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' sinek 'Found 11 Related Products
By 威爾·吉達拉
  國際名廚 江振誠   雲品國際董事長 盛治仁   晶華國際酒店集團董事長 潘思亮   管理思想家 賽門‧西奈克(Simon Sinek)──暖心推薦   麥迪遜公園11號餐廳前任總經理暨業主   威爾‧吉達拉超乎常理的款待哲學   在帶領團隊上,他把員工放在第一位   *他主張新人都得從基層員工做起,才能了解餐廳的運作。   *他下放權力, Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

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By 賽門·西奈克
  ★ 連續10年亞馬遜分類榜TOP1暢銷作家   ★《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》暢銷書   ★ 授權32國版本|《金融時報》《Inc.》專文報導   ★ Thinkers50管理思想家|TED演說影片觀看人次史上第二高   《先問,為什麼?》暢銷作家賽門‧西奈克最新顛覆力作   黃金圈引導你找到最初的為什麼   無限思維為你重新定義工作與人生的方向與策略   贏 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

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By 賽門·西奈克 , 大衛·米德 , 彼得·道克
★TED 4000萬人追蹤的黃金圈理論的具體行動方案 ★新生代領導大師賽門‧西奈克一次解答實踐《先問,為什麼?》的疑惑   成就感,不是少數人的特權,是人人都可以擁有的權利!   關鍵在清晰地了解自己的為什麼,有紀律地天天刻意實踐。   個人與團隊,都能按部就班找到為什麼,   為生活與工作注入熱情與意義!   Thinkers50全球管理思 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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By 賽門·西奈克
★ 連續10年高踞亞馬遜分類榜TOP1 ★ 全球銷售破百萬冊,授權36種語言 ★ TED同名演講全球4000萬人次觀看 Thinkers50 #18、新世代領導力大師西奈克首創黃金圈理論 揭露激勵人心與創造長期成功的真領導力! 真正激勵自己、打動人心的關鍵, 不是你做什麼,而是你為什麼而做!   大家都說帶人帶心,但是自己的想法似乎總難說清楚,團隊總是難形成共識?   Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

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By 賽門·西奈克
根據破1.5億次瀏覽超瘋傳影片〈千禧世代在職場上出了什麼問題〉 全新增訂跨世代溝通合作章節與附錄!最新解答盡在本書! 增訂版上市即登amazon分類排行榜TOP1      ★TED 超過4000萬人跟隨的新世代必讀帶人學   ★《彭博商業周刊》、《哈芬頓郵報》年度必讀商業選書   ★《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》暢銷書   ★華爾街日報、哥倫比亞廣播 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

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By Simon Sinek , David Mead , Peter Docker
Simon Sinek's recent video on 'The Millennial Question' went viral with over 180 million views. Find Your Why is the follow up to Start with Why, the global bestseller and the subject of the third most watched TED Talk of all time.With Start With Why, Simon Sinek inspired a movement to build a world in which the vast majority of us can feel safe while we are at work and fulfilled when we go home at night. Now, along w Learn More
USUAL: RM94.00

NOW: RM 94.00 (-0%)

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By Simon Sinek
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 57.56 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 51.16 (-20%)

By 賽門·西奈克
  ★無香小資版   ★在北美已售出72,000冊!   ★美國亞馬遜暢銷榜語錄書系第1名!   ★外文版在博客來網路書店全館即時榜上最高第5名、外文榜第1名!   ★賽門.西奈克在TED的演說已超過3,500萬人觀賞!   ★作者在Inside Quest暢談《千禧世代在職場上到底出了什麼問題》,英文版點播率超過550萬人次,中文版也已點播超過63萬人次。   這 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

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By Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek's recent video on 'The Millennial Question' went viral with over 150 million views and his TED Talk on the global bestseller Start with Why is the third most watched of all time. Sinek's latest work, Together is Better, is a little book of inspiration for the modern world. Most of us live our lives by accident - we live as it happens. Fulfilment comes when we live our lives on purpose.'What are you going to do w Learn More
USUAL: RM82.00

NOW: RM 74.95 (-9%)

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By L. David Marquet
'David Marquet is the kind of leader who comes around only once in a generation ... his ideas and lessons are invaluable' Simon Sinek, author of Start With WhyCaptain David Marquet was used to giving orders. In the high-stress environment of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine, it was crucial his men did their job well. But the ship was dogged by poor morale, poor performance and the worst retention in the fleet. One day, Marque Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

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By Simon Sinek
THE MILLION-COPY GLOBAL BESTSELLER - BASED ON THE LIFE-CHANGING TED TALK! WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT START WITH WHY: 'It's amazing how a book can change the course of your life, and this book did that' Reader Review 'Imagine the Ted Talk expanded to 2 hours long, with more depth, intrigue and examples' Reader Review 'What he does brilliantly is demonstrate his own why - to inspire others - throughout' Reader Review 'Wow. Wow. Wow. I cannot rate this book highly enoug Learn More
USUAL: RM54.95

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