100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' Gto 'Dijumpai 265 Produk Berkaitan
张玮伽的唱腔自然不造作,没有夸饰的技巧,却拥有柔软又直戳人心的力量,听过后让人念念不忘。 《一生所爱》一张既流行又发烧的人声唱片,收录了12首动人心扉的歌曲,张玮伽别具一格的演唱风格,把每一首歌都演唱出了自己的味道,对于爱情、梦想、人生,她有态度,有方向,歌声直击人心。别出心裁的编曲,加上玮伽磁性细腻的嗓音,这一张流行发 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.90

SEKARANG: RM 47.61 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 44.97 (-15%)

《最受欢迎实力女歌手》张静弘推出全新专辑《笑忘书》,张静弘荣获2018年度发烧天碟榜《最受欢迎实力女歌手》,张静弘是原广州军区战士文工团独唱演员,也是广东省音乐家协会会员,曾经在金钟奖、青年歌手大奖赛获奖。多种风格的歌曲她都能轻松驾驭,表现出自然、纯朴、功底扎实的演唱风格。获该奖项可谓实至名归。 新专辑以全新风格重新编配 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.90

SEKARANG: RM 47.61 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 44.97 (-15%)

王闻演绎 陈慧娴的歌曲《月亮》试听,歌曲由zhu名音乐人张颂球先生编曲,歌曲编配演奏可谓是别出心裁。雨林公司更是不惜工本,请来著名演奏家演绎本专辑。乐曲由广东著名流行钢琴演奏家朱昕嵘、广州交响乐团首席大提琴演奏家潘畅、广东著名音乐人吉他演奏家陈焕明演奏。其他歌曲有广州交响乐团首席小大提琴演奏家张毅等名家演出,可谓精英尽出。 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.90

SEKARANG: RM 47.61 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 44.97 (-15%)

妙音唱片公司于2004年为童丽量身录制第 1 张专辑《对话2-古筝与童丽的故事》,她的歌声甜美动人,歌曲意境优雅如诗,演唱予以人韵味盎然的情意,旋即一炮而红,大获发烧友喜爱,从此童丽顺利踏入发烧乐坛。之后,又推出《烟花三月》、《君再来》、首张粤语专辑《零时十分》、《相思泪》等几十张专辑,均大获好评。每年都荣获十大烧唱片、年度 * 佳独 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.91 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 50.92 (-15%)

童丽以其自身独特出众的气质、甜美动人的歌喉和扎实的唱功,在发烧歌坛唱出了属于自己的一片天空。2004年出道至今已陆续发行几十张唱片,均大获好评,被冠以“发烧小天后”的称号!对于一位翻唱歌手来说,已然算是高产了,即使她的唱片一直热销,但是私底下的她,却依然是和多年前一样,那么单纯和平凡。正是这样的平凡低调,显示出“平凡中的不 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.91 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 50.92 (-15%)

诗韵悠悠 韵律婉转 纯美如兰 沁人心扉 古香古色 流丽脱俗 缠绵柔情 百听不厌 古诗词是中华瑰宝,蕴含着深厚的美学修养和高尚情操,该张*新专辑与童丽已发行过的专辑不同之外是专辑中的12首歌曲均选自古诗词名作,是经过了上千年历史检验的文学精品,词境委婉曲折,深沉精细而又温柔敦厚。配上现代流行音乐后,由优雅女声-童丽配以幽幽情怀 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.90

SEKARANG: RM 47.61 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 44.97 (-15%)

童丽全新粤语大碟 震撼上市 强大的制作阵容,原班人马鼎力合作,音效具备天碟质素 高水准的录音,丰富的配器,无论微动态与音色逼真度俱佳,音质非凡,重磅打造,不容错过! 甜美动人的歌声,唱功,带给你如同以往的歌感,但更胜以往的唱功,让乐迷在熟悉中再次惊艳! 如果你说童丽似炫丽耀眼的一朵向日葵,此刻她却绽放如一朵浪漫的火花,12首绝 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.91 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 50.92 (-15%)

郭宴 - 不想辜负了 2019首张原创压轴大碟 把最真的留给你 从最次酝酿到制作完成足足几乎历经一年多。终于可以面世了,真有种如释重负的感觉。如今出唱片己经不是件容易的事,而这张唱片还是一张地地道道全部原创的民谣专辑!除了对原创音乐的那份坚持和热爱,再也找不出第二个理由来。感谢整个创作制作团队,大家出谋划策尽心尽力 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.91 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 50.92 (-15%)

Oleh Marlon James
The New York Times Bestseller Named a Best Book of 2019 by The Wall Street Journal, TIME, NPR, GQ, Vogue, and The Washington Post "A fantasy world as well-realized as anything Tolkien made." --Neil Gaiman "Gripping, action-packed....The literary equivalent of a Marvel Comics universe." --Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times The epic novel, an African Game of Thrones, from the Man Booker Prize-winning author of A Brief History of Seven Killings In the stunning first novel in Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.95

SEKARANG: RM 59.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.95 (-0%)

Oleh Nir Eyal
A must-read' Mark Manson We are living through a crisis of distraction. Plans get sidetracked, friends are ignored, work never seems to get done. Why does it feel like we're distracting our lives away? In Indistractable, behavioural designer Nir Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving you to distraction. Empowering and optimistic, this is the book that will help you design your time, realise your ambitions, and live the life you really want. 'If you value your time, yo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM66.90

SEKARANG: RM 66.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 66.90 (-0%)

Oleh Ash Ambirge
Do you have an existential crisis every time your alarm goes off? Did you used to be fun/effervescent/happy/less of a bitter old b*tch - and now, let's just say, YOU ARE NOT? Do you want to feel creative, inspired and, well, just ALIVE again? Let Ash Ambirge - one of Huffington Post's 50 Must-Follow Women, and founder of the multi-million-dollar, multi-award-winning website and blog The Middle Finger Project - offer you a spunky new alternative to traditional concepts of 'wo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM79.90

SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 79.90 (-0%)

Oleh Teme Abdullah
Kisah seorang artis terkenal. Hidup pada zaman manusia terpaksa mengumpul 'kredit' yang cukup sebagai bukti bahawa mereka berhak untuk kekal hidup di muka bumi. Mereka yang gagal mencapai tahap kredit minima, akan ditarik nyawa. Artis terkenal itu ada segalanya - wajah, suara, personaliti dan pencapaian yang belum pernah dikecapi mana-mana rakyat Nusaraya sebelum ini. Popularitinya melebar ke serantau Asia. Sehinggalah ada pihak yang membangkitkan gosip bahawa ada 'arti Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM30.00

SEKARANG: RM 30.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 30.00 (-0%)

Oleh 威廉·戈茲曼
  吳一揆(中信金控總經理):今天全球是一個複雜經濟體的組合,這個全球文明必須面對金融創新給這個世界帶來的基本問題:如何平衡當下與未來的需求?如何避另一次金融災難的發生?以及如何讓金融創新的利益讓社會每一個人受益?這些問題或許透過威廉‧戈茲曼這本書,可以在金融創新的歷史發展軌跡上找到許多有用的指引。   金融是一部時光 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.30

SEKARANG: RM 89.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.30 (-0%)

Oleh 藤沢亨
雅帶來班上的問題學生,名叫和久井繭。雖然對他那副瞧不起大人的態度感到火大,但畢竟他是理事長的孫子,鬼塚只好按捺住怒火…可是,繭召集一群因被退學而對教師懷恨在心的學生舉辦了「教師處刑大會」,鬼塚被捲入這場風波,耐性也在同時到達極限!你們就這麼想和號稱「人間凶器」的本大爺大打出手嗎? Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM44.00

SEKARANG: RM 44.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.00 (-0%)

Oleh 藤沢 亨
9-麗美因出生秘密被雅公諸於世而採取報復攻擊,表明要在網路上公開雅的偷拍照後,消失蹤影。麗美和雅這兩位少女瀕臨崩潰邊緣,3年4班的學生也跟著不得安寧。學苑不欲人知的秘密逐漸浮出表面…為了挽救失蹤的麗美,鬼塚四處奔走。於此同時,憎惡鬼塚的敕使川原正向冬月伸出魔掌── 10-漫長的第一學期終於結束,進入第二學期!解決敕使川原引發 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM87.00

SEKARANG: RM 87.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 87.00 (-0%)

Oleh Kishore Mahbubani
The defining geopolitical contest of the twenty-first century is between China and the US. But is it avoidable? And if it happens, is the outcome already inevitable? China and America are world powers without serious rivals. They eye each other warily across the Pacific; they communicate poorly; there seems little natural empathy. A massive geopolitical contest has begun. America prizes freedom; China values freedom from chaos.America values strategic decisiveness; China val Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.90

SEKARANG: RM 89.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.90 (-0%)

Oleh 藤沢 亨
班上的男生都迷上了轉學生‧常盤愛,但她的真正身分其實是大門校長的手下──在暗中活動的浴血天使!對男性抱著強烈憎惡的她引發暴力事件,且程度愈發血腥殘忍,最後等著她的則是鬼塚的痛苦懲罰!面對內心有創傷的常盤,鬼塚豁出一切的教導能夠觸動她嗎?而在校內,開始流傳關於雅的新謠言… Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM44.00

SEKARANG: RM 44.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.00 (-0%)

Oleh 藤沢 亨
在鬼塚與「前2年4班」面前,雅坦白說出自己一直隱瞞的過錯。雖然對雅所說的一切感到震驚,前2年4班也因此終於團結一心。可是計劃「毀滅3年4班」的「天使」涉谷卻對眾人展露出強烈的敵意!連大門校長都對他棄之不顧,導致涉谷失控暴走,引發新的悲劇!而潛藏在鬼塚體內的炸彈開始倒數計時?『GTO』激動的最後一集! Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM44.00

SEKARANG: RM 44.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.00 (-0%)

Oleh Elizabeth Lim
Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping fantasy about a teenage girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars. And don't miss Elizabeth Lim's new novel, the instant New York Times bestseller, Six Crimson Cranes! "All the cutthroat competition of a runway fashion reality show and the thrilling exploits of an epic quest. --The Washington Post Maia Ta Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM61.50

SEKARANG: RM 61.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 61.50 (-0%)

Oleh 薩謬爾·杭亭頓
文明,誰是正統?世界秩序,誰說了算?   西方常說,應該提倡民主,但不能讓伊斯蘭基本教義派掌權;   伊朗和伊拉克應該接受禁止核子擴散條約,但以色列不必;   自由貿易是經濟成長的萬靈丹,但農業不行……   【文明是問題也是解方】   自1993年,美國哈佛大學杭亭頓教授在《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)期刊發表〈文明的衝突?〉一文後 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM73.90

SEKARANG: RM 73.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 73.90 (-0%)

Oleh Carl Bergstrom and Jevin D. West
It's not just fake news. Bullshit is everywhere. Now, two science professors give us the tools to dismantle misinformation and think clearly in a data-saturated world. The world is awash in bullshit, and we're drowning in it. Politicians are unconstrained by facts. Science is conducted by press release. Startup culture elevates bullshit to high art. These days, calling bullshit is a noble act. Based on Carl Bergstrom and Jevin West's popular course at the University of Wash Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM79.95

SEKARANG: RM 79.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 79.95 (-0%)

Oleh Naomi Klein
#1 New York Times and internationally bestselling author Naomi Klein makes the case for a Green New Deal in this “keenly argued, well-researched, and impassioned” manifesto (The Washington Post). An instant bestseller, On Fire shows Klein at her most prophetic and philosophical, investigating the climate crisis not only as a profound political challenge but also as a spiritual and imaginative one. Delving into topics ranging from the clash between ecological time and our Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM57.95

SEKARANG: RM 57.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 57.95 (-0%)

Oleh 劉仲敬
為何敘利亞戰亂不斷,人民流離失所,而波斯灣卻繁榮穩定,富甲一方? 同一個中東、同樣的阿拉伯社會,基於何種歷史而踏上不同路徑的民族發明之路?   「敘利亞」路線:推動大民族國家(泛阿拉伯主義)而慘遭失敗、戰亂不斷   「波斯灣」路線:維持小民族國家(部族民主聯邦)而獲得成功、繁榮穩定   劉仲敬(阿姨)告訴你中東裂痕的深層原 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM86.25

SEKARANG: RM 86.25 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 86.25 (-0%)

Oleh Clare Pooley
A WASHINGTON POST "FEEL-GOOD BOOK guaranteed to lift your spirits" "A warm, charming tale about the rewards of revealing oneself, warts and all." --People The story of a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship, and even love Julian Jessop, an eccentric, lonely artist and septuagenarian believes that most people aren't really honest with one another. But what if they were? And so he writes--in a plain, green journal--the tr Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.50

SEKARANG: RM 46.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 46.50 (-0%)

Oleh Daniel J. Levitin
INSTANT TOP 10 BESTSELLER *New York Times *USAToday *Washington Post *LA Times Debunks the idea that aging inevitably brings infirmity and unhappiness and instead offers a trove of practical, evidence-based guidance for living longer and better. --Daniel H. Pink, author of When and Drive SUCCESSFUL AGING delivers powerful insights: - Debunking the myth that memory always declines with age - Confirming that health span--not life span--is what matters - Proving that sixty-plu Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.95

SEKARANG: RM 59.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.95 (-0%)

Oleh Ladybird
Ladybird Tales My Once Upon a Time Library 24 Books Collection Box Set. Titles In This Set:- Beauty and the Beast, The Enormous Turnip, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, The Big Pancake, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gingerbread Man, Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, The Elves and the Shoemaker, Puss in Boots, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Magic Porridge Pot Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM654.50

SEKARANG: RM 249.00 (-62%)

AHLI: RM 249.00 (-62%)

Oleh Rebecca Currington
Gratitude at home. Gratitude at work. Gratitude--in every area of life. These are just a few of the timely topics included in this refreshing volume designed to lighten your day and brighten your outlook. Each reading will speak to your spirit as you experience a heart overflowing with perpetual thanks. The nearly 200 gratitude-themed devotions are succinct and power packed, perfect to fit into even your busiest day. All wrapped up in a bea Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM22.90

SEKARANG: RM 22.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 22.90 (-0%)

Oleh Brian Moran
Own your choices and discover the true meaning of accountability The implementation of true, organization-wide accountability has the potential to transform your firm's-and your personal-performance. Unfortunately, the word "accountability" often has negative connotations, including blame, fear, and conflict. In Uncommon Accountability, best-selling authors and leadership strategists Brian Moran and Michael Lennington compellingly argue for a positive and affirming concepti Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM83.80

SEKARANG: RM 83.80 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 83.80 (-0%)

Oleh 羅伯特·L·克里茲曼
重磅選題!牛津大學出版社年度大作 隨心所欲編輯基因的時代來臨了!   二○一九年,中國科學家賀建奎曝光中國已經掌握基因編輯技術,可以讓HIV患者生出不帶原的寶寶,而且是雙胞胎。但是他沒有因為這項技術曝光被大家讚譽,反而飽受抨擊。   神設下的關卡,由人類透過科學突破,真的那麼罪該萬死?   ▌不只是「生個健康孩子」▌    Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM90.85

SEKARANG: RM 90.85 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 90.85 (-0%)

Oleh Phan Qué̂ Mai Nguyẽ̂n
The International Bestseller A New York Times Editors' Choice SelectionA Winner of the 2020 Lannan Literary Awards Fellowship A Best Book of 2020: NPR's Book Concierge * PopMatters * Washington Independent Review of Books * Real Simple * The Buzz Magazine * NB Magazine​ * BookBrowse * Paperback Paris * Writer's Bone * Global Atlanta "[An] absorbing, stirring novel . . . that, in more than one sense, remedies history." --The New York Times Book Review "A triumph, a novelisti Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM57.95

SEKARANG: RM 57.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 57.95 (-0%)

Oleh 麗莎·霍夫曼 , 瑪莉·戴爾·哈靈頓
原來孩子長大獨立後,我們會這麼心酸。 美國父母搜尋次數排名第一的社群網站, 大學校長、兒童醫學專家與青少年教養作家一致好評, 家有青少年父母的所有困惑,都可以在本書中找到解答。   來拜訪的親戚炫耀孩子申請上了頂尖大學,   隔壁鄰居的孩子三天兩頭回家吃飯,   為什麼別人家的孩子總是不會讓父母失望?   我們深陷於焦慮、困惑 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM60.05

SEKARANG: RM 60.05 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 60.05 (-0%)

Oleh Stephanie Scott
A BOOK OF THE YEAR FOR THE DAILY MAIL AND WOMAN AND HOME A New York Times 'Editor's Pick' One of the Observer's Ten Best Debut Novelists of 2020 Shortlisted for the Author's Club First Novel Award Longlisted for the Jhalak Prize Longlisted for the CWA John Creasy New Blood Dagger 'Enrapturing... This richly imagined novel considers the many permutations of love and what we are capable of doing in its name' New York Times 'A brilliant debut' Louise Doughty, author of Apple T Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh John Grisham
A master of plotting and pacing' - New York Times 'With every new book I appreciate John Grisham a little more, for his compassion for the underdog, and his willingness to strike out in new directions' - Entertainment Weekly ONE MAN. ONE HOPE. ONCE CHANCE TO BECOME A LEGEND. ONE MAN Seventeen-year-old Samuel Sooleyman comes from a village in South Sudan, a war-torn country where one third of the population is a refugee. His great love is basketball: his prodigious leap and Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM104.95

SEKARANG: RM 104.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 104.95 (-0%)

Oleh Helen Hoang
From the author of The Bride Test comes a romance novel hailed as one of The Washington Post’s 50 Notable Works of Fiction in 2018 and one of Amazon’s Top 100 Books of 2018! “This is such a fun read and it's also quite original and sexy and sensitive.”—Roxane Gay, New York Times bestselling author “Hoang's writing bursts from the page.”—Buzzfeed A heartwarming and refreshing debut novel that proves one thing: there's not enough data in the world to predict Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM37.95

SEKARANG: RM 37.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 37.95 (-0%)

Oleh 何偉
何偉以精彩的文筆為我們保留了2008年之前的「尋路中國」, 也悲哀地預測了中國如何努力尋求自己的路而和西方漸遠。 唯有何偉是真正深入中國百姓生活中的西方記者, 他開著租來的吉普車,跨越無數鄉村和城市,帶領世人深入中國最真實的一面。 ──《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)   在一個人人奔走於途,卻又不知自己將走向何方的躁動國度裡, Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM80.10

SEKARANG: RM 80.10 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 80.10 (-0%)

Oleh James Ashton
This book has the power to change everything' Susan Cain, author of Quiet In this groundbreaking book, designer Ingrid Fetell Lee explores how making small changes to your surroundings can create extraordinary happiness in your life. Drawing on insights from neuroscience and psychology, she reveals how the seemingly mundane spaces and objects we interact with every day have surprising effects on our mood and how we can harness the power of our environment to live fuller, hea Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM72.90

SEKARANG: RM 72.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 72.90 (-0%)

Oleh 愛德華·威爾森
人類是如何誕生的?為何地球上會出現像我們這樣的物種? 我們在宇宙中是否有一個特殊的地位或命運? 我們要往哪兒去?為什麼?(這是最難回答的問題)   兩度獲得普立茲獎的當代科學大儒、眾所公認的全球生物學家及自然歷史學家翹楚,   愛德華•威爾森(Edward O. Wilson)   從人類在非洲大草原上的起源開始,談及人類在地球及宇宙中定位的集 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 55.45 (-0%)

Oleh Janelle Brown
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Two wildly different women--one a grifter, the other an heiress--are brought together by the scam of a lifetime in a page-turner from the New York Times bestselling author of Watch Me Disappear. An ID Book Club Selection - "It's Dynasty meets Patricia Highsmith."--The Washington Post Nina once bought into the idea that her fancy liberal arts degree would lead to a fulfilling career. When that dream crashed, she turned to stealing from rich kids in Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM56.95

SEKARANG: RM 56.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 56.95 (-0%)

Oleh Soman Chainani
THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL will soon be a major motion picture from Netflix--starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Sofia Wylie, Sophie Anne Caruso, Jamie Flatters, Earl Cave, Kit Young, and more! In this sixth and final installment in Soman Chainani's New York Times bestselling epic fantasy fairy tale series, the School for Good and Evil, Camelot's crown--and the fate of the Endless Woods--are up for grabs. B Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM56.50

SEKARANG: RM 56.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 56.50 (-0%)

Oleh Brit Bennet
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S FAVORITE BOOKS OF THE YEAR NAMED A BEST BOOK OF 2020 BY THE NEW YORK TIMES * THE WASHINGTON POST * NPR * PEOPLE * TIME MAGAZINE* VANITY FAIR * GLAMOUR “Bennett’s tone and style recalls James Baldwin and Jacqueline Woodson, but it’s especially reminiscent of Toni Morrison’s 1970 debut novel, The Bluest Eye.” —Kiley Reid, Wall Street Journal “A story of absolute, universal timelessness …For any era, it's Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM54.50

SEKARANG: RM 54.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 54.50 (-0%)

Oleh 洛伊斯·班納
瑪麗蓮.夢露的一生和她的藝術一樣充滿了矛盾:她是個巨星,也是個被遺棄的孩子;這個派對女孩性情開朗卻不太禮貌,同時有著深沉的內心世界;她待朋友無微不至,但她也很自戀;她是個愚蠢的金髮女郎,同時也是個知識分子。和以往其他對瑪麗蓮.夢露的研究不同,本書作者洛伊斯.班納意識到她人格中的多面性,詳細剖析,寫成這本細緻入微的傳記。 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM96.20

SEKARANG: RM 96.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 96.20 (-0%)

Oleh Tom Burgis
A WASHINGTON POST NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2020 'If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked hard enough ... This new and terrifying book follows a global current of dirty money, and the murders and kidnappings required to sustain it' GEORGE MONBIOT, GUARDIAN 'When you pick this book up, you won't be able to put it down' MISHA GLENNY, author of MCMAFIA 'Combines forensic investigative journalism with the narrative propulsion of a literary thriller. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.95

SEKARANG: RM 69.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 69.95 (-0%)

Oleh Fredrik Backman
A brilliant and comforting read' MATT HAIG 'Funny, compassionate and wise. An absolute joy' A.J. PEARCE 'A surefooted insight into the absurdity, beauty and ache of life' GUARDIAN 'I laughed, I sobbed, I recommended it to literally everyone I know' BUZZFEED 'Captures the messy essence of being human' WASHINGTON POST The funny, touching and unpredictable No. 1 New York Times bestseller from the 15 million copy internationally bestselling author of A Man Called Ove _______ It Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM57.95

SEKARANG: RM 57.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 57.95 (-0%)

Oleh TJ Klune
An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place - and realizing that family could be yours. 'I loved it. It is like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket. Simply perfect' - V. E. Schwab, author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue He expected nothing. But they gave him everything . . . Linus Baker leads a quiet life. At forty, he has a tiny house with Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM65.90

SEKARANG: RM 65.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 65.90 (-0%)

Oleh 雪瑞琳·達西
結合占卜、園藝和魔法施作的多功能神諭卡 Amazon新時代女神第二名、魔法研究暢銷榜 逾四百人 ★★★★★ 好評   ※套裝立體書盒內含:   ‧44張精美亮面牌卡   ‧全彩中文說明書   ‧牌卡專屬收納紙盒   ★能夠提供解答,同時協助你創造渴望結果的占卜工具   歡迎來到神奇的植物魔法世界!這副鮮豔甜美的神諭卡,能當作你研究植物魔法、 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM104.70

SEKARANG: RM 104.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 104.70 (-0%)

Oleh Julia Quinn
The fourth book in Julia Quinn's globally bestselling, Regency-set, Bridgerton Family series, now the inspiration for the Netflix series Bridgerton by Shonda Rhimes. Welcome to Colin and Penelope's long-awaited story . . . ________________________________________ Everyone knows that Colin Bridgerton is the most charming man in London . . . Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for . . . well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of wat Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.90 (-0%)

Oleh Catherine Price
When did you last feel exhilarated and lighthearted? When were you last engaged, focused and completely present? When is the last time you felt fully alive? In other words, when did you last have fun? In our always-on, tech-addicted lifestyles, we often think of the pursuit of fun as an indulgence. When we do find time to relax, we often turn to activities that are not actually that enjoyable, let alone fun: bingeing on television and movies, doomscrolling the news, or Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.95

SEKARANG: RM 89.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.95 (-0%)

Oleh Faisal Tehrani
Ada tiga perkara penting terjadi pada 1511 Hijrah. 1. Nosirname, Presiden US yang gila - mengisytiharkan perang dengan melepaskan roket ke makam Nabi SAW. 2. Hajah Nusaybah, wanita berkerusi roda - mendapat firasat tentang susuk yang akan menjadi komander ke-11. 3. Muhammad Ameen, pemuda dari Nusantara - tidak menjangka bakal memimpin tentera pembebasan ke Washington. 1511H Kombat merupakan novel nukilan Faisal Tehrani yang pernah memenangi tempat pertama Hadiah Sastera Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM29.00

SEKARANG: RM 29.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 29.00 (-0%)

Oleh Ethan Kross
NATIONAL BESTSELLER - An award-winning psychologist reveals the hidden power of our inner voice and shows how to harness it to combat anxiety, improve physical and mental health, and deepen our relationships with others. LONGLISTED FOR THE PORCHLIGHT BUSINESS BOOK AWARD - ""A masterpiece.""--Angela Duckworth, bestselling author of Grit - Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Daniel H. Pink's Next Big Idea Club Winter 2021 Winning Selection One of the best new bo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM88.90

SEKARANG: RM 88.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 88.90 (-0%)

Oleh Meghan Leahy
No-nonsense, sanity-saving insights from the Washington Post on Parenting columnist–for anyone who’s drowning in parental pressure and advice that doesn’t work. Ever feel overwhelmed by the stress and perfectionism of our overparenting culture–and at the same time, still look for solutions to ease the struggles of everyday family life? Parenting coach and Washington Post columnist Meghan Leahy feels your pain. Like her clients and re Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM84.95

SEKARANG: RM 84.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 84.95 (-0%)

Oleh Oded Galor
A landmark, radically uplifting account of our species' progress, from one of the world's preeminent thinkers. "Unparalleled in its scope and ambition...All readers will learn something, and many will find the book fascinating.'--The Washington Post "Breathtaking. A new Sapiens!" --L'Express "Completely brilliant and utterly original ... a book for our epoch."--Jon Snow, former presenter, Channel 4 News (UK) "A wildly ambitious attempt to do for economics what Newton, Dar Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM64.95

SEKARANG: RM 64.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 64.95 (-0%)

Oleh 藤沢亨
  鬼塚在實力高超的受刑人參戰的「灣岸武鬥會」第1輪比賽中獲勝後,為了接觸巨獸的哥哥,而試圖入侵醫務室,但他的企圖卻被獄警察覺,而把他送往懲戒房。而拯救鬼塚危機的人物,就是那幾個男人! Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM17.00

SEKARANG: RM 17.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 17.00 (-0%)

Oleh 蘿蕊·葛利布
本書建議搭配以下書籍服用,效果更佳 ——《也許你該找人聊聊:一個諮商心理師與她的心理師,以及我們的生活》—— 美國當代精神醫學大師、美國史丹佛大學精神醫學榮休教授歐文・亞隆: 「我讀心理治療的書超過半個世紀了,但從沒見過《也許你該找人聊聊》這樣的書 ——這麼大膽、這麼直白、這麼多好故事,又這麼坦誠、深刻而引人入勝。」    Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM61.45

SEKARANG: RM 61.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 61.45 (-0%)

Oleh Sue Wallman
She's faking her way into the most exclusive social circles for revenge. But how long can her lies hold up? Seventeen-year-old Lydia Cornwallis has arrived on a remote island populated only by wealthy families and their staff. She quickly finds acceptance, even adoration, from the close-knit families that rule the island. But a storm is coming, and all routes to the mainland are cut off. But thank goodness the Harrington sisters made it in time, because Lydia simply can't w Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM53.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 53.90 (-0%)

Oleh Grady Hendrix
A can't-miss summer read, selected by The New York Times, Oprah Daily, Time, USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, CNN, LitHub, BookRiot, Bustle, Popsugar and the New York Public Library In horror movies, the final girls are the ones left standing when the credits roll. They made it through the worst night of their lives...but what happens after? Like his bestselling novel The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, Grady Hendrix's latest is a fast-paced, frightenin Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.90

SEKARANG: RM 52.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.90 (-0%)

Oleh Jason Mott
***2021 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER*** ***THE NATIONAL BESTSELLER*** Winner of the 2021 Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction, Joyce Carol Oates Literary Prize Finalist, 2022 Chautauqua Prize Finalist, Willie Morris Award for Southern Writing Shortlist, and the 2021 Aspen Words Literary Prize shortlist A Read With Jenna Today Show Book Club Pick! An Ebony Magazine Publishing Book Club Pick! One of Washington Post's 50 Notable Works of Fiction One of Philadelphia Inquirer's Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM57.50

SEKARANG: RM 57.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 57.50 (-0%)

Oleh Amelia D Coombs
Florie’s OCD and her mother’s worrying have kept her from a lot of things, like having an after-school job and getting her driver’s license. And now that she’s graduated high school, while her best friend Kacey is headed off to Portland in the fall, Florie’s taking a parent-sanctioned gap year off before starting college. When the decision was made, Florie was on board, but now she can't ignore the growing itch to become the person she wants to be and venture outsid Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM72.50

SEKARANG: RM 72.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 72.50 (-0%)

Oleh 藤沢亨
  鬼塚在灣岸武鬥會順利的過關斬將,但是卻因為攻擊獄警的事情穿幫而遭到監禁!雖然他受到嚴苛的拷問,但同時也在進行某個計畫!另一方面,那奈雖然棲身於白天鵝,讓自己冷靜下來,但是荒羅木的魔手再次伸向她! Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM17.00

SEKARANG: RM 17.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 17.00 (-0%)

Oleh Rebecca Currington
Rise Up. . .and grow your faith with this delightful devotional. Faith at home. Faith at work. Faith―in every area of life. These are just a few of the timely topics included in this refreshing volume designed to lighten your day and lift your spirit. Each reading will speak to your heart as you experience a faith that flourishes while grounded in God’s Word. The 200 faith-themed devotions are succinct and power packed, perfect to fit into even your busiest day. All wrapp Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM36.90

SEKARANG: RM 36.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 36.90 (-0%)

Oleh Rachel Griffin
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Nature of Witches comes another immersive, high-stakes contemporary fantasy. When eighteen-year-old witch Iris Gray accidentally enacts a curse that could have dire consequences, she must journey through the Pacific Northwest wilderness with a boy who hates witches to make sure her magic isn't unleashed on the world. After a night of magic turns deadly, Iris Gray vows to never let another person learn she's a witch. It doesn' Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM61.50

SEKARANG: RM 61.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 61.50 (-0%)

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