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作者 Anas Alam Faizli
Malaysia is one of a kind. It is a unique and rare gem, a melting pot with an infinite mixture of ingredients. As Malaysians we are made from various races and different languages but this country blends us all together, coalescing all of our strengths and weaknesses. Blessed with abundant natural resources and harvests, from tin to rubber, palm oil, timber, bauxite, and of course petroleum, Malaysia is a rich country. As a nation we have all of the essential ingredients to 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 John Green , David Levithan
The New York Times bestselling novel from John Green, the author of multi-million bestseller The Fault in Our Stars, and David Levithan, author of Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.----------'Funny, rude and original' - New York Times Book Review'Will have readers simultaneously laughing, crying and singing at the top of their lungs' - Kirkus Reviews'This n 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Stephen Hawking
Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece which begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time. 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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作者 海道左近
  〈無限〉的冒險現在開始──   能夠依據各個玩家的行動、個性與玩法獨自進化其能力的系統〈恩布里歐〉,以及栩栩如生、生存於遊戲世界的眾多NPC〈堤安〉。具備這兩樣夢幻系統的潛入型VRMMO〈Infinite Dendrogram〉,瞬間化為潮流席捲全世界,讓許多玩家樂在其中。考完大學聯考、來到東京獨居的青年──椋鳥玲二,也為了紀念大考結束, 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 海道左近
《首刷限定版》隨書附贈:「冒險途中」16P小冊子合輯+「復讎少女」外傳小說替換書衣+首刷書卡   制伏綁架孩童的山賊團吧!!   玲到達決鬥都市基甸後勤於提昇自己的能力,一下子測試剛得到的獎賞防具性能,一下子又抽轉蛋。這時他得知有個綁架孩童的不法組織『岣茲嵋茲山賊團』,最近正於基甸周遭橫行猖獗。   於是玲便與偶然認識的玩家 了解更多
原价 RM 44.65

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作者 海道左近
  「洗好脖子等著吧,〈超級〉(Superior)。」   在基甸舉行的〈超級激突〉分出高下的瞬間,身著白色實驗衣的男子──〈大教授〉富蘭克林突然出現,並宣告撼動整個阿爾塔王國的遊戲即將開始。城鎮中冒出了大量的怪物,但上級玩家們都被封鎖在鬥技場裡。為了守護國家與自己的尊嚴,玩家們紛紛出動,前去化解王國即將滅亡的危機。玲、瑪麗、路克 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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作者 海道左近 , タイキ
  主角‧椋鳥玲二好不容易等到考完大學,終於迫不及待地啟動了之前哥哥強力推薦的「Infinite Dendrogram」這款遊戲。當他進入遊戲來到跟哥哥相約的大噴水池,卻只看到一個穿上熊熊布偶裝的人舉著「歡迎弟弟」的牌子。兄弟見面之後,首先替委託人‧莉莉安娜前往勒夫舊果樹園執行尋找妹妹的任務。沒想到這個任務要面對的敵人,是外型像蜈蚣的亞龍,不 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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作者 海道左近
  【破壞王】,出陣。   玲等一眾新手的活躍,讓針對王國的恐攻漸漸平靜下來。然而為求「勝利」而不擇手段的富蘭克林發動了最後的殺手鐧,使大量的怪物開始朝著王國進攻。人數有限,上級〈主宰〉們又受到禁閉,就在王國再度陷入危機之時──那個男人終於出動了!!   『在你今晚所展開的遊戲裡,你犯了一個最大的錯誤──那就是與「我弟 了解更多
原价 RM 33.90

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作者 Julia Walton
Fans of More Happy Than Not, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and It's Kind of a Funny Story will cheer for Adam in this uplifting and surprisingly funny story of a boy living with schizophrenia. When you can't trust your mind, trust your heart. Adam is a pretty regular teen--he's just navigating high school life while living with paranoid schizophrenia. His hallucinations include a cast of characters that range from the good (beautiful Rebecca) to the bad (angry Mob B 了解更多
原价 RM 46.95

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作者 海道左近
 王國最強宗教戰隊,展開行動。玲決定在大學開學前徹底玩個痛快,他與路克和瑪麗約好要去海邊,並在遊戲內的旅店睡覺。而他醒來後,映入眼裡的卻是陌生的天花板。玲被王國最大的宗教戰隊‧〈月世會〉綁架了!! 月夜在現實中同樣是宗教組織首腦,且是王國最後的〈超級〉,其實更是玲的大學學姊,她的目的究竟是──「咱是【女教皇】扶桑月夜,是〈 了解更多
原价 RM 35.40

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会员 RM 31.86 (-10%)

作者 海道左近
  〈無限〉的冒險現在開始──   能夠依據各個玩家的行動、個性與玩法獨自進化其能力的系統〈恩布里歐〉,以及栩栩如生、生存於遊戲世界的眾多NPC〈堤安〉。具備這兩樣夢幻系統的潛入型VRMMO〈Infinite Dendrogram〉,瞬間化為潮流席捲全世界,讓許多玩家樂在其中。考完大學聯考、來到東京獨居的青年──椋鳥玲二,也為了紀念大考結束,首 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 海道左近
  〈超級〉VS.〈超級〉,巔峰之戰即將開打。   即將於決鬥都市基甸的鬥技場舉行的活動『超級激突』──能夠於近距離欣賞到   擁有超常能力的〈超級〉之間的戰鬥,整座城鎮也因這場大型祭典,蘊釀了熱鬧非凡的氣氛。阿爾塔王國決鬥排行榜第1名「無限連鎖」費加洛VS.黃河帝國決鬥排行榜第2名「應龍」迅羽。玲等人為了聲援有過一面之緣的費加洛 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 海道左近
  「洗好脖子等著吧,〈超級〉(Superior)。」   在基甸舉行的〈超級激突〉分出高下的瞬間,身著白色實驗衣的男子──〈大教授〉富蘭克林突然出現,並宣告撼動整個阿爾塔王國的遊戲即將開始。城鎮中冒出了大量的怪物,但上級玩家們都被封鎖在鬥技場裡。為了守護國家與自己的尊嚴,玩家們紛紛出動,前去化解王國即將滅亡的危機。玲、瑪麗、路克在 了解更多
原价 RM 33.90

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作者 海道左近 
  奇蹟之盾就在此處。   玲一行人將琉羿送至托爾涅村,而此處開始舉行了風星祭。   但在這時,據說已於過去封印起來的怪物──黑天爺的封印解開了,其真面目為古代傳說級的〈UBM〉【黑天空亡 魔諾庫瓏】。玲與畢思理本來打算對抗這隻怪物,但PK卻也趁亂襲向他們。堤安村人們是否能平安獲救?而在過去曾經拯救琉羿母子的英雄── 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 Bruce , Stan
Does God care about the details of your life-your flat tire, that argument with your spouse, your finances? Absolutely! And God Is in the Small Stuff proves it. Bruce & Stan's modern classic launched a series of books that sold in excess of one million copies-now, it's part of a four-title paperback classics assortment. In their lighthearted yet thought-provoking style, Bruce & Stan encourage readers never to disregard the minor, seemingly insignificant things of life-because 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 海道左近
發現了失落的新職業!玲的職業【聖騎士】已經練到封頂,當他在尋找下一個職業時,失落的職業被再度發現──這樣的情報傳進了他耳裡,那個職業就是最近在遺跡裡被人發現的【煌騎兵】。已滿足轉職條件的玲為了就職,便朝著遺跡所在之處──位於阿爾塔王國與多錸夫皇國的國境附近──卡捷拉坦伯爵領地出發,並與途中邂逅的蒙面女劍士石青同行,在遺 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 海道左近
「做好覺悟了嗎?」   因遺跡而引發的戰鬥愈演愈烈,   皇國的殺手鐧──兩位超級職業現身了。   而在遺跡裡,本為上古文明之希望的決戰兵器也即將甦醒。   王國的危機已然到來,蒙面公主決定使出她的力量,   而潛藏於玲的手甲裡的鬼也在等待著現身的機會。   卡捷拉坦成了故事的舞台。   玲是否能在諸多危機之中,守護生活於 了解更多
原价 RM 41.60

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作者 Ichiro Kishimi , Fumitake Koga
What if one simple choice could unlock your destiny? Already a major bestseller in Asia, this follow-up to the international phenomenon The Courage to Be Disliked shares the powerful teachings of Alfred Adler, one of the giants of nineteenth-century psychology, through an illuminating dialogue between a philosopher and a young man. The Courage to Be Happy opens three years after The Courage to Be Disliked ends. Three years ago, armed with the eye-opening philosophies of Adler 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 海道左近
  發現了失落的新職業!   玲的職業【聖騎士】已經練到封頂,當他在尋找下一個職業時,失落的職業被再度發現──這樣的情報傳進了他耳裡,那個職業就是最近在遺跡裡被人發現的【煌騎兵】。已滿足轉職條件的玲為了就職,便朝著遺跡所在之處──位於阿爾塔王國與多錸夫皇國的國境附近──卡捷拉坦伯爵領地出發,並與途中邂逅的蒙面女劍士石青 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 海道左近
  制伏綁架孩童的山賊團吧!!   玲到達決鬥都市基甸後勤於提昇自己的能力,一下子測試剛得到的獎賞防具性能,一下子又抽轉蛋。這時他得知有個綁架孩童的不法組織『岣茲嵋茲山賊團』,最近正於基甸周遭橫行猖獗。   於是玲便與偶然認識的玩家──雨果、賽科前往討伐山賊並救出孩童。   然而,在那裡又有不尋常的狀況等待著玲等人──!! 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 海道左近
平靜的日常──根本不可能來到!?卡捷拉坦的騷動告一段落後,王國與〈主宰〉間的關係已朝著改善的方向邁進。而回到大學生活的玲二在每天勤奮求學的同時,也和有在玩dendro的朋友,以及社團的月夜與梢加深了交流。另一方面,雨果在卡爾迪納拜超級為師並意圖練功昇級,卻被捲入一場黑手黨牽涉其中的巨大抗爭──氣勢如虹的激熱VRMMO奇幻故事,沒 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 海道左近 , タイキ
  主角‧玲跟搭檔涅墨西斯在〈挪芝森林〉忙著提升等級,卻突然遭到神秘玩家PK。兩人受到死亡懲罰而深切覺得彼此實力不足,發誓將來一定要報仇──。很快地,他們為了鍛鍊自我而進入〈墓碑迷宮〉地底,途中他們遇見了決鬥排行榜榜首‧費加洛。散發出不可思議氣息的費加洛,實力究竟如何呢……。 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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作者 海道左近
  奇蹟之盾就在此處。   玲一行人將琉羿送至托爾涅村,而此處開始舉行了風星祭。   但在這時,據說已於過去封印起來的怪物──黑天爺的封印解開了,其真面目為古代傳說級的〈UBM〉【黑天空亡 魔諾庫瓏】。玲與畢思理本來打算對抗這隻怪物,但PK卻也趁亂襲向他們。堤安村人們是否能平安獲救?而在過去曾經拯救琉羿母子的英雄──琉羿 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 海道左近
  「阿爾塔王國三巨頭」誕生秘聞   在過去,曾有過侵襲阿爾塔王國的災害──〈SUBM〉【三極龍 古洛厲亞】。靠近這頭怪物就會死於非命,從遠處攻擊也不管用,束手無策的玩家與堤安們都感到烏雲罩頂。就在這時,3位超級抱著各自的戰鬥理由挺身而出了,他們分別是〈月世界〉、〈無限連鎖〉、〈身分不明〉。   讓3位超級從此被喚為 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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作者 黃則霖
情花朵朵開……!決鬥都巿基甸舉辦了愛鬥祭。玲因石青的委託,於護衛她的同時也決定參加這場整座城鎮共襄盛舉的大型祭典。在以愛為主題的這場祭典裡,許多人綻放朵朵情花,就某種意義而言在最好的時機出獄的【狂王】般若,也終於與費加洛再度重逢──!!玲一行人能夠讓祭典順利地舉辦嗎!? 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 海道左近
召集成員,發起戰隊!!阿爾塔王國與多錸夫皇國將召開談和會議,玲考量到談判破裂的情況,便為了能參與戰爭,尋找可以臨時加入的戰隊,卻發現由於諸多理由而困難重重。不知如何是好的玲,便決定與身邊的超級一同發起新的戰隊──另一方面,王國發生了好幾起入榜者遭人襲擊並受到死亡懲罰的事件。在不安定的氣氛下暗地活躍的究竟是何人……?大受歡 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 Matt Haigg
THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE GOODREADS CHOICE AWARD FOR FICTION A BETWEEN THE COVERS AND GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICK 'UPLIFTING' David Nicholls, 'BEAUTIFUL' Jodi Picoult, 'BRILLIANT' Daily Mail, 'AMAZING' Joanna Cannon, 'ABSORBING' New York Times, 'THOUGHT-PROVOKING' Independent Nora's life has been going from bad to worse. Then at the stroke of midnight on her last day on earth she finds herself tr 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 海道左近
對峙者為,〈最強〉。兩國間的談和會議決裂後,雙方陣營進入戰鬥狀態。玲VS.〈物理最強〉【獸王】貝黑摩特,石青VS.【衝神】克勞蒂雅,修VS.【怪獸女王】利維坦。為了雙方皆不可讓步的理由,各自傾盡全力交鋒的這場戰鬥,究竟會迎向何種結局──玲自從開始遊戲以來,最為嚴酷的戰鬥即將開幕!廣受歡迎的VRMMO戰鬥奇幻故事,一決生死的第14集!! 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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作者 海道左近
  保衛王都!!   在談和會議的背後,盜賊王等人向王都發動攻擊。   為了讓世界的謎團曝光,為了貫徹不容退讓的決心,   為了將自己的力量銘刻於對手心中,為了保護無可取代的日常──   各種不同的想法與信念,在前所未有的混亂之中互相衝突。   大賢者、管理AI,以及邪神究竟為何種存在?   潛藏於世界的謎團,即將於這處戰 了解更多
原价 RM 41.60

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作者 Genzaburo Yoshino
Publishing in English for the very first time, Japan's beloved coming-of-age classic on what really matters in life The streets of Tokyo swarm below fifteen year-old Copper as he gazes out into the city of his childhood. Struck by the thought of the infinite people whose lives play out alongside his own, he begins to wonder, how do you live? Considering life's biggest questions for the first time, Copper turns to his dear uncle for heart-warming wisdom. As the old man guide 了解更多
原价 RM 95.90

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作者 Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche
The perfect manual for the mind, bringing deep insight to today's world and offering practical tools for transformation' Gelong Thubten, author of A Monk's Guide to Happiness _______________________________________________________________________________ In this hectic, modern world, the practice of meditation is the greatest way to find peace. Originally written over thirteen years ago, the teachings in this book have transformed the lives of people across the world and, d 了解更多
原价 RM 61.50

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作者 海道左近
在〈超級〉聚集的城鎮裡,其秘密究竟為何!?雨果一行人為了尋求四散於卡爾迪納的〈UBM〉珠子,抵達了新的城鎮。然而尋求珠子力量的強者們也朝著這座城鎮聚集而來,其各自懷揣的想法令狀況開始急速發展。隸屬於〈IF〉的【殺人姬】愛蜜莉、隸屬於〈賽菲洛特〉的【擊墜王】AR‧I‧CA,以及與玲的形象有些相仿的青年【冥王】貝涅特那許。在〈超級 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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会员 RM 36.05 (-10%)

作者 海道左近
  孤島上的多人混戰即將開幕!   玲與茱麗葉等人在打怪時,怪物掉落了四張門票,是dendro裡舉行的特別紀念活動的招待券。雖然玲一行人期待萬分,活動內容卻是在孤島舉行的多人生存戰……!?得知大學的現實朋友也會參加的玲要與其組隊進行挑戰,但在全世界皆可參加的這個活動裡,聚集了平時不會遇上的強者們──大受歡迎的VRMMO戰鬥奇 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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作者 Nicholas Janni
Leaders of today must possess potent powers for logic, reason, discernment and strategic forecasting. Yet, they must also be empathic and therefore embodied; grounded and therefore intuitive; present and therefore awake. They must be skilled in mindfulness and deep listening, able to inspire authentic engagement and collaboration, and possess a clear and wholehearted sense of service, mission and purpose - restoring coherence where there is fragmentation and unity where there 了解更多
原价 RM 86.90

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作者 Kelly Loy Gilbert
From award-winning author Kelly Loy Gilbert comes a "beautifully, achingly cathartic" (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) romantic drama about the secrets we keep, from each other and from ourselves, perfect for fans of Permanent Record and I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter. All Beth wants is for her tight-knit circle of friends--Grace Nakamura, Brandon Lin, Sunny Chen, and Jason Tsou--to stay together. With her family splintered and her future a question mark, these frien 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

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会员 RM 65.25 (-10%)

作者 海道左近
  修與傑克史之間的恩怨即將明朗……!!   在王國裡,以〈UBM〉挑戰權為賭注的一大決鬥活動──〈錦標賽〉就要開幕了。玲一行人等〈死亡終止符〉的成員正在勵兵秣馬之際,意外出現了希望加入戰隊的新人。由於成員增加,玲也同時尋覓起寬敞的戰隊居所,這時基甸伯爵向他道出意外的提議。另一方面,被收監於「監獄」的傑克史等人也計劃 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 Kerri Maniscalco
One sister. Two sinful princes. Infinite deception with a side of revenge . . . Welcome to Hell. After selling her soul to become Queen of the Wicked, Emilia travels to the Seven Circles with the enigmatic Prince of Wrath, where she's introduced to a seductive world of vice. She vows to do whatever it takes to avenge her beloved sister, Vittoria . . . even if that means accepting the hand of the Prince of Pride, the king of demons. The first rule in the court of the Wicked 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 Xiao Jiangnan
Scientists invented various inventions to benefit the people and promoted continuous economic progress of the society. So how can we become scientists? Who discovered the various categories of science that we learn today? Why are there many scientific terms that are derived from the names of people? What kind of spirit and qualities do we need in order to attain the achievements in the field of science? This book introduces about 50 ancient and modern Chinese and foreign sci 了解更多
原价 RM 17.50

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作者 海道左近
  【魔王】終於阻擋在玲的面前……!   爭奪〈UBM〉挑戰權的錦標賽終於開賽了。   阻擋在參加預賽的玲面前的,是被王國的〈超級〉們評為「最不想與之一戰」的人物!!   在比賽背後,傑克史等人也正式實行逃離【監獄】的逃獄計畫,從未有人實現過的大逃獄劇即將展開。玲的戰鬥將會有何種結果?傑克史等人能否成功逃獄?而預料不到 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 Stephen Guide
Imperfectionists Accomplish More with Less Stress I remember when I aimed for perfect workouts: 30 minutes was the minimum. I was in lousy shape. I remember when I aimed for perfect dating: it couldn't be awkward, forced, or uncertain. I didn't talk to women of interest. I remember when I aimed for perfect writing: I wanted 1,000+ words of quality material per day. I played video games instead. I carefully avoided mistakes, endlessly ruminated about what I didn’t do, an 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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作者 Tahereh Mafi
The breathtaking sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller This Woven Kingdom! Full of explosive magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, this series from the award-winning and bestselling author of the Shatter Me series is perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir, and Tomi Adeyemi. With the heat of a kiss, the walls between Alizeh, the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom, and Kamran, the crown prince of the Ardunian empire, have crumbled. And so 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 谭炜权
房产销售团队导师Axly Tham谭炜权,24岁大胆离职,放下银行的高薪优职,投身房地产销售业。 看似一切归零,其实有胆有谋,在前辈、导师的领路下,在付出个人的努力和用心后,虽是全然不熟悉的行业,他一如期望成功在房产销售行业创业。 26岁便创办IQI CS Infinite,成为年轻的创业人。现带领超过千人的团队,屡创佳绩,成为业内后起之秀的亮眼人物。 30岁 了解更多
原价 RM 60.00

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会员 RM 54.00 (-10%)

作者 Joseph Nguyen
Learn how to overcome anxiety, self-doubt & self-sabotage without needing to rely on motivation or willpower. In this book, you'll discover the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to achieve freedom of mind to effortlessly create the life you've always wanted to live. Although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. This book offers a completely new paradigm and understanding of where our human experience comes from, allowing us to end our ow 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 海道左近
  豪華客輪上的『超』上決戰!!   雨果與塞珂接下了【放蕩王】馬尼哥德的委託,以保鑣的身分搭乘沙上豪華客輪。既然是〈超級〉的委託,想必不會輕鬆了事──一如雨果的預感,船上的眾多勢力各自暗懷鬼胎。〈UBM〉珠子、試駕秘密兵器,以及透過軍事政變發動革命……【器神】、【強奪王】、【超操縱士】,再加上不請自來的超級職業們來 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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会员 RM 36.05 (-10%)

作者 Katharine & Elizabeth Corr
Return to the Underworld in the spellbinding sequel to Daughter of Darkness, the unmissable fantasy inspired by ancient Greek myth. The Second Installment in The House of Shadows Duology, a Gripping Fantasy Inspired by Greek Myth. Return to the Underworld... Deina has finally found what matters most to her in all the world. And lost it. To save the one she loves, she's bound herself to the Underworld and an endless future of darkness. But not even her sacrifice is enough 了解更多
原价 RM 55.90

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作者 Ashlee Vance
With the launch of the Falcon 1 rocket in 2008, Elon Musk’s SpaceX became the first private company to build a low-cost rocket that could reach orbit. And that milestone carried major implications: Silicon Valley, not NASA or nation states, was suddenly cemented as the epicenter of the new Space Age. Start-ups and the wealthy investors behind them began to realize that the universe—ungoverned and infinite—was open for business. Welcome to the Wild West of aerospace engi 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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作者 James Norbury
From the bestselling author of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, a new adventure featuring a wise cat, a curious kitten, and the Zen wisdom they uncover on their journey together This is the tale of a cat wise in the ways of zen who hears of a solitary ancient pine, deep in a maple forest, under which infinite wisdom may be found. So begins a journey of discovery. Along the way he meets a vivid cast of animals: from an anxious monkey and a tortoise tired of life, to a tiger strug 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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作者 Michael Lewis
From the #1 bestselling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys, the high-octane story of the enigmatic figure at the heart of one of the 21st century's most spectacular financial collapses 'I asked him how much it would take for him to sell FTX and go do something other than make money. He thought the question over. "One hundred and fifty billion dollars," he finally said-though he added that he had use for "infinity dollars"...' Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before h 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

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NieR:Automata Ver1.1a 尼尔:自动人形 Ver1.1a The distant future, 5012. The sudden aerial invasion of Earth by < Aliens > and their creations <Machine Lifeforms>led mankind to the brink of extinction. The surviving number of humans who took refuge on the moon to organize a counterattack using <android> soldiers to recapture Earth. However, the war reaches a stalemate as the <Machine Lifeforms> continue to multiply infinitely. In turn, humanity deploys anew 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Dr KS Wong
The Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic created an unprecedented chain of circumstances across the globe that were extremely volatile, presenting considerable uncertainty, creating immense confusion and infinite ambiguity. Business owners and management had to make decisions on situations never encountered before. One circumstance after another produced scenarios that required business operators to "reset" their thinking in the different spheres of business management. 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 Taherah Mafi
Picking up at the explosive cliff-hanger ending of These Infinite Threads, Alizeh, the heir to the Jinn throne, has been stolen away to the neighboring kingdom of Tulan by Cyrus, its mercurial ruler. He plans to marry her there, giving her everything she needs to become the Jinn queen. Only then will he be able to fulfill his own bargain with the devil. Alizeh is determined to escape, until she realizes that Cyrus's plan may be the key to fulfilling her own destiny—and that 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 海道左近
〈超級殺手〉誕生的秘密揭曉!!   過去曾侵襲〈Infinite Dendrogram〉世界的災厄──【疫病王】。   獨獨一名玩家產生的災害毀滅了一個國家,也殺死了堤安最為高強的【勇者】。   就在人們無計可施、眼見更大的悲劇即將降臨的瞬間,在災厄之下唯一倖存的少年發出委託,使某位殺手挺身而出──【疫病王】與【勇者】之戰,以及瑪麗如何成為 了解更多
原价 RM 35.40

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会员 RM 31.86 (-10%)

Potion-danomi de Ikinobimasu! 靠着魔法药水在异世界活下去! JAP/ENG (E / C) Kaoru Nagase died unexpectedly while walking home from her office job one night, and she suddenly finds herself in front of a man dressed in white. The man introduces himself as God and apologizes for his mistake that resulted in her untimely demise, vowing to make it up to Kaoru by reincarnating her into another world. The next world's goddess, Celestine, reforms Kaoru's body and give 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness 生化危机:无尽黑暗 ENG (E / C / M) Set between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, the series takes place in 2006 after a hacking incident is uncovered at the White House. Leon S. Kennedy is ordered to investigate the incident, but he encounters zombies when the White House is targeted in a mysterious attack.[8] He later meets Claire Redfield, who has been investigating a strange drawing made by a child refugee while w 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 King Kong
Infinite Challenge Series 01: Nightmare Forest: Survival Game Lesson 1: Strange Plants Conquer The Unknown With Wits And Courage! Zack, an ordinary secondary school student, endures relentless bullying from Simon and his gang due to his short stature. One day, a sudden earthquake shakes the school, and Zack and his schoolmates are inexplicably transported into a strange and mysterious land, they must confront menacing plants that fire deadly projectiles and other horror 了解更多
原价 RM 16.00

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