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' Brene Brown 'Dijumpai 4 Produk Berkaitan
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Oleh Brene Brown
In hardback for the first time, this tenth-anniversary edition of the game-changing #1 New York Times bestseller features a new foreword and brand-new tools to make the work your own. For over a decade, Brene Brown has found a special place in our hearts as a gifted mapmaker and a fellow traveller. She is both a social scientist and a kitchen-table friend whom you can always count on to tell the truth, make you laugh and, on occasion, cry with you. And what's now become a mo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM99.90

SEKARANG: RM 99.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.91 (-10%)

Oleh 布芮尼·布朗
TED演講超過4千萬人次觀看 2019上半年討論度最高的《脆弱的力量》作者 布芮尼‧布朗博士解放心靈最新力作! 給正為以下所苦的你: ▼家人對自己的表現感到失望 ▼團體行動時總是落單 ▼因朋友不多、臉書按讚數少而感到窘迫 ▼害怕不被認同,恐懼遭到所屬團體排擠,而放棄表達自己的意見 ▼在家庭、校園、職場,甚至放眼整個社會,都覺得自己是少數派 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.35

SEKARANG: RM 52.35 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 47.12 (-10%)

Oleh Brene Brown
The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall. This is a book about what it takes to get back up and how owning our stories of disappointment, failure, and heartbreak gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle can be our greatest call to courage and Rising Strong, our clearest path to deeper meaning, wisdom and hope. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM84.95

SEKARANG: RM 84.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 76.46 (-10%)

Oleh 布芮尼·布朗
TED最受歡迎講者,《休士頓女性雜誌》指名最具影響力女性   歐普拉、CNN、ABC、NBC、美國公共電視網、華盛頓郵報、紐約時報指定專訪   布芮尼.布朗博士(Brené Brown Ph. D.)創造千萬共鳴的全球暢銷著作!   ★金石堂年度「10大影響力好書」   ★榮登誠品、博客來、金石堂暢銷榜   ★《商業周刊》1348期書摘介紹   ★《Cheers快樂工作人雜誌》10 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.35

SEKARANG: RM 52.35 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 47.12 (-10%)

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