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' Ilmu bakti revisi poket SPM 'Found 1353 Related Products
By Wan Kamalsha Amina Noor
Seorang ketua negara adalah pemimpin rakyatnya.Seorang majikan adalah pemimpin pekerjanya.Seorang Ketua Kampung adalah pemimpin penduduk kampungnya.Seorang ayah adalah pemimpin keluarganya.Seorang individu adalah pemimpin dirinya sendiri. Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Muhamamd Ali Imran
Jangan dikau malu untuk menitiskan air mata kerana Allah SWT,kerana Rasulullah SWT turut pernah mengalirkan air mata Baginda kerana-Nya. Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

By Abdul Aziz Ismail
Sejarah hidup Rasulullah S.A.W. yang boleh dijadikan teladan Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Prof. Dr. Soleh Bin Abdullah Allahin
Kehidupan di dunia merupakan permainan dan senda gurau.Ada kalanya menang ada kalanya kalah.Susah dan senang silih berganti.Senangnya merupakan kesenangan yang menipu,sedihnya merupakan kesengsaraan sementara.Itulah dinamakan kehidupan di alam fana. Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.10 (-10%)

By Ibnu Amrullah Yusuf
Dunia Malaikat berbeza dengan dunia manusia.Malaikat adalah makhluk Allah SWT yang diciptakan dari nur (cahaya).Mereka memiliki wujud asli yang sangat besar. Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

NOW: RM 22.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

By Amina Noor
Kitab Syarah Hadis 40 atau lebih dikenali sebagai Hadis Arba'in merupakan kumpulan hadis yang disusun oleh Abu Zakaria atau nama sebenarnya Yahya Bin Syaraf bin Husein Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

By Umairah Shafei , Jannatun Nisa Jahasnum
Buku ini mengupas cara memanfaatkan waktu satu minit agar kita beroleh pahala yang melimpah. Bagaimana dalam satu minit kita beroleh pahala yang setara melakukan kebaikan sebanyak dua belas kali jumlah kaum Muslimin. Bagaimana dalam satu minit, kita beroleh pahala yang setara berbuat kebaikan sebanyak 6100 kali, dan dalam satu minit beroleh pahala melakukan seribu kebaikan dan dihapus seribu kesalahan. Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Mohammad Ali Imran
Buku ini dapat memberi iktibar kepada kita,umat Nabi Muhammad.Kita sudah berada di akhir zaman,jadi lebih baik memparsiapkan diri bagi menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan yang penuh mencabar.sepertimana yang sudah tercacat di muka depan,ketahuilah ada 10 golongan manusia yang akan diusir dari Padang Mahsyar. Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Mohammad Ali Imran
Mimpi bertemu beginda dalam apa keadaan sekalipun adalah dikira sebagai mimpi yang benar,kerana ia adalah sabit dan sah diperakui oleh Baginda. Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Muhammad Ali Imran
Di dalam buku ini terdapat 57 amalan yang boleh diamal seperti yang disarankan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W, supaya kita mengecapi keadaan yang baik diakhir kelak. Selamat beramal. Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Muhammad Zulhelmi
USUAL: RM10.00

NOW: RM 10.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 9.00 (-10%)

By Fadhli Nuruddin
USUAL: RM13.00

NOW: RM 13.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.70 (-10%)

By Ustaz Saiful Rizam
"Kemudian apabila kamu telah selesai mengerjakan sembahyang, maka hendaklah kamu menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa kamu berdiri atau duduk, dan semasa kamu berbaring. Kemudian apabila kamu telah merasa tenteram maka dirikanlah sembahyang.Sesungguhnya sembahyang itu adalah satu ketetapan yang diwajibkan atas orang yang beriman, yang tertentu waktunya." (an-Nisa': 103) Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

By Fadhli Nuruddin Mohamed
Manusia dijadikan oleh Allah untuk mampu bergerak ke setiap ceruk dunia dengan pelbagai tujuan.Perjalanan atau pengembaraan ini yang juga dikenali dengan bermusafir boleh disebabkan oleh desakan,keinginan dan keparluan manusia itu sendiri Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Abdul Aziz Ismail
FIRMAN ALLAH di dalam AL-QURAN yang bermaksud; " [1] Wahai orang yang berselimut! [2] Bangunlah(sembahyang Tahajud) pada waktu malam, selain dari sedikit masa (untuk berehat). [3] Iaitu separuh dari waktu malam, atau kurangkan sedikit dari separuh itu." (al-Muzammil [73]:1-3) Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Abdul Aziz Ismail
Iman tidak kekal di dalam diri seseorang itu. Ertinya iman itu boleh bertambah dan menjadi rodsk atau menjadi tidak berfungsi atau menjadi batal,jika iman menjadi batal maka orang itu telah terkeluar dari agama Islam Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.10 (-10%)

By Miftahul Asror Malik
Sungguh, syaitan diciptaka until menggoda manusia secara keseluruhan dalam dua aspek tersebut (untuk melakukan apa yang ./ mestinya ditinggal, dan meninggalkan apa yang mestinya dilakukan). Adalah suatu keniscayaan bag i orang yang berakal untuk berhati-hati dengan musuh (syartan) yang telah memulakan permusuhannya sejak zaman Nab Adam. Syaitan telah menyerahkan seluruh hidup dan jiwanya untuk menghancurkan perjalanan hidup anak cucu Adam. Syaitan adalah makhluk ghaib yang Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Ahmad Dasuki Al-Qari
Kematian adalah sebuah keyakinan bagi semua makhluk yang bernyawa, termasuk manusia. Kematian tidak pernah terduga dan selalu tepat pada waktunya. Merupakan sebuah kebahagiaan bagi seorang muslim jika ia meninggal dalam keadaan husnul khatimah. Yakni mengakhiri hidup dalam ketaatan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT. Bagi sebahagian besar orang, kematian merupakan sesuatu yang menakutkan. Namun, bagi orang yang beriman yang telah mempersiapkan diri berjumpa dengan Allah, kema Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

NOW: RM 22.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

By Miftahul Asror Malik
Buku ini mengisahkan bagaimana seorang suami seharusnya melayan isterinya mengikut sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W. Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.10 (-10%)

By Mohammad Isfahan Al-Qari
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Abu Bakar Z.A
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.10 (-10%)

Jika ibadah dan amal soleh itu diterima allah,secara tidak langsung kekayaan (dunia) dapat menyampaikan kita ke akhirat kelak. Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Abdul Aziz Ismail
Rasulullah S.A.W adalah contoh tertinggi dan suri teladan yang terbaik bagi manusia. Daripada sekalian perwatakan Rasulullah S.A.W yang paling menonjol adalah dari segi akhlak. Baginda tiada tandingannya. Rasulullah S.A.W merupakan seorang yang banyak merendahkan diri dan berdoa ke hadrat Allah SWT agar menganugerahkan Baginda dengan kebaikan adab dan kemuliaan budi pekerti/akhlak. Mencintai Rasulullah S.A.W merupakan kewajipan bagi setiap Muslim dan sudah pasti ramai yang Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Ustaz Ali Omar Al-Hafiz
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

By Hani Fazuha
Rihana dan Hakim, dua nama dari dua dunia berbeza, ditemukan dalam kancah penuh dosa. Bagi Hakim, Rihana itu tidak ubah seperti pelacur kelas atasan. Bagi Rihana, Hakim itu sama saja dengan lelaki kaya raya yang harus dilayan untuk mengeluarkan duit dari poketnya. “Kahwin dengan I Rin, I’ll pay you two million.” - Hakim “Dua juta tidak cukup untuk membeli maruah I, Hakim”- Rihana Segalanya berubah apabila Rihana bertemu hidayah-Nya dan meninggalkan dunia kelam unt Learn More
USUAL: RM27.00

NOW: RM 27.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 24.30 (-10%)

By Andrew M. Colman
Including more than 11,000 definitions, this authoritative and up-to-date dictionary covers all branches of psychology. Clear, concise descriptions for each entry offer extensive coverage of key areas including cognition, sensation and perception, emotion and motivation, learning and skills, language, mental disorder, and research methods. The range of entries extends to related disciplines including psychoanalysis, psychiatry, the neurosciences, and statistics. Entries are Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By John Scott
A consistent best-seller, the wide-ranging and authoritative Dictionary of Sociology was first published in 1994 and contains more than 2,500 entries on the terminology, methods, concepts, and thinkers in the field, as well as from the related fields of psychology, economics, anthropology, philosophy, and political science. For this fourth edition, Professor John Scott has conducted a thorough review of all entries to ensure that they are concise, focused, and up to date. Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

This is the most popular dictionary of physics available, and contains almost 4,000 entries covering all commonly encountered physics terms and concepts. It also defines many terms from the related fields of astronomy, astrophysics, and physical chemistry. With over 200 new entries and full revision of the existing text, A Dictionary of Physics is as essential a reference tool as before. The dictionary is generously illustrated with over 120 diagrams, graphs, and tables a Learn More
USUAL: RM41.90

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MEMBER: RM 37.71 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
A handy 3-in-1 Spanish study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand Spanish reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of Spanish. The grammar, verb and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning Spanish at school, in an evening class, for work or for leisure. * Grammar: this sec Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.41 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
A handy 3-in-1 French study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand French reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of French. The grammar, verb and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning French at school, in an evening class, for work or for leisure. * Grammar: this section Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.41 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
A handy 3-in-1 German study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand German reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of German. The grammar, verb and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning German at school, in an evening class, for work or for leisure. * Grammar: this section Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.41 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
A handy 3-in-1 Italian study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand Italian reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of Italian. The grammar, verb and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning Italian at school, in an evening class, for work or for leisure. * Grammar: this sec Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.41 (-10%)

By Bryan Magee
The Story of Philosophy is the ultimate exploration of 2,500 years of Western philosophy. From the Ancient Greeks to modern thinkers, The Story of Philosophy brings a stunning and simple approach to tackle history's biggest ideas. Professor Bryan Magee takes you from the origins of philosophy to the present day, from Plato to Popper and into the future. This essential guide is fully updated to include thoughts on our modern society, exploring science and democracy, and pos Learn More
USUAL: RM98.95

NOW: RM 98.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.06 (-10%)

Oxford English Grammar Course Basic and Intermediate are revisions and expansions of the highly successful Good Grammar Book and How English Works. The Advanced level is completely new, and includes grammar for reading, writing and speaking. The course will enable advanced level students to benefit from Practical English Usage, 4th edition. Learn More
USUAL: RM64.90

NOW: RM 64.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.41 (-10%)

Oxford English Grammar Course Basic and Intermediate are revisions and expansions of the highly successful Good Grammar Book and How English Works. The Advanced level is completely new, and includes grammar for reading, writing and speaking. The course will enable advanced level students to benefit from Practical English Usage, 4th edition. Learn More
USUAL: RM64.90

NOW: RM 64.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.41 (-10%)

Oxford English Grammar Course Basic and Intermediate are revisions and expansions of the highly successful Good Grammar Book and How English Works. The Advanced level is completely new, and includes grammar for reading, writing and speaking. The course will enable advanced level students to benefit from Practical English Usage, 4th edition. Learn More
USUAL: RM64.90

NOW: RM 64.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.41 (-10%)

By Anneli Williams
Increase your knowledge of vocabulary with Collins Vocabulary for IELTS and get the score you need. IELTS is the world's leading test of English for higher education and migration and is recognised by 6000 institutions in over 135 countries. Collins Vocabulary for IELTS is a self-study book for learners of English who plan to take the Academic module of the IELTS test. This book is an ideal tool for learners studying at CEF level B1 or above or with a ban Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

By Ilias Bantekas , Efthymios D. Papastavridis
If you're serious about exam success, it's time to Concentrate! International Law Concentrate is the essential study and revision guide for law students looking for extra marks. The clear, succinct coverage enables you to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of this area of law and helps you to succeed in exams. This guide has been rigorously reviewed and is endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy, and exam advice. Packed with essential informat Learn More
USUAL: RM67.90

NOW: RM 67.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.11 (-10%)

By Emily Finch , Stefan Fafinski
The best-selling legal skills textbook in the market, Legal Skills is the essential guide for law students, encompassing all the academic and practical skills in one manageable volume. It is an ideal text for students new to law, helping them make the transition from secondary education and giving them the skills they need to succeed from the beginning of their degree, through exams and assessments and into their future career. The first part covers 'Sources of Law' and Learn More
USUAL: RM109.90

NOW: RM 109.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 98.91 (-10%)

By Joel Levy
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Switch on your brain with puzzles, tips and teasersImprove your memory and recall, develop cognitive skills and increase your brain power with Boost Your Brain. Ever find it difficult to remember where you left Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 22.90 (-60%)

MEMBER: RM 22.90 (-60%)

By John Lees
The nation's much loved careers guide book is back!How To Get A Job You Love is a blueprint for anyone looking for work or planning a career change.Whether you're looking for your first job, a graduate or an experienced professional, this book will guide you through the process accompanied by a series of exercises to help you decide what kind of role suits you.New Features in the 2017-18 edition Learn More
USUAL: RM102.00

NOW: RM 102.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 91.80 (-10%)

By Anthony McCarten
From the prize-winning screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, this is a cinematic, behind-the-scenes account of a crucial moment which takes us inside the mind of one of the world's greatest leaders - and provides a revisionist, more rounded portrait of his leadership.May, 1940. Britain is at war, European democracies are falling rapidly and the public are unaware of this dangerous new world. Just days after his unlikely succession to Prime Minister, Winst Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 57.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.16 (-10%)

By Deborah E. Lipstadt
The powerful and deeply disturbing book that was at the heart of the David Irving libel case, now dramatized in the film Denial. The denial of the Holocaust has no more credibility than the assertion that the Earth is flat. Yet there are those who insist that the death of six million Jews in Nazi concentration camps is nothing but a hoax perpetrated by a powerful Zionist conspiracy. For years those who made such claims were dismissed as harmless cranks operating on Learn More
USUAL: RM59.95

NOW: RM 59.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.96 (-10%)

Level: KS3 Subject: Maths Based on robust research that proves repeated practice is more effective than repeated study, this Maths workbook provides focused skills practice for all the maths topics relevant to Year 8. Students are encouraged to achieve the best possible results and additional practice will help to build confidence. Packed with practice questions to reinforce and test understanding of all the mathematical concepts and skills taught in school, this M Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

Level: KS3 Subject: Science Based on robust research that proves repeated practice is more effective than repeated study, this Science workbook provides focused skills practice for all the maths topics relevant to Year 7. Students are encouraged to achieve the best possible results and additional practice will help to build confidence. Learn More
USUAL: RM27.90

NOW: RM 27.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 25.11 (-10%)

Level: KS3 Subject: Science Based on robust research that proves repeated practice is more effective than repeated study, this Science workbook provides focused skills practice for all the maths topics relevant to Year 8. Students are encouraged to achieve the best possible results and additional practice will help to build confidence. Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

Level: KS3 Subject: Maths With clear and accessible explanations of all the KS3 content, this advanced Maths revision guide provides clear, concise revision notes, plus five practice opportunities for each topic. Based on research that proves repeated practice is more effective than repeated study, this advanced Maths revision guide is guaranteed to help students achieve the best results through repeated practice and testing. Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

Exam Board: Edexcel, AQA, and OCR Gateway Level: GCSE Grade 9-1 Subject: Biology First Teaching: September 2016, First Exams: June 2018 Letts Revision improves exam confidence Matched to the requirements of the National Curriculum, this revision guide prepares students for their GCSE Biology exam with confidence. The variety of activity types ensures every student stays motivated throughout their revision to help them achieve the best results in their exams. * Lively ma Learn More
USUAL: RM33.50

NOW: RM 33.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.15 (-10%)

Exam Board: Edexcel, AQA, and OCR Gateway Level: GCSE Grade 9-1 Subject: Physics First Teaching: September 2016, First Exams: June 2018 Letts Revision improves exam confidence Matched to the requirements of the National Curriculum, this revision guide prepares students for their GCSE Physics exam with confidence. The variety of activity types ensures every student stays motivated throughout their revision to help them achieve the best results in their exams. Learn More
USUAL: RM33.50

NOW: RM 33.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.15 (-10%)

Exam Board: Edexcel, AQA, and OCR Gateway Level: GCSE Grade 9-1 Subject: Combined Science First Teaching: September 2016, First Exams: June 2018 Letts Revision improves exam confidence Matched to the requirements of the National Curriculum, this revision guide prepares students for their GCSE Combined Science exam with confidence. The variety of activity types ensures every student stays motivated throughout their revision to help them achieve the best results in their ex Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

Exam Board: AQA, OCR, Edexcel and Eduqas WJEC Level: GCSE 9-1 Subject: Geography First Teaching: September 2016, First Exams: Summer 2018 Revision that Sticks! Collins GCSE 9-1 Geography Complete All-in-One Revision and Practice, uses a revision method that really works: repeated practice throughout. A revision guide, workbook and practice paper in one book! With clear and concise revision for every topic, plus seven practice opportunities, Collins offers the best revisio Learn More
USUAL: RM57.50

NOW: RM 57.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.75 (-10%)

Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR B and WJEC Eduqas Level: GCSE 9-1 Subject: British History First Teaching: September 2016, First Exams: June 2018 Revision that Sticks! Collins GCSE 9-1 British History Complete All-in-One Revision and Practice, uses a revision method that really works: repeated practice throughout. A revision guide, workbook and practice paper in one book! With clear and concise revision for every topic, plus seven practice opportunities, Collins offers the Learn More
USUAL: RM57.50

NOW: RM 57.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.75 (-10%)

Exam Board: Cambridge Level: IGCSE Subject: Maths First teaching: September 2018; First exams: June 2020 Letts Cambridge IGCSE (R) Maths Revision Guide provides clear and accessible revision content to support all students, with practice opportunities to build your confidence and help you prepare for your Cambridge IGCSE (R) Maths assessments. Covering the Cambridge IGCSE (R) Maths syllabus for first examination 2020, this revision guide includes: * Clear Learn More
USUAL: RM55.50

NOW: RM 55.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.95 (-10%)

Exam Board: Cambridge Level: IGCSE Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2015; First exams: June 2017 Letts Cambridge IGCSE (R) Geography Revision Guide provides clear and accessible revision content to support all students, with practice opportunities to build confidence and help prepare for your Cambridge IGCSE (R) Geography assessments. Covering the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) Geography syllabus, this revision guide includes: * Clear and concise syllabus cove Learn More
USUAL: RM55.50

NOW: RM 55.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.95 (-10%)

Exam Board: Cambridge Level: IGCSE Subject: English First teaching: September 2018; First exams: June 2020 Letts Cambridge IGCSE (R) English Revision Guide provides clear and accessible revision content to support all students, with practice opportunities to build your confidence and help you prepare for your Cambridge IGCSE (R) English assessments. Covering the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) English syllabus, this revision guide includes: * Clear and concise Learn More
USUAL: RM55.50

NOW: RM 55.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.95 (-10%)

Exam Board: Cambridge Level: IGCSE Subject: ICT First teaching: September 2015; First exams: June 2017 Letts Cambridge IGCSE (R) ICT Revision Guide provides clear and accessible revision content to support all students, with lots of practice opportunities to build your confidence and help you prepare for your Cambridge IGCSE (R) ICT assessments. Covering the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) ICT syllabus, this revision guide includes: * Clear and concise syllabus Learn More
USUAL: RM48.50

NOW: RM 48.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.65 (-10%)

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