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By 谢莉·戴维德 , 保罗·威廉姆斯
遭遇挫折时,人类最需要的是什么? 本书的两位作者使用经过数年的深入调查和样本跟踪的研究成果,结合荒诞哲学和理想主义、现实主义世界观,彻底颠覆了人类固有的受挫逻辑,给出了全新的逆向逻辑模式,帮助人们解除内耗,淡定面对挫折的挑战。 书里将失败分为三个层次,以存在主义哲学为武器,带领读者用特有的逆向逻辑打破固有的思维惯性,在 Learn More
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By Tony Davidow
Get up to speed on the latest investing strategies, techniques, and products-and raise your game to a whole new level The financial services industry has undergone a major transformation over the last decade, including increased concerns from investors, the growth of the independent model, the growth of Robo-advisors, product evolution, increased market correlations-in addition to geopolitical risks, population growth, technological advances, and social tensions. Concepts li Learn More
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By 路邊攤
PTT飄版恐怖大師—路邊攤,搜羅日常令人不安的細節, 集結成最經典、最駭人的兇猛新作, 無論恐怖驚悚靈異懸疑都滿足!   生活中,一定都曾遇過難以言喻的詭異情境,   身處那些情況裡,下一秒究竟會發生什麼事呢?   無法解釋又令人不安……   無人的兒童公園傳來輕快兒歌、旅社房門防盜眼後面是哪隻眼睛的窺視?!   租屋處可看到鄰 Learn More
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Pompo The Cinephile The Movie 酷爱电影的庞波小姐 Joelle Davidovich Pomponette, better known as simply "Pompo," is an extremely talented movie producer, having inherited her grandfather's connections and cinematic eye. Despite her promising outlook, Pompo refuses to produce anything other than trashy B-movies. That is, until she hands her assistant, Gene Fini, a script for an ambitious screenplay about the life of a composer and announces that he has earned his first Learn More
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By 路邊攤
專序推薦│創作歌手 田亞霍 戰慄推薦│凶宅房仲 文奕夫、接體員暨暢銷作家 大師兄 老闆,我點的鬼故事好了沒? 這次除了恐懼還加了點洋蔥 網路靈異界長青樹!PTT 飄版爆文作者——路邊攤 鬼話中的人性黑白故事,情感交織,驚悚中尋溫馨, 故事更添深厚魅力,一切的恐懼都隨著翻頁而湧現。 透過詭譎的筆觸描述數則短篇匪夷所思的靈異事件。 深入探索 Learn More
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