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By 楊莉莉
1990年代登場的法國舞臺劇導演,無論取材、詮釋、表演策略,乃至於面對觀眾的態度均迥異於上個世代的作風,大大開拓了戲劇表演的領域。這一批新世代的導演雖未經歷六八學潮與政爭的洗禮,卻遍覽意識型態分崩離析、共黨世界解體、世界末日預言、個人自由主義抬頭、媒體勢力無遠弗屆、全球化浪潮等現象,他們面對劇作不再強作解人,而是採取探索的 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.10

NOW: RM 60.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.09 (-10%)

By 派崔克.奈斯
「噪反三部曲」、《怪物來敲門》作者 派崔克‧奈斯 2013年第21屆台北國際書展訪台貴賓 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 最脆弱的人性,最殘酷的抉擇, 走向天堂或是煉獄,只在一念之間…… 陶德與薇拉,在這場毀滅性的激戰中將面對什麼樣的結局? 而鎮長、1017、柯爾夫人,誰將是新世界的勝利者? 新世紀青少年文學經典「噪反三部曲 Learn More
USUAL: RM68.60

NOW: RM 68.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.74 (-10%)

By 派崔克.奈斯
陶德與薇拉終於來到安城,卻被分隔,生死未卜。 陶德以為服從就能換得薇拉的安全,不料其實幕後有人操縱這一切。 他該聽從內心直覺,或相信現實的安排? 當忠誠與背叛模糊了界線、真相與謊言如此難辨, 如何才能確定自己是否站在真理這邊? 《噪反三部曲》之Ⅱ:問題與答案,緊張、震撼一觸即發,不可收拾! 無法停止翻閱的快感  讓人無法 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.10

NOW: RM 60.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.09 (-10%)

By 西村則康
追求速效的菁英教育只會減低學習欲望, 讓孩子盡情體驗生活中的每一個細節, 維持挑戰未知的動機, 才是刺激大腦成長的不二法門。   跑得比別人快一定就會贏嗎?錯誤的菁英教育教出來的孩子,就如人工催熟的蔬菜,雖然一樣會長大,卻缺乏充實的內涵。   「理科腦」是孩子面對未來社會的最佳武器!   所謂「理科腦」,指的並不是擅長算數或 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By Noraine Abu
Semua umat Islam yang sudah mencapai usia akil baligh dan yang akan mendirikan rumahtangga mestilah mengetahui tentang hadas besar atau lebih dikenali dengan mandi wajib. Di dalam buku ini, pengarang cuba menerangkan beberapa perkara berhubung mandi hadas dan persoalan yang berkaitan dengannya, seperti hukum mandi wajib, nas-nas keterangan tentang pengsyariatannya, hikmah, perkara yang menyebabkan mandi wajib, cara-cara dan peraturan yang sah semasa mandi dan sebagainya. Learn More
USUAL: RM10.00

NOW: RM 10.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 9.00 (-10%)

By Mejar (B) Mohammad Qayyum Bin Badaruddin
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Shamsul Mohd Nor
Sejarah Makkah Dan Madinah adalah sebuah buku yang mengungkap kembali sejarah peradaban manusia di dua kota suci, Makkah al-Mukarramah & Madinah al-Munawwarah. Ia disertakan dengan gambar & lakaran, rajah serta ilustrasi bagi memudahkan para pembaca mengenali, menghayati & merasai perjuangan insan kamil bernama Muhammad bersama para sahabat baginda dalam mengembangkan agama Allah. Sesungguhnya Islam itu benar, disampaikan oleh rasul yang benar, dari Tuhan Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

By Shamsul Mohd Nor
USUAL: RM68.00

NOW: RM 68.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.20 (-10%)

By Naim Tamdjis
Rafael, seorang guru muda yang ditugaskan di kawasan pedalaman Perak. Papanya lebih suka Rafael bekerja dengannya, tetapi Rafael tetap berdegil mahu bertugas di SK Kampung Pulai Manis yang terpencil terletak sejam perjalanan dari pekan Gerik. Rafael tidak ada pilihan lain, dia terpaksa menyewa sebuah rumah yang mempunyai reka bentuk pelik. Tanpa sedar, Rafael telah membangkitkan makhluk yang telah lama menghuni rumah itu. Makhluk itu telah dipasung selama 150 tahun. Sejak Learn More
USUAL: RM34.00

NOW: RM 34.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.60 (-10%)

By Nurul Ihsan , Ust Zanzuari , Mohd Nor Ameen
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 16.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.21 (-10%)

By Nor Zailina Bt Md Nordin
USUAL: RM14.90

NOW: RM 14.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.41 (-10%)

By Nor Hanis Hashim

NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.91 (-10%)

By Fatin Nor Izzati
Bahagia bukan percuma harganya ialah hijrah tinggalkan jahiliah lalu berbahagia kerana-nya Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Norhadani
USUAL: RM12.90

NOW: RM 12.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.61 (-10%)

By Shuhairy Norhisham
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Md. Fikri Yaaseen
Khas untuk pelajar muslimah yang cemerlang, sebuah buku yang menghimpunkan doa-doa yang amat berguna untuk diamalkan. Buku yang disusun mudah untuk dibaca, difahami dan dihafal. Dan yang paling penting adalah diamalkan agar mendapat keberkatan dan pertolongan daripada Allah S.W.T. Tadahkon tangan halusmu dan berdoalah serta meminta tolonglah kepada Allah, semoga Allah memperkenankan dan memberkatimu. Himpunan doa-doa untuk pelajar muslimah ini adalah naskhah kecil dan biasa Learn More

NOW: RM 5.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 4.50 (-10%)

By Nor Zailina Nordin
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By 安卓雅·雷諾
  你不必孤單走過深谷,也不必獨自面對巨大傷痛。   你不需要一個人勇敢、一個人相信、一個人盼望。   你將被滿滿的愛包圍,這愛如清水,滋潤你乾渴的心靈。   你的委屈,是你還沒讓光照進你的心。   那些日常的美好片刻,就能把心裡的黑暗一整個照亮。   與神同行能夠得到的勇氣、力量與希望!   孩童在地鐵上剝橘子。眼神和藹、 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By Salwa Saleh
Rumah tangga dalam bahaya!? Wonder Emak sedia menyelamatkan dunia dengan 'kuasa luar biasa. Seorang emak bukan hanya menguruskan hal ehwal rumah tangga dan anak-anak. Emak boleh menjadi motivator. Emak boleh memberi ceramah seperti seorang ustazah. Emak boleh mereka cipta sesuatu. Emak adalah cef yang menghidang menu bertaraf lima bintang; atau seorang doktor yang merawat rohani dan jasmani seisi keluarga. Tapi awas! Jika marah, dia boleh bertukar dari seorang Won Learn More
USUAL: RM26.00

NOW: RM 26.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.40 (-10%)

By Noriss Nur
Kenapa harus memiliki buku ini: Pola bercetak secara percuma Lengkap langkah demi langkah bergambar Senang untuk difahami Penulis yang berpengalaman dalam bidang jahitan Kesemua langkah lengkap diajar bermula dari membuat pola, memotong kain dan sehingga menjahit kain. Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Haszrul Azrie , Tengku Nurhusni , Nordianah
Lelaki ini dikatakan lelaki paling dikehendaki di Malaysia pada PRU14. Lelaki ini mengubat rindu rakyat Malaysia kepada almarhum ayahandanya; Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz. Lelaki ini membawa auranya tersendiri, tenang, lembut, sentiasa tersenyum dan mudah didekati. Lelaki ini mendapat perhatian rakyat bukan Islam melalui ucapannya di himpunan rakyat di Putrajaya, Ramai yang mahu mengenalinya dengan lebih dekat. Pasti anda juga sebahagian daripada mereka! Terkini! Kami bawakan Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

By George Soros
New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ...inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." -The Wall Street Journal George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by BusinessWeek as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competin Learn More
USUAL: RM105.35

NOW: RM 105.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.82 (-10%)

By Laura Whateley
Take control of your personal finances with this concise, timely and indispensable guide, from acclaimed money expert Laura Whateley. Ten years on from the financial crash, and we are still bad with money.We press `cash only' at ATMs, and accept that we'll be paying back our student loans with our pension savings. Money: A User's Guide cuts through all the panic of personal finances. It will tea Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

NOW: RM 62.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.66 (-10%)

This wide-ranging and authoritative dictionary contains over 7,100 entries covering all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, and taxation. In its sixth edition, it features the very latest developments, such as those relating to information technology (including mobile technology), and the financial crisis and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis. Entries have been updated to refer to recent events and news Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By John Black
An authoritative and comprehensive dictionary containing clear, concise definitions of over 3,400 key economic terms, this A to Z covers all aspects of economics including economic theory, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics, and environmental economics. There is strong coverage of international trade and many entries on economic organizations and institutions from around the world. Fully revised Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Susan Wallace
Education is of relevance to everyone but it involves a specialized vocabulary and terminology which may be opaque or unfamiliar to those new to the field. This UK-focused Dictionary of Education provides clear and concise definitions for over 1,100 terms, from A* to zero tolerance, that anyone studying education or working in the field is likely to encounter. Coverage includes all sectors of education: pre-school, primary, secondary, further and higher education, special nee Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Jonathan Law
This wide-ranging and authoritative dictionary contains 7,000 entries covering all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, and taxation. Written by a team of experts, it features the very latest terminology, for example, the recent vocabulary associated with structured finance and the associated subprime lending crisis, including collaterized debt obligation and special purpose vehicle. The new edition of this Learn More
USUAL: RM43.90

NOW: RM 43.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.51 (-10%)

By David Foulds
A grasshopper spends the summer singing. A dog and a cock go on holiday. The North Wind shows everyone that it is rough and strong. A dove makes friends with a jackdaw. A boy looks after sheep. Deer go to live with horses. A wolf tries to change his job. A hare runs a race with a tortoise. The stories in this book are more than a thousand years old. Some are serious. Most are funny. All make you think. Learn More
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 16.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.21 (-10%)

By E. B. White
A Puffin Book - stories that last a lifetime.Puffin Modern Classics are relaunched under a new logo: A Puffin Book. There are 20 titles to collect in the series, listed below, all with exciting new covers and fun-filled endnotes.This is the story of a little girl named Fern who loved a little pig named Wilbur and of Wilbur's dear friend, Charlotte A. Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. With the unlikely help of Templeton the rat, and a wonderfull Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Sam Bourne
The darkest secrets of World War II...finally revealed. The number one bestseller returns with his most explosive book to date. Europe is ablaze. America is undecided about joining the fight against Nazism. And James Zennor, a brilliant, troubled, young Oxford don is horrified. He returns one morning from rowing to discover that his wife has disappeared with their young son, leaving only a note declaring her continuing love. A frantic search through wartime England leads Jame Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Shaun Clarke
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But can the SAS survive working deep undercover among the terrorists of Northern Ireland? It is the 1970s, and a mean and dirty war is being waged on British soil. Sectarian violence is an almost daily occurrence and the terrorist groups, who finance their operations through robbery, fraud and extortion, engage in torture, assassination and wholesale slaughter. To cope with the terrorists' activities t Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

NOW: RM 44.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.41 (-10%)

By Meg Cabot
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The sequel to Meg Cabot's bestselling paranormal romance with bite - Insatiable Meena Harper has bitten off more than she can chew . . . Meena has a special gift, but only now does anyone appreciate it. Her a Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Iain Gale
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Superb war novelist, Iain Gale, moves into the twentieth century and World War Two, telling the story of the eleven days that would change the course of history. There are some battles that change the course of history: Alamei Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott
'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times in technological, economic and social history where the sky is the limit' Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer and Chief Scientist at Prima Data 'The Tapscotts have written the book, literally, on how to survive and th Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan
A sensational and utterly engaging novel--Breakfast at Tiffany's set in modern Asia--about a young woman's rise in the glitzy, moneyed city of Singapore, where old traditions clash with heady modern materialismOn the edge of twenty-seven, Jazzy hatches a plan for her and her best girlfriends: Sher, Imo, and Fann. Before the year is out, these Sarong Party Girls will all have spectacular weddings to expat ang moh--Caucasian--husbands, with C Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Dorothy Koomson
``Do you ever wonder if you've lived the life you were meant to?' I ask her. She sighs, and dips her head. `Even if I do, what difference will it make?' In 1988, two eight-year-old girls with almost identical names and the same love of ballet meet for the first time. They seem destined to be best friends forever and to become professional dancers. Years later, however, they have both been dealt so many cruel blows that they walk away from each other into very differe Learn More
USUAL: RM57.90

NOW: RM 57.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.11 (-10%)

By Hugh Howey
The new novel from the international bestselling author of the Wool trilogy. The old world is buried. A new one has been forged atop the shifting dunes. Here in this land of howling wind and infernal sand, four siblings find themselves scattered and lost. Palmer has never been the same since his father walked out twelve years ago. His elder sister, Vic, is trying to run away from the past; his younger brothers, Connor and Rob, are risking their lives to embrace it. His Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Kathleen Winter
In 1968, in a remote part of Canada, a mysterious child is born: a baby who appears to be neither fully boy nor girl, but both at once. Only three people share the secret - the baby's parents and a trusted neighbour. Together the adults make a difficult decision: to go through surgery and raise the child as a boy named Wayne. But as Wayne grows up within the hyper-male hunting culture of his father, his shadow-self - a girl he thinks of as 'Annabel' - is never entirely ex Learn More
USUAL: RM47.90

NOW: RM 47.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.11 (-10%)

By Jonas Jonasson
The bestselling novel from the author of The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO START AGAIN. AND AGAIN. It's always awkward when five thousand kronor goes missing. When it happens at a certain grotty hotel in south Stockholm, it's particularly awkward because the money belongs to the hitman cur Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Eleanor Wasserberg
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. A compulsive and chilling debut about a girl growing up in a cultWHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO LEAVE?Green and Blue are sisters.Foxlowe is home. Outside is Bad.Green understands.Why can't Blue? Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

NOW: RM 17.00 (-62%)

MEMBER: RM 17.00 (-62%)

By Jeffrey Archer
The Clifton Chronicles is Jeffrey Archer's most ambitious work in four decades as an international bestselling author. The epic tale of Harry Clifton's life begins in 1920, with the chilling words, `I was told that my father was killed in the war'. But it will be another twenty years before Harry discovers how his father really died, which will only lead him to question: who was his father? Is he the son of Arthur Clifton, a stevedore who worked in Bristol do Learn More
USUAL: RM94.90

NOW: RM 94.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 85.41 (-10%)

By Barbara Taylor Bradford
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. A glittering brand new novel of deeply-buried secrets, passionate love, obsession and redemption from the master storyteller. Thirty-year old Serena Stone is a talented war photographer who has followed in her famous father's Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Jonathan Franzen
The Sunday Times bestseller from the author of Freedom and The Corrections Young Pip Tyler doesn't know who she is. She knows that her real name is Purity, that she's saddled with $130,000 in student debt, that she's squatting with anarchists in Oakland, and that her relationship with her mother - her only family - is hazardous. But she doesn't have a clue who her father is, why her mother chose to live as a recluse with an invented name, or how she'll ev Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Jonas Jonasson
SUNDAY TIMES NO 1 FICTION BESTSELLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE HUNDRED-YEAR-OLD MAN WHO CLIMBED OUT OF THE WINDOW AND DISAPPEARED Just because the world ignores you, doesn't mean you can't save it . . . Nombeko Mayeki was never meant to be a hero. Born in a Soweto shack, she seemed destined for a short, hard life. But now she is on the Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Sidney Sheldon
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. He wanted power; she wanted revenge. The magnificent novel by the internationally bestselling author of The Other Side of Midnight and Morning, Noon and Night. He wanted power, she wanted revenge... `Dear Dia Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Anthony Doerr
Beautifully written and compelling, About Grace is the brilliant debut novel from Anthony Doerr. Growing up in Alaska, young David Winkler is crippled by his dreams. At nine, he dreams a man is decapitated by a passing truck on the path outside his family's home. The next day, unable to prevent it, he witnesses an exact replay of his dream in real life. The premonitions keep coming, unstoppably. He sleepwalks during them, bringing catastrophe into his rea Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Shilpi Somaya Gowda
"Moving and thought-provoking and informative and imaginative and beautifully executed. What a wonderful story!"-Mary Jane Clark "This book is a must for anyone touched by adoption, or India, or the delicate dynamic between adolescent girls and their mothers."-Sujata Massey, author of Shimura Trouble Secret Daughter, a first novel by Shilpi Somaya Gowda, explores powerfully and poignantly the emotional terrain of m Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Elizabeth Strout
LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2016 AND THE BAILEYS WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2016. A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. An exquisite story of mothers and daughters from the Pulitzer prize-winning author of Olive Kitteridge Lucy is recovering from an operation in a New York hospital when she wakes to find her estranged mother sitting by her bed. They have not seen one another in years. As they talk Lucy finds herself recalli Learn More
USUAL: RM41.95

NOW: RM 41.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.76 (-10%)

By Amitav Ghosh
The acclaimed author of `The Calcutta Chromosome' and `The Shadow Lines' has burst out on to the big stage with a major saga on that hidden country, Burma. Rajkumar is only another boy, helping on a market stall in the dusty square outside the royal palace, when the British force the Burmese king, queen and all the court into exile. He is rescued by the far-seeing Chinese merchant, and with him builds up a logging business in upper Burma. But haunted by h Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

NOW: RM 44.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.41 (-10%)

By Amy Tan
Stunning reissue of an international bestseller, from the author of `The Joy Luck Club' and `The Bonesetter's Daughter'. Olivia Yee is only five years old when Kwan, her older sister from China, comes to live with the family and turns her life upside down, bombarding her day and night with ghostly stories of strange ancestors from the world of Yin. Olivia just wants to lead a normal American life. For the next thirty years, Olivia endure Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By George Orwell
'All animals are equal - but some are more equal than others'When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master Mr Jones and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. But gradually a cunning, ruthless elite among them, masterminded by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, starts to take control. Soon the other animals discover that they are not all as equal as they thought, and find themselves hopeles Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

NOW: RM 39.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.96 (-10%)

By Tammara Webber
The first of an irresistible New Adult series about hot teen actors by Tammara Webber, author of the New York Times-bestseller Easy. Perfect for fans of Slammed by Colleen Hoover and Breathe by Abbi Glines. Seventeen-year-old actress Emma is starring in her first major film role, opposite Hollywood It Boy Reid. The exclusive nightclubs, snapping photographers and screaming fans are a normal part of life for Reid but it's all new to Emma. The rest of the cast befriend he Learn More
USUAL: RM34.95

NOW: RM 34.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.46 (-10%)

By Alex Scarrow
Liam O'Connor should have died at sea in 1912. Maddy Carter should have died on a plane in 2010. Sal Vikram should have died in a fire in 2026. But all three have been given a second chance - to work for an agency that no one knows exists. Its purpose: to prevent time travel destroying history . . . Relocated to Victorian London, the TimeRiders joy-ride back to 1666 to witness the Great Fire of London. In the ensuing chaos, Liam and their newest recruit, Rashim, find Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

By Andrea Portes
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. In this Mean Girls meets The Perks of Being a Wallflower tale, narrator Anika Dragomir is the third-most-popular girl at Pound High School. But inside, she knows she's a freak; she can't stop thinking about former loner Logan Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Michelle Falkoff
Kara Winters is always striving for perfection. But when her anxiety takes over, the price of perfection spirals out of control... 'Perfect' Kara Winters has always hated her nickname. Especially now that she no longer lives up to it. She used to have normal friends, she used to be normal. Now all she wants is to get into Harvard and leave high school behind. So when the pressure to ace her exams finally gets to her, Kara does one tiny b Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

NOW: RM 44.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.41 (-10%)

By Courtney Stevens
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. This story from Courtney Stevens-the gifted author of Faking Normal-about hope and courage and the struggle to overcome the pain of loss will appeal to fans of Jandy Nelson's and Gayle Forman's emotionally gripping novels. Learn More
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By Becky Albertalli
I don't entirely understand how anyone gets a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. It just seems like the most impossible odds. A perfect alignment of feelings and circumstances . . . Molly Peskin-Suso knows all about unrequited love. No matter how many times her twin sister, Cassie, tells her to woman up, Molly is always careful. Better to be careful than be hurt. But when Cassie gets a new girlfriend who comes with a cute hipster-boy sidekick, everyt Learn More
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By Julie Murphy
Soon to be a Netflix film-featuring Jennifer Aniston, Danielle Macdonald, and Dove Cameron, as well as a soundtrack from Dolly Parton!The #1 New York Times bestseller and feel-good YA of the year-about Willowdean Dixon, the fearless, funny, and totally unforgettable heroine who takes on her small town's beauty pageant.Self-proclaimed fat girl Willowdean Dickson (dubbed "Dumplin'" by her former beauty queen mom) has always been at hom Learn More
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By Mackenzi Lee
A Kirkus Prize nominee and Stonewall Honor winner with 5 starred reviews! A New York Times bestseller! Named one of the best books of 2017 by NPR and the New York Public Library!"The queer teen historical you didn't know was missing from your life."-Teen Vogue"A stunning powerhouse of a story."- Learn More
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By David Levithan
Larger-than-life character Tiny Cooper, from the bestselling novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson, finally tells his own story the only way he knows how - as a stupendous musical. This is the full script of Hold Me Closer, the musical written by and staring Tiny Cooper, from the New York Times bestselling novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson, written by David Levithan and John Green. Filled with humour, pain, and 'big, lively, belty' musical numbers, readers will finally learn t Learn More
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