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By BillGardner
你對LOGO設計是否具有以下盲點? 凹設計師朋友幫忙做一個簡單的logo交差了事 全權交給設計師發想就好,完全沒有溝通 對於什麼才是好的logo設計完全沒有概念 許多企業不明白為什麼要花那麼多錢來製作商業識別,常常都是凹公司內部設計人員或是要網站設計人員半買半相送。其實logo不只是圖像,擴大到企業識別的領域,它就是企業與品牌的外表。若是業主本 Learn More
USUAL: RM68.60

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(10)》 從1964年的紀伊半島光森村, 到1924年的洛杉磯。 過去就是明日,未來也會成為昨日。 Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(09)》 1922年,訪日的愛因斯坦和年輕時的雜風。 1920年,胸口刺著蝙蝠刺青的殺人犯和紙芝居作家雜風。 他們唯一的共通點,就是蝙蝠──!! Learn More
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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(01)》 那隻蝙蝠代表的是"黑闇"還是"光明"呢? 美國的日系漫畫家-凱文,被捲入了日本戰後最大的陰謀謎團"下山事件"(1949年行蹤不明的國鐵總裁下山定則在常磐線綾?站附近遭列車輾斃)之中,在這起事件的背後,居然存在有巨大陰謀組織操弄事件的線索!! 1949年,連載漫畫的美國著名雜誌"比利系列",當中有著如"超人"."神力女超人"等膾炙人口的作品, Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(11)》 從1924年到1964年, 有3個漫畫家相信出現在耳邊的那個聲音, 就是來自於不可思議的BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠... 後來那隻蝙蝠卻造成了歷史上的神秘SF事件, 無法解讀,無法判斷,也沒有人可以證明… Learn More
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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(13)》 那隻蝙蝠代表的是"黑闇"還是"光明"呢? 在美國,這個蝙蝠是從1940年代起變成家喻戶曉的漫畫角色, 但實際上,這神秘的蝙蝠長久以來一直影響著人類的歷史黑暗面。 然後, 那個男人的真面目也...! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(14)》 那隻蝙蝠代表的是"黑闇"還是"光明"呢? 在美國,這個蝙蝠是從1940年代起變成家喻戶曉的漫畫角色, 但實際上,這神秘的蝙蝠長久以來一直影響著人類的歷史黑暗面。 某個男人終於實現願望, 來到月球上...... Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(15)》 1990年、激情的那一年!! 時代的寵兒、預言者、天才... 畫出世界稱許的全新「比利蝙蝠」的凱文!! 但是比利卻對凱文說出了令人驚愕的事實...!? 人類將會迎向怎樣恐怖的未來!? 還有暗示謎底的數字「911」是!? Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
★掌握蝙蝠的人就能操控未來、神祕的數字預知了世界浩劫? 2001年,美國倒下了兩座高塔。 殘破不堪的混沌開始了-- 比利最後所說的話, 跟凱文腦中的想像產生了共鳴……。 Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By 浦澤直樹 , 長崎尚志
《BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(17)》 世界即將發生空前的危機,即將迎來人類的毀滅之日... 「紐約」、「兩座高塔」、「飛機攻擊」, 提米所描繪的令人不忍正視的比利蝙蝠版本-- 為了要避免人類發生史上前所未有的悲劇, 凱文決定要展開行動。 然而,就在那一瞬間... 從古代聯繫到現代的歷史線索, 終於要編織出人類的最終篇章… Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 浦澤直樹
即將解開所有的謎團,拯救世界的旅程開幕--   地球正在朝向崩壞。   雖然知道的這件事實,   卻還是看不見比利的凱文‧古德曼,   決定前往巴斯克地區   尋找他的心之師父,凱文‧山縣...   這時還出現了比利蝙蝠的狂熱集團   黑蝙蝠教團到底是正是邪!?   最終章正式開幕-- Learn More
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By Ahli Medik Dan Para Saintis Gila
Dalam dunia yang penuh dengan Pseudoscience atau Sains Palsu, kita memerlukan sebuah entity yang tegas, ganas dsn intelek untuk bangun dan menentang mereka yang korup ilmu. Maka terciptalah Pseudoscience Watch – sebuah komuniti yang paling dibenci kapitalis bangsat yang mengambil kesempatan dan para pengamal Sains Palsu. Kami Doktor Perubatan, kami Jurutera, kami Saintis, kami Ahli Farmasi dan kami tak akan berhenti. Kami akan terus bongkar produk Sains Palsu, kami tetap Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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By Tom Wright , Bradley Hope
Buku dijangka siap pada 5 Dis 2018 - Tertakluk kepada kelewatan pembekal Tipu Helah Untuk Mencuri $5 Bilion Pada tahun 2009, ketika krisis kewangan belum benar-benar pulih, seorang graduan Wharton yang lembut orangnya melakukan penipuan yang amat besar yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelum ini - yang kemudian melambangkan ancaman yang seterusnya kepada sistem kewangan global. Nama lelaki itu ialah Jho Low, orang yang mempunyai perwatakan yang lu Learn More
USUAL: RM70.00

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By 力克·胡哲
好評! 英國《沃特金斯評論》全球百位最具精神影響力人物 國際知名勵志演說家 基督教福音傳道人 力克‧胡哲,又一重量級最新力作! 紐約時報暢銷書作家 首度披露! 從未發表過的珍貴生命故事 力克‧胡哲的人生大冒險 ————不完美的超完美計畫 書中他將分享心靈挑戰、瀕死經驗等,從未揭露過的生命旅程故事,並提供許多助人走上耶穌基督信 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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By Duncan Clark
In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man who rose from humble beginnings and started his career as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into the second largest Internet company in the world. The company's $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the world's largest, valuing the company more than Facebook or Coca Cola. Alibaba today runs the e-commerce services that hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend on every day, providing employment and income for tens of millio Learn More
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By Duncan Clark
An engrossing, insider's account of how a teacher built one of the world's most valuable companies-rivaling Walmart & Amazon-and forever reshaped the global economy.In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man from modest beginnings who started out as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into one of the world's largest companies, an e-commerce empire on which hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend. Alibaba's $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the largest glo Learn More
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By George Soros
New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ...inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." -The Wall Street Journal George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by BusinessWeek as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competin Learn More
USUAL: RM105.35

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By Laura Whateley
Take control of your personal finances with this concise, timely and indispensable guide, from acclaimed money expert Laura Whateley. Ten years on from the financial crash, and we are still bad with money.We press `cash only' at ATMs, and accept that we'll be paying back our student loans with our pension savings. Money: A User's Guide cuts through all the panic of personal finances. It will tea Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

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By Collins Dictionaries
All the words you need, every day: the perfect reference book to broaden your knowledge of English, and is ideal for everyday use, at home, in the office or at school. Drawn from Collins' 4.5-billion-word database of today's English, Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus combines a comprehensive dictionary with all the alternatives and opposites the user needs. The book is designed for ease of use, with thumb tabs on every page and al Learn More
USUAL: RM43.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
The most up-to-date and information-packed dictionary of its size available offering over 90,000 words, phrases and definitions. With spelling, grammar and pronunciation help, plus a practical writing guide, the Pocket English Dictionary gives you all the everyday words you need - at your fingertips. This new edition of the Collins Pocket English Dictionary provides up-to-date language coverage along with practical guidance on effective English for everyday use. The text is c Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

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This new edition of the Collins COBUILD English Grammar is a modern, global and learner-focussed grammar reference, aimed at learners and teachers of English. Collins COBUILD English Grammar is based on the evidence of the 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, and is an invaluable guide to the English language as it is written and spoken today, in all areas of the world. It has been thoroughly updated, to take into account significant changes in grammar over r Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
The most up-to-date and information-packed dictionary of its size available. With spelling, grammar and pronunciation help, plus a practical writing guide, the Pocket Dictionary gives you all the everyday words you need - at your fingertips. Up-to-date language coverage along with practical guidance on effective English for everyday use. The text is compiled using the latest information on current English from Collins Corpus - our unique Learn More
USUAL: RM48.50

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By Oxford Dictionaries
The Pocket Oxford English Dictionary offers over 120,000 words, phrases, and definitions. It covers all the words you need for everyday use, carefully selected from the evidence of the Oxford English Corpus, a databank of 21st century English, containing over 2 billion words. Learn More
USUAL: RM52.90

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MEMBER: RM 47.61 (-10%)

By Oxford Dictionaries
This fully updated edition offers over 120,000 words, phrases, and definitions. It covers all the words you need for everyday use, carefully selected from the evidence of the Oxford English Corpus, a databank of 21st century English, containing over 2 billion words.The Factfinder centre section gives quick-reference entries on topics including famous people, countries, and science. Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

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With this dictionary students learn the most important collocations they need to know. The dictionary also guides them to the right word combination for their context. The CD-ROM includes the complete dictionary and practice exercises. The word combinations are based on analysis of the Oxford English Corpus, a collection of three billion words of text from the English-speaking world that show the words that really do go together. Learn More
USUAL: RM64.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
All the words you need, every day: the perfect word reference for daily use. With practical usage notes, and a fantastic supplement, this is the ideal thesaurus to take your language use and knowledge further. Specially tailored to meet the needs of the user at home, school, or in the office, the Collins English Thesaurus has all the words and alternatives the user might need, as well as a huge choice of opposites. This thesaurus is based on the Collins C Learn More
USUAL: RM43.90

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By Andrew Matthews
The concepts in this book ring true with practical, applicable advice, and Matthews's lucid writing and witty stories help bring his message into sharp focus. Follow Your Heart is everything you could ask for in a self-help book. It is about doing what you love, dealing with bills and disasters, discovering your own power, and finding peace of mind. Start down the road to changing your life because as Matthews says: "Our mission in life is not to change the world--our mission Learn More
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By Henry James
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.`The place, with its grey sky and withered garlands, its bared spaces and scattered dead leaves, was like a theatre after the performance-all strewn with crumpled playbills.'Revered as one of the greatest ghost stories ever told, James's The Turn of the Screw is an eerie Victorian masterpiece.When an inexperienced governess goes to work at Bly, a country house in Essex to Learn More
USUAL: RM14.50

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By Amber Smith
Eden was always good at being good. Starting high school didn’t change who she was. But the night her brother’s best friend rapes her, Eden’s world capsizes. What was once simple, is now complex. What Eden once loved—who she once loved—she now hates. What she thought she knew to be true, is now lies. Nothing makes sense anymore, and she knows she’s supposed to tell someone what happened but she can’t. So she buries it instead. And she buries the way she used Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

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By Haruki Murakami
High-class call girls billed to Mastercard. A psychic 13-year-old dropout with a passion for Talking Heads. A hunky matinee idol doomed to play dentists and teachers. A one-armed beach-combing poet, an uptight hotel clerk and one very bemused narrator caught in the web of advanced capitalist mayhem. Combine this offbeat cast of characters with Murakami's idiosyncratic prose and out comes Dance Dance Dance. Learn More
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By Chris Bradford
In a dangerous world, everyone needs protection.Bodyguard: Hostage is the new thriller from Chris Bradford, bestselling author of Young Samurai. Bodyguard is a bulletproof action-adventure series that fans of Cherub and Alex Rider will love. This is Lee Child for younger readers - Jason Bourne for the next generation.With the rise of teen stars, the intense media focus on celeb families and a new wave of billionaires, adults are no longer the o Learn More
USUAL: RM40.95

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By Agatha Christie
The very first collection of superb short stories featuring Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings... First there was the mystery of the film star and the diamond... then came the `suicide' that was murder... the mystery of the absurdly chaep flat... a suspicious death in a locked gun-room... a million dollar bond robbery... the curse of a pharoah's tomb... a jewel robbery by the sea... the abduction of a Prime Minister... the disappearance of a banker... a Learn More
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By Agatha Christie
A young woman investigates an accidental death at a London tube station, and finds herself of a ship bound for South Africa... Pretty, young Anne came to London looking for adventure. In fact, adventure comes looking for her - and finds her immediately at Hyde Park Corner tube station. Anne is present on the platform when a thin man, reeking of mothballs, loses his balance and is electocuted on the rails. The Scotland Yard verdict is acc Learn More
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By Kathy Reichs
The compelling new Dr Temperance Brennan novel from the world-class forensic anthropologist and Number 1 bestselling author Kathy Reichs. When forensic anthropologist Dr Tempe Brennan is approached by amateur detective Hazel `Lucky' Strike, at first she is inclined to dismiss the woman's claims that she's matched a previously unidentified set of remains with a name. But as the words of a terrified young woman echo round her office from an audio recorder found near wher Learn More
USUAL: RM57.90

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By James Patterson
A chilling conspiracy leads NYPD Red into extreme danger Hunter Alden Jr.has it all: a beautiful wife, a brilliant son and billions in the bank. But when his son goes missing and he discovers the severed head of his chauffeur, it's clear he's in danger of losing it all. The kidnapper knows a horrific secret that could change the world as we know it. A secret worth killing for. A secret worth dying for. New York's best detectives, Zach Jordan and Kylie MacDonald, are Learn More
USUAL: RM37.90

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By Keigo Higashino
Acclaimed bestselling novelist Kunihiko Hidaka is found brutally murdered in his home on the night before he's planning to leave Japan and relocate to Vancouver. His body is found in his office, in a locked room, within his locked house, by his wife and his best friend, both of whom have rock solid alibis. Or so it seems. Police Detective Kyochiro Kaga recognizes Hidaka's best friend. Years ago when they were both teachers, they were colleagues at the same high scho Learn More
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By James Patterson
A new terror is sweeping the streets of San Francisco. And the killers look a lot like cops... As Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates whether the perpetrators are brilliant impostors or police officers gone rogue, she receives a chilling warning to back off. On the other side of the city, an innocent woman is murdered in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses. But there are no clues and no apparent motive. With killers in disguise, a maniac murderer on the l Learn More
USUAL: RM37.90

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By John Grisham
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Troy Phelen is a self-made billionaire, one of the richest men in the United States. He is also eccentric, reclusive, confined to a wheelchair, and looking for a way to die. Nate O'Riley is a high-octane Washington litigator who's lived too ha Learn More
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By Patricia Cornwell
No.1 bestselling author Patricia Cornwell delivers the next enthralling thriller in her high-stakes series starring Kay Scarpetta-a complex tale involving a serial sniper who strikes chillingly close to the forensic sleuth herself. It's Chief Medical Examiner Dr Kay Scarpetta's birthday, and while she's enjoying a leisurely morning, a man is shot dead five minutes from her house. The bullet tore through him as he unloaded groceries from his car. Yet nobod Learn More
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By Tilly Bagshawe
All-new Sidney Sheldon from the international bestseller Tilly Bagshawe. Grace Brookstein is the beautiful, young, and naive wife of financial superstar, Leonard Brookstein; a billionaire many times over with estates all over the world. In 2009 the US stock market goes into a terrifying freefall. The economy is on the brink of collapse, and the public want someone to blame, their eyes and their rage directed firmly at Wall Street. Learn More
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By Nathaniel Popper
Shortlisted for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award A New York Times technology and business reporter charts the dramatic rise of Bitcoin and the fascinating personalities who are striving to create a new global money for the Internet age. Digital Gold is New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper's brilliant and engrossing history of Bitcoin, the landmark digital money and financial technology that has spawned a global social movement. The Learn More
USUAL: RM60.50

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By Maria Dahvana Headley
#1 New York Times bestseller Maria Dahvana Headley's soaring sky fantasy Magonia is now in paperback!Since she was a baby, Aza Ray Boyle has suffered from a mysterious lung disease that makes it ever harder for her to breathe, to speak-to live. So when Aza catches a glimpse of a ship in the sky, her family chalks it up to a cruel side effect of her medication. But Aza doesn't think this is a hallucination. She can hear someone on the ship calling h Learn More
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By Maria Dahvana Headley
"Magonia is magical. A high-?ying, refresing, and literally out-of-the-blue fantasy with great characters, emotional depth, and a unique fantasy world that I never saw coming."-Victoria Aveyard, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Red QueenAza Ray is drowning in thin air. Since she was a baby, Aza has suffered from a mysterious lung disease that makes it ever harder for her to breathe, to speak-to live.So when Aza catches a glim Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

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By Rick Yancey
The Infinite Sea is the second book in the phenomenal and bestselling 5th Wave series by award-winning author, Rick Yancey. Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner* *The 5th WAVE is now a major film by Sony Pictures, starring Chloe Grace Moretz* 'Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough' The New York Times How do you rid the earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity. Cassie Sullivan and her Learn More
USUAL: RM46.95

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By Rick Yancey
The Last Star is the heart-stopping finale to the bestselling 5th Wave series by award-winning author, Rick Yancey. Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner. *The 5th WAVE is now a major film by Sony Pictures, starring Chloe Grace Moretz*'Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough' The New York Times Learn More
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By Emily Suvada
*Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2018*A must read for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner. 3 billion lives at stake. 2 people who can save them. 1 secret hidden in their DNA.A breathtaking debut series about one girl's quest for answers in a genetically and technologically advanced future. -----When a lone soldier, Cole, arrives with news of Lachlan Agatta's death, all hope seems los Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

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By Derek Landy
The ULTIMATE story collection for Skulduggery Pleasant fans. Featuring two AMAZING novellas and fourteen GRIPPING short stories - including three new stories written exclusively for this edition. We all know that doors are for people with no imagination so smash the glass, climb through the window and enter the awesome world of Skulduggery Pleasant with this ultimate story collection. For the first time, every Skulduggery Pleasant short Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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By Frank Herbert
The extraordinary sequel to Dune, the greatest science fiction novel of all time. Twelve years after his victory over House Harkonnen, Paul Atreides rules as emperor from the desert planet Arrakis - but his victory has had profound consequences. War has been brought to the entire known universe, and billions have already perished. Despite having become the most powerful emperor known to history, Paul is powerless to bring an end to the fighting. While former allies conspire Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By Mark Sennen
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The truth won't stay buried forever . . . `A wonderfully twisty maze' JAMES OSWALD Malcolm Kendwick is charming, handsome - and a suspected serial killer. Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

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By Agatha Christie
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins has adapted her famous detective novels for Eng Learn More
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By Edward Tse
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By Thomas L. Friedman
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By Oprah Winfrey
Candid, moving, exhilarating, uplifting, and frequently humorous, the words Oprah shares in What I Know For Sure shimmer with the sort of truth that readers will turn to again and again. Oprah Winfrey is a creative force, student of the human heart and soul, and champion of living the life you want. Over the years, she has made history with a legendary talk show (the highest-rated program of its kind), launched her own television network, become the USA's only African-Americ Learn More
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