100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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作者 湯瑪士.易徒森
Amazon金融會計類NO.1!   Amazon 4.5顆星、熱銷逾20年、突破20萬冊!   完整圖解×不需死背×輕鬆上手×任何人都看得懂   讀者紛紛表示:「真希望能早點擁有這本書!」   不是會計師,更需要提升財務IQ,讓數字成為你的生財好朋友。   美國知名資深財務顧問親授30多年經驗,完全沒有難懂術語及難解公式,   用1個案例教你活用3大報表(資產負債 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

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作者  Thomas Hertog
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Stephen Hawking’s closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar’s final thoughts on the cosmos—a dramatic revision of the theory he put forward in A Brief History of Time. “This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos.”—Lord Martin Rees Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his e 了解更多
原价 RM 72.95

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作者 玄享(楊善淳)
「唯有在認識卡巴拉之後,我們才真正開始進入托特塔羅的世界。」 鐘穎(愛智者)——專序推薦   「塔羅有如集體的夢,呈現了人類生命追尋獨立與完整的旅途;   每一張圖像,都反映內心深處的一部分。如果我們願意與它們連結、藉著它們詮釋生命,   便能找回個體和整個心靈宇宙固有的連結。   我們都是活生生的奇蹟,棲居在不可思議的萬 了解更多
原价 RM 80.10

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作者 Brigid Kemmerer
In the thrilling conclusion to the Defy the Night series, New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer crafts heartrending twists and devastating turns that will keep readers breathless to the very end. Left for dead, but desperate to survive ... they have one last chance to save their kingdom. Prince Corrick is out of options. Held captive by the vicious Oren Crane, he's desperate to reunite with Tessa, but will need to ally with the rebel leader Lochlan, who until no 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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作者 Aendo
Thomas Edison ·King of Invention· Imagination Without Limitation "Why? Why is that?!!" Famous for always asking questions, Thomas Edison dropped out of elementary school, but the love and guidance of his mother opened up a whole new world of ideas and imagination for him. Before long, he grew fascinated with inventing and making. With hard work and effort, he became an inventor who would astound humankind! The Great Minds Comics series depicts the childhood and early yea 了解更多
原价 RM 17.00

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作者 Thomas Chia
Whether you’re a beginner or someone exploring new ways to generate passive income, this book is a must-read for you. It will guide you in building your own million-dollar income-generating machine while maintaining your regular 9-5 job. Inside, you’ll discover:  How to choose an investment model that suits your risk profile  Why dividend-growth is the preferred model for Malaysia Stock Market  The four simple steps to identify stocks that offer both ca 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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作者 Taylor Kovar , Megan Kovar
For Richer or For Poorer The Five Money Personalities has returned in this revised edition by the new Money Couple: Taylor and Megan Kovar. Every couple argues about money. It doesn't matter if you've been married for forty years or dating for four months, money touches every decision you make as a couple. And when the two of you don't see eye to eye on spending and saving, disagreements turn into toxic fights that leave both feeling hurt and angry. But what if you could u 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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作者 Thomas Erikson
From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots Do you often feel exhausted by conversations? Are there people in your life with belittle you through words or actions? Or, do you have colleagues who take up your time and don't actually do much? You could be surrounded by vampires! International bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will help you recognise and deal with the four most common vampires. Be it time, 了解更多
原价 RM 62.90

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Sticker book that promotes visual perception 了解更多
原价 RM 11.90

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Sticker book that promotes visual perception 了解更多
原价 RM 11.90

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Sticker book that promotes visual perception 了解更多
原价 RM 11.90

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Sticker book that promotes visual perception 了解更多
原价 RM 11.90

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Book that inspire creativity and foster a love for learning 了解更多
原价 RM 8.90

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Book that inspire creativity and foster a love for learning 了解更多
原价 RM 8.90

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Book that inspire creativity and foster a love for learning 了解更多
原价 RM 8.90

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Book that inspire creativity and foster a love for learning 了解更多
原价 RM 8.90

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Book that inspire creativity and foster a love for learning 了解更多
原价 RM 8.90

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作者 史都華‧維斯
妄想雖然可恥但是有用! 亞馬遜讀者五星強推! 最熱愛「怪力亂神」的美國心理學暢銷作家 帶你重新認識幻想與心理假象的妙用   「如果有任何一種信念能促成我們去追求更好的生活,那這個信念就是有益的。」──美國心理學家威廉.詹姆斯   「透過清晰又愉快的筆觸,作者讓我們看到非理性衝動的影響力。」──康乃爾大學心理學教授吉洛維奇( 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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作者 Tiffany D. Jackson
An outcast at her small-town Georgia high school, Madison Washington has always been a teasing target for bullies. Until the morning a surprise rainstorm reveals her most closely kept secret: Maddy is biracial. She had been passing for white her entire life at the behest of her fanatical white father, Thomas Washington. After a viral bullying video pulls back the curtain on Springville High’s racist roots, student leaders come up with a plan: host the first integrated prom 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 夏琳
2022鍾肇政文學獎長篇小說類評審推薦獎 400年前桃園以豐富的鹿皮資源初次登上貿易舞台 如今已演變為工業大城與國際關隘 桃園古今兩代人的超時空連線 述說著桃園這塊豐沃大地的前世今生   血腥與破壞、希望與重建,生死交融,生命一代又一代地延續。   山崖之南,一個被統稱為南崁四社的平埔族聚落,在大半北桃園區域存在了四百年以上,以豐富 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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作者 哈理斯
反抗過,才明白孤獨的意義! 每一位「少年」都希望安身立命, 但無奈生命早期或與重要他人的「關係性」受損, 使得「自我定義」挫敗,或即使擁有社會定義的成就,羨煞旁人, 但內心卻是頹垣敗瓦地飽受孤獨之苦。   那些「童年產生與累積」至「老年面對與僵化」之間,   常常於青少年階段明顯有感但被異化,   誤以為是別的事物、與個體心理 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者  Shelby Van Pelt 
Full of heart and humour . . . I loved it.' Ruth Hogan 'Will stay with you for a long time.' Anstey Harris 'I defy you to put it down once you've started' Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney After Tova Sullivan's husband died, she began working the night cleaner shift at the Sowell Bay Aquarium. Ever since her eighteen-year-old son, Erik, mysteriously vanished on a boat over thirty years ago keeping busy has helped her cope. One night she meets Marcellus, a giant Pacific octopus living 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Jordyn Taylor
A wickedly comic feminist mystery about the dark side of a hopeless romantic's seemingly perfect love story—for readers of Jessica Goodman and Kara Thomas. Alyson is a romantic, and sometimes it gets her into trouble. Like last summer, she thought her co-worker was into her, when in reality he found her flirting pathetic. Then she meets Brenton Riggs Jr., and right away she knows that their connection isn’t just in her head. When he swoops in to save her one night from 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 阿莫斯·歐文·托馬斯
  在蓬勃發展的全球貿易之外,存在著不為人知的影子交易,這些交易遊走法律邊緣,充滿腐敗行為;可疑的供應鏈和其他非法的經營模式,卻與全球商業同時進行,這些無國界貿易與表面的經濟結構互相交織,並為資本主義經濟系統作出貢獻,它們往往受到政府睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,並得到消費者無意識的支持。事實上,我們每一個人都可能在工作、消費,甚 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 GPT-3 , 潔絲敏·王 , 伊恩·湯瑪斯
史上第一本! 運用人工智慧探索人類靈性的書   當你感到迷惘,不確定該前往何方   或不知道想對人生問出什麼問題   請打開這本書   相信你會從中獲得啟發!   從成千上萬個問題中,   篩選出192個最迫切的生命大哉問。   向內存上千年人類智慧的尖端人工智慧系統GPT-3輸入指令,   解開生而為人最深的生命困惑!   千百年來,我們 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 Cik Nor Cinta
Firdaus dan Melur sudah mengecapi momen-momen indah di dalam rumah tangga mereka,namun ujian yang melanda datang tanpa diduga. Hadirnya Mak Long Sally telah membawa cerita berbeza. “Dia baik tu bersebab kau tau tak? Sebab dia banyak kekurangan! Dia sakit. Tak kerja. Tak boleh mengandung. Itu pun kau tak nampak ke?” - Mak Long Sally Huh! Namun bukan Melur orangnya untuk mengalah dan dikalahkan. “Ingat ni drama Melayu ke? Kena buli pun diam dan mengalah? Konon baik san 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Stephen King
*THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER* Holly Gibney, one of Stephen King's most compelling and ingeniously resourceful characters, returns in this thrilling novel to solve the gruesome truth behind multiple disappearances in a Midwestern town. Stephen King's HOLLY marks the triumphant return of beloved King character Holly Gibney. Readers have witnessed Holly's gradual transformation from a shy (but also brave and ethical) recluse in Mr Mercedes to Bill Hodges's partner in Finders Keep 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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作者 Paige Toon
Heartwarming and heartbreaking' Giovanna Fletcher 'Deep, emotional, powerful' Milly Johnson 'It swept me away!' Beth O'Leary ___________________________ Neither of them expected to fall in love. But sometimes life has other plans. When Wren realises her fiance is in love with someone else, she thinks her heart will never recover. On the other side of the world, Anders lost his wife four years ago and is still struggling to move on. Wren hopes that spending the summer with 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Angie Thomas
Internationally bestselling superstar author Angie Thomas makes her middle grade debut with the launch of a contemporary fantasy trilogy inspired by African American history and folklore. “Nothing short of a triumph.” Rick Riordan Perfect for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers, Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun and Nevermoor It’s not easy being a Remarkable in the Unremarkable world. Some things are cool — like getting a pet hellhound for your twelfth birthday. Othe 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 威廉.希爾博
有時,過於謹慎成不了大事, 但太過大膽又全盤通輸, 該小心時謹慎,該大膽時敢衝, 是你我面對未知時,必須練就的高勝算能力!   ★ 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主大推   ★ Amazon.com讀者評價4.9顆星   ★ CNBC、《科克斯書評》、美國外交協會、財經Podcaster等各界齊聲讚譽   .為什麼有許多比賽,比分落後的一方,很常出現輸贏翻盤的狀況?   .為什麼 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 湯馬斯·菲爾普斯
財富,是透過買對並持有而獲得的! 百倍股,就是1元的投資,會增長至100元的股票。 這個策略,簡而言之,就是「買對的股票,然後長期持有至少十年」。   許多投資人過分在意市場走勢,反而會錯過進場的時機,但是只關注公司公開的增長趨勢與利潤,也是不夠,如何把精力都放在尋找有百倍回報的股票上,並關注一家公司在未來是否能夠創造更多的價 了解更多
原价 RM 75.45

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作者 艾雅爾·溫特
生活即賽局, 問題是:如何看懂局,甚至成為造局者? 全球賽局權威──溫特教授, 以職場、情場、商場等豐富實例, 教你把情緒納為決策籌碼, 在人生戰場中,掌握超乎想像的優勢!   ★本書入選國家文官學院「每月一書」   ★8位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主盛讚推薦:   湯瑪斯.謝林(Thomas Schelling)、肯尼斯.阿羅(Kenneth Arrow)、埃里克.馬斯金(Eri 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 TJ Klune
Witty, haunting and kind, Under the Whispering Door is a gift for troubled times. TJ Klune brings us a warm hug of a story about a man who spent his life at the office - and his afterlife building a home. From the author of joyous New York Times bestseller The House in the Cerulean Sea. Welcome to Charon's Crossing. The tea is hot, the scones are fresh and the dead are just passing through. When a reaper comes to collect Wallace from his own sparsely-attended funeral, Wall 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 Matthew Thomas
The Malaysian lawyer and author Matthew Thomas was introduced by his family to Anne when he was 29. Despite their initial trepidation, they got along very well and within a year they were married. Decades later, she would lie in a coffin at the same church they were married in. Ivy on Stone is his memoir of their marriage, and of how he has struggled to come to terms with her death. This deeply personal tribute is not only a record of love and grief, but of a humanistic fa 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Court Stevens
Twenty years ago, eighteen-year-old Francis Quick was convicted of murdering her best friend, Cora King, and sentenced to death. Now the highly debated Accelerated Death Penalty Act has passed giving Frankie thirty final days to live. Surprising everyone, one of the King family members sets out to challenge the woefully inadequate evidence and potential innocence of Frankie Quick. The at-first reluctant but soon-fiery Nyla and her unexpected ally—handsome country island bo 了解更多
原价 RM 61.50

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作者 Shankaran Nambiar
“Covid-19 was a global pandemic. All countries, and nearly all localities, were affected. And yet infection rates, death rates, and impact on societies varied widely. What accounts for this variance? The Malaysian story is told by Shankaran Nambiar, one of the country’s leading economists. We already know that in the United States, Covid-19 responses became highly politicised. The China story seems equally political, but driven from the top down. The Malaysian story is n 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 Cik Nor Cinta
RUDE? Bukan biadab. Bukan juga kasar. Tapi… SELAMBA. Kahwin paksa? Itu mungkin cerita klise tetapi, bila dapat seorang isteri yang selamba… itu bukan klise lagi! Sikap selamba Melur itulah yang membuatkan sikap jual mahal Firdaus surut perlahan-lahan. Sikap selamba Melur itu jugalah yang telah mematahkan ego lelaki itu dan mula menyayanginya. Namun, kesetiaan Firdaus terhadap Dee tidak juga goyah dan itulah yang membuatkan Melur pergi bersama hati yang kecewa. “Abang k 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Paul Malone
The true story of the 42 Australian, New Zealand and British guerrillas and their Borneo warrior allies who fought behind Japanese lines in World War II and forced the surrender of the last two Japanese companies, ten weeks after World War II’s official end. Over 1,000 Japanese were killed in the Semut I operation, a casualty rate out of all proportion to the small size and armaments of the force. But rather than revere and praise their leader, after the war, many of th 了解更多
原价 RM 38.00

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作者 Carla A. Harris
The author of Expect to Win offers essential career strategies for today's economic climate Appointed by President Barack Obama to chair the National Women's Business Council in 2013, Carla Harris knows that the working world isn't what it used to be. Addressing these changes, Harris's new book gives today's readers the tools they need to get started, get "unstuck" from bad situations, redirect momentum, and position themselves to manage their career no matter what the econo 了解更多
原价 RM 84.95

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作者 傑克.坎菲爾 , 珍奈特.斯威策
如果《思考致富》是20世紀的成功法經典, 那21世紀的成功法經典, 非本書莫屬, 改變數億人的工作與生活!   ★ 全球現象級暢銷書《心靈雞湯》系列創始人坎菲爾代表作   ★ 無論你是上班族、學生、運動員、創業家、家長、主管,都能打造更好的理想人生   ★ Amazon.com讀者評論近2,000則,近九成5星好評   ◎ 出身平凡,白手起家,也能成就 了解更多
原价 RM 152.45

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作者 托瑪·皮凱提
持續改變二十一世紀經濟討論的經典 當代最有影響力的思想家.全球暢銷250萬冊 持續惡化的貧富不均,終將摧毀得來不易的自由民主! 「光是確立這項事實的貢獻就值得一座諾貝爾獎。」 ────桑默斯(Lawrence H. Summers),前美國財政部長、前哈佛大學校長 「往後十年最重要的經濟學著作。」 ────克魯曼(Paul Krugman),諾貝爾經濟學獎得主   只要 了解更多
原价 RM 110.90

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"Rosera adalah seorang globalis modern dengan akar muslimah yang kuat. Novel yang indah dibaca oleh siapa pun yang merasa dirinya warga dunia namun mengekalkan akar kulturalnya. Akmal Nasery Basral-Sastrawan, Penerima Penghargaan National Writer's Award 2021 Kategori Fiksi dari Perkumpulan Penulis Nasional SATUPENA. "Syurga itu dipenuhi oleh para pendosa-yang bertaubat." Mengisahkan seorang lelaki muda dengan latar belakang yang berbeza dari profesinya, tidak takut menjad 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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前言 鐵達尼號大發現 本文由深海探險家兼《國家地理》雜誌探險家羅伯. D . 巴拉德(Ro b e r t D. B a l l ard) 執筆,出自麥可. S . 斯威尼( M i c h a e l S . Swe e n ey ) 所著的《鐵達尼號: 全世界最知名沉船事件大揭密》。 2022年不僅是鐵達尼號沉沒110週年,也是法國海洋學家尚-路易.馬歇爾(Jean-Louis Michel)與我一同在海底發現它的第37年。打從1985年9月1日 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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作者 Liselle Sambury
An urban fantasy debut following a teen witch who is given a horrifying task: sacrificing her first love to save her family’s magic. The problem is, she’s never been in love—she’ll have to find the perfect guy before she can kill him. After years of waiting for her Calling—a trial every witch must pass in order to come into their powers—the one thing Voya Thomas didn’t expect was to fail. When Voya’s ancestor gives her an unprecedented second chance to compl 了解更多
原价 RM 75.90

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Thomas & Friends Race for the Sodor Cup The Movie 湯馬仕小火車 索多岛勇士 ENG/CAN (E / C) Super-fast Kana is convinced that her speed is all she needs to win the Race for the Sodor Cup, a competition that draws engines from all over the world. However, when a racing practice gone wrong causes her partner, Kenji, to get hurt, Kana ends up paired with Thomas. Kana and Thomas will discover that it takes teamwork to become the best racers they can be, but is it eno 了解更多
原价 RM 21.90

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作者 Jo Bowlby
The A List Shaman' - The Times Magazine 'A must-read packed full of aha moments.' - Naomie Harris OBE, Actor 'It's interesting, fun and it's relevant to all of us ... Perhaps the key thing for me is the feeling that Jo is talking from her heart rather than writing from her brain ... It's important.' - Sarah Stacey, Victoria Health Jo Bowlby is a world-renowned Shaman, coach and mentor. This very special book is filled with insights and practices which for centuries were on 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Thomas Erikson
From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots Are you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life? Are you worn out by their constant demands for attention, their absolute belief they are right (even when clearly they are not), their determination to do what they want (regardless of impact), and their baffling need to control everyone and everything around them? In this thought-provoking, sanity-saving book, Thomas Erikson helps you understand what makes 了解更多
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作者 QuHarrison Terry
The metaverse is here. Are you ready? In The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift, a duo of experienced tech and culture experts delivers a can't-miss guide to participating in the most promising new technology since the advent of the web. Through dozens of metaverse creator case studies and concise, actionable insights, you'll walk away from this book understanding how to explore and implement the latest metaverse tech emerging from blockcha 了解更多
原价 RM 125.78

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作者 汤米·汤姆斯
作为约70年来首位被任命为马来西亚总检察长的私人执业律师,汤米•汤姆斯在这本极具个人色彩的书中,描述了他在这个国家最高级别法律事务办公室的经历。 这位前总检察长叙述了他所作的几个重要决定,包括起诉在一马发展公司弊案中扮演一定角色的前首相纳吉•拉萨、刘特佐、阿鲁•甘达和高盛在一马发展公司弊案。 他的著作是一名希盟政府高级 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 麥爾荀伯格 , 蘭姆格
  下一代創新者的突圍策略   web3.0時代   每個人都需要具備的「資料素養」(data literacy)   大數據(巨量資料)時代,資料是創新最重要的原物料!   資料增值的關鍵不在蒐集,而在自由使用和深入分析!   我們需要開放資料存取權,讓人人都能享有數位紅利!   我們這個時代,看似電子產品百花齊放,創意構想層出不窮,   但是與一 了解更多
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作者 Gillian Tett
Financial Times Book of the Year The Times Book of the Year A revelatory model that explains how we buy, sell, work and live. 'Absolutely brilliant.' Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow ___ Meet the business anthropologists seeking to explain how we buy, sell, work and think. From supermarkets to factories, trading floors to tech firms, their methods are revealing the hidden codes that define our lives. The result is a wholly new way to see human behaviour 了解更多
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作者 托馬斯·巴塔 , 派崔克·巴維斯
麥肯錫權威12黃金法則, 指引你策動上司、同事、團隊及自己, 發揮影響力,讓顧客與公司共同成功獲益。   麥肯錫的全球大規模研究計畫,調查170個國家超過8,600名領導者,分析業務影響力與職涯成就的貢獻度,總結出創造行銷最大價值的12領導法則,重新校準行銷職能與最高價值。   行銷技能≠行銷領導技能   行銷管理者與其他部門管理者需要 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 J. Elle
​In this riveting, keenly emotional debut fantasy, a Black teen from Houston has her world upended when she learns about her godly ancestry and must save both the human and god worlds. Perfect for fans of Angie Thomas, Tomi Adeyemi, and The Hunger Games! "Make a way out of no way" is just the way of life for Rue. But when her mother is shot dead on her doorstep, life for her and her younger sister changes forever. Rue's taken from her neighborhood by the father she never k 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

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作者 麥特·福特諾 , 屈哈里森·泰瑞
推特、LINE、Nike、HTC皆進軍NFT, 顛覆零售‧遊戲‧金融‧藝術‧體育界商業模式 一本製作、銷售、購買、應用NFT最全面的指南! NFT已成為年度代表關鍵字之首, 當產業龍頭紛紛布局,各類領域爭先搶進, 如何在這波熱潮中掌握千億商機? ◆締造奇蹟的年度最熱關鍵字 2021年NFT銷售總額已達破紀錄的250億美元! 非同質化代幣(NFT),一種由區塊鏈驗證和保護 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 托馬斯·蘭姆格 , 揚·史沃喬夫
《經濟學人》專欄作家 × 德國專業製圖團隊 × 繁中版增補台灣數據 ♕榮獲 全球知名‧美國Axiom商業書經濟類「金書獎」♕ ★ 用地圖+ 資訊圖表打造你的經濟思維! ★ 個體經濟學、總體經濟學、貨幣經濟學、環境經濟學⋯⋯全打包! ★ 7 大領域 × 105 個經濟學關鍵主題 【能力培養】 ✔基礎個經、總經概念 ✔日常財經新聞識讀  ✔世界經濟全局觀 ✔資料統 了解更多
原价 RM 115.50

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作者 Cameron Lund 
From the author of The Best Laid Plans comes another fresh voiced, hilarious rom-com perfect for fans of You Have a Match and The Rest of the Story. Penny Harris just ruined her life. As one of the most popular girls in school, she’s used to being invited to every party, is dating the Jordan Parker, and can’t wait to rule senior year with her best friend, Olivia. But when Penny wakes up on Jordan’s lawn the morning after his first-day-of-summer bash, she knows somethi 了解更多
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World's Greatest Short Stories Vol II is an assortment of riverting tales. While some of them are thrilling, many are heart wrenching as they deal with human condition. But, without expectation, all the stories are compelling and fascinating. This volume contains the works of celebrated authors from across the globe - from Joseph Conrad's tale of isolation and acceptance that an emigrant faces to Thomas Hardy's oft-used plot of the letter which is not delivered - the stori 了解更多
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作者 Jerome K. Jerome
When their daily lives become too stressful, Jerome, along with his friends George and Harris, sets out on a short adventure. But of course, they could not forget to take along their furry friend, a fox terrier named Montmorency! As the gentle movement of their boat takes them down the Thames, their thoughts turn to their lives and their observations about their trip from Kingston to Oxford. Three Men in a Boat, first appeared in the magazine,Home Chimes as it was meant t 了解更多
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作者 Rebecca Barrow 
With compelling characters, broken friendships and complicated romances, BAD THINGS HAPPEN HERE is the irresistible YA murder mystery thriller: it makes your heart race, your toes curl, and your mind whirl with deadly secrets, dark truths and the innate need to escape a poisonous paradise. The island of Parris: paradise or poison? Luca Laine Thomas lives in Parris, the beautiful island plagued by the unsolved deaths of young women - most significantly, Luca's best friend. A 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Rosie Andrew
Outstanding... a seething, haunting delight' Beth Underdown, award-winning author of THE WITCHFINDER'S SISTER 'Darkly compelling and dripping with atmosphere... bewitching' Stacey Halls, Sunday Times bestselling author of THE FAMILIARS A beguiling tale of superstition, myth and murder, perfect for fans of The Binding, The Essex Serpent and Once Upon a River. SHE IS AWAKE... Norfolk, 1643. With civil war tearing England apart, reluctant soldier Thomas Treadwater is summoned h 了解更多
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