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作者 伊琳娜·波斯里
提升IQ的關鍵就在邏輯推理能力! 25類題型,400+道邏輯遊戲,讓你變身超級金頭腦 輕鬆應付企業面試、學校智力測驗,享受別人崇拜的眼光!   思考縝密、推理嚴謹,德國人優秀的邏輯能力舉世聞名,其中的秘密就來自於他們日常的系統化訓練。   德國邏輯學家弗雷格更認為,所有的數學最終可以歸化為邏輯,數學是邏輯的一部分。邏輯能力強的人,面 了解更多
原价 RM 44.65

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原价 RM 197.90

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作者 雪莉·特克
科技社會學權威、《在一起孤獨》作者 ————雪莉.特克Sherry Turkle———— 最新力作 《在一起孤獨》揭露了科技帶來的人際疏離與困境 《重新與人對話》則揭示了要如何與你自己、與你摯愛的人們充分連結 讓你找回話語真正的力量! 本書將是數位時代幫助你肯定自我,修補人際、職場、家庭與情感關係 最具效力的「對話療法」   ▌我的屋裡有三把椅 了解更多
原价 RM 86.25

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作者 Jane Corry
'Compulsive, edgy and fabulous twists!' B A Paris'Few writers can match Jane Corry' Cara HunterHE CHEATED. HE LIED... HE DIED.Vicki's husband David once promised to love her in sickness and in health. But after a brutal attack left her suffering with epilepsy, he ran away with his mistress. So when Vicki gets a call one day to say that he's missing, her first thought is 'good riddance'. But then the police find eviden 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 安東尼‧波登
  ☆美國AMAZON書店、《紐約時報》排行榜暢銷好書☆   繼《廚房機密檔案》後火力全開的精彩續集   《波登不設限》《波登闖異地》 賤嘴主廚安東尼‧波登   最「辛辣,但真誠」的人生告白   毫無保留,火力全開!     「毫不在乎」對我來說一直是很成功的商業模式。 ——安東尼.波登(Anthony Bourdain)   ☆從主廚、作家到專業美食 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 David Waller
It’s a game you’re already playing, whether you like it or not. You can choose to ignore it and remain at the mercy of what others say about you, or you can take the time to learn how it works. For those who do the potential benefits are unlimited. Through pioneering research and interviews with a host of major figures ranging from Jay-Z and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman to Bernie Madoff and Man Booker prize-winning Hilary Mantel, Waller and Younger reveal the key mec 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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作者 David Horner , Steve Stoddard
Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) Accounting Student Book provides comprehensive coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Accounting (0452) syllabus, with in-depth content presented in a clear and easily accessible format. Written by experienced teachers, it offers a wide range of carefully developed features to help students to develop and apply their knowledge. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education First teaching: 2018 First exams: 2020 The Student Book provi 了解更多
原价 RM 119.00

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作者 David Horner  , Steve Stoddard
Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) Accounting Workbook supports the Student Book by providing additional material for skills development and reinforcement of understanding. It is fully matched to the Cambridge IGCSE Accounting (0452) syllabus and offers carefully-graded exercises to meet the needs of all learners. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education First teaching: 2018 First exams: 2020 The Workbook supports the Student's Book in providing additional 了解更多
原价 RM 42.00

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作者 朱莉·施沃布 , 大卫·努埃
轻食不只是素食、节食和单纯地瘦身,而是提倡一种积极、健康、均衡的生活态度。 本书将享受美味和均衡营养巧妙地结合起来。书中专业的营养指导主张顺应个人口味,找到适合自己生活方式的饮食之道。并按照促进智力发育并提高记忆力、改善睡眠、养护肌肤、排毒、增强免疫力、减轻压力并缓解焦虑六大健康功效,分别提供了食材易得、做法极简又营养 了解更多
原价 RM 48.00

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作者 賽門·西奈克 , 大衛·米德 , 彼得·道克
★TED 4000萬人追蹤的黃金圈理論的具體行動方案 ★新生代領導大師賽門‧西奈克一次解答實踐《先問,為什麼?》的疑惑   成就感,不是少數人的特權,是人人都可以擁有的權利!   關鍵在清晰地了解自己的為什麼,有紀律地天天刻意實踐。   個人與團隊,都能按部就班找到為什麼,   為生活與工作注入熱情與意義!   Thinkers50全球管理思 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 大衛·博瑪特 , 克莉絲汀·羅伯格
腦部健康的關鍵在腸道 顧腸道就是顧大腦!   新一波醫療革命已風起雲湧,最新醫學研究指出,你的大腦命運其實與你的腸道健康息息相關。你每天吃下肚的食物,正是身心健康最重要的變因。雖然你沒有生過什麼大病,但只要稍不留心吃下的食物,腸道生態就可能失去平衡。如果腸道的主宰是益菌,你就會感到身心舒暢,如果壞菌在腸道稱王,你就會病痛 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 大衛·博瑪特 , 克莉絲汀·羅伯格
想要大腦靈活健康、身體不生病, 就從實踐無麩質飲食開始!   麩質就像「沉默的殺手,   在你察覺情況不妙時,   早已對你的大腦與身體,   造成永久的損害,   從現在起,改變每天吃下肚的食物,   你也可以遠離疾病,長保思緒清晰。   ◎你知道嗎?   ‧幾乎每個人,都會受麩質所害!小麥等含有麩質的穀物,不只讓你胃腸不適, 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 W·大衛·馬克思
  本書是一扇誘人的窗,讓人窺見文化、時尚與歷史三者如何相互交織,彼此影響。——《華爾街日報》   從完美復刻的軍裝外套,到以老式梭織機織成的復古丹寧褲,從某一點上來看,日本的男裝可說是封存了美式服裝經典風格的時光膠囊。然而,是什麼原因才讓日本在二次大戰後引發如此變遷? 而且,日本生產的美式服裝何以青出於藍,樣貌更勝美國? 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 David Grann
NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST • NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A twisting, haunting true-life murder mystery about one of the most monstrous crimes in American history, from the author of The Lost City of Z. In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe. Then, one by one, the Osa 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 David Walliams
NINE hilarious and moving novels from bestselling, critically acclaimed author, David Walliams, in one box-set! Titles included in this Mega-Tastic Book Set : - Gangsta Granny - Billionaire Boy - Grandpa's Great Escape - Mr Stink - Ratburger - Demon Dentist - The Boy in the Dress - The Midnight Gang - Awful Auntie David's books have been translated into 53 languages and sold over 25 million copies worldwide. With a canon of ten chartbusting novels and five hil 了解更多
原价 RM 342.00

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作者 大卫·威斯纳
一个小男孩在美国帝国大厦上与一朵小白云偶遇。小男孩坐在云上,穿过云山雾海,眼前赫然出现一座天空之城——城上插满了巨大的喇叭,有无数朵白云从里面飘出来,原来这里是神秘的7号梦工厂!小男孩意外地开启了一段惊奇旅程,他的到来让有志难伸的云朵们得以幻化成一个个精彩杰作,也带给城市的人们一份难以言喻的惊喜礼物!但是这种情况让管理 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 威瑪·戴衛森
苦幹實幹10年,比不上一封10分鐘寫的信? 亞馬遜書店5顆星好評,暢銷超過20年的職場必備工具書 向《財富雜誌》(Fortune)500強企業顧問學習致勝商業寫作 寫好英文商務書信,讓你說服人心、領導下屬、建言上司、打好關係、拓展人脈   用英文寫信、打報告,總是刪刪寫寫,改到頭昏腦脹嗎?   客戶拖延該怎麼催?銷售報告落落長怎麼刪?   爭取機會 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 大衛·格羅斯曼
  ★2017年布克國際文學獎得獎作品   ★2017年紐約時報百大影響力好書      四十三年後重逢的兩人。   在黑暗又狂亂的笑話中,   閃起亮若白晝的哀傷。      以色列北方小城內坦亞的酒吧裡,喜劇演員多夫在他五十七歲生日當天,邀請兒時舊識、地方法院的退休法官拉札爾來觀賞演出,並希望拉札爾告訴他看完表演的感想。      隨著 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 大衛·羅斯科夫
  ★Amazon四顆星讀者推薦   ★超人氣TED相關演講影片總點閱破百萬次   一波波的科技變革,正將我們推向一場全面革命的當口,   劃時代的改變即將來臨,但許多人卻仍不斷向過去靠攏。   我們該如何因應即將到來的巨變浪潮?   提出正確的問題,就是開始的第一步。   本書作者大衛・羅斯科夫是《外交政策》雜誌集團執行長、哥倫比亞大 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 E.M.佛斯特
在這片廣袤天空底下,除了尊敬,我們只希望得到平等 雖然,他既不屬於英國人也不屬於印度人,他只屬於他自己……   最新、完整全譯!   出版逾90年,經典文學桂冠   英國偉大作家E. M. 佛斯特生前最後一部長篇巨著《印度之旅》   詹姆斯‧泰特‧布萊克紀念文學獎(The James Tait Black Memorial Prize)獲獎之作   改編電影由大師導演大衛‧連(David L 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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  ☆《華爾街日報》、英國《金融時報》、《財星》、《富比士》、《公司雜誌》專文報導推薦   當代最有影響力的創新大師克里斯汀生最新著作   揭開破壞性創新未解決的關鍵:商機在哪裡?該如何創新?      顧客想要的不是你的產品或服務,而是解決他問題的方案   學會問對問題,改變思考視角,找出顧客真正購買的原因   31個給領導者 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 奈傑爾·沃伯頓 , 大衛·愛德蒙茲
饕客都知道,到高級餐廳必點tasting menu才能嘗到主廚的拿手好菜 同理,怕迷失在哲學饗宴中,先聽聽當代哲學家巷子內talk   ★限時15分鐘的哲學大師心靈之旅★   柏拉圖、馬基維利、蒙田、笛卡兒、康德、維根斯坦、沙特、羅爾斯、德希達……   讓當代哲學家從專業的角度、精闢的現代觀點   在短短15分鐘內 替你畫一幅哲學大師速寫   暢銷作 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 大衛·阿格斯
【紐約時報暢銷書《無病時代》實踐版】 「世界級頂尖癌症醫師」精心整理出 每天都能做得到的養命指南 教您不花錢!卻活得久、活得好!   轟動全美,未上市即空降美國AMAZON網路書店排行榜第一名!   出版後,席捲美國各大書籍排行榜,蟬連榜上長達半年!   在台灣也成為暢銷書的《無病時代》作者,良心醫生阿格斯博士,   以值得信賴 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 Edgar Allan Poe
This mesmerising, macabre collection contains Edgar Allan Poe's best-known poetry, including 'The Raven', 'Annabel Lee' and 'Lenore', and a selection of his very best stories, along with his finest tales from the last decade of his tragically short life. Many of these stories and poems explore the familiar Poe themes of murder, obsession and love, but this volume also contains many overlooked tales of the fantastic, black comedies, parodies and hoaxes, such as 'The Unparallel 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Dr David Perlmutter MD
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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作者 大衛·崔普利納
只須回答,就能療癒自己, 毫無顧忌寫下最真實的答案,然後喜歡真實的自己。 那些忘記的、沒想過的、不敢講的,都寫在這本書裡吧。 壓抑太久,太多情緒無法釋放,藉這本書,好好清掃一下!   這是一本充滿特別問題的書,它非常私密,只有你自己可以回答。   有一些問題你從未想過、有些話你不敢說出來,你的答案可以開啟深鎖的回憶和心靈, 了解更多
原价 RM 37.20

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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes is back on the case in this collection of sparkling short stories, in which we learn about Holmes' early days as a sleuth, encounter a seemingly murderous widow, and meet the great detective's brother, Mycroft, for the first time. And, in 'The Final Problem', Holmes comes face-to-face with his nemesis, Professor Moriarty, in a battle of wits that could kill them both. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized cl 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Faithfully supported by his chronicler, Dr Watson, Sherlock Holmes pits his wits against 'Napoleon of Crime' Professor Moriarty, assists European royalty threatened by disgrace, helps to solve the mysterious death of a young woman due to be married, and investigates intrigues that have defeated the detectives of Scotland Yard. Packed with excitement and mystery, this collection showcases the legendary sleuth at his very best. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a seri 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Three years after his supposed death at the Reichenbach Falls, Sherlock Holmes returns to 221B Baker Street, to the astonishment of Dr Watson and the delight of readers worldwide. From kidnapped heirs to murder by harpoon, Holmes and Watson have their work cut out for them in these brilliant later tales. This collection also includes His Last Bow, a series of recollections from an older Sherlock Holmes of further adventures from his life. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Li 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Hyeonseo Lee , David John
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER An extraordinary insight into life under one of the world's most ruthless and secretive dictatorships - and the story of one woman's terrifying struggle to avoid capture/repatriation and guide her family to freedom. As a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee was one of millions trapped by a secretive and brutal communist regime. Her home on the border with China gave her some exposure to the world beyond the co 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 大衛·拉格朗茲
  讓人上癮的完美小說,全球超過8000萬人追逐   《龍紋身的女孩》最新續集,全美首刷50萬本,上市3個月狂賣350萬本      人們說「她」不會再回來,他們錯了。   天才駭客莎蘭德回來了。   縱使敵人熟知她一切技術,卻不知她的最終武器是──不要命的勇氣。      ★亞馬遜網路書店、Goodreads書評網站年度好書、驚悚推理好書、讀者最 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 馬克·彼特曼
「如果馬克早一點出版這本書,我可能就不必去上烹飪學校了。」 ──David Chang(美國名廚、《時代雜誌》十大食神) 簡潔的要點╳簡約的技法╳靈活的變化,創造在家下廚的美好感受! 全球百萬暢銷獲獎美食作家 馬克.彼特曼 鉅獻 全套收錄185道食譜 + 1,000張照片 + 超過500種變化作法, 運用10招萬用備料技巧、13 種烹飪技術、5大黃金原則, 以簡馭繁排除所 了解更多
原价 RM 195.90

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作者 Roald Dahl
The Enormous Crocodile is planning what to have for his lunch. This foul fiend - the greediest croc in the whole river - wants to eat something juicy and delicious. His teeth sparkle like knives in the sun and he's getting hungrier and hungrier. But what can the greedy grumptious brute guzzle up?Beware - he's looking for someone . . . someone who looks a lot like YOU!Listen to THE ENORMOUS CROCODILE and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some ve 了解更多
原价 RM 24.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller! BOY, Roald Dahl's bestselling autobiography, is full of hilarious anecdotes about his childhood and school days, illustrated by Quentin Blake. As a boy, all sorts of unusual things happened to Roald Dahl. There was the time he and four school friends got their revenge on beastly Mrs Prachett in her sweet shop. There are stories of holidays in fishing boats, African adventures and the days o 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
'A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero' - David Walliams Roald Dahl is the world's NUMBER ONE storyteller- the perfect author for every young reader's library! George Kranky's Grandma is a miserable grouch. George really hates that horrid old witchy woman. One Saturday morning, George is in charge of giving Grandma her medicine. So-ho! Ah-ha! Ho-hum! George knows exactly what to do. A magic medicine* it will be. One that will either cure her completely . . . o 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
Every Saturday morning the Greg family goes off to shoot animals and birds. But the girl who lives next door hates hunting. Now it's made her so angry she's PUT THE MAGIC FINGER ON THEM ALL. And very strange things have begun to happen . . .And now you can listen to THE MAGIC FINGER (with THE MINPINS) and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and Steven Fry - plus there are added squelchy soundeffec 了解更多
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作者 Roald Dahl
Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller!Billy's biggest wish is to turn a weird old wooden house into a wonderful sweet-shop. But then he finds a giraffe, a pelly and a monkey living inside - they're the Ladderless Window-Cleaning Company! Who needs ladders when you've got a giraffe? They become best friends and when they meet the richest man in all of England, there's a chance that Billy's scrumptious-galumptious dream just 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
THE WITCHES by Roald Dahl is the story of a detestable breed of Witches. BEWARE. Real witches dress in ordinary clothes and look like ordinary women. But they are not ordinary. They are always plotting and scheming with murderous, bloodthirsty thoughts - and they hate children. The Grand High Witch hates children most of all and plans to make every single one of YOU disappear. Only one boy and his grandmother can stop her, but if their plan fails the Grand High Witch 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller! WHOOSH! Inside the Great Glass Elevator, Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket and his family are cruising a thousand feet above the chocolate factory. They can see the whole world below them, but they're not alone. The American Space Hotel has just launched. Lurking inside are the Vernicious Knids - the most brutal, vindictive murderous beasts in the universe. So grab your gizzard! Hold your hats! O 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
"A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero" - David Walliams "So Matilda's strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone."Matilda is the world's most famous bookworm, no thanks to her ghastly parents.Her father thinks she's a little scab. Her mother spends all af 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller!Mr Willy Wonka is the most extraordinary chocolate maker in the world.And do you know who Charlie is? Charlie Bucket is the hero. The other children in this book are nasty little beasts, called: Augustus Gloop - a great big greedy nincompoop; Veruca Salt - a spoiled brat; Violet Beauregarde - a repulsive little gum-chewer; Mike Teavee - a 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
"A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero" - David Walliams Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller!Danny lives in a gipsy caravan with his father, the most marvellous and exciting father any boy ever had.All the land around them belongs to Mr Victor Hazell, a rich snob with a great glistening beery face and tiny piggy eyes. Nobody likes him, not one-little bit.So one day, Danny and his father concoc 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Roald Dahl
A must-have on any bookshelf, Fantastic Mr Fox is a children's classic that never fails to get all young readers laughing out loud!And now with a phizzwhizzing new cover look, you definitely need to get your paws on Mr Fox's tale from Roald Dahl, the world's NUMBER ONE Storyteller! Boggis is an enormously fat chicken farmer who only eats boiled chickens smothered in fat.Bunce is a duck-and-goose farmer whose dinner gives him a beastly temp 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 大衛.逵曼
當我們包圍野生動物,把牠們逼到牆角、消滅牠們、並吃掉牠們時, 我們也染上了牠們的疾病! 人類踏進了病原的地盤,創造了絕佳的條件讓自己成為新的宿主, 也替神祕病原製造了全新的生態機會,為自己招來下一場大禍!   我們無法避開這些可怕疾病而置身事外,因為我們就活在自然界裡,   人類常常忘了,自己也是動物之一,而且和其他動物 了解更多
原价 RM 78.65

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会员 RM 70.79 (-10%)

作者 大衛.費德曼 , 李.丹尼爾.克拉維茨
連心理學家也讚嘆的命運決鬥, 從大挫折到谷底反彈的隱性力量!   ★亞馬遜網路書店暢銷書   ★Business Insider、《彭博商業週刊》選書   ★《時人雜誌》、《時代雜誌》、《今日心理學》、《哈佛商業週刊》好評推薦   好萊塢特技演員、世界紀錄保持人、成功的企業家,   還有改變世界的人權鬥士要告訴我們的事──世界其實沒有那麼美好! 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

原价 RM 163.65

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会员 RM 147.29 (-10%)

作者 Lang Leav
Best-selling poet Lang Leav presents a gorgeous hardcover gift book featuring the best of Lullabies and Love & Misadventure plus thirty-five new poems for fans to discover, along with original color illustrations by the author. For fans of Lang Leav, this beautiful gift book is a must-have! Beloved pieces from Lullabies and Love & Misadventure are collected together in this illustrated treasury. In addition, 35 new poems that have not 了解更多
原价 RM 88.00

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会员 RM 70.40 (-20%)

作者 Brian Sargent , David Watson , Graham Brown
Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education Now including Brian Sargent in the expert author team, alongside first edition authors Graham Brown and David Watson, this book has been fully revised and updated to cover every part of the latest Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417) syllabus. • Written by experts, who bring a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to both the book and the CD • Ensures that students are fully prepared for both the writt 了解更多
原价 RM 102.50

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会员 RM 92.25 (-10%)


作者 西恩‧大衛‧科恩
「別吃什麼」比「要吃什麼」更重要千萬倍! 我們每天吃的食物與使用的日用品,都添加了太多有害化學物質, 這些毒素正悄悄的在你體內種下癌症的種子! 從今天起,學習別再吃進癌症,你才不會被癌症吃掉。   食安風暴一樁接著一樁連環爆,黑心商品裡隱藏的化學添加物,更是廠商不肯老實說的秘密。   化學添加物、環境荷爾蒙,還有許多潛 了解更多
原价 RM 33.90

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会员 RM 30.51 (-10%)

作者 麥可‧米勒
為什麼定價9結尾的商品總是賣得比較好? 到底是什麼樣的數字祕密,連FBI都想知道? 環顧四週,我們的生活數字無所不在。 你是否曾經想過,這些數字「究竟代表了什麼」? 它們是打哪來的?是誰決定要用這些數字組合? 別以為數字只是數字,它們其實都在你我的生活中偷偷耍心機! 你知道黑心食品的代號之一是E102? 撲克牌為什麼是52張? 為什 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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会员 RM 38.79 (-10%)

作者 大衛.伯金斯 
美國藝術教育革命之作,哈佛「零計畫」多元智能奠基大作。看畫10分鐘,是有效的思考練習,更是最簡單的藝術觀賞之道。   了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

作者 Morgan Chang , David Hsu
雲端應用概論:本書介紹虛擬主機與網頁寄存概念,對於雲端應用服務不太瞭解的讀者,可透過本章節瞭解現今雲端服務商業模式與架構,對於已瞭解基礎概念的讀者,透過本章節重新構思架設的服務,創造創新網頁服務應用。   虛擬主機/網頁寄存:說明如何利用Heroku進行靜態、整合式與功能性網站建置,本章節同時介紹Heroku網羅眾多業者Add-ons服務,教你 了解更多
原价 RM 57.20

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会员 RM 51.48 (-10%)

作者 David A Thayne
歐巴馬道晚安 (可能)不說「Good night」!?   日本最受歡迎的英語老師,讓你英語說得連老外都按讚   你還在用國中英語跟外國人對談嗎?   還在用「What is your name?」、「No, thank you」、「Please help me?」   這些怪英文嗎?你這知道這三句老外聽起來是:   「你哪位?」、「不必了」、「救命!」   當心!你可能已經嚇到老外、囧到老外,或是恐 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 BillGardner
你對LOGO設計是否具有以下盲點? 凹設計師朋友幫忙做一個簡單的logo交差了事 全權交給設計師發想就好,完全沒有溝通 對於什麼才是好的logo設計完全沒有概念 許多企業不明白為什麼要花那麼多錢來製作商業識別,常常都是凹公司內部設計人員或是要網站設計人員半買半相送。其實logo不只是圖像,擴大到企業識別的領域,它就是企業與品牌的外表。若是業主本 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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会员 RM 61.74 (-10%)

作者 Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell's dazzling and provocative exploration of why everything we think we know about power is wrong What if everything we thought about power was wrong? What if, in the ancient story of the shepherd boy who topples a giant, David actually had the advantage? This thought sets Malcolm Gladwell on an extraordinary journey that takes him from art to basketball, the brain to revolutions, along the way weaving unforgettable stories of misfits, outsiders, trickster 了解更多
原价 RM 42.95

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会员 RM 38.66 (-10%)

作者 安德魯‧索柏 , 傑洛‧帕拿
★亞馬遜書店「溝通技巧類」暢銷榜 No. 1   想知道如何讓產品賣得更好?   該如何跟盛怒下的老闆溝通?   想瞭解怎麼跟任何人都聊得來?   《紐約時報》、《富比士》、美國《商業週刊》競邀的人際溝通專家教你   33種情境×9類需求×337個中英對照問題   讓你跟誰開口都沒問題!   問對問題,比答對答案更有威力!   善用發問的力量, 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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会员 RM 38.61 (-10%)

作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 46.50

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会员 RM 41.85 (-10%)

作者 陈锡远
本书作者陈锡远是知名福建企业家和慈善家陈六使的第三代子孙。陈锡远将本书献给他的祖父陈六使,因为是祖父的勇气和资源帮助了陈锡远坚持去追求自己的理想;还有祖父独特的福建民族文化及口味,也深深的铭刻在陈锡远的心里,同时也使促使本书的诞生。 陈锡远在本书里介绍了50道精彩的福建家庭食谱。书中大多数食谱都是让人怀念的老味道,其中有 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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会员 RM 27.81 (-10%)

作者 布萊斯.霍夫曼
<內容簡介> ★2011年《時代週刊》百大人物、英國《金融時報》2011年度風雲人物、 獲選《執行長雜誌》2011年風雲執行長 穆拉利的不可能任務:拯救福特 曾經,福特汽車是華爾街分析師最不看好、預測最先倒閉的車廠 在穆拉利的改革下,奇蹟復活逆轉勝!   拯救福特,CNBC報導美國史上最偉大的企業拯救計畫   各大媒體爭相報導:《時代》雜誌、《華 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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会员 RM 61.74 (-10%)

作者 陳金偉 , 寧仁梅
《從看不見的手到資訊不對稱:解讀10位經濟學大師的智慧觀點》 10位影響世界經濟運作的大師 一部綜觀全球發展歷史的鉅作 200多年的經濟學發展歷程 從「看不見的手」到「資訊不對稱」 從《國富論》到《全球化及其不滿》 看學者在複雜的經濟現象中,如何找到分析觀點與解決策略 亞當‧斯密(Adam Smith) 1723/6/5-1790/7/17 大衛‧李嘉圖(David Ricardo) 1772/4/18-1823 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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会员 RM 38.61 (-10%)

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