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By 刘轩
幸运并非可遇不可求,而是随遇待求, 只要掌握九个心理好习惯, 就能由内向外、由外到内整顿自己的思考, 看见、发现、创造、连结身边的各种机会和贵人, 创造属于你自己的幸运和幸福! 相信自己是幸运的开始, 幸运只给准备好的心智!   幸运,是希望,也是一种感觉。那怎样获得幸运呢?   幸运来自于机会,机会来自于人。但如何 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.80

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By 長月達平
  與貝特魯吉烏斯‧羅曼尼康帝的死鬥以失敗告終,再度回溯到過去時空的菜月‧昴,於激戰的熱度尚未冷卻的情況下,就直接在回歸的世界中與同伴們一同擬定對抗大罪司教的戰術:為了打倒會附身在他人肉體上的邪惡,及粉碎他的目的。   另一方面,留在羅茲瓦爾宅邸的愛蜜莉雅也察覺到潛伏在宅邸周邊的異樣存在,為了領民的安全而費盡唇舌勸說 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By ネコ光一
  ★來自讀者與業界的雙重肯定!   投稿網站「成為小說家吧」年間排名‧『第1名』※截至2015年7月25日   第二屆 OVERLAP文庫WEB小說大獎‧『金獎』   ★WEB版全新修訂,特別收錄:加筆番外篇〈隨從們的過去與現在〉   ★《東雲侑子》系列唯美清新繪師Nardeck,傾力繪製!   ★最強特務,浴火轉生──充滿溫馨與感動的師徒&家人羈絆。最想在異 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

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By 長月達平
  菜月‧昴成功殲滅魔女教大罪司教「怠惰」,得以與愛蜜莉雅重逢。   兩人跨越之前的辛酸訣別,達成和解,但新的動亂又拉開序幕。   另一半的避難村民沒有回來,阿拉姆村洋溢著焦慮不安。為了和同樣沒回來的羅茲瓦爾以及拉姆碰面,昴他們一路趕往被稱為「聖域」的地方。   在那裡等待他們的,是無法用普通方式應對的居民,以及笑容詭異 Learn More
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By 長月達平
 跨越「試煉」,整理好對留在原本世界的雙親的心情後,菜月‧昴要支持愛蜜莉雅,救醒雷姆──就在為這新的決心做好四處奔走的覺悟時,昴又再度於熟悉的痛苦中殞命,然後「死亡回歸」。   與「掏腸者」艾爾莎──在異世界中第一個殺死昴的殺手再會。   與強敵再戰而感到戰慄的昴,利用「死亡回歸」摸索最佳策略。可是,第二次的「聖域」 Learn More
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By 長月達平
每次死掉重來,事情發展都與記憶中的不同。在「聖域」──第四次回到這裡的昴,遇見了理應不存在的「嫉妒魔女」。   聚落被影子吞食,被應該是敵人的嘉飛爾所救,終於了解到「聖域」被稱做實驗場的真相。──然後,在白色末日降臨的世界裡,魔人嘲笑昴的覺悟。   希望被背叛,對真相感到絕望,即便如此仍舊不放棄未來的昴為了再見魔女一 Learn More
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By 長月達平
跨越「試煉」,整理好對留在原本世界的雙親的心情後,菜月‧昴要支持愛蜜莉雅,救醒雷姆──就在為這新的決心做好四處奔走的覺悟時,昴又再度於熟悉的痛苦中殞命,然後「死亡回歸」。  與「掏腸者」艾爾莎──在異世界中第一個殺死昴的殺手再會。  與強敵再戰而感到戰慄的昴,利用「死亡回歸」摸索最佳策略。可是,第二次的「聖域」輪迴卻走 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

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By 長月達平
每次死掉重來,事情發展都與記憶中的不同。在「聖域」──第四次回到這裡的昴,遇見了理應不存在的「嫉妒魔女」。   聚落被影子吞食,被應該是敵人的嘉飛爾所救,終於了解到「聖域」被稱做實驗場的真相。──然後,在白色末日降臨的世界裡,魔人嘲笑昴的覺悟。   希望被背叛,對真相感到絕望,即便如此仍舊不放棄未來的昴為了再見魔女一 Learn More
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By 長月達平
菜月‧昴在毫無預警的情況下被迫面對第二「試煉」:知曉每一輪地獄的後續發展。認知到自身罪孽深重,以為是救星的魔女又本性曝光,昴終於被徹底擊垮。此時包圍他的,除了冠以六宗罪之名的六名魔女外,還增加了消滅她們的最後魔女。激動與痛哭到最後依然救不了想救的人,菜月‧昴的心神被消磨殆盡。但就在這時,一個朋友將最後的希望遞向跌至谷底 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By Joseph Stiglitz
Can the Euro be saved? Should it be? Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz dismantles the prevailing consensus around what ails Europe - arguing that economic stagnation is a direct result of the Euro's flawed birth, demolishing the champions of austerity and offering solutions that can rescue the continent from further devastation. 'Stiglitz could hardly have timed The Euro better ... one of those economists with a rare ability to help readers understand Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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Previously named A Dictionary of Computing, this bestselling dictionary has been renamed A Dictionary of Computer Science, and fully revised by a team of computer specialists, making it the most up-to-date and authoritative guide to computing available. Containing over 6,500 entries and with expanded coverage of multimedia, computer applications, networking, and personal computer science, it is a comprehensive reference work encompassing all aspects of the subject and is as Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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By Jennifer Niven
From the author of the New York Times bestseller All the Bright Places comes a heart-wrenching story about what it means to see someone - and love someone - for who they truly are.Everyone thinks they know Libby Strout, the girl once dubbed 'America's Fattest Teen'. But no one's taken the time to look past her weight to get to see who she really is. Since her mum's death, she's been picking up the pieces in the privacy of her home, dealing with Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

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Explore the human mind and understand the science behind how you and other people in your life think and act in a wide range of everyday situations with this brand new visual guide to applied psychology.Using straightforward definitions and clear, striking visuals, The Psychology Handbook makes the workings of the brain easy to understand and shows what happens when things go wrong, with information on disorders such as anxiety and paranoia, as well as explan Learn More
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By Amy Tan
From New York Times bestselling author Amy Tan, a memoir on her life as a writer, her childhood and the symbiotic relationship between fiction and emotional memory. In Where the Past Begins, bestselling author of The Joy Luck Club and The Valley of Amazement Amy Tan is at her most intimate in revealing the truths and inspirations that underlie her extraordinary fiction. By delving into vivid memories of her traumatic childhood, confessio Learn More
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By 長月達平
  與拒絕解放「聖域」的嘉飛爾作出的了斷,既打通了原本呈現死胡同的命運之路,也是宣告下一場戰鬥開始的狼煙。在墳墓接受「試煉」的愛蜜莉雅,即將面對封鎖在內心深處的過去。相信她會平安無事的昴一行人,此時也聽著琉茲複製人之一‧席瑪娓娓講述「聖域」的成立經過。愛蜜莉雅與「聖域」,兩者的過去意外地同時復甦。這是促使愛蜜莉雅下定決 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By Dr. Peter Abrahams
How The Body Works Provides A Detailed Analysis Of Every Aspect Of Human Physiology, From The Workings Of The Lacrimal Glands To How The Body Absorbs And Uses Carbohydrates. Divided Into 12 Easy-To-Reference Chapters By Body Area And Function. This Book Also Include Over One Thousand Anatomically Accurate Diagrams And Photographs Of The Workings And Functions Of Evey Part Of The Human Body. Learn More
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By Janine Gamer
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By 長月達平
  在響徹咆哮聲的羅茲瓦爾宅邸內,艾爾莎和嘉飛爾開始認真對決。將仇敵交給可靠援軍的昴也終於抵達他期盼已久的重逢場面。   於此同時,挑戰「試煉」的愛蜜莉雅看到了「不該存在的當下」,於根本不存在的幸福世界中,被魔女所描繪出的祝福給包圍。   魔人對上鬼族與精靈,商人、村姑與半獸結盟,最後連可怕的魔獸都來攪局。在這條路線 Learn More
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By Dean Burnett
Do you want to be happy? If so – read on. This book has all the answers.* In The Happy Brain, neuroscientist Dean Burnett delves deep into the inner workings of our minds to explore some fundamental questions about happiness. For starters: what does it actually mean to be happy? Where does it come from? And is there a secret to making it last forever? In his research into these questions – and many more besides – Burnett unravels our complex internal lives to reveal Learn More
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By Dk Uk
Have you ever asked yourself how the inventions, gadgets, and devices that surround us actually work? Discover the hidden workings of everyday technology with this graphic guide. How Technology Works demystifies the machinery that keeps the modern world going, from simple objects such as zip fasteners and can openers to the latest, most sophisticated devices of the information age, including smart watches, personal digital assistants, and driverless cars. It includes inventi Learn More
USUAL: RM98.95

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By 長月達平
「吾主安娜塔西亞大人有話要傳達給愛蜜莉雅大人。」     自「聖域」一役已過了一年,愛蜜莉雅陣營亦團結一致,菜月.昴每天都過得充實無比。       而這段平穩的時光,因使者送來的一張書信而告終。是招待一行人前往水門都市樸利斯提拉的邀請函──是王選候補人選安娜塔西亞寄給愛蜜莉雅的邀請信。接受邀請,一路前往樸利斯提拉的一行 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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This book provides in-depth coverage of Probability & Statistics 1 for Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and selected Cambridge Learn More
USUAL: RM105.00

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This book provides in-depth coverage of Probability & Statistics 2 for Cambridge International A Level Mathematics 9709, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and selected Cambridge past p Learn More
USUAL: RM105.00

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This book provides in-depth coverage of Mechanics for Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and selected Cambridge past paper quest Learn More
USUAL: RM105.00

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This book provides in-depth coverage of Further Probability & Statistics for Cambridge International AS and A Level Further Mathematics 9231, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and sele Learn More
USUAL: RM105.00

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This book provides in-depth coverage of Further Mechanics for Cambridge International AS and A Level Further Mathematics 9231, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and selected Cambridge Learn More
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This book provides in-depth coverage of Pure Mathematics 1 for Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and selected Cambridge past pa Learn More
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This book provides in-depth coverage of Further Pure Mathematics 1 for Cambridge International AS and A Level Further Mathematics 9231, for examination from 2020 onwards. With a clear focus on mathematics in life and work, this text builds the key mathematical skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of careers and further study. •helps you master mathematics with varied practice to develop understanding, exam-style questions to test comprehension, and selected C Learn More
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By 蘇盈如
【第1本為臺灣工作者量身打造的轉職專書‼】   職場上的你是否──   ✓低薪瞎忙 ✓找不到天職 ✓老是換工作 ✓面臨中年危機 ✓想到海外發展   10大關鍵技能+8大軟性技能+32則真人職涯路徑,   國際獵頭教你跳脫框架,漂亮轉職!   人人都在問:「未來工作在哪裡?」你是不是也經常自我懷疑:「再不換工作我就沒機會了!」即使心 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

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By 長月 達平
 「───啊~啊~!各位肉渣,聽得清楚嗎──?」   以水門都市樸利斯提拉為舞台,「憤怒」大罪司教敘呂厄斯拉開了惡夢簾幕。昴對於未曾有過的事態驚愕不已,卻又只能運用「死亡回歸」之後少得可憐的時間拼命驅散這個都市的混亂。然而彷彿在嘲笑他的努力般,災厄接連發生,喚起前所未有的事態。被佔據的水門控制塔,四散各處的同伴,以及 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By 白米 良
 (全一冊)『平凡職業造就世界最強』系列小說所附的大量特典短篇故事,如今終於以短篇集的方式登場!另外也有收錄本書才有的全新短篇故事!   攻略【梅爾基涅海底遺跡】之後,始便開始苦惱,因為若重新踏上旅程,就代表必須與繆分別。為了製造回憶,始陪著繆走訪『愛麗森七大傳說』,卻發現都是一場空。而當始等人前往第七個冒險時,竟遭遇巨 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

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MEMBER: RM 37.44 (-10%)

By 白米 良
 (全一冊)『平凡職業造就世界最強』系列小說所附的大量特典短篇故事,如今終於以短篇集的方式登場!另外也有收錄本書才有的全新短篇故事!   攻略【梅爾基涅海底遺跡】之後,始便開始苦惱,因為若重新踏上旅程,就代表必須與繆分別。為了製造回憶,始陪著繆走訪『愛麗森七大傳說』,卻發現都是一場空。而當始等人前往第七個冒險時,竟遭遇巨 Learn More
USUAL: RM72.40

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MEMBER: RM 65.16 (-10%)

By Dk
The latest title in the How it Works series, makes the brain easy to understand with clear text and simple graphics Have you ever asked yourself why you can't remember anything from before the age of three, why we experience déjà vu, or indeed how a bundle of cells in our heads can produce the remarkable phenomenon that is human consciousness? Drawing on the latest neuroscience research, this visual guide makes the hidden workings of the human brain simple to understand. Learn More
USUAL: RM98.95

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By 長月 達平
本作是於「小説家になろう」連載中的超人氣網路小說,曾獲「這本Web小說真厲害!」第二名! 在2014年由MF文庫書籍化,2016年改編為電視動畫 日本地區系列作品累積銷量突破310萬冊,引起廣泛熱議的話題之作! 故事的舞台來到水門都市,WEB版第五章逐漸升溫! 最差勁的、最棒的、希望的、絕望的、 灼熱心頭的故事就在這裡── 「──太完美了。 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

This beautiful, detailed puzzle is perfect for anyone who likes to test their puzzle skills and expand their mind. The Puzzlebilities Human Body jigsaw is a fun and educational way for both children and adults to increase their knowledge of the parts and the workings of the human body. First, children can put together the 500-piece jigsaw, then they can study the illustrated images and read all the facts. Complete the puzzle on your own or get together with family and friends Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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《若能与你共乘海浪之上》(日语:きみと、波にのれたら Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara *)是由汤浅政明导演及其旗下的Science Saru制作,在2019年6月10日于安锡国际动画电影节首映并参加其竞赛的日本动画电影,后在6月21日于日本上映,台湾则是在同年8月9日。该片同时也在上海国际电影节的金爵奖上获得最佳动画片奖。 剧情简介: 夏天、阳光,沙滩、海浪,青年消防 Learn More
USUAL: RM21.90

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By Alex Kantrowitz
"An acclaimed tech reporter reveals the inner workings of Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft, showing how to compete with the tech titans using their own playbook. At Amazon, ""Day One"" is code for inventing like a startup, with little regard for legacy. Day Two is, in Jeff Bezos's own words, ""stasis, followed by irrelevance, followed by excruciating, painful decline, followed by death."" Most companies today are set up for Day Two. They build advantages a Learn More
USUAL: RM86.95

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By 長月達平
  「妾身要否定妳的一切──俗不可耐的東西。」   為了解救被大罪司教佔據的都市,王選候補者及騎士們終於和大罪司教爆發衝突!為了搶回被「強欲」雷古勒斯擄走的愛蜜莉雅,昴和萊因哈魯特堂堂正正闖進結婚典禮。雷古勒斯激動無比,面對其權能,最強與最弱的騎士組合發起將之打倒的挑戰──!   「劍鬼」與「劍聖」,「八腕」與「大虎」 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By Janet Pillai
Cultural mapping is an approach to recording and revealing an integrated picture of cultural character, significance and workings of a place. The second edition of Janet Pillai’s book contains everything you need to know about this process, and how to plan and begin your own projects. “This guide on Cultural Mapping provides an invaluable resource for everyone interested in having a deeper understanding of the unique character and identity of a historic place and its co Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

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MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

This workbook with digital access is the perfect companion for the coursebook. The resource reinforces learning, promotes application of theory and helps students practise the essential skills of handling data, evaluating information and problem solving. The workbook includes a range of formative exercises, mapped directly onto the coursebook. For each chapter, a range of exercises builds on the topics and concepts that have been introduced. It includes exam command terms thr Learn More
USUAL: RM140.50

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MEMBER: RM 126.45 (-10%)

Extensive research through lesson observations, teacher interviews and work with our online research community (the Cambridge Panel) means that this flexible range of resources meets the real teaching needs of the physics classroom. This workbook is designed to support the coursebook, with specially selected topics where students would benefit from further opportunities to apply skills, such as application, analysis and evaluation in addition to developing knowledge and under Learn More
USUAL: RM140.50

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This workbook with digital access is the perfect companion for the coursebook. The resource reinforces learning, promotes application of theory and helps students practise the essential skills of handling data, evaluating information and problem solving. The workbook includes a range of formative exercises, mapped directly onto the coursebook. For each chapter, a range of exercises builds on the topics and concepts that have been introduced. It includes exam command terms thr Learn More
USUAL: RM135.50

NOW: RM 135.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 121.95 (-10%)

By 長月達平
  「特蕾希雅,妳好美。所以說,妳不能繼續待在這兒。」   打敗了「強欲」與「憤怒」大罪司教,但水門都市的戰鬥還沒停歇。在皎潔銀月的守望下,各地同伴的奮戰激出火花──!「暴食」們無窮盡的食慾、「色欲」無止盡的情慾,「八腕」不滅的鬥爭心,以及「劍聖」無休止的宿業,在在都威脅都市安寧,王選陣營不斷陷入苦境。而扭轉敗色濃厚戰 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Derral Eves
The Wall Street Journal bestseller! Learn the secrets to getting dramatic results on YouTube Derral Eves has generated over 60 billion views on YouTube and helped 24 channels grow to one million subscribers from zero. In The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue, the owner of the largest YouTube how-to channel provides the secrets to getting the results that every YouTube creator and strategist wants. Eves Learn More
USUAL: RM85.80

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MEMBER: RM 77.22 (-10%)

By Dr. Kevin Leman
Want children who are patient, kind, humble, thankful, and respectful? Who have a good work ethic, strong character, and a healthy self-image? Who succeed in all areas of life--personally, professionally, and relationally--to the best of their ability? You can't force your kids to be grateful for everything you do, but you can raise successful, responsible kids who grow into adults you can be proud of. With his signature wit and Learn More
USUAL: RM55.90

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By Lilian Too
The DRAGON enjoys a bevy of fabulous stars, indicating a year full of potentially big breaks; the kinds that catapult you onto much bigger playing fields! The feng shui winds bring popularity, mental agility and immense networking luck. Weak Element Luck, however, deters you from reaching your full potential. Aim high but channel your energy wisely and avoid spreading yourself too thin. Hold fast amidst setbacks, stay the course and activate all your lucky indications, as the Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.70 (-10%)

ambridge IGCSE Guide: Physics All-in-One Revision Exercises is written based on the latest Cambridge IGCSE Physics syllabus (0625) for Year 10 & 11 students. The content is specifically tailored to hone critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students. This book presents comprehensive explanations and detailed diagrams concisely to give students the most salient information they need. Multiple-choice and structured questions at the end of each chapter test and reinfo Learn More
USUAL: RM46.40

NOW: RM 46.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.76 (-10%)

By Marissa King
Social Chemistry will utterly transform the way you think about "networking." Understanding the contours of your social network can dramatically enhance personal relationships, work life, and even your global impact. Are you an Expansionist, a Broker, or a Convener? The answer matters more than you think. . . . Yale professor Marissa King shows how anyone can build more meaningful and productive relationships based on insights from neuroscience, psychology, and network analy Learn More
USUAL: RM63.50

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MEMBER: RM 57.15 (-10%)

By Olivie Blake
The much-acclaimed viral sensation from Olivie Blake, The Atlas Six--now newly revised and edited with additional content. • The tag #theatlassix has millions of views on TikTok • A dark academic debut fantasy with an established cult following that reads like The Secret History meets The Umbrella Academy • The first in an explosive trilogy The Alexandrian Society, caretakers of lost knowledge from the greatest civilizations of antiquity, are the foremost secret Learn More
USUAL: RM95.90

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MEMBER: RM 86.31 (-10%)

By Alex Riley
Shine light on the darkness of the mind. When scientist Alex Riley was diagnosed with depression after years of struggling with his mental health, he set out to learn more about his family's hidden history of mental illness. What he found, from symptoms to treatments, from stories of stigma to those of hope, brought even more questions: why and how are these the treatments available, what have they done for us, and what might the future hold for sufferers of this ubiquitou Learn More
USUAL: RM72.90

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MEMBER: RM 65.61 (-10%)

About Micro Life Explore the miracles of the microscopic world. Find out all about the unique and beautiful kingdoms of life at a microscopic scale and how every organism meets the challenges of survival no matter its size. The perfect book for people who enjoy photography, nature, and biology. Inside the pages of this exciting nature book, you'll find: - Microscopic life-forms (often neglected), and their larger life-forms in extreme close-ups, reve Learn More
USUAL: RM174.00

NOW: RM 174.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 156.60 (-10%)

By Titania Hardie
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Each volume in this stunning mass-market series reveals amazing facts about your character and behaviour and the compatibility ratings for your particular DAY number. You'll also discover much you didn't know about your childhood, career, leisu Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-29%)

MEMBER: RM 49.90 (-29%)

By Priyanka Vergadia
Easy-to-follow visual walkthrough of every important part of the Google Cloud Platform The Google Cloud Platform incorporates dozens of specialized services that enable organizations to offload technological needs onto the cloud. From routine IT operations like storage to sophisticated new capabilities including artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Google Cloud Platform offers enterprises the opportunity to scale and grow efficiently. In Visualizing Google Clou Learn More
USUAL: RM172.55

NOW: RM 172.55 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 155.30 (-10%)

By Steven Francis Coyle 
The book's practical leadership and managerial models combined with tips, examples, and stories on how to lead diverse teams and personalities will help you achieve better results- and become a better boss-- in this new post-Covid age. The book is geared for anyone leading others whether in organizations, government, military, non-profits, or business owners. If you have remote or semi-remote team members, you will like the book’s ACCT and the R.E.M.O.T.E. models. The au Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By 安藤美冬
這是一個「過度連結」的時代。 耗損心神的社群網路、大量資訊,以及人際關係。 其中,有多少是我們真正需要的? 「離線練習」新生活運動不是要你與世隔絕, 而是不讓社群網路消耗心靈,從心連結真正重要的人、重要的事。   #戒斷「手機成癮症」、「連結疲乏症」   無時無刻,我們的心神因為與人產生連結而耗弱,因為龐大的資訊襲來而疲乏, Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

Discover everything you need to know about political history and thought, and the inner workings of governments around the world with this unique graphic guide. Combining clear, jargon-free language and bold, eye-catching graphics, How Politics Works is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to all aspects of politics. Covering everything from political theory to methods of government, the book presents the ideas and theories of key political philosophers, leaders, movem Learn More
USUAL: RM98.95

NOW: RM 98.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.06 (-10%)

By Mingo Ito
Join 11-year-old Yuzu at her animal hospital and meet her new fluffy friends! In an engaging and cutely-drawn comic, watch Yuzu navigate issues like bullying, animal care, and understanding illness and deaths of pets and family. PERFECT FOR ASPIRING VETS OF ALL AGES! For an 11-year-old, Yuzu’s got a lot on her plate. When her mom gets sick, Yuzu goes to live with her uncle who runs the local animal hospital. She Learn More
USUAL: RM51.95

NOW: RM 51.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.76 (-10%)

By Taylor Jenkins Reid
SOON TO BE AN AMAZON PRIME TV SERIES STARRING SAM CLAFLIN, RILEY KEOUGH AND CAMILA MORRONE THE SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the author of THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO and the bestselling MALIBU RISING 'I LOVE it . . . I can't remember the last time I read a book that was so fun' DOLLY ALDERTON Everybody knows Daisy Jones and the Six. From the moment Daisy walked barefoot on to the stage at the Whisky, she and the band were a sensation. Their soun Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

NOW: RM 45.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.31 (-10%)

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By Emily Itami
SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA FIRST NOVEL AWARD What is the cost of a mother's desire?...Emily Itami explores this question with wit and poignancy. -- New York Times Book Review The perfect marriage of Sally Rooney and early Murakami. -- Kathy Wang, author of Impostor Syndrome Mizuki is a Japanese housewife. She has a hardworking husband, two adorable children, and a beautiful Tokyo apartment. It's everything a woman could want, yet sometimes she wonders whether she would rath Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

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The human brain is a most remarkable organ, but how well do we really understand the way it works? What is a brain and what is the mind? Do you only use 10% of your brain? Why do some people hear colour? If you find yourself seeking the answers to these questions and many more, then Simply The Brain may be the book for you! Simply The Brain explores everything that goes on in the brain when you think, feel, and perceive the world around you. If you're seeking a guide that b Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

NOW: RM 62.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.66 (-10%)

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