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By 推守編輯部
本書特色 一、人氣藍帶廚藝部落格美女JOANNA現身說法 ~ 我如何經營部落以及和王偉忠簽約成為旗下一員。 二、資深攝影師X美食廣告導演 ~ 不藏私教會拍美食最容易碰到的15個問題、從拍攝到排盤的「加工」技巧。 三、美食激進份子X忠道巴黎小站X米兒情事XPeray的二部曲 ~ 傳授經營部落格不二法門。 四、7款照相手機X19款數位相機 ~ 3C達人輕鬆解答手機拍出 Learn More
USUAL: RM28.50

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MEMBER: RM 25.65 (-10%)

By 凌宗湧
CN Flower總監凌宗湧說:「讓花進入生活空間,才是花藝存在的意義。」   從寧靜悠遠的杭州富春山居到現代摩登的台北W Hotel,   花藝大師凌宗湧化繁為簡,   將運用在五星級飯店、超豪宅建案及精品發表會上的花藝技法   演繹成65個在家也能DIY手作的花藝提案   從生活的一角開始,就讓家中每天都充滿著花藝的形氣之美!   ●花藝大師的5大 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.35

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MEMBER: RM 57.92 (-10%)

By 奧野宣之
★榮獲第61梯次「好書大家讀」優良讀物 系列累計銷售突破50萬本!!! 光記錄就可以改變習慣! 光記錄就可以讓你減肥成功? 光記錄就可以讓你變成真正有回憶的人? 原來只要簡單記錄自己的日常! 你就可以更瞭解自己與珍惜你獨一的人生! 想一想三年前的你,做了什麼工作?抱著什麼樣的心情過生活? 想一想三天前的晚餐,你吃了什麼東西?發生什 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By 賴家家
讓做菜成為一件療癒的事! 當季蔬食+無麩質+全食物+低溫烹調=原味生活+美味享受+清肌排毒 108道蔬食譜+30道常備小菜+25道手工醬料+3種五穀堅果催芽法 =預約一生幸福的滋味~ [家家綠色廚房] 女主人 精心烹煮出台灣第一本無麥麩蔬食譜! 陳俊旭 自然醫學博士、黄偉德 自然療法醫師 一致專文推薦 Eat Taste Heal~純蔬食.無麥麩.愛自己.守護家 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.20

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MEMBER: RM 51.48 (-10%)

By 張 翔
你知道,自己走了多少的冤枉路嗎? 嘗試各種學英文的方法,卻還是不得要領嗎? 其實,學英文的金鑰,你早就握在手裡! ◎對於學英文,你還陷在這些迷思裡嗎? (1) 無論如何,大量背單字就是王道? → 背誦量多 ≠ 英文好,要背就背「真正用得上」的英文。 (2) 看到各種學習法,都嘗試看看再說? → 無論是哪種學習法,都有共通的「基礎」 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.10

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MEMBER: RM 51.39 (-10%)

By 葉怡蘭
  我始終相信,幸福是動詞,而非名詞;   不是遙遠的目標,而是當下的實踐。   每天,在旅行裡,玩味生活。   旅行,不只是為了出發,   更是,為了回家。   走過三十八個國家,接觸不同的景物、不同的人、不同的事,葉怡蘭在這樣的互動與體驗過程裡,豐富了視野與心靈,讓她知道自己究竟想要什麼、想要過什麼樣的生活。她此刻的生 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.80

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MEMBER: RM 41.22 (-10%)

By 愛莉森.諾艾勒
最可怕的敵人,往往是你最相信的人。 他們知道你的脆弱與秘密,更知道如何將你一招斃命……   系列熱賣超過6,000,000 冊!全球50多國粉絲指定珍藏!   故事即將進入精采結局,艾芙與戴蒙究竟還須面臨多少考驗?   「妳真的了解他嗎?我聽說的,可不是這樣喔……」   當艾芙意外奪走羅曼的生命後,哈薇一心一意要對艾芙展開報復,並誓言殲滅 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.60

NOW: RM 38.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.74 (-10%)

Feature 她的冷豔金屬與老舊新生 到百年當鋪一饗英式創意餐 當月兔落入人間 能視能食的藝術 眼底下的霓虹宇宙 星空下的少女Maker 香港電車的「移動藝術」 News LV全新代言人是她! 垂直森林建築在台北 到北京品嘗包子 《雙面薇若妮卡》數位修復版 Issue Fashion 嬉遊春意的地圖 Exhibition 讓舒適進駐:德國科隆家具展 Architecture 投入社會營造 智利 Learn More
USUAL: RM11.00

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MEMBER: RM 11.00 (-0%)

By 藤卷幸大
  「你想要擁有什麼樣的人生?」   十年後的你,究竟是笑納成果?還是後悔莫及?   取決於你當下的態度,以及看似微不足道的決定。   為了構築更豐盈的未來,作者以一生驗證,提出48則──   關於工作、溝通、時間、金錢、生活、人生的建言。      想像十年後的自己,會是什麼樣子的呢?   你未來樣貌的形塑,堆砌自現在的每個選 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

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MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 珍奈.温特森
全球書迷為之瘋狂的文壇盛事 空前絕後的寫作計畫── 「挑戰莎士比亞」系列小說 穿越四百年,獻給21世紀的你   《控制》作者吉莉安.弗琳說:「我接下挑戰,正是因為莎士比亞的名號令人膽寒!」   1616年,莎士比亞離開人世,400年後的今天,我們依然從他筆下的人物中照見自己。   為紀念莎翁逝世400週年,「挑戰莎士比亞」書系籌畫三年 Learn More
USUAL: RM51.50

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MEMBER: RM 46.35 (-10%)

本期編輯部將腳步挪移到南半球的美麗大陸,從文化建築、旅店空間、居家住宅與設計人物中品味澳式美學。吉朗最新地標建築Geelong Library and Heritage Centre,展現別於傳統圖書館的樣貌;坐落動物園內的Jamala Wildlife Lodge,令行旅們入住的同時感受曠野風情,還可享有與獅豹一起用餐、沐浴時有棕熊對望,以及和長頸鹿為鄰的奇異體驗;建造至今已近130年歷史的羊 Learn More
USUAL: RM11.00

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MEMBER: RM 11.00 (-0%)

By 伊莉莎白·哈吉肯斯
任何跟貓相處過的人都知道, 貓帶著無限的耐心面對人類有限的思維。   第一本完整探索從幼貓、成貓、到中老年貓的照顧   及各種可能衍生疾病的預防及治療的一本書!   徹底革新貓咪照護的多項傳統觀念及作法   每一位貓奴與獸醫必備的經典指南!   在現代社會中,貓咪在一些國家已經超越狗成為最受歡迎的家庭寵物。居住在城市的人、老 Learn More
USUAL: RM66.60

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MEMBER: RM 59.94 (-10%)

By 吳宛珍
自己親手作皂,讓肌膚自然無負擔!   已經是越來越流行的趨勢,但香皂除了清潔用途,還能做什麼呢?   原來,香皂可以不是硬的,改變質地會有更多的可能。   本書所使用的香皂黏土以植物油與精油為基底,沒有危害環境與人體的有害物,可用來盡情創作並捏出想要的立體造型,更能用來洗淨肌膚,使身體自然無負擔。   當個幸福玩皂咖, Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

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MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Adrian Tan Hong Bin
Tedious, time-consuming research all done for you! Your search for properties along the MRT/LRT line stops here! Purchasing a property is probably the most expensive purchase you will ever make in your lifetime and it makes perfect sense that thorough research and analysis is done prior to signing that dotted line. However, researching for that perfect property can be a long and painful process that can take weeks, or months! In this ultimate volume, all high-rise residen Learn More
USUAL: RM44.80

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MEMBER: RM 40.32 (-10%)

By Renesial Leong
购买到价廉物美的房地产是每个房地产投资者的梦想。而能使梦想成真的一个途径就是通过房地产拍卖会。 被誉为房地产女王的Renesial Leong,亦是四本畅销房地产投资书籍的作家。她目前因单位过剩而受抑制的房地产市场上,就看到了许多机会可以购买到价廉物美的房地产。在这本书中,她对在拍卖会上购买地产做了现实评估,并提出拍卖会上购买房地产的好处 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Renesial Leong
惊人的实在亚洲地产界里,超过60%的人还是住在租赁的房子里!简单地说,当中大部分的人都是不了解地产投资所潜在的巨大机会。他们不明白应如何使自己“有瓦遮顶”,或者拥有一个舒适的家来改善生活的素质,甚或是利用地产来达成无忧的退休,也或者野心勃勃地利用地产为加入富豪行列的工具。 这本书告诉您地产投资不单止是明智和满意的选择,它更 Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

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MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By Renesial Leong
为什么这是本必读之书? 如果您只投资在房宅和豪华公寓,您会发觉商业地产的投资有不容错过的机会。即使您从没买过任何产业,这本书指导您如何储存本钱和选择您第一个商业地产。这里面有很多真实的故事,实际和取胜的贴士,让您读得乐趣无穷。透过商业地产投资,您不但可以提早退休,而且还是高枕无忧得过下半生。 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Renesial Leong
本书乃是马来西亚史无前例的第一本房地产投资指南著作。它的精彩内容涵盖着许多宝贵投资实战策略,出奇制胜的构想与诀窍,指导您通过房地产的投资来致富,让您梦想成真。本书的笔触生动活泼,引用了很多真实的故事和实战经验,带领您穿过房地产投资的整个过程.从如何筹集现付之基本资金到如何选择适当的房地产来吸引租户等等。您也可以从中获知 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

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MEMBER: RM 41.31 (-10%)

By Renesial Leong
誰該看這本書 購置一項好的房地產只是一個開始,把它管理得好則是另一回事。如果你擁有一項或兩項房地產,並希望以最好的方式從中獲利,這本書將幫助你做到這一點。它是由現實生活中累積的許多經驗撰寫而成,從而讓你洞悉該如何成為頂尖房東 - 一個在財務上已能達到終極目標的人。 有效的租戶管理絕非遙不可及的火箭科學,因此任何人都可以從這 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

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MEMBER: RM 41.31 (-10%)

By 麻生羽呂 , 篠原kaori
漫畫奇才與生物學天才聯手合作, 水泥叢林生存闖關必備!   動物世界的職場生存要訣,全面顛覆人類的常識!   向隨時為保命而戰的「動物」,學習生命哲理和戰略方針!   看最符合天性本能的生存秘笈,找到活出自我的幸福攻略!   觀察20種動物保衛本能,探索人類未知或遺忘的生存力!   老闆再大也是個人,蜜獾的啟示    過多的壓力 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.05

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MEMBER: RM 36.05 (-10%)

By 夜宵草
大學重考兩次,研究所畢業後找到工作,卻做了三個月就辭職。   不僅之後的求職屢屢碰壁,也沒女友相伴,眼看著一事無成的27歲無業青年海崎新太。   某天,有個自稱「夜明了」的人物現身,要求他協助一項實驗,並遞給他一顆膠囊。   到了隔天早上,他居然在鏡中看到了恢復成高中生外貌的自己…… 本書特色   ★comico下載數高達500萬! Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 夜宵草
27歲無業青年「海崎新太」某天受自稱「夜明了」的人物所託,   要求他協助回歸社會的實驗「重生研究計畫」。   海崎為了這項計畫提供的生活費和承諾將來介紹工作,   便服下祕藥,恢復為10年前的外貌,重新度過一年高中生活。   但入學的第一天,海崎就不斷引發風波。究竟他能安然度過這一年嗎? 本書特色   ★comico下載數高達500萬 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 夜宵草
27歲無業青年「海崎新太」參加回歸社會的實驗「重生研究計畫」,   成了這個計畫的受試者。   他服下了神祕藥物讓外貌回到17歲的狀態,過起限期一年的第二次高中生活。   正當海崎交到了朋友,看似一帆風順,   某一天他卻目擊了好學生「狩生玲奈」的黑暗面……    本書特色      ★comico全球下載數超過2000萬!話題No.1的全彩漫 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 夜宵草
27歲無業青年「海崎新太」參加回歸社會的實驗「重生研究計畫」,   成為這個計畫的受試者。   他服下了神祕藥物讓外貌恢復17歲時的狀態,過起限期一年的第二次高中生活。   雖然他大致習慣了學校生活,除了需要擔心無限迴圈般的重考之外,   過得挺安穩的,但其實還有不安的因子存在!?    本書特色      ★comico全球下載數超過2 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 夜宵草
27歲無業青年「海崎新太」參加了回歸社會的實驗「重生研究計畫」,   成為這項計畫的受試者。   他服下了神祕藥物讓外貌恢復17歲時的狀態,過起限期一年的第二次高中生活。   一切看似漸漸上軌道,然而他的人際關係開始出現異變。   就在此時,他收到一通訊息…… 本書特色   ★comico全球下載數超過2000萬!話題No.1的全彩漫畫!    Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 夜宵草
27歲無業青年「海崎新太」參加了回歸社會的實驗「重生研究計畫」,   成為這項計畫的受試者。   他服下了神祕藥物讓外貌恢復17歲時的狀態,過起限期一年的第二次高中生活。   隨著交到許多朋友,新太對於「重生」的心態逐漸改變。   就在某一天,他突然找夜明商量,   表示想要恢復原來年長外貌的藥…… 本書特色   ★comico全球 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 傑弗瑞·楊 , 珍妮·克露斯克
  ★心理學基模療法(Schema Therapy)暢銷經典   ★長銷超過20年、全球超過40萬讀者受惠,自我療癒,找回更好的人生   我們最大的敵人,不是外在的環境,   而是不斷重複相同模式,讓自己卡住的人生困境。   別人傷害我們一時,我們不應該傷害自己一輩子。   情緒傷痕綁架了思考與行為,讓我們陷落困境而不自知   透過自我測驗,你可以 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

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MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By 夜宵草
27歲無業青年「海崎新太」參加了回歸社會的實驗「重生研究計畫」,   成為這項計畫的受試者。   他服下了神祕藥物讓外貌恢復17歲時的狀態,過起限期一年的第二次高中生活。   隨著交到許多朋友,新太對於「重生」的心態逐漸改變。   他在和現任高中生們的互動中,無意間介入了他們的戀愛世界。   眼見大神和狩生之間的情愫急遽高漲,   Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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MEMBER: RM 38.00 (-0%)

By Happy Life研究會
徹底解析引起全球騷動的殺老師之生態與能力   完整預測終結暗殺任務的學生們之未來出路   炸毀月球、又宣言隔年要炸掉地球的班導師──神祕超破壞生物;身負地球存亡重責大任、接受訓練的放牛班學生──暗殺殺手。暗殺目標(老師)與暗殺者(學生)的超現實校園生活(?)就此展開!椚丘中學3年E班,學生們歷經一整年的殺手訓練,暗殺能力日 Learn More
USUAL: RM37.00

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MEMBER: RM 37.00 (-0%)

By 黄醒荣
如何减低患癌的风险? 癌症有哪些治疗方法? 手术后癌症会复发吗? 癌症是绝症吗? 可以“饿死”癌细胞吗? 这些是许多人心中的疑惑。 在现今社会,每三个人当中,便有一人在其一生当中会罹患癌症。癌症显然已经成为常见疾病,唯有多加认识,才能远离癌症威胁,一旦确诊也可以勇敢面对,接受正确的疗法,对抗癌症。 毫无根据的治疗法,只会让病 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 35.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.31 (-10%)

By David Parkins , Richard Adams
A Puffin book - stories that last a lifetime.Soon to be a major TV mini-series!An epic story that has been beloved for generations, Watership Down has become one of the most famous animal stories ever written.Fiver, a young rabbit, is very worried. He senses something terrible is about to happen to the warren. His brother Hazel knows that his sixth sense is never wrong. So, there is nothing else for it.Th Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

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By Agatha Christie
A woman is killed by a poisoned dart in the enclosed confines of a commercial passenger plane... From seat No.9, Hercule Poirot was ideally placed to observe his fellow air passengers. Over to his right sat a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite; ahead, in seat No.13, sat a Countess with a poorly-concealed cocaine habit; across the gangway in seat No.8, a detective writer was being troubled by an aggressive wasp. Learn More
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By Mitch Albom
One last chance.What would you say?When the residents of a small town on Lake Michigan start receiving phone calls from the afterlife, they all become the subject of widespread attention. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax? Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, is determined to find out. This is a story about the power of belief - and a page-turner that will touch your soul.The internationally bestsell Learn More
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By Mitch Albom
The gift of heaven on earth. It will become the biggest story in the world . . . When the residents of a small town on Lake Michigan start receiving phone calls from the afterlife, they all become the subject of widespread attention. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax? Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, is determined to find out. This is a story about the power of belief - and a page-turner that will touch your soul. The internationally bestsellin Learn More
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By Edgar Allan Poe
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. `Yet I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart - one of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which gives direction to the character of Man.' Including Poe's most terrifying, grotesque and haunting short stories, Tales of Mystery and Imagination is the ultimate collect Learn More
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By Michael Crichton , Richard Preston
An instant classic in the vein of Jurassic Park, this boundary-pushing novel has all the hallmarks of Michael Crichton's greatest adventures with its combination of pulse-pounding thrills, cutting-edge technology, and extraordinary researchThree men are found dead in a locked second-floor office in Honolulu. There is no sign of struggle, though their bodies are covered in ultra-fine, razor-sharp cuts. With no evidence, the police dismiss it as a bizarre suicide pact Learn More
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By Erin McCahan
With rave reviews pouring in, this smart, bighearted love story is now available in paperback. Great for fans of John Green and Rainbow Rowell! Sixteen-year-old Josie knows a lot of languages: she speaks High School, College, Friends, Boyfriends, Break-ups, and even the language of Beautiful Girls. But none is her native tongue. The only people who speak that are her best friend Stu and her sister, Kate. So when Kate gets engaged to an insufferable guy, how can Josie see it a Learn More
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By Derek Landy
The ninth book in the original, jaw-droppingly stupendous Skulduggery Pleasant series. Valkerie. Darquesse. Stephanie. The world ain't big enough for the three of them. The end will come... The War of the Sanctuaries has been won, but it was not without its casualties. Following the loss of Valkyrie Cain, Skulduggery Pleasant must use any and all means to track down and stop Darquesse before she turns the world into a charred, lifeless c Learn More
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By J.K. Rowling
Escape to Hogwarts with the unmissable series that has sparked a lifelong reading journey for children and families all over the world! Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry's eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts Learn More
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By Tahereh Mafi
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The first three novels in Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series (Shatter Me, Unravel Me, and Ignite Me) are available together for the first time in this box set collection! No one knows why Juliette's touch i Learn More
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By Marty Neumeier
Not since Strunk and White's ELEMENTS OF STYLE has a book compressed so many insights into so few pages. With his trademark simplicity and wit, Marty Neumeier has written and illustrated a concise guide that can be read quickly over a lunch break or savored slowly over a lifetime. Part 1, "How can I innovate?" offers insightful guidance such as "Feel before you think," "See what's not there," and "Ask a bigger question." Rule #1 gives the paradoxical advice: "Break Learn More
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By Colette Heimowitz
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The bestselling New Atkins New You introduced a whole new way to do the classic Atkins diet, offering a more flexible, more effective and easier-to-maintain low-carb lifestyle. Now, The New Atkins New You Cookbook provides 200 delicious Atkins Learn More
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By Kate Turner
Supercharge your breakfast bowl with 25 quick and easy, healthy recipes packed with slow-release, low gi energy foods and all the immune-boosting grains, berries, seeds, proteins, and natural powders needed for total vitality.From granola and overnight oats to Green Goddess Juice and Rainbow Vegetable Frittata, Superfood Breakfasts has a recipe for all your health and lifestyle needs - whether you're looking for a high-energy post-workout recharge, a kid-frie Learn More
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By Thomas L. Friedman
The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, Friedman argues, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalization - a `flattening' of the world. The explosion of advanced technologies now means that suddenly knowledge pools and resources have connected all over the planet, levelling the playing field as never before, so that each of us is potentially an equal - and competitor - of the other. The rules of the game have chan Learn More
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By Anne Rice
The vampire world is in crisis - their kind have been proliferating out of control and, thanks to technologies undreamed of in previous centuries, they can communicate as never before. Roused from their earth-bound slumber, ancient ones are in thrall to the Voice: which commands that they burn fledgling vampires in cities from Paris to Mumbai, Hong Kong to Kyoto and San Francisco. Immolations, huge massacres, have commenced all over the world. Who - or what - is the Voice? Learn More
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By Daniel Kahneman
The phenomenal international bestseller - 2 million copies sold - that will change the way you make decisions 'A lifetime's worth of wisdom' Steven D. Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics 'There have been many good books on human rationality and irrationality, but only one masterpiece. That masterpiece is Thinking, Fast and Slow' Financial Times Why is there more chance we'll believe something if it's in a bold type face? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before l Learn More
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By Susan Cain
The instant New York Times bestseller! In The XX Brain, Lisa meticulously guides us in the ways we can both nourish and protect ourselves, body and mind, to ensure our brains remain resilient throughout our lives. --from the foreword by Maria Shriver The first book to address cognitive enhancement and Alzheimer's prevention specifically in women--and to frame brain health as an essential component of Women's Health. In this revolutionary book, Dr. Lisa Mosconi, director of Learn More
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By Henry Kissinger
In World Order, Henry Kissinger - one of the leading practitioners of world diplomacy and author of On China - makes his monumental investigation into the 'tectonic plates' of global history and state relations. World Order is the summation of Henry Kissinger's thinking about history, strategy and statecraft. As if taking a perspective from far above the globe, it examines the great tectonic plates of history and the motivations of nations, explaining the attitudes that st Learn More
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By Noam Chomsky
'If I were a voter in Britain, I would vote for [Jeremy Corbyn]' - Noam Chomsky, 2017Who Rules the World is the essential account of geopolitics right now - including an afterword on President Donald Trump Noam Chomsky: philosopher, political writer, fearless activist. No one has done more to question the hidden actors who govern our lives, calling the powers that be to account. Here he presents Who Rules Learn More
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By Lisa Kleypas
A ruthless tycoonSavage ambition has brought common-born Rhys Winterborne vast wealth and success. In business and beyond, Rhys gets exactly what he wants. And from the moment he meets the shy, aristocratic Lady Helen Ravenel, he is determined to possess her. If he must take her virtue to ensure she marries him, so much the better . . .A sheltered beautyHelen has had little contact with the glittering, cynical world of London society. Yet Learn More
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By Anne Mallory
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Facing the choice of flight or a wedding she cannot abide, Kate Simon has chosen to flee. Disguised as a boy, she takes refuge in a roadside inn, and finds herself rooming with intensely secretive Christian Black. Kate is breathless in the pres Learn More
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By Lorraine Heath
USA Today BestsellerIn the first in a dazzling new series, New York Times bestselling author Lorraine Heath introduces the Hellions of Havisham-three charismatic rogues destined to lose their hearts . . .After six unsuccessful Seasons, Miss Minerva Dodger chooses spinsterhood over fortune-hungry suitors. But thanks to the Nightingale Club, she can at least enjoy one night of pleasure. At that notorious establishment, ladies don masks Learn More
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By Catherine Clark
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. This bind-up features two repackaged fan-favorite novels that are sure to delight readers of Stephanie Perkins, Jennifer Echols, and, of course, Catherine Clark.Summer vacation isn't just about working on your tan line and flirting with Learn More
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By George R. R. Martin
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Published in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of George R. R. Martin's landmark series, this lavishly illustrated special edition of A Game of Thrones-with gorgeous full-page illustrations in every chapter-revitalizes the fantasy master Learn More
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By David Walliams
Welcome to the Midnight Gang! Midnight is the time when all children are fast asleep, except of course for... the Midnight Gang. That is when their adventures are just beginning... When Tom gets hit on the head by a cricket ball, he finds himself at Lord Funt Hospital, and is greeted by a terrifying-looking porter. Things go from bad to worse when he meets the wicked matron in charge of the children's ward... But Tom is about to embark on the most thrilli Learn More
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By Yangsze Choo
A haunting, evocative and highly unusual romantic debut Seventeen-year-old Li Lan lives in 1890s Malaya with her quietly-ruined father, who returns one evening with a proposition - the fabulously wealthy Lim family want Li Lan to marry their son. The only problem is, he's dead. After a fateful visit to the Lim mansion, Li Lan finds herself haunted not only by her ghostly would-be suitor, but also her desire for the Lims' handsome new heir. At night she is drawn into the Ch Learn More
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By DK Travel
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring these compelling countries. Admire Cambodia's awe-inspiring Angkor Wat, sample French-Lao cuisine at Luang Prabang's waterfront restaurants or take a boat ride down the Mekong and stop off at the magical islands of Si Phan Don: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Cambodia and Learn More
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By Colette Heimowitz
Atkins remains the world's most famous diet, and for good reason: the Atkins high-protein, low-carb plan has helped millions of people around the world lose weight and keep it off. In The New Atkins Made Easy, this amazing lifestyle plan has been further simplified to guarantee quicker weight loss with even less hassle. Alongside simple, straightforward guidelines you'll find: o tips and advice for keeping on track with your diet o budget-friendly meal plans and Learn More
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By Joe Rhatigan , Carolina Farias
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Find out what happens next to the poor, wet spider and all of his insect friends in this classic nursery rhyme retold for today's kids."The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout" And so begins the new and Learn More
USUAL: RM51.90

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By Stevens Cara J
Nutrition aside, there are other interesting topics worth exploring in the pursuit of health. Can cancer be prevented? Why doesn't everyone live long, healthy lives? What is the relationship between cardiovascular disease and the immune system? How does the immune system affect overall health? Which is the healthier food option: natural and wholesome plant foods or animal-based foods? How do our lifestyles affect our health? Good health is not a secret. To achieve good health Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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