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作者 陳希夷 , 了然山人
  讓所有斗數愛好者,能從源頭處了解紫微斗數的原始面貌,不再被許許多多的荒謬理論或個人讀書心得給誤導。   山人常說,如果你沒看過紫微斗數創術人 希夷先生有關紫微斗數的著作,不管是這本『紫微斗數全書』或是『十八飛星策天紫微斗數全集』,你怎知道你學的是不是正統的紫微斗數呢?在網路發達,凡事講究速成的現代科技社會,google大神確 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 奧谷孝司 , 岩井琢磨
2040年將迎來真正的數位社會, 5年後,仍在做同樣事情的企業將會被淘汰, 創造顧客連結點,正是生死存亡的關鍵! 此刻處於中場的我們擁有巨大優勢, 超前部署數位革命的下半場戰役! 產業實例+完整理論, 打造你的全新行銷思維!   世界正以驚人的速度改變,在數位革命的局勢中,本書將教你跳脫坐以待斃的狀態,運用「顧客價值金字塔」和「顧 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 桑原晃彌
左擁台積電,右抱日本五大貿易商; 人類史上最厲害的投資家的決策智慧完.全.公.開!   為什麼要學巴菲特的決策邏輯?   因為華倫・巴菲特是史上第一位僅靠投資成為億萬富翁的活傳說,甚至被人們冠上「智者」的頭銜。他從11歲第一次投資股票以來,投資資歷已經超過80年,擁有1113億美元以上的資產,不曾蒙受巨大虧損;另一方面,他不惜捐出 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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会员 RM 47.12 (-10%)

作者 經緯文化
3年冇飛 到京阪神當然要玩夠本! 大阪2023最新話題景點 梅田最新商場Links Umeda、光影藝術teamLab長居植物園、刺激緊張通天閣巨型滑梯及觀景台、老幼咸宜環球影城Super Mario園區 關西地道吃貨地圖 狂掃黑門市場、道頓堀街頭小食、京都正宗懷石料理、貴船川床料理、神戶靚牛,琳瑯美食吃不停口 發掘關西新事與傳統 主題樂園最新情報、各大小商場購物攻略、 了解更多
原价 RM 83.20

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会员 RM 74.88 (-10%)

作者 瓶顆
  告別日本許久,首發就用滿開的「櫻花」迎接久違的東京吧!      東京人氣部落客瓶顆,網羅東京大街小巷的人氣、在地賞櫻景點;   提供除了熱門時期的賞櫻選擇,讓你不再為了錯過櫻花季而懊惱。   本書介紹的東京櫻花多達 12 種,前進在地人才知道的賞櫻秘境、一起深度追櫻;   拍下櫻花與東京鐵塔的奇蹟美照,那些網路沒記載的私房取 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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作者 Nigel P. Daly
數位履歷躍升新時代求職利器 你應具備以下新觀念 --熟悉履歷特有語言 --連結社群拓展人脈 --自我行銷無遠弗屆 本書特色   ★外商企業 ★全球人脈 ★跨國團隊   提高個人優勢能見度,理想職缺自動找上門!   企業人資在篩選面試者時,對應徵者的第一印象取決於其履歷內容是否夠吸睛!   因此想在國際商務領域中找到一份好工作,最重要的 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 John M. Jennings
This is not a typical investment book. It is an experiential guide on cultivating the mindset and behavior necessary to weather inherently uncertain and unpredictable markets. It doesn’t just tell you how to invest but how to think better about investing. Referencing studies on psychology, decision making, and investment behavior, Jennings provides a no-nonsense analysis of the financial markets and a road map to navigating its inevitable twists and turns. Jennings u 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

作者 Reid Hoffman , June Cohen , Deron Triff
What can you learn from a Silicon Valley legend and a pantheon of iconic leaders? The key to scaling a successful business isn't talent, network or strategy. It's an entrepreneurial mindset - and that mindset can be cultivated. Behind the scenes in Silicon Valley, Reid Hoffman (founder of LinkedIn, investor at Greylock) is a sought-after advisor to heads of companies and heads of state. On his podcast Masters of Scale, he sits down with an all-star list of visionary founders 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 Freeman Publications
Think you've "missed the boat" on investing in cutting-edge technology? Think again… Now is the perfect time to invest in the #1 opportunity of the 2020s: Artificial Intelligence. Bill Gates says this is “Every bit as important as the PC or the internet.” Google CEO Sundar Pichai calls AI “More profound than fire or electricity.” And consulting firm PWC found that the AI industry will be worth over $15 Trillion by 2030. That’s more than half the value of the en 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 Nadia Khan
"The road less traveled really is hard. There's no map, no manual. It's just you trying to figure things out as you go along, all the while hoping you don't lose yourself or your humanity." After suffering from a tragedy, Abby picks up the pieces of her broken self while still being plagued by the consequences of her impulsive actions. But words from the millennial bible – "Adulting is hard" – follow her like a curse as she struggles to not fall into the trap of bad deci 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

现售 RM 19.92 (-20%)

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作者 Jackie Reses , Lauren Weinberg
Part starter-kit, part encyclopedia, and part inspiration, Self-Made Boss is an essential survival guide for small businesses When it comes to getting practical advice, small business owners too often don’t know where to look. Sure, you can find all sorts of high-level strategic tips from Fortune 500 CEOs. But what if you own a restaurant, and you’re trying to figure out how to source good fish, or if you’re looking to increase revenue from your plumbing supply st 了解更多
原价 RM 121.50

现售 RM 62.90 (-48%)

会员 RM 62.90 (-48%)

Buku ini memaparkan cerita - cerita popular yang sesuai dibaca oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Setiap perkataan diwarnakan mengikut suku kata untuk memudahkan pembacaan kanak - kanak, di samping dapat menguasai setiap perkataan dengan cepat dan tepat. Semoga penerbitan buku ini mampu memupuk minat membaca dalam kalangan kanak - kanak. 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

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作者 Jordan Tarver
Are you feeling lost, stuck, or confused? You may need a roadmap for the journey from where you are now to becoming the best version of yourself. In this authentic self-help book, Jordan Tarver, introspective author and world traveler, guides you on a journey of self-discovery. A close call with death at the age of 19 and a soul-searching solo backpacking trip at 21 taught Jordan how to live. Since then, he's dedicated himself to living a life infused with meaning and empowe 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 MJ DeMarco
Has the "settle-for-less" financial plan become your plan for wealth? That sounds something like this: Graduate from college, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks mocha lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your life-savings to Wall Street, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich. Since you were old enough to hold a job, you've been hoodwinked to beli 了解更多
原价 RM 89.90

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Buku ini memaparkan cerita - cerita popular yang sesuai dibaca oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Setiap perkataan diwarnakan mengikut suku kata untuk memudahkan pembacaan kanak - kanak, di samping dapat menguasai setiap perkataan dengan cepat dan tepat. Semoga penerbitan buku ini mampu memupuk minat membaca dalam kalangan kanak - kanak. 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

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Koleksi Cerita Aesop memaparkan cerita - cerita yang mengisahkan kehidupan sekumpulan haiwan di hutan dalam satu komuniti. Setiap jalinan cerita menampilkan unsur - unsur pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang mampu memberikan impak positif kepada para pembaca. 了解更多
原价 RM 28.90

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Buku 10 Cerita Terpilih dari Hadis dan Cerita Teladan ini memaparkan kisah-kisah teladan terbaik yang dipetik daripada hadis Rasulullah SAW. Rasulullah SAW merupakan contoh ikutan bagi seluruh umat manusia. Oleh itu, sejak dari kecil lagi anak-anak perlu didedahkan dengan sifat dan keperibadian Baginda yang patut menjadi ikutan mereka. Kisah-kisah dalam buku ini disampaikan dalam bahasa yang mudah dengan tahap umur pembaca muda. Perkataan-perkataannya dicetak dalam dua warna 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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Colour every corner of Equestria with this EPIC colouring and activity pad and join your favourite pony pals as they quest through Equestria! Visit all the famous places like Maretime Bay, Bridlewood Forest and Zephyr Heights. Colour in gorgeous scenes of each location and learn about the ponies that live there. Read about the mane five ponies as well as new characters Misty, and the evil Alicorn, Opaline! There are giant search-and-find activities, profile pages, a maze an 了解更多
原价 RM 34.90

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Buku ini memaparkan cerita - cerita popular yang sesuai dibaca oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Setiap perkataan diwarnakan mengikut suku kata untuk memudahkan pembacaan kanak - kanak, di samping dapat menguasai setiap perkataan dengan cepat dan tepat. Semoga penerbitan buku ini mampu memupuk minat membaca dalam kalangan kanak - kanak. 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

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SAYA SUDAH BALIGH memaparkan perkongsian penulis tentang persediaan adik-adik untuk menghadapi alam baligh secara peringkat demi peringkat, baik untuk si anak dara mahupun si anak bujang. Pelbagai fasa kehidupan yang kian mencabar dewasa ini menuntut anak-anak zaman ini supaya membekalkan diri dengan pengetahuan yang mencukupi. Dengan demikian, diharapkan mereka tidak terkandas dalam menyesuaikan diri. Buku ini bukan sahaja mendedahkan cara mendepani fasa baligh, malah mengaj 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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Thanks to the fascinating information that you'll find in this atlas, its illustrated maps, beautiful drawings and amazing pictures, you will dicover the wonders and marvels of the European continent! Have fun sticking dozens of stickers and placing the flags on a large map of Europe.  Thanks to this atlas, you'll learn about the European countries, their magnificent landscapes, their unique wild animals and some of their most well-known monuments. So, ready for a great Eur 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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Discover the impact of climate change in this book full of fascinating facts, amazing illustrated maps and incredible pictures. Enjoy decorating the giant poster and inside pages with stickers. This book will let you know about climate changes causes, but also solutions implemented around the world. You will understand what you can do within your own capacities.  Are you all set for your journey to change the world and act for the climate? 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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作者 富增章成
人生的難題,你不用獨自承擔, 讓尼采,成為你最堅強的後盾! |超萌情境式插圖|震撼心靈的名言精選|核心思想一把抓| ──用尼采的哲學,與人生煩惱正面對決──   ★日本超人氣系列!累積銷售突破120萬冊   ★超過130幅插圖,解說尼采思想的107個關鍵字   ★讓你大呼「原來如此!」的尼采哲學大補帖   ▌為什麼今天我們還需要讀尼采? 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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作者 筆子
★原本是剁手族+月光族的購物狂,轉變為極簡生活家的人生歷程★ ★不擁有的三大好處:少占有、更減壓、有餘裕★ 斷開購物欲的24個減量生活提案,看見生命中最重要的事!   囤物→極簡→不消費的行為模式轉變,   體悟到學會整理收納,不如從源頭開始,養成不擁有的習慣。   作者曾有將近十年的時間,每個月會把薪水一半拿去快樂購物。   了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

重新出發 盡遊倫敦新事舊物 【率先暢遊倫敦人氣新景點】 Lego萊斯特廣場旗艦店、攀登經典帆船卡蒂薩克號、全新真人「大富翁」大冒險 【歷久不衰倫敦名勝】 西敏寺教堂、大笨鐘、白金漢宮、聖保羅大教堂、倫敦塔、海德公園、維多利亞火車站 【倫敦博物館巡禮】 人氣之選:大英博物館、泰特現代美術館、英國國家美術館;特色之選:自然歷史博物館、交 了解更多
原价 RM 70.20

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会员 RM 63.18 (-10%)

作者 亨利·季辛吉 , 艾力克·施密特 , 丹尼爾·哈騰洛赫
美國前國務卿 ╳ Google前執行長 ╳ MIT首任計算學院院長 探索人類的極限與可能 政治、經濟、科技的跨界對談   人工智慧必將帶來劃時代的改變,會扭轉我們的社會、經濟、政治和外交政策,這一切影響遠遠超過任何領域的傳統範疇,而我們做好準備了嗎?   三位世界上極富成就的思想家齊聚一堂,思考人工智慧將如何改變我們與知識、政治和所生 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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作者 雷德·霍夫曼 , 茱·寇恩 , 德倫·特里夫
致勝沒有絕對的公式,卻有幾項顛撲不破的真理, 跟著LinkedIn創辦人雷德‧霍夫曼與Airbnb、Canva、Spanx等企業非凡領導者們, 揭示商業擴張的最強規則,一起邁向成功! 累積下載超過3000萬次,以一本書的形式認識全球商業指標Podcast   掌握創業思維與商業的再成長,本書提供了一個難得的交流窗口,世界上最具標誌性的公司,包括 Apple、Nike、Netflix、Spotify、G 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者  Lois Blyth
Everything he writes is an enlightening education in how to be human.' Elizabeth Day To fix a machine, first you need to find out what's wrong with it. To fix unhappiness, you need to find out what causes it. That Little Voice in Your Head is the practical guide to retraining your brain for optimal joy by Mo Gawdat, the internationally bestselling author of Solve for Happy. Mo reveals how by beating negative self-talk, we can change our thought processes, turning our gr 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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*Specially written for primary school students *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Acts as an effective revision book to complement the school textbook *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Complete answers provided 了解更多
原价 RM 4.20

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会员 RM 3.78 (-10%)

*Specially written for primary school students *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Acts as an effective revision book to complement the school textbook *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Complete answers provided 了解更多
原价 RM 4.20

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*Specially written for primary school students *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Acts as an effective revision book to complement the school textbook *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Complete answers provided 了解更多
原价 RM 4.20

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*Specially written for primary school students *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Acts as an effective revision book to complement the school textbook *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Complete answers provided 了解更多
原价 RM 4.20

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*Specially written for primary school students *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Acts as an effective revision book to complement the school textbook *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Complete answers provided 了解更多
原价 RM 4.20

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*Specially written for primary school students *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Acts as an effective revision book to complement the school textbook *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Complete answers provided 了解更多
原价 RM 4.20

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作者 肆一
作品累銷近1,100,000冊 華文影視暢銷作家「肆一」橫空出世 • 十年典藏作 《想念,卻不想見的人》《那些再與你無關的幸福》 ——霸榜百週,雙書35萬冊—— 重編紀念版 ▎套書附贈「About Love 聽‧說愛情展 ft.肆一」優待票兌換券一張 ▎   這些年來,有兩本書在失戀者間流轉,   前人修復傷痕後,在扉頁簽上名,遞給下一個人一起變好…… 了解更多
原价 RM 117.05

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会员 RM 105.35 (-10%)

作者 徐志斌
社群時代的商業規則正被重新定義 只有真正和用戶形成長遠又忠誠的親密關係 才能實現分享率高、轉換率高、回購率高、轉介率高 終極四高目標!   ★《每個人的商學院》、《商業洞察力》作者劉潤專文推薦   ★企業高層、知名投資人、自流量領域專業人士⋯⋯42位業內人士聯袂推薦   ★華為、小米、百度、騰訊、拼多多⋯⋯精選39個橫跨食衣住行娛 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Xiao Jiangnan
The Plants find half of a treasure map and a photograph in Dave’s basement. They discover various clues that lead them to search for a mysterious treasure in the legendary Dragon Bone Town.   While they are there, the Plants find the dinosaur egg that Dave’s father left behind. When they board the ghost train, they encounter space-time turbulence and end up travelling to another world. After surviving the attack from Sigilmassasaurus, the Plants enter the treasure site a 了解更多
原价 RM 17.50

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作者 經緯文化
闊別3年 繼續東京食買玩 【東京最新玩樂地標】 涉谷:SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE、宮下公園;新宿:MUJI 新宿、Alpen TOKYO;池袋:Q-plaza;秋葉原:秋葉原HOBBY 天國2、TAMASHII NATIONS TOKYO;東京車站:GRANSTA八重北 【話題街頭美食】 涉谷橫町、阿美橫丁、淺草橫町、仲見世通、竹下通小吃街、鎌倉小町通,由街頭食到街尾 【怒買手信土產】 N.Y.C. SAND焦糖朱古力曲奇、烤 了解更多
原价 RM 83.20

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会员 RM 74.88 (-10%)

作者 林直人
針對內向人、關係過敏者的行銷聖經 繭居族青創老闆不藏私的 網路平台、廣告、SEO跟影片行銷密技 在家動動手指就能讓顧客自動上鉤!   你是否也具有潛在內向創業家的特質?   ✓與人見面會感到相當疲累   ✓不想走出家門   ✓想要不碰面就把東西賣出去   ✓想要把人際溝通極簡化   「雖然討厭與人接觸,但又非賺錢不可!」   這本 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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会员 RM 55.44 (-10%)

作者 Tricia Levenseller
A page turning, seafaring adventure by the YA TikTok sensation Tricia Levenseller. Alosa's mission is finally complete. Not only has she recovered all three pieces of the map to a legendary hidden treasure, but the pirates who originally took her captive are now prisoners on her ship. First mate Riden, still unfairly attractive and unexpectedly loyal, is a constant distraction, but now he's under her orders. And she takes great comfort in knowing that the villainous Vordan w 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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会员 RM 59.31 (-10%)

作者 Maria Ressa
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2021 What will you sacrifice for the truth? Maria Ressa has spent decades speaking truth to power. But her work tracking disinformation networks seeded by her own government, spreading lies to its own citizens laced with anger and hate, has landed her in trouble with the most powerful man in the country: President Duterte. Now, hounded by the state, she has multiple arrest warrants against her name, and a potential 100+ years behind bars to 了解更多
原价 RM 86.95

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会员 RM 78.26 (-10%)


*Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Exercises include interesting language components such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Acts as a supplementary workbook that complements the school textbook 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

作者 吉蓮·邰蒂
◤企業搶購、狂賣 16 刷《穀倉效應》作者最新續作◢ Google、微軟、雀巢、Facebook、亞馬遜的全新策略 ──── 從人類學視角帶出未來思考!   無論企業、執政者或個人,大多仰賴科技、大數據及過往經驗來制定策略,   然而,在這個高易變性(Volatility)、不確定性(Uncertainty)、複雜性(Complexity)、模糊性(Ambiguity)的 VUCA 時代,   大數據只能統計 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 強納森·尼
《紐約時報》《金融時報》《出版商週刊》盛讚好評 《哈佛商業評論》專訪推薦 叱吒風雲的尖牙企業並非堅不可摧 投資銀行家X哥倫比亞教授解構FAANG的真實優勢 教你洞悉數位環境中商業運作顛撲不破的底層邏輯 發現電子商務、數位旅遊、共享經濟、網路廣告的商機   投資原創內容反而削弱Netflix的經營優勢?   空間共享相對於汽車共乘,Airbnb為什麼勝 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 鄭蓮喜
★ 韓國Yes24網路書店 9.8顆星好評 ★ 女兒啊,從一開始妳就是妳,不是別人的女兒、妻子、媳婦或媽媽,就用妳的名字過日子! 一本母親寫給女兒的勇氣之書, 母親的人生影子,總是不知不覺影響著女兒的人生, 而母親不應是女兒未來的樣子! ▇ 數百年來無聲的女人,現在總算能表達意見,若這叫自私,那我千萬遍地期望,珍貴的女兒們能夠活得自私。 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 金龍燮
在大學紛紛倒閉、工作機會漸少的時代, 想生存下來必須學些什麼? 在察覺到未來變化不斷襲來的瞬間, 就該拋棄過往學習慣性,重整競爭力!   「在進入『疫情隧道』前是25歲,一年後走出隧道時,可能會發現世界已經變成自己30歲時才應該出現的模樣。」   無數公司倒閉、經濟結構改變,企業加速投入在機器人、自動化、人工智慧或無人機等領域的 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

现售 RM 53.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

*Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Exercises include interesting language components such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Acts as a supplementary workbook that complements the school textbook 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

*Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Exercises include interesting language components such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Acts as a supplementary workbook that complements the school textbook 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

*Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Exercises include interesting language components such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Acts as a supplementary workbook that complements the school textbook 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

*Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Exercises include interesting language components such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Acts as a supplementary workbook that complements the school textbook 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

*Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Exercises include interesting language components such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing *Includes Higher Order Thinking Skills (KBAT) questions and i-THINK maps *Acts as a supplementary workbook that complements the school textbook 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

作者 Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
OX BORN 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 or 2021 The OX enjoys luck from the heavens in 2023, so listen out for signs from the Universe! This is a year when you can trust your instincts. Do not react too quickly to anything; give your inner intuitions a chance to talk to you. You have both Small & Big Auspicious luck mapping out a clear pathway towards success for you, whatever it is you choose to pursue. A year when it is best not to be overly impulsive. Step-by-ste 了解更多
原价 RM 29.80

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会员 RM 26.82 (-10%)

作者 Scott Cawthon
Everything fans will want to know about the newest Five Night's at Freddy's game "Security Breach"! A deep dive into the newest Five Nights at Freddy's game is presented here in a giant paperback that will make the perfect addition to any fan's library. From the newest animatronics to the deepest maps and easter eggs, everything is laid out in awesome detail that will deepen the knowledge of even the most enthusiastic player. A must-have for Freddy Fans! 了解更多
原价 RM 68.90

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会员 RM 62.01 (-10%)

作者 莉茲·懷斯曼
★榮獲「50大管理思想家」(Thinkers50)年度10大職場好書★ ——《給予》、《逆思維》作者亞當.格蘭特—— 如果想在生涯中及早脫穎而出,本書是必讀指南。 有能力,不代表能發揮影響力。 從520名經理人和25位影響力成員的訪談, 歸納出從A晉升A+的工作心態和習慣, 不必更費力,就能忙得有意義。   ★   影響力,   決定你是有價值的成員,   了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubaiis your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Browse the labyrinthine souks, immerse yourself in the historic Al Fahidi District and peer down at Dubai from the Burj Khalifa; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Dubai and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubai: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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会员 RM 49.05 (-10%)

作者 柏井壽
\\人還在京都,就在計畫下一次的京都旅行//// 京都不是「尋覓」的城市,而是「發現」的城市 跟著京都資深作家柏井壽,一起看疫情過後的京都的變化 這個城市,總是讓人想一去再去,去不膩?   ───|景點QR code設計|───   繁體中文版特別整理出書中介紹的117個推薦餐廳及景點,定位Google 地圖位置以QR code方式收錄書中,讓你旅行更方便邊走邊看 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 尼爾·霍恩
學習Google首席行銷策略, 用數據讓消費者自動買單! 掌握20%最有價值的顧客, 就能創造80%的獲利。   ◤線上交易的另一端,永遠是一個真實的人。   以往,點擊+購買=成功;   如今,透過「對話的人性鏡頭」才能贏得顧客的心。◢   面對現今激烈的市場競爭,我們都想找尋有效的行銷方法,卻被困在雜亂龐大的數據中。想要打造成功的行 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 艾曼達·普若茲 , 喬希亞·哈特利
  李正達醫師/臺灣憂鬱症防治協會 吳佳儀理事長/沈雅琪(神老師)/   柯慧貞教授/洪仲清心理師/郭葉珍教授/許曼君心理師/舒霖(柯書林)......一致感動推薦!!   7000+名亞馬遜讀者五星好評   4000+名Goodreads讀者五星好評   獲選亞馬遜好書選讀   亞馬遜心靈成長類第1名,沒有讀者不落淚……   最感人、最直白、最勵志  親子成功 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 杏花栗子
★首本結合塔羅×翻書占卜×神級美少年圖像的正能量指引書★ ★你,就是你自己的答案!★ ★覺得人生迷路時,發問翻開,即是塔羅給的明亮方向★ ★即使出現逆位,也是困境帶來的正面啟示★   無力時代的溫暖力量   撕掉厭世代的#迷惘標籤   讓每次的提問與翻閱,成為撥開內心迷霧的能量指引   ☉ 亞馬遜讀者評價4.5顆星,好評不斷!    了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Parag Khanna
Where will you live in 2030? Where will your children settle in 2040? What will the map of humanity look like in 2050? Mobility is a recurring feature of human civilisation. Now, as climate change tips toward full-blown crisis, economies collapse, governments destabilise and technology disrupts, we're entering a new age of mass migrations - one that will scatter both the dispossessed and the well-off. Which areas will people abandon and where will they resettle? Which countr 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

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