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By 鳳舞
隨著手機拍照的流行,網路相片的盛傳,「非主流」相片的處理越來越受到廣大年輕人的青睞,特別是「80 後」和「90 後」的新人,他們透過張揚的個性、另類的打扮、搞怪的表情、誇張的語言、細節事物的美感、濃郁顏色的反差、火星文字的描述等來表達某種行為方式、情感情結,並引領一種時尚、風潮,讓人耳目一新。 本書緊扣此一群體的時尚需求,從個 Learn More
USUAL: RM65.80

NOW: RM 65.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.22 (-10%)

By 金株源
本書出自於攝影師金珠源之手,是目前韓國最受歡迎與肯定的攝影書。作者之所以撰寫此書,乃是基於對自己的反思及為學員們的解惑,諸如“照片為何?”、“我為何要拍照?”、“剛拍照時該拍攝什麼?”、“主題照片該如何拍攝?”等等,而這些疑惑與問題也是常見於攝影者之間。另外,作者希望藉由此書,能夠讓學習攝影的人對攝影感到興趣並樂在其中 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 60.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.00 (-10%)

By 张爵西 , 李慧慧
Sarah从小在纽约长大。因为妈妈工作的缘故,她被送到马来西亚和外公阿根一起生活。阿根住在一个老旧的组屋区里,是个跌打医馆的老医师。面对这个严肃、保守的外公,Sarah感到陌生又抗拒。在这里,她的衣食住行和在纽约的截然不同,加上本着来自大都会的优越感,她总是用高人一等的眼光看待组屋里的邻居,并和阿根反其道而行。 十多年来独自生活的 Learn More
USUAL: RM22.50

NOW: RM 22.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.25 (-10%)

By 洪仲清
:◆讓我們學會傾聽,學會用對方需要的方式去愛。 光禹──「夜光家族」節目主持人 ◎感動推薦 我們之所以傾聽,一心一意想了解對方的話語,是因為彼此的愛。 當我們專注傾聽到極致,也許能感覺到我與對方之間,不再有分別。 我們之所以傾聽,是因為不想和對方斷了關係。 對方也許是我們的孩子,是親人,是摰友,或是自己…… 找到對方的 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By 陳知明
發揮獨特的想像力和創造力,編修出一幅幅精美的影像作品   這是一本專業的數位相片處理秘笈,全書共有13章,透過圖文結合,由淺入深、循序漸進的講解方式,使讀者能快速掌握數位相片的處理方法。而攝影愛好者,翻開本書任何一頁,都能學到一個攝影後期處理的妙招。本書將基礎與實踐相結合,穿插大量的範例,讓人一看就懂,一學就會,並將一個 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.10

NOW: RM 60.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.09 (-10%)

By 雷依里 , 鄭毅
攝影是一門博大精深的學問, 如果可以站在巨人的肩膀上向外看,請千萬不要拒絕!   不瞭解單眼相機的原理和特性,就無法徹底駕馭這項工具   沒搞懂攝影最基礎的構圖和用光,就無法精準用照片表達想法   不同的題材有不同的拍攝技法和表現重點,千萬別拿牛頭湊馬嘴   別以為後製只是修補和合成,它能發揮的功效遠遠超出你的想像! Learn More
USUAL: RM78.65

NOW: RM 78.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 70.79 (-10%)

By 蘿拉·拉曼德 , 蓋比·柯肯多 , 蕭娜·潘契恩 , 茱莉·曼沃林
英美最暢銷、超過數十萬讀者最推薦的英文藝術字學習書 由4位國外專業英文藝術字老師, 以零距離分解步驟方式, 從基礎筆畫,到各種變化字型 教你學會真正的英文手寫藝術字, 還有不同媒材應用教學!!   快一起來進入充滿創意的英文手寫字世界!   本書教你學會:   ‧大小寫字母、斜體草寫、直體字、花體字、黑板字、自由書寫體、數字   Learn More
USUAL: RM46.05

NOW: RM 46.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.45 (-10%)

By 保罗·R.席列
如果你也希望: 一天就能轻松看完一本书 快速、 准确地获取有效信息 提高记忆力、 让注意力更集中 考前准备更高效 发掘自我潜能、 过上更快乐的生活 在本书中,这些都可以实现。掌握PhotoReading高速阅读法,像拍照一样一秒看完一页,轻松摄入书本所有的精华,便等同于掌握了高效的资讯处理术。无论是短期备考的大量专业书目,还是待处理的堆积如山 Learn More
USUAL: RM42.00

NOW: RM 42.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.80 (-10%)

By 大衛·吉布森
等待、空蕩、背影、鏡射、模糊…… 這20個街拍計畫,布列松、卡帕、森山大道也在練 「熱鬧」、「安靜」、「抽象」、「靜止」、「主題」, 五大主題暗藏的影像法則, 讓你的作品在社群網站中脫穎而出!   ◎ 第一次!攝影大師街拍實戰密技、心法,首度系統彙整   ◎ 這些技法超實用,玩攝影值得一練的基本功,更拍出了精采的攝影史    Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By 陳純虹
  從繪畫到拼貼,用多元媒材玩出豐富驚嘆的作品!   每個單元的創意時間(Labtime),讓讀者輕鬆學著做!      用各式各樣的創意練習,豐富自己的繪畫作品。   本書裡,作者以插畫藝術的方向,來分享視覺創作的一些技法。除了繪畫以外,還有更多不同的影像創作技法,來幫助讀者用更多元的方式來創作。      這本書並非著重在繪畫技巧,而 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By Zara Suryani
Aku ingat bait-bait mesej dari minah photographer seorang ni pada suatu hari yang tenang dan cuaca agak panas.. "Zarajom kita cari tempat yang ada salji.Nak tak?" "tak" "habis tu kat mana?" "New Zealand jom?" Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

封面圖片 11歲的瑪夏(左)和米莉.畢格斯說,當人們得知她們是異卵雙胞胎時都很驚訝。瑪夏長得比較像母親,她是英國人,米莉則比較像父親,他是牙買加裔。更多關於這對雙胞胎的報導請見本期專欄「關於封面」。 Photo by Robin Hammond 【膚淺的顏色】種族到底是什麼?科學告訴我們,種族並沒有遺傳學或科學方面的根據,反而很大程度上是人為標籤,用來 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.00

NOW: RM 33.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.00 (-0%)

By 楊喵喵
35個故事,專治選擇障礙、小確喪、拖延症、裝睡綜合症、社交恐懼症 直擊你的自以為是、自憐自艾,戳破你為生活套上的美好濾鏡!   這本書,鼓勵你與這功利的世界和平相處。   這本書,慫恿你與充滿欲望的自己齊頭並進。   告誡你,那些不痛不癢的放棄,早晚有一天,需要你加倍償還。   你來人間一趟,不是為了活成被人鄙視的模樣   更 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 蓋比芮·喬伊·柯肯道爾 , 賈克琳·愛斯勒拉
  ★介紹多種英文手寫藝術字風格   ★涵蓋各種多媒材應用方式,包括水彩、壓克力、墨水等   ★步驟式教學,以插圖說明清楚,並有個人客製化教法,包括logo、招牌、文具、壁面等   ★包括電腦數位應用,可以創造出自己的手寫字型   ★附有50個以上的各種小技巧、小訣竅與練習   ★提供各項藝術創作所需之靈感與點子   本書提供美國手 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.05

NOW: RM 46.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.45 (-10%)

From the Chevrolet Bel Air to the Ferrari Testarossa, this book takes you on a scenic drive through the history of classic cars, exploring their status as objects of luxury and desire. The Classic Car Book showcases the most important and iconic classic cars from every decade since the 1940s, with a foreword by award-winning writer and commentator on the industry, history, and culture of cars and motoring, Giles Chapman. Fully illustrated and packed with stunning phot Learn More
USUAL: RM119.95

NOW: RM 119.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 107.96 (-10%)

By Suzanne Bell
Forensic scientists apply scientific analysis in a legal context and play a vital role in solving crimes. Sometimes the collection of forensic evidence is the only way to establish or exclude an association between suspect and victim or crime scene, or to establish a likely order of events. Profiting from recent scientific developments and the advancement of technological equipment, forensic science is a rapidly evolving discipline that encompasses many sciences and the law. Learn More
USUAL: RM49.00

NOW: RM 49.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.10 (-10%)

By Dorling Kindersley
This is the perfect pocket reference for those learning Japanese, and you'll want to make sure this helpful tool is packed when you next go on your travels. With over 6,000 fully illustrated terms arranged by theme, getting to grips with the Japanese language has never been easier. Whether you're travelling for business or leisure, buying food or train tickets, discussing work or famous sights on the tourist trail, you'll gain confidence in yo Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 57.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.16 (-10%)

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The DK Chinese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary introduces the vocabulary of the modern world through themed chapters filled with full-colour photographs and artworks which display and label all elements of everyday life. With sections ranging from home and work to leisure and the environment, every item is clearly labelled in Chinese with the translation and pronunciation guide directly below. The Chinese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is a colourful and stimulati Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

NOW: RM 52.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.25 (-10%)

Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category.DKfindout! Dinosaurs teaches kids everything they would want to know about the prehistoric world. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts - and keep them coming back for more!For any child that can't get enough of these fearsome beas Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

By Agatha Christie
An exotic holiday for Miss Marple is ruined when a retired major is killed... As Jane Marple sat basking in the Caribbean sunshine she felt mildly discontented with life. True, the warmth eased her rheumatism, but here in paradise nothing ever happened. Eventually, her interest was aroused by an old soldier's yarn about a strange coincidence. Infuriatingly, just as he was about to show her an astonishing photograph, the Major's attention Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By Derek Breen
Scratch is a fast, fun, and easy way to get started in computer science Do you want to make cool games, impressive animations, and become an all-around Scratch super star? You've come to the right place! Packed with full-color photos and easy-to-follow instructions, Scratch For Kids For Dummies makes it easy to get started even if you've never attempted computer programming or coding. Inside, you'll find out how to design and develop your own games, creat Learn More
USUAL: RM100.60

NOW: RM 100.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 90.54 (-10%)

By Haruki Murakami
A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami's international reputation. It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company's advertisement. What he doesn't realise is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has Learn More
USUAL: RM54.50

NOW: RM 54.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.05 (-10%)

By Lindsey Kelk
A new bestseller from the immensely popular Lindsey Kelk Being arrested in your own bedroom is never a good start to the day. Tess Brookes really needs to sort out her back-stabbing flatmate - and her life. Should she gamble all on the new photography job she's landed, or snap up the offer from long-time crush and best friend Charlie to start up on their own - in more ways than one? There's just one small thing she hasn't mentioned. Or rather, one tall thing. He's handsome, i Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Lindsey Kelk
The summer bestseller from the immensely popular Lindsey Kelk Tess Brookes has always been a Girl with a Plan. But when the Plan goes belly up, she's forced to reconsider. After accidently answering her flatmate Vanessa's phone, she decides that since being Tess isn't going so well, she might try being Vanessa. With nothing left to lose, she accepts Vanessa's photography assignment to Hawaii - she used to be an amateur snapper, how hard Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Barbara Taylor Bradford
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. A glittering brand new novel of deeply-buried secrets, passionate love, obsession and redemption from the master storyteller. Thirty-year old Serena Stone is a talented war photographer who has followed in her famous father's Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Kathleen Tessaro
Can the secrets of one woman's past change another woman's future? Cate is a gifted young artist who survives in New York by producing remarkable copies of Old Masters.She arrives in London to stay with her aunt Rachel who owns an auction house, determined to leave the pain of her past behind. Cate is sent to Devon with Rachel's colleague Jack to value the contents of Endsleigh, the grand Georgian home of a former socialite. But inside, Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Tammara Webber
The first of an irresistible New Adult series about hot teen actors by Tammara Webber, author of the New York Times-bestseller Easy. Perfect for fans of Slammed by Colleen Hoover and Breathe by Abbi Glines. Seventeen-year-old actress Emma is starring in her first major film role, opposite Hollywood It Boy Reid. The exclusive nightclubs, snapping photographers and screaming fans are a normal part of life for Reid but it's all new to Emma. The rest of the cast befriend he Learn More
USUAL: RM34.95

NOW: RM 34.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.46 (-10%)

By Ransom Riggs
A new set of stories from the world of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Now in paperback with a brand-new story: The Man who Bottled the Sun.In this collection of fairy tales, Ransom Riggs invites you to uncover hidden legends of the peculiar world. A fork-tongued princess, a girl who talks to ghosts, and wealthy cannibals who dine on the discarded limbs of peculiars are just a few of the characters whose stories will have you hooked. Learn More
USUAL: RM46.95

NOW: RM 46.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.26 (-10%)

By Jay Asher
**The second season of the Golden Globe nominated Thirteen Reasons Why is now on Netflix.** Read the sensational book that has taken the YA world by storm. This special edition is complete with exclusive behind-the-scenes content including a 16-page full-colour photo insert featuring scenes from the show, and interviews with the cast and crew. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can't stop the future. You ca Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

NOW: RM 39.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.96 (-10%)

Step-by-Step Desserts is a highly-illustrated kitchen bible making it easy to master sixty-eight classic dessert recipes and hundreds of exciting variations. Fresh and contemporary, every stage of each recipe is presented with vibrant photography accompanying easy-to-follow instructions. Expanding your repertoire has never been more convenient, with an enormous amount of choice ranging from simple to adventurous. If you love classic Creme Brulee, then try the White Chocol Learn More
USUAL: RM116.00

NOW: RM 116.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 104.40 (-10%)

By David Cronenberg
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The debut novel by the iconic film director.Stylish and camera-obsessed, Naomi and Nathan are lovers and competitors - nomadic freelancers in pursuit of sensation and depravity in the social media age, encountering each other only in air Learn More
USUAL: RM48.90

NOW: RM 17.00 (-65%)

MEMBER: RM 17.00 (-65%)

By Charles Maclean
Explore the intoxicating secrets of whisky with World Whisky, the ultimate guide to the best whiskies on earth. Now fully updated with stunning new photography, World Whisky is packed with over 650 iconic global whisky brands including Bushmills, Laphroaig, Talisker, and Yamazaki, from countries including Scotland, Japan, and the USA. Learn everything you need to know about whisky, with intriguing features including whisky production, grain types, whisky liqueurs, and Learn More
USUAL: RM104.50

NOW: RM 104.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.05 (-10%)

By Amy Bleuel
For fans of PostSecret, Humans of New York, and If You Feel Too Much, this collection from suicide-awareness organization Project Semicolon features stories and photos from those struggling with mental illness. Project Semicolon began in 2013 to spread a message of hope: No one struggling with a mental illness is alone; you, too, can survive and live a life filled with joy and love. In support of the project and its m Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Lindsey Kelk
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. A festive treat from the author of the bestselling I HEART series After the crazy six months she's had, if there was a `clear history' button for your life, Tess Brookes would be the first in line to press it. Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 17.00 (-73%)

MEMBER: RM 17.00 (-73%)

By Tash Aw
From the author of the internationally acclaimed, Whitbread Award-winning `The Harmony Silk Factory' comes an enthralling new novel that evokes an exotic yet turbulent and often frightening world. Sixteen-year-old Adam is an orphan three times over. He and his older brother, Johan, were abandoned by their mother as children; he watched as Johan was adopted and taken away by a wealthy couple; and he had to hide when Karl, the Dutch man who raised him, was Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 15.00 (-74%)

MEMBER: RM 15.00 (-74%)

By Timothy Ferriss
Do you want to lose fat, double testosterone, get the perfect posterior or give your partner a fifteen-minute female orgasm? Whatever your physical goal, The 4-Hour Body eclipses every other health manual by sharing the best kept secrets in the latest science and research to provide new strategies for redesigning the human body. And you don't need to exhaust yourself. International bestselling author, Timothy Ferriss, helps you reach your true genetic potential in 3-6 mon Learn More
USUAL: RM82.90

NOW: RM 82.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 74.61 (-10%)

Celebrate the world's most dazzling jewels and gemstones with this glamorous guide to jewellery, precious and semi-precious gems, and minerals. Packed with spectacular photography of gemstones and celebrated jewellery and other precious objects, fascinating real-life stories about the world's most famous, celebrated, or notorious gems, and interesting historical features about the history of gemmology, Jewel is a lavish look at precious stones, precious metals, and organi Learn More
USUAL: RM145.00

NOW: RM 145.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 130.50 (-10%)

By Amanda Boyarshinov , Kim Vij
Kids love to play, but they don't always love to learn. With 100 Fun & Easy Learning Games for Kids, turn playtime into an opportunity for your children to learn skills that will prepare them for school. In the activities, children learn fundamental skills in areas like reading, writing, math, science, the world, art and music-but they'll have so much fun, they won't even realise they're learning! For example, in the activity Zip-Line Letters, children learn letter sounds as Learn More
USUAL: RM102.90

NOW: RM 102.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 92.61 (-10%)

This step-by-step first aid guide tells you how to treat babies and children for more than 100 medical conditions and injuries. From minor cuts and burns to meningitis and asthma attacks, it's worth having someone who knows what they are doing to cope with life's little (and big) emergencies. The new edition of First Aid Fast for Babies and Children gives you the knowledge you need instantly if a baby or child falls ill or gets hurt. First aid procedur Learn More
USUAL: RM69.50

NOW: RM 69.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.55 (-10%)

Featuring a foreword by James Naughtie.Turn the pages of the most famous books of all time and marvel at the stories behind them. Over 75 of the world's most celebrated, rare, and seminal books are examined and explained in this stunning treasury.Books That Changed History is a unique encyclopedia spanning the history of the written word, from 3000 BCE to the modern day. Chronological chapters show the evolution of human knowledge and the c Learn More
USUAL: RM145.00

NOW: RM 145.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 130.50 (-10%)

A spectacular illustrated journey through 4,000 years of weaponry, Weapon: A Visual History of Arms and Armour is the most comprehensive visual reference charting the history of arms and armour worldwide. Follow the evolution of weaponry from stone maces to machine-guns, and discover the brutal history of the warriors who wielded them. Drawing extensively on the treasures of the Royal Armouries Museum, this fully updated guide uniquely details the date, weight, size, and Learn More
USUAL: RM145.00

NOW: RM 145.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 130.50 (-10%)

By DK , Dr. Emily Grossman
Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category.DKfindout! Science teaches kids everything they would want to know about the exciting world of science. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts - and keep them coming back for more!For any child that can't get enough science, DKfi Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

NOW: RM 39.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.96 (-10%)

By Sarah Cruddas
Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category.DKfindout! Solar System teaches kids everything they would want to know about the awe-inspiring solar system. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts - and keep them coming back for more!From the planets to meteorites all a budding a Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category.DKfindout! Animals teaches kids everything they would want to know about the animal kingdom. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts - and keep them coming back for more!For any kid that can't get enough of animals facts, D Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

NOW: RM 39.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.96 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
A best-selling illustrated dictionary for children aged 6 and over with full sentence definitions and child-friendly example sentences, along with beautiful colourful illustrations and photographs, colour headwords and an A-Z on every page. Especially written to support the needs of children aged 6 to 8, introducing key dictionary features such as parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective or adverb) and other forms of a word, for example plurals or past tens Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
For children aged 8 and over, this dictionary contains full sentence definitions, examples and parts of speech, as well as synonyms, spelling and grammar tips, word histories and colourful illustrations and photographs. The Word Wizard helps with grammar, writing and spelling, while the Earth and Space supplement explores our world and beyond. o Highlighted headwords, guidewords and an A-Z on every page make it easy to find the right word Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Roald Dahl
Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller!As a young man, Roald Dahl's adventures took him from London to East Africa, until the Second World War began and he became a RAF pilot.You'll read stories of whizzing through the air in a Tiger Moth Plane, encounters with deadly green mambas and hungry lions, and the terrible crash that led him to storytelling.Going Solo is exciting, enthralling and just like its pre Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

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The perfect book for anyone who wants to learn Mandarin Chinese fast. Comes with a free downloadable audio app for Apple and Android phones, enabling learners to hear words and phrases spoken by native Mandarin Chinese speakers.12 themed chapters are broken down into 15-minute daily lessons, spanning a range of practical themes, from socialising to doing business. Each lesson combines Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and grammar essentials with full-colour photographs fo Learn More
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From the vast Sahara desert to the smallest European cities, and with over 65 maps using the latest digital mapping, the Essential World Atlas 9th Edition brings you the Earth in more detail than ever before. The Essential World Atlas 9th Edition is the indispensable guide to our fascinating planet, mapping the political and physical world, the global economy, time zones, population, languages, climate, region, and global conflict with information, photographs, and diagra Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

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By Ekaterina Walter , Jessica Gioglio
Attention is the new commodity. Visual Storytelling is the new currency.Human brain processes visuals 60,000x faster than text.Web posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those without.Viewers spend 100% more time on web pages with videos.Filled with full-color images and thought-provoking examples from leading companies, The Power of Visual Storytelling explains how to grow your business and strengthen your brand Learn More
USUAL: RM157.00

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By Anthony Campbell
Back pain has many causes, and this book helps readers identify the several factors contributing to their discomfort. More important, it describes ways to alleviate back pain by following simple techniques that can be integrated with everyday living. In cases where more advanced treatment is needed, this book guides readers through the wide range of therapies offered by conventional and alternative medicine. The rapidly growing selection of Options for Health titles each pres Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

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By Fumio Sasaki
'Meet the new king of decluttering' - The Times 'Take your spring cleaning to the next level with Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki' - Parade 'There's happiness in having less. If you are anything like how I used to be - miserable, constantly comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life sucks - I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your things' Fumio Sasaki is a writer in his thirties who lives in a tiny studio in Tokyo with three shirts, four p Learn More
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By Yuval Noah Harari
Official U.S. edition with full color illustrations throughout. #1 New York Times Bestseller The Summer Reading Pick for President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, now available as a beautifully packaged paperback From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity's creation and evolution--a #1 international bestseller--that explores the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

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By Michael Jackson
The only book Michael Jackson ever wrote about his life It chronicles his humble beginnings in the Midwest, his early days with the Jackson 5, and his unprecedented solo success. Giving unrivalled insight into the King of Pop's life, it details his songwriting process for hits like Beat It, Rock With You, Billie Jean, and We Are the World; describes how he developed his signature dance style, including the Moon Walk; and opens the door to his very private personal relatio Learn More
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By Blackpink
USUAL: RM118.00

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Let Try it! Cake Decorating inspire you to pick and mix from hundreds of fun and easy cake decorating ideas and techniques. Try it! Cake Decorating is the tastiest guide to the art of cake decorating. Learn how to build, pipe, model, and airbrush all types of cakes, including beautiful cupcakes and melt-in-the-mouth cake pops. Easy and impressive projects, from children's birthday cakes to wedding cakes, will allow you to master simple, but highly effective techniques, and Learn More
USUAL: RM59.95

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By 5 Seconds of Summer
This book is pretty much our official story so far. It really does only seem like last week we played our first gig in at the Annandale hotel in Sydney. Since then we've been given the opportunity to turn into the people and musicians we wanted to be.The people who gave us the opportunity were the fans. So this book is like a thank you. We want everyone to know the story of how four western Sydney teenagers picked up their instruments and dreamt of being one of the Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

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5th edition of this digital photography bestseller from Tom Ang Renowned photographer and digital expert Tom Ang shows you how to master the essentials of digital photography with the brand new, jargon-free Digital Photography An Introduction. Discover all you need to know, from which camera to buy to how to manipulate your images using the latest digital software. Understand what to look for when buying digital cameras and accessories and follow the essentials of good Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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By Tom Ang
Completely unique in its broad appeal, scope, and stunning photography; Digital Photography Complete Photographer will appeal to anyone interested in photography, whether beginner or advanced. Behind-the-scenes features introduce the work of 20 top international photographers, showing in step-by-step detail how an idea progresses from concept stage to final image. Based around tutorials on 10 different genres, covering both technical and creative aspects of photography fro Learn More
USUAL: RM116.00

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By Mihaela Noroc
Photographs and stories of 500 women from around the world, based on the author's hugely popular website.Since 2013 Mihaela Noroc has travelled the world with her backpack and camera taking photos of everyday women to showcase the diversity and beauty all around us. The Atlas of Beauty is a collection of her photographs that celebrates women from fifty countries across the globe and shows that beauty is everywhere, regardless of money, race or social s Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

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MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

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