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By Umairah Shafei , Jannatun Nisa Jahasnum
Buku ini mengupas cara memanfaatkan waktu satu minit agar kita beroleh pahala yang melimpah. Bagaimana dalam satu minit kita beroleh pahala yang setara melakukan kebaikan sebanyak dua belas kali jumlah kaum Muslimin. Bagaimana dalam satu minit, kita beroleh pahala yang setara berbuat kebaikan sebanyak 6100 kali, dan dalam satu minit beroleh pahala melakukan seribu kebaikan dan dihapus seribu kesalahan. Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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By Muhd Kamil Ibrahim
Inikah ujian? Saya didatangi oleh seorang ustaz yang mengharapkan pertolongan agar anaknya diterima masuk sebagai staf UiTM. Jawatan kerani. Pagi-pagi lagi beliau sudah muncul di rumah. Lalu saya dengar dengan teliti tujuan kedatangan beliau dan dengan nada perlahan saya berkata, “Ustaz, boleh saya bertanya satu soalan? Jika ada calon yang ditemu duga, katalah anak ustaz yang paling teruk sekali, tidak berkelayakan, maka jika saya memberi markah yang tertinggi kepadanya, a Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

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By Abdullah Khairi
USUAL: RM25.00

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MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Khairul Nizam
USUAL: RM19.00

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By Khairy Tajudin
Buku Comel Ini Merupakan Kumpulan Cerpen Sentap Terbaik Yang Pernah Dihasilkan Oleh Penulis. Berkonsepkan "Sentap Tapi Sedap", Penulis Cuba Membukukan Apa Yang Terbuku Di Hati Terhadap Apa Yang Penulis Lihat, Dengar Dan Alami Dalam Bentuk Penulisan Kreatif. "Rajin Membaca Jambatan Pengetahuan, Malas Membaca Jambatan Ketakutan". Learn More
USUAL: RM17.00

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By Khairy Tajudin
Antologi ini memuatkan 20 buah cerpen bertemakan cinta Islamik yang manis-manis dan menyentuh sanubari. Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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By Erimo
Pertemuan Encik Boss dan si Mata Hijau bukan seperti pertemuan biasa. Ia disulami pelbagai soalan tidak puas hati, pergaduhan dan pertengkaran yang menjadikan hidup Emerald kacau bilau. "Papa ni biar benar nak bagi aku aku kerja dengan budak tak cukup umur ni? Budak praktikal ke apa? Macam ni nak kerja. Dengan Hooksweater, jeans dan sneakers tu dah macam budak sekolah je.~ Bayu Muzaffar Si mata sepet yang tenung orang macam nak tembus ni anak big boss ke? Habis cair segala l Learn More
USUAL: RM27.00

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By Khairy Tajudin
Anekdot kisah pemuda sengal yang dipenuhi humor dan dakwah. Dalam usaha mencari bakal isteri, Daim telah melalui beberapa babak lucu, sedih, kecewa dan akhirnya membawa dia ke jalan hidayat. Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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By Aira Kimberly
USUAL: RM24.90

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By Dr. Sri Nilawati
Perkataan kolestrol begitu ditakuti oleh masyarakat kita pada hari ini. Tidak hairanlah siapa yang mempunyai kolestrol yang tinggi, mempunyai peluang yang besar untuk menghidap penyakit jantung dan strok. Namun ramai yang masih tidak memahami maksud kolestrol dan kesannya terhdapa tubuh badan. Kolestrol yang tinggi dalam darah dapat memusnahkan anda. Benarkah kesemua kolestrol itu jahat? Adakah orang yang berbadan gemuk sahaja yang mempunyai kolestrol? Adakah pola pemakana Learn More
USUAL: RM27.90

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By Ahmad Suhaimi
USUAL: RM17.50

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By Shuhairy Norhisham
USUAL: RM20.00

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By 克萊兒·艾洛史密斯
  33個加強腦力的遊戲,   讓愛貓更快樂、更健康,還能強化你和他的關係!   只須採用獎勵式教學法,教你如何運用遊戲的力量來加強貓的腦力、在挑戰中與貓建立愛的牽絆!   貓有時候會被描述為一種只願意活在他們世界裡的冷漠生物,而這種說法是相當不公平的。事實上,如本書中所述,貓其實是很樂於與人相處的,而強化你們之間關係的最 Learn More
USUAL: RM44.65

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By Dr. Jacknaim
Di alam fantasi, rumah bertukar menjadi kek yang lemak berkrim dan enak rasanya. Si Raja lahir dari buluh betung dan menjadi Sang Perkasa penuh mistik. Pokok kacang boleh tumbuh hingga menembusi dunia raksasa dan itik bertelurkan emas. Anehnya, di alam realiti ini, manusia bertukar menjadi serigala dan Son Goku berukar menjadi Gorila tatkala bulan mengambang penuh. Pembunuh upahan sudah kehilangan mata pencarian kerana membunuh manusia sudah tidak sesukar dahulu. Suruh saha Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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By Khairul Nizam , Zayana Yusof
Siapa sangka walaupun berstatus OKU, Nizam membuktikan bahawa tak kisah siapa pun anda, anda boleh melakukannya. Hanya boleh menggerakkan 3 jarinya, namun Nizam mampu mengembangkan bisnesnya sehingga mengubah taraf kehidupan keluarganya. MasyaAllah..amat mengagumkan! Nizam sentiasa bersemangat untuk meningkatkan lagi bisnesnya. Di sebalik kejayaannya, ada sisi sadis yang perlu ditelan. Pernah ditipu puluhan ribu ringgit, pernah telefonnya dicuri di depan mata, perna Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

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MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By #REF!
Ginjal, merupakan satu organ yang begitu penting fungsinya. Ginjal mengatur keseimbangan cairan dan membuang racun melalui air kencing. Jika fungsi tersebut tidak berjalan, racun akan bertumpuk dan menyebabkan pembengkakan tubuh. Jadi, selalulah melakukan pemeriksaan awal bagi langkah pencegahan. Bagi yang telah menemui gejala, segera atasi agar ianya tidak menjadi kronik dan menimbulkan kerugian yang lebih besar. Salah satu usaha untuk menjaga dan merawat kesihatan ginjal, i Learn More
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By Miss Elle
“Air apa kau buat ni? Perempuan kampung macam kau ni memang bodoh, ya? Langsung tak tahu buat kerja?.”Soalnya kasar. Berdesing telinga aku mendengar kata-katanya itu. Tanpa dapat ku tahan-tahan lagi air mataku menitis perlahan namun aku segera menyekanya dengan hujung jari. Kenapa aku menangis?. Bukan kerana aku lemah tetapi aku terlalu marah dengannya dan benci dengan perbuatannya itu. Tiba-tiba pintu ruangan pejabat Ayden terbuka. “Ryqal.. Aku nak tanya kau.”Ayat A Learn More
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By Nurul Hakimah Mohamad
Siang dan malam. Tanpa henti. Sentiasa merindui. Walaupun di ambang mati. Dalam doa pada saban malam, bermunajat Nabi kepada Tuhan, melampiaskan kerisauan terhadap umatnya. Dari jeluk hati mulia, tidak lekang ingatan kepadamu. Wahai Tuhan, mohon umat sentiasa teguh di jalan yang Engkau redai. Jangan Kau mengazab mereka, sungguh mereka tidak mampu menanggung murka. Nabi mencintaimu. Malah, menangis keranamu. Sedangkan Nabi dengan kita tidak pernah berjumpa, air matany Learn More
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By Fadzil Abu Samah
Bahria Kami berhenti di atas sebuah bukit yang tinggi. Aku turun dari kenderaan, melihat kawasan sekeliling. Semuanya lereng bukit pasir yang curam. Berdiri di atas puncak bukit pasir itu dan meihat ke bawah seolah-olah seperti berada di atas bumbung bangunan 5 tingkat. Pemandu kami menegeluarkan papan luncur dari bonet dari bonet kenderaannya. Aku lihst dia menyapu lilin di balik papan luncur itu. Kemudian dia duduk di atasnya dan terus meluncur ke bawah. Kami suka meliha Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Tian Chua
Tian Chua, reformis yang memahat ingatan rakyat Malaysia dengan susuk tubuhnya yang kurus di depan trak meriam air berkimia pada zaman Reformasi. Naik turun mahkamah, keluar masuk lopak sudah menjadi sesuatu yang lumrah sepanjang tempoh dua dekad perjuangan politik Tian Chua. Namun, di sebalik imej berani yang ditonjolkan, Tian Chua memiliki jiwa seni yang halus. Tian Chua menggilap semula bakatnya dengan menghasilkan karya seni di sebalik tirai besi. Melalui pengamatannya Learn More
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By Ramadan Omar
“Aiman!” panggil Mokhtar. Dadanya berdebar. Peluh merenik di dahi. Rasa terkejut masih menguasai dirinya. “Kenapa pak cik? Aiman nak balik,” kata Aiman apabila Mokhtar menariknya. Moktar duduk melutut. Menjadikan dia separas dengan ketinggian Aiman sekarang. Kedua-dua tangannya memegang bahu Aiman. Dua matanya memandang ke dalam mata Aiman. “Itu ayah Aiman ke?” soal Mokhtar sambil mengunjuk kepada Hafizi di dalam kereta. Aiman bingung. Dia berkalih melihat Hafiz Learn More
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By Ben Wong
Dee menghantar Robotzilla untuk menghuru-harakan Tenggeran Rocky. Dee mengugut untuk memusnahkan empangan lalu menyebabkan seluruh bandar ditenggelami air sekiranya Datuk Bandar tidak mahu menyerahkan satu bilion ringgit kepadanya. Walaupun memiliki kuasa daripada telur emas, Chuck tidak dapat menumpaskan Robotzilla. Apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh Chuck untuk melemahkan lawannya yang perkasa itu bagi menyelamatkan seluruh bandar daripada ditenggelami air? Learn More

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By Ben Wong
Doktor Mingo mencipta sejenis cecair hijau yang dapat menukarkan benda hidup menjadi raksasa pemusnah. Malangnya, eksperimen tersebut tidak berjaya dan Doktor Mingo hendak menghapuskan ceccair itu. Pen dan Guin membuang cecair hijau itu di kawasan perkuburan yang terpencil. Cecair hijau itu tumpah ke tanah dan meresap ke dalam kubur-kubur di situ. Tanah di kawasan itu mula merekah dan beberapa zombi bangkit lalu mengancam penduduk. Zombi-zombi itu mula menguasai bandar dengan Learn More

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By Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis's epic bestseller tells the outrageous story of the multi-millionaires and whizz kids who scammed the banking system in the blink of an eye - and the whistleblowers who tried to stop them. It's hilarious, terrifying and it's all true. 'The greatest story of our age ... Be very afraid' John Arlidge, Sunday Times 'Thrilling, a masterclass' Robert McCrum, Observer, Books of the Year 'Jaw-dropping, astonishing ... Lewis has lit the touch paper' Liam Learn More
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From the Chevrolet Bel Air to the Ferrari Testarossa, this book takes you on a scenic drive through the history of classic cars, exploring their status as objects of luxury and desire. The Classic Car Book showcases the most important and iconic classic cars from every decade since the 1940s, with a foreword by award-winning writer and commentator on the industry, history, and culture of cars and motoring, Giles Chapman. Fully illustrated and packed with stunning phot Learn More
USUAL: RM119.95

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By Andre Martens
Create 50 gorgeous hairstyles, from casual braids to the elegant beehive, by Berlin-based top stylist Andre Martens.Following the visual step-by-step instructions by a top stylist, it is really easy to take minutes to be beautiful. Start with basic techniques, like braiding, waves and volume, and with a little practice you can change your look every day. Learn everything about hair care, tools and products from detailed extra instructions and become your own Learn More
USUAL: RM64.95

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By Jay Heinrichs
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Your ultimate guide to the art of winning arguments, in a brand new edition Everyone is always trying to persuade us of something: politicians, advertising, the media, and most definitely our families. Thank You for Arguing is your master class in the art of persuasion, taught by professors ranging from Bart Simpson to Winston Churchill. With all the wisdom of the ages, from classical oratory to contemporary politics and pop-culture, Thank Learn More
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By George Soros
New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ...inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." -The Wall Street Journal George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by BusinessWeek as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competin Learn More
USUAL: RM105.35

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This best-selling dictionary includes more than 3,800 entries covering all aspects of accounting, including financial accounting, financial reporting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, corporate finance, and accounting bodies and institutions. Its international coverage includes important terms from UK, US, Australia, India, and Asia-Pacific. Over 150 new entries have been added to this edition to reflect the very latest developments in the accounting profession, Learn More
USUAL: RM41.90

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By Jonathan Law
This wide-ranging and authoritative dictionary contains 7,000 entries covering all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, and taxation. Written by a team of experts, it features the very latest terminology, for example, the recent vocabulary associated with structured finance and the associated subprime lending crisis, including collaterized debt obligation and special purpose vehicle. The new edition of this Learn More
USUAL: RM43.90

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Peppa Pig discovers the Tooth Fairy!Peppa Pig has lost her first tooth. With the tooth safely under her pillow, Peppa waits for the Tooth Fairy to arrive! Read this delightful story book, and use the letter and tooth envelope to wait for the Tooth Fairy yourself. Dr Elephant, the dentist, gives you some handy tips on looking after your teeth, and there is a teeth chart for you to keep a record of when each of your milk teeth falls out. Everyone loves a visit from th Learn More
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By George Cruikshank , Jacob Grimm , Grimm Brothers , Wilhelm Grimm
From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, the Brothers Grimm collected a treasury of enchanting folk and fairy stories full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as 'The Frog-Prince' and 'Hansel and Grettel' to the delights of 'Ashputtel' or 'Old Sultan', all hold a timeless magic which has enthralled children for centuries. Learn More
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By Agatha Christie
An old-fashioned London Hotel is not quite as reputable as it makes out... When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she finds what she's looking for at Bertram's Hotel: traditional decor, impeccable service and an unmistakable atmosphere of danger behind the highly polished veneer. Yet, not even Miss Marple can foresee the violent chain of events set in motion when an eccentric guest makes his way to the airpor Learn More
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By Jean Rhys
New to Penguin Classics, the remarkable, devastating collected stories by the author of Wide Sargasso Sea. Some of Jean Rhys's most powerful writing is to be found in this rich, dark collection of her collected stories. Her fictional world is haunted by her own, painful memories: of cheap hotels and drab Parisian cafes; of devastating love affairs; of her childhood in Dominica; of drifting through European cities, always on the periphery and always perilously close to the Learn More
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By Maria Tatar
Perhaps no fairy tale is as widely known as 'Beauty and the Beast' - and perhaps no fairy tale exists in as many variations. Nearly every culture tells the story in one fashion or another - such cultural phenomena as The Fault in Our Stars and Me Before You are recent examples - and it is impossible to find one version that laid the foundation for the rest. From Cupid and Psyche, India's Snake Bride to South Africa's 'Story of Five Heads', the partnering of beast and beauties Learn More
USUAL: RM74.95

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By Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott
'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times in technological, economic and social history where the sky is the limit' Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer and Chief Scientist at Prima Data 'The Tapscotts have written the book, literally, on how to survive and th Learn More
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By Katie Fforde
Has Laura found her leading man? A wonderfully romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Recipe for Love, A French Affair and The Perfect Match. With the bookshop where she works about to close, hopeless romantic Laura Horsley, in a moment of uncharacteristic recklessness, finds herself agreeing to help organise a literary festival deep in the heart of the English countryside. But her initial excitement is rapidly followed by a mounting sense o Learn More
USUAL: RM38.05

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By Alma Katsu
The stunning conclusion to Alma Katsu's gripping supernatural trilogy that began with The Taker. 'We had a tangled history, Adair and I. He had been my lover and my teacher, master to my slave. We had literally been prisoners to one another. Somewhere along the way he fell in love with me, but I was too afraid to love him in return. Afraid of his unexplainable powers, and his furious temper. Afraid of what I knew he was capable of and what even he himself didn't know he co Learn More
USUAL: RM47.90

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By Tilly Bagshawe
It is a truth universally acknowledged, thata single man in possession of a good fortunemust be in want of... anything but a wife?The third book in the Swell Valley series by bestselling author Tilly BagshaweHenry Saxton-Brae has it all - a titled, self-made millionaire,his fiancee just happens to be a supermodel who is as kind and loyal as she is ravishingly beautiful. To top it all, he's just bought Hanborough Castle, the jewel in the crow Learn More
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By Paulo Coelho
Another incredible novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author of The Alchemist. July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and comfort. They begin with questions about Learn More
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By Lindsey Kelk
`A corker...hilarious!' Giovanna Fletcher `Full of heart and very, very funny' Paige Toon Everyone wants that special someone.... Annie Higgins has one goal this year: to get her tiny business off the ground. But - infuriated by the advertising agency across the hall making fun of her job - Annie is goaded into accepting Learn More
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By Paulo Coelho
Another incredible novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author of The Alchemist. July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and comfort. They begin with questions about Learn More
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By Cecelia Ahern
Every wondered where the lost things go? A redemptive and captivating novel from the bestselling author Since Sandy Shortt's childhood schoolmate disappeared twenty years ago, Sandy has been obsessed with missing things. Finding becomes her goal - whether it's the odd sock that vanished in the washing machine, the car keys she misplaced in her rush to get to work or the graver issue of finding the people who vanish from their lives. Sandy dedicates her li Learn More
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By Paulo Coelho
The new bestselling novel, now in paperback, from international literary phenomenon Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist. A chance meeting in Rio takes Maria to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune, yet ends up working the streets as a prostitute. In Geneva, Maria drifts further and further away from love while at the same time developing a fascination with sex. Eventually, Maria's despairing view of love is put to the t Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

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By Kathleen Tessaro
Can the secrets of one woman's past change another woman's future? Cate is a gifted young artist who survives in New York by producing remarkable copies of Old Masters.She arrives in London to stay with her aunt Rachel who owns an auction house, determined to leave the pain of her past behind. Cate is sent to Devon with Rachel's colleague Jack to value the contents of Endsleigh, the grand Georgian home of a former socialite. But inside, Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Shilpi Somaya Gowda
"Moving and thought-provoking and informative and imaginative and beautifully executed. What a wonderful story!"-Mary Jane Clark "This book is a must for anyone touched by adoption, or India, or the delicate dynamic between adolescent girls and their mothers."-Sujata Massey, author of Shimura Trouble Secret Daughter, a first novel by Shilpi Somaya Gowda, explores powerfully and poignantly the emotional terrain of m Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

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By Liane Moriarty
From the BESTSELLING author of BIG LITTLE LIES . . . How can ten years of your life just disappear? Alice is twenty-nine. She adores sleep, chocolate, and her ramshackle new house. She's newly engaged to the wonderful Nick . . . and is pregnant with her first baby. There's just one problem. That was ten years ago . . .Alice slipped in her step-aerobics class, hit her head and Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

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By Claire Fuller
WINNER OF THE DESMOND ELLIOTT PRIZE 2015 'Fuller handles the tension masterfully in this grown-up thriller of a fairytale, full of clues, questions and intrigue.' - The Times'Extraordinary...From the opening sentence it is gripping' - Sunday Times1976: Peggy Hillcoat is eight. She spends her summer camping with her father, playing her beloved record of The Railway Children and listening to her mother's grand pi Learn More
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By James Patterson
The truth will set you free - if it doesn't kill you first. New York attorney Trevor Mann's world shatters when he receives a phone call telling him his girlfriend has been shot dead in a mugging. But the circumstances point to something more calculated than a random attack. Claire was a New York Times journalist and Trevor is convinced she had unearthed a secret so shocking that she was murdered to keep it from coming to light. Chasing Claire's leads, Trevor will ris Learn More
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By Alice Oseman
The second novel by the phenomenally talented author of Solitaire, Alice Oseman - the most talked-about YA writer right now. What if everything you set yourself up to be was wrong? Frances has always been a study machine with one goal, elite university. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret - not even the person she is on the inside. But when Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favour Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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By Ransom Riggs
A new set of stories from the world of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Now in paperback with a brand-new story: The Man who Bottled the Sun.In this collection of fairy tales, Ransom Riggs invites you to uncover hidden legends of the peculiar world. A fork-tongued princess, a girl who talks to ghosts, and wealthy cannibals who dine on the discarded limbs of peculiars are just a few of the characters whose stories will have you hooked. Learn More
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By James Patterson
Middle schooler Jamie Grimm has big dreams of being the best stand-up comic in the world - and he won't let the fact that he's in a wheelchair get in his way. After winning the New York state finals in the Planet's Funniest Kid Comic Contest, Jamie's off to Boston to compete in the national semi-finals. But when one of his best buddies runs into trouble at school and a sudden family health scare rears its head, Jamie has to put his comedic ambitions on hold and stand by th Learn More
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By James Patterson
Showgirls. Millionaires. Murder. Jack Morgan, head of Private Investigations, the global PI agency of the rich and famous, is being pushed to the limit. His car has been firebombed, his ex is dating someone else, and his twin brother is still out to destroy him. But Private doesn't rest, and nor do its clients: not the LAPD who need Private's help catching two scumbags with diplomatic immunity, and not the client who has just confessed to murdering his wife. Add to t Learn More
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By Don Bartlett
The night the first snow falls a young boy wakes to find his mother gone. He walks through the silent house, but finds only wet footprints on the stairs. In the garden looms a solitary figure: a snowman bathed in cold moonlight, its black eyes glaring up at the bedroom windows. Round its neck is his mother's pink scarf. Inspector Harry Hole is convinced there is a link between the disappearance and a menacing letter he received some months earlier. As Harry and his team de Learn More
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By James Patterson
Four bodies are found in a luxury hotel The first is a man who checked in under a false name. Two are in a room next door, full of surveillance equipment. And the fourth is the house maid, who saw too much. Detective Lindsay Boxer is sent in to investigate and hunt down an elusive and dangerous suspect. But when her husband Joe goes missing, she begins to fear that the suspect she is searching for could be him. As the case gets ever more complicated and personal, San Learn More
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By Dean Koontz
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The debut novel by the iconic film director.Stylish and camera-obsessed, Naomi and Nathan are lovers and competitors - nomadic freelancers in pursuit of sensation and depravity in the social media age, encountering each other only in air Learn More
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