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' Donald Miller 'Dijumpai 6 Produk Berkaitan
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Oleh 唐納.米勒 , J.J.彼得森
  ★ AMAZON讀者4.7顆星好評:「行銷界的必讀之書!」「從事商業的人都要看!」   ★ 任何產業做了絕對有效的行銷5步驟,從此不再為無效行銷浪費時間與金錢!   ★ 解世博(行銷表達技術專家)、電商人妻Audrey(社群玩家) 好評推薦!   如何在10秒鐘內留住客戶,並成功讓他們下單?   備受好評的《極簡商業課》作者唐納.米勒這次帶來「極 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.91 (-10%)

Oleh 唐納·米勒
  商學院要教兩、三年的內容,本書找到最精華的部分……沒有一句廢話。──樊登   想賺錢、晉升、轉職、創業、事業成功……   只要在早餐桌旁花短短的時間閱讀本書,   就能輕鬆掌握最重要的商業技能,   成為公司搶著要的價值驅動型人才。   ★工作生活家主理人 白慧蘭、暢銷作家 何則文──專文推薦   國際職涯教練 SandySu 蘇盈如 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM60.05

SEKARANG: RM 60.05 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 54.05 (-10%)

Oleh Donald Miller
Speak to the heart of your target audience and create a movement around your mission or campaign through this comprehensive, step-by-step approach to crafting messages that resonate. Donald Miller, author of the bestselling Building a StoryBrand, has helped thousands of individuals, corporations, and justice-oriented organizations turn vision into action using the organized, easy to implement communication framework outlined in these pages. Based on proven principles indivi Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM93.95

SEKARANG: RM 93.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 84.56 (-10%)

Oleh Donald Miller
Learn to let go of stress, Change how you worry, And improve your life for good. Shunmyo Masuno, Zen Buddhist Monk and million copy bestselling author of Zen: The Art of Simple Living, shows you how to relieve the anxieties of everyday life in 48 vital, easy-to-achieve lessons. Use this book as your tool to focus on the 'now', to improve your most important relationships, to let go of rose-tinted views that hold you back, and to learn ways to accept yourself as you are so t Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM79.95

SEKARANG: RM 79.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 71.96 (-10%)

Oleh Donald Miller
Is this blue book more valuable than a business degree? Most people enter their professional careers not understanding how to grow a business. At times, this makes them feel lost, or worse, like a fraud pretending to know what they're doing. It's hard to be successful without a clear understanding of how business works. These 60 daily readings are crucial for any professional or business owner who wants to take their career to the next level. New York Times and Wall Street Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM108.50

SEKARANG: RM 108.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 97.65 (-10%)

Oleh 唐納·米勒
  新行銷時代,如何說對故事?   你需要一套掌握各種顧客心理的全新行銷攻略︰   賣商品也賣改變的利器,能賺錢也能讓對方有贏的感覺。   從煩惱賣不動到故事行銷高手,只有一本書的距離!   「這本書讓你的產品不再被埋沒。」   ★暢銷100萬冊之後勵志書作家米勒新作   ★一出版即登上Amazon總榜TOP 20   ★商業寫作×顧客關係×網路行 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM53.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 48.51 (-10%)

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