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By 柯堤斯史東
帥哥廚師到我家 柯堤斯史東CURTIS STONE第一本中文著作 沒時間嗎?想省預算?不知道吃什麼而傷腦筋? 柯堤斯為你設計忙碌生活也能輕鬆料理的130道菜單! 每一天都能吃得健康又安心! 快樂的家庭生活,從在家吃晚飯開始。 「你吃過最棒的食物是什麼?」 這是柯堤斯最喜歡問別人的一個問題,他問過朋友、一起共事的廚師,甚至是初次見面的人。而他們的答 Learn More
USUAL: RM97.20

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By 采實文化編輯部
史上第一本最實用、超爆笑、可愛的「假睫毛教學彩妝書」。 知名超人氣部落客彩妝大師【TOMOKO】親自示範 不會戴的、不想戴的、不敢戴的,通通不用擔心了! 「假睫毛」=「化濃妝」? 學會技巧,第一次戴假睫毛,也能自然上手! 【A】女:第一次戴假睫毛,結果被朋友說成「濃妝怨女」,從此與假睫毛變成「陌生人」! 【B】女:參加婚禮時假睫毛沒黏 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

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By 钟启平硕士
自從我出版了《63 個振奮人心的激勵故事》及《心態決定性格,性格決定命運》后,受到眾多讀者的歡迎以及要求我一定要在2 0 1 4 年第九屆華人海外書市裡出版第三系列《自我增值,不抱怨》這本性格分析與情緒管理的暢銷書。這么多年來數千名忠實的讀者,陸續地在電郵中向我訴說他們的心事與煩惱, 要求我扶持他們走出生活中的各種困境。以我這2 0 年的 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 钟启平硕士
本书例举了父母师长在家庭教育和学校中经常容易犯下的错误,即分析了原因,又提出了解决方法。一本在手,必能成为高EQ的父母或师长。 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 钟启平硕士
在充满逆境的当今世界,事业的成败、人生的成就,不仅取决于人的智商、情商,也在一定程度上取决于人的逆商。 智商(IQ),智力商数 Intelligence Quotient,代表一个人聪明程度的标准,指的是智能表现,对科学知识的理解。 情商(EQ),情绪商数 Emotion Quotient,指的是情绪反应,人际关系的运作。 逆商(AQ),逆境商数 Adversity Quotient,既是预测谁会成功 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

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By 钟启平硕士
九型人格(Enneagram)是全球最科学的性格分析法,目前已经在许多发达国家的学校教育中广泛的应用。这是一本“因型施教”的亲子教养指南书。所谓“知己知子,百教百胜。” 九型人格学,教导父母全面看懂孩子的性格类型,以孩子的性格类型分析,能够引导父母有效的教养孩子。 本书第一章是讲解“九型人格”将孩子的性格分成九个类型,依据每一类型 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

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By 賴瑞‧基利 , 萊恩‧皮可 , 布萊恩‧昆恩 , 海倫‧華特斯
112種創新策略應用 X 產業創新診斷 X 系統性創新架構 創新失敗從來不是因為缺乏創意,而是僅停留在單點,缺乏連結系統 突破盲點,連結最常產生創新的10個原點,建立跨部門的行動,確實落實創新 解析Google、蘋果、星巴克、Airbnb等創新典範,揭開成功連結系統的關鍵   很多人以為只要推出新產品,就是創新,但這反而是創新最常失敗的原因。   創新不 Learn More
USUAL: RM85.70

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MEMBER: RM 77.13 (-10%)

By 羅伯特·麥基
  你有才華、也有梗,卻始終寫不出好故事?你需要——   全世界導演、編劇人手一本的「編劇聖經」!   ◎《故事的解剖》說什麼?   .放諸四海永恆皆準的形式,而非公式。   .原型而非老套陳腔。   .原創而非複製。   .縝密堅持而非速成捷徑。   .寫作的現實,而非寫作的奧義。   .精通「說故事」這門技藝,而非揣測市場需 Learn More
USUAL: RM68.60

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By 金成載
  身為韓國NO.1國民MC代表的劉在錫,總是用盡全力以歡笑帶給觀眾幸福。   希望讓這個世界歡樂聲永不間斷的他,未來的演藝挑戰將永不會停止……   不管是在《家族的誕生》與BIGBANG大聲的呆瓜兄弟組合、與李孝利頻鬥嘴的國民兄妹搭檔,又或是在《Happy Together》中身穿桑拿服、頭戴捲毛假髮的大叔模樣,還是在真實綜藝節目《無限挑戰》裡,帶給觀 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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By 吳娟瑜 , 林偉賢
長幼無序、倫理喪失、道德敗壞…… 現代教育病入膏肓,為人父母的您, 是否經常無語問蒼天:「孩子到底怎麼教?」   過度功利導向的社會風氣,讓父母漠視孩子在家庭裡的品格教育,為了追隨主流社會的脈動,孩子們自幼被形形色色「成功計畫」包圍,然而,跟著這些讀書計畫、升學計畫去制定前程,孩子這一生就註定「成功」了嗎? 您只在乎孩 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

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By 森美
這次,森美,向大家承認,他錯了! 他最錯的是,揭露藝人鮮為人知的一面,令娛樂圈神秘不再; 他最錯的是,踢爆男女戀愛潛規則,令浪漫不再; 他最錯的是,教授最新扮靚減肥法,令纖體公司繁華不再; 他最錯的是,搜羅史上最潮爆趣事,令你生活平淡不再; 他最錯的是,將自己的瘀事告訴你,令型仔形象不再; 為表誠意,森美決定用自家腹肌,向 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.70

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By 陈鋕晋
一个人吃,不代表只能吃快餐、冷冻食品或垃圾食物。对自己好一点吧!挑战自己,把握时间煮一餐体面的、美味的盛宴。只要有好的时间管理及战略,为自己下厨并没有你想象中那么麻烦、恐怖或耗时。 以丰盛的早餐来开始新的一天。菜单包括蛋、面包及煎饼,佐以新鲜水果、沙拉卷或优格。午餐准备简单且营养的面食或菜卷,让你在下半天继续保持活力。 Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

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MEMBER: RM 23.31 (-10%)

By 薇拉莉·麥肯恩
~精妙的粉筆字藝術盡在此書~ 超人氣IG作者,亞馬遜書店5星至高好評, 無私公開創意【廣告看板】、【招牌】繪製技法!   「粉筆字藝術的其中一項魅力所在,就是只需要兩項工具!」   超人氣IG粉筆字藝術家薇拉莉.麥肯恩投入黑板畫藝術的契機,   來自替父親手繪第一個生意招牌,   被其中充滿變化性,並極具視覺吸引力的成品擄獲後,   Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Ayah; orang kata tak kahwin tak boleh jadi ayah. Ingat kalau kahwin tu lesen layak jadi ayah? Ada ayah watak putih. Ada ayah watak hitam. Umpama musang berbulu ayam, harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi. Utamanya kita dengar, ayahlah pemimpin kita sedari kecil. Sebatan ayah yang menjadikan kita manusia pada hari ini. Ada ke ayah yang jadi ibu? Siapa ayah? Selami hati 21 penulis yang menyulam 21 kisah ayah. ——— Muhammad Faizal Ramizah Ramli Muhammad F Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

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MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

By Aira Eddy
Pilihan jodoh oleh Syarifah Al Bahiyah adalah pilihan muktamad. Setiap butir perkataan yang keluar daripada mulutnya adalah arahan mati. Mampukah cucu kembar pertama Syarifah Al Bahiyah, Tengku Zaim Hakimi bin Tengku Zahid Harith mencari gadis yang sekufu dengannya sebelum tempoh yang diberikan tamat? "I don't have someone special in my heart. Someone yang sesuai untuk dijadikan calon isteri. Along rasa macam nak give up!" - Tengku Zaim Hakimi Cinta yang tiba-tiba datan Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

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MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By Haida Hassan
Munah sering diganggu makhluk halus yang ingin berdamping dengannya. Semakin diamati, Munah yakin dia diganggu saka Uwan Konah yang memaksanya menerima belaan warisan itu. “Jangan macam tu, tak ada apa pun. Cuma barang pusaka saja. Aku ni rasa macam dah tak panjang umur. Sekurang-kurangnya, tenang sikit hati aku dah berbagi ni. Kau terima ya…” “Tak nak!” Munah semakin teruk dicederakan. Lewat mimpi, makhluk halus itu menikam dan merobek perut Learn More
USUAL: RM10.00

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Perjalanan yang panjang selalu membuatkan kita leka atau kadang-kadang kita lupa arah tuju sebenar perjalanan itu. Pelbagai perkara yang terjadi dalam perjalanan juga selalu membuatkan kita serik mahu menggunakan lebuh raya lagi. Namun, hanya itu sahaja laluan pantas yang kita ada. Tetapi, bukan kita sahaja yang gunakannya ___ Pethronella Raimi Aida Mahelen Nor Husna Mohd Rosli Ahmad Mahzan Borhan Mohamad Khairi Mohamad Ani Shahida Hani Mohamad Shariff Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

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MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

Hospital. Lazimnya, kita menggambarkan hospital sebagai tempat untuk mendapatkan rawatan. Tetapi, dalam naskhah antologi cerpen Hospital ini, para penulisnya menggambarkan hospital daripada sisi lain – sisi gelap, suram yang penuh misteri serta mistik. Melalui olahan yang mendebarkan jantung, para penulis berjaya membawa keseraman sebuah hospital kepada sesiapa sahaja yang membacanya. Hospital, menggabungkan 20 orang penulis dengan penghasilan 20 buah karya cerpen Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

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By Nuris
Destinasi pertemuan mereka adalah antara bumi dan langit. Tetapi tidaklah sampai menjangkau ke awan. Bersaksikan kabus tebal yang melitupi seluas kawasan, yang kelihatan hanyalah pergunungan yang tersergam indah di kiri dan kanan. Namun gunung-ganang tersebut nun sejauh mata memandang. “Rindukan Dewi, ya?” Kato menghampiri Putera Naga Emas lalu diurut-urut tubuh yang berwarna keemasan itu. Senyuman tidak lekang dari bibirnya. Seperti kebiasaan, Kato terus meloncat naik Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Osamu Souda
Sebuah diari yang dikongsi antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan ditinggalkan di restoran keluarga Mitsugu. Sebenarnya diari itu merupakan surat cabaran untuk Pejabat Penyiasat Kelas 2-A dan ia memberi amaran tentang kes pembunuhan yang bakal berlaku ketika majlis pembukaan semester pada 7 April. Jika mereka tidak dapat mencari penjenayah sebelum tarikh ditetapkan, pelajar bernama A akan dibunuh. Yuuki bersama Mitsugu, Shinnosuke, Eiji dan Aibara cuba menyiasat tetapi... rup Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

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MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Osamu Souda
Pejabat Penyiasat Kelas 2-A diminta membantu menangkap Pencuri Misteri Mariott yang menyebabkan kekecohan di London. Yuuki, Shinnosuke dan Mitsugu terus bertolak ke London. Motif sebenar si pencuri adalah untuk mendapatkan berlian terbesar di dunia milik keluarga diraja British. Yuuki dan rakan-rakan menaiki kapal persiaran mewah bernama Queen Elizabeth di mana berlian itu diangkut tetapi apa yang berlaku selepas itu sangat mengejutkan...?! Kali ini, ahli Bokura bergab Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Keith
Keith is back with "Lawak Kampus : Log In". Full with jokes about idiosyncracies of students, this book will surely keep you entertained! May even bring you a trip down memory lane! Get it now! Learn More

NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

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By Khairy Tajudin , Harith Hakeem , Syauqie M.K. , Farhan Ismail
Daim telah diculik oleh Manap, Harith dan Paan tiga hari sebelum tarikh akad nikahnya dengan Shasha atas suatu alasan yang tidak munasabah. Pada masa yang sama, Inspektor Tasha memburu Manap kerana disyaki terbabit dengan kongsi gelap. Adakah penculikan Daim ini ada kaitan dengan kes kongsi gelap? Apa pula nasib majlis akad nikah Daim yang bakal berlangsung? Tak ada pasal, pergi cari pasal. Anekdot empat orang budak sengal ini kembali dengan tema misteri, seram, psiko, cin Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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By 安德魯·基恩
  拿回明天人類命運的主動權,今天該做什麼   《賈伯斯傳》作者艾薩克森推薦:   「一本令人振奮的佳作!」   後隱私時代,面對後真相的現實,極貧或極富的兩個世界   我們的未來破了洞,需要修復   問題是要如何修復它   過去二十年來數位革命對經濟、社會、政治和文化造成破壞性的影響,像是科技巨頭壟斷大數據、科技性失業、數 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Hani Fazuha
Rihana dan Hakim, dua nama dari dua dunia berbeza, ditemukan dalam kancah penuh dosa. Bagi Hakim, Rihana itu tidak ubah seperti pelacur kelas atasan. Bagi Rihana, Hakim itu sama saja dengan lelaki kaya raya yang harus dilayan untuk mengeluarkan duit dari poketnya. “Kahwin dengan I Rin, I’ll pay you two million.” - Hakim “Dua juta tidak cukup untuk membeli maruah I, Hakim”- Rihana Segalanya berubah apabila Rihana bertemu hidayah-Nya dan meninggalkan dunia kelam unt Learn More
USUAL: RM27.00

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MEMBER: RM 24.30 (-10%)

By Yim Kang Jae
KOMIK DAN KISAH NGERI YANG MENYESAKKAN DADA Hantu yang Memakai Uniform Sekolah Dikatakan bahawa seekor hantu yang memakai uniform musim sejuk akan muncul jika ada orang bersendirian di sekolah. Khabarnya, orang yang bertembung dengan hantu tersebut akan mendapat nasib yang baik. April Fool Sempena hari April Fool, para pelajar telah memikirkan satu idea untuk memperolokkan guru mereka kecuali seorang pelajar yang bernama Ri Sun. Pada suatu hari, rakan sekelas Ri Sun d Learn More
USUAL: RM12.90

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By Abe Krambit
Balik dari berkelah, Mohsin ke warung Tok Minah bersama Petak, sahabat serumahnya. Waktu semasa itu sudah tengah malam. Ketika menunggu makanan sampai, dia ternampak seorang gadis bermata bundar, duduk seorang diri di meja hujung warung itu. Mohsin terpikat. Gadis itu meninggalkan nombor telefonnya dan mereka mula ber-Whatssap. Melalui perbualan mereka itu, Mohsin dapat tahu gadis itu bernama Atikah dan merupakan cucu Tok Minah. Keesokan malamnya, Mohsin cuba beramah me Learn More
USUAL: RM26.00

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By 白善燁
擁有如老外上班族一樣的文字能力! 你需要更有利的工具!! 史上最完整豐富的上班族萬用 E-mail   你可以隨查隨用 + 更靈活運用詞彙,   本書歸納25個商務主題 + 154 個情境 + 779 篇信件   5分鐘快速搞定完美書信的技巧大揭密   不必絞盡腦汁怎麼寫,只要「套用」再「替換」,   瞬間完成零失誤的英文書信!   讓您與同僚、上級、客戶 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.15

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By Nor Zailina Bt Md Nordin
"Menggoreng adalah di antara teknik memasak yang boleh dikatakan paling mudah. Kesemua 25 resipi di dalam buku ini mampu memenuhi citarasa semua. Selain savuri seperti Rol Sardin, Kebab Kambing dan lain-lain, ada Aiskrim Goreng dan Oreo Goreng. Sungguh unik, bukan? Kebanyakan masakan untuk digoreng boleh disediakan terlebih dahulu. Ia boleh disimpan di dalam peti pembeku, dikeluarkan dan dicelup di dalam bater sebelum digoreng. Ada juga yang boleh digoreng sekejap (separuh Learn More

NOW: RM 5.00 (-0%)

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By 黄醒荣
如何减低患癌的风险? 癌症有哪些治疗方法? 手术后癌症会复发吗? 癌症是绝症吗? 可以“饿死”癌细胞吗? 这些是许多人心中的疑惑。 在现今社会,每三个人当中,便有一人在其一生当中会罹患癌症。癌症显然已经成为常见疾病,唯有多加认识,才能远离癌症威胁,一旦确诊也可以勇敢面对,接受正确的疗法,对抗癌症。 毫无根据的治疗法,只会让病 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

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By J.K. Rowling
Pertengahan musim panas, tetapi kabus di luar musim yang melanda, menerpa cermin-cermin jendela. Di biliknya di rumah keluarga Dursley di Privet Drive, Harry Potter sedang tertunggu-tunggu penuh cemas Profesor Dumbledore datang sendiri untuk menjemputnya. Harry hampir-hampir tidak percaya bahawa dalam banyak tempat di dunia, Profesor Dumbledore muncul di rumah keluarga Dursley. Mengapa baru sekarang profesor itu datang? Apakah perkara yang penting sangat yang tidak sempat- Learn More
USUAL: RM43.90

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By Miss Elle
“Ingat tau girl. Kerja di sini memang kena selalu peka. Bos kita tu garang orangnya. Kalau silap sedikit, mahu bernanah telinga nak dengar dia punya kata-kata yang sinis tu.” – Lily “Err, abang... Eh, akak. Erm... Awak ni nama siapa ya?” soal Aira teragak-agak. Lelaki itu menjeling manja wajah Aira seraya meraup rambutnya yang paras bahu itu ke belakang. “Nama I, Fazli. Tapi, orang kat sini panggil I, Lily saja. Jangan takutlah dengan I, nyah. I ni tak makan ora Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Full of arts and crafts, games and activities. There's lots and lots inside to keep every Hello Kitty fan entertained! This book is packed full of Hello Kitty's favourite things to do when she's bored. With art and craft ideas Learn More
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 8.00 (-53%)

MEMBER: RM 8.00 (-53%)

Peppa, George and all their friends enjoy the summer at fetes, funfairs, picnics and the beach too. With lots of puzzles and activities this sticker book will keep all little Peppa fans busy. Based on the hit pre-school animation, Peppa Pig, shown daily on Five's Milkshake and Nick Jnr. Learn More
USUAL: RM24.95

NOW: RM 24.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.46 (-10%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Keep Peppa Pig fans busy with the Holiday Sticker Activity Book, the perfect activity book to keep your little piglets happy. Jet away on holiday with Peppa and George and find out what funny adventures the Pig family gets up to abroad! This st Learn More
USUAL: RM24.95

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Create perfect make-up looks with Try It! Make-Up Techniques. Simple make-up tutorials for how do to make-up like a professional. Learn how to contour, a flawless foundation finish, apply lipstick that lasts, draw the perfect winged eye liner, create smokey eye make-up, or get immaculately shaped brows. Try It! Make-Up Techniques also includes tips on keeping your skin healthy and advice on skin care, including power foods for healthy skin, cleansers, toners, and moisturisers Learn More
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By Duncan Clark
An engrossing, insider's account of how a teacher built one of the world's most valuable companies-rivaling Walmart & Amazon-and forever reshaped the global economy.In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man from modest beginnings who started out as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into one of the world's largest companies, an e-commerce empire on which hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend. Alibaba's $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the largest glo Learn More
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By Collins Dictionaries
The perfect companion for family Scrabble games. This new, easy-to-use, paperback edition contains words 2-8 letters in length and gives short, succinct definitions to help players use the best words for their game. The short definitions, given for every main word listed, have been updated for this new edition, and allow players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary. Collins Scrabble dictionaries are en Learn More
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By Nigar Hashimzade , Gareth D. Myles , John Black
This authoritative and comprehensive dictionary contains clear, concise definitions of approximately 3,500 key economic terms. Covering all aspects of economics including economic theory and policy, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics, and environmental economics, this is the essential reference work in this area. The new edition of this dictionary has been updated to include entries on China, In Learn More
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By John Black
An authoritative and comprehensive dictionary containing clear, concise definitions of over 3,400 key economic terms, this A to Z covers all aspects of economics including economic theory, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics, and environmental economics. There is strong coverage of international trade and many entries on economic organizations and institutions from around the world. Fully revised Learn More
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By Collins Dictionaries
The perfect companion for family Scrabble games. This small, easy-to-use, paperback edition contains valid words from 2-7 letters in length and gives short, succinct definitions to help players use the best words for their game. The short definitions, given for every main word listed, have been updated for this new edition, and allow players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary. Collins Scrabble dictio Learn More
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By Jack Canfield
Within minutes of reading this book you will want - and be able - to apply its clear, direct and highly effective principles to your own life. Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, built an $80 million business from nothing. Now he shares his key techniques and unique insights so that you too can achieve success in everything you do. If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got. Isn't it time you c Learn More
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By Dorie Clark
Standing out is no longer optional. Learn how to become a thought leader - the agenda setter, the go-to person - with Dorie Clark's Stand Out. Too many people believe that if they keep their heads down and work hard, they'll gain the recognition they deserve. But that's simply not true anymore. To get noticed, create true job security, and make a difference in the world, you have to make sure your ideas get noticed. Drawing on interviews with thought leaders including S Learn More
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By Keith Ferrazzi , Tahl Raz
Do you want to get ahead in life? Climb the ladder to success? Master networker Keith Ferrazzi says the secret is in reaching out to others - in using the power of relationships so that everyone wins.In this classic, global bestseller Ferrazzi takes you through timeless strategies used by the world's most connected people, from Bill Clinton to the Dalai Lama. Distinguishing genuine relationship-building from crude glad-handing, he draws out practical tips and engagi Learn More
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By Eric Barker
Much of the advice we've been told about achievement is logical, earnest...and downright wrong. In Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker reveals the extraordinary science behind what actually determines success and most importantly, how anyone can achieve it. You'll learn: - Why valedictorians rarely become millionaires, and how your biggest weakness might actually be your greatest strength - Whether nice guys finish last and why the best lessons about cooperation com Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

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Peppa Pig discovers the Tooth Fairy!Peppa Pig has lost her first tooth. With the tooth safely under her pillow, Peppa waits for the Tooth Fairy to arrive! Read this delightful story book, and use the letter and tooth envelope to wait for the Tooth Fairy yourself. Dr Elephant, the dentist, gives you some handy tips on looking after your teeth, and there is a teeth chart for you to keep a record of when each of your milk teeth falls out. Everyone loves a visit from th Learn More
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Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category.DKfindout! Dinosaurs teaches kids everything they would want to know about the prehistoric world. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts - and keep them coming back for more!For any child that can't get enough of these fearsome beas Learn More
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By Louisa May Alcott
'Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another' Christmas won't be the same this year for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, as their father is away fighting in the Civil War, and the family has fallen on hard times. But though they may be poor, life for the four March sisters is rich with colour, as they play games, put on wild theatricals, make new friends, argue, grapple with their vices, learn from their mistakes, nurse each other through sickness and disappointm Learn More
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By Louisa May Alcott
Good Wives is the second story about the March family.Three years on from Little Women, the March girls and their friend Laurie are young adults with their futures ahead of them. Although they all face painful trials along the way - from Meg's sad lesson in housekeeping to Laurie's disappointment in love and a tragedy which touches them all - each of the girls finally finds happiness, if not always in the way they expect.The book includes a behi Learn More
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By Henry James
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.`The place, with its grey sky and withered garlands, its bared spaces and scattered dead leaves, was like a theatre after the performance-all strewn with crumpled playbills.'Revered as one of the greatest ghost stories ever told, James's The Turn of the Screw is an eerie Victorian masterpiece.When an inexperienced governess goes to work at Bly, a country house in Essex to Learn More
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By Sonya Hamlin
At a time when it's harder than ever to get and keep people's attention, we could all use some help. Enter Sonya Hamlin, author of the now classic How to Talk So People Listen (1988), and one of the country's leading communication experts. In this revised and updated edition, Sonya Hamlin, arguably America's leading communication expert, shows us how to successfully capture people's attention so that they listen, understand, and are persuaded by your message -- especially Learn More
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By Jojo Moyes
DISCOVER THE FIRST BOOK IN THE TRILOGY THAT CAPTURED A MILLION HEARTS . . .Will needed Lou as much as she needed him, but will her love be enough to save his life?Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun teashop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that know Learn More
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By Haruki Murakami
In 1982, having sold his jazz bar to devote himself to writing, Murakami began running to keep fit. A year later, he'd completed a solo course from Athens to Marathon, and now, after dozens of such races, he reflects upon the influence the sport has had on his life and on his writing. Equal parts travelogue, training log, and reminiscence, this revealing memoir covers his four-month preparation for the 2005 New York City Marathon and settings ranging from Tokyo's Jingu Ga Learn More
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By J Grisham
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with two weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist high to my Learn More
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By Cora Carmack
Every girl likes a bad boy... And Max's current boyfriend is as bad as they come. She knows her family would freak if they saw his tattoos and piercings. So when her parents turn up unannounced Max grabs the most wholesome guy she can to play her boyfriend. But Cade Winston is so perfect that Max needs him to keep playing the part. And the more they have to fake their relationship, the harder it gets to just pretend... Learn More
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By Hiro Arikawa
THE PERFECT CURL-UP READ FOR CAT LOVERS 'Bewitching... as self-possessed and comforting as - well, a cat' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH 'A book about kindness and love, and how the smallest things can provide happiness' STYLIST ___ It's not the journey that counts, but who's at your side. Nana is on a road trip, but he is not sure where he is going. All that matters is that he can sit beside his beloved owner Satoru in the front seat of his silver van. Satoru is keen to visit three ol Learn More
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By Haruki Murakami
What will you get for your birthday this year? A chance to see into the future? Or a reminder of the imperfect past? In this enviable gathering, Haruki Murakami has chosen for his party some of the very best short story writers of recent years, each with their own birthday experiences, each story a snapshot of life on a single day. Including stories by Russell Banks, Ethan Canin, Raymond Carver, David Foster Wallace, Denis Johnson, Claire Keegan, Andrea Lee, Daniel Lyons, Learn More
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By Mitch Albom
Banished for centuries, as punishment for trying to measure time, the inventor of the world's first clock is finally granted his freedom, along with a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two people the true meaning of time. He returns to our world and embarks on a journey with two unlikely partners: a teenage girl who is about to give up on life and a wealthy, ageing businessman who wants to live for ever. To save himself, he must save them both. Gripping, and fil Learn More
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By Joseph Heller
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HOWARD JACOBSON Set in the closing months of World War II in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, Catch-22 is the story of a bombardier named Yossarian who is frantic and furious because thousands of people he has never even met keep trying to kill him. Joseph Heller's bestselling novel is a hilarious and tragic satire on military madness, and the tale of one man's efforts to survive it. Learn More
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By Cecelia Ahern
Previously published with the title Where Rainbows End - now a major film entitled Love, Rosie.A story about love. And how life can get in the way... First published as WHERE RAINBOWS END. Best friends since forever, Rosie and Alex have shared their hopes, dreams, awkward moments - and firsts. But their bond is threatened when Alex's family move to America. They stay in touch, but misunderstandings, circumstances and sheer bad luck Learn More
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