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作者 John C. Maxwell , Rob Hoskins
Two of today's most respected world-changers, leadership expert John C. Maxwell and global development leader Rob Hoskins, share their real-world experiences helping to transform millions of lives, communities, and businesses around the world to show people how to be the change the world needs and help others do the same. We see poverty, homelessness, violence, mental illness, corruption, and the breakdown of the family, and we think, Why doesn't somebody do something? The 了解更多
原价 RM 93.95

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会员 RM 84.56 (-10%)

作者 Adam Fraser
Is happiness really the key to a meaningful and fulfilling life? We are all obsessed with happiness. There are thousands of books, presenters, and courses trying to teach us how to be happy. But are we more happy? We are the most depressed, anxious and medicated group of people in history. The happiness movement has failed us. Strive turns our ideas of happiness upside down and reveals why challenge, struggle and setbacks are the keys to living a profoundly satisfying life 了解更多
原价 RM 100.80

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会员 RM 90.72 (-10%)

作者 John Patrick Green
Meet the InvestiGators. With their gadgets, know-how, and super-fast transportation system (they flush themselves down toilets to speed through the sewers!), Mango and Brash are the scourge of the super-villain landscape! As vest-wearing employees of the Special Undercover Investigation Teams, they solve all kinds of mysteries and frequently butt heads with their archnemesis: a former agent known as Crackerdile. Riddled with puns, potty humour, absurdism, and hilarious twist 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

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会员 RM 65.25 (-10%)

作者 凱瑞·強森
天分只能給機會,心態決定最後成敗! 【升級版—致勝心理學】 哈佛、牛津都在學的成功思考術 麥可喬丹、J.K.羅琳、華特迪士尼…… 站上世界顛峰的秘訣!   你也想一展長才、獲得喜愛與器用,   但不知為何,卻總事與願違?   以下這些無奈,是你的心聲嗎——   ‧自認聰明才智也算水平以上,為何總懷才不遇?   ‧生活太忙太累,哪裡還 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 約翰·波恩
  我們必須選擇繼續活在謊言中, 還是活出真正的自己?   繼暢銷書《穿條紋衣的男孩》後   約翰·波恩最新感人力作,挑戰這世代最爭議的性別話題——   為什麼哥哥要說自己是女生呢?   13歲的山姆出生在一個特別的家庭,母親是英國總理的內閣大臣,父親的工作是輔佐母親。   而忙於國家大事的父母,甚少花時間在家。所以,有閱讀障礙的 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 威廉·戈茲曼
  吳一揆(中信金控總經理):今天全球是一個複雜經濟體的組合,這個全球文明必須面對金融創新給這個世界帶來的基本問題:如何平衡當下與未來的需求?如何避另一次金融災難的發生?以及如何讓金融創新的利益讓社會每一個人受益?這些問題或許透過威廉‧戈茲曼這本書,可以在金融創新的歷史發展軌跡上找到許多有用的指引。   金融是一部時光 了解更多
原价 RM 89.30

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会员 RM 80.37 (-10%)

作者 約翰·霍蘭德
  不僅僅是與靈魂溝通,   同時也在幫助與治療活著的人,   並搭建起通往你自身靈性的那座橋!   ★前台灣大學校長李嗣涔教授、《前世今生》布萊恩‧魏斯醫學博士都好評推薦的靈魂指南   不論你有興趣的是死後生命的證據、撫平你悲傷的方法或精神通靈能力,《生死溝通》引人入勝、使人安心,是每個人都必讀的一本書!看完這本書,你 了解更多
原价 RM 61.45

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作者 Christopher Berry-Dee
By an expert with over twenty-five years' experience interviewing more than thirty of the most dangerous male and female serial killers of contemporary times, this latest book from the bestselling author explores the darkest corners of these thrill-killers' minds As all law-enforcement authorities, including the FBI's elite Behavioral Science Unit, will confirm, the majority of sexual psychopaths gain most of their perverse thrills from the stalking of their unsuspecting vict 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 克蘿蒂亞·格雷
  讓我們回到《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》前,一同揭開一段絕地師徒的精彩冒險!   很久以前,在遙遠的銀河系……   ★ 《星際大戰》為一九七七年全球最賣座電影。   ★ 《星際大戰》排行全美票房收入榜第二名,僅次於《亂世佳人》。   ★ 《星際大戰》獲選美國電影協會二十世紀百大電影榜第十五名。   ★ 華文地區首次獲得授權,完 了解更多
原价 RM 67.75

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会员 RM 60.98 (-10%)

作者 Olly Richards
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of Modern Standard Arabic. “Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work – and you will too!” – Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 3M
•3 in x 3 in, Bora Bora Collection •Product Color Blue, Bora Bora Collection, Green, Gray •5 Pads/Pack, 90 Sheets/Pad •Made with 67% plant-based adhesive and recycled material. •Post-it® Super Sticky Notes have 2X the sticking power. •Stop spending hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the free Post-it® App. Now you can instantly capture and save your work so you can share notes with your team without recaps or delays. 了解更多
原价 RM 18.60

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会员 RM 16.74 (-10%)

作者 3M
•3 in x 3 in, Bali Collection •Product Color Bali Collection, Blue, Gray, Pink, Purple •5 Pads/Pack, 90 Sheets/Pad •Made with 67% plant-based adhesive and recycled material. •Post-it® Super Sticky Notes have 2X the sticking power. •Stop spending hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the free Post-it® App. Now you can instantly capture and save your work so you can share notes with your team without recaps or delays. **5113580767 了解更多
原价 RM 18.60

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作者 MAX
•Stalpe use : No.10-1M •Loading capacity : 100 pcs of staples •Length : 103mm •Throat depth : 58mm •Stapling capacity : 20 sheets (70 gsm paper) •Long loadable thoart for 2 staple strips •Finger rest zone designed to be pitted niche on the handle's tip tailored to the hand 了解更多

原价 RM 19.30

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作者 John Grisham
He was framed for murder. Now he needs a miracle. 22 years ago Quincy Miller was sentenced to life without parole. He was accused of killing Keith Russo, a lawyer in a small Florida town. But there were no reliable witnesses and little motive. Just the fact that Russo had botched Quincy's divorce case, that Quincy was black in a largely all-white town and that a blood-splattered torch was found in the boot of Quincy's car. A torch he swore was planted. A torch that was co 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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会员 RM 38.25 (-10%)

作者 約翰·羅桑 , 史蒂芬·貝克
AMAZON網路書店★★★★★讀者好評 華爾街日報、出版人週刊專文報導 摩根大通2020年度精選榜單   自駕車、無人機、空中計程車⋯⋯   未來會有何種新型移動方式?又將如何重塑你我的城市與生活?   面對日漸擁擠的街道,我們需要超前部署!   步行、騎馬、開車到搭噴射機,你有思考過自己的移動方式是如何轉變的嗎?   過去一世紀,汽車與 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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会员 RM 55.44 (-10%)

情侶、伴侶、夫妻 必看! 上一次,你們好好聊天是多久以前?   婚姻教父約翰高特曼博士的兩性鉅作   美國執業臨床心理師,中央大學認知神經科學研究所兼任副教授 陳永儀真愛推薦   你的感情是否已經進入以下階段:   □ 為何結了婚就像變了一個人似的?   □ 熱戀期後就不斷地在磨合,磨到天荒地老?   □ 如何知道這個人是你可以攜 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Florence Scovel Shinn
The classic self-help guide, full of timeless wisdom Florence Scovel Shinn's The Game of Life and How to Play It first appeared in bookstores in 1925 and is now considered a classic in the self-help genre. The author's insights into achieving meaning, happiness and success are just as relevant and effective today as they were nearly a century ago, hence its reissue as part of the exciting Capstone Classics line. This collectible, hard-back edition of The Game of Life and Ho 了解更多
原价 RM 67.50

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作者 Johnny
★台灣最暢銷的短線選股APP版主! 本書是台股最細膩的短線當沖交易指南, 詳盡解說「選股型態」與進出場策略, 並教你克服交易心理盲點, 讓當沖比你想像的簡單、易學!   ★我曾是價值投資的擁護者,但自從持有宏達電股票後讓我醒來……   暢銷短線選股台股大學堂APP背後的靈魂人物會長,19歲開始投入股市,是擁有24年交易經驗的短線交易高手 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 约翰·科尔曼
《为什么我的青春期孩子不和我说话》为父母们提供了与青春期孩子保持良好沟通,进而实现给孩子引导和支持的沟通和教养方法,包括来自青少年教育专家的养育理念和方法;来自其他青春期孩子和父母的经验与教训分享;来自青春期相关研究的科学支持。如何养育青春期孩子,也许没有标准答案,但约翰?科尔曼给我们提供了行动的指南;书中大量案例均来 了解更多
原价 RM 59.80

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作者 A. C. Grayling
A cerebrally enjoyable survey, written with great clarity and touches of wit . . . The non-western section throws up some fascinating revelations' Sunday Times The story of philosophy is an epic tale: an exploration of the ideas, views and teachings of some of the most creative minds known to humanity. But there has been no comprehensive and entertaining, single-volume history of this great intellectual journey since 1945. With his characteristic clarity and elegance A. C. 了解更多
原价 RM 86.95

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作者 Mikki Daughtry , Rachael Lippincott
From the authors behind Five Feet Apart, a #1 New York Times bestseller and hit movie, comes a gripping new romance that asks: Can you find true love after losing everything? Kyle and Kimberly have been the perfect couple all through high school, but when Kimberly breaks up with him on the night of their graduation party, Kyle's entire world upends - literally. Their car crashes and when he awakes, he has a brain injury. Kimberly is dead. And no one in his life could possi 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 John Patrick Green
Sewer-loving secret agents Mango and Brash are plunged into a new mystery--and a BIG mess--in John Patrick Green's hilarious adventure-packed graphic novel, InvestiGators: Take the Plunge. S.U.I.T. headquarters is under attack, and Mango and Brash are going undercover and underground disguised as city sewer workers to unclog a sticky situation. But when their search for the criminal Crackerdile backfires, the toilets they travel through back up--and the InvestiGators take th 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

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作者 John Gallagher
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 John Grisham
ake Brigance, lawyer hero of A Time to Kill and Sycamore Row, is back, in his toughest case ever. 'A new Grisham legal thriller is always an event, but this one is exceptional as the author is returning to Jake Brigance, the hero of his very first book, A Time To Kill . . . There is a lot of Grisham in Brigance - they were both street lawyers on the side of the people, not big corporations. It gives the book an emotional core that burns with a white heat' - Daily Mail 'A ma 了解更多
原价 RM 104.95

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会员 RM 94.46 (-10%)

作者 奧立佛·布洛
川普只繳了750元的稅,比一個美國工人還低 聯電的稅率只有0.3%,你我的稅率卻從5%一路直衝20% 為什麼錢永遠只流入有錢人的口袋!?   「這世界上的每個政客跟富翁都應該讀,但他們才不會,因為這本書就是在寫他們!」   ──諜報小說大師 約翰・勒卡雷(John le Carré)   2015年,馬來西亞總理納吉透過國家基金,涉嫌貪汙高達七億美金,貪汙 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 約翰·史德普
唐鳳大聲推崇的工作法 知名企業博世(Bosch)、德鐵、西門子、BMW活化再造 21世紀最具影響力、最適合數位世代的新工作術 一種開放、透明、互連的工作方式,協助個人建立有效人脈、開拓新領域   面對職涯或人生,你是否有以下煩惱:   現在的工作不是自己的志業,提不起勁   想要發展新事業,不知從何開始   渴望培養第二專長,卻沒有時間   了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

Complete your leadership toolkit with this inside look at high-level, executive positions. 了解更多
原价 RM 103.00

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会员 RM 92.70 (-10%)

作者 John Williams 
Stuck in a job that’s boring you to tears? Slogging away at a business that’s never quite taken off? Still can’t decide what you’d rather do? It’s time to say ‘enough’. The world has changed. It’s now possible for anyone to make a living from doing the things they love. The only problem is that no one has shown you how. Until now. Based on life-changing ideas and tools proven with tens of thousands of people over the last decade, F**k Work Let’s Play is yo 了解更多
原价 RM 79.70

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作者 Olly Richards
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of Korean. “Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work – and you will too!” 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Pittacus Lore
The Lorien Legacies Series by Pittacus Lore 7 Books Collection Set: I Am Number Four: He regularly moves from small town to small town. He changes his name and identity. He does not put down roots. He cannot tell anyone who or what he really is. The Power of Six: I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened to John Smith. To the world he's a mystery, but to me . . . he's one of us. The Rise of Nine: Until I met John Smith, Number Four, I'd been on th 了解更多
原价 RM 279.30

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作者 Philip Kotler
In Marketing 5.0, the celebrated promoter of the “Four P’s of Marketing,” Philip Kotler, explains how marketers can use technology to address customers’ needs and make a difference in the world. In a new age when marketers are struggling with the digital transformation of business and the changing behavior of customers, this book provides marketers with a way to integrate technological and business model evolution with the dramatic shifts in consumer behavior that hav 了解更多
原价 RM 105.35

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会员 RM 94.82 (-10%)

作者 約翰·格里芬
身為弱勢者,究竟會對你的一生造成多大的影響? 為了理解他者,你願意付出多大代價? 為了克服歧視,你願意冒多大的危險?   1959年,美國民權運動前夕,   一位白人作家,為了瞭解黑人的真實處境,   做了一個至今都難以被超越的社會實驗……   儘管美國南方的白人堅稱他們與黑人相處和諧,當時全美知名的小說家約翰‧格里芬讀著一份 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 DK
The UK's only fully authorised first aid guide, this book is used as the official training manual for the UK's leading first aid organisations' courses. This updated manual covers all aspects of first aid at work, home, and in the field. Using clear, up-to-date information, step-by-step photography, and simplified diagrams, anyone can be prepared for any medical emergency. This essential manual was written and endorsed by all three of the UK's leading first aid providers - 了解更多
原价 RM 81.50

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会员 RM 73.35 (-10%)

作者 Jesse Stay
Engage with TikTok’s millions of users in a fun and productive way. 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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Slim and stylish, the 15.6” Urban Essential™ Backpack is a refreshing take on the classic backpack. With clean lines and a minimalistic interior, the pack offers essential protection and organization in a lightweight frame. More than just good looks, this backpack offers contoured shoulder straps and padded back panel for comfort and a trolley strap to seamlessly store on rolling luggage. With side mesh water bottle pockets and a hidden stash pocket on the front, its 了解更多
原价 RM 299.00

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作者 Adam Contos
Strengthen your leadership skills and achieve success at work and at home with advice from a proven business leader In Start with a Win: Tools and Lessons to Create Personal and Business Success, CEO of RE/MAX Holdings Adam Contos delivers a powerful exploration of how leaders process information and lead boldly, especially (or even) during times of crisis. Packed with the practical lessons he learned as the leader of one of the most recognized real estate brands in the wor 了解更多
原价 RM 85.80

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会员 RM 77.22 (-10%)

作者 Alex Goldfayn
Unlock the power of a simple phone call to boost your sales. 了解更多
原价 RM 85.80

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作者 Matt Fortnow & Quharrison Terry
Learn how to create and profit from NFTs The NFT Handbook is a detailed guide on how to create, sell and buy non-fungible tokens without the need for a technical background. Learn exactly what NFTs are, how they evolved, and why they have value. We'll delve into the different types and aspects of NFTs and discuss the different NFT marketplaces and the pros and cons of each. Create Your Own NFTs: Step by step instructions on all aspects of NFT creation, including what type 了解更多
原价 RM 104.80

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会员 RM 94.32 (-10%)

作者 Taylor Larimore
A witty, DIY handbook that espouses the sage investment wisdom of John C. Bogle. 了解更多
原价 RM 77.20

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会员 RM 69.48 (-10%)

作者 Shivaji Das
A collection of insider accounts describing the organizational impact and revival stories of COVID-19. 了解更多
原价 RM 94.40

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会员 RM 84.96 (-10%)

作者 Bernard Marr
Stay one step ahead of the competition with this expert review of the most impactful and disruptive business trends coming down the pike Far from slowing down, change and transformation in business seems to come only at a more and more furious rate. The last ten years alone have seen the introduction of groundbreaking new trends that pose new opportunities and challenges for leaders in all industries. In Business Trends in Practice: The 25+ Trends That Are Redefining Organi 了解更多
原价 RM 167.80

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会员 RM 151.02 (-10%)

作者 Christopher Giancarlo
An insider's account of the rise of digital money and cryptocurrencies Dubbed "CryptoDad" for his impassioned plea to Congress to acknowledge and respect cryptocurrencies as the inevitable product of a fast-growing technological wave and a free marketplace, Chris Giancarlo is considered one of "the most influential individuals in financial regulation." CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money describes Giancarlo's own reckoning with the future of the global economy-at th 了解更多
原价 RM 92.20

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会员 RM 82.98 (-10%)

作者 Steve Keen
In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the wall of Wittenberg church. He argued that the Church's internally consistent but absurd doctrines had pickled into a dogmatic structure of untruth. It was time for a Reformation. Half a millennium later, Steve Keen argues that economics needs its own Reformation. In Debunking Economics, he eviscerated an intellectual church - neoclassical economics - that systematically ignores its own empirical untruths and logical fallacie 了解更多
原价 RM 71.20

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会员 RM 64.08 (-10%)

作者 David Wiedemer
The latest must-read book from the authors of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Aftershock series of books, Fake Money, Real Danger strips away the confusion and exposes what's really happening to our economy and investments-and shows you what to do about it now, before it's too late. Picking up where Aftershock left off, Fake Money, Real Danger reveals how the Covid-19 pandemic-and the government's massive money printing and borrowing in response to it- 了解更多
原价 RM 100.60

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会员 RM 90.54 (-10%)

作者 Gautham Pallapa
Learn to lead others through adversity with the power of human connection. In Leading with Empathy: Understanding the Needs of Today's Workforce, acclaimed strategist and business leader Dr. Gautham Pallapa presents an insightful roadmap to leading people through adversity and empowering humans in the workplace, the home, and society. Through this book, the distinguished author examines the impact of recent world-shaking events and how they have impacted us as a species and 了解更多
原价 RM 92.20

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会员 RM 82.98 (-10%)

作者 Karen Mangia
What would happen to your team, and your organization, if everyone knew how to change the game - and make success a daily occurrence? Companies and individuals are looking for more freedom: personal freedom, creative freedom, and freedom to rethink what work really means. From dealing with COVID-19, facing diversity issues, battling burnout, zoom fatigue and more, organizations are stretched thin and must find a way to help their employees find balance and freedom in order t 了解更多
原价 RM 75.40

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会员 RM 67.86 (-10%)

作者 David Nurse
Deliver innovative results like clockwork with this repeatable formula for creativity-on-demand Have you ever sat down at your desk with an impossible deadline or an insurmountable obstacle staring you directly in the face and an expectation that you'll come up with a groundbreaking idea and solution? In Breakthrough, you'll find a powerful framework for bringing innovation and creativity to the surface not just once, but on a regular, daily basis. In Breakthrough, bestsell 了解更多
原价 RM 83.80

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会员 RM 75.42 (-10%)

作者 Brian Moran
Own your choices and discover the true meaning of accountability The implementation of true, organization-wide accountability has the potential to transform your firm's-and your personal-performance. Unfortunately, the word "accountability" often has negative connotations, including blame, fear, and conflict. In Uncommon Accountability, best-selling authors and leadership strategists Brian Moran and Michael Lennington compellingly argue for a positive and affirming concepti 了解更多
原价 RM 83.80

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会员 RM 75.42 (-10%)

作者 Adam Sarhan
Beat the market by using Psychological Analysis for investing and trading under any conditions Conventional wisdom tells us that people are rational and make rational decisions with their money. But that's simply not true considering most people fail to beat the market. Conventional wisdom also tells us that there are two primary ways to approach the market: technical and fundamental analysis. Again, that is not true because if it were-everyone would be rich. Think about it, 了解更多
原价 RM 134.20

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会员 RM 120.78 (-10%)

作者 Daniel Lohrmann
The inspiring and powerful book about navigating grief from acclaimed grief coach and New York Times bestselling author Hope Edelman, now in paperback featuring a new introduction __________ 'Hope Edelman remains unmatched in perfectly weaving touching personal anecdotes with illuminating scientific data, to remind us we are not alone' Rachel Reichblum, That Good Grief ______ Grief is a path we can all expect to walk one day, when we lose someone we love, and life suddenly 了解更多
原价 RM 100.60

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会员 RM 90.54 (-10%)

作者 Chris Westfall
Unlock your potential with practical strategies for simplifying your biggest challenges A frustrated client hires a coach. He's looking for answers. Direction. And clarity. He wants to leave his job but can't find the self-confidence to do so. Should he stick it out? Is entrepreneurship a good idea? Little does he know, he's about to be fired in just five days. Inside Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You, a self-leadership inquiry becomes a story of transform 了解更多
原价 RM 83.80

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会员 RM 75.42 (-10%)

作者 John Patrick Green
InvestiGators Mango and Brash don their fanciest vests for InvestiGators: Off the Hook, the next mystery in the hilarious adventure series from John Patrick Green Sewer-loving secret agents Mango and Brash fight for the GATOR good in this zany adventure that will have readers HOOKED! The InvestiGators are the best crime-fighting duo in the world. But not even their hi-tech training programs can prepare them for the return of their greatest nemesis, Crackerdile, in a shockin 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

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会员 RM 65.25 (-10%)

作者 雅筑安·梅爾
生而為人的意義到底是什麼?人類是否能通過科學力量獲得永生? 這不只是今天科幻小說的想像,更是古代希臘神話的核心命題!   本書呈現由人、神與技術三者交織出來的世界觀,探究人類生命的永恆困惑   人類模仿諸神造人,透過科技力量打造機械人的科幻想像   從神話與歷史的角度來看,即是「科技來自於人性」的現代意義!   ***** 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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会员 RM 69.30 (-10%)

作者 Stephanie Scott
A BOOK OF THE YEAR FOR THE DAILY MAIL AND WOMAN AND HOME A New York Times 'Editor's Pick' One of the Observer's Ten Best Debut Novelists of 2020 Shortlisted for the Author's Club First Novel Award Longlisted for the Jhalak Prize Longlisted for the CWA John Creasy New Blood Dagger 'Enrapturing... This richly imagined novel considers the many permutations of love and what we are capable of doing in its name' New York Times 'A brilliant debut' Louise Doughty, author of Apple T 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

作者 羅伯特·強森
從神話中尋找聖杯的少年、挑戰不可能任務的少女, 探索男女兩性成長時內在的整合歷程。   從榮格心理學的觀點,每個男性內在都藏著陰柔的特質(阿尼瑪),女性內在也具有陽剛特質(阿尼姆斯)。榮格分析師強森以淺顯易懂的方式,在本書中說明,瞭解男性與女性的心理發展歷程,就如同瞭解自己一樣,至關重要。   在強森眼裡,神話的故事情 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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作者 Joshua Coleman , Phd
As a trusted psychologist whose own daughter cut off contact for several years and eventually reconciled, Dr Joshua Coleman is uniquely qualified to guide parents in navigating these fraught interactions. He helps to alleviate the ongoing feelings of shame, hurt, guilt, and sorrow that commonly attend these dynamics. By placing estrangement into a cultural context, Dr Coleman helps parents better understand the mindset of their adult children and teaches them how to implement 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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会员 RM 89.91 (-10%)

作者 John Gallagher
原价 RM 54.95

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会员 RM 49.46 (-10%)

作者 John Cena
For years, John Cena has been using his popular Twitter feed to uplift his followers with his unique brand of positivity. Now, he collects his favorite words of wisdom on the benefits of being bold and open-minded, embracing discomfort, and making the most of every opportunity. 了解更多
原价 RM 112.90

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会员 RM 19.90 (-82%)


作者 約翰·霍根
  市面上心理學書籍百百種,早已成為你再不懂就落伍的顯學。   但是,你知道心理學是怎麼發展成今日的樣貌嗎?   這本書來自心理系課堂上那些讓學生反應最為熱烈的話題。在美國聖若望大學擁有數十年教學經驗的霍根博士,深深知道一個好的故事,才能夠引發學生的興趣;而且,那些歷史上沒有記載的實驗後續、案例發展、心理學家種種怪癖,以 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 史蒂芬·強森
從達爾文的人生思辨,到貝佐斯的70%決策法則; 從美國成功狙擊賓拉登,到Google的評估表格; 3大關鍵決策規律x15+高勝率決斷技巧 掌握科技巨頭、政府精英、科學領袖、文學巨擘等 跨領域的實用決策智慧!   ★《經濟學人》《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《衛報》《金融時報》《出版人週刊》等重量級媒體盛讚   ★ 橫跨心理學、行為經濟學、認知科學 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

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