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By 橋田壽賀子
現代人不斷地追求「滿足」,卻忘了「知足」 真正的富裕,不在於擁有多少,而在於能放下多少! 歷經一連串人生困境、泡沫經濟和東北大地震……日本最著名的劇作家橋田壽賀子,從貧窮的公寓生活時代,就一直撰寫劇本到現在。她用五十多年貼近社會脈動的透徹眼光,看盡了生命的蒼涼和喜悅,最終體悟到人類是一種隨著富裕而愈來愈走入孤獨的動物。 Learn More
USUAL: RM37.20

NOW: RM 37.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.48 (-10%)

By 郭光
中國各大菜系特色做法 一目瞭然 中國地大物博,廣闊版圖上的人們,胃口又豈會相同。 湖南的辣和四川的辣有何區別? 廣東人和雲南人到底誰在大快朵頤的時候最為生猛? 哪個菜適合口重的丈夫又是哪個菜適合嗜甜的妻子? 這些關於中國美食文化的點滴疑問在本書的字裏行間和精彩圖片中盡可以找到答案。 《美食中國》是一本融合了中國美食地圖、鄉土味 Learn More
USUAL: RM51.50

NOW: RM 51.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.35 (-10%)

By 林進修
一群來自島國的醫者 飛越洲陸,跨越國界 來到11243公里之外的史瓦濟蘭 在遙遠的非洲大地上 碰觸生命的原點 2009年,一群來自臺北醫學大學醫療團隊的醫師們,放下臺灣的一切,飛向萬里之外的非洲大陸,來到史瓦濟蘭這個或許原本一輩子都不曾想像過的國家。在這裡,高科技醫療硬體近乎等於零,許多日常醫療教育多半窒礙難行;但這群白袍醫者,有著難 Learn More
USUAL: RM51.50

NOW: RM 51.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.35 (-10%)

By 山崎耕造 , 小山哲太郎
扭轉水龍頭就有水流出來,按下開關就有電, 如此便利又富足的生活,你是否曾經想過, 背後支撐一切的技術為何?   電價調漲拍板定案,帶動民生物資齊漲,成為近來最熱門的話題。究竟「電」對我們的生活有多重要?又是如何產生出來的?未來是否有更環保、更有效率的發電方式?這些問題值得我們再次深思。   2011年3月11日,東日本大地震也震出 Learn More
USUAL: RM37.20

NOW: RM 37.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.48 (-10%)

By 王巨成
男生黄春荣和钟雷都对宋佳玲有好感,两人因此结仇。宋佳玲请另外一位叫元帅的男孩去调解。元帅想出的办法是:让两人到郊外去决斗,而他和俞前进当裁判!宋佳玲为了阻止两人决斗,和女同学顾芳芳赶到郊外制止。 这时候,大地震暴发了。 六名少男少女被困郊外,回不了镇上。在缺水缺食,又有人受伤的情况下,人与人之间的关系变得更加微妙和复 Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By 阿尔文·崔塞特
第一片雪花从灰蓝色的天空中飘落,邮递员穿上雨靴,农夫去仓库取雪铲,警察扣好了大衣,他的妻子检查药橱柜里的咳嗽药水,而孩子们则欢呼雀跃、手舞足蹈,用舌尖去捕捉飘落的雪花…… 《白雪晶晶》以美国的乡村小镇为背景,描绘了从冬天初雪飘落,到春天冰雪初融、万物复苏的季节变化,以及小镇居民舒缓、惬意的日常生活。书中用饱含水墨的蓝灰 Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

NOW: RM 32.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 28.80 (-10%)

By 米歇尔·皮克马尔文
  一只在草原幸福生活的小牛丹蒂,想去看看外面的世界。她的好朋友,一只会捕捉颜色的小鸟,决定带着她去旅行。途中他们见识到最美的风景,从白天到夜晚,从雪地到海洋,大地就像魔术师,总在不断变换色彩和形象。经历过一次大自然的色彩之旅,他们满足地回到自己的故乡,而故乡草原的绿,是丹蒂最喜欢的颜色。追求梦想后的感动,也是他心中最 Learn More
USUAL: RM31.80

NOW: RM 31.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 28.62 (-10%)

By 大衛·格羅斯曼
  ★2017年布克國際文學獎得獎作品   ★2017年紐約時報百大影響力好書      四十三年後重逢的兩人。   在黑暗又狂亂的笑話中,   閃起亮若白晝的哀傷。      以色列北方小城內坦亞的酒吧裡,喜劇演員多夫在他五十七歲生日當天,邀請兒時舊識、地方法院的退休法官拉札爾來觀賞演出,並希望拉札爾告訴他看完表演的感想。      隨著 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By Fahd Razy & Sinaganga
Buku GONCANG SEBELUM GUNA ini adalah himpunan cerita runcit-runcit dan santai beberapa orang doktor yang saban hari berhadapan dengan pelbagai kerenah pesakit mereka. Ada cerita suka, ada cerita duka, tetapi best-best semuanya. Serius! Cerita-cerita mereka macam sebatian dari beberapa unsur yang kalau Aida-lah yang membuatnya, maka letupan 'Pop!' akan terhasil. Kata pepatah, tangan yang menghayun buaian itu boleh menggoncang dunia. Seperti sebatian yang Aida bubuh di Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By JTB Publishing Inc.
※本書另附隨身大地圖一張+28頁地圖別冊   好玩好逛首爾旅遊書!介紹首爾吃喝玩樂的首選玩法,還可以依興趣選擇熱門主題之旅!每個主題都有多種選擇,叩叩世界陪你充分享受自由行的樂趣。   來到世界設計之都——首爾江南,在狎鷗亭洞到林蔭道一帶,設計師店舖林立,跟著叩叩首爾的最新江南特集,不論購物、用餐、喝杯咖啡,都能讓美麗的 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By Siti Asmah Kasmo
Kamus Pendidikan Islam disusun untuk menjadi buku rujukan bagi subjek Pendidikan Islam khususnya buat para pelajar sekolah menengah. Kamus ini mengandungi entri yang diambil daripada buku teks Pendidikan Islam sekolah menengah selaras dengan keperluan sukatan pelajaran KSSM supaya dapat membantu para pelajar yang menduduki Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) dan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dalam menjawab soalan bagi subjek Pendidikan Islam yang berkaitan dengan makna serta defin Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By 吳明璋
  商業環境新風險無所不在,面對全球未知敵人,你該如何防備應變?   ── 財經中文書第一部:全球企業災難的案例書 & 韌性管理的入門課本   為什麼先進國家與企業在本世紀之後,都投入了「韌性」(Reslience)管理?它究竟有何重要性與價值?   為什麼在當代經營策略家的面前──「環境」──而非競爭者,可能才是企業最大的對手?   由 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 羅森
繼莫仁《噩盡島》後,蓋亞重磅力推的幻武大作! 暢快淋漓的冒險新世界,引爆你想像力的小宇宙。   走私、人口販子,還不滿足!   溫家改行收集美女?!   老字號溫家大鬧力夏達港,   繼走私、販賣奴隸、擅造軍械後,   還窩藏一眾大有來頭的帝國美女?   龍族少女、神祕歌姬、星榜小公主……   她們與溫家有何不可告人的關係?   Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By 中濱潤子
  ~引發葡萄酒界風暴的重要詞條!~   一口喝完,還想再一口;   一杯喝完,還想再一杯;   一瓶喝完,還想再一瓶!   「一瓶葡萄酒裡蘊含的哲學,超越了世界上所有書籍講述的內容。」——路易‧巴斯德   【萬用豆知識】為楓書坊以「手繪百科」為主題的全新系列作,   全系列以詞典的方式編排,一則詞條搭配一張討喜的插圖,    Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Peppa Pig discovers the Tooth Fairy!Peppa Pig has lost her first tooth. With the tooth safely under her pillow, Peppa waits for the Tooth Fairy to arrive! Read this delightful story book, and use the letter and tooth envelope to wait for the Tooth Fairy yourself. Dr Elephant, the dentist, gives you some handy tips on looking after your teeth, and there is a teeth chart for you to keep a record of when each of your milk teeth falls out. Everyone loves a visit from th Learn More
USUAL: RM42.95

NOW: RM 42.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.66 (-10%)

Put on your very own party with Peppa Pig and her little brother George! With fun games to play, simple decorations to press out and make and delicious treats to bake! Based on the hit preschool animation Peppa Pig, shown daily on Five's Milkshake and Nick Jnr. Learn More
USUAL: RM37.50

NOW: RM 37.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.75 (-10%)

Look at the little animals in Grandpa Pig's garden. There is lots for Peppa, George, and their friends to see! Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language.Beautifully illustrated and carefully written, the series combines the best of Ladybird content with the structured language progression that will help children de Learn More
USUAL: RM24.95

NOW: RM 24.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.46 (-10%)

Peppa and her family have lots of fun with old things. But then Miss Rabbit gets Daddy Pig's car! Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully written, the series combines the best of Ladybird content with the structured language progression that will help children develop their Learn More
USUAL: RM24.95

NOW: RM 24.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.46 (-10%)

Peppa and her family have lots of fun with old things, But then Miss Rabbit gets Daddy Pig's car!Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language.Beautifully illustrated and carefully written, the series combines the best of Ladybird content with the structured language progression that will help children develop their re Learn More
USUAL: RM14.95

NOW: RM 14.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.46 (-10%)

Peppa, George and their friends were at Sports Day. But Peppa started slowly and George could not jump!Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language.Beautifully illustrated and carefully written, the series combines the best of Ladybird content with the structured language progression that will help children develop th Learn More
USUAL: RM14.95

NOW: RM 14.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.46 (-10%)

By Steve Harvey
In his phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve Harvey told women what it takes to succeed in love. Now, he tells everyone how to succeed in life, giving you the keys to fulfill your purpose.Countless books on success tell you what you need to get that you don't already possess. In Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success, Steve Harvey tells you how to achieve your dreams using the gift you already h Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

本书针对青少年的特点和认知规律,在介绍3D打印技术的基础上,由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了使用3D One软件进行三维设计的方法和技巧。本书所选案例均来源于青少年的日常学习和生活,充满趣味性,案例采用步步图解的形式,阐述详细,读者每学习一节内容就能完成一个完整的作品,能够帮助读者快速掌握3D One软件的操作方法及3D打印设计的技巧,并极大地 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.80

NOW: RM 49.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.82 (-10%)

By Inteam Publishing
“Setiap manusia menjadi musuh kepada perkara yang tidak diketahuinya” Atas perinsip ini, Inteam Publishing menerbitkan buku ringkas ini untuk membantu muslimin dan muslimat dalam mendapatkan panduan asas dalam beberapa amalan harian seperti yang dicontohkan Baginda Nabi S.A.W. 100 Amalan Doa & Zikir Rasulullah s.a.w adalah kompilasi amalan Nabi Muhammad dalam kehidupan harian Baginda.Dipetik dari hadith-hadith yang terkandung dalam kitab Al-Azkar -keagungan Zikir & Doa Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By 一条課堂
「這堂人文課,在復旦大學火了20年,學生們就算站著也要聽完……」                      中國最大生活視頻網站「一条課堂」──近來最火紅的知識付費平台,   將其製作成影音課程,對13億人口播送。本書就是這堂課的完整呈現。   一条課堂製作單位邀請了全中國研究國學最火紅的教授,   分別講述歷史上12部傳世名作 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

Suara Bicara: Fragmen Memoir Said Zahari是赛·扎哈利回忆录三部曲的第三部和最后一部。 本书是回忆片段录,包含他本身的作品,以及媒体对他的访谈;本书同时也是一本纪念文集,即是他的战友、同志及子女对他表达敬意的作品。 跟之前赛伯的两部回忆录一样,在本书内所展现的是他那积极乐观的形象,拒绝向牢狱囚禁、折磨和侮辱低头,也不向疾病和年龄屈服。他 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

NOW: RM 38.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.20 (-10%)

By Abdullah Abdul Hamid
Kenapa buku ini dihasilkan? Siapakah yang perlu membacanya? Apakah mesej yang terkandung di dalamnya? Buku Apabila Wartawan dan Artis Menangis adalah catatan daripada perjalanan dan pengalaman penulis di beberapa buah negara terutamanya ketika menjalankan tugasan Wartawan dan misi kemanusiaan, antaranya Tebing Barat dan Semenanjung Gaza di Palestin, Syria dan Bangladesh. Buku ini dihasilkan untuk menyampaikan pelbagai kisah yang disaksikan dan dirasai sendiri oleh penulisnya. Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By 聶華苓
  「三生三世」傳奇女作家經典   離散文學代表作   新世紀必收珍藏本   聶華苓這部獲得國際肯定的小說,以印象式速寫及戲劇性的表現形式,強烈的爭議話題,成為作者最具特色之代表作。   七○年代初,《桑青與桃紅》在《聯合報》副刊連載時,因政治和性的尺度問題被迫腰斬;一直到世紀末的二十多年間,這部小說一如小說主角經歷飄泊與 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 李歐納·科恩
  ◎「搖滾樂界的拜倫」李歐納.科恩作品,現代小說經典   ◎張照堂、馬世芳導讀推薦   李歐納.科恩寫了一首詩,但偽裝成小說,這首詩的名字是《美麗失敗者》。   人類學家,他的妻子艾狄絲,以及好友F三個人,愛慾錯綜交纏。人類學家迷戀著四百年前的聖女凱特琳,思念著逝世的妻子和好友F。F的鬼魂藉著文字還魂,穿越時間與死亡,試圖 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

USUAL: RM799.90

NOW: RM 199.90 (-75%)

MEMBER: RM 199.90 (-75%)

By Shera Zulghafar
“Sudah-sudahlah betulkan tudung awak, Cik Mariam Sophia. Saya nak bagi pep talk ni.” -YUSOF FARHAN Pertemuan tidak dirancang menemukan Mariam Sophia dan Yusof Farhan di kota Istanbul yang penuh dengan 1001 kisah. Apabila mereka kembali bertemu di Lubnan, baru dia tahu Farhan seorang askar berpangkat kolonel! Sikap Farhan yang tegas dan suka memandangnya tanpa sebab membuatkan dia bertambah janggal. Dalam diam, sebenarnya Farhan sedang cuba mencuri perhatiannya! Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

Kaoruko Harima (Ryoko Shinohara) has two children. She lives separately from her husband Kazuaki (Hidetoshi Nishijima). They have agreed to divorce after their daughter's exam for elementary school finishes. One day, they learn that their daughter drowned in a swimming pool. The doctor informs them that their daughter is brain dead and does not have a chance to recover. The couple has two choices. One choice is to donate Mizuho's organs to others in need and their other choic Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

Do you love unicorns? So do Peppa Pig and Suzy Sheep! When Suzy comes over to Peppa's to play, they have a lot of fun with Peppa's new toy horse, Horsey Twinkle Toes. But what they really want to play with is a wonderful, magical, colourful UNICORN! Can Daddy Pig make their dreams come true? Peppa's Magical Unicorn is a lovely picture book, that all unicorn fans will adore. And with a very sparkly front cover, it's the perfect gift for every little reader. Learn More
USUAL: RM40.95

NOW: RM 40.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.86 (-10%)

When Mrs Duck steals Peppa's special golden wellies, Peppa and her friends head on a magical adventure to get them back! Poor Peppa can't participate in the puddle jumping competition without her golden wellies! With the help of her friends and Mummy and Daddy Pig, they head off on a extraordinary adventure to find them. Will she get her boots back in time to take part in the puddle jumping competition? This delightful picture book is based on the Peppa Pig film, The Gold Learn More
USUAL: RM40.95

NOW: RM 40.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.86 (-10%)

By 姜戎
《天鹅图腾》是《狼图腾》的姊妹篇,作家姜戎耗时16年,呕心沥血创作重磅新作。在刚勇与自由的追求之外,奉上另一块充满爱与美的生命拼图。 蒙古草原的美,是早春北归的天鹅带来的。羊群在绿浪上刨游,牧人在星光下放牧。湖泊上空,大群天鹅轻柔地跳着舞,宛若阳光下耀眼的白云。在这片天鹅栖息之地,在部落与商旅之间,生活与爱从未如此充满生 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.00

NOW: RM 69.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.10 (-10%)

USUAL: RM243.30

NOW: RM 243.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 218.97 (-10%)

USUAL: RM105.55

NOW: RM 105.55 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 95.00 (-10%)

By 西雅圖酋長
西雅圖酋長的宣言 被譽為人類最偉大的演說 它優美如詩,是最美麗而古老的自然文學經典 它清醒睿智,被視為重要的人權、環保宣言 他的話語猶如星辰山川大地,或能喚醒世人省思—— 如何與自然和諧共處 與萬物相連 重新織起生命之網   我們族人曾經遍佈這片土地   正如同被風吹皺的海,掀起海浪,覆蓋鋪滿貝殼的海床;   但是那個時代早已不復 Learn More
USUAL: RM27.70

NOW: RM 27.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 24.93 (-10%)

By 經緯文化
玩台中南6大縣市逾500個景點 影相打卡‧親子旅行‧快閃遊首選   激新景點速遞   大魚的祝福、台江文化中心、台南美術館二館、1661台灣船園區等本地人都Like的熱點,滿足貪新鮮的你   型遊中南部打卡熱點   台中軟體園區Dali Art藝術廣場、台南的街道美術館plus、嘉義的高跟鞋教堂,還有各區彩繪村及繽紛花海   台中市-西區、一中商圈   穿梭 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.70

NOW: RM 50.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.63 (-10%)

By 經緯文化
暢遊台灣最南端的熱情世界   高雄‧墾丁‧小硫球   高雄   ‧橫掃6大夜市及新穎商場,吃盡CP值爆燈的環球美食   ‧乘坐哈瑪星線、舊城線及鳳山線文化公車,速讀高雄百年人文歷史   ‧暢遊駁二藝術特區,感受「堅而不離地」的文化藝術   墾丁   ‧墾丁最靚景最超值Villa、酒店&民宿大檢閱   ‧吃遍墾丁大街、恆春老街,發掘最人氣最 Learn More
USUAL: RM63.70

NOW: RM 63.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.33 (-10%)

By 經緯文化
大台北 食買玩!   人氣甜點大搜查   超可愛狗萌主特飲「雨田先生」、童話cup cake「Cup'o story」、秀色可餐「Bonnie Sugar」   DIY創意手作仔   時間科藝體驗館、襪子故事館、創意和菓子、磁磚觀光工廠,落手落腳體驗Maker之樂   季節限定賞花行   春季賞櫻、夏季賞蓮,向日葵、繡球花、紫藤花,介紹台北人私房賞花景點   豪嘆大台北溫泉旅館 Learn More
USUAL: RM63.70

NOW: RM 63.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.33 (-10%)

By 經緯文化
 K-POP、K-FOOD、K-STYLE   潮遊首爾.食買玩最在行!   首爾注目新點   聖水聯邦、ARC.N.BOOK圖書隧道、全韓最大首爾植物園、益善洞化身「陽光先生、小姐」   首爾親子遊   好玩兼長知識@首爾兒童博物館、古裝登場@雲峴宮、不勞而獲@加平草莓體驗農場、世外桃園@南怡島   怒買熱門手信   首爾五大地下街;超市手信大搜查;明洞化妝品掃貨地 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.70

NOW: RM 50.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.63 (-10%)

By 金鈴
在甘棗山上住了一班與世無爭的人,他們以農務為生,追隨秘密隱居在山林的大地女神。在森林中長大的火火和蜜涅瓦,是彼此唯一的同伴。喜歡在日光下尋找藥草的火火,害怕和一般人說話,卻天生便懂得鳥語。習慣於黑夜行走的蜜涅瓦,天性沉鬱,喜歡和她的貓頭鷹為伍,最希望離開森林。   這年夏天,潤澤萬物的大河源頭,離奇乾涸。火火和蜜涅瓦, Learn More
USUAL: RM50.70

NOW: RM 50.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.63 (-10%)

By 金鈴
在甘棗山上住了一班與世無爭的人,他們以農務為生,追隨秘密隱居在山林的大地女神。在森林中長大的火火和蜜涅瓦,是彼此唯一的同伴。喜歡在日光下尋找藥草的火火,害怕和一般人說話,卻天生便懂得鳥語。習慣於黑夜行走的蜜涅瓦,天性沉鬱,喜歡和她的貓頭鷹為伍,最希望離開森林。   這年夏天,潤澤萬物的大河源頭,離奇乾涸。火火和蜜涅瓦, Learn More
USUAL: RM45.50

NOW: RM 45.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.95 (-10%)

Siri GET READY! SPM amat sesuai digunakan oleh murid-murid tahap menengah atas ke arah pencapaian SPM yang cemerlang. Berpandukan Standard Kandungan dan Standard Pembelajaran dalam DSKP KSSM, buku teks, serta format Kertas SPM yang baharu, semua latihan ini disusun secara sistematik dan disertakan pelbagai ciri ekstra supaya murid-murid dapat merintis kecemerlangan dalam peperiksaan. Learn More

NOW: RM 7.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 6.62 (-10%)

Siri GET READY! SPM amat sesuai digunakan oleh murid-murid tahap menengah atas ke arah pencapaian SPM yang cemerlang. Berpandukan Standard Kandungan dan Standard Pembelajaran dalam DSKP KSSM, buku teks, serta format Kertas SPM yang baharu, semua latihan ini disusun secara sistematik dan disertakan pelbagai ciri ekstra supaya murid-murid dapat merintis kecemerlangan dalam peperiksaan. Learn More

NOW: RM 7.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 6.62 (-10%)

*Pepper Jobs A2C1M USB-A to USB-C cable lets you connect your latest USB-C devices to your computer or power bank with a standard USB-A port. *The cable supports both USB super-speed data transfer and charging. *Cable length is 1m/3.3ft and both connectors are made from premium anodized aluminum which are extremely durable and highly effective at dissipating heat compared with plastic connectors Learn More
USUAL: RM36.00

NOW: RM 36.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-0%)

By 森瀨繚
充滿戰功、魔法、妖精色彩的亞瑟王傳奇的根源, 創作者不可錯過的詳盡「凱爾特神話」解析事典!   .決定成敗的關鍵——禁制咒有何效力?   .凱爾特人死後生活的異界存在何方?   .人們質疑妖精是墮天使的依據為何?   .女神信仰為何和基督教有關聯?   凱爾特神話是不列顛群島地區特有的一個神話體系,   在歐洲與希臘神話、北歐 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By 天下霸唱
  二十世纪六十年代,一场浩浩荡荡的运动席卷整个神州大地。我和胖子、陆军被分配到黑龙江生产建设兵团的农场。眼见寒冬将至,老排长安排我们三人和通信员尖果留守看护物资。不日,一场百年不遇的暴风雪席卷而至,众人设计要套住偷木柴的狐狸,不料却遭遇从西伯利亚流窜而来的狼群。为了逃命,众人跟着狐狸钻进一个土窟窿,却误打误撞进入了一 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Eric Zielinski , Sabrina Ann Zielinski
Soothing practices, healing rituals, and 150+ practical recipes for applying essential oils to the treatment and symptom management of 25 chronic illnesses, including insomnia, libido, fibromyalgia, COPD, anxiety, depression, diabetes. dementia. and more—by the bestselling author of The Healing Power of Essential Oils. “The most comprehensive essential oils resource I know . . . I highly recommend it!”—Amy Myers, MD, New Y Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By 余卓軒
  收錄系列小說三本   白色世紀1   白色世紀2   白色世紀3   限量收藏紀念書盒   32P超珍稀創作手札   在冰封大地與灰暗天空下,魔物肆意橫行,   倖存的人類要如何在絕境中求生,   並找出延續文明的希望?   ★喬治‧馬丁 首屆「地球人獎」 唯一獲選者   《英雄聯盟》首位官方簽約雙語作家 余卓軒 史詩幻想三部曲!   相 Learn More
USUAL: RM207.90

NOW: RM 207.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 187.11 (-10%)

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By 王力行
  我在聽,我在讀   我在看,我在想   自一九八六到二○二一年,在世紀的跨越與轉換中,   全球政經大翻騰,商業模式和科技發展也歷經巨變,   近年,人類開始面臨氣候變遷、大地反撲、瘟疫蔓延等災害,   對於逼近的國際與生態危機,該如何面對……   本書是《遠見》發行人王力行的精選文集,也是三十五年來《遠見》推動世界觀和 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.00

NOW: RM 77.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-10%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM28.90

NOW: RM 14.90 (-48%)

MEMBER: RM 14.90 (-48%)

By Victoria Hudgins
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Design enthusiasts are bombarded with beautiful inspiration at every turn, but many lack the foundation necessary to re-create their dream projects. Materially Crafted is a must-have guide for design mavens seeking to develop their DIY chops, eve Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 25.00 (-72%)

MEMBER: RM 25.00 (-72%)

选取生活中常用的简单礼貌用语,设置种种生活中常见不同场景,教导小朋友灵活运用,可以帮助小朋友更好的理解并使用礼貌用语, 打下良好社会基础。 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 60.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.00 (-10%)

By Abd Razak Abu Bakar
Di mana-mana sahaja kita berada, sama ada di warung, restoran, malah di kafe moden pun, sering kedengaran perbincangan hangat tentang ekonomi Malaysia dan ekonomi dunia. Trend ini menggambarkan kematangan dan keprihatinan masyarakat kita tentang suasana ekonomi semasa yang tidak menentu. Di kalangan kita pun, masing-masing cuba mencari jalan penyelesaian kemelut ekonomi ini. Ibarat pepatah "sesat di hujung jalan balik ke pangkal jalan", begitulah pendekatan ekonomi dalam Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

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By Robert Vetica
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. All you need to create your own great hair style at home! Vetica preaches that professional techniques are not difficult; readers just need to know what to do and follow directions. In this ultimate hair styling book, he delivers to the reader a Learn More
USUAL: RM94.90

NOW: RM 22.00 (-77%)

MEMBER: RM 22.00 (-77%)

BORUTO NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS 火影新世代 博人傳 VOL.928-951 (DVD) - BOX 34 JAP (E / C / M) 928 Momoshiki's Manifestation 桃式显现 Penyataan Momoshiki 929 The Outcast 异端者 Orang Terbuang 930 Clues to Kara 壳的线索 Petunjuk ke Kara 931 The Chase 追踪 Pemburuan 932 Amado's Defection 阿玛多的叛逃 Pembelotan Amado 933 True Identity 真身 Identiti Sebenar 934 Predestined Fate 宿命 Nasib Yang Ditakdirkan 935 Prepared 觉悟 Bersedia 936 Sacrif Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 25.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.31 (-10%)

IMAGINE ALL THE PLAY-DOH PIZZA POSSIBILITIES - Your little chef can slice up some oven-fresh fun again and again with this pizza play food set for kids ages 3 and up. Makes a great gift or creative activity! * A SLICE OF IMAGINATION: Imagine the creative ideas they'll cook up with this pizza oven toy for kids 3 years and up. It makes a great birthday or holiday gift, or just a fun arts and crafts activity * STAMP A MAKE-BELIEVE CRUST: To start, add compound and press the to Learn More
USUAL: RM84.89

NOW: RM 84.89 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 84.89 (-0%)

Peppa loves having fun with her family, and kids can join the fun with the Monopoly: Peppa Pig Edition game. Players move their Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, or Daddy Pig token around the board buying properties such as Snowy Mountain, Peppa's House, and Grandpa Pig's Garden. Kids can practice their counting skills as they count their Monopoly Money throughout the game. It's a quick-playing board game designed for kids ages 5 and up, and a good introduction to classic Mon Learn More
USUAL: RM99.89

NOW: RM 99.89 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 99.89 (-0%)

Peppa Pig Peppa’s Adventures Surprise Packs Wave 1 Set of 3: Preschoolers and Peppa fans ages 3 and up will love the unboxing excitement of the Peppa’s Surprise Pack assortment. Each themed pack includes a figure and hidden surprises. What else is inside? There’s only one way to solve such a delightful mystery! Set includes 3 individually boxed packs of mini-figures and accessories: 1x PEP PEPPA THE GARDENER 1x PEP PEPPA THE SPORTS STAR 1x PEP PEPPA THE BALLERINA (sub Learn More
USUAL: RM49.89

NOW: RM 49.89 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.89 (-0%)

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