100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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作者 手塚治虫
 「婆羅門」(祭司)、「剎帝利」(貴族/武士)、「吠舍」(農人/商人)、「首陀羅」(奴隸)…在古印度種姓制度的束縛下,人們在還沒出生前就已經註定了他們的命運…   在這種人生而「不平等」的世界裡,下級階層必須絕對服從上級階層的命令,於是居上位者將作威作福;居下位者則永遠要過著苦難的生活。因為自己的弱小、心靈的不安、痛苦的每一天將使 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

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作者 Michael Chuah
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Sam Hepburn
Drawing heavily on her personal experiences working in the creative world, cartoonist Sam Hepburn weaves a quirky story of three friends trying to navigate their careers and lives, and adds a generous helping of satire. This first compilation brings together a selection of lighthearted yet thought-provoking strips about art, friendship, office life, dreams, social awkwardness, millennials, feminism and so much more - plus over 30 pages of brand new art. Hepburn's charming cha 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Chua Soon Yong
Whether you're a student, a young adult or an alien life form looking to learn more about human life, you will love Simple Town Comic's wry observations on how we humans go about our lives. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

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作者 Jonsuraya
Sol has always felt like something missing in his life. He wants a pet of his own and a best friend. And when a lost T-Rex, Suden, found its way to Sol's backyard, Sol decided to adopt Suden. Follow Sol and Suden, an unlikely duo on their (mis)adventures! 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Pepper Lim
You will fall in love with Wilbur and his best buddy Faraday. They will transport you back to a simpler time when children used to play with one another, use their imagination and eat cookies when they were hungry. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Vomit Thunder
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Ernest Ng
"Bro, don't like that la, bro" started off as a webcomic by Ernest, dedicated solely to embarrassing his friends by telling the entire Internet about the stupid and most embarrassing things they did. Every part of every story told in this book is true and actually happened in real life. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

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作者 Eoin Colfer
"Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony" is the fifth sensational book in the gripping "Artemis Fowl" series by Eoin Colfer. Has criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl met his match? Until recently Artemis Fowl was the only human to have discovered that fairies do exist. But now a second juvenile genius wants to capture one for scientific study and not just any old fairy. The newcomer intends to trap a demon, the most human hating species unknown to man. Only an ancient time spell sepa 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 Jeff Kinney
Now everyone can have their own Wimpy Kid diary! Draw your own Wimpy-Kid-style cartoons, fill in facts and lists, check out the full-colour comics inside and even write your own Wimpy Kid journal, just like Greg. Now with dozens of pages of new content and a brand new cover! 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 手塚治虫
 舞台是在2000年前以上的印度。人們因為種姓制度被分成四個階級(婆羅門(僧侶)、剎帝利(武士)、吠舍(平民)、首陀羅(奴隸)、在種姓制度之下甚至還有賤民的存在,種姓制度的束縛下,人們在還沒出生前就已經註定了他們的命運…   在這種人生而「不平等」的世界裡,下級階層必須絕對服從上級階層的命令,於是居上位者將作威作福;居下位 了解更多
原价 RM 245.00

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作者 Simon Sinek
THE MILLION-COPY GLOBAL BESTSELLER - BASED ON THE LIFE-CHANGING TED TALK! WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT START WITH WHY: 'It's amazing how a book can change the course of your life, and this book did that' Reader Review 'Imagine the Ted Talk expanded to 2 hours long, with more depth, intrigue and examples' Reader Review 'What he does brilliantly is demonstrate his own why - to inspire others - throughout' Reader Review 'Wow. Wow. Wow. I cannot rate this book highly enoug 了解更多
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 安倍夜郎
第四集堂堂登場,今晚也敬請光臨! 聾啞帥氣男公關最愛清爽的奴豆腐, 沒有鰻魚的烤鰻醬汁飯充滿懷念的滋味… 凌晨三點的灰姑娘究竟是什麼來頭? 看著看著,我也成為這裡的常客, 和他們一起笑一起落淚,一起感受動人的美味。 工頭堅、王宣一、吳念真、青木由香、馬家輝、張大春、 葉怡蘭、黎智英、歐陽應霽──感動推薦(按筆劃排列) 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 Chua Soon Yong
Simple Town Comic #Madpeople, is back with a badder, madder and crazier compilation of really funny comics that feature all of your favourite mad characters. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 23.92 (-20%)

作者 Reggie Lee
This is the definitive collection of Reggie Lee's most loved and most hilarious comics. If you are long time fan of Reggie Lee's comics (which includes most of us) , this book will have you in stiches in the most rip-roaring, laughing out loud "till it hurts' way possible. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 安倍夜郎
有沒有誰也來開一間深夜食堂? 台灣讀者熱烈呼喚! 歡迎光臨───咦? 怎麼連作者都上門了? 客人點什麼菜竟讓老闆打電話叫外賣? 居然還有人指名要吃罐頭料理? 復胖女王挑戰體重新低點? 歡迎光臨,咦?怎麼連作者都上門了? 深夜裡,故事仍繼續發光, 第五集熱騰騰上桌啦! 工頭堅、王宣一、吳念真、青木由香、馬家輝、張大春、 葉 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 安倍夜郎
在這個城市,我們終於都有了棲身的地方 「走,去老地方吃吧~」 今晚,熟客們又將在此團聚!   那個每天早上飛快倒著走的怪人,堅持喝「麥茶」要加糖;讓SM女王和奴隸都搶著吃,「味噌鯖魚」究竟有什麼魔力?以詮釋情夫段子出名的相聲家,全託「松茸」的福!不會吧……難道是「烤飯糰」帶壞我們母女三代的男人運!?老在周六夜晚現身的午夜牛 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 安倍夜郎
WHAT!! 聽說深夜食堂熱門到要訂位? ! 而且還開了分店? 我們私心獨享的這間食堂, 填飽的不只是胃, 看著一道接著一道的人間百態上桌, 感動得停不了。 「人生就是機緣啊,時機湊巧的話,什麼事情都會發生的。」by老闆 ◎聽聽最近常客聊些什麼…… 那個什麼小壽壽桑年紀都那麼大了,為什麼老愛吃甜的玉子燒啊? 最近來了一個總是在最後追加烤 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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In this post-apocalytpic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming mankind. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world for years, killing everyone they see. For the past century, what’s left of man has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. People believe their 50-meter-high walls will protect them from the Titans, but the sudden appeara 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 安倍夜郎
感人的故事,才是最好的下酒菜。 只有你我才懂的祕密所在,今晚還是亮著燈,等你前來! 什麼?老闆居然有個分身在新宿流竄? 昭和偶像風見倫子現身帶領常客歡唱經典名曲? 真的用章魚做成的章魚香腸,會合阿龍的胃口嗎? 新客口耳相傳、常客流連忘返, 深夜料理堂堂突破100道! 工頭堅、王宣一、吳念真、青木由香、馬家輝、張大春、 葉怡 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 安倍夜郎
怎麼那麼餓~~?! 《深夜食堂》幕後製作小組&日本最暢銷的大眾美食雜誌《dancyu》 兩大出版團隊破天荒攜手合作,製作出簡單料理大學問的美食特輯 紅香腸、調味醬炒麵、奶油燉菜、泡菜豬肉……19道深夜食堂人氣料理賞味秘訣大公開 一次收錄安倍夜郎插畫、專業美食記者隨筆、實做美味照片 深夜禁讀!!!絕對挑戰深夜食堂常客,給你餓到受不了的 了解更多
原价 RM 35.75

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作者 鄭問
台灣漫畫大師、亞洲至寶—鄭問經典代表作 二十週年紀念版本,新增內頁彩圖與舊版未收錄精采畫面 鄭問以此作獲頒日本漫畫家協會「優秀賞」,奠定在日本漫壇地位。 漫畫大師鄭問的《東周英雄傳》,不僅為其個人創作生涯代表作,也是台灣漫畫史上重要的里程碑。此系列為日本講談社親向鄭問邀稿,從1990年3月起在日本漫畫雜誌上陸續發表後集結而 了解更多
原价 RM 147.85

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BIRTH OF A MONSTER The Colossal Titan has breached humanity’s first line of defense, Wall Maria. Mikasa, the 104th Training Corps’ ace and Eren’s best friend, may be the only one capable of defeating them, but beneath her calm exterior lurks a dark past. When all looks lost, a new Titan appears and begins to slaughter its fellow Titans. Could this new monster be a blessing in disguise, or is the truth something muc 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 安倍夜郎
深夜食堂中文版暖心開張1週年, 感謝新客陸續報到與支持, 常客每一夜的用心陪伴。 「不來深夜食堂的人生,未免太無聊了!」 ──真由美(深夜食堂常客‧插畫家)    20年前的客人,想重溫青菜炒肉絲的幸福,會不會太晚…… ◎聽說,真由美又有減肥妙方了,她點什麼都「只吃半份」。 ◎高知縣新鮮直送的「丁香魚」到貨了喔!老闆用炸的,讓 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 Christopher Paolini
It began with Eragon . . . It ends with Inheritance. Not so very long ago, Eragon - Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider - was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now, the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders. Long months of training and battle have brought victories and hope, but they have also brought heartbreaking loss. And still the real battle lies ahead: they must confront Galbatorix. When they do, they 了解更多
原价 RM 49.95

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作者 安倍夜郎
在深夜食堂跨年,常客最想點的菜是什麼呢? 鯡魚卵?螃蟹火鍋?還是吃得唏哩呼嚕的蕎麥麵?! 史上頭一回,日本、台灣、韓國三地同步開賣,暖心開張零時差! 辛苦工作一整年的人,全都聚在這裡一齊迎接嶄新的一年 首刷贈品:日本限定版設計杯墊 ☆中文版感動二十萬港台讀者! ☆第55回小學館漫畫賞得獎之作 ☆二度改編日劇播映,觀眾一致好 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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TRAITOR The last thing Eren remembers before blacking out, a Titan had bitten off his arm and leg and was getting ready to eat him alive. Much to his surprise he wakes up without a scratch on him, with a crowd of angry soldiers screaming for his blood. What strange new power has he awakened, and what will happen when the boy devoted to destroying the Titans becomes one himself? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 鄭問
  集鄭問二十年功力之大成!   接續《東周英雄傳》,漫畫大師鄭問之歷史磅礡巨作!   榮獲二○○二年第一屆漫畫金像獎「最佳少年漫畫」、「最佳美術」!   秦始皇,中國歷史上第一個使用「皇帝」稱號的君王。十三歲即位,三十九歲便統一六國、建立秦朝,自此開創中國大一統霸業。他廢封建、設郡縣,令書同文、車同軌、統一度量衡,但 了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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作者 Koh Sai Ngo
Northern Malaysia is a simple place. The further north you go, the more greenery there is. This simplicity is reflected in the cooking methods and presentation of the local dishes. Due to its geographical proximity to Thailand, the cuisine of Perlis and Kedah traditionally tend to be sour, spicy and sweet. A lot of spices and herbs, such as lemongrass, basil, assam paste (tamarind), kalamansi lime leaf and bird’s eye chilli are used to create the fresh, distinctive and ex 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 井上雄彥
放開、收回──從休載到復載,歷時一年半, 井上雄彥無法描繪《浪人劍客》的原因都在這一本。   因井上雄彥身體不適而休載的《浪人劍客》,終於在2012年3月重新回到「MORNING」週刊。這段期間,井上雄彥利用iPad的App繪製「Smile」系列,甚至接受東本願寺的委託,製作屏風「親鸞」,直到 2012年3月11日,日本發生大地震,才陸續將「Smile」系列發表在推 了解更多
原价 RM 37.00

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HUMANITY PUSHES BACK! The Survey Corps develop a risky gambit – have Eren in Titan form attempt to repair Wall Rose, reclaiming human territory from the monsters for the first time in a century. But Titan-Eren’s self-control is far from perfect, and when he goes on a rampage, not even Armin can stop him! With the survival of humanity on his massive shoulders, will Eren be able to return to his senses, or will he lose himself fo 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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This friendly, colourful and easy-to-read study book explains everything KS2 students will need to know about Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling for the English SATS - and it's fully up-to-date for the new curriculum for 2018 and beyond. There are plenty of examples to demonstrate each point, with quick recap questions for every topic and exam-style tasks at the end of each section. For extra practice, CGP SAT Buster workbooks are available for Grammar (9781847629074), Punctua 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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会员 RM 34.65 (-10%)

CAN YOU GO HOME AGAIN? Thanks to Eren, humanity has taken the town of Trost back from the Titans. Exhausted, Eren falls into a coma for three days – and wakes in shackles, staring at Erwin Smith, leader of the Survey Corps. Certain that Eren’s father’s research holds the key to the mystery of the Titans’ rise, Smith wants an expedition to retrieve it from the house where Eren grew up. But that’s deep in Titan territory, and to 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 松本大洋
  《惡童當街》、《乒乓》鬼才大師   日本手塚治虫賞得主──松本大洋   掏盡自身、止不住淚水的──《Sunny》   「獻給孩子們的故事!」   ◆認識松本大洋◆   1967年東京出身,代表作有:《花男》、《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《Go go monster》、《No.吾》、《竹光侍》等多部作品。2001年以《Go go monster》榮獲第30回日本漫畫家協會特別賞。2007 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 荒川弘 , 杜康潤
經典名著『三國演義』全120回爆笑四格漫畫化!   「鋼之鍊金術師」、「百姓貴族」、「銀之匙」的人氣漫畫家.荒川弘   &熱衷於研究三國歷史的隨筆作家.杜康潤,   兩位歷女對於「三國志」注入愛與魂的究極導讀本,惡搞登場!   這是一套內容集結了   ◎『人氣漫畫家的惡搞爆笑四格漫畫』   ◎『文學評論(偶爾摻雜毒舌吐嘈)雜談』    了解更多
原价 RM 33.00

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TITAN ON THE HUNT On the way to Eren’s home, deep in Titan territory, the Survey Corps ranks are broken by a charge led by a female Titan! But this Abnormal is different – she kills not to eat but to protect herself, and she seems to be looking for someone. Armin comes to a shocking conclusion: She’s a human in a Titan’s body, just like Eren! 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 安倍夜郎
什麼?深夜食堂賣草莓煉乳冰! 來深夜食堂,無論點什麼, 晚睡的他們,都是有故事的人。 夏季限定的自助式刨冰,牽起未果的單戀回憶。 從北海道來東京追愛的女孩,她等待的人,還在不在…… 最消暑的夏日料理,更清透的人生滋味──深夜食堂回來了! ◎什麼?深夜食堂最多人點的料理原來是這道?! ◎聞名街坊的盲人針灸師傅,其實劍法一流 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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TURNING ON THEIR OWN The Survey Corps sets a cunning trap to capture the mysterious Abnormal Titan that broke through their ranks. As Armin tries to determine the grotesque creature’s identity and purpose, scouts report Titans closing in on all sides! But they don’t seem to be after the humans – instead they’re targeting the Titan! 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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BLOOD ON HIS HANDS The expedition outside the wall was Eren’s chance to prove himself. But it failed, and the female Titan is free once more! With his squad dead, Eren faces a royal summons. Will Mikasa and Armin have to betray their king to save their friend? And can they discover the female Titan’s identity before she kills again? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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HUMANITY’S WORST NIGHTMARE Eren is still resting from his brutal fight with the female Titan, when word reaches the interior that the impossible has happened: Wall Rose itself has been breached, and Titans are pouring through the gap! The emergency casts new urgency over Armin and Hange’s questions about how the walls were built, and what humanity can do to restore them… 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 蔡志忠
漫畫中國經典系列之一——《漫畫孫子兵法.韓非子》 The Art of War / Hanfeizi in Comics 【孫子兵法】 孫子用兵懂兵,是東方兵聖,中國兵學的始祖。吳王闔閭能以小國之軀,西破強楚,攻入郢都,北上中原,威震齊晉,使吳國顯揚於春秋諸國,孫子是最大的幕後功臣。孫子的兵法,是古人治軍的智慧,管理的藝術,更是現代人必學的生存法則,與必懂的世道 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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作者 蔡志忠
★2013金鼎獎最佳非文學圖書奬得主 ★國寶級漫畫大師──蔡志忠漫畫創作五十週年紀念套書 ★6冊經典,11本巨作,重新演繹中國歷史&文學的無窮智慧   「我從來不敢抱有這種想法,企圖由一本書道盡一切真理;而讀者也從未寄望藉由一本書,便成為那一門學問的博士。我想做的只是讓讀者能透過一個鐘頭看完一本漫畫,因而對東方思想有概略的瞭解, 了解更多
原价 RM 246.40

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作者 蔡志忠
漫畫中國經典系列之二——《漫畫史記.世說新語》 Records of the Grand Historian / New Account of World Tales in Comics 【史記】 《史記》曾被譽為「史家之絕唱,無韻之離騷。」記述從堯舜到漢武帝,兩千多年的中國歷史,是一代史家的千古名作,承先啟後的磅礡史詩。太史公探討人性善惡,評論是非成敗,記載雞鳴狗盜,忠臣義賊,俠客烈士,毛遂自薦,感嘆人事 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 蔡志忠
漫畫中國經典系列之三——《漫畫六朝怪談.聊齋誌異》 Fables and Fairy Tales from Six Dynasties / Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio in Comics 【六朝怪談】 可愛的鬼,可怕的鬼,調皮的男鬼,有情有義的女鬼。有時人像鬼,鬼像人,有時人不像人,鬼不像鬼;人鬼活在同個世界裡,趣味相生。《六朝怪談》延續先秦神話,開啟唐人傳奇,反映六朝時代,百姓的厭世之心 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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作者 蔡志忠
漫畫中國經典系列之四——《漫畫唐詩說.宋詞說》 Tang Poems / Song Lyrics in Comics 【唐詩說】 如歌的行板,跨時空的吟誦,唐詩是中國詩歌的最高成就。望壯麗山河,體驗空山新雨的秋意閒適;歸居田園,結廬人境逃離車馬喧囂;登繁華古城,辭別故人和美麗的揚州煙花;出蒼茫邊塞,淚流思親,出陽關之後,何時能與君再來一杯? 【宋詞說】 寫春愁 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 蔡志忠
漫畫中國經典系列之五——《漫畫唐詩三百首》 300 Tang Poems in Comic 唐朝,是中國詩歌發展的黃金時期,不僅誕生出大量的詩歌名家,還創造了五萬多首的經典唐詩,是歷代文學演進中的亮麗奇葩。唐詩三百首,屬蘅塘退士選編的版本最膾炙人口。他與妻子徐蘭英相互商榷考究,捕捉戰地、田園山水,與城市風貌,詩句或悲壯或抒情。俗話說:「熟讀唐詩三 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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作者 蔡志忠
漫畫中國經典系列之六——《漫畫菜根譚.孝經》 Vegetable Roots Discourse / Classic of Filial Piety in Comics 【菜根譚】 為人處事應保持著中庸之道,不偏不倚,如此幸福快樂才會源源而來。《菜根譚》以儒家思想為本,兼採佛道學說之理,是一部曠古通今的警世訓言,以簡鍊的論述,談性命、論性情,教人修身養性、正心育德,淡泊人世的同時,也通透了人情義 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

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FORTRESS OF BLOOD With no combat gear and Wall Rose breached, the 104th scrambles to evacuate the villages in the Titans’ path. On their way to the safety of Wall Sheena, they decide to spend the night in Utgard Castle. But their sanctuary becomes a slaughterhouse when they discover that, for some reason, these Titans attack at night! 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 Quinlan B Lee
Phonics comes to life with LEGO (R) DC Super Heroes (TM) Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and more! Learn to read with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and all the other characters in the LEGO(R) DC UniverseTM)! These books will readily appeal to a wide audience--from LEGO fans to DC Super Hero fans! Beginning readers will enjoy LEGO DC Universe's well-recognized heroes from movies, TV, comics, video games, and more. This set includes ten books and two workbooks (focusing on sh 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 松本大洋
  《惡童當街》、《乒乓》鬼才大師   日本手塚治虫賞得主──松本大洋   掏盡自身、止不住淚水的──《Sunny》   「獻給孩子們的故事!」   ◆認識松本大洋◆   1967年東京出身,代表作有:《花男》、《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《Go go monster》、《No.吾》、《竹光侍》等多部作品。2001年以《Go go monster》榮獲第30回日本漫畫家協會特別賞。2007 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 尾田榮一郎 , JUMP · COMIC出版編輯部
(全一冊)航海途中,娜美患了不知名的病而病倒!魯夫等人為了尋找醫生,決定到冬島‧磁鼓王國去!然而,這座島上的醫生卻僅僅只有一人…。為了救助病情逐漸惡化的娜美,魯夫決定靠自己的雙腳走到被稱呼為「魔女」的醫生所居住的山頂城堡去!!究竟他們是否能夠成功地救助娜美呢!? 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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作者 渡航
比企谷八幡就讀於知名升學高中──千葉市立總武高中二年F班,國文成績排名全學年第三。   八幡雖然本身條件不差,但不要說是女朋友,甚至連普通朋友都交不到。   某天,單身女老師.平塚靜將八幡拉進「侍奉社」,而該社的社長(其實裡面只有一名社員)竟然是全學年成績排名第一的美少女.雪之下雪乃!   八幡原以為自己這下總算有機 了解更多
原价 RM 17.00

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“DO YOU THINK THIS WORLD HAS A FUTURE?” Thanks to Eren’s timely arrival, the 104th has managed to turn the tide at Wall Rose. But this momentary victory forces two more traitors into a corner – and the identity of the Titans who have been destroying the walls is revealed! What can Eren do against the two most dangerous monsters humanity has ever faced? And who else might be an enemy in disguise? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 鄭問
天註定?! 二千年後,項羽劉邦再遇……   「是誰想知道天道真理?!」   浪跡香港街頭的命理風水師萬歲隨身帶著一個名為「天機」的木匣,打開「天機」者,命運將重新組合;但力量不足之人則會被匣中封印的妖怪「天譴」殺掉!一天,萬歲遇見了名叫「項羽」、擁有天生神力的年輕男子──這位和史上江東霸王之姓名、命格都相同的男子,在 了解更多
原价 RM 50.05

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作者 朝霧カフ力
日本累積銷售突破100萬冊!! 太宰治?能力名「人間失格」VS 芥川龍之介?能力名「羅生門」 ※日本知名動漫網站キャラペディア (Charapedia)   2014網友票選「最希望動畫化的漫畫or小說」No. 1 ※矚目程度No. 1!文豪特殊能力動作漫畫! ※ 入選 2014日本書店店員票選推薦漫畫! ※「Comic Natalie大賞」入榜作!※ 日本大文豪們將陸續登場! ※ 首刷限量贈送 武裝偵探社 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 渡航
千葉市立總武高中的二年級生.比企谷八幡原本打算在校園中享受獨行俠生活,卻被迫加入由全學年第一完美的美少女.雪之下雪乃擔任社長的「侍奉社」,日子也因此逐漸脫離他的控制。   本集中,侍奉社接受現實充.葉山隼人之託,調查散布惡意連鎖信的元凶,並與身著黑色蕾絲內褲的美少女.川崎沙希的弟弟密謀計畫要讓姊姊重新做人! 了解更多
原价 RM 17.00

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THE CHASE IS ON! Erwin and the Survey Corps desperately mount a rescue operation to take Eren back from the Colossus Titan and Armored Titan. But without the numbers to form up properly outside the walls, how can the humans catch up before they’re all slaughtered? Just whose side is Ymir on? And will Eren ever see his friends again? 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
What's in the box: Full pages full color comic On her way to school, shy Mia meets a mysterious boy who claims to be the “Prince of the Dark Dimension”. Later at school, she reluctantly signs up for the drama club"s holiday activities together with Joni and Emilia. Will this prove a good fit for the reserved Mia? And just who was that strange self-proclaimed prince? 了解更多
原价 RM 10.50

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作者 松本大洋
  《惡童當街》、《乒乓》鬼才大師   日本手塚治虫賞得主──松本大洋   掏盡自身、止不住淚水的──《Sunny》   「獻給孩子們的故事!」   ◆認識松本大洋◆   1967年東京出身,代表作有:《花男》、《惡童當街》、《乒乓》、《Go go monster》、《No.吾》、《竹光侍》等多部作品。2001年以《Go go monster》榮獲第30回日本漫畫家協會特別賞。2007年 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 尾田栄一郎 , JUMP COMIC出版編輯部
《ONE PIECE FILM Z航海王電影Z(上)》 (上集)這是航海王第十二部劇場版的漫畫版,亦是魯夫等人進入新世界後的第一部劇場版。講述原為海軍大將的Z,因痛恨海賊並對海軍失望,所以自己組織了「新海軍」,打算把整個「新世界」摧毀掉。魯夫在偶然中救起在海上漂流的Z,之後卻受到Z毫不留情的攻擊,娜美等人更被新海軍幹部的惡魔果實能力變成小孩子, 了解更多
原价 RM 34.00

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