Comic Carnival
Comic Carnival

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作者 柯慈
一位大學教授David Lurie與學生發生不正常的關係,因拒絕認錯被迫離開教職,前往女兒Lucy的農場尋求平靜。但在造訪中所發生意外及暴力事件,卻凸顯長期種族隔離政策下,不同文化間無法融合的差異及敵對,也衝擊了這對父女的關係。面對發生在自己及至親上的不幸,David被迫接受異於本身價值觀的現狀,卻也對自己的生活感到無比的絕望。但在被迫離職、被 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 派崔克.奈斯
「噪反三部曲」、《怪物來敲門》作者 派崔克‧奈斯 2013年第21屆台北國際書展訪台貴賓 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 最脆弱的人性,最殘酷的抉擇, 走向天堂或是煉獄,只在一念之間…… 陶德與薇拉,在這場毀滅性的激戰中將面對什麼樣的結局? 而鎮長、1017、柯爾夫人,誰將是新世界的勝利者? 新世紀青少年文學經典「噪反三部曲 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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作者 大衛.伯金斯 
美國藝術教育革命之作,哈佛「零計畫」多元智能奠基大作。看畫10分鐘,是有效的思考練習,更是最簡單的藝術觀賞之道。   了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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作者 大卫·威斯纳
 星期二晚上8点左右,池塘里昏昏欲睡的青蛙被惊醒了!接下来,没有文字的描述,只有在荷叶上尽情飞翔的青蛙带你穿越城镇的每个角落,感受一个不平静的夜晚,初升的太阳照耀着恢复平静的城镇。然而,下一个星期二的晚上,房子的外墙上借由灯光的照射,半空中出现了猪的影子……   这本书对于孩子最大的吸引力,应该是书中梦境般的故事展现。在 了解更多
原价 RM 35.80

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作者 Morgan Chang , David Hsu
雲端應用概論:本書介紹虛擬主機與網頁寄存概念,對於雲端應用服務不太瞭解的讀者,可透過本章節瞭解現今雲端服務商業模式與架構,對於已瞭解基礎概念的讀者,透過本章節重新構思架設的服務,創造創新網頁服務應用。   虛擬主機/網頁寄存:說明如何利用Heroku進行靜態、整合式與功能性網站建置,本章節同時介紹Heroku網羅眾多業者Add-ons服務,教你 了解更多
原价 RM 57.20

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作者 大卫·香农
《小仙女艾丽斯》几乎是《大卫,不可以》的女孩版。艾丽斯有无穷无尽的魔法,将爸爸的饼干“变”成她的,之后再补偿性地为公爵大人(爸爸)变出新的衣服和王冠;用魔棍指挥树叶飘落下来,并用魔棍在水中画出神奇的图画;让自己隐形,还能将难吃的燕麦粥变成香喷喷的蛋糕……。看完《小仙女艾丽斯》,你或许能从书中找到自己小时候或小女儿的影子 了解更多
原价 RM 29.80

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作者 大衛·格羅斯曼
  ★2017年布克國際文學獎得獎作品   ★2017年紐約時報百大影響力好書      四十三年後重逢的兩人。   在黑暗又狂亂的笑話中,   閃起亮若白晝的哀傷。      以色列北方小城內坦亞的酒吧裡,喜劇演員多夫在他五十七歲生日當天,邀請兒時舊識、地方法院的退休法官拉札爾來觀賞演出,並希望拉札爾告訴他看完表演的感想。      隨著 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 提姆·歐文
  第一本 五分鐘就上手的自我成長書   史上最強人生定位術   下不來!雄踞《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜   亞馬遜網路書店專文報導、大力推薦   浮躁世界令人「頓悟」的心靈雞湯   全球500強CEO的心靈導師   ★可口可樂 波尼.沃茲巴克(Bonnie P. Wurzbacher)   ★百事可樂 史蒂夫.雷蒙德(Steve Reinemund)   ★艾克森美孚石油 馬克.艾伯(Mar 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 David ServanSchreiber
Real solutions to a hidden epidemic: family estrangement. Estrangement from a family member is one of the most painful life experiences. It is devastating not only to the individuals directly involved--collateral damage can extend upward, downward, and across generations, More than 65 million Americans suffer such rifts, yet little guidance exists on how to cope with and overcome them. In this book, Karl Pillemer combines the advice of people who have successfully reconciled 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 46.50

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作者 Brian Sargent , David Watson , Graham Brown
Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education Now including Brian Sargent in the expert author team, alongside first edition authors Graham Brown and David Watson, this book has been fully revised and updated to cover every part of the latest Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417) syllabus. • Written by experts, who bring a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to both the book and the CD • Ensures that students are fully prepared for both the writt 了解更多
原价 RM 102.50

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作者 Dr David Perlmutter MD
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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作者 克里斯蒂安·达文波特
自阿姆斯特朗D一个登上月球之后,人类对太空的野心就不曾停止,而今,硅谷精英们把目光投向了更遥远的火星。他们梦想打造直通火星的高速公路,甚至殖民火星。 对马斯克而言,火星如同圣杯,是地球面临重大灾难时的避难所。 对贝佐斯而言,以火星为代表的地外行星是新的能源基地,可为地球持续提供资源。 对布兰森而言,点对点的太空旅行,是可 了解更多
原价 RM 59.00

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原价 RM 79.90

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作者 大衛·西格·伯恩斯坦
本書獻給每個人身體裡都有的一種科學怪咖特質。   每個事物的起點是某人的白日夢。   幻想非常重要,但科幻小說合理性息息相關。   科幻小說中的科學不需要可信度,但是它需要是可以探索主題的工具。   大衛.西格.伯恩斯坦(David Siegel Bernstein)在《科幻小說不是亂掰的: 白日夢世界中的真實科學》(Blockbuster science: the real science in science fiction)這 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 大衛·逵曼
美國社科重量出版社W. W. Norton「偉大發現」(Great Discoveries)書系 紀念達爾文誕生 200周年、《物種起源》問世 150 周年   年輕的生物學家達爾文,   如今變成不輕易出手的完美主義者,   豈料一封突如其來的信,   讓一本曠世鉅著提早誕生⋯⋯   ★ 150年前,他的對手是上帝   「我有一個大膽的理論,」達爾文在筆記本裡寫道。但這個震驚世人 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 大衛·帕皮諾
  什麼?看個比賽也要思考哲學意義,這會不會太不自然了?   可是,這本書就是談一門範圍普及全球、得失深植人心,並擁有廣大球迷(與潛在讀者)的知識科目,它叫作「運動哲學」。   它會是深思的、也會旁引心理學與行為學的證據,最終也將返回人類從事運動的最純粹境界:   追求運動中的某一刻好表現,就和美好生活的其他面向一樣,都 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 David Ewing Duncan
Award-winning journalist David Ewing Duncan considers 24 visions of possible human-robot futures—Incredible scenarios from Teddy Bots to Warrior Bots, and Politician Bots to Sex Bots—Grounded in real technologies and possibilities and inspired by our imagination. What robot and AI systems are being built and imagined right now? What do they say about us, their creators? Will they usher in a fantastic new future, or destroy us? What do some of our greatest thinkers, from 了解更多
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原价 RM 86.20

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS After Laughter is the fifth studio album by American rock band Paramore. It was released on May 12, 2017, through Fueled by Ramen as a follow-up to Paramore, their 2013 self-titled album. The album was produced by guitarist Taylor York alongside previous collaborator, Justin Meldal-Johnsen. 了解更多
原价 RM 56.60

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Weezer, also known as the Black Album, is the thirteenth studio album, and the sixth self-titled album by American rock band Weezer. Produced by Dave Sitek, it was released on March 1, 2019, through Crush Music and Atlantic Records. 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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原价 RM 75.90

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原价 RM 197.90

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作者 大衛·西伯里
給每一個情勒家族、媽寶伴侶、職場魔人、神豬隊友── 旁邊那個「過度妥協的你」! 100+則最值得一讀再讀的心靈備忘錄。 為什麼自私的人過得更幸福?   ★甫上市就榮登《紐約時報》暢銷書榜冠軍!   ★心理自助長銷經典,暢銷熱賣逾50年!   ★「在心境感到ㄧ絲遲疑時,這是一本每個人都該閱讀的聖經。 」──國內外讀者共感推薦   ● 光 了解更多
原价 RM 80.10

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作者 戴夫·可本
各種網路社群、通訊軟體流行的今天,該怎麼建立穩固的人際關係?   LINE、IG、FB通訊軟體流行,   朋友看似滿坑滿谷,真正事到臨頭,卻沒半個來救援?!   數位時代的今日,FB、Line、Instagram已成為我們日常溝通的媒介,   但你是否還是缺少在現實生活中真正幫你一把的朋友?   美國知名社群媒體Likeable Madia創辦人,以自身經營社群媒體的成功 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 大衛·漢密爾頓
★啟動神奇的身心療癒力量★ ★重量級身心療癒專家:喬.迪斯本札、露易絲.賀推薦!★ ★超過20則真實療癒案例分享★   漢密爾頓博士在測試新藥的過程中,見識到心智與身體的深厚連結。在震撼的結果中,決定改變研究方向,揭開超乎想像的身心健康影響力。   任何一種心理狀態,都能在短短幾分鐘之內活化基因。例如,當我們反覆地想同一個 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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與種族問題相關的歧視,一向是各種偏見的重中之重, 古今皆然,不分東西。 多數人自以為不在其中,少有人承認自己帶有偏見的眼光和態度, 但日常生活中,仍進行著各種歧視的行為,以及制度。   《種族、偏見與歧視》從三個面向切入,輔以當今的視角,全面性地探究相關議題。   古代篇由蒲慕州教授執筆,列舉古代埃及、西亞、中國三支主要上 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 大卫·罗布森
《思维的精进:聪明人如何避开智力陷阱》内容简介: 聪明人更擅于学习,更容易成功?更容易获得幸福?NO! 某位得过两次诺奖的化学家真诚地相信维生素补充剂可以治疗癌症;柯南?道尔白天写福尔摩斯,晚上却沉迷于通ling术;NASA工程师忘了把英制换算成公制,致使卫星坠毁。 本书汇集心理学、神经科学、哲学和人类学领域最尖端研究,提出聪明人也许更 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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作者 大卫·威斯纳
一个小男孩在美国帝国大厦上与一朵小白云偶遇。小男孩坐在云上,穿过云山雾海,眼前赫然出现一座天空之城——城上插满了巨大的喇叭,有无数朵白云从里面飘出来,原来这里是神秘的7号梦工厂!小男孩意外地开启了一段惊奇旅程,他的到来让有志难伸的云朵们得以幻化成一个个精彩杰作,也带给城市的人们一份难以言喻的惊喜礼物!但是这种情况让管理 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes is back on the case in this collection of sparkling short stories, in which we learn about Holmes' early days as a sleuth, encounter a seemingly murderous widow, and meet the great detective's brother, Mycroft, for the first time. And, in 'The Final Problem', Holmes comes face-to-face with his nemesis, Professor Moriarty, in a battle of wits that could kill them both. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized cl 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Faithfully supported by his chronicler, Dr Watson, Sherlock Holmes pits his wits against 'Napoleon of Crime' Professor Moriarty, assists European royalty threatened by disgrace, helps to solve the mysterious death of a young woman due to be married, and investigates intrigues that have defeated the detectives of Scotland Yard. Packed with excitement and mystery, this collection showcases the legendary sleuth at his very best. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a seri 了解更多
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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Three years after his supposed death at the Reichenbach Falls, Sherlock Holmes returns to 221B Baker Street, to the astonishment of Dr Watson and the delight of readers worldwide. From kidnapped heirs to murder by harpoon, Holmes and Watson have their work cut out for them in these brilliant later tales. This collection also includes His Last Bow, a series of recollections from an older Sherlock Holmes of further adventures from his life. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Li 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 46.50

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作者 約翰·戴維森·洛克斐勒
商業運作的智慧與資本的祕密盡在本書中! 熱中經商致富的人具備什麼特質?從洛克斐勒身上找答案。   從週薪5美元的簿記學徒到成為人類史上第一位億萬富豪,   洛克斐勒財富顛峰的總值佔美國GDP百分之 2.4,現值4000億美元,   是比爾•蓋茲和華倫•巴斐特資產的八到十倍。   一八七○年洛克斐勒創立標準石油公司,二十年後就擁有了十萬名 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 瑪麗亞·艾塞 , 法蘭·路易茲
  ★大衛‧鮑伊 David Bowie──走在搖滾界與時尚界尖端的搖滾變色龍!   ★首部以「第一人稱」視角撰寫的大衛‧鮑伊圖文傳記,親臨其境的閱讀感受!   ★ 全彩精裝典藏版!淡江大學拉丁美洲研究所陳小雀教授專文導讀推薦!   ★ 全球最大書評網Goodreads近五星好評!Amazon.com五星絕讚好評!   ★《哈潑時尚雜誌》(Harper's Bazaar) 讚譽作者為「圖文 了解更多
原价 RM 104.70

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作者 皮特·戴維斯
處在選擇空前自由的時代, 為何我們仍然不幸福?   ★哈佛大學畢業典禮演說,點閱率超過3000萬次!   ★「21世紀追求幸福和成功的必讀之書。」──暢銷書《給予》作者亞當‧格蘭特   ★暢銷書《恆毅力》作者安琪拉‧達克沃斯大力推薦   「你可能有過這樣的經驗:夜裡,你打開Netflix開始瀏覽,想找部影片來看。你滑過不同的標題,看了幾個 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 David Isay
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 57.00

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作者 纳达夫·埃亚尔
过去几十年中,全球化改善了人类处境,但也播下了反抗的种子。随着纽约世贸中心双子塔的坍塌,一场世界范围内的反抗宣告开始。 以色列记者纳达夫·埃亚尔将带领读者游走于反全球化运动的前线,向读者展示这场运动的有形轮廓和黑暗角落。书中记录了纳达夫·埃亚尔过去十多年里走访的地方和目睹的真实故事。故事里的主人公——美国工人、失业的希腊 了解更多
原价 RM 78.00

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作者 David A. Yovanno
Unlock the enormous potential of strategic partnerships You think you know partnerships, don't you? But the nature - and growth potential - of partnerships for business has transformed in recent years. In The Partnership Economy, partnership automation expert and CEO David A. Yovanno delivers an insightful, actionable guide to navigating this newly defined era and growing your company's revenue far beyond expectations. Using real-life examples from well-known 了解更多
原价 RM 121.28

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作者 David Wiedemer
The latest must-read book from the authors of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Aftershock series of books, Fake Money, Real Danger strips away the confusion and exposes what's really happening to our economy and investments-and shows you what to do about it now, before it's too late. Picking up where Aftershock left off, Fake Money, Real Danger reveals how the Covid-19 pandemic-and the government's massive money printing and borrowing in response to it- 了解更多
原价 RM 100.60

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作者 David Spencer
Is work a primordial curse? Or a spiritual calling? Or is it a tedious necessity that technology will abolish, freeing us to indulge lives of leisure? In this book David A. Spencer argues that work is only an alienating burden because of the nature of work under capitalism. He makes the case not for the abolition of work - which can remain a source of meaning and dignity - but for its lightening. Engaging with thinkers ranging from Marx and William Morris to Keynes and Graeb 了解更多
原价 RM 96.40

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作者 Karen Mangia
What would happen to your team, and your organization, if everyone knew how to change the game - and make success a daily occurrence? Companies and individuals are looking for more freedom: personal freedom, creative freedom, and freedom to rethink what work really means. From dealing with COVID-19, facing diversity issues, battling burnout, zoom fatigue and more, organizations are stretched thin and must find a way to help their employees find balance and freedom in order t 了解更多
原价 RM 75.40

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作者 David Nurse
Deliver innovative results like clockwork with this repeatable formula for creativity-on-demand Have you ever sat down at your desk with an impossible deadline or an insurmountable obstacle staring you directly in the face and an expectation that you'll come up with a groundbreaking idea and solution? In Breakthrough, you'll find a powerful framework for bringing innovation and creativity to the surface not just once, but on a regular, daily basis. In Breakthrough, bestsell 了解更多
原价 RM 83.80

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作者 Sarah Jakes
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Inspiring Motivational Message for Women from Sarah Jakes Ruth's life is a journey of transformation. Allowing God to transform her circumstances, Ruth went from a widow excluded from society to a wife with a secure and protected future, one tha 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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作者 David Stevenson
Get your slice of the economic pie and then some, in the UK and beyond Investing in shares can help build anyone's financial standing-move over, economic elite! People from all walks of life can easily grow their wealth and secure money for the future. Investing in Shares For Dummies takes a friendly, non-jargony approach for new and not-quite-advanced-yet shareholders. This book walks you through the investment orchard so you can cherry-pick shares that will turn you a tidy 了解更多
原价 RM 116.80

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作者 David Ringstrom
Get a handle on the world's most popular cloud bookkeeping and accounting app QuickBooks Online comes second-to-none in providing simple and powerful bookkeeping and accounting features that can streamline your business, make you more profitable, and organize your company's finances. But if you're not quite sure how to make it all work, or if you just want to get a grip on its newest features, QuickBooks Online For Dummies is the companion you need to make the most of your f 了解更多
原价 RM 100.60

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作者 Tony Davidow
Get up to speed on the latest investing strategies, techniques, and products-and raise your game to a whole new level The financial services industry has undergone a major transformation over the last decade, including increased concerns from investors, the growth of the independent model, the growth of Robo-advisors, product evolution, increased market correlations-in addition to geopolitical risks, population growth, technological advances, and social tensions. Concepts li 了解更多
原价 RM 92.00

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作者 Dan & Jason
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power meets Dav Pilkey's Dog Man in this sidesplitting graphic novel about a young Berzerker who has to rescue her fellow warriors from the evil villain Witch Head before he destroys the world! Barb is a Berzerker, one of a group of warriors sworn to protect the land of Bailiwick from the scourge of monsters that plagues it. But the fearsome crew seem to have met their match in the nefarious Witch Head. Using power from his magical sword, he tric 了解更多
原价 RM 63.90

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作者 Dan & Jason
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power meets Dav Pilkey's Dog Man in this high-octane and uproariously funny second book following Barb and her trusty yeti pal, Porkchop, on their quest to rescue her fellow warriors and liberate Bailiwick from the evil villain Witch Head! Barb is a Berzerker, part of an elite crew of warriors who protect the land of Bailiwick from the scourge of monsters. The evil Witch Head has captured all the adult Berzerkers and Barb's the only one who can s 了解更多
原价 RM 63.90

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作者 David Logan
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 46.90

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作者 Thomas H.Davenport , Julia Kirby
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

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As At 20th April 2022 An Act to define the law of evidence. This Act may be cited as the Evidence Act 1950. This Act shall apply to all judicial proceedings in or before any court, but not to affidavits presented to any court or officer nor to proceedings before an arbitrator. 了解更多
原价 RM 19.50

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原价 RM 182.90

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作者 Edward St. Aubyn
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Winner of the Betty Trask Award, Never Mind is the first in Edward St Aubyn's semi-autobiographical Patrick Melrose novels, adapted for TV for Sky Atlantic and starring Benedict Cumberbatch as aristocratic addict, Patrick. At his mother’s 了解更多
原价 RM 44.90

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作者 Ruth Ozeki
"No one writes like Ruth Ozeki-a triumph." -Matt Haig, New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Library "Inventive, vivid, and propelled by a sense of wonder." -TIME "If you've lost your way with fiction over the last year or two, let The Book of Form and Emptiness light your way home." -David Mitchell, Booker Prize-finalist author of Cloud Atlas Longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction A boy who hears the voices of objects all around him; a mother drowning i 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 Sarah Nisha Adams
A faded list. Nine favourite stories. For two strangers, friendship is only a page away . . . When Mukesh Patel pops to the local library, forgoing his routine of grocery shopping and David Attenborough documentaries, he has no idea his life’s about to change. He meets Aleisha, a reluctant librarian and the keeper of a curious reading list – just a scrappy piece of paper with the names of 9 stories. It doesn’t seem anything special. Yet something tells her to keep it 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 David Grann
NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST • NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A twisting, haunting true-life murder mystery about one of the most monstrous crimes in American history, from the author of The Lost City of Z. In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe. Then, one by one, the Osa 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 David Graeber & David Wengrow
Pacey and potentially revolutionary' Sunday Times 'Iconoclastic and irreverent ... an exhilarating read' The Guardian 'This is not a book. This is an intellectual feast' Nassim Nicholas Taleb For generations, our remote ancestors have been cast as primitive and childlike—either free and equal, or thuggish and warlike. Civilization, we are told, could be achieved only by sacrificing those original freedoms or, alternatively, by taming our baser instincts. David Graeber and D 了解更多
原价 RM 85.00

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作者 David McRaney
A brain-bending investigation of why some people never change their minds--and others do in an instant--by the bestselling author of You Are Not So Smart What made a prominent conspiracy-theorist YouTuber finally see that 9/11 was not a hoax? How do voter opinions shift from neutral to resolute? Can widespread social change only take place when a generation dies out? From one of our greatest thinkers on reasoning, HOW MINDS CHANGE is a book about the science, and the experie 了解更多
原价 RM 119.95

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