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' Alvin Schwartz  'Found 37 Related Products
By 傑夫瑞.M. 許瓦茲 , 比佛莉.貝耶
不是我想這麼做, 是我的強迫症逼我的。   .一直買一直買一直買   .全年無休拔頭髮、咬指甲   .一個人嗑掉整桶冰淇淋,明知不對   .重度沉迷在性行為、藥物,不能停止   .永遠擔心今天穿著不當,懷疑別人用異樣眼光看我   本書率先提出可以由自己施行、可以幫助自己與他人的4個簡易步驟,有效對抗強迫的意念與強迫的行為。   Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By 里查.史華茲
  ◆風行歐美的革命性心理療法IFS經典入門,整合不同人格,成為自己的內在家庭治療師!   ◆任何想了解自我和療癒自我的人、助人工作者、心理師都愛不釋手的一本書   ◆留佩萱(美國諮商教育督導博士)、洪仲清(臨床心理師)、蘇益賢(臨床心理師)、陳志恆(諮商心理師、暢銷作家)、蘇絢慧(璞成心遇空間心理諮商所所長)、汪樂慧(諮商 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 木寺英史
懂得怎麼走路,就是給自己機會更進一步。   ★★★日本亞馬遜4.4星好評推薦★★★   ★★★完整收錄10大走路情境+登山步行法&樂活慢跑術★★★   走路,是被世界衛生組織認證的最完美運動。   古今中外諸多名人,如狄更斯、尼采、歌德、康德、亞里斯多德、達爾文、貝多芬、賈伯斯、馬克.祖克柏、傑克.多西及河正宇等也都熱愛走路。 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By David J. Schwartz
Millions of readers have discovered the secrets of success in this classic guide to achieving your dreams. Whether your goal is to earn more, lead better, or simply find more confidence and satisfaction in life, this inspiring and actionable guide will show you the way. Motivational expert Dr. David J. Schwartz presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your job, your relationships and family life, and your community. He demonstrates that you don’t n Learn More
USUAL: RM76.95

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MEMBER: RM 69.26 (-10%)

By Schwartz Dana
Hazel Sinnett is alone and half-convinced the events of the year before—the immortality, Beecham’s vial—were a figment of her imagination. She doesn’t even know whether Jack is alive or dead. All she can really do now is treat patients and maintain Hawthornden Castle as it starts to decay around her. When saving a life leads to her arrest, Hazel seems doomed to rot in prison until a message intervenes: She has been specifically requested to be the personal physician Learn More
USUAL: RM77.90

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By 吉姆·范德海 , 麥克·艾倫 , 羅伊·史瓦茲
《華爾街日報》、《今日美國》暢銷書 數位時代的寫作聖經,推文、郵件、簡報全適用   你知道嗎?   有三分之一的電子郵件根本沒人打開   大多數新聞報導都沒有人想看   你買來的書,許多章節連翻都沒翻   在資訊爆炸的時代,每天產生的數十億文字都在讓人浪費時間!   科學數據怎麼說:   眼動追蹤研究顯示,一個人平均花26秒閱讀 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Dana Schwartz
The eagerly-anticipated sequel to Dana Schwartz's Reese's Book Club Winter YA Pick and No.1 New York Times bestselling gothic romance, Anatomy: A Love Story Hazel Sinnett is alone and half-convinced the events of the year before - the immortality, Beecham's vial - were a figment of her imagination. She doesn't even know if Jack is alive or dead. All she can really do now is treat patients and maintain Hawthornden Castle as it starts to decay around her. When saving a life l Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

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By 艾雅爾·溫特
生活即賽局, 問題是:如何看懂局,甚至成為造局者? 全球賽局權威──溫特教授, 以職場、情場、商場等豐富實例, 教你把情緒納為決策籌碼, 在人生戰場中,掌握超乎想像的優勢!   ★本書入選國家文官學院「每月一書」   ★8位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主盛讚推薦:   湯瑪斯.謝林(Thomas Schelling)、肯尼斯.阿羅(Kenneth Arrow)、埃里克.馬斯金(Eri Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Becca Fitzpatrick
Danger is hard to resist in this sexy young adult thriller following a teen girl caught between all-too-human perils and the brutal natural elements in the mountains—from Becca Fitzpatrick, the New York Times bestselling author of the Hush, Hush saga. Britt Pheiffer has trained to backpack the Teton Range, but she isn’t prepared when her ex-boyfriend, who still haunts her every thought, wants to join her. Before Britt can explore her feelings for Calvin, an unexpected bl Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

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By Aisyahros
Cepat atau lambat, karma itu sentiasa dekat! Haydar dan Rose semakin tersepit dalam takdir yang memedihkan. Satu demi satu teka-teki yang selama ini tersembunyi mula menampakkan jawapannya lantas mengundang lebih banyak derita di antara mereka. “Kau faham tak perasaan aku bila aku tahu orang-orang yang aku sayang semuanya bertopeng semata-mata?! Aku rasa bodoh, Rose! Aku rasa bodoh!” – Haydar Black “Awak kata saya mainkan awak? Tak, Haydar! Awak! Awak yang mainkan se Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

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By Aisyahros
“Politic is a scary thing, but the world is the scariest. It keeps lying to you.” – Haydar Black The hero of justice, he is. Baktinya dalam menegakkan kebenaran tidak akan mampu disangkal oleh sesiapa pun. Namun, tiada seorang pun yang tahu segala perbuatan yang dia lakukan demi kebenaran yang digenggam dalam tangan. Demi kebaikan semua, Haydar Black sanggup! Sehinggalah sekuntum mawar yang dahulunya pernah mekar, muncul semula dalam hidupnya. Serta-merta mengubah Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

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By Dana Schwartz
Hazel Sinnett is a lady who wants to be a surgeon more than she wants to marry. Jack Currer is a resurrection man who’s just trying to survive in a city where it’s too easy to die. When the two of them have a chance encounter outside the Edinburgh Anatomist’s Society, Hazel thinks nothing of it at first. But after she gets kicked out of renowned surgeon Dr. Beecham’s lectures for being the wrong gender, she realizes that her new acquaintance might be more helpful th Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

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By 鄭德浩
  ☆全球630,000 IG粉絲引頸期盼☆   ☆美國亞馬遜書店園藝類書排名No.1☆   ☆《紐約時報》專文訪問☆   ☆特邀Alvin@春及殿專業審訂☆   用工程師的心態與方法來照顧室內植物   兼顧美學、生物學與同伴情誼   幫你找到真正的種植樂趣與喜悅   看了許多園藝指南,還是有很多疑問、老是把植物種死嗎?   許多園藝書中說的「適度澆水」 Learn More
USUAL: RM92.40

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By Bonnie Garmus
’Your ability to change everything—including yourself—starts here' —ELIZABETH ZOTT Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing. But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Except for one: Calvin Evans; the lonely, brilliant, Nobel-prize nominated grudge-holder who falls in love with—of all things— Learn More
USUAL: RM82.00

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MEMBER: RM 73.80 (-10%)

By 里查·史華茲
  ★專家、個案一致讚譽,真正改變生命的先驅之作!   ★風行美國、英國、西班牙、葡萄牙、法國、波蘭、俄羅斯、以色列、紐西蘭、澳洲、日本、韓國……當今最夯、最通用,兼顧靈性成長的心療法!     劃時代!一個整合內在多重人格(部分/面向)強而有力的革命性心理療法!   尊重、接納、愛護自己所有的次人格,我們才得以完整健康的 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By Peter Lim Tze Cheng
A guide to allow investors to understand more about our local semiconductor and EMS industry as well as the listed companies exposed to this value chain (excerpt by Peter Lim) - This is an easy to understand write up of the electronic industries in general in Malaysia (Alvin Mui, Managing Director, PIE Industrial Bhd) Learn More
USUAL: RM80.00

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By 艾瑞爾·許瓦茲
  長踞亞馬遜書店心理分類榜Top 1   亞馬遜書店近5千名讀者留言,平均4.5顆星好評   擺脫創傷往事,活出整全自我的身心復原指南!   面對未解的創傷往事,有人選擇逃避,在心裡築起一道高牆,   久而久之,便喪失了現實感或自我感;   有人為了轉移痛苦,選擇傷害自己,   產生了羞恥、無助、焦慮、恐慌、情緒失調等症狀……   這些 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Balvinder Sandhu
Singapore is often known as a ‘clean’ country and its citizens ‘law-abiding’. However, every once in a while, the island has been shocked by an incident or a crime so unexpected and shocking, it grabs headlines and piques the interest of locals and international press alike. Spanning across all kinds of crimes, this collection has one thing in common – shock value. Cases covered in the book include high-profile ones like the NKF scandal, the City Harvest Church deba Learn More
USUAL: RM74.95

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MEMBER: RM 67.46 (-10%)

By 董啟章
懸疑奇詭、哲學奇想、時代思索。 繼《地圖集》、《愛妻》後,再度突破寫作格局。 將哲學、科學及文學融於一爐──董啟章挑戰時代的最新力作!   「文學不能完全機械化生產,因為作家的意識和潛意識,會在個人和時代的互動中,產生獨特的無法約化的作品。」──卡爾維諾(Italo Calvino)   寫作者如董啟章,像一臺注定要被鬼魂圍繞的機器。   他 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

情侶、伴侶、夫妻 必看! 上一次,你們好好聊天是多久以前?   婚姻教父約翰高特曼博士的兩性鉅作   美國執業臨床心理師,中央大學認知神經科學研究所兼任副教授 陳永儀真愛推薦   你的感情是否已經進入以下階段:   □ 為何結了婚就像變了一個人似的?   □ 熱戀期後就不斷地在磨合,磨到天荒地老?   □ 如何知道這個人是你可以攜 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 伊塔羅·卡爾維諾
閱讀是邁向將要發生的事物,而沒人知道那是什麼; 無論如何,這是一本一旦開始,就欲罷不能的小說。   史上最有名的一本不存在的小說。   出版四十週年,首度義大利文直譯——「如果在冬夜,一個旅人」。   伊塔羅‧卡爾維諾最受歡迎代表作   後設小說及後現代文學傳世經典   楊照/專文導讀   英國《每日電訊報》譽為「一生必讀百 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By Alvin Schwartz 
The three Scary Stories books come together in this paperback box set to form a timeless collection of chillingly scary tales and legends, showcasing Stephen Gammell's terrifying artwork from the original books. The iconic anthology series of horror tales that's now a feature film! All 3 books in this box set feature cover artwork from the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark motion picture. The three Scary Stories books come together in this paperback box set to form a timele Learn More
USUAL: RM116.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-57%)

MEMBER: RM 49.90 (-57%)

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By Alvin Schwartz
The iconic anthology series of horror tales that's soon to be a highly anticipated feature film! This paperback edition features cover artwork from the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark motion picture. Stephen Gammell’s artwork from the original Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark appears in all its spooky glory in the book's interior. Read if you dare! Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a timeless collection of chillingly scary tales and legends, in which folklorist Alvi Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Alvin Schwartz
The iconic anthology series of horror tales that's soon to be a highly anticipated feature film! This paperback edition features cover artwork from the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark motion picture. Stephen Gammell's artwork from the original More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark appears in all its spooky glory in the book's interior. Read if you dare! More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a timeless collection of chillingly scary tales and legends, in which folkl Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Alvin Schwartz
The iconic anthology series of horror tales that's soon to be a highly anticipated feature film! This paperback edition features cover artwork from the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark motion picture. Stephen Gammell's artwork from the original Scary Stories 3 appears in all its spooky glory in the book's interior. Read if you dare! Scary Stories 3 is a timeless collection of chillingly scary tales and legends, in which folklorist Alvin Schwartz offers up some of the mos Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By 米奇‧艾爾邦
  第四堂課,他說:「學會死亡,你就學會活著……」   曾經,他是老師眼中的希望。   大學畢業之後,他進入社會的浮沉,在幻滅的理想與人生中掙扎。   直到十六年後,才在一個最偶然的機會和老師重逢。   而他的老師,只剩下生命中最後幾個月時間。   於是,他又上了14堂他老師的星期二的課。   這次,課上的學生只有他一人… Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

Dua Lipa is the self-titled debut studio album by English singer Dua Lipa. It was released on 2 June 2017 by Warner Bros. Records. The album has spawned nine singles, including the UK top 40 singles "Be the One", "Hotter than Hell", "Blow Your Mind (Mwah)", "IDGAF" and "New Rules", with the last becoming Lipa's first number-one single in the UK. "New Rules" also reached the top 10 in the United States, peaking at number six. The album received generally positive reviews from Learn More
USUAL: RM56.60

NOW: RM 56.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 50.94 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 is the fifth studio album by Scottish DJ and record producer Calvin Harris. It was released on 30 June 2017 by Columbia Records. The album features guest vocals by Frank Ocean, Migos, Schoolboy Q, PartyNextDoor, DRAM, Young Thug, Pharrell Williams, Ariana Grande, Fut Learn More
USUAL: RM47.05

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MEMBER: RM 42.35 (-10%)

By Calvin Tony
USUAL: RM19.90

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By 彼特·馬吉爾 , 湯瑪斯·舒華茲 , 梅莉莎·布瑞兒
奧運選手為何跑得比你快? 選手訓練時,在訓練什麼? 跑步,可不是把腿部肌力練強健這麼簡單! 跑步,其實是身體攝取了氧,再將之轉換成能量 供應肌肉所爆發出向前衝刺的速度 要提升跑步運動表現,就要從這一連串機能的調校下手! 身體攝氧功能是否夠好?輸送氧的速度是否夠快? 獲得能量後的肌肉纖維,爆發的彈力是否夠強?…… 可以說,真正跑步的 Learn More
USUAL: RM74.40

NOW: RM 74.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.96 (-10%)

By 阿尔文·崔塞特
第一片雪花从灰蓝色的天空中飘落,邮递员穿上雨靴,农夫去仓库取雪铲,警察扣好了大衣,他的妻子检查药橱柜里的咳嗽药水,而孩子们则欢呼雀跃、手舞足蹈,用舌尖去捕捉飘落的雪花…… 《白雪晶晶》以美国的乡村小镇为背景,描绘了从冬天初雪飘落,到春天冰雪初融、万物复苏的季节变化,以及小镇居民舒缓、惬意的日常生活。书中用饱含水墨的蓝灰 Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

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MEMBER: RM 28.80 (-10%)

By 馬丁.舒華茲 , 大衛莫林 , 保羅佛林特
經典重現!史上最偉大操盤手幽默回憶錄,帶領讀者一窺操盤人生!   炒股,真是你心中想要的生活嗎?   華爾街日報:覺得自己很懂股市的人,都該讀讀這本書!   朱成志‧高子鈞‧張松允‧鄧詩珩熱血推薦!   高四生股神艾瑞克罕見推薦!   想像一下,買股票慘賠了十年,你還有信心再投資嗎?   你是否想到華爾街,親身目睹交易所的運作 Learn More
USUAL: RM54.30

NOW: RM 54.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.87 (-10%)

By 羅伯特.舒華茲
如果是我在出生前計畫了這場經歷,那究竟是為了什麼?   藉由了解出生前計畫,你將明白靈魂要教你的事!   本書邀請約書亞靈訊一起來解讀出生前計畫   12個靈魂的選擇,12個深具意義的生命課題   你是否曾想過,這一生會和誰相遇、發生什麼大事、遭逢什麼關卡,其實都是你在出生前計畫好的?   你是否曾想過,與你有過最大衝突或曾讓你 Learn More
USUAL: RM47.20

NOW: RM 47.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.48 (-10%)

By 諦帕恭‧武提皮塔雅蒙空
泰國暢銷排行榜冠軍! 橫跨三大領域 泰國最大網路社群平台創辦人暨執行長、 暢銷圖文作家、電台當紅主持人 天生鬼才諦帕恭的創意成功學 內容簡介 天生鬼才-諦帕恭‧武提皮塔雅蒙空 邁向成功的法則,就是從失敗開始! 一則帶有黑色幽默的插畫 搭上一段簡單的文字 絕對讓你心有戚戚焉! 每篇都是超中肯的警告 只要照著做,就會徹底掉入失敗的黑洞 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.60

NOW: RM 35.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.04 (-10%)

By Chad Harbach
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. A wonderful, warm novel from a major new American voice. Henry Skrimshander, newly arrived at college, shy and out of his depth, has a talent for baseball that borders on genius. But sometimes it seems that his only friend is Learn More
USUAL: RM48.90

NOW: RM 17.00 (-65%)

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By Mitch Albom
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher or a colleague? Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it? For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By David J. Schwartz
Millions of readers have acquired the secrets of success through The Magic of Thinking Big. Achieve everything you always wanted: financial security, power and influence, the ideal job, satisfying relationships, and a rewarding, happy life. Learn More
USUAL: RM46.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-36%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-36%)

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