100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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作者 Pochi Kashiwa , Lain-lain
Kompilasi enam cerita seram yang buat korang merinding dan terharu pada masa sama! Hantu Tandas Hanako - Pochi KASHIWA Rumah Moyang Zashiki-Warashi - Keiko NOTOYAMA Suatu Hari Nanti - Itu Pasti! - Junko KAGARI Bayang-Bayang Beg Sekolah - Junko KAGARI Patung Meratap - Kirara HIMEKAWA Ikatan Tak Terlihat - Maki SUGAWA 了解更多
原价 RM 16.00

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作者 Takashi Shiina , Rumiko Takahashi
Can the three teenage daughters of demon dog half-brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru save their parents, themselves, and both realms from the menace of the seven mystical Rainbow Pearls? 了解更多
原价 RM 48.30

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会员 RM 48.30 (-0%)

作者 Takashi Shiina Rumiko Takahashi
Can the three teenage daughters of demon dog half-brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru save their parents, themselves, and both realms from the menace of the seven mystical Rainbow Pearls? Before the trio can continue their perilous journey to the west, they must first complete an all-important task—one way or another, Towa will get to enjoy a cushy heated bath! Then the girls are joined by Takechiyo, Riku, and Rion and head toward the town of Sakai. While facing off against t 了解更多
原价 RM 48.30

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作者 Takashi Shiina , Rumiko Takahashi
Can the three teenage daughters of demon dog half-brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru save their parents, themselves, and both realms from the menace of the seven mystical Rainbow Pearls? First stop, Demon Slayers’ Village, where the trio joins forces with old friends and frenemies of Inuyasha—Kohaku, Sango, Miroku, and Koga! Plus, Miroku tells the tale of meeting Sesshomaru’s flunky Jaken after the fateful day when the twins were separated. Then, while Towa receives a sur 了解更多
原价 RM 48.30

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作者  Hisashi Kashiwai 
The Kamogawa Food Detectives, translated from Japanese by Jesse Kirkwood, is the first book in the bestselling, mouth-watering Japanese sleuthing series for fans of Before the Coffee Gets Cold. What’s the one dish you’d do anything to taste just one more time? Down a quiet backstreet in Kyoto exists a very special restaurant. Run by Koishi Kamogawa and her father Nagare, the Kamogawa Diner treats its customers to wonderfully extravagant meals. But that's not the main re 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

现售 RM 62.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 55.92 (-20%)

作者 Takashi Shiina Rumiko Takahashi
Can the three teenage daughters of demon dog half-brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru save their parents, themselves, and both realms from the menace of the seven mystical Rainbow Pearls? Living in the present day isn’t easy for Sesshomaru’s daughter Towa. She can’t remember where she came from, must conceal her mysterious powers, and is either worshipped or feared by girls she just wants to befriend. But she has no way of returning to her own time…until the day a demon 了解更多
原价 RM 48.30

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作者 Dr. R Siva Prakash
原价 RM 40.00

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作者 Takashi Nagasaki
Bila artis komik bernasib malang terpandang wajah seorang pembunuh kejam... Bila dia jadikan penjenayah itu sebagai karakter utama komiknya... Bila tanpa disangka komiknya dapat sambutan luar jangkaan...! Yamashiro Kengo, pembantu artis komik yang berimpian untuk debut menjadi buntu bila karyanya ditolak atas alasan storyline tak realistik. Namun segalanya berubah bila dia ternampak lelaki dengan wajah kaku tanpa rasa bersalah membunuh satu keluarga! “Jadi kau dah nampa 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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会员 RM 15.00 (-0%)

作者 Syed Farrukh Hassan , Alexander Orel , Kashif Islam
THE NETWORK PROFESSIONAL’S GUIDE TO PLANNING, DESIGNING, AND DEPLOYING 5G TRANSPORT NETWORKS As 5G transforms mobile usage and services, network professionals will need to significantly evolve their transport network architectures towards greater sophistication and stronger integration with radio networks, and facilitate transition towards cloud-native 5G mobile core. Until now, however, most 5G guides have foregrounded RF/radio and mobile core innovations, not its implic 了解更多
原价 RM 276.46

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作者 Yaeko Kashi
Niko, gadis yang suka tipu diri sendiri supaya serasi dengan orang sekeliling. Baginya sikap terlalu jujur cuma wujud dalam drama. Tiba-tiba muncul Sugi, jejaka yang fobia dengan ‘penjelasan tak jelas’.Malangnya sikap Sugi yang suka persoalkan macam-macam menganggu ketenteraman hidup Niko. Sikap diorang sangat kontra.Kisah cinta dan persahabatan melibatkan hero dalam dunia penuh kekaburan ni! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 池谷孝司
  在學校這個權力不對等的體制下,   兒童的小小生命,就被掐在教師手中……   「只要我忍耐,就不會有人受傷。」(被性侵的女高中生)   「老師生起氣來很可怕,可能我也有錯吧?」(被猥褻的國小女生)   ──為什麼遍體鱗傷了,還要檢討自己?   為什麼說出真相,大家都包庇狼師?   作者池谷孝司是專訪日本「校園性別事件」的 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 岡田尊司
戀愛也需要專業知識! 用更為客觀、科學的方法來診斷愛情   ╣給認真考慮戀愛、正在為情所困的人開立處方╠   ★本書附有九大戀愛人格類型測驗,馬上開始瞭解你們的戀愛關係!★   讀完本書,將會改變你既有的戀愛觀──   不知道該如何談戀愛的人、正覺得迷惘不確定眼前這個人究竟對不對,或是正在煩惱是否該與目前伴侶分手的人,都能 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 杉山崇
初次見面不知道該說什麼而感到尷尬。 一對一的對話沒辦法持續進行。 想要向對方搭話卻不知該說些什麼……有這些煩惱嗎?   本書專門針對人際關係上的問題,提出了「ABX三角形公式」的解決辦法。ABX三角形公式是以心理學理論為基礎,將所有的人際來往想成一個「三角形」,這個三角形是由「自己」、「對方」以及和對方交談的「會話內容」所組成, 了解更多
原价 RM 34.30

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作者 堀内隆志
選豆˙烘豆˙磨豆˙沖煮 想知道南北美、歐陸、非洲各地所產的咖啡豆味道有何不同嗎? 您知道不同的磨豆粗細影響咖啡口感及風味嗎? 咖啡職人從手沖步驟&溫度、咖啡專業器具、音樂&氛圍,一步步深入教學, 沖一杯好咖啡,感受好像身在西雅圖的魅力吧! 從手沖咖啡的Step by step圖文教學開始, 詳細介紹粗磨、中粗磨、細磨適合的手沖法, 闡明不同產地 了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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会员 RM 45.80 (-0%)

作者 Kash
現代伏魔師Kash,從走靈山、靈修靈動到象棋占卜,到教你化解負面能量安頓身心靈。 學靈修要怎麼開始?跟神明有緣的意思是? 什麼是靈動?氣動?靜坐時身體為何搖晃? 講靈語,寫靈文,我會通靈嗎? 唸經會招來鬼魂? 卡陰,中邪,是外魔入侵嗎? 負面能量和正面能量會影響運勢? 關於靈修,有太多疑問,你不看不知道, 讓現代伏魔師─Kash老師解開你 了解更多
原价 RM 34.30

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