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By 井上雄彥
放開、收回──從休載到復載,歷時一年半, 井上雄彥無法描繪《浪人劍客》的原因都在這一本。   因井上雄彥身體不適而休載的《浪人劍客》,終於在2012年3月重新回到「MORNING」週刊。這段期間,井上雄彥利用iPad的App繪製「Smile」系列,甚至接受東本願寺的委託,製作屏風「親鸞」,直到 2012年3月11日,日本發生大地震,才陸續將「Smile」系列發表在推 Learn More
USUAL: RM37.00

NOW: RM 37.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-3%)

By Aquarius X
愛爾蘭帶給我們如狼的U2,尤利西斯的Joyce,天使歌聲的恩雅,永遠的詩人葉慈……現在,又有一位 Aquarius X,他35歲就賺了一億台幣的財富,然後,浪跡天涯…… Aquarius X 寫下這本「豺狼的微笑」,對成功的本質,他有著深刻的體認。漫畫家蔡志忠不但事業成功,而且樂於將自己成功的祕訣和別人分享。經由他的生花妙筆來例註Aquarius的大作,本書亦因此而增色 Learn More

NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.91 (-10%)

By 溫世仁
人生前面的路,就是「前途」。當一切都失去時,我們還是會擁有「前面的路」,一個人如何在苦難中學習成長,在傷痕中站起來,繼續慢向前去,那就是前途,就是生之勇氣。本書暢談社會新鮮人選擇企業的訣竅,和你說明如何做一個才德兼備的上班族;溫世仁的「前途」瞭望,不僅直指個人,更關係著企業的延續與發展,條理清晰,猶如明鏡。相信讀完「前 Learn More
USUAL: RM17.20

NOW: RM 17.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.48 (-10%)

By 里.克拉維茲
每個人都嫌時間不夠,不過哪天若我們真的有空,不知會怎樣?里.克拉維茲利用失業一年的時間,完成他該做而沒做的一些「人生功課」,結果化遺憾為豐收。 米奇.艾爾邦,《最後十四堂星期二的課》作者感動推薦 《時代雜誌》《出版人週刊》《華盛頓郵報》《讀者文摘》眾多媒體同聲好評 「出乎意料地,失去工作那一年,竟是我找回自己的開始。 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

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MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

★多雷斯羅薩:揭開隱藏於全新篇章中錯綜複雜的眾多伏筆!   新七武海全員到齊!從新七武海成員中探索及揭曉「那個男人」的真面目!本章節更深入剖析活躍於新篇章中的勇猛者們不為人知的另一面。而更另人意想不到的是,騙人布的謊言竟一一成真,不再是傳說,全都是真的?!謎團般的「特異海賊」多佛朗明哥,到底是多厲害的角色呢?   ★百 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.00

NOW: RM 33.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.70 (-10%)

By 江鵝
理直氣壯的普普通通 寫給六年級女孩的情書。   那些唱過的歌,做過的夢,愛過的人⋯⋯   終究抵不住鬼眼滄桑,   原來優秀又好命的女人藍圖,長成了的沒讓我們容易多少,   長不成的那些顯然這輩子不干我們的事。   和台灣十大建設差不多時間出生,和台灣經濟一起長出來的六年級女孩啊,   蹣跚跨步之初,生命藍圖臨摹著淑女形 Learn More
USUAL: RM37.20

NOW: RM 37.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.48 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
  在每個步伐中,都可以找到答案。   【跟一行禪師過日常】   怎麼走      ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾的世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套5冊,完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。      ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下手,講的是一般 Learn More
USUAL: RM22.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.61 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
  我們彼此傾聽,為彼此而在。      【跟一行禪師過日常】   怎麼愛      ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾的世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套5冊,完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。      ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下手,講的是一般 Learn More
USUAL: RM24.65

NOW: RM 24.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.19 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
  找到呼吸,回到當下,回到內在的平靜之島。      【跟一行禪師過日常】   怎麼鬆      ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾的世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套5冊,完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。      ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下 Learn More
USUAL: RM22.90

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MEMBER: RM 20.61 (-10%)

By 波特風格出版社
365個問題*5年*1,825則答案 人們總說,時間改變一切, 但其實一切改變得由你開始。 ──美國藝術家安迪•沃荷(Andy Warhol) 每日一問,學習自我對話,全心為自己而在 【每天一個小問題,陪自己聊聊天吧!】 【暢銷各國的經典日記‧探索內在的最佳工具】   ‧一天一問,全面激發潛力的隨性問答。   回答每一天的指定問題,可即興,可深思,不時發現 Learn More
USUAL: RM66.60

NOW: RM 66.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.94 (-10%)

By 馬克·曼森
原汁原味‧戳破假象‧讓人眼睛一亮 【美國超人氣部落客,讀者超過兩百萬】   #紐約時報暢銷書   #到達成功與幸福彼岸的另類思考法   #一本寫給從不看勵志書讀者的勵志書   ◆每個人都想要擁有美好的生活,我們很難不去幻想及追求這些美好的畫面。多數人未曾想過的是,這些美好事物的背後,需要用什麼換得?   ◆假如你發現自己經年累月 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By kowei
  ◎「鮮少有人滿意自己的全部,但找到一種方式接納自己的不完美,也就足夠了!」   年輕創作者的自我追尋之路,努力尋找讓不完美的自己與社會和諧共處的方式。   ◎「你很好,只是你還不知道。」   kowei以創作者之眼,和你一起尋找心中閃耀的光芒。迎向光,也珍惜身後的影子。   ◎保留溫度的膠卷攝影作品,搭配細膩貼心的思考文字, Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 方洙正
{工作少一點、完成多一點的祕密} ──學到休息的精髓,才能有人性地工作。   長時間工作不保證生產力就高。   好好地散步、小睡、運動,   用經過思考、練習、重整的刻意休息,   啟動無可限量的創造潛力。      ★你有以下症狀嗎?   ‧休假時,總是忍不住查看信箱。   ‧因為一天沒工作、沒產出任何東西而有罪惡感。   ‧不 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Nur Shamsiah On
USUAL: RM12.90

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MEMBER: RM 11.61 (-10%)

By 沈邑穎
掌握行動派的【大胃王】,讓您邁向人生勝利組! 照顧好「大胃王」,就能四肢健壯,耳聰目明,展現超強生命力!   《經絡解密》是第一套深入淺出寫給現代人的經絡入門書。沈醫師彙整中醫學、生物演化理論、臨床診療經驗,引領讀者揭開經絡神秘面紗的著作。透過這套書的介紹,見證了中醫的博大精深和神奇療效背後的秘密,了解中醫為何能歷經千年 Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

NOW: RM 84.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 76.23 (-10%)

By 茱迪斯·歐洛芙
  生命充滿磨難,但不代表就該封閉自己的心。   探索帶來深度與悲憫心的特質,勇敢走進這個世界。   =高敏感族一學就會的生存法則=   ★紐時暢銷書《讓情緒自由》作者──茱迪斯.歐洛芙醫師最新力作!   協助你找出自己屬於哪一種共感人,以及你的共感強度。   協助你補充重要能量,避開感官超載、疲憊、成癮、愛心被消耗的問題 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 比爾·柏內特 , 戴夫·埃文斯
  《做自己的生命設計師》   自己的人生,自己設計!   終於,有一本書要教我們如何打造人生,更貼切的說法是「設計」人生。   任何年齡、任何人生階段都適用──   ◆歷經15年實證的課程(8年在柏克萊,7年在史丹佛)   本書精鍊自史丹佛設計學院知名的生涯規畫課程,由兩名教授共同撰寫。歷經十幾年的實證,此課程的生命設計模式對 Learn More
USUAL: RM98.55

NOW: RM 98.55 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 88.70 (-10%)

By Meomi
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Hello Kitty meets Star Trek under the sea! Dive in for adventure in this classic story featuring global sensations, The Octonauts! The classic Octonauts picture books inspired the phenomenally successful animated TV series, broadcast around the Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 9.90 (-71%)

MEMBER: RM 9.90 (-71%)

By Michael Acton Smith
Join the Calm revolution.Modern life is hectic and relentless: trains delayed, endless emails filling the inbox, kids squabbling before bedtime... There has never been a more important time to rediscover your pause button. Calm is the book that will show you how to take back a little bit of peace, space and all-important calm. This book contains the simple tools, tricks and habits that will change the rest your life. It is a practical and pleasurable g Learn More
USUAL: RM54.95

NOW: RM 54.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.46 (-10%)

By Sally Thorne
Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman sit across from each other every day . . . and they hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. HATE. Lucy can't understand Joshua's joyless, uptight approach to his job and refusal to smile. Joshua is clearly baffled by Lucy's overly bright clothes, quirkiness, and desire to be liked. Now they're up for the same promotion and Lucy, usually a determined people-pleaser, has had enough: it's time to take him down. But as the tensi Learn More
USUAL: RM52.90

NOW: RM 52.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.61 (-10%)

By Harriet Evans
'The day Martha Winter decided to tear apart her family began like any other day ...''A brilliantly written story that will stay with you long after the last page' Fabulous Magazine, Sun on SundayThe Sunday Times Top Five Bestseller A Place For Us by Harriet Evans is a book you'll dive into, featuring a family you'll fall in love with . . . and never want to leave. If you devour Rosamunde Pilc Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Raina Telgemeier
The companion to Raina Telgemeier's bestselling graphic memoir, SMILE. Raina can't wait to be a big sister, but once Amara is born she realizes things won't be quite what she had expected...or hoped. Despite Amara's cuteness, she is a cranky, grouchy baby and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years but when a baby brother enters the picture and their parents' relationship Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By 亞倫·甘奈特
靈感是鍛鍊來的! 每個人都有足夠的創意潛力,而且都可以鍛鍊。 拆解創意曲線的4大法則,鍛鍊你的創意肌肉,強化你的創意體格!   +吸收   +模仿   +創意社群   +反覆修改   ⊙本書未出版即獲全球暢銷作家大力推薦!   丹尼爾‧品克▂《未來在等待的銷售人才》   安德斯‧艾瑞克森▂《刻意練習》   賽斯‧高汀▂《紫牛》    Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 張慧慈
翻不了身,就只能躺下嗎?   童話故事的結尾,總是「王子和公主從此過著幸福快樂的日子」,但現實不是童話,努力讀書就可以翻轉也只是神話或「幹話」。走出校園,社會更是一所巨大的學校,身在其中猶必須繼續爭取更多的學分,以嚮往一直一直來的未來。或許你依然相信,堅持夢想達成的未來有多璀璨;也可能會警覺,如果自己偷懶不行動,可能會 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By 江鵝
華視台式新喜劇「俗女養成記」原著 寫給六年級女人的情書   和台灣十大建設差不多時間出生,和台灣經濟一起長出來的六年級女孩啊,   蹣跚跨步之初,生命藍圖臨摹著淑女形象,   不料潮流與時代正在改寫「好家教」的定義,   六年級女人繼承的輪廓正在式微,   於是,她們聰明伶俐,卻聽從爸媽和老師說的話;   照顧好自己的功 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.05

NOW: RM 40.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.05 (-10%)

By Raina Telgemeier
Raina Telgemeier, the author of the award-winning SMILE, brings us her next full-color graphic novel . . . DRAMA! Callie loves theater. And while she would totally try out for her middle school's production of Moon Over Mississippi, she's a terrible singer. Instead she's the set designer for the stage crew, and this year she's determined to create a set worthy of Broadway on a middle-school budget. But how can she, when she doesn't know much about carpentry, ticket sales are Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By Ewe Paik Leong
Promising sun, sea, sand and more, Pattaya in Thailand lures eight million foreign tourists annually. However, behind the glitter lurks broken dreams, ethereal ecstasy and, often, tragedy. And behind every bargirl s smile and every foreigner s beer glass lurks a story: happy, touching, heart-wrenching. The author interviews bargirls, mamasans and customers, who reveal true stories of sex scams, doomed relationships and tragic suicides. The author s investigation takes him to Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 31.92 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 31.92 (-20%)

By 王恬中
  ◎韓國人氣獸醫師   ◎全亞洲唯一營養專業獸醫師   ◎以嶄新、實用的觀點教授正確寵物營養學   ◎第一本暢銷書《寵物營養學》被韓國多間大學選為指定教科書   ◎徐康文/首爾大學獸醫學院院長 、李繼忠/台灣大學附設動物醫院腫瘤治療中心主任、劉金鳴/台灣大學附設動物醫院外科主治獸醫師 獸醫老韓 專文推薦   十則常見看診案例 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
當我們深深看進自己的憤怒, 就會看到我們的「仇人」也在受苦。   【跟一行禪師過日常】   怎麼吵   ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。   ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下手, Learn More
USUAL: RM24.65

NOW: RM 24.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.19 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
能在玫瑰花中看到玫瑰以外的所有元素, 就能觸及玫瑰的真實。   【跟一行禪師過日常】   怎麼看   ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。   ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下手,講 Learn More
USUAL: RM24.65

NOW: RM 24.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.19 (-10%)

By 羅傑·范普頓
  #久坐上班族的肩腰背痛救星   #練肌肉卻練到痠痛不已的解方   #每天10分鐘 回復孩提時的活動力   # TEDx演講本書概念〈為什麼久坐毀了你〉,觀看次數超過265萬   你是不是有以下症狀,本書就是為你設計   ・肩膀總是硬梆梆釘叩叩美叮噹   ・站一下腰部就痠得像不是自己的   ・拿吹風機吹一下頭髮就覺得手痠   ・脖子老是卡卡的緊緊 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
找個舒服的地方坐著。 哪裡都好。 【跟一行禪師過日常】 怎麼坐   ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套5冊,完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。   ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下手,講的是一般人都能體會、理解的方 Learn More
USUAL: RM22.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.61 (-10%)

By 一行禪師
能夠慢下來、好好品嚐食物, 就增加了生命的厚度。 【跟一行禪師過日常】 怎麼吃   ◆忙碌的現代人往往忘記日常生活中行、住、坐、臥是什麼滋味。本系列用不囉唆卻發人深省的簡短段落,讓人在紛擾世界中,隨時隨地,念念清明。全套5冊,完整收集,體會一行禪師的日常禪法。   ◆一行禪師的方法非常直觀,從聆聽、感受下手,講的是一般人都 Learn More
USUAL: RM22.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.61 (-10%)

By 沈邑穎
你一定要認識的經絡高手, 守護人體健康、美麗的雙太陽護衛官!   小腸經屬於太陽經,循行從手臂外側連結至肩膀及肩胛骨,也循行於面部五官,善於觀察和收集資料,提供心臟最忠貞厚實的保護,成為心之禁衛軍。小腸經是心臟的幕後英雄,具有太陽般溫暖熱情、無私給予的特質。就如小腸經影響的經血,向上變化為乳汁,用來哺育另一個生命體。小 Learn More
USUAL: RM100.10

NOW: RM 100.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 90.09 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS A Collection is the first greatest hits album of American pop-classical singer Josh Groban. It was released in late 2008 internationally. The compilation takes tracks from his first three studio albums, Josh Groban (2001), Closer (2003), Awake (2006), as well as Groban's version of the C Learn More
USUAL: RM55.55

NOW: RM 55.55 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 50.00 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Chip Tooth Smile is the fourth studio album by American singer Rob Thomas, released on April 26, 2019, through Atlantic Records. It is his first album in four years, following 2015's The Great Unknown, and was preceded by the single "One Less Day (Dying Young)", which reached the top 20 at Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Kevin Zahri
"The journey of ''KURUS'' Must Be a Journey That Makes You Smile. Dan Sekiranya Selama Ini Perjuangan ''KURUS'' Anda Hanya Menyeksa Diri, Biar Saya Bimbing Anda Untuk Menjadikannya Lebih Seronok Dan Berpanjangan. ''KURUS'' Bukan Program 6 Minggu. ''KURUS'' Bukan Soal Kurus Ia Komitmen Diri Untuk Sepanjang Hayat. Ia Suka Hati Kau!" Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By 瑪格麗特·羅賓絲婷
暢銷十餘年,《出版人週刊》《波士頓週日環球報》好評推薦 你有多重潛能,不知如何玩轉或安放多樣興趣?老在各種職場轉換工作? 你需要專治熱情花心症、多面向發展自我可能性的方法與指引   這本書將會帶領你認識許多和你一樣的「多面向發展人才」,提出「冰淇淋哲學」,帶領你擇取幾種你(目前)最感興趣的「熱情焦點」,同時掌握幾種你喜愛 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Sandhya Menon
From the New York Times bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi comes a brand-new contemporary YA series, that's Gossip Girl with a dash of magic... For Princess Jaya Rao, nothing is more important than family. That's why when she finds out she'll be attending the same elite boarding school as Grey Emerson, a member of the rival royal family behind a humiliating scandal involving her little sister, she schemes to get revenge on the young nobleman in order to even the sco Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

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After making her debut with 2015's Unbreakable Smile and having won two Grammys for her 2018 record Hiding Place, Tori Kelly is back with her third album Inspired By True Events. Learn More
USUAL: RM52.75

NOW: RM 47.48 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 44.84 (-15%)

Set to become the romcom of the year - a Sleepless In Seattle for the 21st century' Sunday Express 'The new Jojo Moyes... This has all the ingredients of Me Before You' Cosmopolitan 'Funny and winning... a Richard Curtis rom-com that also has its feet firmly planted in real life. A real treat' Stylist 'The last book to completely emotionally absorb me in this way was Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, and I think fans of that will adore this' Daisy Buchanan ********** Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

Don't Smile At Me is the debut EP by American singer Billie Eilish. It was released on August 11, 2017 through Interscope Records, and contains several of her previously released singles, including Ocean Eyes, Bellyache, Watch, Copycat, Idontwannabeyouanymore, and My Boy, which was used in the fourth episode of the third season of the American television series Shadowhunters. Eilish had recorded another song for the show -- "a lil' bit of that" -- but abandoned the project be Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 68.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 64.52 (-15%)

WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? will be released March 29, 2019 on Darkroom/Interscope Records. It is the debut album from Billie Eilish and includes `when the party's over', `you should see me in a crown' and just released `bury a friend'. The album follows 2017's dont smile at me EP which recently peaked at #14 on Billboard Top 200 chart. Learn More
USUAL: RM82.90

NOW: RM 74.61 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 70.47 (-15%)

By 羅伯特·薛弗德
  其實你本來就很富裕,只是欠缺把富裕找出來的工具。   金錢的真正作用其實是用來對你所體驗過的一切表達謝意:   去餐廳吃飯付錢,其實是付給自己;   吃了好吃的東西、享受優良服務的,其實是自己;   償還貸款也是,你貸款買車,享受開車便利的其實也是自己。   當收到信用卡帳單的時候,仔細回想每一筆消費,   享受那一切自己 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Smile is the title of the fifth mainstream studio album by singer Katy Perry. This is her sixth solo studio album overall, including the Christian-gospel album, Katy Hudson. It is scheduled to be released on August 14, 2020 (Sources: Fandom) Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 68.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 64.52 (-15%)

By 石田淳
  《不懂帶人,你就自己做到死》   《不懂帶團隊,那就大家一起死》   日本超級暢銷書作者   日本行為科學第一人   石田淳   撐・必勝   持續,就是力量   世界上有許多事都要堅持下去才看得到成果。   有些事情即使你知道達成目標的好「方法」、好「步驟」,   可是問題卻出在「能不能持續下去」。   學習、工作、準備 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By 小娟与山谷里的居民
"睽违三年,值得等待 听见城市喧嚣里 最 纯净 的声音 唤醒心底最沉淀 宁静的力量 来自山谷的歌 来自听歌的你 我们在音乐里相遇 如花与水相互滋润的爱情 一点一滴汇聚成 你心里最暖的微笑 2019龙源音乐与小娟&山谷里的居民精心力作的经典翻唱专辑—山谷里的波萨诺瓦《smile》。距离上一张专辑已经三年了! 这次呈现给大家的音乐融入了小娟&山谷里的 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.90

NOW: RM 61.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.71 (-10%)

By Leonard Mlodinow
An intimate and inspirational exploration of Stephen Hawking—the man, the friend, and the physicist. One of the most influential physicists of our time, Stephen Hawking touched the lives of millions. Recalling his nearly two decades as Hawking’s collaborator and friends, Leonard Mlodinow brings this complex man into focus in a unique and deeply personal portrayal. We meet Hawking the genius, who ours his mind into uncovering the mysteries of the universe—ultimately for Learn More
USUAL: RM89.50

NOW: RM 89.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.55 (-10%)

Mummy Pig is Super Mummy! Peppa and George love doing everything with their mummy. Racing on their scooters, making craft projects, dressing up and having fun together at soft play. Peppa's mummy can do ANYTHING. The perfect present for Mummy Pigs and little readers everywhere! A wonderful read for a snuggly bedtime story, this book will make the whole family smile! Learn More
USUAL: RM28.95

NOW: RM 28.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.06 (-10%)

By 凱特·墨菲
聆聽才是溝通的王道 但為什麼我們失去了聆聽的能力?   在工作場合上,主導對話才能出頭。   在社群媒體上,敘述力決定個人魅力。   交際應酬時,人人都在搶話說。政治人物也一樣。   我們從不好好聽人說話。   也沒人好好聽我們說話。   真正的聆聽表現在你如何回應──   你是否正確理解對方的發言?   你是否明白對方的情緒? Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Martin , Ann M.
Now a major Netflix series! Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of THE BABYSITTERS CLUB. Whatever comes up - cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls - you can count on them to save the day. Babysitting isn't always easy though, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets. But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship. Raina Telgemeier, us Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By Martin , Ann M.
Now a major Netflix series! Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of THE BABYSITTERS CLUB. Whatever comes up - cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls - you can count on them to save the day. Babysitting isn't always easy though, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets. But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship. Raina Telgemeier, us Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By Martin , Ann M.
Now a major Netflix series! Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of THE BABYSITTERS CLUB. Whatever comes up - cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls - you can count on them to save the day. Babysitting isn't always easy though, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets. But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship. Raina Telgemeier, usi Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By Telgemeier , Raina
Get ready to journal and learn to tell your own story with Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling creator of Smile, Sisters, Drama, and Ghosts! Calling all fans of Raina Telgemeier! Have you ever thought about telling your own story, whether it be true or imagined? Are you interested in writing, drawing, or both? If the answers are yes, this fun, colorful, and interactive journal is for you! With guidance from Raina herself, brainstorm ideas, make lists, paste i Learn More
USUAL: RM56.90

NOW: RM 56.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.21 (-10%)

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By Black Jellyfish
There’s a kind of taste in our memory called the taste of childhood. You don’t have to taste it. Rather, just thinking about it makes you smile. Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 11.25 (-25%)

MEMBER: RM 11.25 (-25%)

By Samantha Downing
SOMEONE ALWAYS TAKES THINGS TOO FAR . . . The gripping Sunday Times bestselling psychological thriller from the No. 1 bestselling author of My Lovely Wife 'So addictive it should come with a warning' Alice Feeney ________ No-one knows you better than your family. They know the little things that make you smile. They know your darkest secrets. Sure, you haven't always been best friends. But if it seemed as though someone was after you, that you might be in danger, then yo Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

By Lyssa Kay Adams
Amazon Book Review's No. 1 Best Romance of 2019 and one of Bustle's '21 New Rom-Coms Out In Fall 2019 To Give You Warm And Fuzzy Feelings All Season Long'! If you love Jasmine Guillory, Sally Thorne and Helen Hoang, you'll LOVE Lyssa Kay Adams! Readers can't stop raving about The Bromance Book Club! 'Romantic comedy at its finest' 'Completely lived up to the hype' 'The perfect blend of funny, wacky moments and also sexy and angsty moments' 'I didn't expect t Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Jonathan Fenske
Check out this hilarious early reader series from Geisel Award Honoree Jonathan Fenske! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow! Crabby is NOT happy. Sun is in Crabby's eye Learn More
USUAL: RM21.90

NOW: RM 21.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.71 (-10%)

By 皮耶洛·費魯西
「我的宗教就是仁慈。」──第十四世達賴喇嘛   知名心理治療師兼哲學家・當代歐洲靈性心理學導師之一   Piero Ferrucci 成名之作   (封底簡介)   仁慈有許多不同的面向,   可是他的精髓簡單至極:   它省去了我們浪費在猜疑、憂愁、忿恨   與無謂設防上的大量精力,   讓生活回歸到原本簡單純粹的面貌。   也因此,仁慈是一種無須 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Julia Quinn
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER The first novel in Julia Quinn's worldwide bestselling Bridgerton novels, now a series created by Shonda Rhimes for Netflix. This is the story of Daphne Bridgerton and the Duke: welcome to the ballrooms of Regency London . . . ________________________________________ Can there be any greater challenge to London's Ambitious Mamas than an unmarried duke? Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1813 By all accounts, Simon Basset is on the v Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

NOW: RM 45.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.31 (-10%)

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