100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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*Stock might delay due to FMCO 了解更多
原价 RM 75.90

现售 RM 68.31 (-10%)

会员 RM 64.52 (-15%)

*Stock might delay due to FMCO 了解更多
原价 RM 80.90

现售 RM 72.81 (-10%)

会员 RM 68.77 (-15%)

*Bluetooth wireless connection *USB Drive Plug & Play *FM Radio *7 Color pulsating LED light *Sleek external controller *Output Power(RMS) :4W X 2 *Power supply:USB Powered 5V *Control :Volume (Line control) 了解更多

原价 RM 44.90

现售 RM 38.90 (-13%)

会员 RM 38.90 (-13%)

*With Alarm Clock Fm Radio And Usb Slot *Output Power : 3 watts RMS *Wireless Charging Output:5W *Bluetooth Compliant : V5.0 *Wireless sistance: up to 10m *Battery Backup: 2 x AAA *Frequency response : FM 87.5-108MHZ 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

现售 RM 79.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 79.90 (-0%)

*Built-in rechargeable battery, this speaker's power output is 60W **Play with FM Radios ,USB and Micro SD card. *With Microphone output, this can even be used in the form of karaoke. 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

现售 RM 149.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 149.90 (-0%)

《范特西》是台湾歌手周杰伦第二张录音室专辑,由台湾博德曼音乐于2001年9月14日发行。专辑名《范特西》来自英文“Fantasy”音译。 专辑歌曲《简单爱》在2001年HitFM联播网年度百首单曲中名列亚军,《开不了口》名列第17位。 专辑被国际唱片业协会香港会认证为2001年度十大销量国语唱片之一。在2002年度台湾第13届金曲奖颁奖典礼中,周杰伦凭借歌曲《爱在 了解更多
原价 RM 60.30

现售 RM 54.27 (-10%)

会员 RM 51.26 (-15%)

作者 S.H.E
青春株式会 S.H.E的第二张录音室专辑,于2002年1月29日推出。本专辑里有一半歌曲都是改编作品,包括主打歌“Remember”,而首波主打“REMEMBER”,是翻唱自外国团体Sweetbox的“SUPER STAR”,此首歌特别的地方是副歌的旋律是摘取自古典乐曲柴可夫斯基的“天鹅湖”中最为人所熟悉的部分,这首歌曲可以说是古典乐与嘻哈舞曲的结合体。而专辑中的“热带雨林”则是 了解更多
原价 RM 57.90

现售 RM 52.11 (-10%)

会员 RM 49.22 (-15%)

作者 S.H.E
《美丽新世界》S.H.E的第三张录音室专辑。于2002年8月5日推出。同上张专辑《青春株式会社》一样,这张专辑也有多首改编作品,而首波同名主打歌〈美丽新世界〉是一首“电子”味十足的歌曲,但有别于其它的电子音乐不同,这是首甜到心里的“甜蜜电音”,与一般的“摇头电音”相当的不同,而也在前奏部分加入了改编自《圣经创世纪》第一章的日文O.S.,此 了解更多
原价 RM 57.90

现售 RM 52.11 (-10%)

会员 RM 49.22 (-15%)

S.H.E的第五张录音室专辑、第六张专辑,于2004年2月6日推出,也是受伤的Ella伤愈归队后发行的专辑。本专辑有两个版本,分别是“奇幻版”和“旅程版”,里面收录的歌曲是一样的曲目,不同的是“奇幻版”附赠“S.H.E北海道之旅花絮VCD”,而“旅程版”附赠24页“S.H.E真青春北海道番外篇写真册”。此张专辑走奇幻风格,并标榜前九首歌曲代表九个国家,有如经 了解更多
原价 RM 57.90

现售 RM 52.11 (-10%)

会员 RM 49.22 (-15%)

作者 S.H.E
首全新歌曲+3则FM S.H.E节目精华+Bonus曲-酸甜(与飞轮海合唱) 未来版加赠DVD 收录S.H.E爆笑工作花絮+宇宙小姐、酸甜MV 【专辑製作阵容最坚强 专辑歌曲最好听】 专辑11首全新歌曲,Sweetbox、周杰伦、林夕、Selina、蔡旻佑、施人诚、郑楠…等中西音乐人跨海打造,星光帮周定纬献声RAP,专辑製作阵容最坚强!歌曲好听度更胜「PLAY」! 除了11首新歌外,更精选FM S.H.E 了解更多
原价 RM 57.90

现售 RM 52.11 (-10%)

会员 RM 49.22 (-15%)

作者 林宥嘉
Bonus DVD 总长约60分鐘 超值回馈 全新包装及封面设计 黄中平+聂永真+林宥嘉 视觉文艺復兴 再次打造概念式专辑设计 精美质感 值得珍藏 11首精彩曲目 带你重回感官/世界台北抢听会LIVE现场 再次亲临感受林宥嘉音乐世界的憾动 【各界一致好评推荐】 新加坡FRESH MUSIC线上音乐杂誌:『唱片公司豁出去的精神,完成了商业 公司和歌手的一个高峰。在这个年头来 了解更多
原价 RM 50.00

现售 RM 45.00 (-10%)

会员 RM 42.50 (-15%)

摇滚、復古、舞曲、情歌、民谣…等10首「新女王意识流」歌曲 <前卫时尚版附赠:FM S.H.E 台北演唱会LIVE全纪录精华DVD> <华丽绚烂版附赠:S.H.E 2008/2009 MV全纪录DVD> 【女王发声! 新女王意识流独步天下】 *五月天阿信、林俊杰、王治平、郭文宗、李偲菘、陈秀珠、姚若龙、陈乐融、施人诚、郑楠、Terrytyelee、Roger Joseph Manning,Jr.、…等音乐才子、老将、新 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

现售 RM 49.50 (-10%)

会员 RM 46.75 (-15%)

摇滚、復古、舞曲、情歌、民谣…等10首「新女王意识流」歌曲 <前卫时尚版附赠:FM S.H.E 台北演唱会LIVE全纪录精华DVD> <华丽绚烂版附赠:S.H.E 2008/2009 MV全纪录DVD> 【女王发声! 新女王意识流独步天下】 *五月天阿信、林俊杰、王治平、郭文宗、李偲菘、陈秀珠、姚若龙、陈乐融、施人诚、郑楠、Terrytyelee、Roger Joseph Manning,Jr.、…等音乐才子、老将、新 了解更多
原价 RM 57.90

现售 RM 52.11 (-10%)

会员 RM 49.22 (-15%)

作者 Josh Kaufman
This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever.An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it.Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business educati 了解更多
原价 RM 82.00

现售 RM 82.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 82.00 (-0%)

作者 Josh Kaufman
Josh Kaufman, bestselling author of The Personal MBA, is back with his new book, The First Twenty Hours, to teach readers how to learn anything... fast!'Lots of books promise to change your life. This one actually will' -Seth GodinPick up any new skill in just 20 hours... Want to learn to paint, play the piano, launch a business, fly a plane? Then pick up this book and set aside twenty hours to go from knowing nothing 了解更多
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 Raun K Kaufman
Autism Breakthrough: The Groundbreaking Method That Has Helped Families All Over the World 了解更多
原价 RM 100.90

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会员 RM 100.90 (-0%)

作者 雷德·霍夫曼 , 班·卡斯諾查 , 克里斯·葉
  ★《紐約時報》暢銷書、《富比士》雜誌推薦最佳創意領導書   ★《華爾街日報》、《哈佛商業評論》、《財星》雜誌、《彭博頻道》、Inc 、《哈芬登郵報》、《富比士》雜誌、Business Insider、MSNBC、WNYC 爭相報導   ★工作趨勢新教主、全球最大專業社群LinkedIn創辦人 雷德‧霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)最新力作   網路科技改變世界,也牽動職場大變革。 了解更多
原价 RM 47.20

现售 RM 47.20 (-0%)

会员 RM 47.20 (-0%)

作者 兆民
好声音、好口才,会说话的人运气都不会太差。 无论谈情说爱还是升职加薪,都需要善于表达自己的想法,把话说进对方心坎里。本书从清晰表达、紧抓人心、绝密说服和化解难题等方面,全面讲述如何逐步提升沟通和交谈技能,解决每个人都可能面对的沟通难题。 总是有很多想法却不知道怎么表达?一到公开场合就紧张,怎么破? 改进沟通只需要两招,一 了解更多
原价 RM 42.00

现售 RM 42.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 42.00 (-0%)

作者 Jeffrey Archer
This Was a Man is the seventh and final, captivating instalment of the Clifton Chronicles from master storyteller Jeffrey Archer.This Was a Man opens with a shot being fired, but who pulled the trigger, and who lives and who dies?In Whitehall, Giles Barrington discovers the truth about his wife Karin from the Cabinet Secretary. Is she a spy or a pawn in a larger game?Harry Clifton sets out to write his magnum opus, whil 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

现售 RM 49.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 49.90 (-0%)

作者 史考特·巴瑞·考夫曼 , 卡洛琳·葛雷高爾
  兒時常常把玩具拆解研究,長大後,可能成為數學家?   每小時挪出5分鐘做白日夢,可以培養煥然一新的創作能量?   下班時走一條不同的路回家,可能為你引發創意性的思考?   許多被當做不理解、不認同、不以為然的行為,或許正是創意展露存在感的表現!   想要釋放出你自己的創造力嗎?想擁有更強的創造力嗎?   要理解創作過程與創 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

现售 RM 49.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 49.30 (-0%)

作者 時雨沢惠一 , 川原礫
賭上Pitohui現實世界生死的第二屆Squad Jam之後又過了大約三個月。 蓮、Pitohui、不可次郎、M組成的最強隊伍「LPFM」挑戰突然決定舉行的第三屆大會! 被認為是最有機會獲得優勝的他們,即將面臨「隨著時間經過沉入海裡的戰場」、 「潛伏在地圖中央的『UNKNOWN』區域」、「無名小隊聯手」這種嚴酷的狀況! ──而到了大會中段,突然對所有參賽者宣布的特別 了解更多
原价 RM 33.90

现售 RM 29.00 (-14%)

会员 RM 29.00 (-14%)

作者 Harvard Business Review
The one primer you need to develop your entrepreneurial skills. Whether you're imagining your new business to be the next big thing in Silicon Valley, a pivotal B2B provider, or an anchor in your local community, the HBR Entrepreneur's Handbook is your essential resource for getting your company off the ground. Starting an independent new business is rife with both opportunity and risk. And as an entrepreneur, you're the one in charge: your actions can make or break your bu 了解更多
原价 RM 136.90

现售 RM 136.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 136.90 (-0%)

作者 Sally Rooney
原价 RM 52.50

现售 RM 52.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.50 (-0%)

作者 胡君梅
  ★第一本融合華人豐富教學經驗的【自我療癒修練指南】   ★臺灣首位美國麻大醫學院正念中心(CFM)認證導師不藏私解惑書   ★【圖解 ● 音檔加強版】25個正念練習:收錄42個圖表 × 22項正念瑜伽伸展 × 94個分解動作插圖 × 各項練習音檔QR CODE      ★「正念減壓」風靡全球近40年,影響各界:   醫學界(改善睡眠障礙、癌症、 了解更多
原价 RM 84.70

现售 RM 84.70 (-0%)

会员 RM 84.70 (-0%)

作者 時雨沢惠一 , 川原礫
  「那麼,盡情互相殘殺吧。過去的同伴,現在是敵人了。」   第三屆Squad Jam發動了從各殘存小隊裡選出一名隊員,組成背叛者小隊的「特別規則」。   眾人認為是強力優勝候補隊伍的「LPFM」裡,則是由蓮最不想與其對戰的玩家──Pitohui中選……   戰場不理會產生激震的所有參賽者,隨著時間一點一點沉入海底。   坐鎮在中央被濃霧覆蓋的「UN 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

现售 RM 37.00 (-14%)

会员 RM 37.00 (-14%)

作者 David Waller
It’s a game you’re already playing, whether you like it or not. You can choose to ignore it and remain at the mercy of what others say about you, or you can take the time to learn how it works. For those who do the potential benefits are unlimited. Through pioneering research and interviews with a host of major figures ranging from Jay-Z and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman to Bernie Madoff and Man Booker prize-winning Hilary Mantel, Waller and Younger reveal the key mec 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

现售 RM 63.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 63.95 (-0%)

作者 Anne McNulty , Eriko Sato
A great story can lead a reader on a journey of discovery—especially if it's presented in two languages! Beautifully illustrated in a traditional style, Japanese Stories for Language Learners offers five compelling stories with English and Japanese language versions appearing on facing pages. Taking learners on an exciting cultural and linguistic journey, each story is followed by detailed translator's notes, Japanese vocabulary lists, and grammar points al 了解更多
原价 RM 69.00

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会员 RM 69.00 (-0%)

作者 川原礫
  桐人又再度收到總務省的公務員菊岡的委託。那是有關某種「新型完全潛行機器」的測試。   「Soul translator」。   將資訊直接輸入「靈魂」,擁有如此全新概念的這部機器所創造出的虛擬世界「Underworld」有著與現實相比毫不遜色的自然環境……以及和真人毫無兩樣的「擬真NPC」。   桐人在那裡邂逅了兩個人。   其中一人叫作尤吉歐。桐人 了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

现售 RM 21.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 21.00 (-0%)

作者 Hiro Arikawa
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING SENSATION: the tender feelgood story of a man's journey with a streetcat. Translated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami. INCLUDES 6 BEAUTIFUL LINE-DRAWINGS A WATERSTONES PAPERBACK OF THE YEAR 2017 ‘Bewitching… as self-possessed and comforting as – well, a cat’ SUNDAY TELEGRAPH **************************** It's not the journey that counts, but who's at your side. Nana is on a road trip, but he is not sure where he is goin 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 Julia Walton
Fans of More Happy Than Not, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and It's Kind of a Funny Story will cheer for Adam in this uplifting and surprisingly funny story of a boy living with schizophrenia. When you can't trust your mind, trust your heart. Adam is a pretty regular teen--he's just navigating high school life while living with paranoid schizophrenia. His hallucinations include a cast of characters that range from the good (beautiful Rebecca) to the bad (angry Mob B 了解更多
原价 RM 46.95

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作者 Ichiro Kishimi , Fumitake Koga
This book is a compass. Navigate and discover along your path the courage to be happy. The Courage to be Happy presents profound insights into living life courageously and finding happiness along the way. It has already sold more than a million copies in Japan and is a sequel to The Courage to be Disliked, which has changed lives across the globe as an international bestselling sensation. As in The Courage to be Disliked, we follow a Socratic dialogue between a philosopher an 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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会员 RM 55.00 (-0%)

Bounce off Fast fun version 2 players, address and strategy game, FMW27 Playing board games together not only makes it possible to create a link between players but also to get to know each other. The competition adds fun and excitement to games! The will to win pushes players to continue. Take on the challenge? • Ages 7 years and above 了解更多
原价 RM 39.89

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会员 RM 39.89 (-0%)

作者 AND股份有限公司
  ★日本亞馬遜行銷經營類暢銷榜第1名   ★攻占日本實體與網路書店排行榜   ★日本超人氣商業管理類書籍   原來,解決問題也能套公式!   根據各種工作場景,發現問題、分析、解決、制訂策略、管理、傳達⋯⋯   只要套用商業框架,就能加快思考的深度與廣度,突破盲點!   .針對各種工作場景,全圖像化step by step,一用就上手的解決 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

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会员 RM 70.85 (-0%)

作者 Syafiq Zulakifli
Kembara Kewartawanan: Mencari Frekuensi di Laut Merah merupakan karya daripada seorang wartawan muda yang pernah berkhidmat di TVAlhijrah dan IKIMfm. Melalui pengalaman kewartawanan di beberapa negara seperti Gaza, Mesir, Jordan, Arab Saudi, Turki, dan Greece, kisah perjalanan ini dirakamkan agar pembaca sedar bahawa pengalaman inilah yang akan menjadi memoir dalam lipatan kerjaya. Kesinambungan kisah-kisah ini diadun kemas melalui perjalanan realiti seorang wartawan da 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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会员 RM 25.00 (-0%)

This Was a Man is the seventh and final, captivating instalment of the Clifton Chronicles from master storyteller Jeffrey Archer. This Was a Man opens with a shot being fired, but who pulled the trigger, and who lives and who dies? In Whitehall, Giles Barrington discovers the truth about his wife Karin from the Cabinet Secretary. Is she a spy or a pawn in a larger game? Harry Clifton sets out to write his magnum opus, while his wife Emma completes her ten years as Chairman o 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 59.90 (-0%)

作者 山田孝太郎 , 川原礫
 在「GGO」引發「死槍事件」的其中一名犯人「強尼.布萊克」以裝在注射器中的毒藥,   造成桐人失去意識緊急送醫。   桐人醒來的地方,是自己曾經以實驗者身分參加,由「STL(Soul Translator)」   製作的「逼近真實」的虛擬世界「Underworld」中。   出現在森林徘徊的桐人面前的,是有著亞麻色頭髮,   以砍巨大杉樹「基家斯西達」為「天 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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会员 RM 20.00 (-0%)

作者 萊恩·布朗
生豆的品質,決定咖啡的價值!   全球三大咖啡權威之一Scott Rao期待五年,終於問世   WCE世界盃「咖啡師大賽冠軍」James Hoffmann、   「杯測師大賽冠軍」劉邦禹、「咖啡烘焙大賽冠軍」賴昱權,齊聲力薦!   歐舍咖啡《尋豆師》作者許寶霖,專業審訂導讀   藍瓶咖啡產品經理16年產區經驗的第一手報告!   咖啡的迷人風味,在烘焙前就決定了一 了解更多
原价 RM 75.45

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会员 RM 75.45 (-0%)

作者 Sonicgear
• SonicGear Bluetooth 5.0 SoundBar With Wireless Subwoofer Powerful And Ultra-Low Bass Theatre Surround Technology • SoundBar: • Bluetooth Version V5.0 • Wireless Operation Up to 10 Meter • SoundBar Driver : 2.25" x 2 • Power Output RMS : 30Watt • Speaker Frequency Range : 60 - 20000Hz • AC Adapter : 100V - 240 VAC (International Voltage) • SoundBar Dimension : W810 x H66 x D65mm • SoudBar Weight : 1.7KG • FM Radio Function : Auto Search & Save 了解更多
原价 RM 319.00

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SonicGear Titan 3 Bluetooth BTMI Portable Music Synchronized Light Display Speaker *Support Bluetooth / Aux In / TF Card / FM Radio / USB Input / MP3 Playback / True Stereo *7 Colour Lightning FX With Music Synchronized Light Display Specification: Satellite *Driver Size : 2 x 2.5 " *Impedance : 8 ohm *Output Power (RMS) : 2 x 3W Subwoofer *Driver Size: 3.5" *Impedance: 4 Ohm *Output Power (RMS) :6W *Total System Power:24W *Pure System Power (RMS) : 12W Fre 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Valter Longo
The internationally renowned, clinically tested, revolutionary diet program to lose weight, fight disease, and live a longer, healthier life. Can what you eat determine how long, and how well, you live? The clinically proven answer is yes, and The Longevity Diet is easier to follow than you'd think. The culmination of 25 years of research on aging, nutrition, and disease across the globe, this unique program lays out a simple solution to living to a healthy 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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会员 RM 59.95 (-0%)

作者 Amie Kaufman , Jay Kristoff
From the New York Times and internationally bestselling authors of The Illuminae Files comes a new science fiction epic... It's 2380 and the graduating students of Aurora Academy are being assigned their first missions. Tyler Jones has been a star pupil who hopes to recruit the squad of his dreams but ends up with a mixed and volatile crew. And Ty's squad isn't even his biggest problem – that'd be Aurora Jie-Lin O'Malley, the girl he's just rescued from interdimensional s 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

现售 RM 51.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 51.95 (-0%)

*With a built-in rechargeable battery, this speaker's power output is 200W. It can even play FM Radios and content from USB and Micro SD card. With dual UHF Microphone output, this can even be used in the form of karaoke.*Total System Power: 200W*Pure System Power (RMS): 100W*Bluetooth Version 5.0*Battery Capacity: 4400mAh*Playtime: up to 6 Hours*Speaker Size: 6.5" X 1 + 3" X 2 了解更多

原价 RM 299.00

现售 RM 269.90 (-10%)

会员 RM 269.90 (-10%)

作者 王碩 , 儲智勇
114首音樂、88張經典圖片,讓你一邊看書一邊聽懂音樂。   ◎「爵士」的原文是在罵人。「搖滾」的中文則是詩人余光中發明。   ◎重金屬和新金屬的差別是……主唱和吉他手有沒有爭寵較勁?   ◎為什麼唱美國現代民謠可以得諾貝爾文學獎?   ◎嘻哈、freestyle我懂,但車庫舞曲、藝術搖滾、前衛搖滾、工業音樂、金屬核……。   本書無限擴大你 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

现售 RM 52.35 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.35 (-0%)

• 2.1 speaker system with 2 x 3" driver satellites and 4.75" subwoofer • Unique 3-way system for power and clarity • Total of 36w power output • Support Aux-in, Bluetooth, SD card, USB music playback • Adjustable volume, treble and bass • FM radio supported • Satellite • 3" driver + 1" tweeter (per speaker satellite) • Frequency response: 90Hz-19Khz • Output power: RMS 6W x 2 • Impedance: 4 Ohm Subwoofer • 4.75" driver • Frequency respo 了解更多

原价 RM 169.90

现售 RM 164.90 (-3%)

会员 RM 159.90 (-6%)

*Bluetooth, SD Card, FM Radio*USB thumb-drive playback*Total system power (RMS): 40W*Volume, bass and treble control 了解更多
原价 RM 189.90

现售 RM 189.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 189.90 (-0%)

*Heavy bass*Wireless and aux-in connection*FM radio*LED digital display *Wireless remote control Included 了解更多
原价 RM 209.90

现售 RM 209.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 209.90 (-0%)

*Bluetooth version : 2.1 + EDR*Wireless play music from any bluetooth device*FM Radio -FM scan range :87.5 -108.0 MHZ*Output power : 20W x2*TF Card MP3 Music Playback- Max Memory USB/SD :32GB*Frequency Response : 100HZ -20KHZ 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

现售 RM 149.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 149.90 (-0%)

作者 羅大倫
  這是個屬於老子思想的年代!   ★喜馬拉雅FM「每天聊點道德經」播放量破億、9.7高分好評、逾40,000讀者熱烈推薦   ★當當圖書破10,000則評價,99.9%好評   ★人人看得懂、用得上、最好讀的《道德經》解讀本   每天都很厭世,覺得人生好難?很努力卻諸事不順,搞得心好累?總是太在意別人,活得好有壓力?   生活在鼓勵人們「不停 了解更多
原价 RM 61.45

现售 RM 61.45 (-0%)

会员 RM 61.45 (-0%)

Sound Bar and Bass Subwoofer Bluetooth, USB Drive (plug and play), AUX line in, Heavy Bass, FM Radio and 3D Effect Remote Control and Coaxial Cable (for TV) included Output power: 12W Speaker Unit: Subwoofer 3" (6W)SoundBar 2"x 2 (3W x 2) Power Supply: USB 5V Subwoofer Size (cm): W18 x D16.1 x H12.5 Soundbar Size (cm) : W115 x D8.2 x H8.2 了解更多

原价 RM 239.90

现售 RM 219.90 (-8%)

会员 RM 219.90 (-8%)

作者 Amie Kaufman , Jay Kristoff
Our heroes are back… kind of. From the bestselling co-authors of the Illuminae Files comes the second book in the epic series about a squad of misfits, losers, and discipline cases who just might be the galaxy’s best hope for survival. First, the bad news: an ancient evil—you know, your standard consume-all-life-in-the-galaxy deal—is about to be unleashed. The good news? Squad 312 is standing by to save the day. They’ve just got to take care of a few small distract 了解更多
原价 RM 58.00

现售 RM 58.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 58.00 (-0%)

作者 Vinnfier
*7 Color Pulsating LED light*FM Radio*AUX Line in*USB drive & MicroSD Plug & Play*Power Output: 35W RMS*Battery Capacity: 1800 mAh*Frequency Respond: 60Hz - 15Khz 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

现售 RM 119.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 119.90 (-0%)

作者 Vinnfier
*7 Color Pulsating LED light*FM Radio*AUX Line in*USB drive & MicroSD Plug & Play*Power Output: 35W RMS*Battery Capacity: 1800 mAh*Frequency Respond: 60Hz - 15Khz 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

现售 RM 119.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 119.90 (-0%)

作者 羅大倫
  ★《人生有點難,老子幫你變簡單》上市即榮登誠品暢銷榜,已連續上榜11週,三個月即再刷4次   ★喜馬拉雅FM「每天聊點道德經」播放量破1.2億、9.7高分好評、逾50,000讀者熱烈推薦   ★當當圖書破12,000則評價,99.9%好評   ★人人看得懂、用得上、最好讀的《道德經》解讀本   關於有點難的人生,那些老子還沒說完的事……   《人生 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

现售 RM 64.70 (-0%)

会员 RM 64.70 (-0%)

作者 Sigmund Freud
'Freud the writer is what Joan Riviere so elegantly presents to the English-Language reader' Lisa Appignanesi from her preface to Sigmund Freud: Essays and Papers This collection focuses in on the set of Riviere's translations that made up the first library of Freud in English. Including his papers on metapsychology, applied psychoanalysis and technique, and within those broader categories are subjects as diverse as narcissism, love, paranoia and homosexuality. Riviere's 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

现售 RM 25.00 (-61%)

会员 RM 25.00 (-61%)

With a built-in rechargeable battery, this speaker's max power output is 60W. It can even play FM Radios and content from a USB drive. With a Microphone output, this can even be used in the form of karaoke. Tango 202 Pro BTRM also included a TWS function that enables you to use two speakers pairing via BT Wireless to form a wireless left channel and right channel system, for an amazing wireless stereo sound experience! ▪ Max Power Output : 60W ▪ Pure Power Output (R.M.S 了解更多

原价 RM 109.90

现售 RM 99.90 (-9%)

会员 RM 99.90 (-9%)

With a built-in rechargeable battery, this speaker's max power output is 60W. It can even play FM Radios and content from a USB drive. With a Microphone output, this can even be used in the form of karaoke. Tango 202 Pro BTRM also included a TWS function that enables you to use two speakers pairing via BT Wireless to form a wireless left channel and right channel system, for an amazing wireless stereo sound experience! ▪ Max Power Output : 60W ▪ Pure Power Output (R.M.S 了解更多

原价 RM 109.90

现售 RM 99.90 (-9%)

会员 RM 99.90 (-9%)

作者 時雨沢惠一 , 川原礫
  真實世界的蓮──小比類卷香蓮答應了Fire──西山田炎企圖與其結婚所提出的提議,   賭注是「以結婚為前提的交往」的第四屆Squad Jam開始了。   無論如何都想打倒蓮獲得勝利的Fire,成功拉攏老大率領的SHINC   加入為了打倒LPFM而組成的聯合部隊──   經過與MMTM的壯烈「高速戰」後,蓮等人終於和SHINC的成員對上了,   但是Fire麾下的小隊突然 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

现售 RM 46.00 (-15%)

会员 RM 46.00 (-15%)

作者 Leander Kahney
In 2011, Tim Cook took on an impossible task - following in the footsteps of one of history's greatest business visionaries, Steve Jobs. Facing worldwide scrutiny, Cook (who was often described as shy, unassuming and unimaginative) defied all expectations. Under Cook's leadership Apple has soared: its stock has nearly tripled to become the world's first trillion-dollar company. From the massive growth of the iPhone to new victories like the Apple Watch, Cook is leading Apple 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

现售 RM 63.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 63.95 (-0%)

*Support MicroSD card *Aux line in *FM radio with external antennaSpecification *Bluetooth Version: V5.0 *Speaker driver size: 66mm *Maxpower output: 20W *Power Output (RMS): 10W *Charging time: 2-3hrs *Working hour: up to 6hrs 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

现售 RM 54.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 54.90 (-0%)

*USB drive plug and play. *MicroSD card slot, with FM radio,Aux line-in *LED display *Sound recording *Play time up to 24hours *20w max output power. 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

现售 RM 119.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 119.90 (-0%)

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