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' 琳達.豪兒(Linda Howe)著作 'Found 28 Related Products
By Linda Yueh
The global economy has weathered the most tumultuous century in modern financial history. Since America's Wall Street Crash of 1929, the global economy has weathered the most tumultuous century in financial history. From the currency crises of the 1980s, to Japan's housing meltdown, the dot com boom and bust, the global financial crash and the COVID pandemic, crash after crash has sent shockwaves through our world. The Great Crashes tells the stories of ten of these histori Learn More
USUAL: RM72.00

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By Josephine 90分
覺醒,是和自己跳一支舞 擁抱當下,就是活出豐盛的開始 擁抱每一天,都是愛的練習   本書作者為美國官方認證阿卡西紀錄高階解讀師.希塔療癒師與希塔導師   每日分享一篇來自阿卡西紀錄和希塔療癒的訊息   內容是關於修復、完整、力量、喜樂,   與重新找回愛的覺醒旅程。   除了陪你走出失落、心碎、恐懼、脆弱、渺小的人生低谷,   Learn More
USUAL: RM75.45

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TAJAU - RUBY ANNAS Mengikut legenda Iban, antu pala berapi adalah paling digeruni. Setiapkali menjelang Gawai Hantu, upacara miring akan dilakukan. Namun, setiap 23 tahun juga, antu pala berapi akan berlegar-legar dan mengganggu penduduk kampung di sekitarnya. Pada keesokan harinya, pasti ada nyawa yang terkorban. Selang 23 tahun kemudian, satu pertelingkahan antara dua puak kaum Iban terjadi dalam merebut cinta seorang wanita bernama Ambon. Ambon telah memilih Sana iaitu seo Learn More
USUAL: RM28.90

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By Mimi Said
"Jumpa selepas jam 3 nanti." - Linda "Siapa kalah harus belanja makan. Siap sedialah duit dalam dompet itu untuk aku. Korang pasti akan kalah nanti!" - Hakim "Itupun kalau kau boleh kalahkan aku." – Ian Pada setiap hari Khamis minggu ketiga, tepat jam 3 petang, di sebuah kelas kosong, 12 buah kisah dipertaruhkan. 1... 2... 3, sudah lengkap ahli Kelab Misteri Jam 3. Hakim (si hati kering), Ian (si penakut) dan Linda (si cantik) saling bertukar cerita bagi merebut gelaran Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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By 伊莎貝·瑟夫
法國暢銷神諭卡,能精準預測工作、事業發展和關鍵日期 揭示你靈魂深處的人生使命 找出對你最有利的職涯方向,做出對的選擇   ★法國熱銷超過70,000套   ★亞馬遜書店平均4.7分,法國Fnac書店滿分評價   ★法國暢銷神諭卡‧伊莎貝神諭系列第二部,中文版首次問市!!   ★不只能占卜、指引,還能精準預測出重大事件發生的關鍵日期!   人的 Learn More
USUAL: RM107.80

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By 琳達·格拉翰
★美國「鸚鵡螺」銀獎得主、復原力心理專家★ 為人生的痛苦分級,彙整132個心理韌性練習, 幫你穩穩接住人生投來的變化球。 不論多努力過生活,壞事還是會發生, 即使人生因為糟糕的事情脫離軌道, 你還是有能力幫助自己,培養挫折復原力, 讓事情有所轉變,讓自己更成熟,更堅強!   壞事發生時,「心理韌性」是幫助我們在逆境中前進最重要的能 Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

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By 布瑞特·史丁巴格
享譽全球,《從躺椅上操作》王牌導師最強系列作 從自我發現、刻意練習、觸發心流,到加速進入正向學習循環, 專為個人投資者量身打造的績效提升計畫, 繁體中文版首次公開!   ★ 交易心理學名作,提升個人績效表現、強化投資人心理素質的必讀經典   ★ 當市場投資人的技術、策略與工具大同小異時,影響報酬的終極武器,就是你的心智!   ★ Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

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By 哈佛商業評論
  •精選彼得‧杜拉克、丹尼爾.高曼、麥可‧波特、金偉燦、芮妮.莫伯尼、克雷頓.克里斯汀生、約翰.科特等重量級大師文章   •經理人、職場工作者與創業家必讀的案頭寶典   《哈佛商業評論》於1922年由哈佛大學商學院創辦,100年來始終是國際最權威、最前瞻的商業管理雜誌,深入探討每個企業經理人關懷的核心問題,涵蓋:領導、策略、創 Learn More
USUAL: RM123.20

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By Cik Sakura
Dia mabuk kerja, aku mabuk cintanya. Anak Mak Cik Zara yang bernama Syazwan, workaholic orangnya. Siang, malam, pagi, petang, asyik kerja memanjang. Bila Dayah dapat tahu Encik Workaholic akan menjadi suaminya, dia sudah bersiap sedia dari segi mental dan fizikal. Bagi Dayah, lebih baik dapat orang yang mabuk kerja daripada mabuk perempuan. Jadi, kahwin sajalah! “Kalau awak rasa saya tak sesuai hadir dalam hidup awak, beritahu awal-awal dan berterus terang. Tapi, janga Learn More
USUAL: RM26.00

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By Harvard Business Review 
The most definitive management ideas of the century, all in one place. Harvard Business Review is the foremost destination for smart management thinking. Now, at its 100th anniversary, this commemorative volume brings together the most influential ideas since its inception. With an introduction written by editor in chief Adi Ignatius, HBR at 100 features business publishing's most influential voices on innovative topics, including: Michael E. Porter on competitive strategy Learn More
USUAL: RM131.50

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By 畢德歐夫
無數富人從房市或股市中誕生, 既然如此,我們為什麼不學投資? 「金錢」「資產」「債務」「房產」「股市」 掌握這5大關鍵,平凡人也能創造出不凡的財富!   ● 如何用現有的100萬,擴增為更多桶金?   ● 台積電一路漲到500、600,還能買嗎?   ● 我現在存款只有10萬元,適合投資美股嗎?   ● 現在貸款利率這麼低,股市這麼夯,拿家中的房 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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By Norhafsah Hamid
Sarah—an introvert and a law student in England, struggling to stay true as a Muslim. Things started to go wrong when Sarah crossed paths with Linda. Everything about Sarah irked Linda, especially her outdated and devout lifestyle. Whilst Sarah endured the backlash from her peers, Jonah–the ‘Romeo’, came into her life and attempted to woo her like the other women he had charmed. While Sarah endured the nightmare of vicious rumors and being ostracized, Linda was surp Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

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By Zura Anwar
“Siapa kau?” “Aku roommate kau. Nama aku Laila.” Bella, seorang gadis yang skema, sering digelar loser dan dipulaukan oleh kebanyakan pelajar di Universiti Clareford East. Namun, segalanya berubah apabila Laila, rakan sebilik baru Bella muncul. Mereka berdua mula menjadi teman rapat. Seiring itu, berlaku satu demi satu kematian mengejutkan di fakulti mereka. “Aku rasa fishy tentang kes ni.” Detektif Linda mengesyaki bahawa kes kematian itu adalah kes pembunuh Learn More
USUAL: RM24.00

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By Linda Hang
Look Up, and Be Inspired Today! No matter your situation in life, you will be encouraged to look up and share what's on your heart with the One who loves you most. Two hundred meaningful, powerful prayers will touch on topics important to your heart--including life's stresses, struggles, and strains--and will inspire and move you to grow ever closer to your loving heavenly Father who hears your every prayer. Each full-length prayer wi Learn More
USUAL: RM37.90

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By 威廉·戈茲曼
  吳一揆(中信金控總經理):今天全球是一個複雜經濟體的組合,這個全球文明必須面對金融創新給這個世界帶來的基本問題:如何平衡當下與未來的需求?如何避另一次金融災難的發生?以及如何讓金融創新的利益讓社會每一個人受益?這些問題或許透過威廉‧戈茲曼這本書,可以在金融創新的歷史發展軌跡上找到許多有用的指引。   金融是一部時光 Learn More
USUAL: RM89.30

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By Linda Chapman
A magical and heart-warming novelisation based on the brand-new Secret Garden movie out in cinemas spring 2020. From the producers of Harry Potter and Paddington, Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic tale returns to cinemas in the story of Mary Lennox (Dixie Egerickx), who is sent to live with her uncle, Archibald Craven (Colin Firth) and housekeeper Mrs Medlock (Julie Walters) in the Yorkshire moors. There she meets her cousin Colin (Edan Hayhurst) and together they discover Learn More
USUAL: RM32.90

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By 琳達·格拉翰
不論多努力過生活,壞事還是會發生 即使人生因為糟糕的事情脫離軌道 你還是有能力幫助自己,培養挫折復原力 讓自己更成熟,更堅強!   美國「鸚鵡螺」銀獎得主、復原力心理專家   將人生痛苦分級,彙整132個心理韌性練習   幫你穩穩接住人生投來的變化球   壞事發生時,「心理韌性」是幫助我們在逆境中前進最重要的能力。   科學家已經 Learn More
USUAL: RM76.85

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By 50大商業思想家
做最好的,那是唯一不擁擠的市場!!   如果領導者只讀一本書,請看這本吧!讀1本完勝50本,最適合忙碌的你   提升效率+翻轉業績+組織成長,是成功領導者的50堂必修課,現代CEO必備的思想糧食與心靈雞湯   知名「50大商業思想家(Thinkers50),嚴選全球50多位重要商業思想家,一人一信提升你的領導力   ‧專文導讀   周碩倫│兩岸知名 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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By 琳达·拜厄斯·斯温德林
想升职、加薪,你敢跟老板提吗? 想申请奖学金、争取就业机会,你敢问导师能不能提供资源和帮助吗? 想要生日礼物或者对另一半有所期待,你敢直截了当地告诉他(她)吗? 每个人的心中都住着一个腼腆、害羞、含蓄、不好意思的自己。我们常常口是心非,明明心里很想要某件东西或者达成某种愿望,但就是不愿意说出来,非要等着别人猜到我们在想什 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

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By 琳達·拜爾斯·史文德林
如果我夠勇敢的話,想要求什麼? 總是覺得難以啟齒,怕被拒絕嗎? 其實,拒絕和遭拒雙方在認知上根本有落差!   TEDxSMU《這世界需要你大膽去要》主講人琳達‧拜爾斯‧史文德林告訴你,多數人不知道自己要求被回絕的真正原因。你以為自己選錯時機,或是沒把話說清楚,其實是你提出要求的說法不對,甚至是還沒取得對方的信任感。   來測試你的 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

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By Linda Jennings
This Fun Collection Of Amusing Animal And Magical Tales Is Perfect For Young Readers, Or For Sharing Together At Bedtime. Illustrated By Val Biro In His Unique And Endearing Style. Learn More
USUAL: RM48.90

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By 梅原亜也子
日本芳療認證檢定6大題綱+29款精油,全部收錄,考照輕鬆過關! 「300種絕佳配方」,100種症狀的對症速查,只要5秒鐘! 最新、最完整履歷!66種精油、22類基底油、22項飲療香草 ◆【真人示範】「自我」與「伴侶」護理按摩,完全圖解指導 ◆19樣香氛小物製作,第一次就能上手輕鬆做! ◆300種絕佳配方,史上最全面!包括了── 【感冒】 緩解初期 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

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By Paul Finch
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. `A fast-paced, terrifying journey.' RACHEL ABBOTT `A born storyteller.' PETER JAMES A stranger is just a killer you haven't Learn More
USUAL: RM47.90

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By Linda Howard , Linda Jones
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Lenna is Strength, a manifestation of the Tarot card, and powerful beyond reckoning. But when she's pulled into the human realm and tasked with protecting a young boy, everything is thrown into chaos. Lenna's not supposed to be here, interactin Learn More
USUAL: RM32.90

NOW: RM 15.00 (-54%)

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By 琳達.提拉多
當你窮,連社會都剝削你。 當你的薪水,只夠付房租、水電、飯錢,被困在低薪、低保障、高物價的「新貧世代」 為何注定被困在貧窮的泥淖,無法翻身? ‧當你因為「不夠窮」而領不到補助,會思考是不是該變得更窮 ‧排隊吃美食是因為只剩下這個「小確幸」,其他的你負擔不起 ‧食安很重要,因為你只能買最便宜的 ‧根本不會去想有沒有錢養小孩,因 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.80

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MEMBER: RM 41.22 (-10%)

By 琳達‧羅騰堡 
人生就是要瘋一下,自己的事業自己創! 全球首位導師資本家,教你化構想為生意,人人都可以當老闆!   「我天天遇到有夢想的人。也許你在餐廳端咖啡,幻想有一天可以開個釀酒廠;也許你大學已休學,渴望自己開個設計公司;也許你正坐在辦公室思考改進公司的新構想;也許你胸懷夢想,但不知道如何讓夢想成真。或者,你已經開始追夢,但不確定如 Learn More
USUAL: RM54.30

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MEMBER: RM 48.87 (-10%)

By Linda Gaylard
Matcha or chai? Bubble tea or Earl Grey? Whatever your tea of choice, this beautiful book shows you everything you need to know to bring the fragrance and allure of the tea shop into your home.Discover the best ways to choose, prepare, and taste the many different varieties of tea, with over one hundred international tea recipes, including iced tea, kombucha, and herbal tisanes such as yerba mate. Learn about the history of tea and tea customs around the world, from Learn More
USUAL: RM86.95

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MEMBER: RM 78.26 (-10%)

By Paulo Coelho
The thought-provoking new novel from the international bestselling author whose words change lives. Linda knows she's lucky. Yet every morning when she opens her eyes to a so-called new day, she feels like closing them again. Her friends recommend medication. But Linda wants to feel more, not less. And so she embarks on an adventure as unexpected as it is daring, and which reawakens a side of her that she - respectable wife, loving mother, ambitious journalis Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

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MEMBER: RM 41.31 (-10%)

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