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' digital marketing 'Found 584 Related Products
By 榮泰生
亞馬遜網路書店的執行長貝左斯(Jeff Bezos)說:「這是一個令人嘆為觀止的電子商務時代」。網路行銷(Internet marketing)是一個必然的趨勢。各類型及規模的組織皆必須了解網路行銷所帶來的衝擊和龐大利益。在網路行銷的環境之下,店址已無關緊要,而且顧客已習慣於享受全天候的服務,傳統公司必須體認到這個現象,才能在現今的商業世界中獲得生機,進 Learn More
USUAL: RM51.50

NOW: RM 51.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.35 (-10%)

By 羅伯特‧席爾迪尼 
為什麼詐騙集團會假借法官、檢察官、警察進行詐騙?   為什麼我們那麼容易受到影響而落入圈套?   滯銷的商品,為何突然造成爭相搶購?   婚紗公司施了什麼魔法,新人為什麼總是乖乖就範?   消費者在百貨公司週年慶為什麼會陷入瘋狂?   如何才能排除誘惑,做出明智的決策?   想說服別人,要用什麼技巧和方法?   怎麼樣才能 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 日經數位行銷
數位行銷時代, 本書是你掌握最新行銷趨勢、運用最有效行銷術的最佳指南!   從基礎到應用,徹底解說有助於每天工作的行銷知識!   了解日新月異的最新行銷策略和手法!   ◆熱銷產品和頂尖企業案例分析,從宣傳活動到行銷策略,解說《龍族拼圖》、《怪物彈珠》等遊戲APP熱賣祕密,以及Netflix、Amazon、TSUTAYA TV定額制隨選視訊服務(SVOD)、使用 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By Thorik Gunara
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 16.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.21 (-10%)

By Jamal Sifufbads
Khas untuk anda yang mahu mulakan marketing dengan menggunakan FACEBOOK. Buku BAGAIMANA BUAT BISNES DARI PLANET NEPTUN membongkar teknik-teknik yang sepatutnya anda perlu tahu! Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Jamal Sifufbads
Tips berkaitan dengan FB ads Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

Dunia digital sudah menjadi sebahagian daripada kehidupan kita hari ini. Penggunaan media sosial, contohnya sudah menjadi ‘alat' komunikasi utama bagi berkongsi informasi kehidupan kita kepada rakan-rakan dan saudara mara. Selain sebagai ‘alat komunikasi', dunia digital juga secara beransur-ansur telah membuka peluang kepada mereka yang berminat untuk menjana pendapatan dengan menjalankan perniagaan pada modal yang agak rendah berbanding perniagaan melalui kaedah tradi Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By Pelbagai Penulis
"Vaksin penyebab autism? Ujian air gula penyebab diabetis ibu mengandung? Mandi ketika berpeluh penyebab panau? Resdung berpunca daripada ulat? Mandi malam paru-paru berair? Bolehkah menyusu bayi selama dua tahun tanpa makanan lain?" Sebelum era digital lagi telah banyak kepercayaan meleset dan mitos yang berlegar dalam khalayak. Namun setelah meledaknya teknologi maklumat dan lahirnya ‘Encik Gugel' kecelaruan maklumat menjadi lebih rencam dan meluas. Segala maklumat berk Learn More
USUAL: RM34.00

NOW: RM 34.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.60 (-10%)

By 陈顺宽
每个男孩的心理都存在着一个小天使,我们都有着这么一段难忘的过去。可悲的是,最后大家都没能牵在一起。而故事里的顺宽,在中六时期遇见了一个小于她的女孩…… Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

By 邱閔渝
  這是一本教你如何把知識變現金的工具書!   1台筆電+1條網路線30天內打造年收百萬的線上事業   如果你正在尋找一種事業,它可以符合你的生活模式,   讓你有更多時間陪伴家人小孩,在你想工作的時間工作、想工作的地點工作。   不需要跟任何人打交道,沒有員工管理,產品就是你自己,   一切都透過一台筆電跟一條網路線就可以完成 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

This wide-ranging and authoritative dictionary contains over 7,100 entries covering all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, and taxation. In its sixth edition, it features the very latest developments, such as those relating to information technology (including mobile technology), and the financial crisis and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis. Entries have been updated to refer to recent events and news Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Daniel Chandler , Rod Munday
The Dictionary of Media and Communication is an authoritative and wide-ranging A-Z providing over 2,200 entries on terms used in media and communication, from concepts and theories to technical terms, across subject areas that include advertising, digital culture, journalism, new media, radio studies, and telecommunications. It also covers relevant terminology from related disciplines such as literary theory, semiotics, cultural studies, and philosophy. The entries are exten Learn More
USUAL: RM55.90

NOW: RM 55.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 50.31 (-10%)

By Jonathan Law
This wide-ranging and authoritative dictionary contains 7,000 entries covering all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, and taxation. Written by a team of experts, it features the very latest terminology, for example, the recent vocabulary associated with structured finance and the associated subprime lending crisis, including collaterized debt obligation and special purpose vehicle. The new edition of this Learn More
USUAL: RM43.90

NOW: RM 43.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.51 (-10%)

By Collins Dictionaries
The ideal word finder with a wide range of up-to-date entries, a generous choice of synonyms, and thousands of antonyms, giving unrivalled everyday language coverage for a thesaurus of its size. The hard-wearing cover makes it an ideal reference book for carrying to school or work. The perfect book for anyone stuck for words, writing essays or reports, marketing copy and work emails. This new edition provides up-to-date language coverage along with practi Learn More
USUAL: RM48.50

NOW: RM 48.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.65 (-10%)

By Josh Kaufman
This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever.An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it.Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business educati Learn More
USUAL: RM54.95

NOW: RM 54.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.46 (-10%)

By Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott
'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times in technological, economic and social history where the sky is the limit' Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer and Chief Scientist at Prima Data 'The Tapscotts have written the book, literally, on how to survive and th Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By Alice Oseman
In case you're wondering, this is not a love story. "The Catcher in the Rye for the digital age" The Times My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year - before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people - I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that's all o Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 57.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.16 (-10%)

By Patterson James
Rafe Khatchadorian is getting the Hollywood treatment in a film version of Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life starring Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle and Thomas Barbusca. Rafe Khatchadorian has enough problems at home without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix. Luckily, he's got an ace plan for the best year ever, if he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his sch Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 35.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.31 (-10%)

By Dave Kerpen , Carrie Kerpen , Mallorie Rosenbluth , Meg Riedinger
The NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAYbestseller-updated with today's hottest sites!A friend's recommendation is more powerful than any advertisement. In the world of Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, and beyond, that recommendation can travel farther and faster than ever before.Packed with brand-new case studies from today's emerging social sites, this updated edition of LikeableSocial Media helps you harness the power of word-of-mouth ma Learn More
USUAL: RM104.00

NOW: RM 104.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 93.60 (-10%)

By Don Tapscott
"Twenty years of hindsight prove how deeply Tapscott understood the impact the Internet would have on the way we live, work, play and learn. This important book, now updated, is just as relevant today as it was then."John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, CiscoWith a new foreword by Eric Schmidt, Chief Executive of GoogleTwo decades ago, The Digital Economy changed the way the world thought about the Web and Internet. While everyone else was in awe of Learn More
USUAL: RM163.00

NOW: RM 163.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 146.70 (-10%)

By Nathaniel Popper
Shortlisted for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award A New York Times technology and business reporter charts the dramatic rise of Bitcoin and the fascinating personalities who are striving to create a new global money for the Internet age. Digital Gold is New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper's brilliant and engrossing history of Bitcoin, the landmark digital money and financial technology that has spawned a global social movement. The Learn More
USUAL: RM60.50

NOW: RM 60.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.45 (-10%)

By Tarun Kumar Rawat
Digital Signal Processing is a comprehensive textbook designed for undergraduate and post-graduate students of enginee01ring for a course on digital signal processing. Following the book's step-by-step approach, students can quickly master the fundamental concepts and applications of DSP. Each topic is explained lucidly through illustrations and solved examples. Divided into 17 Chapters, this text presents the introductory topics such as discrete-time signals and systems, Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 75.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 68.31 (-10%)

By Haruki Murakami
Eyes mark the shape of the city The midnight hour approaches in an almost-empty diner. Mari sips her coffee and reads a book, but soon her solitude is disturbed: a girl has been beaten up at the Alphaville hotel, and needs Mari's help. Meanwhile Mari's beautiful sister Eri lies in a deep, heavy sleep that is 'too perfect, too pure' to be normal; it has lasted for two months. But tonight as the digital clock displays 00:00, a hint of life flickers across the television s Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott
THE DEFINITIVE BOOK ON HOW THE TECHNOLOGY BEHIND BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY IS CHANGING THE WORLD -- MAJORLY EXPANDED WITH NEW MATERIAL ON CRYPTOASSETS, ICOs, SMART CONTRACTS, DIGITAL IDENTITY AND MORE. 'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times in technological, econom Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

Human biology is revealed with new precision and clarity in this handy, compact guide. Incredibly detailed 3-D digital images made with new medical imaging techniques show how the body works, system by system, including digestion, defence, bones and joints, muscles, and even cells and DNA.Put yourself under the microscope and discover how every aspect of your body functions - including how your heart beats, how you breathe, and how your body defends itself. See body Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Nir Eyal
In Hooked, Nir Eyal reveals how successful companies create products people can't put down - and how you can too 'A must-read for everyone who cares about driving customer engagement' Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup 'The most high bandwidth, high octane, and valuable presentation I have ever seen on this subject' Rory Sutherland, vice chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Winner of best Marketing book in 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards 2014 'The book everyone in Silic Learn More
USUAL: RM75.50

NOW: RM 75.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.95 (-10%)

By Satya Nadella
The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone Microsoft's CEO tells the inside story of the company's continuing transformation, while tracing his own journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant changes of the digital era. LONGLISTED FOR THE FT & MCKINSEY BUSINESS BO Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Satya Nadella
The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone Microsoft's CEO tells the inside story of the company's continuing transformation, while tracing his own journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant changes of the digital era. LONGLISTED FOR THE FT & MCKINSEY BUSINESS BO Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By John Chambers
Legendary Silicon Valley visionary and one of the world's greatest business leaders, John Chambers shares the playbook and philosophy that transformed Cisco into a global tech titan and now inspire a new generation of leaders. With numerous start-ups moving from zero to a billion to bankruptcy in a matter of years, it's clear that sustaining a business in the digital age is no walk in the park. Over 20 years, John Chambers transformed a company with 400 e Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

By Douglas Rushkoff
Why doesn't the explosive growth of companies such as Facebook and Uber deliver more prosperity for everyone? How could things be different? In San Francisco in 2013 activists protesting against the gentrification of their city smashed the windows of a bus carrying Google employees to work. But these protests weren't just a question of the activists versus the Googlers, or even the 99 per cent versus the 1 per cent. Rather they were symptomatic of the true conflict of our Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By Tim Seldin
The Montessori way to bring up confident, caring children.A practical parenting programme for the years from birth to six, this is the book to help you build a calm and happy home life with your child. Written by Tim Seldin, President of the Montessori Foundation, and based on proven methods used in Montessori schools, this is the most fully up-to-date guide on Montessori parenting, including brand-new guidance on topics such as children's use of digital medi Learn More
USUAL: RM75.50

NOW: RM 75.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.95 (-10%)

Discover the key themes and big ideas behind more than 80 of the world's most important historical events - from the dawn of civilization to the 21st century.From the origins of Homo sapiens to the Space Race, and from the French Revolution to the Digital Revolution, this instalment in the bestselling Big Ideas series offers an essential exploration of the human timeline up to and including the rise of modern Islam, the world wide web, and the global f Learn More
USUAL: RM110.50

NOW: RM 110.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 99.45 (-10%)

By Sylee Gore
English for Marketing and Advertising is part of the Express Series. It is an ideal course for students in employment, who want to communicate better in English. This short, intensive course can be completed in 25-30 hours, so students make progress quickly. English for Marketing and Advertising can be used as a stand-alone course, for self-study using the interactive MultiROM, or Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

Headway Fourth Edition Upper-Intermediate Workbook practises, revises and reinforces all the language presented in the Student's Book. It comes with the iChecker disc to help students identify areas where they need more study. Upper-Intermediate students are able to extend their knowledge of language to give them a rewarding and challenging experience. Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

Walk into an Incredible English classroom and there is a buzz ... children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a craft project confidently in English. The trusted methodology is based on things that children love, including: A wide variety of fun activities that challenge children of all learning styles to think.Learning other subjects and skills through English (CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning). Now, Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

Carry the world in your pocket - now in its 6th edition It might be small, but Atlas covers every region of the world, from the Atacama Desert to the Zagros Mountains. Now fully revised and updated, digital landscape modelling combined with important roads, railways, rivers and settlements give a complete global overview. Swot up for the pub quiz, with over 400 essential facts, figures and insights, from geography and climate to population and economy, for an intriguing Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

From the vast Sahara desert to the smallest European cities, and with over 65 maps using the latest digital mapping, the Essential World Atlas 9th Edition brings you the Earth in more detail than ever before. The Essential World Atlas 9th Edition is the indispensable guide to our fascinating planet, mapping the political and physical world, the global economy, time zones, population, languages, climate, region, and global conflict with information, photographs, and diagra Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Ian Dodson
The premier guide to digital marketing that works, and a solid framework for success The Art of Digital Marketing is the comprehensive guide to cracking the digital marketing 'code,' and reaching, engaging, and serving the empowered consumer. Based on the industry's leading certification from the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), this book presents an innovative methodology for successful digital marketing: start with the customer and work backwards. A campaign is only effec Learn More
USUAL: RM191.75

NOW: RM 191.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 172.58 (-10%)

By Ryan Holiday
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By Seth Godin
You're either a Purple Cow or you're not. You're either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice. What do Apple, Starbucks, Dyson and Pret a Manger have in common? How do they achieve spectacular growth, leaving behind former tried-and-true brands to gasp their last? The old checklist of P's used by marketers - Pricing, Promotion, Publicity - aren't working anymore. The golden age of advertising is over. It's time to add a new P - the Purple Cow. Purple Cow describes s Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Pam Didner
Engage Customers Around the World with Cross-Regional Content MarketingTechnology has virtually erased national borders, forever transforming the way we reach and engage customers, as well as the way we search for and consumecontent. Global Content Marketing takes you step-by-step through the process of creating and refining your strategies to meet this new reality.LEARN HOW TO:Create content that engages people--regardless of their country Learn More
USUAL: RM94.00

NOW: RM 94.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 84.60 (-10%)

By Philip Kotler
Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world's leading marketing authorities, this book helps you navigate the increasingly connected world and changing consumer landscape to reach more customers, more effectively. Today's customers have less time and attention to devote to your brand—and they are surrounded by alternatives every step of the way. You need to stand up, get their attention, a Learn More
USUAL: RM105.35

NOW: RM 105.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.82 (-10%)

By Ekaterina Walter , Jessica Gioglio
Attention is the new commodity. Visual Storytelling is the new currency.Human brain processes visuals 60,000x faster than text.Web posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those without.Viewers spend 100% more time on web pages with videos.Filled with full-color images and thought-provoking examples from leading companies, The Power of Visual Storytelling explains how to grow your business and strengthen your brand Learn More
USUAL: RM157.00

NOW: RM 157.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 141.30 (-10%)

By Piyush Kumar Sinha , Dwarika Prasad Uniyal
Beginning with a historical overview of retailing and a discussion on the theories of retail evolution, the book discusses the opportunities and challenges faced by retailers in India and other developing countries in Asia, as well as the current scenario of the retail industry in other continents. It goes on to discuss shoppers and the phenomenon of shopping, retail store formats, store location, category management, and supply chain management. Finally, it discusses retail Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ryder Carroll
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Transform your life using the Bullet Journal Method, the revolutionary organisational system and worldwide phenomenon. The Bullet Journal Method will undoubtedly transform your life, in more ways than you can imagine' Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.41 (-10%)

By Robin Sharma
In this eagerly awaited sequel to the international bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, world renowned leadership guru Robin Sharma will teach you how to restore trust, commitment and belief within your organisation, while simultaneously changing the way you live your life in the process. A practical guide to visionary leadership and an inspiring fable, Leadership Wisdom is the true sequal to the international bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrar Learn More
USUAL: RM40.95

NOW: RM 40.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.86 (-10%)

By J Craig Venter
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM67.90

NOW: RM 67.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.11 (-10%)

5th edition of this digital photography bestseller from Tom Ang Renowned photographer and digital expert Tom Ang shows you how to master the essentials of digital photography with the brand new, jargon-free Digital Photography An Introduction. Discover all you need to know, from which camera to buy to how to manipulate your images using the latest digital software. Understand what to look for when buying digital cameras and accessories and follow the essentials of good Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 57.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.16 (-10%)

By Tom Ang
Completely unique in its broad appeal, scope, and stunning photography; Digital Photography Complete Photographer will appeal to anyone interested in photography, whether beginner or advanced. Behind-the-scenes features introduce the work of 20 top international photographers, showing in step-by-step detail how an idea progresses from concept stage to final image. Based around tutorials on 10 different genres, covering both technical and creative aspects of photography fro Learn More
USUAL: RM116.00

NOW: RM 116.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 104.40 (-10%)

By Alex Wright
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. In 1934, a Belgian entrepreneur named Paul Otlet sketched out plans for a worldwide network of computers-or "electric telescopes," as he called them - that would allow people anywhere in the world to search and browse through millions of books, ne Learn More
USUAL: RM101.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-71%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-71%)

By Misha Angrist
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. In 2007, Misha Angrist became the fourth subject in the Personal Genome Project, George Church's ambitious plan to sequence the entire genomic catalog: every participant's twenty thousand-plus genes and the rest of his or her six billion base p Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. Constant updates mean the material is always current, and with a huge range of components available - including new digital resources for interactive whiteboards - you've always got support where you need it. Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Sophie Goldie
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: A-level Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide full support for Paper 1 of the syllabus for examination from 2020. Take mathematical understanding to the next level with this accessible series, written by experienced authors, examiners and teachers. - Improve confidence as a mathematician with clear explan Learn More
USUAL: RM155.00

NOW: RM 155.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 139.50 (-10%)

This book contains complete answers for all three of CGP's Higher Level KS3 Science Workbooks - Biology (9781841466392), Chemistry (9781841465395) and Physics (9781841464398). It also includes a digital Online Edition of the whole book to read on a PC, Mac or tablet - just use the unique code printed at the front of the book to access it. Learn More
USUAL: RM13.90

NOW: RM 13.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.51 (-10%)

By Sophie Goldie
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: A-level Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide full support for Paper 2 and 3 of the syllabus for examination from 2020. Take mathematical understanding to the next level with this accessible series, written by experienced authors, examiners and teachers. • Improve confidence as a mathematician w Learn More
USUAL: RM145.00

NOW: RM 145.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 130.50 (-10%)

By Sophie Goldie
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: A-level Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide full support for Paper 5 of the syllabus for examination from 2020. Take mathematical understanding to the next level with this accessible series, written by experienced authors, examiners and teachers. • Improve confidence as a mathematician with cl Learn More
USUAL: RM135.00

NOW: RM 135.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 121.50 (-10%)

By Sophie Goldie
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: A-level Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide full support for Paper 6 of the syllabus for examination from 2020. Take mathematical understanding to the next level with this accessible series, written by experienced authors, examiners and teachers. • Improve confidence as a mathematician with cl Learn More
USUAL: RM135.00

NOW: RM 135.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 121.50 (-10%)

By Sophie Goldie , Rose Jewell
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: A-level Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide full support for Paper 1 of the syllabus for examination from 2020. Take mathematical understanding to the next level with this accessible series, written by experienced authors, examiners and teachers. • Improve confidence as a mathematician with cl Learn More
USUAL: RM155.00

NOW: RM 155.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 139.50 (-10%)

By Rose Jewell , Jean-Paul Muscat
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: A-level Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide full support for Paper 2 of the syllabus for examination from 2020. Take mathematical understanding to the next level with this accessible series, written by experienced authors, examiners and teachers. • Improve confidence as a mathematician with cl Learn More
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By Robin Sharma
Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity. Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accom Learn More
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