100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' Catherine Price 'Dijumpai 2 Produk Berkaitan
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Oleh 凱薩琳.普萊斯
為什麼我們的人生如此無聊? 到底要如何,才能享有真正的樂趣? 本書告訴我們該怎麼擺脫空虛,開始體驗充滿真正樂趣的人生。   你覺得「真的很快樂」嗎?有「時間怎麼一下就過去了」的感受嗎?是否快樂的記憶都來自童年,長大以後人生就無聊了?   心理學家發現,今日人類內心最頻繁出現的渴求有二,其中「真正的快樂」或「使心情好轉 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM61.45

SEKARANG: RM 61.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 61.45 (-0%)

Oleh Catherine Price
When did you last feel exhilarated and lighthearted? When were you last engaged, focused and completely present? When is the last time you felt fully alive? In other words, when did you last have fun? In our always-on, tech-addicted lifestyles, we often think of the pursuit of fun as an indulgence. When we do find time to relax, we often turn to activities that are not actually that enjoyable, let alone fun: bingeing on television and movies, doomscrolling the news, or Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.95

SEKARANG: RM 89.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.95 (-0%)

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