100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' J.K. 羅琳 'Dijumpai 123 Produk Berkaitan
Oleh J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Gryffindor with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor lion contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM468.00

SEKARANG: RM 329.00 (-30%)

AHLI: RM 329.00 (-30%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Ravenclaw with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Ravenclaw eagle contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM468.00

SEKARANG: RM 329.00 (-30%)

AHLI: RM 329.00 (-30%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Slytherin with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor lion contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM468.00

SEKARANG: RM 329.00 (-30%)

AHLI: RM 329.00 (-30%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Hufflepuff with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Ravenclaw eagle contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM468.00

SEKARANG: RM 329.00 (-30%)

AHLI: RM 329.00 (-30%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
ASAL: RM145.00

SEKARANG: RM 145.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 145.00 (-0%)

Oleh Rowling J.K.
ASAL: RM145.00

SEKARANG: RM 145.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 145.00 (-0%)

Oleh Rowling J.K.
ASAL: RM175.00

SEKARANG: RM 175.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 175.00 (-0%)

Oleh Rowling J.K.
ASAL: RM175.00

SEKARANG: RM 175.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 175.00 (-0%)

Oleh Rowling J.K.
ASAL: RM175.00

SEKARANG: RM 175.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 175.00 (-0%)

Oleh 柯琳.霍克
上市不到兩天,即登上邦諾書店暢銷排行榜第一名! 《紐約時報》《出版週刊》亞馬遜網路書店排行榜暢銷書 電影版權已售出,書迷爭相建議飾演王子兄弟檔的理想人選 一本J.K.羅琳會希望撰寫的故事!──《浪漫時代》強推 印第安納瓊斯系列與《暮光之城》的綜合版 一部交織愛情與冒險的奇幻旅程 一系列男女老少均著迷的史詩般巨著 你願孤注一擲, Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.10

SEKARANG: RM 43.10 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.10 (-0%)

Oleh 喬治.馬汀
 ◎HBO第三季影集將於2013年在臺灣上映   ◎連續多年蟬聯亞馬遜網路書店年度最佳奇幻小說   ◎「星雲獎」、「雨果獎」、「世界奇幻文學獎」及「軌跡獎」得獎作家   ◎《魔戒》的托爾金之後,最能代表奇幻文學的名字:喬治.馬汀,入選二○一一年《時代雜誌》百大影響人物   ◎全美總銷量6,000,000冊、全球總銷量16,000,000冊(還在繼續爆 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM141.60

SEKARANG: RM 141.60 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 141.60 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
亲爱的波特先生: 我们愉快地通知您,您已获准在霍格沃茨魔法学校就读。随信附上所需书籍及装备一览表。 学期定于九月一日开始。我们将于七月三十一日前静候您的猫头鹰带来您的回信。 副校长 米勒娃·麦格 谨上 哈利·波特的人生在他十一岁生日那天发生了永远的改变,眼睛像黑甲虫似的巨人鲁伯·海格带给他一封信和很多令人震惊的消息 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.00

SEKARANG: RM 89.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.00 (-0%)

Oleh 喬治·馬汀
與龍共舞,引火自焚!   坦格利安末裔丹妮莉絲成為彌林的女王。但是人民不滿她的作為,鳥妖之子不斷攻擊她的部屬,再加上成長中的幼龍難以控制,令她焦頭爛額。七大王國的各方人馬不論是敵是友,為了接近她都在所不惜。其中一位尋找她許久的神祕男子,卻懷有與眾不同的目的。從維斯特洛逃出的提利昂,為了躲避瑟曦發出的懸賞令而隱姓埋名、四 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM141.60

SEKARANG: RM 141.60 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 141.60 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling , Jack Thorne , John Tiffany
Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. The play will receive its world premiere in London's West End on 30th July 2016.It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magi Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM119.90

SEKARANG: RM 119.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 119.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling invites you to explore a new era of the Wizarding World . . .When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone . . .Inspired by the original Hogwart's textbook by Newt Scamander, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original screenplay marks the sc Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM90.90

SEKARANG: RM 90.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 90.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.羅琳 , 約翰·帝夫尼 , 傑克·索恩
19年後,第8個故事, 哈利波特終於回來了!   ★席捲全球!橫掃英美暢銷排行榜TOP 1!   ★每日電訊報:雖然是以劇本的形式呈現,但一本全新的《哈利波特》小說所帶來的驚奇就是它的魔法!   ★澳洲國家日報:《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》和前面七集小說一樣迷人與令人難以抗拒!   ★衛報:近十年來銷售最快的一本書,看來更將成為有史 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM64.70

SEKARANG: RM 64.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 64.70 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.Rowling
The Tales of Beedle the Bard have been favourite bedtime reading in wizarding households for centuries. Full of magic and trickery, these classic tales both entertain and instruct, and remain as captivating to young wizards today as they were when Beedle first put quill to parchment in the fifteenth century. There are five tales in all: 'The Tale of the Three Brothers' Harry Potter fans will know from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune', 'The Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM39.90

SEKARANG: RM 39.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 39.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
A perennial bestseller in the wizarding world and one of the most popular books in the Hogwarts School library, Quidditch Through the Ages contains all you will ever need to know about the history, the rules - and the breaking of the rules - of the noble sport of Quidditch. Packed with fascinating facts, this definitive guide by the esteemed Quidditch writer Kennilworthy Whisp charts the game's history from its early origins in the medieval mists on Queerditch Marsh, through Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM39.90

SEKARANG: RM 25.00 (-37%)

AHLI: RM 25.00 (-37%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
A gorgeous new edition of the Hogwarts Library containing three much loved classics - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Quidditch Through the Ages and The Tales of Beedle the Bard - from the wizarding world. These handsome hardback editions feature stunning jacket art by Jonny Duddle and beautiful interior illustrations by Tomislav Tomic - they are irresistible reading for all Harry Potter fans, wizards and Muggles. A treasure trove of magical facts and fairy tales, th Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM174.90

SEKARANG: RM 104.90 (-40%)

AHLI: RM 104.90 (-40%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw ... Twenty years ago these magical words and many more flowed from a young writer's pen, an orphan called Harry Potter was freed from the cupboard under the stairs - and a global phenomenon started. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has been read and loved by every new generation since. To mark the 20th anniversary of first publication, Bloomsbury has published four House Editions of J.K. Rowling's modern classic. These stun Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw ... Twenty years ago these magical words and many more flowed from a young writer's pen, an orphan called Harry Potter was freed from the cupboard under the stairs - and a global phenomenon started. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has been read and loved by every new generation since. To mark the 20th anniversary of first publication, Bloomsbury has published four House Editions of J.K. Rowling's modern classic. These stun Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw ... Twenty years ago these magical words and many more flowed from a young writer's pen, an orphan called Harry Potter was freed from the cupboard under the stairs - and a global phenomenon started. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has been read and loved by every new generation since. To mark the 20th anniversary of first publication, Bloomsbury has published four House Editions of J.K. Rowling's modern classic. These stun Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling , John Tiffany , Jack Thorne
The official playscript of the original West End production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school-age children.While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and pre Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.羅琳
千呼萬喚!霍格華茲圖書館鎮館之寶開放收藏! ★亞洲唯一!Pottermore版專屬書封,特別加贈收藏書盒! ●霍格華茲圖書館借閱率最高的3本經典課外讀物,非看不 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM101.65

SEKARANG: RM 61.00 (-40%)

AHLI: RM 61.00 (-40%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. This glorious new edition of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (considered a classic throughout the wizarding world) features an extraordinary array of magical creatures, from Acromantula to Yeti via ten different breeds of Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM129.90

SEKARANG: RM 89.90 (-31%)

AHLI: RM 89.90 (-31%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
儿童文学经典“哈利·波特”重装上市! 深受英国小读者喜爱的新版封面 重新设计、充满魔法的正文排版 新增霍格沃茨魔法学校地图拉页 重新修订的完整无删节经典译文 这是你不能错过的更加精彩、刺激的魔法之旅。 在一条寂静的走廊尽头有一扇门,这一幕萦绕在哈利·波特的梦中,使他时常在半夜醒来,惊惧尖叫。 哈利·波特面对的不仅是 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.00

SEKARANG: RM 89.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.00 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
An approved textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since first publication, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an indispensable guide to the magical beasts of the wizarding world. Muggles who have seen the eponymous film or read the Harry Potter novels will be familiar with some of these beasts – the Niffler, the Thunderbird, the Hippogriff ... This new paperback edition features the recently revised 2017 text, which includes six curious new creature Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM45.90

SEKARANG: RM 45.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 45.90 (-0%)

Oleh 大英圖書館
哈利波特出版20週年紀念! 大英圖書館隆重鉅獻! ★獨家收錄J.K.羅琳從未公諸於世的手稿與素描,《哈利波特》出版秘辛首度公開! ★《哈利波特》插畫版御用畫家吉姆.凱精心繪製插圖,經典場景躍然紙上! ★大英圖書館珍貴館藏,飽覽魔法文物,墜入不可思議的魔法世界! 搭上霍格華茲列車出發囉!魔法學校的教授們邀請你一起來上符咒學、天文 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM84.55

SEKARANG: RM 50.00 (-41%)

AHLI: RM 50.00 (-41%)

Oleh 芭娜·阿拉貝得
  我好怕活不過今晚。──芭娜.阿拉貝得,推特,2016年10月2日   不要殺我們。──芭娜.阿拉貝得,推特,2016年10月6日   一段歷經殘暴恐怖的歲月,仍保有愛與勇氣的故事。   一個熬過無法想像的難關的七歲女孩,親自訴說的經歷。——J.K.羅琳   ★敘利亞阿勒坡之戰的推特見證人──《紐約客》雜誌   ★《時代》雜誌年度「網際網路2 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM53.90

SEKARANG: RM 41.00 (-24%)

AHLI: RM 33.00 (-39%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, these irresistible House Editions celebrate the noble character of the four Hogwarts houses. Featuring gorgeous house-themed cover art and interior line illustrations by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold, each book will also have vibrant sprayed edges in the house Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, these irresistible House Editions celebrate the noble character of the four Hogwarts houses. Featuring gorgeous house-themed cover art and interior line illustrations by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold, each book will also have vibrant sprayed edges in the house Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, these irresistible House Editions celebrate the noble character of the four Hogwarts houses. Featuring gorgeous house-themed cover art and interior line illustrations by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold, each book will also have vibrant sprayed edges in the house Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, these irresistible House Editions celebrate the noble character of the four Hogwarts houses. Featuring gorgeous house-themed cover art and interior line illustrations by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold, each book will also have vibrant sprayed edges in the house Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling invites you to explore a new era of the Wizarding World . . .When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone . . .Inspired by the original Hogwart's textbook by Newt Scamander, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original screenplay marks the sc Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM54.90

SEKARANG: RM 54.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 54.90 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
Jim Kay's dazzling depiction of J.K. Rowling's wizarding world has won legions of fans since the Illustrated Edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in hardback in 2015, becoming a bestseller around the world. This irresistible smaller-format paperback edition of J.K. Rowling's novel brings the magic of Jim Kay's illustration to new readers, with full-colour pictures, French flaps and a handsome poster pull-out at the back of the book. This edition h Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM84.90

SEKARANG: RM 84.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 84.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
迄今为止,哈利?波特的人生中没有魔法。他和一点都不友善的德思礼夫妇,还有他们令人厌恶的儿子达力住在一起。哈利的房间是一个窄小的储物间,就在楼梯下面,而且十一年来他从未有过生日派对。 但是有一天,猫头鹰信使突然送来一封神秘的信件,令人不敢相信的是,信里附着一张来自霍格沃茨魔法学校的录取哈利入学的通知书。 哈利于九月一日带 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM42.00

SEKARANG: RM 42.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 42.00 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
十二年来,在令人恐惧的要塞阿兹卡班,一直关押着一个著名的囚犯,名叫小天狼星布莱克。他的罪名是用一句咒语杀害了十三个人,据说他还是伏地魔的忠实追随者,哈利的父母被害也与他有关,而现在他逃出了监狱……而且阿兹卡班的守卫还听到布莱克说的梦话:“他在霍格沃茨……他在霍格沃茨……” 小天狼星是不是想来杀掉哈利? 即使在魔法学校里 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.00

SEKARANG: RM 49.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.00 (-0%)

Oleh J. K. Rowling
An essential companion to the Harry Potter books and a magical gift for all Harry Potter fans, The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a collection of fairy tales from the Wizarding World, with wise and witty notes from Professor Albus Dumbledore (via the enchanted pen of J.K. Rowling). Multi-talented Muggle illustrator Chris Riddell makes this book a complete visual treat, the pages bursting with glorious colour, beautiful line and stunning composition - with some familiar faces fro Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM129.90

SEKARANG: RM 129.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 129.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
哈利在霍格沃茨魔法学校的第二个学年充满了新的苦恼和恐怖,包括一位极为自命不凡的新教授吉德罗?洛哈特;一个时常在女生盥洗室中出没的幽灵“哭泣的桃金娘”;还有他并不想要的,来自罗恩?韦斯莱的小妹妹金妮的关注。 不过,当真正的麻烦开始时,这些看上去都不重要了。有人,或者有什么东西,开始把霍格沃茨的学生们变成石头。这是谁干的?会 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.00

SEKARANG: RM 43.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.00 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
哈利想要逃离恶毒的德思礼一家,还想和赫敏、罗恩还有韦斯莱一家去看魁地奇世界杯赛。他总是希望见到秋·张,一个他暗恋的女孩,渴望与她走进一个美丽的故事,他想搞清楚那场涉及其他两所魔法学校的神秘赛事,以及一场几百年来都没再举办过的三强争霸赛,他更想做个普普通通的魔法学校的学生。 但不幸的是,哈利的命运注定了他与众不同——即使 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM68.00

SEKARANG: RM 68.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 68.00 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
童文学经典“哈利·波特”重装上市! 深受英国小读者喜爱的新版封面 重新设计、充满魔法的正文排版 新增霍格沃茨魔法学校地图拉页 重新修订的完整无删节经典译文 这是你不能错过的更加精彩、刺激的魔法之旅。 哈利告别了保护他十七年的女贞路,坐上海格的摩托车飞向天空,他知道伏地魔和食死徒就在他们身后不远处追赶。伏地魔威胁着 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM75.00

SEKARANG: RM 75.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 75.00 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
对抗伏地魔的战争进行得并不顺利。赫敏浏览着《预言家日报》的页面,大声读出可怕的消息。邓布利多已经有很长一段时间不在霍格沃茨魔法学校露面,然而…… 就像在所有战争时期一样,生活仍在继续。六年级学生在学习幻影显形——不少人在这个过程中丢掉了眉毛或者受了伤。正当青春时节,他们游戏、争斗、情窦初开,开始恋爱…… 课程很难,但 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM72.00

SEKARANG: RM 72.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 72.00 (-0%)

Oleh 神岡真司
巴菲特、比爾蓋茲,都是這樣成功的! 9招應對術×12項絕技×18條神奇句,立即上手! 懂得借力使力,讓天生的魅力盡情發揮!   不擅交際、心思細膩、習慣獨處的人,想必都有過這樣的想法吧——會說話比較占便宜,作風強勢才能得到優勢,外向點總有更多發展機會……真的是這樣嗎?   愛因斯坦、牛頓、賈伯斯、J.K.羅琳、李安等成功人士,都是 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM44.65

SEKARANG: RM 44.65 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.65 (-0%)

Oleh Jk Rowling
At the end of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald was captured in New York with the help of Newt Scamander. But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escapes custody and sets about gathering followers, most unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure-blood wizards up to rule over all non-magical beings. In an effort to thwart Grindelwald's plans, Albus Dumbledore enlists Newt, his former Hogwarts student, who agrees to he Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM109.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-45%)

AHLI: RM 59.90 (-45%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Selama ini Harry Potter menyangka yang dia hanya seorang budak lelaki biasa, anak yatim piatu yang menumpang di rumah ibu dan bapa saudaranya – sehinggalah dia bertemu dengan seorang lelaki gergasi, mendaftar di Sekolah Ahli Sihir Hogwarts, belajar bermain Quidditch, dan berjuang untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya. Semua itu dialaminya kerana dia HARRY POTTER, SEORANG AHLI SIHIR! Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM29.90

SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 29.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter seorang ahli sihir terkemuka yang menentang kuasa jahat dan ilmu hitam. Harry, yang kini merupakan pelajar tahun kedua di Sekolah Ahli Sihir Hogwarts, tidak mengetahui bahawa seperti tahun lalu, pengalaman yang mengerikan menantinya di Hogwarts. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM29.90

SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 29.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Selama dua belas tahun, Penjara Azkaban, sebuah kota kubu sihir yang mengerunkan, telah memenjarakan banduan paling kejam, Sirius Black. Ahli sihir itu, yang dikatakan penyokong kuat Raja Kuasa Jahat, Lord Voldemort, telah berjaya melarikan diri dari penjara, dan kini sedang memburu Harry Potter untuk membalas dendam atas kejatuhan tuannya. Harry Potter dalam bahaya. Tembok tebal sekolah sihirnya sekali pun tidak dapat melindunginya daripada Sirius Black, apatah lagi denga Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM37.90

SEKARANG: RM 37.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 37.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Apabila perlawanan Quidditch Piala Dunia dicemari oleh insiden amuk para penyokong Voldemort serta kemunculan Tanda Kuasa Jahat, jelas yang Voldemort bukan semakin lemah tetapi sebaliknya! Tanda-tanda penting kebangkitan semula Raja Kuasa Jahat ke dunia ajaib menjadi alamat bagi kecundangnya satu-satunya manusia yang terselamat daripada sumpahan maut Raja Kuasa Jahat itu, Harry Potter. Jadi, apabila nama Harry Potter tersenarai sebagai wira Kejohanan Ahli Sihir Trio yang s Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.90

SEKARANG: RM 43.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter naik angin kerana dibiarkan terkontal-kantil di rumah keluarga Dursley sepanjang cuti musim panas walhal dia mengesyaki pada masa yang sama, Voldemort sedang mengumpulkan pengikut dan dia mungkin akan disergap. Setelah dia diselamatkan oleh sekumpulan ahli sihir yang menjadi pengawal peribadi, dia mendapat tahu yang Dumbledore sedang mengumpulkan semula ahli Kumpulan Phoenix, pertubuhan rahsia yang dibentuk buat pertama kalinya bertahun-tahun lampau untuk mene Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.90

SEKARANG: RM 43.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Pertengahan musim panas, tetapi kabus di luar musim yang melanda, menerpa cermin-cermin jendela. Di biliknya di rumah keluarga Dursley di Privet Drive, Harry Potter sedang tertunggu-tunggu penuh cemas Profesor Dumbledore datang sendiri untuk menjemputnya. Harry hampir-hampir tidak percaya bahawa dalam banyak tempat di dunia, Profesor Dumbledore muncul di rumah keluarga Dursley. Mengapa baru sekarang profesor itu datang? Apakah perkara yang penting sangat yang tidak sempat- Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.90

SEKARANG: RM 43.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter dibebani sesuatu tugas berat, berbahaya, dan kelihatan mustahil: menjejaki dan memusnahkan baki Horcrux-Horcrux Voldemort. Harry belum pernah berasa begitu kekosongan atau memandang masa depan dengan penuh ketidakpastian seperti yang dialaminya sekarang. Namun, dia perlu sedaya upaya mencari kekuatan diri bagi menyempurnakan tugas yang diamanahkan. Dia terpaksa meninggalkan keselesaan dan kehangatan di The Burrow dan mengharungi, tanpa gentar dan ragu-ragu, la Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.90

SEKARANG: RM 43.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K.罗琳
2008年,J.K.罗琳受邀在哈佛大学毕业典礼上发表了一场题为“美好的生活”的演讲。在演讲中,J.K.罗琳提出了饱含深意又极具挑战性的问题:我们该如何拥抱失败?我们该如何利用想象力来创造一个更好的世界? 不仅如此,这位享誉全球的作家从她人生经历出发,总结了人生需要重视的几大问题,其中包括怎么看待贫穷、对事物保持敏锐度,以及注重思想和情 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM39.90

SEKARANG: RM 39.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 39.90 (-0%)

Oleh Rowling J.K.
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This Gryffindor House Edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its courage, bravery and determination. Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is packed with more great Gryffindor moments and characters, including Harry's unexpected selection as champion in the Triwizard Tournament - not to mentio Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.90 (-0%)

Oleh Rowling J.K.
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This Slytherin House Edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its pride, ambition and cunning. Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is packed with more great Slytherin moments and characters, culminating in the terrifying finale of the Triwizard Tournament, which sees the momentous return of Vo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.90 (-0%)

Oleh 肯尼斯·格雷姆
  美國前總統老羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)最愛經典作品   厭倦了春季大掃除的鼴鼠,決定鑽到地面上曬曬太陽,展開一場冒險之旅,剛好遇見了他的好朋友河鼠。他們倆一起在閃閃發亮、波光粼粼的河邊野餐,勇敢踏進邪惡的野森林,拜訪壞脾氣的老獾,還跟可愛又傻乎乎的蟾蜍共乘一輛吉普賽篷車、駛上遼闊寬廣的大路。 享受這新鮮冒險生活的鼴鼠,有一 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM33.90

SEKARANG: RM 33.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 33.90 (-0%)

Oleh 馬可斯·奧理略·安東尼努斯
  影響西方文化兩千年的傳世經典,最完整台灣新譯   一代賢帝的立身處世之道   欲成大器者必讀之書   J. K. 羅琳:「奧理略(本書作者)從來沒讓我失望。」   美國前總統柯林頓:「這是影響我最大的一本書,也是我一讀再讀的好書。」   Google、特斯拉等矽谷企業一致奉行的人生哲學   名列美國前總統柯林頓的最愛書單   老羅斯福赴 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.20

SEKARANG: RM 46.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 46.20 (-0%)

Oleh 狄驤
  「2018年某個早上,我在辦公室終於見到狄驤本人,那天我終於相信,   那個只要出書就占據排行榜很久很久的人,原來真有其人。」   ——本書小編   臺灣最神祕、最引發爭議的暢銷勵志作家狄驤回來了!   他的30系列累計銷量突破30萬本,長踞網路書店銷售排行榜冠軍,   《商業周刊》專欄每週有百萬粉絲追蹤,   是臺灣最受歡迎 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.30

SEKARANG: RM 49.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.30 (-0%)

Oleh 迦森·奧托爾
  名言界的福爾摩斯,鍵盤上的柯南   真正的作者――只有一個!   這本書還了我一個清白!――海明威……沒有這麼說。   「能力越大責任越大。」是蜘蛛人說的?彼得帕克覺得惶恐、覺得壓力山大!   「給孩子魚,不如教他怎麼釣魚。」到底是誰那麼會釣魚?中國人、義大利人、還是猶太人?   「天才是1%的靈感加上99%的汗水。」其實煉成 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 58.50 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, this irresistible Gryffindor House Edition celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its courage, bravery and determination. Harry's third year at Hogwarts is packed with thrilling Gryffindor moments, including the appearance four of it Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

Oleh J.K. Rowling
Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, this irresistible Hufflepuff House Edition celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its dedication, patience and loyalty. Harry's third year at Hogwarts is packed with thrilling Hufflepuff moments, including the appearance of Quidditch Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.90 (-0%)

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