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' @rijeka.hr email 'Found 81 Related Products
By 王繁捷
《成為1%的創業存活者》第二部攻略升級 「明明就是廣告信, 為何我看得入迷還被推坑!?」 業績破億的文字祕訣,首次公開! 破解文案盲點╳最白話╳最在地╳實例對照 不只文案技巧, 還教你賺錢心法、怎麼做生意!   ★ 2021年博客來百大暢銷作家   ★ 2021年誠品TOP20 財經商業暢銷作家   一塊精品蛋糕賺千萬、   行銷創業、甜點教學 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 丹達帕尼
生活是能量投入的總和 透過恆定力, 掌握能量、實現目標人生! 印度教祭司 丹達帕尼 ◤10年僧侶經歷、30年教義鑽研◢ 擔任Nike/麥肯錫/美國運通等客戶顧問 【附贈恆定力14日練習表】   亞馬遜評價★★★★★4.7顆星   全球售出23國版權   TED演講影片突破700萬觀看次數   ★這是一本心靈使用手冊★   阻斷分心與焦慮,   活出喜悅 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.00

NOW: RM 77.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.00 (-21%)

2-Years SanDisk Malaysia Limited Warranty The 2-in-1 flash drive for your iPhone and USB Type-C™ devices, including Android™ phones2 Feature: - One drive. Two connectors - The SanDisk® iXpand® Flash Drive Luxe comes with not one but two connectors so you can easily move files between your iPhone, iPad Pro, Mac, and USB Type-C™ devices, including Android™ phones2. - Quickly move content to your computer - Say goodbye to emailing photos between devices. Once files Learn More
USUAL: RM199.00

NOW: RM 199.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 189.05 (-5%)

2-Years SanDisk Malaysia Limited Warranty The 2-in-1 flash drive for your iPhone and USB Type-C™ devices, including Android™ phones2 Feature: - One drive. Two connectors - The SanDisk® iXpand® Flash Drive Luxe comes with not one but two connectors so you can easily move files between your iPhone, iPad Pro, Mac, and USB Type-C™ devices, including Android™ phones2. - Quickly move content to your computer - Say goodbye to emailing photos between devices. Once files Learn More
USUAL: RM299.00

NOW: RM 299.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 284.05 (-5%)

2-Years SanDisk Malaysia Limited Warranty The 2-in-1 flash drive for your iPhone and USB Type-C™ devices, including Android™ phones2 Feature: - One drive. Two connectors - The SanDisk® iXpand® Flash Drive Luxe comes with not one but two connectors so you can easily move files between your iPhone, iPad Pro, Mac, and USB Type-C™ devices, including Android™ phones2. - Quickly move content to your computer - Say goodbye to emailing photos between devices. Once files Learn More
USUAL: RM449.00

NOW: RM 449.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 426.55 (-5%)

By Ann Liang
Sadie doesn't have to hold back in her email drafts because nobody will ever read them... that is, until someone sends them out. Seventeen-year-old Sadie Wen is perfect on paper. It’s a reputation she’s fought hard to earn at the highly prestigious Woodvale Academy, and one she’s determined to maintain until graduation. The trick to keeping her model-student-smile plastered on her face at all times? She channels all her petty frustrations into her email drafts. One for Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Thibaut Meurisse
Reclaim your focus in 48 hours or less. Do you keep procrastinating? Do you feel restless and unable to focus on your work? Do you have trouble getting excited about major goals? If so, you might need a dopamine detox. In today’s world where distractions are everywhere, the ability to focus has become more and more difficult to achieve. We are constantly being stimulated, feeling restless, often without knowing why. When the time comes to work, we suddenly find an excess Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By  Sophie Kinsella 
Sasha has had it. She cannot bring herself to respond to another inane, “urgent” (but obviously not at all urgent) email or participate in the corporate employee joyfulness program. She hasn’t seen her friends in months. Sex? Seems like a lot of effort. Even cooking dinner takes far too much planning. Sasha has hit a wall. Armed with good intentions to drink kale smoothies, try yoga, and find peace, she heads to the seaside resort she loved as a child. But it’s the o Learn More
USUAL: RM99.95

NOW: RM 99.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.96 (-10%)

By 唐娜‧麥克喬治
★問對問題很重要,給對「提示」更重要!   ★例子+提示+技巧,讓ChatGPT開外掛!   ◎在職場上>>   •整理會議紀錄   •撰寫email和工作報告   •構思和討論新點子   •提供市場最新的動態資訊   •企業和行銷戰略顧問   •起草產品說明書   •社群貼文撰寫和管理   •消費者對產品可能有的回饋   ◎在生活上>>    Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Guy Hart-Davis
Unlock the full capabilities of ChatGPT at work, at home, and in your day-to-day By now, you’ve heard of ChatGPT and its incredible potential. You may even have tried to use it a few times just to see it in action for yourself. But have you ever wondered what ChatGPT is truly capable of? Killer ChatGPT Prompts: Harness the Power of AI for Success and Profit will show you the true power of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. In the book, veteran IT educator and trus Learn More
USUAL: RM95.75

NOW: RM 95.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 86.18 (-10%)

By Vivienne Yang
第一本寫給台灣人的國際職場溝通專書 搞懂母語者表達邏輯,主動營造正面形象!   FB粉專「彈途魚 vivienne yang」集結五年海外經驗,首度出書!   比起文法正確、沒有口音的漂亮英文,   知道國際溝通的「甜蜜點」及「雷點」更加重要。   明明在校英文成績不錯,投外商履歷卻總是被打槍?   國際職場好多社交場合,要怎麼主動出擊、拓展人脈 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By Hikaru Kato
★第一本Banner設計專書★ 海量資訊中的Banner該如何一眼被看到? 掌握設計關鍵,提高點閱商機!   8個基本知識×6大主題應用,將小尺寸設計攻略法全部告訴你   無論打造電商網頁、品牌行銷、線上廣告、社群經營、YouTube還是 LinkedIn 的個人平台經營,   透過書中Before、After的對照範例學習版面布局,提高Banner點擊率!   ×訊息太多!看不到重點 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By Chris Fenning
Get people's attention and get your message across at work. Learn the simplest way to improve your business communication skills. There is no fluff and no vague advice, just practical step-by-step methods you can start using today. This multi-award-winning book teaches specific methods for having short, clear business conversations, emails, meetings, interviews, and more. Check out the reviews to hear from the real people this book has helped. Communication should be clear Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By 傑克·納普 , 約翰·澤拉斯基
  你可曾在夜深人靜時納悶,我今天到底做了什麼?可曾夢想「有朝一日」可以著手什麼計畫、展開什麼行動──但那「有朝一日」永遠不會到來?   我們都努力為要事騰出時間。我們信心滿滿地開啟每一天──然後時間就被接連不斷的會議、沒有盡頭的email和永無休止的社群媒體動態吞沒。有時彷彿疲憊不堪和注意力不集中已成為我們的預設狀態。要是 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Sara Barnard
YA Book Prize winner, Sara Barnard, writes fearlessly about some really tricky issues, but always with great emotional honesty and depth. This extraordinary novel is no exception since it is tackling the issue of suicide and the impact on those left behind. The book opens with an appropriate trigger warning because these are difficult issues to read about. The book also explores the causes of this particular young girl’s death and in doing so we find out just how toxic and Learn More
USUAL: RM60.90

NOW: RM 60.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.81 (-10%)

By 大衛·尚塔爾 , 洛蘭·諾格倫
想要推動創新,都該先看這一本! 從科學和實務的角度清楚說明, 如何說服他人放下對現狀的執著。   ★現代行銷學之父科特勒推薦必讀   ★《逆思維》作者亞當‧格蘭特盛讚   ★管理學奧斯卡Thinkers50——年度重大思想     你曾提出新點子,別人卻反應冷淡?   或是困惑「產品不錯,偏偏賣不動」?   身為主管想推新政策,員工卻很消極? Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By 菅原洋平
習慣不會背叛你! 從微小改變做起,養成100種全新原子習慣,人生更順遂!   ◎做事老是拖拖拉拉、忘東忘西、丟三落四,成天犯低級錯誤……真沮喪。   ◎工作搞得亂七八糟,每次開會就是等著被主管釘……超不想上班。   ◎每天晚上都在漏夜追劇,連隔天起床都會失敗了,還談什麼掌握人生?   ◎下班後仍無法切斷工作模式,永遠都在焦慮、深 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 大衛·李柏曼
立即學會FBI、CIA的超級讀話術! 手機裡的訊息,Email的內容,跟任何人的對話,都能讓你快速解讀對方想法   解剖言語背後的真相,看穿別人沒有說出來的真實想法   無論是客戶、同事、上司、好友、家人,甚至戀愛對象,   你要如何辨別他們的真心?誰會站在你這邊?誰會全力支持你?   誰是你該提防的人?誰會是潛在的危險人物?   你 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Nigel P. Daly
數位履歷躍升新時代求職利器 你應具備以下新觀念 --熟悉履歷特有語言 --連結社群拓展人脈 --自我行銷無遠弗屆 本書特色   ★外商企業 ★全球人脈 ★跨國團隊   提高個人優勢能見度,理想職缺自動找上門!   企業人資在篩選面試者時,對應徵者的第一印象取決於其履歷內容是否夠吸睛!   因此想在國際商務領域中找到一份好工作,最重要的 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Bill Stinnett
Actionable advice for sales professionals and business owners for growing sales in today’s increasingly virtual marketplace Rapid changes in where and how people live, work, and do business in recent years, have triggered major shifts in how customers shop for and buy virtually everything! Sales and marketing professionals are faced with the harsh reality of rethinking their entire approach to engaging clients in today’s virtual marketplace—or risk quickly becoming i Learn More
USUAL: RM126.00

NOW: RM 59.90 (-52%)

MEMBER: RM 59.90 (-52%)

By Jen DeLuca
Fall in love with the glorious Renaissance Faire romance that has TikTok swooning! 'A book worth losing sleep over' 5***** Reader Review 'Favourite romance series hands down' 5***** Reader Review 'I devoured it' 5***** Reader Review _________ Stacey put her life on hold when she stayed in Willow Creek to care for her sick mother. But it's been years now. Even the local Renaissance Faire, where she spends summer pouring drinks and flirting with patrons, is losing its attract Learn More
USUAL: RM56.95

NOW: RM 56.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.26 (-10%)

课文朗读线上听 Book Content Read-Aloud Online 卡内含一组专属激活码,凭这组号码到 mingminglili.com 绑定电邮地址或手机号码,即可在线上聆听课文。 · 收录完整的课文朗读。 · 让孩子学习字词的准确发音和朗读技巧。 Visit mingminglili.com and link your email or mobile phone number with the activation code given in the card to enjoy book content read-aloud online. . Records complete reading aloud of the book c Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Jennifer Reed
Amp up your collaboration skills and rock the modern workplace by harnessing the power of Microsoft 365 with this one-stop guide to the world's leading productivity platform The Microsoft 365 productivity solution for the workplace is a cloud-based service with many features for effective and secure collaboration virtually or in person. Whether you start your day with meetings in Teams, respond to Outlook emails, create documents with Office apps, or even automate your work Learn More
USUAL: RM107.78

NOW: RM 107.78 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 97.00 (-10%)

By 大平信孝
軟爛成員坐等指示、頻頻出包,是否讓你心好累…… 是時候改變現況了, 但怎麼做才能「有效引導」團隊改變? 關鍵就在於, 你是否懂得利用「大腦喜歡的方式」! 沒有天生軟爛的部屬,只有不會帶人的主管 ——這是一本獻給主管的人間覺醒書——   ●你是否總是這樣:   ●凡事最好透過email,能留下白紙黑字的就不怕出錯。(自以為嚴謹)   ● Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By Dustin Thao
Seventeen-year-old Julie has her future all planned out—move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city, spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes. Heartbroken, Julie skips his funeral, throws out his things, and tries everything to forget him and the tragic way he died. But a message Sam left behind in her yearbook forces back memories. Desperate to hear his voice one more time, Julie calls Sam’s cellphone just to Learn More
USUAL: RM58.90

NOW: RM 46.90 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 46.90 (-20%)

By Anuk Arudpragasam
SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE - A young man journeys into Sri Lanka's war-torn north in this searing novel of longing, loss, and the legacy of war from the author of The Story of a Brief Marriage. "A novel of tragic power and uncommon beauty."--Anthony Marra "One of the most individual minds of their generation."--Financial Times A Passage North begins with a message from out of the blue: a telephone call informing Krishan that his grandmother's caretaker, Rani, has died Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Rick Pastoor
If you feel like a hostage of your to-do list, and struggle to find time for what matters most, this book will be a big help.' DANIEL H. PINK,#1 New York Times bestselling author of When and Drive The week just started and already you're playing catch-up. At the end of another busy day, your to-do list is longer than it was this morning. Enter GRIP: the book for everyone who has too much to do. This fresh, no-nonsense guide brings clarity and direction to even the most Learn More
USUAL: RM86.95

NOW: RM 86.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 78.26 (-10%)

By 鍾君豪
要和國外客戶洽談合作,卻遲遲寫不出E-mail嗎? 收到一封寫滿英文的信,卻不知道怎麼回信嗎? 寫信╳回信╳替換說法╳實際練習, 有情境分類,有靈活應用,還能複製貼上, 寫出滿分職場英文E-mail一點也不難!   ■職場主題分門別類,應對信件的模板應有盡有   本書Part1介紹格式和信件標題的寫法。Part2則從會議邀約開始,一路介紹合作業務、商業交 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 飯野謙次 , 宇都出雅巳
◎菁英不是「零失誤」,而是懂得「即時補救」的技巧!◎ 史丹佛工程學博士&腦科學專家 解析失誤原因+腦科學原理=打造不失誤的106個法則 事情再多,也能做得又快又好!   ■這些職場失誤,你是不是常常發生?   ‧找不到關鍵的文件和信件!   ‧忘了會議時間和窗口名字……   ‧寄錯信、發錯LINE,怎麼辦?   ‧趕不上截止死線,要開天 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By John Simmons
It's no good having a good idea if you cannot communicate it to someone else. John Simmons, in this stimulating and readable book, demonstrates how we can write and use words more creatively and persuasively in business today. From differentiating your company from another, to injecting life and vibrancy into your products and services, to writing everyday emails, this cult business book by the modern-day guru of business writing (now released as a new 21st anniversary editio Learn More
USUAL: RM86.90

NOW: RM 86.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 78.21 (-10%)

By Ben Lamorte
Take your OKRs coaching skills to the next level with this practical handbook. In The OKRs Field Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Objectives and Key Results Coaches, Ben Lamorte, a seasoned coach and management science expert, provides a structured approach for implementing objectives and key results. This book provides tips and tools that enable you to coach your OKRs clients with confidence. Lamorte analyzes foundational questions that must be answered prior to deploying OKR Learn More
USUAL: RM124.55

NOW: RM 124.55 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 112.10 (-10%)

By Dustin Thao
Seventeen-year-old Julie has her future all planned out—move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city, spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes. Heartbroken, Julie skips his funeral, throws out his things, and tries everything to forget him and the tragic way he died. But a message Sam left behind in her yearbook forces back memories. Desperate to hear his voice one more time, Julie calls Sam’s cellphone just to Learn More
USUAL: RM58.90

NOW: RM 46.90 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 46.90 (-20%)

By Barry Burd
Become a Java wizard with this popular programming guide Consider Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies your indispensable guide to learning how to program in one of the most popular programming languages-Java! Java is an invaluable language to master, as it's widely used for application development, including Android, desktop, and server-side applications. Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies is written specifically for newbies to programming. The book starts Learn More
USUAL: RM100.60

NOW: RM 100.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 90.54 (-10%)

▪ Reliable Wireless ▪ Compact Key Layout ▪ 10 Extra One-Touch Buttons ▪ 8 Function Hot-Keys: My Computer, Favorites, Email, Calculator, Search, Refresh and Home. ▪ 7 Multimedia Hot-Keys: Mute, Play/Pause, Previous, Next, Volume +, Volume -, Media Player and Stop. ▪ Durability Keyboard ▪ ntelligent power management 3 Levels of Power-Saving of Mouse 1) Low power consumption engine 2) Sleep mode power-saving function 3) On/Off Switch Learn More
USUAL: RM69.00

NOW: RM 69.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.00 (-0%)

By David Levithan , Jennifer Niven
From the New York Times bestselling authors of All the Bright Places and Every Day comes a story of hope, family, and finding your home in the people who matter the most. Subject: You. Missing. Ezra Ahern wakes up one day to find his older sister, Bea, gone. No note, no sign, nothing but an email address hidden somewhere only he would find it. Ezra never expected to be left behind with their abusive stepfather and their neglectful mother - how is he supposed to navigate lif Learn More
USUAL: RM49.95

NOW: RM 49.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.96 (-10%)

This book is designed for students taking the Core IGCSE English as a Second Language examination and their teachers. All of the assessments and their instructions are based on the exemplar Core IGCSE paper from 2020 onwards and reflect recent changes to structure and content of the paper. The speaking cards are based on the real IGCSE speaking cards that will be used in that part of the examination. All sections are marked and graded according to IGCSE Core paper standards. Learn More
USUAL: RM46.40

NOW: RM 46.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.76 (-10%)

This book is an excellent way to prepare for the final extended paper examination. Students can focus on the areas of the reading and writing paper that they are weak at while practising other sections. Students can also use one practice from each section to complete a whole paper. They may wish to do this to practice writing a complete paper within a given time. Email and essay titles can provide students adequate practice in planning their essays as this is a skill they wi Learn More
USUAL: RM46.40

NOW: RM 46.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.76 (-10%)

By 慶凱文
韓國連續五年暢銷書 最平易近人的商務英語書信寫作寶典 一本在手,制霸商場不是夢!   你是否一想到寫英語商務郵件,就狂冒冷汗,臉色發白?   你是否擔心,英語功力不夠的自己,萬一措辭有誤,職涯發展將嚴重受限?   隨著全球化與科技的高度發展,電子郵件已取代紙本書信,成為商務往來的主要途徑,此時,你需要本書作為征戰商場的有力 Learn More
USUAL: RM104.70

NOW: RM 104.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.23 (-10%)

職場上會用到的英文,比你所想的還要多! 本期EZ TALK 總編嚴選 從會話到書信,從聽、說、讀到寫 5大職場情境好用句╳2大職場必備寫作技巧 全面進化職場英文力   2020全球疫情爆發,加速職場多面向轉型,如WFH、宅經濟興起等,本期雜誌整合國內外職場最新情勢,並整理Teleconference English等疫情下新興的實用對話與句型。   特色1 從找工作、進入職場, Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 艾加·凱磊
他在意外重傷後寫下這些故事,用虛構的心碎撫慰現實的黑暗, 獻給在生活中奮勇碰撞的每一個你。   異常狀況不斷來襲的2020,他用故事幫我們面對這個世界。   風靡45國的以色列小說家艾加‧凱磊 自我突破最新力作!   ★勇奪以色列文壇最高殊榮「薩皮爾文學獎」   ★收錄話題故事〈北極蜥〉,預言川普連任美國總統後,世界上出現「戰地版 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By 近藤麻理惠 , 史考特.索南辛
風靡全美,逆襲歐陸 Netflix實境節目《怦然心動的人生整理魔法》掀起全球整理熱潮 「怦然心動」系列熱銷12,000,000冊口碑保證! 進軍國際,重磅力作! 掀起全球整理熱潮的麻理惠 遇上為《財富》500大企業提供顧問服務的組織心理學家 這次讓你怦然心動的,是你的工作!   風靡全球的整理女王+萊斯大學商學院教授&組織行為學博士   「怦然心動整 Learn More
USUAL: RM47.75

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The international bestseller on escaping the 9-5 and finding a new way of living Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. This step-by-step g Learn More
USUAL: RM105.90

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By 柚子甜
你的「多工」是真的有效率,還是在原地空轉? 無痛的改變!只要專心投入日常7件小事,就足以重寫人生軌跡。   工作效率提升、接案更得心應手,   身材變苗條、氣場穩定、精神飽滿,   連愛情、親情、友情也紛紛產生正向變化,   這一切,都從為期一年的「專注」實驗開始!   你的一天是否從邊滑手機,邊洗臉刷牙、吃早餐開始?工 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

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MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 珍·賽佛
  假新聞、長輩圖、懶人包,無所不在的政治訊息,是否正在侵蝕你我的親密關係?   當客廳、臥房變成吵吵鬧鬧的政治擂臺,又該如何維繫家人日常的情感交流   最近,你又刪除或封鎖了哪些臉友,當中有好友或家人嗎?你一方面焦慮國家的未來,另一方面卻無法忍受朝夕相處的人立場與自己不同,只要一開口聊政治,音量就會大過電視名嘴。    Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

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MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By L. David Marquet
The acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around! teaches leaders a better way to communicate and bring out the best in their people. In Turn the Ship Around!, former U.S. Navy Captain David Marquet explained the empowering leadership strategy he developed with great success while commanding the nuclear submarine USS Santa Fe. That book generated passionate word-of-mouth, was named one of USA Today's 12 best business books of all time, and made Marquet a globally recognized leade Learn More
USUAL: RM89.95

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By 傑克·納普 , 約翰·澤拉斯基
  你可曾在夜深人靜時納悶,我今天到底做了什麼?可曾夢想「有朝一日」可以著手什麼計畫、展開什麼行動──但那「有朝一日」永遠不會到來?   我們都努力為要事騰出時間。我們信心滿滿地開啟每一天──然後時間就被接連不斷的會議、沒有盡頭的email和永無休止的社群媒體動態吞沒。有時彷彿疲憊不堪和注意力不集中已成為我們的預設狀態。要是 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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CLiPtec ESSENTIAL AIR Wireless Multimedia Keyboard and Mouse Combo Set RZK339 The CLiPtec RZK339 Wireless Multimedia Keyboard and Mouse Combo Set 'Essential Air' is a practical combination of wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. It redefines the meaning of combining style and simplicity. The anti-interference function offers reliable 2.4GHz transmission and longer operational distance. 10 extra multimedia and function hot keys are all there ready for your one-quick applic Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

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By C. J. Tudor
THEN One night, my little sister went missing. There were searches, appeals. Everyone thought the worst. And then, miraculously, she came back. She couldn't, or wouldn't, say what had happened. But she wasn't the same afterwards. She wasn't my Annie. Because sometimes my own little sister scared me to death . . . NOW The email arrives in my inbox: I know what happened to your sister. It's happening again . . . _______________ 'Confirms Tudor as Britain's female St Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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By Christina Lauren
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is pure joy' Sally Thorne, author of The Hating Game 'Christina Lauren is my go-to when I'm feeling sad' Beth O'Leary, author of The Flatshare Just friends. Just friends. JUST FRIENDS. If they repeat it enough, maybe it'll be true . . . Hazel knows she's a lot to take - and frankly, most men aren't up to the challenge. If her army of pets and taste for the absurd don't send them running, her lack of filter and tendency to say exactly th Learn More
USUAL: RM52.90

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By 陳雅惠
  如何在地表上最競爭的職場,優雅存活?   心累上班族必讀•32篇平衡工作與生活的實踐祕訣   奪回人生自主權的高效率職場哲學!   ★《換日線》知名專欄作者瑰娜•第一本瑞士職場工作術專書   ★個人職場哲學•健康的辦公室氛圍•跨國高價值人才   ■想成為優雅的工作者嗎?   【職場新鮮人】如何提高自己的職涯資本、擁有無法取 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

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MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By 王政憲
經過統計,完成一封「商用Email」, 平均只要用5句話! 5句話就能傳達要點,達到目的不失焦!   如果,   你現在還是覺得寫英文email很痛苦,   還是常常寫到一半要上網查單字!    《抄人Email》讓你都能在5句話以內說完重點、達到目的!   不管你是「英文不夠好」、「單字不夠多」,   還是「句型會很少」。   《抄人Email》囊括各種情境 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

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By 吉澤準特
只要這1本 同時搞定寫文章與WORD編排 不論是寫企劃、寫報告、寫email都用得上 精準傳達你所有的想法, 客戶‧老闆‧主管‧同事, 一次就說清楚的關鍵技術!   ◎在解決問題之前──得先找到問題,到底在哪裡?   報告、企劃或Email總是被人說沒有重點、不專業、或是缺乏條理?這時候,你需要吉澤準特來幫你做一個全面診斷!   本書中,吉澤準特首 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

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MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 神岡真司
巴菲特、比爾蓋茲,都是這樣成功的! 9招應對術×12項絕技×18條神奇句,立即上手! 懂得借力使力,讓天生的魅力盡情發揮!   不擅交際、心思細膩、習慣獨處的人,想必都有過這樣的想法吧——會說話比較占便宜,作風強勢才能得到優勢,外向點總有更多發展機會……真的是這樣嗎?   愛因斯坦、牛頓、賈伯斯、J.K.羅琳、李安等成功人士,都是 Learn More
USUAL: RM44.65

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MEMBER: RM 40.19 (-10%)

By 白善燁
擁有如老外上班族一樣的文字能力! 你需要更有利的工具!! 史上最完整豐富的上班族萬用 E-mail   你可以隨查隨用 + 更靈活運用詞彙,   本書歸納25個商務主題 + 154 個情境 + 779 篇信件   5分鐘快速搞定完美書信的技巧大揭密   不必絞盡腦汁怎麼寫,只要「套用」再「替換」,   瞬間完成零失誤的英文書信!   讓您與同僚、上級、客戶 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.15

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MEMBER: RM 62.24 (-10%)

By 白鳥麻紀
智慧型手機當道的「滑世代」,台灣高達7 成的人都使用社群媒體。 只用美照開場還不夠,話題能否延續才是打敗眾多競爭者的關鍵! 日本最強的訊息達人、愛情導師,1年之內讓高達12,000人戀愛成功! 成功交友率高達90%!現在開始用,馬上有結果。   現代人的生活擺脫不了LINE、FB、IG、推特、Email等等的社交軟體,   但大多數人都忽略這些媒介都是 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

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By 威瑪·戴衛森
苦幹實幹10年,比不上一封10分鐘寫的信? 亞馬遜書店5顆星好評,暢銷超過20年的職場必備工具書 向《財富雜誌》(Fortune)500強企業顧問學習致勝商業寫作 寫好英文商務書信,讓你說服人心、領導下屬、建言上司、打好關係、拓展人脈   用英文寫信、打報告,總是刪刪寫寫,改到頭昏腦脹嗎?   客戶拖延該怎麼催?銷售報告落落長怎麼刪?   爭取機會 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By 尹建莉
 ◎2009年,尹建莉的第一本教養書《好媽媽勝過好老師》橫掃大陸各大暢銷排行榜。她用最直接的文字,直指育兒核心問題,一時之間蔚為風潮。當時尹建莉在書中公開了自己的 email信箱,隨著《好媽媽勝過好老師》的熱賣,徬徨迷惑的父母向她詢問孩子的教養問題,她至今共收到22萬多封的來信。   ◎這 8 年來的沉浸與和家長的互動,尹建莉終於精選出70 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

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By Collins Dictionaries
A modern French Dictionary offering excellent coverage of today's French language, culture and usage. The clear presentation makes it easy to use and its handy format and durability make it your ideal companion at home, school or on your travels. Features include: * The most up-to-date words in both languages from a wide range of areas. * Full GCSE coverage, to give students exam confidence * An in-dep Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Collins Dictionaries
This new edition offers the user up-to-date coverage of today's Mandarin Chinese and English. Clear layout and presentation of information makes it ideal for learners of both languages. Designed for those studying both English and Mandarin Chinese, whether at school, for work or for travel. It is the ideal text for anyone who needs reliable information in a handy, portable format. * Offers up-to-date coverage of Mandarin Chinese and Engl Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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English for Everyone is an exciting and comprehensive self-study course for adults learning English as a foreign language. This course is a unique new series with a visual, engaging, and easy to follow style to make the English language easy to learn. Learn business English by reinforcing key language skills, grammar rules, and vocabulary with listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises. This unique course is easy to use, starting at beginner level and workin Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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