100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' Damon Galgut '找到 6 件相关商品
作者 Damon Galgut
When war is declared, the Library is determined to remain open. But then the Nazis invade Paris, and everything changes. In Occupied Paris, choices as black and white as the words on a page become a murky shade of grey - choices that will put many on the wrong side of history, and the consequences of which will echo for decades to come. MONTANA, 1983Lily is a lonely teenager desperate to escape small-town Montana. She grows close to her neighbour Odile, discovering they 了解更多
原价 RM 89.90

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作者 Don MacPherson
This is an excellent book that will be of great benefit to those who feel lost and overwhelmed. Don Macpherson has a gift for guiding us gently back to the path.' DAMON HILL 'I guarantee this book can help everyone in some shape or form.' ANTHONY WATSON, ENGLAND RUGBY INTERNATIONAL Are you a worrier? Do stress and anxiety cloud your mind? Do you ever really sleep properly? For the first time, in this book, renowned mind coach Don Macpherson will share his ten simple tools 了解更多
原价 RM 86.95

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作者 強·高登 , 戴蒙·威斯特
面對課業、工作、家庭、財務、人際等各種難題與考驗, 人生像一鍋滾燙的熱水,艱辛殘酷、充滿壓力, 如何不被壓垮、保有本質初心,甚至發揮正向感染力?   ★Amazon.com商業財經、自我成長分類榜No.1   ★亞馬遜超過八成讀者五顆星評價口碑保證   ★美國暢銷作家高登與新銳作家威斯特聯手推出經典商業寓言   ★想創造個人成就、優質文化和贏家 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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作者 戴蒙·札哈里斯
★蟬聯亞馬遜Kindle書城 心理研究與實踐管理類 榜首★ 明明知道非做不可,卻還是無法讓自己專注? 列下一大堆必做清單,最後卻一項都做不好? 「一流自雇者」獨門傳授21招超強自我時間管理技巧, 讓你不僅充滿幹勁,還能輕鬆愉快做好每件重要的事!   你是否曾困擾於……   .害怕失敗,於是無法採取行動   .堅持完美主義,因此總是感到挫折 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 戴蒙·札哈里斯
  10步驟 + 8要訣,盤點、刪除、排序你的待辦事項     從此事情做得完,消除壓力和焦慮   輕鬆管理工作和家庭,奪回你的私人時間 你曾列了待辦清單,卻還是發現事情做不完?工作和生活都一團混亂! 你是否在清單上列了一長串工作,卻感到手足無措,不知從何下手? 其實這不是你的錯,更不該放棄,你只要學會「正確使用」待辦清單。 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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Ash, Iris, And Cilan Arrive In Eindoak During A Harvest Festival's Pokemon Tournament And Meet The Legendary Pokemon Victini Who Wishes To Share Its Powers Of Victory To Someone. Ash And His Friends Must Stop Damon With The Help Of The Legendary Pokemon Zekrom, Before Damon.... 了解更多
原价 RM 16.90

现售 RM 15.21 (-10%)

会员 RM 14.37 (-15%)



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