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作者 Adapted and retold by Alice Hemming
The Jungle Book, a collection of short stories, was written by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). Rudyard Kipling was born in India and was a prolific writer of short stories, poetry and novels. In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, becoming the first English-language writer to receive this award. The Jungle Book is one of his best-known works. This box contains (5 books): A Man Cub The Kidnapping The Red Flower The Final Fight Back to the Jungle The st 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Adapted and retold by Judith Gibson
The Secret Garden was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924), a British-born, American novelist and playwright. The Secret Garden is considered one of the most popular works of children's literature of all time. A young girl called Mary is sent from India to England to live with her uncle, Archibald Craven, after her parents die of a terrible illness. There she is told of a secret garden which belonged to Mr Craven's late wife. Mary's curiosity is piqued and she re 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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Jalil, Jamil dan Fatimah kini sudah dewasa dan membina kehidupan masing-masing. Zaman kecil mereka sudah lama berlalu dan kini mereka perlu menghadapi dugaan dalam kehidupan yang berbeza, keluarga yang berbeza dan masalah yang lebih besar. Korban Kasih 2 memaparkan kisah dan dugaan yang lebih tragis dalam sebuah keluarga ini. Kisah ini juga membuktikan bahawa ikatan kasih sayang yang kukuh boleh menjadi perisai ketika menghadapi sebarang masalah. Kisah ini adalah sambungan no 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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"Empat tahun Ziyadh Al-Fateh membawa diri ke Kota London oleh sebab dihalau oleh papanya, Datuk Umar. Namun, semenjak menjejak kaki kembali ke Malaysia, bayangan semalam seakan kembali mengejarnya. “Aku nak kau cari dalang yang mula sebarkan video dan gambar-gambar ni.” - Ziyadh Al-Fateh “Akui kesalahan yang saya tak buat? Tak! Saya takkan ikut awak. - Dian Ariana Terpaksa dan dipaksa, kedua-dua pengkhianat dan yang dikhianati punya alasan tersendiri untuk terus 了解更多
原价 RM 24.00

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会员 RM 21.60 (-10%)

"Kerana rasa cinta, aku menerima dirimu seadanya. Arahan Encik Yusuf yang mahukan dia meneruskan perkahwinan yang telah dirancang, menjerat diri Zarina. Sudah berbuih mulut menolak cadangan papanya, namun satu apa pun tak jalan. “Biarpun seumur hidup awak membenci saya, saya akan tetap di sisi awak. Untuk melindungi dan menyayangi awak.” - Ryan “Awak layak untuk dapat perempuan yang jauh lebih baik daripada saya.” - Zarina “Tapi hati saya dah pilih awak.” - 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

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"Tanpa motif. Tanpa bukti. Tanpa empati. Begitulah yang dapat disimpulkan daripada beberapa siri pembunuhan yang telah menggegarkan Bandar Bintulu. Lebih mengagetkan apabila adanya anggota tubuh mangsa yang dikerat ditinggalkan di dalam balang bersama-sama satu mesej penuh enigma. Johan dan Amir, dua detektif berdedikasi berusaha sedayanya mencari penghubung antara pembunuhan demi pembunuhan yang berlaku. “Kalau kita tak bertindak segera, penjenayah pasti akan m 了解更多
原价 RM 24.00

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会员 RM 21.60 (-10%)

作者 Yumi Hyra
Rutin Eliya Inara yang suka menulis diari di dalam LRT sambil memerhatikan gelagat ‘Encik Ulat Buku’ yang suka membaca itu berubah setelah perkenalan mereka dalam situasi yang memalukan! Masalahnya, Eliya dah buat gaya boikot tak nak naik LRT pun; Aydin Noah a.k.a. Encik Ulat Buku boleh muncul di mana-mana saja. Aydin pula selamba sahaja menuduh yang Eliya stalk dia. “Eh, sorry sikit. Tak ada maknanya saya nak stalk awak. Nak stalk macam mana kalau Facebook dengan Insta 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Aein Dhiyauddin
“Saya Firas Iman daripada Cuci Bersih Service. Majikan saya hantar untuk bersihkan kondo cik.” – Firas Iman “Aku nak perempuan tau, bukan lelaki. Tak bolehlah bayangkan lelaki jadi pembersih rumah, tahu tak? Biasa lelaki ni tukang sepah rumah aje.” – Aulia Izzatunnisa Hampir mengamuk Aulia apabila Siti, kawan baiknya menghantar seorang lelaki untuk membersihkan kondonya. Bukan perempuan seperti selalu. Mujur Siti berjanji tidak akan mengenakan sebarang bayaran jik 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 Mia Azwari
Ayie dan Dhiya, mereka dipertemukan dalam keadaan yang memalukan. Namun tanpa mereka sedar, sejak detik itulah kisah mereka bermula. “Tolong dengar dulu penjelasan aku sebenarnya…” – Ayie “Jangan muncul depan Dhiya lagi.” – Dhiya Ayie ada segala-galanya tetapi kehidupannya sangat sunyi tanpa kasih sayang daripada ibu bapanya. Kehadiran gadis lurus seperti Dhiya dalam hidupnya, membuatkan Ayie sedar tentang arah tuju kehidupannya yang sebenar. Saat masing-masing 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 Wan Rohayu
Lelaki itu entah dari mana munculnya. Datangnya bak ribut. Memecah masuk kereta Bija, mengugut mencederakan Bija, malah menghuru-harakan juga perasaan Bija yang baru diceraikan. Setelah diceraikan, hidup Bija sentiasa dalam tekanan; stigma masyarakat gelaran janda suka merampas suami orang. Dia sering dituduh dan diumpat keji. Malah dia juga sangat terbeban dengan masalah hutang bekas suaminya. Namun, hidupnya mula berubah setelah bertemu dengan Sunny, seorang gengster. Sunny 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

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作者 Jaja Ahmad
Dia punya segalanya. Nama, pangkat, darjat dan harta, kecuali cinta. Tetapi segalanya mula berubah apabila dia bertemu dengan Elena. Perasaan ingin memiliki dan menakluki mula mendominasi hati. “Habis tu kenapa tuan bawa saya ke sini? Kenapa tuan kurung saya dekat sini dan sorok semua barang saya?” – Elena “Cause I want you to stay.” – Maalik Mengambil kesempatan atas kesempitan yang dialami oleh Elena, akhirnya Maalik berjaya mendapatkan seorang ‘misus’ buat 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

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作者 Lynn Safiya
Adik-adik punya angkara, abang dan kakak masing-masing yang menjadi mangsa… Disebabkan cinta buta adik lelaki Thaqif terhadap adik perempuan Syifa’, kedua-dua belah keluarga saling bermusuhan. Pelbagai usaha cuba dilakukan oleh Thaqif untuk memutuskan hubungan antara Tamim dan Suria, namun tiada satu pun yang berhasil. Syifa’ dengan adiknya dicemuh, difitnah dan diganggu tanpa henti oleh Thaqif. Dendam lama yang bersarang di jiwa Thaqif membuatkan dirinya tiada langsung 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

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会员 RM 23.40 (-10%)

作者 B.Irwan
原价 RM 10.90

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会员 RM 9.81 (-10%)

作者 Leila Jamaluddin
原价 RM 10.90

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作者 Syuhada Safian
原价 RM 10.90

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Kali ini Ana betul - betul cemas. Benda sebegini tidak boleh dibawa main - main. Wang sebanyak RM20,000 bukahlah jumlah yang sedikit. Bagi Ana, tindakan Daniel yang ingin menyimpan sebanyak itu adalah tindakan yang salah. Biarlah kita susah, asalkan apa yang masuk ke perut kita adalah benda - benda yang halal sahaja. Daniel tetap berdegil. Ibrahim kelihatan buntu. Apa yang mereka perlu lakukan? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.90

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会员 RM 11.61 (-10%)

" Ana ada tiga permintaan. Hurm… Three Wishess! Ana teringin bermain layang - layan, membina istana pasir dan mengira bintang pada waktu malam di pantai…" Ana memberitahu rahsia hatinya. " Permintaan Ana itu buatan Idah terpikir tentang Aladin dan tiga permintaanya lah! Analah Puteri Jasmine atau Puteri Arabia!". Idah mula bersuara teruja. Sudah lama Ana menyimpan tiga hajat ini. Waaupun mungkin biasa bagi orang lain, tetapi ia amat istimewa bagi Ana. Ana tahu tak mudah u 了解更多
原价 RM 12.90

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作者 Aein Dhiyauddin
Najah Sofea binti Tajul – Bibik di rumah Puan Sri Rokiah Irfan Haris bin Khairul Azlan – Cucu Nyonya Mansur a.k.a. cucu majikan Najah yang sangat menjengkelkan; membuli Najah sesuka hatinya. Suatu hari terjadi satu peristiwa yang menyebabkan mereka disatukan. Najah dan Haris sama-sama menolak. “Saya nak cari suami yang boleh bimbing saya ke jannah. Dia tu bau-bau syurga pun tak ada.” – Najah “Kau bukan taste aku. Lagipun aku tak sentuh perempuan low class maca 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 Fariesya Fauzy
Pertemuan kali pertama di pasar raya membuatkan Damia menyimpan perasaan benci terhadap seorang lelaki. “Eii… poyonya! Umar nanti dah besar jangan jadi macam mamat tu. Tak gentlemen langsung!” – Damia Tanpa disangka, lelaki itulah yang bakal memisahkannya dengan anak saudaranya, Umar Fayyadh yang dipelihara sejak kematian kakak dan abang iparnya. Walaupun Umar selalu menaikkan darahnya, dia tetap menyayangi Umar bagaikan anaknya sendiri. “Saya Firaz, abang kepada 了解更多
原价 RM 27.00

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作者 Suri Ryana
“Marry me, señorita.” - Isa Alejandro. Tak habis-habis lelaki kacukan Sepanyol itu melamar Sofiy Leia sehingga gadis itu kusut dan serabut dibuatnya! Takkanlah nak terima lamaran lelaki yang baru dikenalinya tak sampai seminggu itu? Sudahlah lepas laku. Pengetahuan agama lelaki itu pulak boleh dikatakan zero! Atuk dan nenda pun susah nak percaya yang cucu mereka mahu memilih gadis Muslimah seperti Sofiy sebagai bakal isteri. “Lain pulak taste dia kali ni, abang 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

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作者 Morris Gleitzman
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Titles in This Set : 1. Once 2. Then 3. Now 4. After 5. Soon 6. Maybe Description : Once Once by Morris Gleitzman is the story of a young Jewish boy who is determined to escape the orphanage he lives in to save his Jewish parents from the Nazis 了解更多
原价 RM 221.40

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作者 Christopher Robinsonm , Gavin Kovite
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 Katy Cannon
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. A novel about friendship, soul-searching and romance. Megan knows what she wants out of life and she intends to get it, whatever her parents say. Elliott has given up on all his plans for the future – but then Megan bursts into his life with a 了解更多
原价 RM 44.95

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. "It's Goodbye, Mr. Chips meets The Bad Seed. Joanne Harris's latest novel, Different Class, has a killer elevator pitch and, what's more, it delivers on its intriguing premise....[A] rich, dramatic tale that builds to a surprising conclusion." -- 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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作者 Jen Malone
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Jen Malone, author of teen novels Wanderlost and Map to the Stars, will take readers to the high seas-literally-in this contemporary YA novel about a girl facing the dissolution of her parents' marriage, a new romance, and self-discovery while sa 了解更多
原价 RM 44.90

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作者 Jason Starr
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Marvel's smallest hero stars in his biggest story yet: an all-new, original prose novel timed to coincide with the ANT-MAN feature film! Meet Scott Lang: ex-con, single father and part-time super hero. Scott and his teenage daughter, Cassie, are 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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作者 J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Gryffindor with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor lion contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series 了解更多
原价 RM 468.00

现售 RM 329.00 (-30%)

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作者 J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Ravenclaw with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Ravenclaw eagle contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series 了解更多
原价 RM 468.00

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作者 J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Slytherin with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor lion contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series 了解更多
原价 RM 468.00

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作者 J.K. Rowling
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.Celebrate all things Hufflepuff with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Ravenclaw eagle contains all seven novels from J.K. Rowling's classic series 了解更多
原价 RM 468.00

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作者 Edward St. Aubyn
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Winner of the Betty Trask Award, Never Mind is the first in Edward St Aubyn's semi-autobiographical Patrick Melrose novels, adapted for TV for Sky Atlantic and starring Benedict Cumberbatch as aristocratic addict, Patrick. At his mother’s 了解更多
原价 RM 44.90

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作者 Edward St. Aubyn
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Bad News is the second of Edward St Aubyn's semi-autobiographical Patrick Melrose novels, adapted for TV for Sky Atlantic and starring Benedict Cumberbatch as aristocratic addict, Patrick. Twenty-two years old and in the grip of a massive ad 了解更多
原价 RM 44.90

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作者 Adnil Zaff
Lelaki segemuk dia menentangi arus hidup yang cukup besar. Berat badannya 230 kilogram, Ahmad Farouq menjadi mangsa buli semenjak kecil oleh orang sekelilingnya kerana kegemukannya. Malah dia juga menjadi bahan sendaan wanita yang disukainya ketika di universiti. Cuma kelebihan Farouq, dia pelajar yang bijak.Sayangnya kerana fizikalnya begitu, dia susah hendak mendapat pekerjaan. Walaupun berkelulusan tinggi, dia hidup susah sehinggalah dia bertemu si janda, Desiree Carmein k 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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会员 RM 31.50 (-10%)

作者 Nuriffa
Hanya kamu seorang Ghaz seorang bapa tunggal kepada Suraya yang juga merupakan seorang kanak-kanak istimewa kerana mata kirinya buta. Dia dan bekas isterinya Sarah bercerai ketika Suraya baru berusia 6 bulan. Durrani pula seorang wanita bujang yang bekerja di syarikat BeliMall milik Ghaz. Dia tidak pernah berjumpa Ghaz secara empat mata. Suatu hari, tanpa sengaja seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berlari dan memeluknya. “Mama!” – Suraya “Err… kakak bukan mama adik.” 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Mia Azwari
Jika bersamanya hanya wujud perasaan benci, tolong hilangkan ingatanku ketika pernah mencintainya... Cinta pandang pertama Daim terhadap Raiqa membuatkan dia menjadi pencinta setia. Dia sanggup melakukan apa saja asalkan gadis kesayangannya bahagia sehingga mereka berdua berkahwin pada usia muda. Tetapi Daim tidak sedar di sebalik hubungan itu, dia hanya dipergunakan. Rumah tangga mereka mula diuji disebabkan campur tangan orang luar. Raiqa yang tertekan gara-gara sikap ibu 了解更多
原价 RM 33.00

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作者 Fazlyn Ridz
Terperangkap dalam janji. Menyatukan kita dalam asmara. Jiwa mencintai dan dicintai menjadi gelisah dalam gelora asmara. Bertunang dengan adik, bernikah dengan si kakak... begitulah kisah Mikayla apabila adiknya yang merupakan ‘kaki lelaki’ mempermainkan janjinya kepada Saef hanya sebulan sebelum pernikahannya. Akibatnya, Mikayla yang menjadi galang gantinya. Dia dipaksa ibu bapanya menerima Saef Haris sebagai suami. “Boleh I tahu siapa punya idea supaya I kahwin deng 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 Shauna Robinson 
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill meets Younger in a heartfelt debut following a young woman who discovers she'll have to ditch the "dream job" and write her own story to find her happy ending. Meet Nora Hughes-the overworked, underpaid, last bookish assistant standing. At least for now. When Nora landed an editorial assistant position at Parsons Press, it was her first step towards The Dream Job. Because, honestly, is there anything dreamier than making books for a living? But 了解更多
原价 RM 79.95

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作者 Barbara Kingsolver
Born in a trailer in the southern Appalachian Mountains, where opioid addiction is rife and affection hard to come by, Demon Copperhead needs his wits about him to survive a string of misfortunes. With the narrative structure of David Copperfield, this multi-award winning novel echoes Dickens†desire to hold up a mirror to social injustice while also highlighting the resilience of the human spirit. 了解更多
原价 RM 62.95

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作者 H. G. Wells
Shooting stars tear across the night sky, then a gigantic artificial cylinder descends from Mars to land near London. Inquisitive locals gather round, only to be struck down by a murderous Heat-Ray. Giant destructive machines disgorge from the cylinder, destroying everything in their path on a merciless march towards the capital. Can humanity survive this Martian onslaught? A gripping adventure written in semi-documentary style, The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells is the se 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Michael Thomas Ford
An unforgettable coming of age novel for fans of 13 Reasons Why, It's Kind of a Funny Story, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Fifteen-year-old Jeff wakes up on New Year's Day to find himself in the hospital--specifically, in the psychiatric ward. Despite the bandages on his wrists, he's positive this is all some huge mistake. Jeff is perfectly fine, perfectly normal; not like the other kids in the hospital with him. But over the course of the next forty-five days, Jeff 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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作者 Victor Hugo
Les Misérables Is The Story That Confronts Both, Heroism And Villainy, Head On. This Historical Novel By Victor Hugo Follows The Lives Of Several Characters, Particularly The Tribulations And Struggles Of Its Hero, An Ex-Convict, Jean Valjean And His Experience Of Redemption. Valjean, As A Prisoner Jumps Parole, And The Police Inspector, Javert, Tries To Hunt Him Down For Breaking The Law. Eventually Valjean Is Transformed From A Die-Hard Criminal Into A Virtuous Man. He Ult 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 Jane Austen
It's Christmas Eve In The March Household, But This Will Be A Christmas Like No Other: Their Father Is Away Fighting In The American Civil War And The March Sisters And Their Mother Must Try To Make Ends Meet While Their Father Is At War. Although Life Can Be Hard For The Family, And Times Are Tough, This Is An Extraordinary Story Of Triumph Over Adversity, Recounting In Exquisite Detail, The Lives, Loves, Trials, And Triumphs Of These Four Very Different Sisters. The Stories 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Emily Bronte
Emily Brontë's Only Novel, A Work Of Tremendous And Far-Reaching Influence, The Penguin Classics Edition Of Wuthering Heights Is The Definitive Edition Of The Text, Edited With An Introduction By Pauline Nestor. Lockwood, The New Tenant Of Thrushcross Grange, Situated On The Bleak Yorkshire Moors, Is Forced To Seek Shelter One Night At Wuthering Heights, The Home Of His Landlord. There He Discovers The History Of The Tempestuous Events That Took Place Years Before; Of The In 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Geronimo Stilton
A new ride is opening at Luna Park! Every mouse in New Mouse City has come for the grand opening. But the rides keep breaking down, and everything is going wrong. Can Geronimo and his friends figure out who is sabotaging the opening of the Train of Terror? 了解更多
原价 RM 34.90

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作者 Geronimo Stilton
Praise for The Sewer Rat Stink:"Fresh, funny, and fast-paced. The free-style artwork and anything-goes story will make kids want to write and draw their own books!" -Dav PilkeyThis is Geronimo Stilton like you've never seen him before! A stinky smell is taking over New Mouse City! No mouse can live like this! Geronimo and his best friend Hercule, the private detective, head underground into the sewer world of Mouse Island to investigate. Can they save the city from the stench 了解更多
原价 RM 34.90

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作者 Geronimo Stilton
Praise for Slime for Dinner:"Fresh, funny, and fast-paced. The free-style artwork and anything-goes story will make kids want to write and draw their own books!" -Dav Pilkey Geronimo and his friends visit Creepella's castle for a dinner and a mystery! 了解更多
原价 RM 34.90

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会员 RM 31.41 (-10%)

作者 Geronimo Stilton
Praise for The Sewer Rat Stink:"Fresh, funny, and fast-paced. The free-style artwork and anything-goes story will make kids want to write and draw their own books!" -Dav PilkeyThis is Geronimo Stilton like you've never seen him before! Geronimo and Trap enter the Rat Rally, a high-speed car race! 了解更多
原价 RM 34.90

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会员 RM 31.41 (-10%)

作者 Nisaamuttalib
Dia tidak seperti gadis-gadis normal yang lain kerana ada satu kelainan dalam dirinya yang dikenali sebagai 'little space... di mana dia masih lagi berada dalam jiwa kanak-kanaknya. "Adik nak cat ni boleh, angah? Jadi kawan Teddy..." Mawar Qaisara. Mawar Qaisara, si gadis yang memiliki keistimewaan itu. Tutur kata, perbuatan dan tingkah lakunya persis budak tadika mampu menarik perhatian seorang Syed Syakil, si buaya darat tersohor di Malaysia. Mereka disatukan atas per 了解更多
原价 RM 24.00

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作者 Aalin Amily
Awalnya derita, akhirnya bahagia. Beri aku pasti! Apabila Nur Dhiya Fahani bertemu Tengku Fahmi, maka huru-haralah dunia jadinya. “Muka macam kasut aku, ada hati nak mengaku diri cantik!” - Tengku Fahmi “Kasut bos kasut kulit, kan? Saya tak kisahlah kalau bos samakan muka saya macam kasut bos.” - Dhiya “Memang kasut kulit. Tapi kau tahu kulit apa? Kulit oink-oink.” - Tengku Fahmi Dhiya Fahani, takut untuk bercinta. Tengku Fahmi pula, lelaki yang serik 了解更多
原价 RM 24.00

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作者 Margaret Atwood
DISCOVER the BESTSELLING DYSTOPIAN NOVEL behind the AWARD-WINNING TV SERIES Second season now airing on Channel 4 starring Elisabeth Moss With a new introduction from Margaret Atwood `I believe in the resistance as I believe there can be no light without shadow; or rather, no shadow unless there is also light.' Offred is a Handmaid in The Republic of Gilead, a religious totalitarian state in what was formerly known the United States. She is placed in the household 了解更多
原价 RM 57.90

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作者 Arundhati Roy
They all broke the rules. They all crossed into forbidden territory. They all tampered with the laws that lay down who should be loved, and how. And how much.' This is the story of Rahel and Estha, twins growing up among the banana vats and peppercorns of their blind grandmother's factory, and amid scenes of political turbulence in Kerala. Armed only with the innocence of youth, they fashion a childhood in the shade of the wreck that is their family: their lonely, lovely mo 了解更多
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作者 Louis Sachar
Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnatses. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys’ detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes. It doesn’t take long for Stanley 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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作者 Rick Riordan
The Mark of Athena is the explosive third part in Rick Riordan's number one series - Heroes of Olympus. ONE FATAL PROPHECYSEVEN BRAVE DEMIGODSA QUEST TO FIND - AND CLOSE - THE DOORS OF DEATH.Annabeth felt as if someone had draped a cold washcloth across her neck. She heard that whispering laughter again, as if the presence had followed her from the ship.She looked up at the Argo II. Its massive 了解更多
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作者 Jane Austen
Pride And Prejudice Is A Novel Of Manners By Jane Austen, First Published In 1813. The Story Follows The Main Character, Elizabeth Bennet, As She Deals With Issues Of Manners, Upbringing, Morality, Education, And Marriage In The Society Of The Landed Gentry Of The British Regency. Elizabeth Is The Second Of Five Daughters Of A Country Gentleman Living Near The Fictional Town Of Meryton In Hertfordshire, Near London. Page 2 Of A Letter From Jane Austen To Her Sister Cassandra 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Paulo Coelho
The 25th Anniversary Edition of the beloved novel! Santiago, a young shepherd living in the hills of Andalucia, feels that there is more to life than his humble home and his flock. One day he finds the courage to follow his dreams into distant lands, each step galvanised by the knowledge that he is following the right path: his own. The people he meets along the way, the things he sees and the wisdom he learns are life-changing. 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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作者 Haruki Murakami
Sumire is in love with a woman seventeen years her senior. But whereas Miu is glamorous and successful, Sumire is an aspiring writer who dresses in an oversized second-hand coat and heavy boots like a character in a Kerouac novel. Sumire spends hours on the phone talking to her best friend K about the big questions in life: what is sexual desire, and should she ever tell Miu how she feels for her? Meanwhile K wonders whether he should confess his own unrequited love for Su 了解更多
原价 RM 56.50

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作者 Miguel de Cervantes
The prize-winning translation of Miguel de Cervantes's mock-epic masterwork Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading romances of chivalry that he determines to become a knight errant and pursue bold adventures, accompanied by his squire, the cunning Sancho Panza. As they roam the world together, the aging Quixote's fancy leads them wildly astray, tilting at windmills, fighting with friars, and distorting the rural Spanish landscape into a fantasy of impenetrable fortre 了解更多
原价 RM 64.00

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作者 Louisa May Alcott
It's Christmas Eve In The March Household, But This Will Be A Christmas Like No Other: Their Father Is Away Fighting In The American Civil War And The March Sisters And Their Mother Must Try To Make Ends Meet While Their Father Is At War. Although Life Can Be Hard For The Family, And Times Are Tough, This Is An Extraordinary Story Of Triumph Over Adversity, Recounting In Exquisite Detail, The Lives, Loves, Trials, And Triumphs Of These Four Very Different Sisters. The Stories 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden Is A Novel By Frances Hodgson Burnett. It Was Initially Published In Serial Format Starting In The Autumn Of 1910, And Was First Published In Its Entirety In 1911. It Is Now One Of Burnett's Most Popular Novels, And Is Considered To Be A Classic Of English Children's Literature. Several Stage And Film Adaptations Have Been Produced. 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland Is An 1865 Novel Written By English Author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Under The Pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It Tells Of A Girl Named Alice Falling Through A Rabbit Hole Into A Fantasy World Populated By Peculiar, Anthropomorphic Creatures. The Tale Plays With Logic, Giving The Story Lasting Popularity With Adults As Well As With Children. It Is Considered To Be One Of The Best Examples Of The Literary Nonsense Genre. Its Narrative Course And Struct 了解更多
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