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作者 Patsie Cheong
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Patsie Cheong
PICK YOUR PICKLE'May15/Seashore 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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作者 张莉婵
每天回家,在吃饱饭足后来一碗清甜可口的老火汤,不仅洗去一日的疲惫,更能让人振作精神!喝汤和煲老火汤已融入我们的日常饮食,经过长时间炖煮后,蔬菜、水果、药材等食材的营养与纤维溶入汤中,更容易被人体所吸收。喝汤不仅滋润养生,配合去油脂的烹调法,还拥有瘦身、养颜、排毒等各种功效,不但怎么喝都不会腻,还可以越喝越健康美丽,今晚 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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会员 RM 22.50 (-10%)

作者 Patsie Cheong
Delectable Mixed Rice Recipes 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 张莉婵
杂菜饭,简称杂饭,也称经济饭,以菜式多样化、价格廉宜著称。一肉、一菜、一蛋或豆腐,喜欢什么菜就夹什么菜,配上一碟白饭,再淋上一些菜汁,这就是所谓的“杂菜饭”了。对很多上班族来说,尤其是蓝领阶级的劳动者们,杂菜饭往往成为他们午餐的不二选择,原因很简单:方便、快捷、耐饱。资深饮食顾问兼烹饪导师张莉婵老师将50道耳熟能详的杂饭 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Patsie Cheong
There is an old saying that we should have savoury food at the dawn of the day and sweet food at the end of the day. Sweetness and savouriness are two basic tastes easily identified by our taste buds. The salt helps to regulate the body. When we are happy, we tend to balance the mood with savoury meals. Sugar stimulates the secretion of endorphins, which can lift our mood. This is why we have sweet foods when we feel down. From a scientific perspective, sweet and savoury food 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Patsie Cheong
Oil is an important part of our daily diet. It is essential for cooking as it can bring out the tastes of many foods and turn them into delicious, appetising dishes. Oil helps to moisturise the skin and is needed for the human body to maintain its biological functions. However, worries have surfaced in recent years about the quality of oil available in the market. Unhygienic, poorly made, or even recycled waste oil have invaded markets and restaurants, leading to worries abou 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 张莉婵
这是一本由张莉婵老师用爱心和良心撰写的食谱,内含自家制作的开胃小菜、腌肉与烟熏食品、佐料与调味品、蜜饯、果酱,以及饮料、醋与酵素。如今,你可自己动手做出让人胃口大开的韩式泡菜和腌南瓜片,农历新年必备的腊味、肉干肉松,下午茶好搭档花生酱、苹果桂香酱,以及有保健功效的蒜头醋、黑葡萄酵素等等。 上述食谱皆以健康为前提,而不使 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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会员 RM 27.81 (-10%)

作者 张莉婵
《巧手菜,全是真功夫》,不仅结集了烹调者的创意心思与巧手厨艺,更讲究的是视觉与味觉之间的巧妙平衡。传统冷盘、乞丐鸡、八宝鸭、猪脚冻、炒米饼等等,这些工序稍微繁复的特色菜,你又学会了多少?新马著名烹饪大师张莉婵精心挑选了50道手工细致的巧手菜,无论喜庆宴客、亲友餐聚或好友叙旧,只要稍花一点时间,你就可以像大厨般,用心用力烹 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 23.31 (-10%)

作者 Patsie Cheong
Retaining Flavours For Healthy Meals 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 张莉婵
猪肉经济又美味,是世界上最广泛被食用的肉类。 猪肉的烹煮方法千变万化。西方有句老话将猪肉形容得十分贴切:“猪身上的每个部位都可以食用”。猪的每个部位,包括排骨、猪颈肉、猪脚及猪尾都可以煮成美味佳肴,就连肘子也被东西方社会广泛食用。 这本书收录了张莉婵老师设计的50道猪肉食谱,包括各国的传统猪肉美食及创意猪肉料理,让你一书在 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 23.31 (-10%)

作者 Patsie Cheong
Stir-frying is a very common cooking method among Asians, as it is fast and convenient, and appetising as well. Add ingredients to the wok, simply stir-fry for a few minutes and serve. Stir-frying retains and enhances the original taste of the ingredients. This book is a sequel to Madam Patsie‘s Steaming: Retaining Flavours for Healthy Meals, a successful cookbook on steamed dishes. In this book, Madam Patsie presents an array of flavourful Stir-fried Home Dishes with cre 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Patsie Cheong
Fragrant fried food is an all-time favourite for both adults and children. When crispy and tender food is served with delicious sauces, the flavor is instantly heightened. You may be concerned about unadulterated food when you dine out, especially fried food, but its crunchy texture and aroma are simply irresistible. Cast your worries away as Madam Patsie Cheong shares 50 fried food recipes in this book. The recipes include homemade batter and sauces. Thus, you will be able t 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 23.31 (-10%)

作者 Patsie Cheong
“What should we eat for lunch?” This is an issue that plagues many office workers on a daily basis. These days, with soaring prices, if you dine out, you have to worry about time, parking space, restaurant price and other factors, which narrows down the choices. Therefore, more and more people choose to bring their own bento to work. By making your own bento, you can pick ingredients and cook according to your preference. You don’t need to worry if the ingredien 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Patsie Cheong
Baked or grilled food is popular among local folks. No matter the weather, day or night, there is usually a crowd at street stalls or in restaurants enjoying satay, roast meat, barbeque chicken wings, barbeque meat, etc. It is because compared to steamed or boiled food, the aroma of baked or grilled food is far more enticing than the former. This is especially true with food baked or grilled until golden brown and lightly charred that releases mouth-watering aroma. 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Patsie Cheong
The word "niang" (酿) in Chinese, is derived from Hakka, which means "stuffed with fillings". Speaking of stuffed dishes, the first dish that pops to mind must be the stuffed bean curd in Hakka cuisine. "Stuffed Bean Curd” doesn't just refer to stuffing filling into bean curd, it also includes stuffed eggplant, stuffed lady’s finger, stuffed chili and so on. It is said that stuffed dishes originated when Hakka ancestors who migrated from central to the 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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