100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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X-VENTURE 研究基地受到地震牵连,导致X探险特工队、博士、戴安娜、艾美丽以及整个实验室,意外地被传送到5亿4100万年前的寒武纪! 在时空物件转移充电期间,X探险特工队遭到寒武纪海底霸主——奇虾的追逐,众人由此开始了一连串让人心惊胆跳的冒险之旅! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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会员 RM 15.00 (-0%)

经过第三次启动时空物件转移机,众人被传送到4亿4380多万年前的志留纪! 艾美丽因被小宇激怒,而负气地要跟他们一起执行搜集古生物资料的任务,却不慎被一群直角石卷走!X探险特工队在拯救艾美丽的同时,目睹了翼肢鲎猎食直角石群惊心动魄的过程! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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X探险特工队回到了3亿5890万年前被称为“巨虫时代”的石炭纪! 因误堕蜘蛛巢,被巨型蜘蛛追逐,以为能利用巨型蜻蜓脱险,殊不知却陷入另一波更危险的处境! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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来到陌生的三叠纪,X探险特工-队却为一件小事闹翻而分道扬镳。徒步的石头和艾美丽,以及驱车的小尚和小宇分别遭遇不同的惊险路途…… 他们躲过了最早的肉食性恐龙——始盗龙的追捕、逃离了敏锐的掠食者——南十字龙的魔爪。 当大家好不容易再聚在一起,正准备回返实验室时,前方还有可怕的埃雷塔龙在虎视眈眈着他们! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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这一次,众人被传送到2亿130万年前的侏罗纪。戴安娜代替病倒的小尚出外搜集古生物资料,不料途中惊险重重,石头更陷入死亡危机。当博士带领艾美丽和小尚前往支援时,一群不速之客却趁机溜进了实验室…… 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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由于实验室遭到破坏,所以需要大量的电能进行维修。众人在资源不足的情况下,只好依靠人力来为实验室充电,但却无济于事。因此,X探险特工队唯有出外寻找能为实验室进行动能充电的恐龙…… 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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会员 RM 15.00 (-0%)

众人被送到白垩纪晚期,与此同时出现了食物短缺的危机!X探险特工队被寄予寻找食物的重任,于是再次踏上惊险之旅。虽然他们已累计了不少的探险经验,但在这一趟却没意识到空中掠食者所带来的威胁…… 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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为了找出造成白垩纪末日的真正原因,博士瞒着众人独自出动!X探险特工队决定出外寻找博士,但途中陨石群也正以极快的速度接近地球! X探险特工队究竟能否寻回博士?众人又能否在末日前离开白垩纪? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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好不容易来到第四纪,实验室却被一群狮尾狒霸占了!众人被迫待在天寒地冷的户外,艾美丽更因此而病倒了。为了拿取药物,小S冒险潜入实验室,却意外地与杰拉博士取得联络,并得知有办法回到原来的世界! 众人能否在严寒的环境下夺回失去的实验室,并回到原来的世界呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Ekoran kejadian gempa bumi Pasukan X-VENTURE dan pangkalannya terperangkap dalam Zaman Kambria iaitu 570 juta tahun lalu. Bekalan tenaga elektrik yang banyak diperlukan untuk menjana mesin merentas masa. Remy, Shah dan Jumbo diberi tugasan mencabar di mana mereka perlu mencari bekalan tenaga elektrik. Namun nasib tidak menyebelahi mereka apabila menjadi sasaran "samseng laut" iaitu udang gergasi! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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会员 RM 15.00 (-0%)

作者 Redcode , Albbie
Kali ini mesin merentas masa telah membawa Pasukan X-VENTURE ke dalam Zaman Kambria iaitu 570 juta tahun lalu. Oleh sebab tidak tahan dengan desakan Remy, Lili telah turut serta dengan misi pengumpulan maklumat. Bagaimanapun mereka telah diserang sekumpulan makhluk prasejarah! Itulah salah satu cabaran yang harus dihadapi oleh Pasukan X-VENTURE apabila terperangkap di Zaman Paleozoik! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Pasukan X-VENTURE kembali ke Zaman Karbon iaitu 350 juta tahun dahulu. Kebanyakan haiwan kecil pada zaman ini bersaiz gergasi. Tanpa disedari, mereka terjatuh ke dalam sarang labah-labah dan menjadi buruan raksasa ini. Bagaimanapun mereka berjaya melepaskan diri dengan bantuan pepatung. Namun begitu, ada bahaya lain menanti di hadapan... 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Semasa mengembara di Zaman Trias, Pasukan X-VENTURE berselisih faham disebabkan perkara kecil. Mereka telah berpecah kepada dua kumpulan. Jumbo dan Lili meneruskan pengembaraan dengan berjalan kaki manakala Remy dan Shah memandu kenderaan. Mereka umpama makanan percuma untuk haiwan di situ. Keadaan ini hanya menimbulkan lebih banyak masalah! Bagaimanakah mereka menempuhi Zaman Trias ini? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Pasukan X-VENTURE mendapati mereka berada di Zaman Jura. Mereka menyedari bahawa Zaman Jura bukanlah tempat untuk bersiar-siar. Inilah masanya dinosaur bermaharajalela dan haiwan bukan dinosaur mula mengembangkan sayapnya. Mereka akan berhadapan dengan kehidupan yang jauh berbeza dan berharap makhluk di sekitar tidak terasa terancam dengan kehadiran mereka. Adakah mereka boleh menjalani kehidupan di Zaman Jura yang sangat mencabar dan merbahaya? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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会员 RM 15.00 (-0%)

作者 Redcode , Albbie
Selepas kejutan awal di Zaman Jura, Pasukan X-VENTURE bersedia menelusuri liku perjalanan dengan lebih berani! Mereka memerlukan semangat kental dan keberanian kerana akhir Zaman Juramerupakan "rumah" bagi dinosaur terbesar di dunia! Pengembaraan kali ini pasti lebih sukar namum mereka bersedia berdepan cabaran getir alam dinosaur! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Jika Zaman Jura banyak menceritakan mengenai kualiti dinosaur, Zaman Batu Kapur pula kuantiti. Apabila daratan mula terpisah, spesies baharu muncul dan mempengaruhi ekologi. Pasukan X-VENTURE tidak sabar untuk meneroka ekologi Zaman Batu Kapur! Marilah mengembara bersama Pasukan X-VENTURE ke dunia baharu! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Semasa akhir Zaman Batu Kapur banyak haiwan bersayap muncul dan tidak terkecuali dinosaur! Pasukan X-VENTURE terbang tinggi bersama kawan dinosaur mereka dan sambil memahami corak gaya kehidupannya. Mereka masih perlu berhati-hati kerana ruang udara Zaman Batu Kapur ini tidak semudah disangka! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Kali ini Pasukan X-VENTURE diuji di laut dalam! Mereka terpaksa berdepan 'Raja Lautan' yang lebih besar daripada haiwan langit sebelum ini. Dolfin gergasi karnivor, buaya prasejarah besar dan mungkin nenek moyang Nessie antara rintangan (atau mungkin membantu) buat mereka ketika mencari Jumbo! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Pasukan X-VENTURE perlu berhadapan dengan situasi paling sukar dalam sejarah! Dinosaur adalah makhluk paling sukar ditentang tetapi ada satu perkara yang akan menghancurkan dunianya. Hanya satu sahaja cara paling selamat; lari! Adakah mereka terselamat daripada peristiwa kepupusan paling dahsyat ini? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Tumbuhan tidak kelihatan seperti ancaman tetapi pastinya di mana ada tumbuhan, di situlah ada haiwan! Pasukan X-VENTURE terpaksa "bergaul" dengan mamalia dan burung yang mengambil alih tempat dinosaur! Saksikan bagaimana Pasukan X-VENTURE menggunakan segala pengetahuan dan pengalaman untuk mengelak ancaman hutan prasejarah! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Haiwan purba berevolusi mengambil alih kedudukan dinosaur. Pasukan X-VENTURE bertembung makhluk yang kelihatan biasa tetapi sebenarnya berbahaya. Namun harapan tetap ada dan ketika zaman ini juga manusia primitif memikirkan sesuatu yang dirasakan idea yang bagus. Nampaknya Pasukan X-VENTURE perlu berusaha keras berhadapan dengan ancaman haiwan zaman ini. 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Trapped in the Cambrian period (541million years ago) by an earthquake, theX-VENTURE Xplorers find themselves in a fix- having to fix theirtemperamentaltimemachine! Rain, Sean, and Stone arenow faced with the challenge of findingelectricity in an era where humans have yet to exist! And to make mattersworse, the locals don't take kindly tothem either! Witness all the wonders ofour world's past with your friends, thePREHISTORIC PIONEERS! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Once again, the X-VENTURE Xplorersfind themselves in the past- 443.8 millionyears back, in the Silurian! Somehow, Rain managed to snare Emily in one of his schemes. However, they find far more than they bargained for when a group of prehistoric shellfish come, hungry for a bite! Guess you have to expect that sort of thing while you're PUTTERING IN THE PALAEOZOIC! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
This time, the X-VENTURE Xplorersfind themselves in the Permian -Carboniferous periods, around 350 millionyears back. Many creatures which weresmall today were very big back thenwhich presents a huge problem whenthe X-VENTURE Xplorers come face toface with giant spiders and the like! Asthe situation worsens for the team, theyquickly realise that it is a bad idea to bePLAYING IN THE PERMIAN! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
While exploring the Triassic, the X-VENTURE Xplorers are split in two - not by rampaging creatures or primal danger, but by simple squabbling! Stone and Emily continue on foot, while Rain and Sean take the ''Divvy' for a spin! However, the era's residents see this as an opportunity to score some bite-sized snacks! Read on and see how the X-VENTURE Xplorers escape being TRAPPED IN THE TRIASSIC! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
The X-VENTURE Xplorers find themselves back in the Jurassic - and they quickly find it's no walk in the park! This is the grand age of dinosaurs, but also the time when the first non-dinosaur animals begin to stretch their wings! What this all means is that the team find themselves in a place and time full of life - though they may soon not be, if the locals have anything to say about it! Looks like it's really dangerous being LOST IN THE JURASSIC! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
After recovering from a few missteps while lost in the Jurassic, the X-VENTURE Xplorers are finally ready to explore the era! And they're gonna need all the luck they can get, as the late Jurassic was when the world's largest dinosaurs ruled the Earth! It's going to be a tough ride, but the team's more than up to face the challenge of EXPLORING THE JURASSIC! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
If the Jurassic was all about dinosaur quality, the Cretaceous is all about quantity! As the landmasses split apart, emerged species began to spread, colonising the new ecological niches the X-Venture Xplorers’ just hankering to explore! Join our heroes as they set off to look around at the brave new world forming, with all its charms and CRETACEOUS CRAZINESS! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
In the late Cretaceous, many animals began to take wing, and dinosaurs were no exception! Fly high with our dino-"soar" friends as well as the X-Venture Xplorers as they find out just how these flying creatures do their stuff! But they have to be careful- these aren't the friendly skies they're flying! That said, with a little ingenuity and luck, our terrific trio strive to survive the LORD OF THE SKIES! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
From the highest skies to the deepest oceans- this is the gist of the new challenges facing the X-VENTURE Xplorers! Fresh from sky scrapping in the previous book, they now need to contend with the ocean’s many denizens- some of which put the giants of land and sky to shame. Giant carnivorous 'dolphins', massive prehistoric crocodiles and what may be Nessie's great(X10) grandmother are just a few things that hinder (or maybe help) the team seek the true KING OF THE SEAS! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Uh-oh! The X-VENTURE Xplorers have to come face-to-face with history's hardest hitting issue when an interstellar guest decides to make a visit! Facing dinosaurs was hard enough, but when it comes to what killed them and their world off, there's only one thing to do- run! Will the gang be forced to endure prehistory's swan song, the greatest hit in Earth's known history? Or will they make their EXTINCTION EXIT? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
Sure, trees don't sound like much of a threat by themselves - problem is, where there are plants, there are animals! This is something the X-VENTURE Xplorers find out the hard way, as they deal with all the mammals and birds that have now risen to take the place of the dinosaurs! Watch how the X-VENTURE Xplorers use everything they've learned to counter THE THREAT OF PREHISORIC TREES! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode , Albbie
With familiar ground comes a familiar danger! As animals slowly evolve to completely take the dinosaurs' crown, the X-VENTURE Xplorers deal with creatures that seem all too familiar - and all too dangerous, which never goes out of fashion regardless of the era! But there is still a little hope - this is also the age when primitive man decides that "this whole 'thinking' business is a great idea”! Looks like the X-VENTURE Xplorers' got their work cut out for them facing THE 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Redcode / Vezill
The X-VENTURE Xplorers are sent to conduct memory research at Kwame's home in the African savanna. But they find that Kwame’s village chief doesn't remember him! Kwame senses that something is amiss about the chief's condition… 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 Redcode , Vezill
Pasukan X-VENTURE dihantar menjalankan penyelidikan berkaitan memori hidupan di kampung savana Kwame, Afrika. Namun mereka mendapati orang tua kampung tidak ingat lagi pada Kwame! Kwame merasakan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan keadaan kampungnya… 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 Redcode
Tiba-tiba wabak virus mengejutkan sistem penjagaan kesihatan seluruh dunia dan berada dalam situasi yang serius! Pasukan X-VENTURE ditugaskan menyiasat punca wabak dan sumber virus tetapi Jake pula jatuh sakit semasa dalam misinya. 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 Redcode , Xeno
Dinosaur yang pernah menguasai dunia atau haiwan zaman kini akan bertahan? Pasukan Remy dan Jake bertanding untuk membuktikan mana yang akan menang! Bersedia menyaksikan lapan perlawanan hebat, liar dan hampir mustahil! Pernah melihat kumbang Caucasus berdepan Triceratops? Bagaimana pula harimau Siberia melawan Allosaurus? Tidak mungkin? Percayalah, kamu tidak mahu terlepas pertempuran epik ini! 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 Redcode
When a day at the mall goes explosively wrong, it's up to the X-VENTURE Xplorers to come to terms with a captive crisis! With our heroes among they hapless hostages, The Iron Squad issue an ultimatum; their leader's release for the scared shoppers' lives!When a live-streamed rescue goes ruinously wrong, the threat of advanced tech in the wrong hands spurs true heroes to step forth to save the day! Wrestling to control the narrative, how can safety be ensured, heading towards 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Redcode
Pusat beli-belah diserang pengganas dan ramai dijadikan tebusan sebagai balasan pembebasan ketua mereka. Remy dan rakan-rakan yang sedang bercuti turut menjadi tebusan. TechNeo menghantar robot untuk menangani pengganas dan menyiarkan insiden itu secara langsung dalam talian semata-mata untuk publisiti hingga mengabaikan nyawa tebusan, Tanpa diduga, robot ditewaskan dan rupa-rupanya cip pintar di dalamnya telah dicuri! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Redcode
Wabak virus yang mengancam telah menjerumuskan ke arah kekacauan!Sejauh mana Pasukan X-VENTURE mahu memastikan keadaan bandar yang terdesak untuk hidup tidak menuju ke arah kehancuran? Mereka perlu menyiasat saintis yang hilang dan vaksin yang dihasilkannya. Adakah rakan baharu mereka Luke dapat membantu untuk pulih dari epidemik ini? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Redcode
In a city torn apart,what can be done to sane it from ruin?With only Emily to aid him, it's up to Rain to locate an elusive vaccine devised by a vanished scientist!Beset by obstacles every which way, what are the chances that our harried hero and his angst-ridden ally, Luke can be the saviours the world desperately needs?With shocking revelations rocking our tireless trio, what will they have to do to finally deliver us from this EPIDEMIC EMERGENCY?! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Redcode
When the ordinary suddenly becomes extraordinary and friends turn into flends, it's all Rain's pint-sized rival can do to strive to remain alive! The mention of his "twin" brings the X-Venture Xplorers onto the scene, but nothing could have prepared them for the nauseating nastiness they encounter!What is going on?Why are the people acting like that?Once again, it's up to Rain, Sean, Stone, with a little help, to deal with the revelations of their POISONOUS PURSUIT! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Redcode , Albie
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Michael Chuah/Redcode
Heading to the east coast to train and catch the next round of the Stellar 8 qualifiers only brings Zack into conflict with Spike once more! Set on redeeming himself, Spike find the best SK Budiman has standing in his way! Can he overcome the best of the best and seize the white Tiger Badge for himself?! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 Michael Chuah/Redcode
Deadly Ace 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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TETAMU TIDAK DIUNDANG DI ' RUMAH ' DINOSAUR Semasa di Zaman Trias, Pasukan X - Venture berselisih faham dan berpecah kepada sua kumpulan. Kemudian terjebak pula di Zaman Jura di mana dinosaur bermaharajalela dan haiwan bukan dinosaur mula mengembangkan sayapnya. Hanya semangat kental dan keberanian paling penting bagi mereka di akhir Zaman Jura adalah 'rumah' bagi dinosaur terbesar di dunia! Penggembaraan ini pasti lebih sukar. Kompilasi Dunia Dinosaur dengan info terkini dan 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Redcode/ Albie
Kompilasi ini X – Venture rentasi zaman serangga gergasi apabila Pengkalan X – Central dilanda gemba bumi, Dr. Da Vinci, Kak Diana, Remy dan ahli lain secara tidak sengaja transmisi ke Zaman Kambria 541 juta tahun lalu. Mereka terperangkap dalam era Paleozoik. Keadaan menjadi semakin genting, mereka berdepan dengan cabaran di kejar dinosaur. Rasai keterujaan di luar jangkaan dalam kompilasi 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Michael Chuah , Redcode
Semua orang percayakan Norman. Dia jujur dan seorang ketua kelas yang mampu memikul segala tanggungjawab diberi. Tetapi Norman mempunyai satu rahsia; dia tidak boleh menipu. Adakah Candy JEM akan ketahui sebabnya? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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