100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' 尼爾.唐納.沃許(Neale Donald Walsch) '找到 43 件相关商品
作者 Mark Tuitert
Mark brings Stoicism to life with anecdotes from his own life and Olympic sports career, making the ancient philosophy relatable and inspiring for all readers. Get ready to be motivated to live a more Stoic life with this unique and engaging book Donald Robertson, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor The Stoic Mindset has captured timeless Stoic principles in the modern world perfectly. The stresses of sport at the elite world level are extreme [...] Mark's experiences 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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作者 Lawrence McDonald James Robinson
The first investment playbook to make sense of our radically reshaped global economy, with new strategies to get ahead of the market in uncertain times. 'Any investor with skin in the game needs to buy this book.' Niall Ferguson From the Stock Exchange to Westminster, the fantasy of an eventual 'return to normal' is still alive and well. But the economic world as we know it - and the rules that govern it - are over. And few are prepared. Here, market risk expert Lawrence M 了解更多
原价 RM 109.95

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作者 Michiko Kakutani
In the twenty-first century, a wave of political, creative and technological change has capsized our old certainties and assumptions, creating both opportunity and danger. A confluence of crises is upon us, one emergency cascading into another. As people become steadily more disillusioned, new radical voices at the margins and the grassroots are disrupting the status quo. This is the time of the outsider – the protester, the start-up founder, the outlaw. Some of these outs 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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作者 唐納.米勒 , J.J.彼得森
  ★ AMAZON讀者4.7顆星好評:「行銷界的必讀之書!」「從事商業的人都要看!」   ★ 任何產業做了絕對有效的行銷5步驟,從此不再為無效行銷浪費時間與金錢!   ★ 解世博(行銷表達技術專家)、電商人妻Audrey(社群玩家) 好評推薦!   如何在10秒鐘內留住客戶,並成功讓他們下單?   備受好評的《極簡商業課》作者唐納.米勒這次帶來「極 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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Old MacDonald's Farm comes to life in this new storybook version. Learn what goes moo and what goes neigh on the farm with the help of illustrations and words. Certain to be fun to read aloud. 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

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作者 達夫•麥當諾
★榮獲2022年鸚鵡螺圖書獎(Nautilus Book Awards)「內在豐盛與正確生活」類 金獎!   一名終身信奉數字的商界菁英,如何拋卻對精準的依附,轉而深入探究生命的意義?   我們企圖用數字追求解答,卻忘了唯一的答案就是真實的存在;   而當我存在,我就擁有了無限的可能!   打開電視或網路媒體,你難免會以為今天的新聞就是今天的數字。今天氣 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 Michael Wolff
Meet the Murdochs and the disastrously dysfunctional family of Fox News. Until recently, they formed the most powerful media and political force in the land, for better or worse. Now their empire is cracking up and crashing down. For almost three decades, Fox News has not only made political careers (see: President Donald J. Trump) but also fundamentally altered the political landscape of the United States. It is a truism: as Fox goes, so goes the nation―into further divis 了解更多
原价 RM 112.90

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作者 唐納·米勒
  商學院要教兩、三年的內容,本書找到最精華的部分……沒有一句廢話。──樊登   想賺錢、晉升、轉職、創業、事業成功……   只要在早餐桌旁花短短的時間閱讀本書,   就能輕鬆掌握最重要的商業技能,   成為公司搶著要的價值驅動型人才。   ★工作生活家主理人 白慧蘭、暢銷作家 何則文──專文推薦   國際職涯教練 SandySu 蘇盈如 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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作者 Donald Miller
Speak to the heart of your target audience and create a movement around your mission or campaign through this comprehensive, step-by-step approach to crafting messages that resonate. Donald Miller, author of the bestselling Building a StoryBrand, has helped thousands of individuals, corporations, and justice-oriented organizations turn vision into action using the organized, easy to implement communication framework outlined in these pages. Based on proven principles indivi 了解更多
原价 RM 93.95

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Bring this favourite CoComelon song to life and explore the farm with a peek-through on every page! CoComelon celebrates life's big little moments for preschoolers and their families. With universally relatable scenarios and positive role-modeling, CoComelon presents a positive and safe place that supports strong relationships between caregiver and friends. Watching the relatable characters navigate their everyday lives helps children understand their role within their family 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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The male lead, Chris Donald, is a powerful but reckless fighter pilot. While on a secret mission for the country, he accidentally rescues an alien, Natasha. In order to get Chris protection and help, Natasha transforms into his favourite idol. When Chris sees his idol standing before him, he cannot refuse her request. However, Chris does not realise that his promise will lead to a huge global crisis.What danger awaits him? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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作者 Lim Yu-Book
Before Donald Trump declared trade war on China, most Chinese were happy to accept the US as the lǎo-dà (老大)—not exactly the ‘big boss’ in its usual intended meaning, but more a status accorded to someone out of an air of resignation and light contempt. Since he wants to be number one, let him be! But we know his true colours! China was not quite perturbed by Trump’s trade war. They knew who the ultimate losers would be. But the fact that the coronavirus was 了解更多
原价 RM 60.00

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Let JJ and his friends introduce your little one to 11 favourite nursery rhymes and songs! Sing along with your child as they learn the words to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald had a Farm, Baa Baa Black Sheep and more, while they colour in their favourite CoComelon characters. This giant activity pad features a colouring page for each nursery rhyme and an activity that is easy to master for young fans. 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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作者 Jon Clifton
The rising unhappiness that leaders didn’t see That’s because while leaders pay close attention to measures like GDP or unemployment, almost none of them track their citizens’ wellbeing. The implications of this blind spot are significant and far-reaching — leaders missed the citizen unhappiness that triggered events ranging from the Arab uprisings to Brexit to the election of Donald Trump. What are they going to miss next? Grounded in Gallup’s global research, 了解更多
原价 RM 119.95

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作者 賈斯汀·唐納德
你是不是為了不想被工作綁住, 追求財務自由, 反而被投資綁住? 其實,真正理想的自由是,當個── 樂享生活理財族!   ★ 獲《創業家》雜誌譽為「投資界新一代的巴菲特」   ★ 投資人、房地產經紀、商業顧問、生活教練、暢銷作家……各界好評如潮   ★ 最適合通膨、升息、股市暴跌的穩健投資法   《華爾街日報》第1名暢銷作家賈斯汀. 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 布萊利·霍普 , 賈斯汀·謝克
繼俄羅斯後,下一個掀起全球風暴的國家在哪裡? 全球油價波動,竟是這個人一手操弄? 他是MBS,最可能引發第三次世界大戰的獨裁者。 《鯨吞億萬》作者最新力作 入圍 2020 年《金融時報》與麥肯錫年度商業圖書   揭密沙烏地史上最具爭議的王儲──穆罕默德・本・沙爾曼(MBS) 沙烏地阿拉伯掌握世界經濟的石油命脈,而把持這個龐大黑金帝國權力 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

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作者 鈴木博毅
地表最強的超級創業家們,集合啦! ★ 7個時代 & 28間全球頂尖企業 & 112幅可愛圖解 ★ 一眼看懂「現象級」成功者的致勝思維!   可愛。輕鬆。必讀。   ✔中學生 ✔大學生 ✔新鮮人   ✔上班族 ✔soho族 ✔中年轉職 ✔創業者   面對人生和事業的難題,超級創業家們從來不怕挑戰。      從鋼鐵大王卡內基,到IT霸主貝佐斯;從風靡全球 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 Donald Miller
Learn to let go of stress, Change how you worry, And improve your life for good. Shunmyo Masuno, Zen Buddhist Monk and million copy bestselling author of Zen: The Art of Simple Living, shows you how to relieve the anxieties of everyday life in 48 vital, easy-to-achieve lessons. Use this book as your tool to focus on the 'now', to improve your most important relationships, to let go of rose-tinted views that hold you back, and to learn ways to accept yourself as you are so t 了解更多
原价 RM 79.95

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作者 Emma Hopkinson , Robyn Donaldson
Go on a journey of exploring the different approaches to grieving loss and discover the one that’s right for you Written by two women who experienced loss at a young age, this incredible grieving book will help you navigate any kind of loss, whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship or the loss of your job. Living with grief is hard. Let It's Your Loss help you find your new normal. It includes: • 10 chapters that focus on a different 了解更多
原价 RM 86.95

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作者 瑪格里特·妮爾 , 湯瑪斯·黎斯
─ 結合理性行為與影響力研究的談判教戰書 ─ 史丹佛商學院教授&西北大學凱洛格管理學院會計教授 實證研究/聯手出擊:   在協商中爭取更佳價值的科學化談判基礎知識:   ★ 如何在時限壓力和資訊落差中權衡談判的利益全貌?   ★ 「彼此同意」不等於「談判成功」,為什麼人們常會錯過可以創造更大共同價值的談判機會?   ★ 各種理性與非 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Donald Miller
Is this blue book more valuable than a business degree? Most people enter their professional careers not understanding how to grow a business. At times, this makes them feel lost, or worse, like a fraud pretending to know what they're doing. It's hard to be successful without a clear understanding of how business works. These 60 daily readings are crucial for any professional or business owner who wants to take their career to the next level. New York Times and Wall Street 了解更多
原价 RM 108.50

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作者 詹姆斯·麥唐諾
美國孤立主義再起,將讓世界陷入怎樣的危機? 新冠肺炎蔓延全球,各國將重返自給自足? 全球化是否將走入尾聲?   當世界貿易衰退,各國經濟成長停滯,大戰是否離我們不遠了?   一次世界大戰的教訓,讓各國奉行保護主義,力圖自給自足,想不到卻仍然引爆二次世界大戰,如今中美對抗持續升溫,新冠肺炎導致各國經濟停滯,全球化榮景一去不復 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 麥斯·貝澤曼 , 瑪格里特·妮爾
  ★30年不敗經典,你唯一需要的一本談判書!   ★哈佛商學院、華頓商學院、MIT、芝加哥大學、加州大學……全美一流名校指定閱讀。   ★揭開決策背後的思辨機制,提高人生勝率的談判邏輯。談判不只是為了贏,有時候贏了反而失去更多!   談判這件事,既富有挑戰性,又讓人感到興奮。   每個人都應該磨練自己,讓談判成為你最強大的武器 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 Hector Macdonald
Macdonald zeros in on the slipperiness of factuality, offering an array of case studies from the worlds of history, commerce and – of course – politics.' New York Times True or false? It’s rarely that simple. There is always more than one truth in every story. Eating meat is nutritious but it’s also damaging to the environment. The Internet disseminates knowledge but it also spreads hatred. As communicators, we select the truths that are most useful to our agenda. 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 約翰·凱瑞魯
────新創神話!?揭露3000億獨創醫療科技的超完美騙局────   她被譽為女版賈伯斯、《富比世》全球最年輕的創業女富豪,   如何用「一滴血」顛覆血液檢測、翻轉醫療產業?   一項即將改變你我健康的醫療檢測新科技,   而它的技術來自──謊言!   ★ 即將改編成電影,由奧斯卡影后珍妮佛.勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)主演   ★ 了解更多
原价 RM 66.20

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作者 提姆·歐文
  第一本 五分鐘就上手的自我成長書   史上最強人生定位術   下不來!雄踞《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜   亞馬遜網路書店專文報導、大力推薦   浮躁世界令人「頓悟」的心靈雞湯   全球500強CEO的心靈導師   ★可口可樂 波尼.沃茲巴克(Bonnie P. Wurzbacher)   ★百事可樂 史蒂夫.雷蒙德(Steve Reinemund)   ★艾克森美孚石油 馬克.艾伯(Mar 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 唐納德·普羅泰羅
  每一顆石頭都是追溯地球過去的一條線索   二十五個短小篇章,如二十五塊拼圖,   將地球歷史的全貌拚了出來。   石頭可以透漏的訊息比我們想像的更多!對大多數人而言,石頭就只是石頭,但對學有專精的地質學家而言,石頭蘊含豐富又珍貴的資訊,但前提是必須懂得怎麼看。   《改寫地球史的25種石頭故事》是一本既專業又生動好讀的地 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 Yuval Noah Harari
Official U.S. edition with full color illustrations throughout. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Yuval Noah Harari, author of the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity's future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods. Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may s 了解更多
原价 RM 62.90

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作者 唐納·米勒
  新行銷時代,如何說對故事?   你需要一套掌握各種顧客心理的全新行銷攻略︰   賣商品也賣改變的利器,能賺錢也能讓對方有贏的感覺。   從煩惱賣不動到故事行銷高手,只有一本書的距離!   「這本書讓你的產品不再被埋沒。」   ★暢銷100萬冊之後勵志書作家米勒新作   ★一出版即登上Amazon總榜TOP 20   ★商業寫作×顧客關係×網路行 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Revival is the ninth studio album by American rapper Eminem. The album was released on December 15, 2017, through Aftermath Entertainment, Shady Records and Interscope Records. Production for the album took place during 2016 to 2017 at various recording studios. In addition to Eminem himself, 了解更多
原价 RM 46.15

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作者 唐納德·薩爾 , 凱薩琳·艾森豪特
亞馬遜評價4.5顆星 《華盛頓郵報》12本必讀領導書籍之一 《彭博商業週刊》華爾街必讀書籍之一 生活中所有你想要的事物都可以達成,你只須將它分解成幾個基本的規則。 不只是兩位商業專家,許多重量級人物都如此認為。   複雜多變的問題,一定要用複雜的方式才能解決嗎?   美國聯邦準備理事會如何調整利率?   巴黎最出色的廚師如何保護自己 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 Mejar (B) Mohammad Qayyum A Badaruddin
Buku ini akan mengupaskan perjalanan kempen Trump , strategi - strategi anehnya dan impak selepas kemenangannya . Mengenali susuk tubuh bernama Trump ini dan mempelajari sesuatu dari cara fikirnya serta visi akan memberi kita gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang jiwa dan wawasannya .ia akan memberi gambaran baru dan persepsi berbeza selepas membaca buku ini . Nantikan solisinya agar dapat kita jadikan panduan dalam mengejar matlamat dalam hidup. 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

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作者 Keith
Lawak Kampus 28 dah keluar! Apakah cerita tersembunyi di sebalik muka depan yang super kawaii ni? Ehh Uncle Donald kawan dengan Froggy? Cikgu Noodle buat FB Live? Bento Xena kena rompak? Atuk KFG dan Pak Cik McW bersaing lagi? Jom dapatkan sebelum tamat cuti sekolah. Pasti buat korang semua pecah perut! 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

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作者 朱莉娅·唐纳森
家人一离开,小黄鸭就和绿青蛙、发条乌龟一起给浴缸放满水。接到一个求助电话后,拯救小动物的行动正式开始!它们乘着装满水的浴缸从家里出发,飞去沙漠给快要渴死的袋鼠送水,飞去蜜蜂的花园给每一朵耷拉的花浇水,飞去泥地给小猪洗澡,飞去狒狒的树林救火,飞去楼顶解救一条金鱼…… 了解更多
原价 RM 36.00

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~城市是五光十色的迷宮~ 鳥瞰視角建築景觀著色畫與曼陀羅 ★隨書附贈100x70cm超巨幅填色海報★   以心填色,以色築城。   用填色,發現城市之美。   藝術家STEVE MCDONALD以線條精心詮釋世界各地的鳥瞰視角,捕捉紐約、倫敦、巴黎、伊斯坦堡、東京、瓜達哈啦、里約、阿姆斯特丹以及許多城市的市容,拼湊出此時此刻,世界重要地域的文化光景 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 唐诺·克鲁斯
  祖孙间的思念之情,因为一次次的擦肩而过,变得越来越浓烈……   经典的婴幼儿认知图画书,一趟充满色彩和动感的火车之旅,   带领小宝宝认识火车的各种车厢,了解色彩、形状、速度与空间的含义。   空白的轨道上跑来了一列彩色的火车——红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫,再加一个黑色蒸汽火车头,呜呜!咔嚓咔嚓!火车向前走,带你走过颜色之 了解更多
原价 RM 28.80

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作者 提姆.歐文
《紐約時報》暢銷書企業的英雄,為什麼往往最後變成企業的災難?<BR>意氣風發的企業,為什麼後來會變成過街老鼠?<BR>★可口可樂全球顧客與通路領導部門資深副總裁  波尼.沃茲巴克(Bonnie P. Wurzbacher)<BR>★聯邦快遞(FedEx International)<BR> 總裁暨執行長 羅伯?麥唐納(Robert A. McDonald)<BR>★美國西南航空(Southwest Airlines)<BR>  了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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作者 DonaldA.Norman
英文版銷售25萬冊,授權全球15種語言版本 拒絕令人崩潰的不良設計 如果你是設計師,請為產品的易用性而奮鬥。如果你是使用者,請支持安全、實用又賞心悅目的好設計。 如果在旅館裡弄不清楚怎麼開水龍頭,或者面對不熟悉的瓦斯爐或電燈開關時,即使再聰明的人也會手足無措。認知科學家唐納‧諾曼大膽地指出,錯不在我們,問題出在忽略了基本心理 了解更多
原价 RM 60.10

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作者 羅斯.麥唐諾
他演了一場近乎完美的戲, 入木三分、真假莫辨。 豈料當戲正要落幕,他真正的戲分才要開始……   每個角色都戴著重重面具,歡迎挑戰「不可能看穿的真相」!   ★《龍紋身的女孩》史迪格.拉森、《失物之書》約翰.康納利、《控制》吉莉安.弗林等頂尖小說家的書櫃,都有這一本   ★華納兄弟與《駭客任務》電影團隊徹底「入戲」,即將搬上 了解更多
原价 RM 41.50

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作者 麦唐纳
《名师点评人生必读书:公主与柯迪(美绘版)》是英国作家麦唐纳的童话作品,讲述了这样一个有趣的故事:公主的祖母传授给柯迪一项神奇的本领——可以通过人手辨别善恶。在“琳娜”和另外四十九只奇形怪状的动物的帮助下,柯迪与公主一起,勇敢地将那些邪恶的臣子驱逐出王宫,救出国王,使人们过上了和平、幸福的生活。 了解更多
原价 RM 28.80

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作者 尼爾.唐納.沃許
影響了全球千萬人生命的《與神對話》三部曲一次全收錄 全新編輯成7本.讓經典也能隨身閱讀 這是一部非比尋常的文獻, 一部向你顯示了你自己和全人類面目的三部曲。   ★已譯成34種語文,全球銷量逾1200萬本,蟬聯《紐約時報》排行榜100多週。   這些對話,既迷人又騷亂,既具挑戰性,又有提升力。   這些對話,是我們從未見過,甚至極少想過的 了解更多
原价 RM 142.90

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作者 望月護
不只看高校棒球女子經理如何讀彼得.杜拉克, 更要看知名企業如何實踐彼得.杜拉克!   面對杜拉克旋風,卻不知從何下手?日本知名杜拉克學者望月護,不但要讓你讀懂杜拉克,更要讓你知道大企業如何實踐杜拉克,創造管理學最高成效!   本書精選五十九則杜拉克名言警句,引用十一本杜拉克經典巨作,超過數十家知名企業實例,用最深入淺出的 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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作者 Stephen King
"Castle Rock is a small town, where word gets around quickly. That's why Scott Carey wants to confide only in his friend Doctor Bob Ellis about his strange condition: he's losing weight, without getting thinner, and the scales register the same when he is in his clothes or out of them, however heavy they are. Scott also has new neighbours, who have opened a 'fine dining experience' in town, although it's an experience being shunned by the locals; Deidre McComb and her wife 了解更多
原价 RM 45.90

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