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作者 Fire Ball Crew
Happy Dragon is a collection of questions and answers in everyday life. Happy Dragon, Boy, Girl, Bob, Papa and Mama are the characters involved in mysteries related to Science. Each story is presented in funny and interesting comic illustrations. Each mystery is unravelled in simple language that is comprehensible and related to the scientific fact concerned. 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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作者 Army of Hundred Eyes
Jake Brown is a passionate nurse. He saves Jaslyn Rivera and a bus driver in an accident. Being a student, Jaslyn is moved by his dedication and aspires to become a nurse. Five years later, Jaslyn reports to the hospital where her idol Jake works. She sees Jake overwhelmed in misery. It turns out that he has been transferred there for breaking the rules. Since then, he has lost his passion for nursing. Jaslyn's dedication to her patients gradually reminds Jake of his old pass 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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作者 Nulna
Dalam perjalanan menuju bahagia, masih terselit yang namanya duka. Seorang perempuan akan kelihatan cantik ketika dia menjahit lukanya sendiri. Baginya cukup definisi bahagia itu memberikan ketenangan bukan pasangan yang melukakan. Memulakan sebuah perhubungan dan berakhir dengan perpisahan merupakan prinsip Farha Nayla. Dirinya penuh konflik, dia mudah menerima cinta namun sukar untuk terus kekal dalam hatinya kerana baginya perkahwinan bukan satu kewajipan. Bercinta denga 了解更多
原价 RM 27.00

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会员 RM 24.30 (-10%)

作者 Soyoung Park
A groundbreaking Korean YA thriller, for fans of Squid Game, Black Mirror and The Hunger Games. Discover the groundbreaking Korean YA thriller, for fans of Squid Game, Black Mirror and The Hunger Games! WHEN YOU'RE INSIDE, THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING . . . Raised in a climate-ravaged, frozen world, every day is a struggle for survival for Chobahm. Her only solace comes in the form of twenty-four-hour reality television shows, streamed directly from Snowglobe - the climate-c 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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会员 RM 53.96 (-10%)

作者 Hidenori Kusaka , Satoshi Yamamoto
X was a Pokémon Trainer child prodigy. He hated being in the spotlight, so he took to hiding in his room and avoiding everyone—including his best friend Y. But now a surprise attack has brought X out of hiding! In Kalos, X prepares for a rematch against Blue, a senior Pokédex holder. Meanwhile, the scheming Lysandre and Team Flare are up to no good at the mysterious Pokémon Village. Plus, a Mega Evolution occurs, the powerful Sundial is uncovered, and the Order Pokémon 了解更多
原价 RM 41.30

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会员 RM 37.17 (-10%)

作者 Tom Burgis
Stand by for fireworks as it hits the shelves' SUNDAY TIMES 'If Orwell were with us today, he'd be writing books like this' PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE 'Breath-taking and jaw-dropping' PETER FRANKOPAN 'A true-life thriller' ANNE APPLEBAUM From the bestselling author of Kleptopia comes a true story about Cuckooland – a world where the rich can buy everything – including the truth. Everywhere, the powerful are making a renewed claim to the greatest prize of all: to own the tr 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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会员 RM 79.96 (-20%)

Colouring&Activity Book 了解更多
原价 RM 14.90

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会员 RM 13.41 (-10%)

Colouring&Activity Book 了解更多
原价 RM 14.90

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雍朝,礼部侍郎兰珏(井柏然饰)常年斡旋于朝堂纷争,看似温润优雅,实则背后隐藏着一段鲜为人知的成长史。在一次秘密行动之中,兰珏偶遇孤身进京赶考、追寻理想的案痴少年张屏(宋威龙饰),赤诚更耿直的张屏凭借天才般的推理能力破了案,却也打乱了兰珏原本周密无误的计划。自此,两个身份悬殊性格迥异的人亦师亦友,并与一众少年君子默契配合 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

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会员 RM 107.91 (-10%)

御灵师纪云禾自幼被谷主以毒药所控,梦想不惜一切代价出逃,寻找自由,为此她决定利用被送入谷中的鲛人长意。但长意的天真纯善逐渐温暖了云禾的心,两人终从天敌发展为恋人。然而命运使然,两人虽深爱彼此,却不得不相互伤害,天各一方。所幸良人虽历经磨难,都获得了成长,在一众好友的相助下终于重逢。 Ji Yun He is a powerful and talented demon master livin 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

20世纪70年代末的北京城,5个年轻人在什刹海冰场不期而遇。大院子弟肖春生痞气聪慧、潇洒不羁,叶国华慷慨仗义,陈宏军木讷好学,贺红玲美丽傲娇,佟晓梅温柔娴 静。不久后,陈宏军考上大学,其余四人则在军营重聚, 他们都憧憬着能在部队建功立业、报效国家。一次执行特殊任务时,肖春生替叶国华排雷导致受伤,不得不提前退伍回京治疗。在佟晓梅 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

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会员 RM 134.91 (-10%)

十年前四顾门门主李相夷以相夷太剑冠绝天下,为正道武林之光,却因与金鸳盟盟主笛飞声约战东海,两大高手就此消失在万顷碧波之上。四顾门与金鸳盟也两败俱伤渐渐消失于江湖。十年后乡间游医李莲花拖着一座莲花楼行走世间,误打误撞得了个名医的头衔,本不想涉足江湖的他就这样卷入江湖。梦想行侠仗义安天下的热血少爷方多病则察觉李莲花不简单, 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

消防站长宋焰和急诊科医生许沁分别十年之后重逢,青春时代的两人因家庭反对被迫分开,再相见时,两人都有了许多成长和改变。由于工作性质的原因,宋焰和许沁渐渐有了交集。宋焰带领十里台的消防员们为维护人民群众生命财产安全而英勇奋斗,经历了无数次血与火的生死考验后仍不改初心。他的坚持感染着许沁,困扰他们多年的心结也渐渐被解开。两人 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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会员 RM 116.91 (-10%)

努力打拼的新人设计师盛阳(肖战 饰)和业内知名的广告导演简冰(白百何 饰)偶遇结缘,从此展开了一段彼此照耀、相互治愈的“充电式爱情”故事。盛阳在简冰的启发和鼓励下不断成长,并在行业中崭露锋芒,而简冰则在盛阳的关心与陪伴下,重拾对生活与爱情的信心。 Jian Bing, a well-known advertising director, and Sheng Yang, a newcomer in the industry, randomly crossed paths inside a 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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会员 RM 116.91 (-10%)

“沙漠玫瑰”叶流西与“智勇沙獠”昌东,一个为了解开身世之谜,一个为破解过往真相,两人联手深入沙漠。大漠深处危机四伏,似乎有一双无形的手将他们拉进已然风化的玉门关内。两人在多方势力之间进退周旋,在众多罗生门中推演出真相,也于一次次生死考验中参透了真爱。真相似乎近在咫尺,但也身陷一场更大的阴谋。 A beautiful melon seller, Ye Liu Xi, and 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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会员 RM 116.91 (-10%)

少女蔺如兰不顾挚友孟宛的反对,赌上自己的名节状告绣楼主人吴廉,然而多方投告无门,孤立无援,最终自尽以证清白。孟宛卧薪尝胆七年,攒聚与如兰案有千丝万缕联系的刘薪等“九义人”集结成复仇战队,谋定翻案,而当年少女被埋没于时光里的挣扎和奋战,也在这个过程中渐渐浮现出来。 A young woman named Ru Lan, who put her reputation on the line to air her grievances, 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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会员 RM 89.91 (-10%)

宫门选亲大典在即,无锋刺客云为衫(虞书欣饰)借此混入宫门探查情报,谁知宫门之主和原定继承人宫唤羽却突遭刺客杀害,向来被排斥的四公子宮子羽(张凌赫饰)一夜之间成为了宫门之主。变故之下,云为衫只能将攻略对象重新锁定为新宮主宫子羽,一番设计后,她如愿成为宫子羽的新娘,她原以为只要成为宫主新娘便能完成任务获得自由,谁知等待她的 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

乐观开朗的山野孤儿虎子因误打误撞吞食了至阳宝物赤珠,而结识了冷峻洁癖的国御妖师队长祁晓轩。两个性格迥异的年轻人因一颗赤珠被迫一起上路,结识了赵馨彤、王羽千、山茶等伙伴。他们从彼此嫌弃到被彼此身上的不同与闪光吸引,在一番历险,成为生死挚友时,祁晓轩为了保护虎子深陷囹圄。为救出祁晓轩,虎子与伙伴们一起参加国御妖师的选拔,却 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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会员 RM 116.91 (-10%)

2007年,地球基础科学出现了异常的扰动,一时间科学界风雨飘飘,人心惶惶。离奇自杀的科学家,近乎神迹的倒计时,行事隐秘的科学边界,神秘莫测的《三体》游戏。纳米科学家汪淼被警官史强带到联合作战中心,并潜入名为“科学边界”的组织协助调查。迷雾之中,汪淼接触到一个名为ETO的组织,发现其幕后统帅竟是自杀身亡的科学家杨冬的母亲叶文洁。 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

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会员 RM 107.91 (-10%)

为了生活而从事诈骗的金旭(高洙饰),不仅长相帅气,而且口才一流。就在他为了帮助无力的百姓进行某项诈骗时,无意间走入了充满失踪者亡魂的村子,接踵而来的是无数谜团。秘密搜寻失踪者的神秘人物张畔锡(许峻豪饰),是村子与外界的沟通桥梁,将与金旭搭档破案。金旭的助手李钟雅(安昭熙饰),是在居民自治中心工作的九级公务员,也是帮助金 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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八年前,金融诈骗案的主谋卢尚千(许城泰 饰)诈骗了数万名韩国受害者,让他们用数十亿元的积蓄投资一个虚假专案,之后便踏上逃亡之路。他 试图逃往中国躲避法律制裁,但却传出死讯而震惊全国。近十年后的现在 ,一名热爱正义的刑警具都翰(张根硕饰)有了惊人的发现…… 试图拼凑真相的是警察兼前律师具都翰。 同样在寻求真相的还有一名名叫千娜 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

根据漫画家李惠的同名网络漫画《今生也请多指教》改编的故事。故事讲述了一个带着前世 记忆重生的女主角尹珠媛,在第十八次人生中遇到了真爱文瑞夏。然而,一场车祸导致珠媛不幸去世,但她以潘知音的身份开始了第十九次人生,并在与瑞夏再次相遇后展开了一段爱情故事。 Ban Ji Eum has an extraordinary ability: she can remember the memories of all her past lives. Repeating h 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

从前从前,有位阴间使者郑九元(宋江 饰),拥有200年不死之身的他,总在人命垂危之时,和人类签下生死契约,不但延长寿命,还让人过得丰衣足食,但年限一到就要夺走灵魂下到地狱。这天,被人追杀的财阀继承人都到曦(金裕贞 饰),搞不清楚郑九元的来历还被要求签约,结果两人不小心被坏人开车撞出公路双双落海,都到曦拉救郑九元的瞬间,魔力转移到都 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

《恋人》讲述经历丙子胡乱后,错综复杂的恋人之间的爱情和百姓的生命力,能征服绫裙里的美人柳吉彩(安恩真 饰)的男子只有南延俊(李学周 饰),然而南延俊的心只向着吉彩的朋友恩爱(李多寅 饰),在神秘男子李张灦(南宫珉 饰)出现后,一直不断对吉彩表示好感。 在此期间丙子胡乱爆发,吉彩吃尽了苦头,踏上了避难之路,李张灦为了吉彩努力平 了解更多
原价 RM 119.90

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会员 RM 107.91 (-10%)

作者 Chloe Gong
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong comes two captivating new novellas surrounding the events of Foul Lady Fortune and following a familiar cast of characters from the These Violent Delights Duet! In A Foul Thing, Roma and Juliette have established themselves as the heads of an underground weapons ring in Zhouzhuang, making a living the way they do best while remaining anonymous in their peaceful, quiet life. But when they hear about several Russian girls sh 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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会员 RM 59.31 (-10%)

作者 Victoria Aveyard
Change your fate—or kneel to it. The Companions are scattered and hopeless, torn from each other. After Corayne barely escapes with her life, she must forge on alone, leaving her blade broken and her allies behind her. Her only consolation—Corayne now has Taristan's sword, the only Spindleblade left in existence. Without it, he can’t rip open any more Spindles. Without it, he can’t end the world. But Taristan and Queen Erida will not be defeated so easily. Both will 了解更多
原价 RM 74.95

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会员 RM 67.46 (-10%)

作者 Rachel Greenlaw
Get ready to be swept away. An irresistible YA romantasy – perfect for fans of Alexandra Christo, Sarah Underwood and Shelby Mahurin Romance. Betrayal. Magic. The YA debut of 2024. Mira is a wrecker, one of the seven chosen to swim out and plunder the wrecked ships beyond the Isle of Rosevear. The waves sing to her soul, the call of the sea beckoning her into deeper waters. But Rosevear needs her, and she could never abandon her home. Until one evening when lightning spli 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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会员 RM 53.96 (-10%)

作者 NCT
The album comes with: 01. Mystery Pack (1ea) 02. Tabloid (16pgs) (1ea) 03. Hidden Card & Case (Random 1 out of 2) 04. Mini Photozine (16pgs) (1ea) 05. Photo Card (Random 1 out of 3) 06. Photo Book (48pgs) (1ea) 07. CD-R & Case (1ea) 08. Post Card (1ea) 09. Sticker Set: Rose (1ea) & Tap (1ea) *Subject to actual product content 了解更多
原价 RM 151.00

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会员 RM 128.35 (-15%)

作者 Jeremy Russell
An easy and straightforward stock trading system perfect for investors in any kind of market In How to Be a 20-Minute Trader: An Essential Guide for All Traders in Any Market, celebrated investor and trading educator Jeremy Russell delivers an incisive and one-of-a-kind guide to capitalizing on small movements in stock prices with call options…all within just 20 minutes. The author’s system replaces the complicated cauldron of charts, symbols, strategies, and monitors 了解更多
原价 RM 114.95

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会员 RM 91.96 (-20%)

KIKANSHA NO MAHOU WA TOKUBETSU DESU 重生者的魔法一定要特別 VOL.1-12 END JAP / ENG (E / C) Another dimension that continues to taint our world, the Shadow World. Humanity is faced with the worst calamity, known as the Shadow Labyrinth. In spite of their desperate attacks, Desir Herrman and his friends lose their battle to the Destruction Dragon, Boromir Napolitan, and the world comes to an end. When Desir is convinced of his end, he opens his eyes... to find himself 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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会员 RM 31.92 (-20%)

HATARAKU SAIBOU 工作細胞 JAP / ENG (TV) JAP (MOVIE) E / C / M Strep throat! Hay fever! Influenza! The world is a dangerous place for a red blood cell just trying to get her deliveries finished. Fortunately, she's not alone... She's got a whole human body's worth of cells ready to help out! The mysterious white blood cell, the buff and brash killer T cell, the nerdy neuron, even the cute little platelets - everyone's got to come together if they want to keep you health 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 55.92 (-20%)

Boku No Hero Academia 我的英雄学院 JAP/ENG JAP(MOVIE WORLD HERO MISSION) E / C / M Midoriya Izuku ialah seorang pelajar sekolah menengah rendah dalam suatu dunia di mana orang yang mempunyai kuasa peribadi yang luar biasa (個性 kosei, "keperibadian", Bahasa Inggeris: Quirk). Namun, dia didapati kelainan kerana kekurangan kuasa tersebut sehingga dibuli orang sebayanya terutamanya dari Katsuki. Walau bagaimanapun, dia tetap mengimpikan mahu menjadi Adiwira (ヒーロ 了解更多
原价 RM 139.90

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会员 RM 111.92 (-20%)

SHY䩄腆英雄 JAP/ENG (E / C) Just as the planet approached its third World War, individuals with superpowers appeared from around the globe to maintain peace. They became the symbols of their respective nations, striving to limit crime and bring evildoers to justice. Teenage heroine Teru "Shy" Momijiyama is Japan's representative in the world of heroes. When a mysterious threat called Amalareiks emerges, Shy must work together with her fellow heroes to stop them at all 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 20.72 (-20%)

Saihate no Paladin: Tetsusabi no Yama no Ou 世界尽头的圣骑士:铁锈之山的君王 Season 2 JAP/ENG (E / C) Two years had passed since he left the City of the Dead, and Will was seventeen by count. As a lord, he developed "Torch Port, a river port of light", and gradually the people's activities and smiles returned to "Beast Woods". However, out-of-season flowers bloom profusely, and an abnormality is discovered in the forest. Will and his friends head into the de 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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Saihate no Paladin 世界尽头的圣骑士 Season 1+2 JAP/ENG (E / C) Born into a new world after a life of stagnancy, Will awakens to the faces of a skeleton, a ghost, and a mummy. Living in the ruins of a city long fallen, the three raise Will as their own. The skeleton— Blood—teaches him to fight; the ghost—Gus—teaches him magic; and the mummy—Mary—teaches him religion and responsibility. Most importantly, they all teach him love. As Will grows up and learn 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 39.92 (-20%)

Dr. STONE 新石纪 New World Season 3 JAP/ENG (E / C / M) With the ambitious Ryuusui Nanami on board, Senkuu Ishigami and his team are almost ready to sail the seas and reach the other side of the world—where the bizarre green light that petrified humanity originated. Thanks to the revival of a skillful chef, enough food is being prepared for the entire crew, and the incredible reinvention of the GPS promises to ensure safety on the open sea. Preparations for the upcomi 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 39.92 (-20%)

Jujutsu Kaisen 咒术回战 Season 1+2 JAP/ENG (E / C / M) In a world where demons feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryoumen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the undead! Yuuji Itadori is high scho 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 55.92 (-20%)

Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon 家里蹲吸血姬的郁闷 JAP (E / C) 穆露奈依特帝国的名门贵族加德斯布拉德家族的千金缇拉鞠•加德斯布拉德。明明是吸血鬼却因为“不能喝血”而无法成长饱受不能使用魔法、不能运动、不能长高的三重痛苦,备受烦恼,因此过了三年闭门不出的家里蹲生活。 但是,有一天,父亲给我找到了一个不可思议的工作,名叫『七天红大将军』! 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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Chang An The Movie 长安三万里剧场版(DVD) MAN (E / C) 安史之乱后数年,吐蕃大军入侵西南,大唐节度使高适交战不利,长安岌岌可危,困守孤城的高适向监军太监回忆起自己与李白的一生往事。在高适的回忆中,他曾三回梁园,三上黄鹤楼,三入长安,两下扬州,每一次的前往与离去都见证了李白、杜甫、李龟年、哥舒翰等唐代群贤各自的人生转折,以及潼关之战、 了解更多
原价 RM 23.90

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会员 RM 19.12 (-20%)

作者 Amy Goldsmith
An ocean-drenched, atmospheric horror debut! Liv's best friend disappears on their first night aboard their dream semester-at-sea program - but is he really sick, like everyone says, or is something darker lurking beneath the water? It should have been the trip of a lifetime. When Liv lands an all-expenses-paid opportunity to study aboard the luxury cruise ship the Eos for a semester, she can't believe her luck. Especially since it will offer her the chance to spend time wi 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Aimée Carter
As the illegitimate daughter of the King of England, seventeen-year-old Evan Bright knows a thing or two about keeping secrets. But when she's forced to spend the summer in London with her father and the royal family, who aren't exactly thrilled she exists, her identity is mysteriously revealed, and suddenly the world is dying to know every juicy lie the press prints about her. After a fun night turns deadly and Evan becomes the primary suspect in a murder investigation, the 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 Melissa Albert
House of Hollow meets A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, THE BAD ONES is a page-turning supernatural thriller about four mysterious disappearances in a town haunted by a sinister magical history - and one girl searching for the truth. A GAME GONE WRONG. A MISSING FRIEND. A TOWN OF BURIED SECRETS . . . Goddess, Goddess, count to five. In the morning, who's alive? One town. One night. Four people gone. Nora's best friend, Becca, is one of the lost. As Nora tries to piece togeth 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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会员 RM 53.96 (-10%)

作者 Western Digital
The My Passport drive is trusted, portable storage that gives you the confidence and freedom to drive forward in life. With a new, stylish design that fits in the palm of your hand, there’s space to store, organize, and share your photos, videos, music, and documents. Perfectly paired with WD Backup™ software and password protection, the My Passport drive helps keep your digital life's contents safe. Product Details • Slim style Make the most of your journey with style 了解更多
原价 RM 285.00

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作者 Lily Bailey
An uplifting middle-grade story with a charming dyspraxic main character that celebrates individuality and finding your place in the world. Perfect for fans of Elle McNicoll. 'I feel like I'm always ... last. Like I'm running to try and keep up with everyone but it's no good.' April has always marched to the beat of her own drum, but would life be easier if she learned to fit in? Now that she's in Year 8, things have got even worse. She's much more likely to be trying to re 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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会员 RM 43.92 (-20%)

作者 Stephanie Archer
He's the hot, grumpy goalie I had a crush on in high school... and now I'm his live-in assistant. After my ex crushed my dreams in the music industry, I'm done with getting my heart broken. Working as an assistant for an NHL player was supposed to be a breeze, but nothing about Jamie Streicher is easy. He's an intimidatingly hot, grouchy jerk who can't stand me. The guy has a massive ego. Keeping things professional will be no problem, even when he demands I move in with him 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 55.92 (-20%)

作者 Gareth Brown
A debut novel full of magic, adventure, and romance, The Book of Doors opens up a thrilling world of contemporary fantasy for readers of The Midnight Library, The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, The Night Circus, and any modern story that mixes the wonder of the unknown with just a tinge of darkness. Cassie Andrews works in a New York City bookshop, shelving books, making coffee for customers, and living an unassuming, ordinary life. Until the day one of her favorite customer 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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作者 Marissa Meyer
Jude is determined to fly under the radar. That is, until the night he comes across a mysterious 20-sided dice and finds himself inexplicably gifted with a bout of supernatural good luck. Suddenly, everything Jude has ever wanted is within reach. His first art submission is accepted to his favourite fanzine. And he’s the 100th caller to a local radio contest, winning him a pair of coveted concert tickets, which he uses to ask out the popular girl he’s been crushing on. Bu 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Enid Blyton
A bedtime collection of short stories by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! From a wizard on the moon to midnight fairy parties, there's a dreamy story for everyone in this short story collection by Enid Blyton. Drift off to dreamland with these starlit adventures! These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for readi 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

现售 RM 49.41 (-10%)

会员 RM 43.92 (-20%)

*Siri ini disediakan khusus untuk kanak-kanak berumur 4 hingga 6 tahun *Setiap buku mengandungi pelbagai aktiviti menarik yang dapat meningkatkan minat kanak-kanak untuk belajar *Buku-buku dalam siri ini juga dapat menguji minda kanak-kanak sekali gus membimbing mereka untuk menghadapi cabaran yang lebih kompleks dalam pembelajaran 了解更多
原价 RM 4.50

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会员 RM 4.05 (-10%)

*This series is specially prepared for children aged 4 to 6 years *Each book is made up of fun and varied activities to stimulate children's interest in learning *These books are also designed to help children build a strong foundation in each subject and ultimately prepare them for more complex learning tasks ahead 了解更多
原价 RM 4.50

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*This series is specially prepared for children aged 4 to 6 years *Each book is made up of fun and varied activities to stimulate children's interest in learning *These books are also designed to help children build a strong foundation in each subject and ultimately prepare them for more complex learning tasks ahead 了解更多
原价 RM 4.50

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*This series is specially prepared for children aged 4 to 6 years *Each book is made up of fun and varied activities to stimulate children's interest in learning *These books are also designed to help children build a strong foundation in each subject and ultimately prepare them for more complex learning tasks ahead 了解更多
原价 RM 4.50

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作者 Taherah Mafi
Picking up at the explosive cliff-hanger ending of These Infinite Threads, Alizeh, the heir to the Jinn throne, has been stolen away to the neighboring kingdom of Tulan by Cyrus, its mercurial ruler. He plans to marry her there, giving her everything she needs to become the Jinn queen. Only then will he be able to fulfill his own bargain with the devil. Alizeh is determined to escape, until she realizes that Cyrus's plan may be the key to fulfilling her own destiny—and that 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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会员 RM 62.96 (-10%)

*本系列是一套专为四至六岁的幼儿所编写的作业 *每本作业具有生动有趣的活动,提高幼儿的学习兴趣,帮助他们打好各个科目的基础,为未来的学习之路做好准备 了解更多
原价 RM 4.50

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原价 RM 151.90

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会员 RM 136.71 (-10%)

原价 RM 182.90

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SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect 了解更多
原价 RM 549.00

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会员 RM 494.10 (-10%)

SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect 了解更多
原价 RM 549.00

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会员 RM 494.10 (-10%)

SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect 了解更多
原价 RM 549.00

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会员 RM 494.10 (-10%)

SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect 了解更多
原价 RM 549.00

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会员 RM 494.10 (-10%)

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