100th Anniversary Sale
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作者 Choong Su Yin
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 张素英
让你马上举出3道鸡蛋料理,你会先想到什么?荷包蛋、生熟蛋和全熟蛋?鸡蛋料理岂止这些呢?小小鸡蛋落到张素英老师的手中,摇身就变成让人垂涎的料理。 张老师的鸡蛋食谱,用十足的诚意撰写,每一道都是倾囊相授,以百分百的色香味呈现。本书食谱以腌卤、煎炸、慢煮、热炒、蒸煮、甜品分类,甜酸苦辣咸五味俱全,心血来潮时马上来一道也没问题! 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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会员 RM 30.90 (-0%)

作者 Choong Su Yin
What crosses your mind when you are asked to give 3 examples of egg dishes? Fried egg, soft-boiled egg, and hard-boiled egg? Eggs are far more versatile than that. In Madam Choong Su Yin’s hands, eggs transform into scrumptious dishes. These recipes were concocted by Madam Choong with her absolute passion, completely sharing her cooking secrets to readers with these perfect-looking, aromatic and tasty dishes. The recipes are categorised into marinated and braised, fried a 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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会员 RM 30.90 (-0%)

作者 张素英
已已故张素英老师是马来西亚烹饪界翘楚,钻研烹饪多年,精通中式烹饪,马新中港台的各类中菜,到了张老师手中,都能保留最古早的味道,最传统的滋味。张老师教授烹饪多年,很多学生在她的教诲下练得一身好厨艺,正所谓磨刀不误砍柴工,一直到60多岁,张老师才出版第一本食谱,随即获得读者热烈支持。 她在6年里写了17本食谱,坚守传统做法,严遵 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

现售 RM 22.02 (-15%)

会员 RM 20.72 (-20%)

作者 张素英
张素英老师为此书撰写的糖水/甜汤,充满古早滋味,是我们记忆中,阿嬤曾经为一家大小烹煮过的甜蜜回忆。简单的甜汤,吃在口里甜滋滋,暖和在心头上。过往和阿嬷一起共度的时光,在我们的舌尖和记忆中流淌。食谱详尽精准,让读者能够跟着一步一步学起来,把千变万化的美味糖水,一道道弄上桌。 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 25.90 (-0%)

作者 Choong Su Yin
As a recognised figure at the forefront of Malaysia's culinary world, the late Madam Choong Su Yin was an expert in Chinese cuisine. Having honed her skills for decades in the kitchen, Madam Choong's specialty is in retaining the most authentic and traditional flavours in the wok. Her recipes emphasised on traditional steps and authentic flavours. She went on to produce 17 cookbooks in six years, successfully passing on m 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

现售 RM 22.02 (-15%)

会员 RM 20.72 (-20%)

作者 张素英
古早味,其实就是记载在回忆里的味道,藏着一份情感,还有几分回味。有的小吃纵使还有机会尝到,可是那种用真材实料和传统手艺做出来的味道已不复再。 在马来西亚烹饪界备受推崇的张素英老师,凭着味蕾的记忆,撰写出50道古早味浓,人情味重的小吃,有艾粄、白层糕、炒粉仔、“小鸟蛋”……重现当年好滋味,让年轻一辈也有机会品尝那令人念 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

现售 RM 25.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 25.00 (-0%)



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