(能量體)檢測以及中醫陰陽五行、經絡系統,發展出外在花精與內在花精分類以及12花精軌道的簡易實用療癒! 出身正統西方醫學的英國巴赫醫師及病理學家(1886-1936),他 Learn More
USUAL: RM103.00

NOW: RM 103.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 92.70 (-10%)

By 提姆.歐文
《紐約時報》暢銷書企業的英雄,為什麼往往最後變成企業的災難?<BR>意氣風發的企業,為什麼後來會變成過街老鼠?<BR>★可口可樂全球顧客與通路領導部門資深副總裁  波尼.沃茲巴克(Bonnie P. Wurzbacher)<BR>★聯邦快遞(FedEx International)<BR> 總裁暨執行長 羅伯?麥唐納(Robert A. McDonald)<BR>★美國西南航空(Southwest Airlines)<BR>  Learn More
USUAL: RM45.80

NOW: RM 45.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.22 (-10%)

By 中野明
自我啟發之父、心理學大師── 阿德勒給了我們改變自己人生的勇氣 本書的精華薈萃,教你一小時就讀懂阿德勒的真諦!   作者用最精簡的方式,訴說著阿德勒的畢生精神,並且隨著時光延伸到近代大師,彼得‧杜拉克的目標與貢獻觀點,以及史蒂芬‧柯維的七個習慣。這本書需要閱讀的時間不長,但其中的內容具有震撼性,如果你趁此機會認真檢視人生 Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By 艾克哈特.托勒
歡慶《當下的力量》在台銷售突破10萬冊! 全新改版,繼續帶領人類邁向更高的開悟境界 似乎沒人知道,人之所以活在這世上 就是為了要經歷一場深沉的內在轉化歷程 是此時此地的你,讓宇宙的神聖目的得以開展 看看你有多重要!  超人氣心靈導師艾克哈特.托勒,奠定大師地位代表作  長踞《紐約時報》書籍排行榜TOP1,跨國Amazon網路書店一致 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 采實文化編輯部
史上第一本最實用、超爆笑、可愛的「假睫毛教學彩妝書」。 知名超人氣部落客彩妝大師【TOMOKO】親自示範 不會戴的、不想戴的、不敢戴的,通通不用擔心了! 「假睫毛」=「化濃妝」? 學會技巧,第一次戴假睫毛,也能自然上手! 【A】女:第一次戴假睫毛,結果被朋友說成「濃妝怨女」,從此與假睫毛變成「陌生人」! 【B】女:參加婚禮時假睫毛沒黏 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

By 亞當.勒柏
一般人大多沒聽過「國際結算銀行」(Bank of International Settlement)的名號,它也刻意保持行事的神秘與低調;然而,國際結算銀行卻堪稱「中央銀行的中央銀行」,只有一百四十個客戶,但二○一一至二○一二年免稅利潤高達十一億七千萬美元。每隔兩個月,全世界重要國家的央行總裁固定飛到瑞士巴塞爾的開會,他們手中握有全球GDP的五分之四,所進行的討論 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.05

NOW: RM 50.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.05 (-10%)

By 金株源
本書出自於攝影師金珠源之手,是目前韓國最受歡迎與肯定的攝影書。作者之所以撰寫此書,乃是基於對自己的反思及為學員們的解惑,諸如“照片為何?”、“我為何要拍照?”、“剛拍照時該拍攝什麼?”、“主題照片該如何拍攝?”等等,而這些疑惑與問題也是常見於攝影者之間。另外,作者希望藉由此書,能夠讓學習攝影的人對攝影感到興趣並樂在其中 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 60.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.00 (-10%)

By 青井聰子
綿柔鬆軟、入口即化、香氣清新,天然無負擔! 由日本知名甜點蛋糕教室, 教您如何善用當季水果、蔬菜與食材, 烘焙出一款款美味又健康的戚風蛋糕與甜點。 本書收錄了完全不添加泡打粉、只用蛋白打發的戚風蛋糕,以及使用天然素材製作的甜點共32款。日本專業甜點教室––鎌倉戚風蛋糕教室,為了讓甜點愛好者都能在家輕鬆製作健康甜點,所以每一道 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

By 吳宜錚 , 劉家星
其實只要搞懂「構詞組字」、「詞性互換」、「詞彙演變」的邏輯,馬上就能創造英文單字的奇蹟!   人人都能建立超過10萬字的「無敵單字庫」!   用對的方法記憶單字,勝過十年苦讀死背單字。本書教你搞懂「構詞組字」、「詞性互換」、「詞彙演變」的邏輯,人人都能建立超過10萬字的「無敵單字庫」,並馬上創造英文單字的奇蹟!   一輩子受用 Learn More
USUAL: RM71.40

NOW: RM 71.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 64.26 (-10%)

By 钟莉婷Sammi
钟莉婷Sammi   是一位善于将美食与生活结合的生活家。在她的创意和巧手之下,每一个西点都有丰富的风味和故事。    在澳洲雪梨Le Cordon Bleu(法国蓝带厨艺学院)主修西点料理期间,学得一手烘焙技巧,加上在International College of Hotel Management主修饭店管理的学习经验,让她比别人拥有更完整的餐饮服务概念,于是回到台湾,亲手规划经营了以自然花园 Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

NOW: RM 44.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.41 (-10%)

By 蘇秦 , 陳品豪
你知道嗎?   台灣人學習英文的方法有95%都是錯誤的!      你是從背單字開始學習英文嗎?   你是為了考試才學英文的嗎?      學語言,   不是為了挑戰單字記憶的極限,   也不是為了收集各類英文考試證書,   學語言,   是為了「與人溝通」!   而利用文章、句子來學習英文才是王道!      參加「新多益考試」 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.10

NOW: RM 57.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.39 (-10%)

By 喬安娜‧霍爾
英國國際芳療師協會(IFA)是世界第一個正式的芳療組織 IFA證照為全球芳療產業最權威的職場專業通行證 本書為代表性前主席Joanna Hoare撰寫的芳療課程全書   本書為英國芳療最具權威性的代表性著作,由英國IFA前主席Joanna Hoare撰寫,成為專業芳療師前的必讀聖經。她在全球傳授正規的淋巴排毒按摩手法近30年,是全球芳療界的指標性代表人物。   ●芳療 Learn More
USUAL: RM68.60

NOW: RM 68.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.74 (-10%)

Kuantan Sultan Ahmad Shah International Convention Centre “Save Our Ocean” Children’s Colouring Competition Category A Date: 20 March 2017 (Mon) Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Venue: Kuantan POPULAR Mega Bookfair @ SASICC   PRIZES TO BE WON (for Each Category) 1st: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM500 + Certificate  2nd: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM300 + Certificate  Learn More

NOW: RM 4.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 4.70 (-0%)

Kuantan Sultan Ahmad Shad International Convention Centre “Save Our Ocean” Children’s Colouring Competition Category B Date: 21 March 2017 (Tue) Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Venue: Kuantan POPULAR Mega Bookfair @ SASICC   PRIZES TO BE WON (for Each Category) 1st: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM500 + Certificate  2nd: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM300 + Certificate  Learn More

NOW: RM 4.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 4.70 (-0%)

By 陳子李
  只是想,和老外說說話⋯⋯   只是想,自己到國外走走⋯⋯   只是想,多交幾個外國朋友⋯⋯   只是想,自由自在的用英文聊聊天⋯⋯   我只是想聊聊天,   幹嘛學那麼多文法、背那麼多單字?   這時候你只需要:《想要和你用英文聊聊天》。   一本簡單到不行的英語會話書!   讓你和老外用LINE聊到HIGH、用Skype聊到很Happy!   無 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.35

NOW: RM 53.00 (-9%)

MEMBER: RM 47.00 (-19%)

By Pinkdolphin Co. Ltd.
一名男子想送花和情信给一个样貌漂亮的女生,可是当他去到女生的家中时,却看到地上血迹斑斑。突然,房间里传出咝咝声…… Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 橫井朋幸
  ~挑戰海外工作,逆轉平凡人生~   沒有富爸爸、高學歷、傑出語言能力,   一樣可以「跨國界創業」!      【過來人的跨國界創業經】   ◎如何「挑選」國家   ◎「不計畫」能得到的收穫   ◎在海外活躍的十個必要祕訣   ◎從零開始創業到持續創造價值      【海外工作成功心法】   ◎做好「不管發生什麼事,我都要負責」 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

By Pinkdolphin Co. Ltd.
一名女生为了买名牌手提包,到了偏僻的古堡打工。她无意间打开了通去地下室的门,以为里面有钱财。可是当她进入地下室时,映入眼帘的却是一对腐烂不堪的角…… Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

  眾所皆知,新加坡是個充滿綠意的國家。如不在當地體驗,真的難以想像以下情景:舉目所望,高樓大廈無處不點綴大量熱帶植栽,與自然共生的都市形象著實令人印象深刻。由於新加坡非位於地震帶,商辦建築與集合住宅的樓層極多,大都呈現垂直高聳的修長外觀,立面造型多元而細膩優雅。除了熱門而大眾的觀光景點,這些新穎的建築風貌和都市天際線 Learn More
USUAL: RM11.00

NOW: RM 11.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.00 (-0%)

By 陈昭妃博士
癌症可以预防吗?为何不是人人都能健康长寿?免疫系统和心血管疾病也有关系?甚至是影响整体健康的关键?完整、天然的植物性饮食与肉奶蛋这类动物性饮食,究竟哪一种更有益于人体健康?饮食和日常生活习惯与健康之间存在着哪些密切关系?健康其实没有秘密。想要拥有健康就要先了解健康,营养免疫学的预防之道、饮食、免疫系统与健康之间的关系, Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 36.00 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 32.00 (-20%)

By Pinkdolphin Co. Ltd.
雅典娜女神嫉妒梅杜莎与海神波塞顿相恋,因而诅咒梅杜莎,凡是见到她眼睛的人都会变成石头。为此,梅杜莎逃到了渺无人烟的神殿隐居,却意外遇到一名盲眼男生。两人快乐地生活在一起,可是雅典娜却在这时候施法让那名男生重见光明…… Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 撒迦利亞·西琴
全球銷量超過1000萬冊! 超越《上帝的指紋》,精通楔形文字的撒迦利亞‧西琴博士, 以《聖經》故事與蘇美文化、巴比倫泥板的古老文獻提出 無可爭辯的文獻證據:關於地球的起源和人類來自外星的祖先   看得見證據的《創世記》   伊甸園、大洪水以及《聖經》中的故事是史實而非神話   《第十二個天體》30週年紀念版,   這部啟示性的大 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By 威廉·普倫
  已經在跑步的人,可以增加跑步的樂趣與益處   開始學跑步的人,將發現跑步的驚人療癒力      這不是一本指導你如何跑步才正確的書,而是藉由動態跑步療法,「告別絕望與壓力的一帖藥方」。──VOGUE雜誌      我們都知道慢跑可以讓人放鬆、重整思緒甚至振奮精神,而動態跑步療法(DRT)將進一步釋放運動所帶來的療癒力,解決焦慮、憂 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 峰倉和也
《最遊記》峰倉和也經典作品《疾暴執行部》新裝版1~7集同時發售!   全新繪製封面!全新收錄彩圖!   特裝版內含:複製親筆簽名卡+20P全彩小冊特裝版,千萬不要錯過!   「如果有一天,我真的把你忘了的話,   那時候你要再把我撿回來。   無論多少次,都要撿我回來。   只要你還在等我,不管多少次,   我也會從這片大海裡再 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.00 (-0%)

By 布萊恩‧費思桐
工作與生活的分界愈來愈模糊,我們需要涵蓋人生不同部分的工作新哲學!   生涯規劃是累積出自己想要的人生,而不只是換到讓人羨慕的工作。   在快速汰換年代,找到持續推進專業的動力,在生涯不同階段都有最適落點。   你想過現代人大概工作多少年嗎?45年!而且40歲之後花在工作的時間,比40歲之前還多。   你知道人生財富累積最 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By Fazalina Bte Ismail
Resipi resipi yang terkandung di dalam buku 101 Resipi Pengikat Kasih Keluarga membantu para ibu menyediakan hidangan buat seisi keluarga dalam masa yang singkat. Aneka resipi yang di sajikan buat pembaca di kategorikan kepada 9 bahagian untuk memudahkan pembaca membuat rujukan. 9 kategori resipi yang di sajikan di dalam buku ini adalah nasi, ayam, daging, ikan, lauk pauk, makanan barat, kuih tradisional, kek dan biskut. Buku ini menghidangkan pelbagai resipi dari hidangan Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 26.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By Khairy Tajudin , Harith Hakeem , Syauqie M.K. , Farhan Ismail
Daim telah diculik oleh Manap, Harith dan Paan tiga hari sebelum tarikh akad nikahnya dengan Shasha atas suatu alasan yang tidak munasabah. Pada masa yang sama, Inspektor Tasha memburu Manap kerana disyaki terbabit dengan kongsi gelap. Adakah penculikan Daim ini ada kaitan dengan kes kongsi gelap? Apa pula nasib majlis akad nikah Daim yang bakal berlangsung? Tak ada pasal, pergi cari pasal. Anekdot empat orang budak sengal ini kembali dengan tema misteri, seram, psiko, cin Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Shafie Abd Rahman
Satu berita yang mengejutkan apabila rampasan kuasa tentera Turki mengalami kegagalan. Sebelum ini telah berlaku beberapa kali rampasan kuasa tentera yang menyaksikan tumbangnya sistem pemerintahan khalifah dan berdiri megahnya sistem pemerintahan sekular di Turki. Lebih menakjubkan rampasan kuasa tentera itu digagalkan bukan oleh pihak tentera atau polis, tetapi usaha itu digagalkan oleh KUASA RAKYAT. Rakyat dengan tangan kosong sedia keluar ke jalan-jalan raya berhadapan d Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Aiman Banna
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Bonda Nor
Henshin Hero, sebuah novel adaptasi daripada kisah benar yang telah mencetuskan fenomena Ahmad Ammar. Kisah seorang anak muda biasa yang diangkat kisahnya oleh Allah secara luar biasa. Ammar dikatakan syahid dan diberikan penghormatan oleh kerajaan Turki untuk dimakamkan di permakaman sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah. Dunia mula memperkatakan tentang anak muda ini. Jutaan manusia di seluruh dunia melayari video pemakaman jenazahnya. Beratus-ratus ribu naskhah buku yang membicara Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By Sabatinie Dzue
Air mata aku menitik. Sedih dan gembira. Bila aku fikir, hidayah ini datang menyapa mungkin telah berkali-kali. Bukannya aku tidak nampak orang lain yang menutup aurat dengan sempurna di sekelilingku, tapi aku tidak pernah mengambil endah, tidak pernah kira itu sebagai teguran Allah kepadaku. Telalu sombong dan angkuh. Aku bersyukur Allah menegur aku melalui paderi tempoh hari. Kalau tidak, mungkin aku tidak sedar lagi bahawa aku tersimpang jauh. Setiap orang ada masa untu Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

Boboiboy dan rakan - rakan telah menyertai Kapten Kaizo dalam operasi penyemaran untuk mendapatkan Power Sephera yang merbahaya daripada lanun angkasa. Tanpa disedari, rancangan mereka telah membawa TAPOPS ke dalam ancaman bahaya. Kehadiran musuh baru amat sukar untuk ditandingi dan mereka perlu meminta bantuan daripada pasukan khas. Di saat mereka diambang kekalahan... akhinya kuasa elemental terakhir muncul & menyelematkan mereka. Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

Perjalanan Malam/《夜行》是國立臺灣文學館「臺灣文學外譯―東南亞語種譯本(2017 年)計畫」的成果。 臺灣政府近年大力推動新南向政策,文化與文學的多邊交流也屬進行項目。 今年初國立中山大學即承接此東南亞語種譯本翻譯計畫,由人文研究中心負責執行,並與馬來西亞三三出版社合作出版,以利在馬推廣此譯本。 Perjalanan Malam/Yexing merupakan hasil Muzium Saste Learn More
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  以人類為食的「喰種」;以狩獵喰種為職的「CCG」   在永無止盡的憎恨、眷戀等命運般螺旋中,掙扎地存活下去──   CCG、青桐樹、小丑、磁碟……   徹底解析人類、喰種兩大陣營的現況與未來!   CCG即將走向崩壞?!   為何喰種集團「小丑」會知道CCG的討伐計畫?   CCG的新隊伍「昆克斯(Q’s)」,在佐佐木琲世的領 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.00

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By 霍恩比
牛津高阶是学习型词典的典范,自七十年前出版至今,已累计发行逾1亿册,深受全球读者欢迎。此最新英汉双解版以原文第9版为蓝本,除了增收新词之外,还针对学生常见的难点,加强了词汇、写作、口语表达等学习功能,是案头必备的英语工具书。 • 185,000单词、短语、释义:英美并重 • 全文修订和新词新义逾6,000 项。新词包括 micropayment、helicopter parent 等 Learn More
USUAL: RM99.90

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By 大野瑞繪
  談起小不隆咚的可愛動物,就屬倉鼠最平易近人。相信不少人養的第一隻寵物就是倉鼠。而在長大後飼養倉鼠,則會發現之中蘊含著大人才懂的療癒力量。   倉鼠的飼養門檻不高,一般人可能會認為既然這麼好養,何必看飼養書呢?然而,他們雖然小小一隻,卻也是生命的載體。況且小巧玲瓏的他們其實是非常敏感纖細的,更需要飼主用心地呵護!和狗 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

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By 50大商業思想家
做最好的,那是唯一不擁擠的市場!!   如果領導者只讀一本書,請看這本吧!讀1本完勝50本,最適合忙碌的你   提升效率+翻轉業績+組織成長,是成功領導者的50堂必修課,現代CEO必備的思想糧食與心靈雞湯   知名「50大商業思想家(Thinkers50),嚴選全球50多位重要商業思想家,一人一信提升你的領導力   ‧專文導讀   周碩倫│兩岸知名 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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By Nor Zailina Bt Md Nordin
"Sebagai orang Asia, nasi merupakan makanan ruji. Nasi amat popular sehingga ada yang menyajikannya untuk sarapan, makan tengah hari dan makan malam. Malah ada orang tidak kenyang kalau tidak makan nasi. Begitulah besarnya pengaruh nasi. Pelbagai resipi nasi ada di dalam buku ini. Bagi peminat makanan Indonesia penyet, apa kata kita sediakan untuk keluarga (dengan harga yang berpatutan). Bukan itu saja, ada Nasi Luwet, Nasi Uduk dan Nasi Ambeng yang sudah sekian lama diper Learn More

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By 马歇尔·戈德史密斯 , 贝弗利·凯 , 肯·谢尔顿
为什么有些人能克服挫折,在事业中成长,平步青云,而有的人却未能充分发挥他们的潜力?身为领导者,在经营管理过程中总会面临各种各样的困境。本书主要汇集了一些畅销书作者、思想领袖和管理专家等人的领导思想和智慧,揭示了他们在自我修炼、管理组织和影响他人的一些经验以及他们在关键时刻如何突破困境,成功实现事业转折的秘诀。本书能够给 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

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By 中濱潤子
  ~引發葡萄酒界風暴的重要詞條!~   一口喝完,還想再一口;   一杯喝完,還想再一杯;   一瓶喝完,還想再一瓶!   「一瓶葡萄酒裡蘊含的哲學,超越了世界上所有書籍講述的內容。」——路易‧巴斯德   【萬用豆知識】為楓書坊以「手繪百科」為主題的全新系列作,   全系列以詞典的方式編排,一則詞條搭配一張討喜的插圖,    Learn More
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Hingga 15hb Oktober 2018 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.00

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Hingga 5hb Oktober 2017 Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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Hingga 15hb Oktober 2018 Learn More
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By 芭芭拉·安吉麗思
做自己的生命主人   唯有出自靈魂,才能使人生真正轉變   ★★★ 當代重量級靈性成長導師 ★★★   睽違八年的全新升級經典之作   不分宗教,一致深刻好評!   當感覺到一股不舒服從內在湧現,就表示有什麼在呼喚著我們,要求我們去看見或是說出來。此時,我們絕對不能忽略,因為這是覺醒的信號。你的內在沒有任何欠缺。我們之所以 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By Ruchir Sharma
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER'Entertaining, acute and disarmingly honest' Economist'A vital guide to the new economic order' Rana Foroohar, TimeThe crisis of 2008 ended the illusion of a golden era in which many people imagined that prosperity and political calm would continue to spread indefinitely. In a world now racked by slowing growth and mounting unrest, how can we discern which nations Learn More
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By Joseph Stiglitz
Can the Euro be saved? Should it be? Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz dismantles the prevailing consensus around what ails Europe - arguing that economic stagnation is a direct result of the Euro's flawed birth, demolishing the champions of austerity and offering solutions that can rescue the continent from further devastation. 'Stiglitz could hardly have timed The Euro better ... one of those economists with a rare ability to help readers understand Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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By Duncan Clark
In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man who rose from humble beginnings and started his career as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into the second largest Internet company in the world. The company's $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the world's largest, valuing the company more than Facebook or Coca Cola. Alibaba today runs the e-commerce services that hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend on every day, providing employment and income for tens of millio Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

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By George Soros
New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ...inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." -The Wall Street Journal George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by BusinessWeek as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competin Learn More
USUAL: RM105.35

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By Jonathan Law
This best-selling dictionary includes more than 3,700 entries covering all aspects of accounting, including financial accounting, financial reporting, management accounting, direct taxation, indirect taxation, auditing, corporate finance, and accounting bodies and institutions. It boasts feature entries on key areas (e.g. Bankruptcy Law and the FTSE share indexes), and its international coverage includes important terms from UK, US, Australia, India, and Asia-Pacific. Over 25 Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
The perfect companion for family Scrabble games. This new, easy-to-use, paperback edition contains words 2-8 letters in length and gives short, succinct definitions to help players use the best words for their game. The short definitions, given for every main word listed, have been updated for this new edition, and allow players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary. Collins Scrabble dictionaries are en Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

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By Nigar Hashimzade , Gareth D. Myles , John Black
This authoritative and comprehensive dictionary contains clear, concise definitions of approximately 3,500 key economic terms. Covering all aspects of economics including economic theory and policy, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics, and environmental economics, this is the essential reference work in this area. The new edition of this dictionary has been updated to include entries on China, In Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By John Black
An authoritative and comprehensive dictionary containing clear, concise definitions of over 3,400 key economic terms, this A to Z covers all aspects of economics including economic theory, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics, and environmental economics. There is strong coverage of international trade and many entries on economic organizations and institutions from around the world. Fully revised Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Suzanne Bell
Forensic scientists apply scientific analysis in a legal context and play a vital role in solving crimes. Sometimes the collection of forensic evidence is the only way to establish or exclude an association between suspect and victim or crime scene, or to establish a likely order of events. Profiting from recent scientific developments and the advancement of technological equipment, forensic science is a rapidly evolving discipline that encompasses many sciences and the law. Learn More
USUAL: RM49.00

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By Susan Mayhew
Containing over 3,100 entries on all aspects of both human and physical geography, this best-selling dictionary is the most authoritative single-volume reference work of its kind. It includes coverage of cartography, surveying, meteorology, climatology, ecology, population, industry, and development. Worked examples and diagrams are provided for many entries, including 15 new illustrations. All existing entries have been fully revised and updated for this new edition, and the Learn More
USUAL: RM41.90

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This best-selling dictionary includes more than 3,800 entries covering all aspects of accounting, including financial accounting, financial reporting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, corporate finance, and accounting bodies and institutions. Its international coverage includes important terms from UK, US, Australia, India, and Asia-Pacific. Over 150 new entries have been added to this edition to reflect the very latest developments in the accounting profession, Learn More
USUAL: RM41.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
The perfect companion for family Scrabble games. This small, easy-to-use, paperback edition contains valid words from 2-7 letters in length and gives short, succinct definitions to help players use the best words for their game. The short definitions, given for every main word listed, have been updated for this new edition, and allow players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary. Collins Scrabble dictio Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

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This unique and authoritative dictionary contains over 1,100 of the most widely used proverbs in English, utilizing the latest research from Oxford Dictionaries to source them. This edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, broadening the cultural range of the proverbs selected, and covering sayings of international origins. With a strong emphasis on concisely explaining the meaning of the proverbs described, the dictionary also provides additional examples of usage, a Learn More
USUAL: RM41.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
The most comprehensive Scrabble resource ever, this is the perfect reference for all players. Now fully updated with the new official wordlist, it includes an exhaustive list of every valid word playable in Scrabble and an invaluable supplement with advice and guidance for better play. Presented in two sections, this book includes a comprehensive dictionary with short definitions of all playable words of two to nine letters in length, and in section two a Learn More
USUAL: RM149.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
Endorsed by WESPA for use in Tournament & Club play from 1st September 2015, the latest official wordlist contains all 276,663 words. Nearly every Scrabble player has been involved in a dispute over which words are acceptable. Now you can settle all those squabbles with this wordlist from Collins - the authority on Scrabble. Based on Collins English Dictionary, this is the most comprehensive Scrabble wordlist ever, including World English from Australia, Learn More
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