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原价 RM 186.70

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原价 RM 186.70

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作者 约翰·杜尔
这本书是传奇风险投资人约翰·杜尔的作品,揭示了OKR这一目标设定系统如何促使英特尔、谷歌等科技巨头实现爆炸性增长,以及怎样促进所有组织的蓬勃发展。 20世纪70年代,在英特尔担任工程师时,杜尔首次接触到OKR。之后,作为一个风险投资人,杜尔不遗余力地将这一管理智慧,分享给50多家公司和机构,包括谷歌、*、领英、脸书、比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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会员 RM 61.20 (-10%)

作者 John Grisham
"A murder mystery, a courtroom drama, a family saga . . . The Reckoning is Grisham's argument that he's not just a boilerplate thriller writer. Most jurors will think the counselor has made his case."-USA Today October 1946, Clanton, Mississippi Pete Banning was Clanton, Mississippi's favorite son-a decorated World War II hero, the patriarch of a prominent family, a farmer, father, neighbor, and a faithful member of the Methodist church. Then one cool October morning he ros 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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会员 RM 38.25 (-10%)

Discover the stories of people whose thoughts transformed science, who stood up for what they believed in, and who made the world a better place. Features 10 books, 10 bookmarks, and a fun write-on poster. Titles include: • Nelson Mandela • Jane Goodall • Alexander Hamilton • Helen Keller • Albert Einstein • Martin Luther King Jr. • Katherine Johnson • Gandhi • Florence Nightingale • Anne Frank 了解更多
原价 RM 264.90

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作者 史考特·安東尼 , 克拉克·吉伯特 , 馬克·強生
  Amazon網路書店4.9顆星好評不斷   入選《富比士》雜誌2017年創新領導書   權威商業書評網「800-CEO-Read」當月重點關注商業書   安泰、福特汽車、新加坡電信等跨國企業聯合推薦   最具實用性的企業轉型指南!   「對於現存公司如何因應破壞的困境,本書給了答案。」   ──創新大師、哈佛商學院教授/克萊頓・克里斯汀生   這是落敗者 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Amir Levine
An insightful look at the science behind love, Attached offers readers a road map for building stronger, more fulfilling connections. 'A groundbreaking book that redefines what it means to be in a relationship.' – John Gray, PhD., bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Is there a science to love? In this groundbreaking book, psychiatrist and neuroscientist Amir Levine and psychologist Rachel S. F. Heller reveal how an understanding of attachment the 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Christopher Berry-Dee
Sunday Times-bestselling author Christopher Berry-Dee is back with a companion volume that delves even deeper into the savage world of psychopaths and their hideous crimes. This time, however, he combines sections on killers whom he has known, interviewed or corresponded with, with studies of psychopathic serial killers from the past, including Peter Kürten, the 'Düsseldorf Monster', John Christie, responsible for the killings at 10 Rillington Place; and Neville Heath, a la 了解更多
原价 RM 67.90

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会员 RM 61.11 (-10%)

作者 約翰·柏格
  §長踞亞馬遜投資榜 ★★★★★ 4.7星必讀經典、投資基金榜2017-8連續兩年NO.1   §全球銷售超過150萬冊,近代投資界最具影響力的投資書籍   §柏格的投資理念受到包括波克夏創辦人華倫 · 巴菲特、《投資金律》威廉 · 伯恩斯坦、《漫步華爾街》伯頓 · 墨基爾等頂尖投資人及《智慧型股票投資人》班傑明 · 葛拉漢跨越時代的支持   §台灣知名財經 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 約翰·杜爾
  比爾.蓋茲:「想更上一層樓的管理者,必讀的一本書。」   1999 年,傳奇創投家約翰.杜爾拜訪Google。當時這間公司成立不到一年,沒有實際的事業發展計劃,但是他們抱負遠大,想的是年營收百億美元的未來。杜爾被佩吉和布林兩位創辦人說服了,押下19年創投職涯最大的賭注,挹資近1,200萬美元,條件就是Google要用OKR來管理。   這是杜爾最成功 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 潘·強森班奈特
  ★ 美法狂銷 ★   ★ 紐約時報極致好評推薦 ★   《為什麼你的好意害了貓?》   第一本全面透析貓咪聖經,   美國最具權威的貓行為專家教你如何正確理解貓咪思維、判讀貓咪行為語言、   提供安全且舒適的貓咪生活環境、自主檢查貓咪健康狀況……   如果你不懂貓,那你應該認真研究這本書的每一個主題,好讓自己具備貓咪的正確觀 了解更多
原价 RM 107.65

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作者 蓋瑞·海頓
  踏上英國最具挑戰性、素有「天涯海角」之稱的縱走路線   按下大腦「歸零」按鈕,起身去發現最簡單的快樂!   尼采說:「所有真正偉大的想法都是在走路時構思出來的。」   齊克果也說:「只要不停下腳步,一切就會好轉。」   柏拉圖認為:我們人類具有雙重性質,即是我們的身體和思想。而且他相信我們只要能將兩種本性一起發揮時,就 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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作者 Ned Johnson
A few years ago, Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson started noticing the same problem from different angles: Even high-performing kids were coming to them acutely stressed and lacking motivation. Many complained they had no control over their lives. The Self-Driven Child offers a combination of cutting-edge brain science, the latest discoveries in behavioral therapy, and case studies drawn from the thousands of kids and teens Bill and Ned have helped over the years to teach you how 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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作者 Stephen King
Soon to be a major motion picture from Paramount Pictures starring John Lithgow, Jason Clarke, and Amy Seimetz! Stephen King’s #1 New York Times bestseller Pet Sematary, a “wild, powerful, disturbing” (The Washington Post Book World) classic about evil that exists far beyond the grave—among King’s most iconic and beloved novels. When Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job and moves his family to the idyllic rural town of Ludlow, Maine, this new beginning seems too good to 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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作者 Stewart
Proven techniques to win over any audience and make any sale Mastering the Art of Oral Presentations is your expert guide to delivering memorable and effective speeches and presentations. Whether selling a product, offering a service, or bidding for a contract, your oral presentation skills can often determine success or failure. This invaluable resource delivers real-world advice and proven strategies to elevate your game and close the deal. Comprehensive coverage of prepar 了解更多
原价 RM 105.35

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作者 Rachael Lippincott , Mikki Dau
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Cole Sprouse (Riverdale'sJughead) and Haley Lu Richardson (The Edge of Seventeen and Recovery Road)! In this moving story that's perfect for fans of John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, two teens fall in love with just one minor complication - they can't get within a few feet of each other without risking their lives. Can you love someone you can never touch? Stella Grant likes to be in control - even though her totally out of con 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 John Rossman
原价 RM 114.00

现售 RM 48.90 (-57%)

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作者 約翰·瑞特·湯瑪斯
  「食物和水四天前已耗盡,氧氣明早會用完,就這樣了。待我睡去後會夢見妳,自始至終都是妳。」──鋼鐵人《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》   整個宇宙於彈指之間毀去半數生靈,鋼鐵人作為復仇者聯盟的核心成員,卻隻身飄零在外太空,彈盡糧絕;其餘英雄似乎也束手無策,為僅存的信念背水一戰。   終點是旅程的一部分。抵達終點之前,不妨先來 了解更多
原价 RM 277.20

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会员 RM 249.48 (-10%)

作者 Christopher Berry-Dee
Christopher Berry-Dee is back. In Talking With Serial Killers: World's Most Evil, the bestselling author delves deeper still into the gloomy underworld of killers and their crimes. He examines, with shocking detail and clarity, the lives and lies of people who have killed, and shines a light on the motives behind their horrific crimes. Through interviews with the killers, the police and key members of the prosecution, alongside careful analysis of the cases themselves, the 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 約翰·杜威
五四一百週年,杜威訪華一百週年回顧 為什麼民主社會特別需要重視教育? 民主社會,每個人需要對教育有什麼認識?   杜威深入淺出地爬梳人類文明及教育發展,探討民主社會裡教育應有的樣貌。這些分析,不只巨觀指出近代政治和社會、教育和哲學的盲點和解方,也微觀提供每個人可用的參考;不只百年前成為劃時代著作,百年後也仍然震動人心。   了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 約翰·杜威
五四一百週年,杜威訪華一百週年回顧 在政治與社會混亂的時代,聆聽百年前杜威提出的解方。   「社會哲學與政治哲學」、「教育哲學」,美國哲學家杜威主講,一代學者胡適口譯,帶給新生中國的兩大講座。上世紀給轉型國度的建言,遙指著百年後變動世界不變的核心價值。   約翰.杜威是二十世紀最重要哲學家、教育家之一,曾在一九一九年受邀 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Besson , Philippe
THE NO.1 FRENCH BESTSELLER AND WINNER OF THE MAISON DE LA PRESSE PRIZE 'Stunning and heart-gripping' Andre Aciman, author of Call Me by Your Name 'A beautiful, shattering novel about desire and shame, about passionate youth and the regrets of age' Olivia Laing, bestselling author of Crudo Just outside a hotel in Bordeaux, Philippe, a famous writer, chances upon a young man who bears a striking resemblance to his first love. What follows is a look back to Philippe's teenage 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Cassie Pike
Cassie was only thirteen when her mother died of a degenerative illness, leaving her vulnerable to sexual predators in the Halifax area who had been grooming her since the age of eleven. She fell through the net of the care system and reached out for friendship, only to be consumed by an escalating spiral of abuse. This harrowing and truly shocking story captures in vivid detail how gangs of men were able to ply a child with drink and drugs, then rape her and pass her aroun 了解更多
原价 RM 55.90

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Control is the third studio album by American recording artist Janet Jackson, released on February 4, 1986, by A&M Records. Her collaborations with the songwriters and record producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis resulted in an unconventional sound: a fusion of rhythm and blues, rap vocals, funk, disco and synthesized percussion that established Jackson, Jam and Lewis as the leading innovators of contemporary R&B. The album became Jackson's commercial breakthrough and enabled h 了解更多
原价 RM 52.75

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作者 強·奧斯丁
  ~說話可以輕聲細語,但一把大支的弩也必不可少!~   40種中世紀暗黑攻城武器製作教學,   再有不公不義之事,手下絕不留情 !   遠方戰鼓咚咚,手頭材料不足,   誠徵材料可由文具店整批購得,容易大量製造的攻城機器!   重點是——不會耗費國庫太多銀兩。   作者將塑膠餐具,刀、叉、湯匙等閒置用品做了最佳利用,讓你成為現 了解更多
原价 RM 41.60

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The Shadow Market is a meeting point for faeries, werewolves, warlocks and vampires. There the Downworlders buy and sell magical objects, make dark bargains, and whisper secrets they do not want the Nephilim to know. Through two centuries, however, there has been a frequent visitor to the Shadow Market from the City of Bones, the very heart of the Shadowhunters. As a Silent Brother, Brother Zachariah is sworn keeper of the laws and lore of the Nephilim. But once he was a Shad 了解更多
原价 RM 77.90

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会员 RM 70.11 (-10%)

作者 John Green
Aza Holmes never intended to pursue the disappearance of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there's a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Pickett's son Davis. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever- 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Fatima Farheen Mirza
To be taken hostage by Fatima Mirza’s heartrending and timely story is a gutting pleasure... She captures your mind and heart with an urgency that defies you to stop reading. I guarantee you will be different when you close the book' Sarah Jessica Parker 'I loved this book' Anne Tyler 'The depth of the storytelling and the beauty of the language makes this debut something to treasure' John Boyne An Indian–Muslim family is preparing for their eldest daughter's wedding. 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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会员 RM 49.41 (-10%)

作者 Ken Honda
Look around you - what do you see? You may discover to your surprise that the people who are most at peace with money are the ones who walk nimbly between having too little and having too much. They have found a balance between indulgence and austerity; between success and happiness; between motivation and inspiration; and between any number of other poles we tend to think of as either/or choices, but which in reality are simply posts on either side of a doorway through which 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 William Shakespeare
The Tempest is Shakespeare's masterpiece of magical effects, redemptive romance, poetry and politics. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert and an introduction by actor, writer and director Simon Callow. Prospero has long been exi 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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会员 RM 47.25 (-10%)

作者 諾齊克
  自由意志主義奠基之作   美國國家圖書獎最佳哲學與宗教類   全球翻譯超過100種語言   二戰後百大影響人類社會書籍   美國人文與科學學院院士暨英國國家學術院院士納格爾(Thomas Nagel)作序   政治大學哲學系教授何信全導讀   本書發表於一九七四年,是繼羅爾斯(John Rawls)的《正義論》之後,英美政治哲學界最重要的著作之一。作者諾 了解更多
原价 RM 84.70

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会员 RM 76.23 (-10%)

作者 李曼·法蘭克·包姆
★百年經典奇幻冒險故事、原著插畫 ★中英文典藏版 ★質感裝禎、收藏傳承品質   《綠野仙蹤》於1900年出版,迄今已逾百年,當年甫出版即獲得廣大的回響。1902年被改編成百老匯音樂劇,演出轟動,1939年經由米高梅電影公司搬上了大螢幕,成了影響美國流行文化深遠的代表作品。原著在1956年進入公版領域前便已熱銷了三百多萬冊,超過120多國語言版本。 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 John Rocha
WOLL高速微壓鑽石鍋,可保留食物中大約70%的維他命,而又節省高達一半的烹調時間。最重要有別於過往的高壓煲,做到安全又可以隨時開蓋。由於市場反應熱烈,曾一度斷市。本書是全港首本WOLL高速微壓鑽石鍋食譜。 本書除一般常用於高速鍋的燜煮、湯水外,亦有突破性的鹽焗、煙燻、焗批、海鮮飯等等,十分吸引。菜式上,除了有作者John Rocha最擅長的澳葡 了解更多
原价 RM 64.00

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会员 RM 57.60 (-10%)

作者 史賓賽·強森
新的信念, 就是迷宮的出口!   全球熱賣2800萬冊經典寓言《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》全新續集!   心靈勵志大師史賓賽.強森博士留給全世界最後的禮物!   已售出27國版權!美法德日Amazon讀者★★★★☆一致推崇!   繪本名家   恩 佐   彩色插圖   精裝典藏版   哼哼作夢也想不到,自己竟然會淪落到這麼悲慘的處境。   過去好長一 了解更多
原价 RM 46.05

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会员 RM 41.45 (-10%)

作者 楊安澤
  「每位成人每月1000美元的全民基本收入!」   首位參選美國總統的亞裔創業家──楊安澤   要帶領大家迎接21世紀的挑戰   如果你認為你的鐵飯碗很安全,那你就錯了!   自2000年以來,人工智慧、機器人、自動化海嘯已經淘汰了美國400 萬個製造業工作機會。金融業和科技業就像位在國家兩側的雙門大砲一樣,吸走絕大多數的頂尖人才,不斷提 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 John F. Westfall
So many things have the power to change our lives dramatically--loss, fear, betrayal, failure. When everything goes wrong in life, it's so easy to give in to the pain, frustration, and anger that threaten to overwhelm us. Though we may feel like giving up, there is life--abundant, exciting, and fulfilling--after our world gets turned upside down. In fact, says John Westfall, it's often in the face of fear and loss that we truly learn to live with courage, faith, and surprisin 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 John Green
The award-winning, genre-defining debut from John Green, the #1 international bestselling author of Turtles All the Way Down and The Fault in Our Stars Includes a brand-new Readers’ Guide featuring a Q&A with author John Green Soon to be a Hulu limited series! Winner of the Michael L. Printz Award • A Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist • A New York Times Bestseller • A USA Today Bestseller • NPR’s Top Ten Best-Ever Teen Novels • TIME magazine’s 100 Best 了解更多
原价 RM 48.50

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会员 RM 43.65 (-10%)

作者 約翰·赫斯特
  經過二次大戰與希特勒納粹崛起的、偉大卻毀滅的力量後,   歐洲人民如何走「回」進步與繁榮之路?   歐洲最受推崇的歷史評論家約翰.赫斯特給了終極答案(增修第九、第十章)。   出版至今,連續10年,年年再版   景美女中、西松高中、臺北商業大學……最多高中和大學指定參考書,   彌補條列式資料陳述的不足,把過往強記死背的 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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会员 RM 47.12 (-10%)

作者 辛西亞·強森
  數位時代,你不定義自己,別人會自動為你貼標籤,   現在就動起來,搶先往最好版本的自己前進!   ★在數位時代,完全不經營個人品牌,是大大的劣勢   作為網紅,廠商會藉網路了解一下你過往的言行,決定是否提案合作;   作為求職者,雇主可能會先查看你的FB、Twitter,判斷要不要請你來面試;   作為追求者,曖昧對象或許會搜尋帳號 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 邦妮·聖約翰 , 亞倫·P·海恩斯
  不受壓力和負面情緒影響,也不再被情緒綁架;   短短五分鐘簡單調整身心狀態,隨時保有健康活力   邦妮•聖約翰是第一位在冬季殘障奧運拿下獎牌的非裔美國滑雪選手,退役後創立顧問公司,致力於幫助領導人與團隊引出最大的潛力與最佳表現。美國前總統小布希稱讚她是勇氣的化身,柯林頓總統指名她擔任白宮國家經濟會議人力資本議題諮詢委 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 燃殼
日本文學的異例! 最沈默的暢銷小說!   由新型態作家所創作的新型態私小說   今年度,最受歡迎的大人戀愛文學   榮登Amazon.co.jp小說榜TOP1   各大書店年度選書揪心文學TOP1   日本最受歡迎的網路小說家,稱號「140字的文學家」。   將這茫然世代中,與眾不同的愛情故事於網路連載,   造成各界出現「大人們淚流成河」的災情, 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 John Duffy
A parenting wake-up call that could change how you raise your child. Learn about the “New Teen” and how to adjust your parenting skills. Strategies for parenting teens are now beginning years too late. Kids are growing up with nearly unlimited access to social media and the internet, and unprecedented academic, social, and familial stressors. Starting as early as eight years old, children are exposed to information, thought, and emotion t 了解更多
原价 RM 89.50

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会员 RM 80.55 (-10%)


作者 安德魯·葛洛夫
  他是賈伯斯在矽谷唯一想要效力的人   更是許多矽谷菁英的人生導師   比爾‧蓋茲盛讚他是20世紀最偉大的商業領導者之一   歷久不墜的管理精髓   帶你見證英特爾傳奇CEO的領導智慧   不論頭銜,人人都是管理者。   《財星》雜誌曾指出:「如果企業家希望在快速變化的環境中維持高速成長,不能不讀葛洛夫的企業領導哲學。」葛洛夫擔 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Ryan Holiday
In The Obstacle Is the Way and Ego Is the Enemy, bestselling author Ryan Holiday made ancient wisdom wildly popular with a new generation of leaders in sports, politics, and technology. In his new book, Stillness Is the Key, Holiday draws on timeless Stoic and Buddhist philosophy to show why slowing down is the secret weapon for those charging ahead. All great leaders, thinkers, artists, athletes, and visionaries share one indelible quality. It enables them to conquer their t 了解更多
原价 RM 62.50

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会员 RM 56.25 (-10%)

作者 約翰·齊佛
  愛可以是拯救,也可以是毀滅──   ●名列《西方正典》、「二十世紀百大小說」——約翰.齊佛!   ●呼應現代人心,療癒生命失落的短篇集結。   ●繁體中文首度正式授權出版。   ●二十世紀美國小說大師、《紐約客》黃金年代重量級作家。   ●瑞蒙‧卡佛亦師亦友的前輩、約翰‧厄普代克的對手。   ──甜味是毒氣,只有惡夢更傾 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 John Green
Soon to be a major Netflix film! It's Christmas Eve and the worst blizzard for fifty years has blanketed Gracetown. But as well as snowflakes, love is in the air - and appearing in the most unexpected ways . . . Who'd have thought a freezing hike from a stranded train would end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger? Or that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow could lead to romance with an old friend? Or that the path to true love begins with a 了解更多
原价 RM 46.50

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会员 RM 41.85 (-10%)

作者 Harry Potter Theatrical Productions , Jody Revenson
"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is one of the most celebrated stage productions of the past decade. Opening in London’s West End in 2016, on Broadway in 2018 and in Melbourne 2019 – and with more productions worldwide still to come (including San Francisco later this year) – the play has smashed records, collected countless rave reviews and awards, and captivated audiences night after night. Now readers are invited behind the scenes to experience the show’s journey 了解更多
原价 RM 179.90

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会员 RM 161.91 (-10%)

作者 Johann Hari
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER 'A book that could actually make us happy' SIMON AMSTELL 'This amazing book will change your life' ELTON JOHN 'One of the most important texts of recent years' BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE 'Brilliant, stimulating, radical' MATT HAIG 'The more people read this book, the better off the world will be' NAOMI KLEIN 'Wonderful' HILLARY CLINTON 'Eye-opening' GUARDIAN 'Brilliant for anyone wanting a better understanding of mental health' ZOE BALL 了解更多
原价 RM 62.90

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会员 RM 56.61 (-10%)

作者 Neal Shusterman
The explosive conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Arc of a Scythe series. It’s been three years since Rowan and Citra disappeared; since Scythe Goddard came into power; since the Thunderhead closed itself off to everyone but Grayson Tolliver. In this pulse-pounding finale to Neal Shusterman's internationally bestselling trilogy, constitutions are tested and old friends are brought back from the dead. 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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会员 RM 54.81 (-10%)

作者 Olly Richards
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of Spanish. Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 Olly Richards
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of Italian. Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work – and you will too! – 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Olly Richards
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of English. Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work – and you will too! – Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers Sh 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 傑克·納普 , 約翰·澤拉斯基
  你可曾在夜深人靜時納悶,我今天到底做了什麼?可曾夢想「有朝一日」可以著手什麼計畫、展開什麼行動──但那「有朝一日」永遠不會到來?   我們都努力為要事騰出時間。我們信心滿滿地開啟每一天──然後時間就被接連不斷的會議、沒有盡頭的email和永無休止的社群媒體動態吞沒。有時彷彿疲憊不堪和注意力不集中已成為我們的預設狀態。要是 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 約翰·麥斯威爾
  好的領導能帶來改變,翻轉一個組織、提升百倍成效!   不管你帶領的是一個人,還是一萬個人,都可從本書學到好領導的精髓。   一個小男孩和爺爺下棋,他叫喊著,「不!又來了!爺爺,每次都是你贏!」   「你要我怎麼辦呢?」老人回答,「故意輸給你嗎?如果那樣,你什麽都學不到。」   男孩回答,「我什麼都不要學,我只要贏!」   了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 村田沙耶香
 「這是我自幼以來的夢想。從小我就不擅長扮演『人類』這種奇妙的生物,   因此才會想要借助故事的力量,再一次重新邂逅並認識人類這種生物也說不定。」──《地球星人》繁體中文版獨家作者序   芥川賞得主村田沙耶香在《便利店人間》後,寫下作家生涯17年來最想寫的故事!   挑戰人性最失控的核心,引起日本社會集體沉思的話題之作! 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 Martin , Ann M.
A fresh and fun graphic novel series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister! Karen Brewer lives next door to Mrs. Porter, who wears long robes and has wild gray hair. Mrs. Porter has a black cat named Midnight and always seems to be working in her garden. Karen isn't supposed to spy on her neighbor, but she's determined to prove that Mrs. Porter is a witch named Morbidda Destiny! Mrs. Porter is getting ready to have a special meeting at her ho 了解更多
原价 RM 48.90

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会员 RM 44.01 (-10%)

作者 Martin , Ann M.
A fresh and fun graphic novel series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister! Karen Brewer lives next door to Mrs. Porter, who wears long robes and has wild gray hair. Mrs. Porter has a black cat named Midnight and always seems to be working in her garden. Karen isn't supposed to spy on her neighbor, but she's determined to prove that Mrs. Porter is a witch named Morbidda Destiny! Mrs. Porter is getting ready to have a special meeting at her ho 了解更多
原价 RM 48.90

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会员 RM 44.01 (-10%)

作者 約翰·戈登
第一部以人性為線索串連的金融交易史 本書將帶你重返「財富重分配」的百年賭局 聆聽各種貪婪與恐懼的聲音!   當你研讀這些當代景氣循環和恐慌事件後,你將震驚地發現:   那些市場參與者的面貌始終如一;股票遊戲從未改變,人性也是。   ── 傑西‧李佛摩(Jesse L. Livermore)   金融強權──華爾街,如何從一個只是在街邊喊價的小市,   了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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会员 RM 69.30 (-10%)

作者 Margie Warrell
A masterclass to build self-trust, beat self-doubt and make your boldest aspirations a reality. Does fear hold you back? We all have moments when we succumb to doubt and let our fears call the shots. Each time they do, we limit our lives. It's why learning to trust in ourselves is crucial to rising above our biggest challenges and enjoying true happiness and success - in our careers, relationships, leadership and life. Written with heart and humour but grounded in researc 了解更多
原价 RM 88.20

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作者 Stephen Hawking
A beautiful little book by a brilliant mind' DAILY TELEGRAPH 'Effortlessly instructive, absorbing, up to the minute and - where it matters - witty' GUARDIAN The world-famous cosmologist and #1 bestselling author of A Brief History of Time leaves us with his final thoughts on the universe's biggest questions in this brilliant posthumous work. Is there a God? How did it all begin? Can we predict the future? What is inside a black hole? Is there other intelligent life in 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

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