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By 米奇.艾爾邦
多爾是第一個發現時間的人,世界因他而改變。 他即將回到現代,是他起的頭,他得去收尾。 以《最後14堂星期二的課》、《在天堂遇見的五個人》、《再給我一天》激勵了全球千千萬萬讀者的國際暢銷作家米奇‧艾爾邦,推出最新力作《時光守護者》。本書是一則引人入勝的寓言,為作者迄今最富想像力的作品,述說人類史上第一個發明時鐘用以計量時 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 陳玫妃
搞定內分泌,就能打造青春體質!   女人要想不發胖、不變老,就要先顧好體內的內分泌。   氣血是女人健康的關鍵,當氣血不通順時,內分泌會跟著失調,貧血、生理痛、手腳冰冷、子宮肌瘤等大病小痛也容易上身。   陳醫師針對二十八種女性常見的病症,親授生活中簡單易行的按摩、食補、茶飲、敷面膜等漢方 本書特色   二十八種常見婦科疾 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By 克里斯多夫.鮑里尼
一連串的誓言、試煉、對決………艾瑞岡面臨前所未有的艱難考驗,他是否能夠突破重圍,全身而退? 張子樟/尋找另一把絕世名劍: 試閱《龍騎士三部曲:降魔火劍》 與帝國戰士在燃燒的古戰場之役,艾瑞岡和他的龍思飛在千鈞一髮之際成功逃命。但是思飛跟 Learn More
USUAL: RM90.85

NOW: RM 90.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 81.77 (-10%)

By 吉野精一 , Ecole大阪
繼「用科學方式瞭解麵包的為什麼?」作者吉野精一大師2014最新著作! 為所有喜愛麵包的朋友而寫, 無論是初學者或是精準熟練的專業人士。 所有關於材料/製作/應用/經驗談,全面性各種疑問的Q&A。 時時思考為什麼?並以科學角度瞭解原因,就是進步的關鍵! 繼「用科學方式瞭解麵包的為什麼?」作者吉野精一大師2014最新著作!吉野大師說 Learn More
USUAL: RM54.30

NOW: RM 54.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.87 (-10%)

By 青木孝文
只要用繃帶把腳纏起來,不論是什麼類型的拇趾外翻, 85%都能治得好! 大學醫院「足部外科」的專門醫生青木孝文,將仔細研究過的所有家庭療法, 以輕鬆好讀的方式推介給讀者。 本書還收錄了病患們親身纏腳治療的體驗, 他們不只消除了腳部疼痛,就連變形的骨頭也改善了! 繃帶治療法對減緩蹠骨疼痛也很效, 目前在醫學界已蔚為話題。 「腳很痛,連 Learn More
USUAL: RM37.20

NOW: RM 37.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.48 (-10%)

By 約翰‧葛里遜
【系列特色】 ★美國法庭推理小說暢銷天王約翰‧葛里遜的第一部青少年小說 全球知名法庭推理小說暢銷作家約翰‧葛里遜,首度將讀者群鎖定青少年讀者,並創造以西奧為主角的一系列法律故事。約翰‧葛里遜仍不負「全美最會說故事的人」之稱,他以好看的故事,幫助小讀者開拓法律新視界。雖然以嚴肅法律為議題,但閱讀間仍伴隨著刺激與 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By 尾田栄一郎
《尾田栄一郎畫集 ONE PIECE COLOR WALK 06》 那場讓海賊世界洗牌的戰爭 最強內容公開! ◎大師對談:尾田栄一郎與當代人偶師过村寿三郎氏 相知相惜的藝術對談!! ◎一張不漏:「夏波帝諸島」篇~「頂點戰爭」篇彩圖完全網羅!! ◎珍稀逸品:劇場版「STRONG WORLD」特大海報!! ◎首度公開:尾田老師繪製的歷代~航海王~遊戲設定畫!! Learn More
USUAL: RM61.00

NOW: RM 61.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.00 (-0%)

By 金株源
本書出自於攝影師金珠源之手,是目前韓國最受歡迎與肯定的攝影書。作者之所以撰寫此書,乃是基於對自己的反思及為學員們的解惑,諸如“照片為何?”、“我為何要拍照?”、“剛拍照時該拍攝什麼?”、“主題照片該如何拍攝?”等等,而這些疑惑與問題也是常見於攝影者之間。另外,作者希望藉由此書,能夠讓學習攝影的人對攝影感到興趣並樂在其中 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 60.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.00 (-10%)

By 真島 浩
 背離常識、自由奔放、橫衝直撞、無堅不摧,眾所皆知的帥氣魔導士公會——它的名字就叫做『妖精尾巴』!一如往常來到公會的露西,和納茲一起接受委託。原來是在亞斯藍德過著平靜生活的艾克希特一族需要幫助……   納茲、露西、哈比、格雷、艾爾莎……『魔導少年』中的熟悉角色們皆會亮相!這群總是一起行動的伙伴們,將會有更勝以往的活躍! Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 28.00 (-0%)

By 尾田荣一郎
《航海王(尾田荣一郎画集COLOR WALK4鹰)》除收录使用于Jump上的彩页、封面之外,更收录了阿拉巴斯坦篇后半与空岛篇的单行本封面,并收录选自尾田老师的设定笔记本,且从未公开过的一些插图与设定手记。卷末更收录尾田老师与尾田老师所崇拜的著名插画家——柳濑嵩老师的对谈,内容如此丰富,千万不可错过! Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

台湾跨界才子 – 刘轩 从心理学看“运气”分享暨签书会 (新山站)日期:1.12.2016 (Thurs)时间: 7.30pm – 9.30pm 地点: 新山 @ EXPO @ Danga City Mall *凡购买一张价值RM20(含消费税)入门票,将随票附送一张价值RM10优惠券 座谈会内容概述:为何有人似乎天 Learn More

NOW: RM 9.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 9.45 (-0%)

By 賴彥妃 , 活泉書坊編輯團隊
誰說掃除就一定非得灰頭土臉又狼狽? 省時、省力、省步驟的家事小撇步等你來挖掘, 一冊在手,完勝千千萬萬難搞的刁鑽家事! 別讓乾淨成為「期間限定」!大掃除不是過年的專利! 達人教你輕鬆打掃,做家事從此不喊累!   魔法清潔小撇步:   ◎利用掃帚及絲襪的靜電效果,可使天花板上的灰塵無所頓形。   ◎用吹風機吹熱貼紙黏著處, Learn More
USUAL: RM28.60

NOW: RM 10.00 (-65%)

MEMBER: RM 10.00 (-65%)

Kuantan Sultan Ahmad Shah International Convention Centre “Save Our Ocean” Children’s Colouring Competition Category A Date: 20 March 2017 (Mon) Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Venue: Kuantan POPULAR Mega Bookfair @ SASICC   PRIZES TO BE WON (for Each Category) 1st: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM500 + Certificate  2nd: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM300 + Certificate  Learn More

NOW: RM 4.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 4.70 (-0%)

Kuantan Sultan Ahmad Shad International Convention Centre “Save Our Ocean” Children’s Colouring Competition Category B Date: 21 March 2017 (Tue) Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Venue: Kuantan POPULAR Mega Bookfair @ SASICC   PRIZES TO BE WON (for Each Category) 1st: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM500 + Certificate  2nd: FABER- CASTELL Hamper worth RM300 + Certificate  Learn More

NOW: RM 4.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 4.70 (-0%)

By 松本大洋
  ◎ 首刷限量贈品:台灣限定「PING PONG」球1顆(漫畫Logo、主角Peco、Smile三款圖樣隨機出貨)。   ◎《惡童當街》、《Sunny》作者松本大洋天才之作!台灣首次出版!   ◎ 套書內容:彩色典藏盒裝+《乒乓》1-5全+彩稿卡片3張+作品全介紹海報。松本大洋乒乓彩圖一網打盡!物超所值!   ◎ 贈品乒乓球尺寸:約直徑4CM。   ◎ 每集皆收錄初版卷 Learn More
USUAL: RM169.00

NOW: RM 169.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 169.00 (-0%)

By 伊麗絲·桑德
★搶先歐美、全球首發!!伊麗絲.桑德 高敏感二部曲★   讓高敏感族擁抱自我的暢銷書《高敏感是種天賦》唯一新作。   給全世界15億高敏感族、35億內向人,   釐清人際界線、自我保護、愉悅做自己,以勇氣面對生活的「最強實踐指南」!      2017年高敏感族自我檢測量表引爆全台100,000 次瘋傳熱潮後   伊麗絲。桑德特別送給台灣讀者 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

Mari mempelajari dan menerokai tubuh manusia melalui pelbagai maklumat menarik yang boleh ditemui dalam buku ini. Lengkap dengan ilustrasi dan lukisan yang menakjubkan, pastinya kamu akan lebih seronok membaca sambil belajar! Terdapat juga pelbagai stiker untuk dilekatkan pada poster besar yang terdapat di dalam buku ini. Lengkap dengan maklumat padat, kamu akan mempelajari fungsi organ, cara ia mempertahankan badan daripada jangkitan dan pelbagai lagi. Mari sertai pengembar Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

Mari mempelajari dan menerokai alam semesta dengan pelbagai maklumat menarik yang boleh ditemui di dalam buku ini. Lengkap dengan ilustrasi dan lukisan yang menakjubkan, pastinya kamu akan lebih seronok membaca sambil belajar! Terdapat juga pelbagai stiker untuk dilekatkan pada poster besar yang terdapat di dalam buku ini. Bersedia untuk pengembaraan yang menakjubkan! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

By Foong Zin Yi
Dari peminat setia menjadi kekasih. Dari ketaasuban menjadi cinta. Bermula dengan hanya membantu ibu saudaranya menjaga rumah dan Pau, Aurora bertemu idola pujaannya selama ini, Zachary. "Ah, maaf!" Lelai berselindung di sebalik topi segera meminta maaf. "Argh!" "Kau okay tak?" "Tak apa... tak apa... Zachary okay je..." Aurora menjawab lega sambil memeluk poster artis kesayangannya. "Puffff... hahaha!" "Aku tanya kaulah, bukan poster tu!" Fanatik betu Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

By 松本大洋 , 永福一成
  ★ 繼《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《花男》,松本大洋作品第四彈!   ★ 成熟洗練的時代劇武俠漫畫,松本大洋再度超越自我,浮世繪畫風藝術大作。   ★ 華文世界讀者跪求十年,首度中文化!   ★ 中文版收錄作者為海外版特別繪製的「背景解說圖文」+評論家中条省平解說文。   ★ 台灣版由Mangasick副店長黃鴻硯翻譯、旅日動漫達人馬世儀 Learn More
USUAL: RM34.00

NOW: RM 34.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.00 (-0%)

By 松本大洋 , 永福一成
  ★ 繼《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《花男》,松本大洋作品第四彈!   ★ 成熟洗練的時代劇武俠漫畫,松本大洋再度超越自我,浮世繪畫風藝術大作。   ★ 華文世界讀者跪求十年,首度中文化!   ★ 中文版收錄作者為海外版特別繪製的「背景解說圖文」+評論家中条省平解說文。   ★ 台灣版由Mangasick副店長黃鴻硯翻譯、旅日動漫達人馬世儀 Learn More
USUAL: RM34.00

NOW: RM 34.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.00 (-0%)

By 松本大洋 , 永福一成
  ★ 首刷限量套書內容:《竹光侍1》+《竹光侍2》+台灣獨家彩印小海報(28X20 cm,海月宣紙)。   ★繼《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《花男》,松本大洋作品第四彈!   ★ 成熟洗練的時代劇武俠漫畫,松本大洋再度超越自我,浮世繪畫風藝術大作。   ★ 華文世界讀者跪求十年,首度中文化!   ★ 中文版收錄作者為海外版特別繪製的「背景解 Learn More
USUAL: RM68.00

NOW: RM 68.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 68.00 (-0%)

By 松本大洋 , 永福一成
  ★ 天才的進化沒有極限!松本大洋再次自我超越的不朽傑作。。   ★ 繼《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《花男》,松本大洋作品第四彈!   ★ 華文世界讀者跪求十年,首度中文化!   ★ 中文版收錄作者為海外版特別繪製的「背景解說圖文」。   ★ 台灣版由Mangasick副店長黃鴻硯翻譯、旅日動漫達人馬世儀日文審定、漫畫家力本嘔心瀝血書法手寫 Learn More
USUAL: RM34.00

NOW: RM 34.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.00 (-0%)

By 松本大洋 , 永福一成
  ★ 首刷限量套書內容:《竹光侍3》+《竹光侍4》+台灣獨家彩印小海報(28X20 cm,海月宣紙)。   ★ 繼《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《花男》,松本大洋作品第四彈!   ★ 成熟洗練的時代劇武俠漫畫,松本大洋再度超越自我,浮世繪畫風藝術大作。   ★ 華文世界讀者跪求十年,首度中文化!   ★ 中文版收錄作者為海外版特別繪製的「背景解 Learn More
USUAL: RM68.00

NOW: RM 68.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 68.00 (-0%)

By 松本大洋 , 永福一成
  ★ 天才的進化沒有極限!松本大洋再次自我超越的不朽傑作。   ★ 繼《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《花男》,松本大洋作品第四彈!   ★ 華文世界讀者跪求十年,首度中文化!   ★ 中文版收錄作者為海外版特別繪製的「背景解說圖文」。   ★ 台灣版由Mangasick副店長黃鴻硯翻譯、旅日動漫達人馬世儀日文審定、漫畫家力本嘔心瀝血書法手寫字 Learn More
USUAL: RM34.00

NOW: RM 34.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.00 (-0%)

By 彼得·霍林斯
「吸引力法則」有效,但你很可能用錯了方法! 耗費近六十年,全球頂尖大學,權威心理學家傾心研究與實驗! 歐普拉、賈伯斯親身實踐, 運氣絕非天注定,幸運能力你一定能學會!   我們永遠不知道下一秒世界會發生什麼事、周遭的人會製造怎樣的麻煩。不可「控制」的人事物,讓生活充滿無法預期的種種——   ◆急著趕路,開車沿途卻總是遇上 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Lift the flaps to help Peppa, George and Grandpa Pig find all the slugs, snails and other night creatures in Granny and Grandpa Pig's Garden! Based on the hit pre-school animation, Peppa Pig, shown daily on Five's Milkshake and Nick Jnr. Learn More
USUAL: RM42.95

NOW: RM 30.07 (-30%)

MEMBER: RM 30.07 (-30%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Full of arts and crafts, games and activities. There's lots and lots inside to keep every Hello Kitty fan entertained! This book is packed full of Hello Kitty's favourite things to do when she's bored. With art and craft ideas Learn More
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 8.00 (-53%)

MEMBER: RM 8.00 (-53%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Have lots of fun with this Hello Kitty wipe clean book. Play the games, have lots of fun, then wipe the pages clean and start all over again! This fun book is packed with games and activities for you to play either alone or wi Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Potter Beatrix
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Bringing the wit, humor and magic of Beatrix Potter's original world to a whole new generation of children, the "Peter Rabbit "TV tie-in program follows brave, mischievous Peter and his two friends--loyal and comical Benjamin and the brand new cha Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 16.00 (-46%)

MEMBER: RM 16.00 (-46%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Keep Peppa Pig fans busy with the Holiday Sticker Activity Book, the perfect activity book to keep your little piglets happy. Jet away on holiday with Peppa and George and find out what funny adventures the Pig family gets up to abroad! This st Learn More
USUAL: RM24.95

NOW: RM 17.47 (-30%)

MEMBER: RM 17.47 (-30%)

USUAL: RM48.95

NOW: RM 19.90 (-59%)

MEMBER: RM 19.90 (-59%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM32.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-40%)

MEMBER: RM 19.90 (-40%)

By Robert Af Thurman
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM47.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-58%)

MEMBER: RM 19.90 (-58%)

By Jon Acuff
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM69.95

NOW: RM 69.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.96 (-10%)

By Lauris Liberts
Get Shit Done. Less Meetings, More Doing. Passion Never Fails. These mantras have bred the likes of Twitter and Instagram. Now the essence of the startup world has been captured in book form. There's rocket-fuelled insight from the pioneers of the Lean revolution, alongside timeless wisdom from Zuckerberg, Bezos and Jobs. Whenever you're in search of inspiration and motivation, pick up this book. And then Get Shit Done. 'It's the new buzz acronym taking over the Learn More
USUAL: RM43.95

NOW: RM 43.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.56 (-10%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-60%)

MEMBER: RM 19.90 (-60%)

By Oxford Dictionaries
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. This is the reissued Oxford Chinese Mini Dictionary - now in an attractive new format. This small dictionary offers the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary with over 15,000 words and phrases and 20,000 transl Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Brrmm! Brrmm! Grandpa Pig has made George his very own racing car. But will Peppa be able to stop George before he crashes into her sandcastle? A sturdy board book featuring Peppa and George that little Peppa fans will love reading. With Learn More
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Celebrate teachers with this adorable book brought to you by Peppa Pig! This delightful story shows the many reasons why Peppa loves Madame Gazelle. The perfect end of term present for fantastic teachers everywhere! Learn More
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By Jeff Kinney
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By Jeff Kinney
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By Jeff Kinney
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Greg is an average American schoolboy, but he has a habit of getting into embarrassing but hilarious situations. These books follow his diary as he makes observations on his days and doodles away. Diary of A Wimpy Kid Collection 10 Learn More
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By Lincoln Peirce
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Exercise is fun, especially when it's at Grampy Rabbit's jungle gym class! Peppa and her friends use their imaginations to explore a crocodile-infested swamp and escape from dinosaurs with Grampy Rabbit. Learn More
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Peppa and George introduce first words in this simple and fun Peppa Pig early learning book! Explore themes familiar to your toddler, such as At Home, At the Park and At a Party by pointing to each picture and saying the words. Each page has an Learn More
USUAL: RM49.95

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Hello Kitty loves to dress up and you can help her to design her perfect outfit. Draw, colour, doodle and use the amazing stickers to complete the clothes, accessories and costumes in this book and you will be chief fashion designer to Hello Ki Learn More
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Develop and practise first handwriting skills with Peppa Pig and friends in this colourful wipe-clean activity book. Children can trace over key handwriting patterns then move on to forming first numerals and letters, including both lowercase a Learn More
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By Collins Dictionaries
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By Scholastic
In this scratch & sketch book, use the wooden stylus to scratch pages inside and reveal the colorful swirls and glittery patterns underneath! Including fun activity prompts, silly stories about the Shopkins(TM), and over 20 bonus notebook pages at the end, this book provides hours of fun! Learn More
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Princess Peppa and Prince George introduce favourite fairytales with these fun sticker scenes! Use the big stickers to complete the activities and tell your own stories with Peppa and her friends. Learn More
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By Harpercollins Publishers
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By Hazel Gaynor
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By Jack Higgins
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By Meg Cabot
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By Jack Higgins
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By Iain Gale
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By Agatha Christie
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By Harper Lee
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By Derek Breen
Scratch is a fast, fun, and easy way to get started in computer science Do you want to make cool games, impressive animations, and become an all-around Scratch super star? You've come to the right place! Packed with full-color photos and easy-to-follow instructions, Scratch For Kids For Dummies makes it easy to get started even if you've never attempted computer programming or coding. Inside, you'll find out how to design and develop your own games, creat Learn More
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