100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' Antonio Weiss '找到 23 件相关商品
作者 Bardugo Leigh 
From the New York Times bestselling author of Ninth House, Hell Bent, and creator of the Grishaverse series comes a highly anticipated historical fantasy set during the Spanish Golden Age In a shabby house, on a shabby street, in the new capital of Madrid, Luzia Cotado uses scraps of magic to get through her days of endless toil as a scullion. But when her scheming mistress discovers the lump of a servant cowering in the kitchen is actually hiding a talent for little miracle 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

现售 RM 89.96 (-10%)

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作者 辣媽Shania
【風靡台日,鬆餅機第一品牌!14款烤盤品項全制霸】 最容易上手、最受歡迎的Vitantonio鬆餅機食譜大公開, 一機在手,早餐、點心統統有, 只有想不到,沒有做不到, 讓你成為孩子心目中的地表最強媽咪!   只要放入麵糊或麵糰,按下開關,零廚藝也能簡單做出五花八門的早餐和點心,操作簡單,無需開火,方便省時,最適合一般家庭使用。   網友 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 克里斯·卓爾
「鎖定小眾」不僅不會縮小你的選擇範圍, 還會帶你進入充滿無限可能的世界!   我賣的東西,別人也賣。   我懂的,別人也懂。   到底我讓別人埋單的市場價值在哪裡?   最懂精準分眾的專家,傳授你   持續專注在最擅長的領域,在夾縫中穩定獲利的致勝祕訣。   ※※專文推薦:解世博,行銷表達技術專家/超業講師/Podcast銷幫幫主   了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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Dunia gelap yang penuh misteri dan mistik. Pelbagai kisah dan pengalaman barangkali dijadikan cerita untuk direnungi. Beranikah anda melihat dan menyelami dunia suram dan seram ini di dalam Kembara Mistik Remaja? Novel ini menghimpunkan 3 cerita hebat iaitu : Memento Mori oleh Shera Zulghafar Two – Hyun Yunzz Edelweiss – Farhah Addin 了解更多
原价 RM 13.00

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作者 姜義堅
  ★師從暢銷書《前世今生》作者魏斯醫師及美國催眠泰斗歐蒙!   ★劃時代的腦內修復法!結合臨床醫學知識與前世今生催眠療法,從意念來改善各種道不清也說不明的痛!   正確的愛,是身心創傷的解毒劑!   委屈怨懟且不斷發胖的女孩、不明原因暈眩的OL、時刻擔心恐慌發作的企業菁英、厭食棄學的高中女生、跌落神壇的大演說家、自責老公 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 Jean-Francois Marmion
"The Number One International bestseller 'We need books like this one' - psychologist Steven Pinker At last, stupidity explained! And by some of the world’s smartest people, among them Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James and Ryan Holiday. Stupidity is all around us, from the colleagues who won’t stop hitting ‘reply all’ to the former school friends posting conspiracy theories on Facebook. But in order to ba 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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作者 Joshua Weissman
ABOUT JOSHUA WEISSMAN: AN UNAPOLOGETIC COOKBOOK. #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A Weissman once said… “…can we please stop with the barrage of 2.3 second meals that only need 1 ingredient? I get it…we’re busy. But let’s refocus on the fact that beautifully crafted burgers don’t grow on trees.” Ironically this sounds a lot like he’s try 了解更多
原价 RM 145.00

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作者 Alan Weiss
New edition of bestselling real-world guide to consultancy success, from the “Rock Star of Consulting”. 了解更多
原价 RM 105.35

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作者 Mary H.K. Choi
From New York Times bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi comes a funny and emotional story about two estranged sisters and how far they'll go to save one of their lives-even if it means swapping identities. Jayne and June Baek are nothing alike. June's three years older, a classic first-born, know-it-all narc with a problematic finance job and an equally soulless apartment (according to Jayne). Jayne is an emotionally stunted, self-obsessed basket case who lives in squalor, has 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 辣媽Shania
【風靡台日,鬆餅機第一品牌!14款烤盤品項全制霸】 最容易上手、最受歡迎的Vitantonio鬆餅機食譜大公開, 一機在手,早餐、點心統統有, 只有想不到,沒有做不到, 讓你成為孩子心目中的地表最強媽咪!   只要放入麵糊或麵糰,按下開關,零廚藝也能簡單做出五花八門的早餐和點心,操作簡單,無需開火,方便省時,最適合一般家庭使用。    了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Jean-Francois Marmion
"ABOUT THE PSYCHOLOGY OF STUPIDITY “We need books like this one.” –Steven Pinker At last, stupidity explained! And by some of the world’s smartest people, among them Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James, and Ryan Holiday. And so I proclaim, o idiots of every stripe and morons of all kinds, this is your moment of glory: this book speaks only to you. But you will not recognize yourselves… Stupidity is all a 了解更多
原价 RM 75.50

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作者 安東尼奧·尼托-羅德里格茲
企業、社會與人生的所有問題 全都能用專案來解決!!   ★不論是企業領導人、各階層主管,還是每個上班族,專案管理是AI時代不被機器取代的必備職場技能!   過去十年間,大環境與社會變化速度飛快,徹底顛覆組織的運作以及我們習慣的管理與工作方式。在許多工作都被自動化設備與機器人取代的新世界裡,專案已經成為基本的創造價值模式。   了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 William Shakespeare
The Tempest is Shakespeare's masterpiece of magical effects, redemptive romance, poetry and politics. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert and an introduction by actor, writer and director Simon Callow. Prospero has long been exi 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 安東尼歐·亞瑞納斯 , 拉斐爾·普拉薩
  費納:「我倆對決,永不嫌多。」   球迷:「GOATs!Legends!不敢想像未來網壇沒有他倆。」   費納對決15年,獻給鐵粉球迷的珍藏紀念專書!   Federer+Nadal=Fedal   是競爭對手,但友情深厚,   亦敵亦友,卻也惺惺相惜!   他倆的故事偉大動人,網球界卻從沒有人訴說過。   第一本完整記錄費德勒和納達爾對戰網壇稱霸史!   ★特別收 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 Antonio Iturbe
ased on the experience of real-life Auschwitz prisoner Dita Kraus, this is the incredible story of a girl who risked her life to keep the magic of books alive during the Holocaust. Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezín ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight pr 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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原价 RM 150.90

现售 RM 135.81 (-10%)

会员 RM 128.27 (-15%)

作者 Robin Elise Weiss , Dr. Marcello Pietrantoni
  史上最完整!準爸媽備孕技能點滿手冊   從懷孕到生產40週安心養孕,關於生小孩的行前準備全收錄   跟著美國孕產專家,調整孕程身心靈節奏   陪準爸媽從新手變熟手、疑難雜症全破解的孕期自我照顧課   讓寶寶開心、媽媽安心、爸爸放心,0~40週好吃好睡好好孕!   【孕期當週備忘錄,不怕手忙腳亂】   食衣住行育樂醫,0~40週懷孕 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 布萊恩.魏斯
 一位精神科醫師,兩名患者,一則改變世界的訊息!      《前世今生》作者魏斯博士執業生涯經典案例,出版二十年長銷不墜!   掀開分隔兩個世界的面紗,一本探索愛與生命的奧祕、智慧和奇蹟的書!      ★福斯影業簽下電影改編版權      一對幾世因緣的靈魂伴侶,終於在今生重聚的真實故事!      伊麗莎白是美麗聰慧的會 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 欧阳文风 , Antonio Paoliello
两个爱书之人,相互横跨东西;一个从东方读到西方,一个从西方念到东方。来自东方的研究基督教神学和社会学,来自西方的则研究马华文学。此书收录他们透过电邮,畅谈与分享彼此的读书经验与心得,从小学至大学博士班,带出东西方国家教育的不同及趣事。 了解更多
原价 RM 22.00

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作者 布萊恩‧魏斯 , 愛咪‧魏斯
全球最受歡迎的回溯治療專家──布萊恩‧魏斯博士 繼《紐約時報》暢銷書《前世今生:生命輪迴的前世療法》後最新力作! 享譽全球25年,口碑相傳,震撼千萬人的心靈奇蹟! 有許多事發生在你身上是命中注定,那僅是前世遺留下的印記,並非永恆的命定。 啟動療癒,奇蹟就會發生 來自85位體驗者的分享書信,讓你穿越心靈屏障,一同感受奇蹟 究 了解更多
原价 RM 57.20

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作者 傑瑞.魏斯曼
從第一分鐘就抓住觀眾,最後輕鬆說服! 簡報大師20年實戰經驗 微軟、雅虎、思科、英特爾都搶著上他的課 歐普拉如何與觀眾建立無可取代的連結? 雷根如何運用人情味贏得民心? 林肯如何修飾演講詞來尋求全國團結? 賈伯斯如何利用正面措辭推銷產品? 微軟如何成功地與消費者對話? 柯林頓如何記取教訓,蛻變為魅力十足的演講者? 跟大師學簡報,從 了解更多
原价 RM 37.20

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作者 Antonio Weiss
This book explains how to resolve every challenge faced on a day-to-day basis in your business by presenting an unbeatable inventory of proven problem solving tools and techniques to help you tackle your toughest business dilemmas effectively. You will learn how to: · Overcome any business challenge with robust logic and structure · How to break down problems and make your workload lighter · Deliver the ‘killer’ recommendations · Discover how to succe 了解更多
原价 RM 169.68

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作者 Rick Riordan
The Mark of Athena is the explosive third part in Rick Riordan's number one series - Heroes of Olympus. ONE FATAL PROPHECYSEVEN BRAVE DEMIGODSA QUEST TO FIND - AND CLOSE - THE DOORS OF DEATH.Annabeth felt as if someone had draped a cold washcloth across her neck. She heard that whispering laughter again, as if the presence had followed her from the ship.She looked up at the Argo II. Its massive 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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